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Heavy-handed Mod in Airsoft forum



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭moggser

    i never asked him to be sacked as you say or asked him to be more
    lenient towards me if i do wrong ill take the stick to go with it

    i couldnt really care less if he stays or not ill not lose sleep over him
    i just think he abuse's the power a bit and is a bit on the narky side
    just like everyone else thats posting on this topic

    if you read some of doc's post above about my gripe you might understand
    it a bit more, look at it from a reader point o view not you been a mod trying to mod me

    and you just seem to backing a fellow mod which is to be expected
    but dont start picking on me as i have a low self esteem and i might cry lol
    now thats a joke

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    Sparks wrote: »
    Stercus, I'll grant you that's true, but I think this particular example is a pretty good demonstration of the difference between what the average poster sees and what a moderator sees. And also of the degree of indignation the average poster displays when corrected, no matter how lightly over how obvious an offence or mistake. That's why you'd have to make your case a bit more thoroughly than the "all my mates say he's crap" argument others have put forward.

    My point still stands that this is one case. No-one has said the master hasn't made good decisions in a difficult position, the point of this thread is to highlight the cases where he hasn't, and try to rectify that.

    Specific threads have been linked, specific posts and incidents mentioned, some more or less valid than the next. I believe gerrowadat highlighted some relevant ones, but to cut down every opinion with a pragmatic 'links or gtfo' is unreasonable, and a reasoned across the board opinion of a sizeable amount of posters should have credibility in itself.

    I await the outcome of this thread and plan to read all opinions expressed in it with interest, but I have put forward my own opinion, and feel that's my part for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    moggser wrote: »
    if i do wrong ill take the stick to go with it
    And yet, here you are, admitting to breaking the rules and admitting to getting the lowest amount of sanction a mod can apply, and still saying he's too heavy-handed and should ease up or quit.
    look at it from a reader point o view not you been a mod trying to mod me
    The whole point was to show you the mod's point of view here. Others, including yourself, are showing the poster's point of view.
    and you just seem to backing a fellow mod which is to be expected
    That's your argument? "He's a mod, he would say that"? What if I'd agreed with you? Would my opinion be worth more or less as a result? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭moggser

    Sparks wrote: »
    And yet, here you are, admitting to breaking the rules and admitting to getting the lowest amount of sanction a mod can apply, and still saying he's too heavy-handed and should ease up or quit.The whole point was to show you the mod's point of view here. Others, including yourself, are showing the poster's point of view.That's your argument? "He's a mod, he would say that"? What if I'd agreed with you? Would my opinion be worth more or less as a result? :rolleyes:

    of course i admit it
    its hard not to aint it after saying it!!
    anyway when i say he is ott i dont mean against me on a personal
    level i mean in general , i do read other post's topics and the likes

    but can i ask why does he wade in and lock threads for nowt then??
    one's that he might see unworthy for no reason

    when i asked you to read the post as a posters type a view i ment the joke part not the.... ah never mind im not looking for a row here

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Sparks wrote: »
    TheDoc, saying a moderator's actions are unpopular with the posters is insufficient reason to criticise that moderator - because half the time, the job by definition entails doing something that won't be popular. Sufficient reason would be to show that the moderator did the wrong thing - whether that be breaking the charter himself, or being overly unbalanced (a small amount of bias is only human, no matter how hard you try to be even-handed), or for that matter, failing to be sufficiently harsh where it's required. A moderator who's so afraid to be unpopular that he doesn't act when he should and gets a lawsuit as a result has failed and may cause the loss of the entire forum - that's something that seems to be forgotten a lot in here.

    Why doesnt savy or cop on ever prefail in any walk of life?

    I am pretty sure as a company has a mission statement along the lines off

    To provide a social interaction utility that allows its users to enjoyably discuss,debate, joke and relate with others to their favourite hobby or interest whilst adhering to the charter,rules written by the admins to be enforced by the moderators

    Or something along those lines. What is happening here is a case where genuine regular posters are feeling the forum is being choked and we are no longer enjoying posting on our forum. We are no longer sharing our knowledge and advice to new players and users because we arnt checking or posting as frequent. We are not enjoying the area we used to lvoe so much because the atmosphere has turned to one of fear.

