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Virtua Fighter 5 - anyone here play it?

  • 16-06-2009 8:20pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭

    I've noticed that there is very little or none really talk about this technical fighter. I wouldn't rate it as the best fighter there is but I'd say that its in my top 3. Ofcourse, it has its button masher element with Pai, Lau and Kage but aside from that, I think its a solid game.

    Something which I think it makes it really interesting for me is that each fighter (with exception of Lau and Pai) fight in different ways. You can play mixup with Shun, go for rushdown with Jacky or play tactical with Akira and lay down the pain :)

    I haven't played VF since I had 3TB on the DC. I wouldn't say I got serious during 3TB but have gotten fairly into it in 5. I've been playing for around 9 months now and still loving it. I have a steep learning curve though as my main is Akira but his power is brilliant :).

    So anyone here play VF5 seriously?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

    i have it but rarely play it.
    It is the best 3d fighter, and has great online play but they ****ed up the lobby system and its a pain in the tits.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,871 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    The problem with VF's popularity is, quite simply, that Sega decided they don't CARE for the console gamers.
    Hence why after VF4Evo hit (and was great!!), VF4:Final Tuned came out in arcades soon after... and was not ported.
    Then when we got VF5.B on PS3, we thought "sweet". Then VF5.C came to Xbox, with online, and we were like, "that's cool I guess, but why no love for PS3?".
    Then VF5R hits arcade, and has a million customization options... and no ports are planned. And you think to yourself, "Man, f**k this, let's play Tekken/SFIV".

    And that's it, really. Unless you're in Japan/Korea, or have an arcade that imported VF5R (London, SoCal, etc), there's no point learning it really.

    The other thing I'd like to note is that VF is technical, yes; but in some ways, it's not FUN anymore (IMHO). Tekken is just as technical (just... different), but it allows players to get into it a bit faster -- I think it's just the way it moves? I dunno.

    And SFIV is SF -- slower paced, lots of mindgames -- but again, easy to get into.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    Yeah, it does suck about no ports for 5R but are there any updates that can be downloaded off PSN/XBL?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,717 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Thing about VF5 that makes it so much better than Tekken though is that the fighting engine makes sense. Tekken is ridiculous in that you have to learn priorities and counters for your preferred character against every other character on the roster. It gets ridiculous and means the game gets too difficult to leanr once you get over the button mashing phase. VF5 just uses the plain old simple high mid low system which is much simplier to understand and learn but hard to master.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    It is a hard game to get into but for me, thats the beautiful thing about it compared to other fighters in that it requires true mastering of the game but I think it still caters for the gamers who don't have the time with characters like Lau, Pai, Kage, Jacky and Sarah. Its characters like Akira and Shun who are quite hard to use properly. Shun has a many moves to remember and takes a while to adjust to his speed while Akira is very rigid and some of his moves are difficult to execute but he's very powerful. So they offer simple and complex fighters for the casual and hardcore gamers.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,871 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Retr0gamer wrote: »
    Thing about VF5 that makes it so much better than Tekken though is that the fighting engine makes sense. Tekken is ridiculous in that you have to learn priorities and counters for your preferred character against every other character on the roster. It gets ridiculous and means the game gets too difficult to leanr once you get over the button mashing phase. VF5 just uses the plain old simple high mid low system which is much simplier to understand and learn but hard to master.
    I disagree with you there -- it's not ridiculous, it's massively complicated (in a good way!).
    Plus when I was learning VF4, there was so much to learn, too -- which moves can be throw/launch punished, which are the highest-damage combos, what are character X's best throws (to escape), etc.
    Funny thing is, in Tekken I try to learn which moves I can throw-interrupt :D

    VF & Tekken are like apples & bananas: One has lots of bite & could hold general appeal if only it was allowed to show its newest colours to the masses, the other is sweeter initially but sometimes maligned for its "simplicity" (I love it, though

    And for anothe fruit analogy: DOA, that's a giant pair of watermelons, juicy and lovely to look at, but ultimately just watered-down garbage :pac:

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,717 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    The difference I find is that VF makes sense once you know the game. You know a low, mi, or high attack when you see it or can recognise a move and be able to counter it while Tekken is all over the place.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    The DOA games aren't bad. True, I only own 3 but the fighting system in it was pretty cool. IMO, it has to be the quickest 3D fighter out there. Although it was great, after a couple hours training then played against my bro, I totally exploited the ridiculous parrying system because you could do it a few seconds before your opponent attacked you so I could parry his moves almost every time. In VF, I feel they nailed it because you had to go for the parry at the same time your opponent attacked so it lied more on a predictive element than a waiting game in DOA.

    Still though, I'm a big fan of DOA so I should be getting 4 very soon :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    K.O.Kiki wrote: »
    VF & Tekken are like apples & bananas: One has lots of bite & could hold general appeal if only it was allowed to show its newest colours to the masses, the other is sweeter initially but sometimes maligned for its "simplicity" (I love it, though

    And for anothe fruit analogy: DOA, that's a giant pair of watermelons, juicy and lovely to look at, but ultimately just watered-down garbage :pac:

    The Fighting Games forum Post of the Week, brought to you by KO Kiki!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,871 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Um... DOA4 was a 360 launch game...
    Dreddybajs wrote:
    The Fighting Games forum Post of the Week, brought to you by KO Kiki!
    Thank you, thank you; I'll be here all week! :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    Yeah, I know its a launch title but I only got my X360 last October :)

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,717 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Even funnier is if two people play and are good at the parrying system. You can parry a parry and then parry that as well and so on. It gets ridiculous.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,871 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    DOA? You mean reversals?

    Parry belongs to 3S!!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,717 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Yep I meant reversals.

    And if you want to get technical, Weaponlord got there first with parrys :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 soccerprom

    yep, but at time its bit annoying