    To use the excuse " the guards will shut us down" or anything similar is proposterus. I heard this comment a few months back and lold so hard i nearly shat myself. I made it my business to have my cousin who is a detective in the guarda to ask around to which he was told boards is looked at once in a blue moon and its more so to sometimes to try find information about sites and retailers. That was about 4 months ago, speaking to him as of ten minutes ago when I rang him, he told me pretty much " Dude its not a concern, some Guard probably told a bloke to scare the **** outa him and cause paranoia"

    My close friends father is a high ranking government official with the Department of Education and smilarly 4 months ago I asked him the same question to which he replied " dont you think theres more important things to be done then read a website, I think if we had staff reading websites relating to airsoft the taxpayer might have a thing or two to say, dont mind that bull****"

    So lets just clear that excuse up, cause its not valid. Until I hear a very clear and concise audio or written letter from either I wont belive it nor should anyone else, even at that, I'd still call it bull****.

    If a referee is to blow his whistle at every contact in football, and call it a foul, technically he is doing his job should it be of enough force. However pundits, paying customers, players and experts in the medium, would be calling the ref a clueless twat for crushing the " flow and soul" of the game.

    The similar can happen on our forum, and I'd relate the modding to that of a very soft referee. Every little deviation or what "he" feels a deviation from the law is blown up on, without standing back and assessing the situation. The game doesnt flow, our forum doesnt flow anymore. We are interupted with constant locking, deletions, free kicks if you will. And as users of this service, ultimately the customer, we are shouting loud from the stands and want an explanation or something done.

    What we do not want is all the mods jumping at each others side in defence and starting the Quote Tennis Championships 09. We just want straight anwsers.

    In essence, there is no place here in this thread for anyone but airsofters, airsofting mods and second tier admins. Sparks unless you are a frequent viewer of the forum then I'm failing to see how you are aiding. You seem to be mostly enjoying nit picking posts with Quote Tennis and trying to put the poster down, without being constructive at all.

    The only person that can really anwser us is the airsoft mods...and perhaps if second tier admins wish to throw in their two cents.

    And the fact is this isn't a court case. We do not need individually labelled evidence with time stamps. This could not have been brought up in house cause no doubt ironically it would have been locked.

    Masada, Gerrout, Shiva, Keveltajeur and Sam are probably the most coolheaded people on the forum and some of the most respected heads in the airsoft community as a whole and rightly so. The 5 of them singing from the same hym sheet is enough , nevermind the fact Gerrout actually went to the bother of grabbing some links for show.

    The forum went through a phase that was fine. We had some epicly heated IAA vs IASRA debates and DOJ debates that was perfectly handled, mostly from Kdouglas and Gandalf if I remember correctly. They would let debates roll aslong as they are civil.

    Fact is there is always something to debate in airsoft. And moderators should be there to ensure its kept civil and doesnt turn into a derogatory name calling match.

    How long would a debate on airsoft politics or the like last if I posted it now?

    You say we need more then " my mates say hes crap" We actually do not. We have gone a step further by throwing a few links up. As I said this isnt a troll named l337z0r k1ng calling a mod a **** for being banned for saying he modded his classic army m15 to fire real bullets and he shot a cow last night.

    This is a group of airsofters pissed off.

    I should note there is not a post on the airsoft board directing airsofters to this thread, cause i bet it would get locked, but your not even getting the full jist from everoyne. This is only from the people who regularly chat.

    Why not throw a locked topic with a ref link from there to here and get everyones feelings? I'm sure it would be so overwhelming that it would need to be looked at.

    And if this isnt looked at and theres an egotisical cop out of " we are right, what do they know" it shows a serious failing of the board, its organisers and I'll just avoid like the plague.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    TheDoc wrote: »
    Why doesnt savy or cop on ever prefail in any walk of life?
    I am pretty sure as a company has a mission statement along the lines off
    To provide a social interaction utility that allows its users to enjoyably discuss,debate, joke and relate with others to their favourite hobby or interest whilst adhering to the charter,rules written by the admins to be enforced by the moderators
    It does. It also has rules like "No libelling allowed" and "everyone follows the forum charters, no exceptions" and so forth.
    What I'm trying to explain (perhaps badly) is that those rules often prohibit a moderator from being popular, and so it's not just to use their popularity as some sort of performance indicator or suitability metric.
    To use the excuse " the guards will shut us down" or anything similar is proposterus. I heard this comment a few months back and lold so hard i nearly shat myself.
    That's a normal reaction.
    When the DoJ start ringing you up because of stuff on, you tend to change your mind a bit though, and the line that has to be walked becomes a bit more visible.
    I made it my business to have my cousin who is a detective in the guarda to ask around
    Tell him to ask Crime4 and the FPU.
    My close friends father is a high ranking government official with the Department of Education and smilarly 4 months ago I asked him the same question to which he replied " dont you think theres more important things to be done then read a website, I think if we had staff reading websites relating to airsoft the taxpayer might have a thing or two to say, dont mind that bull****"
    I think we might have a thing or two to say if they're reading the Airsoft forum - what the heck would the DoE have to do with airsoft?
    Now, when you learn the DoJ are reading, you don't have the same reaction.
    And if you heard the DoE were reading the L.Cert forum, you might even think it was a good idea... and though I doubt they were a month ago, I doubt that's the case any longer for obvious reasons :D
    Until I hear a very clear and concise audio or written letter from either I wont belive it nor should anyone else, even at that, I'd still call it bull****.
    We've been told. Officially. By the DoJ. As late as yesterday I had them on the phone to me about stuff on here. It's very widely known of, and has been for a long time now. Hell, the DoJ has contacted officially in the past in order to release documents to the shooting community officially, just ask DeVore.
    pundits, paying customers, players and experts in the medium, would be calling the ref a clueless twat for crushing the " flow and soul" of the game.
    Oddly enough, I tend to notice that for every pundit saying a ref let the game flow well, there's another saying his not calling a foul lost the other side the game and he should be strung up...
    We are interupted with constant locking, deletions, free kicks if you will.
    Has anyone suggested not fouling as a response to this?
    What we do not want is all the mods jumping at each others side in defence
    You realise you just asked for a situation where a mob faces down a single moderator and no other mod who knows the score is allowed comment, right?
    We just want straight anwsers.
    Everyone wants straight answers, but as moggers above is an example of, noone seems to actually like straight answers when they get them.
    In essence, there is no place here in this thread for anyone but airsofters, airsofting mods and second tier admins. Sparks unless you are a frequent viewer of the forum then I'm failing to see how you are aiding.
    1. Read who wrote the initial Airsoft forum charter. If nothing else, I'm fairly well qualified to say that a hands-off moderation policy has a history of failure in Airsoft.
    2. I came in to make a single point - that you guys don't see what the mods are required to do, and it's gone from there because people took me up on it. And if I hadn't responded, I'll bet the money in my pockets against the money in yours that others would have read that as me saying my point was in error.
    You say we need more then " my mates say hes crap" We actually do not.
    You actually do. Mods aren't here to win a popularity contest, they're here to do a job so a forum can exist. If some posters want to post ignoring charters and libel laws and anything else they feel doesn't apply to them, they get slapped. That's just how it is. If you disagree, change the charter, don't blame the mod for enforcing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    The two point stated bout my contacts just gave me what they said, and the DoE guy obviously asked someone in DoJ, thought I stated that, maybe not.

    My point on mods jumping to the defence is simply, any posts "other"mods have made here is by singling out certain individuals with certain instances, who happen to be members who have a few infractions in their time, ala me and moggy.

    But deferring from the original point, that there is heavy handed modding going on. Stuff that is not in breach of the charter.

    Moggsers incident is a clear lack of savvy and cop on, yes a charter was broken, but the mod who is primarily responsible for that forum ( Lemming) did not jump on it straight away despite being online at the time realising its humour.

    If you forget my incident that Rew so deeply analysed ( which is old news that got sorted out) and moggies, there is still NO answer for the questions raised.

    your mention of the charter and rules is specific to Moggsers case, and to an extent maybe mine.

    But I've still, as of three weeks, received absolutely no comment nor response from any airsoft mod as to why a number of my posts have been deleted. Some of them informative to new players, some humerous banter during a thread.

    The number of posts Gerrout linked are still unexplained for.

    I'm going to pull out of this thread, unless I get another Quote Tennis challenge that I feel compelled to respond too.

    Obviously the Master hasnt been online or something I'm sure this thread wil be brought to his attention. But I've made my point, as I'm sure alot of the toher guys have and I'd say its best left to have himself post some sort of reply, instead of us creating a novel for him to have to siv through.

    Everyones made a point, and its time to sit and wait for the reply.

    It should also be noted that I'm unaware of normal member being able to veto a charter or changing it. I for one would like the discussion of 1joule to be abolished in the context of discussing items from abroad that are available. Technically, the airsoft news thread should have been locked ages ago as most items are over 1joule, there is one instance that savvy and cop on has prevailed. But something should be amended relating to items abroad, perhaps

    Discussion of airsoft equipment over 1 joule is only permitted when discussing items located abroad or new prototype items, all airsoft equipment discussed with the intent of use in the Republic Of Ireland must be 1 joule or less.

    Something to the sort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Right. Now that we've had the reasoned argument part, and the quote-tennis part, I think it's time we had a response from the mod team.

    I don't think this is realistically something that can endure silence from the mods, and the mod in question in particular. It is kind of a turning point in how boards is run, and it's certainly going to contribute a lot to how I personally participate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kdouglas

    @Sparks: You'll note user's here are actually making fairly decent and well thought out posts in comparison to your average "fight da powah" feedback thread, some of your posts read like a response to the more typical, latter type.

    @moggser: Sparks is correct, Threads in the adverts section are always moderated *very* heavy handed-ly, this is due to the fact that people stand to lose money and generally no amount of pisstaking, no matter how small, is tolerated.

    @TheDoc: Yes, the DoJ do read and in particular the Airsoft section (and I would assume Shooting too), this was confirmed several times.

    @gerrowadat: As pointed out in a previous post (back on page 1 I think), I have already discussed this matter with The Master on a mod-to-mod basis and he has said he will post back on this thread when he can, I got the impression he would be away for a few days or possibly more.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Id like to mirror gerrowadats comment above,

    also, in reading your posts Sparks, you come across as someone mounting a spurious defence of a moderator in a general sense. The issue we have here is surrounding an individual and saying "modding is a thankless job" etc etc means nothing to the thread topic. we are talking about a collective of issues that have only taken place since the modding of the master,
    There were very few complaints against airsoft mods as individuals in the past, to the best of my knowledge. In cases were there were complaints, it was usually against the strict nature of dealings from all airsoft mods but this has to be expected with the type of sport this is. certain things cant be tolerated on there.

    unless any more of the airsoft posters want to add anything, i think all that can be said, has been said. It would be nice to see something done here and this over moderation come to an end because personally, i am not nearly as attracted to the forum as i used to be. Id sooner log onto the IRC channel and yap with the guys there, as most are doing nowadays anyway.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    kdouglas wrote: »
    @gerrowadat: As pointed out in a previous post (back on page 1 I think), I have already discussed this matter with The Master on a mod-to-mod basis and he has said he will post back on this thread when he can, I got the impression he would be away for a few days or possibly more.

    I dont really see the point in aproaching the master about the issues, he has already shown a complete disregard for our opinions by blankly refusing to respond to questioning on post removals by doc and myself, aswell as telling gerrout he's not budging just before this original thread was started.

    I cant see what would be achieved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Just a quick input on the issue originally sparked off this crusade.

    If that was posted when I modded airsoft I would have dealt with it extremely harsely as well. Its all and well posting that you know the guy in real life and he is a top bloke but for those of us that don't he looks like a childish dick, to those that are not used to the forum it gives the signal its a place for immature racist gits to post tripe of the lowest order. Remember what is said in jest to someones face can look far different when it is written down and absorbed out of context.

    Sure The Master is severe but the others mods on that forum have different styles, these combined ensure there is a low noise ratio to the threads on there. If you want to chat there is a "off-topic" thread. From what I can see the gripe is people are not being allowed to talk ****e and take the piss whatever way they want in whatever threads they want. I am sorry but given the traffic the Airsoft forum gets that is a recipe for disaster and it will cease to be a useful and intelligent forum for Airsoft in this country if that is the route taken.

    Finally the Airsoft forum at times makes me laugh with the amount of childish rubbish that goes on there epecially given the age profile of some of the posters. People should really take a step back and realise the moderators on here do their job well which is provide a place to discuss Airsoft where the bull**** doesn't overpower the relevant and useful information that we can all share with each other.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    your post reads like you have overlooked a whole load of vaild points to pick out one single one to disect, Gandalf,
    I wouldnt be against all of his decisions, some are vailid. but quite franky, it is insulting to imply there is no case to answer here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Masada wrote: »
    your post reads like you have overlooked a whole load of vaild points to pick out one single one to disect, Gandalf,
    I wouldnt be against all of his decisions, some are vailid. but quite franky, it is insulting to imply there is no case to answer here.

    Not at all I have looked at the point that started off this crusade and have taken it head on.

    Looking at another post that provided examples
    gerrowadat wrote: »
    So far we have :

    - The recent OTT banning of evilrobotshane

    Perm banning was over the top but a one month ban would be more than justified.
    - Several threatening posts in airsoft news due do OT.

    Quite right. I want to read airsoft news not verbal masturbation from "de lads". I can just imagine how offputting it is to a newbie trying to learn whats out there as well. IMHO enough warnings have been given bans should be handed out at this stage.
    - Deleting a non-offensive image Masada posted in OT.

    Didn't see it so can comment. I assume it wasn't airsoft related as Rob does seem to hate that.
    - Locking a thread wishing leaving cert people well.

    Strict but hey technically not airsoft related.
    - Locking this thread and ridiculing the idea of the event the person was proposing.

    I agree with him Boards already has airsoft events, they happen at airsoft venues every weekend.
    - Locking this thread for no reason.

    What the hell is it about, it looks like an attempt at a chat thread to me. Offtopic thread can handle that.
    - Locking this thread for no reason.

    The 2nd post in that thread directs the OP where he should look. Closed rightly as well.
    That's just from 5 minutes looking at the board.

    Look harder that is the lamest excuse to validate a witch hunt I have seen on boards in a long time.

    I'm off to bed here but I really think some people need to really decide what kind of forum they want. A free for all or somewhere that is actually a useful resource for the majority to use, discuss intelligently and be a service to airsoft in this country.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    You are quite obviously being dismissive Gandalf.

    Nobody wants the news thread to be full of chatter but it has been overly moderated. that much is a fact, agreed on by some of the most regular posters in there.

    Dave gave example of my post which was removed. you automatically (and wrongly) "presumed" the justification for the master...
    even though it was in the off topic thread and the photo is in this thread so you cant really say you have read all the points yet still are unaware of it.
    I agree with him Boards already has airsoft events, they happen at airsoft venues every weekend.
    this is just silly, the whole of the airsoft community can arrange a boards airsoft beers session ON THE FORUM (By the Master funny enough), yet someone is shot down for suggesting a boards Airsoft get together for a skirmish. Mind boggling logic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Can someone sum up for me in one line what the issue is, and what the solution is??

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Masada wrote: »
    You are quite obviously being dismissive Gandalf.

    Wrong I am giving my opinion based on the fact I have moderated the forum in the past and understand the workings of it intimately and the childishness that so called adults can get up to on it.
    Nobody wants the news thread to be full of chatter but it has been overly moderated. that much is a fact, agreed on by some of the most regular posters in there.

    I want the news thread to contain news, no chatter at all. As I have said all I have seen from the master is warnings in there, if I was still modding I would have started banning by now as people were obviously ignoring my guidance.
    Dave gave example of my post which was removed. you automatically (and wrongly) "presumed" the justification for the master...
    even though it was in the off topic thread and the photo is in this thread so you cant really say you have read all the points yet still are unaware of it.

    I did say that I hadn't seen it and yes I did assume it was outside that forum. But as Dave gave no other context on the deleted photo like giving me the information that it was in the off topic thread to go on. He obviously left it vague to strengthen his arguement.

    What was the photo a picture of?

    this is just silly, the whole of the airsoft community can arrange a boards airsoft beers session ON THE FORUM (By the Master funny enough), yet someone is shot down for suggesting a boards Airsoft get together for a skirmish. Mind boggling logic.

    Nice emotive language there, so now locking a thread with a minor quip is shooting someone down. I actually see why he locked that thread, it makes total sense to me.

    Maybe Rob needs to work on the delivery of his message but the way he mods is fine by me.

    BTW I almost never pm'ed someone when I deleted posts. Given the amount of ****e that goes on in the background on that forum at times I just couldn't spare the time to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭kevteljeur

    Can someone sum up for me in one line what the issue is, and what the solution is??

    A trend in the moderation of the airsoft forum, and by one moderator in particular, towards OTT harshness in the manner and approach of moderation, and a desire by the users to get it back to where it was before (a more even-handed approach).

    A lot of noise and defensive argument has crept into this thread, which is making it harder to see the actual issue. I'm just taking an edited quote here from gerrowadat, which I think sums up the issue:
    gerrowadat wrote: »
    So far we have :
    The pattern here seems to be that The Master thinks the thread is pointless, or has run its course, or a question has been answered. So, along he comes with the padlock. The point I'm trying to make is that stuff is being done like thread locks, bans and post deletes with no explanation and no good reason.

    I wouldn't say it would be accurate to call what we're doing here a 'witch hunt', since that would imply a lack of evidence and a lack of strong feeling from the community about the issue. From what we're seeing on this thread, there is no shortage of both. It would be doing a disservice to the other moderators if The Master were not singled out, much as people hate to do so.

    I have no axe to grind with anyone here, least of all The Master himself, but there is a strong feeling with Airsofter Forum users that the general trend of moderation has moved from the required strictness to something much more.

    To the Airsoft moderators and former moderators (particularly Rew and Gandalf): Yes, it's understood by the vast majority of the regular users there that the moderation in that Forum needs to be constant and reasonably strict for all the reasons outlined, and that each of you has your own style. It is a tightly-managed forum that generates surprisingly few complaints as a result. And Lemming does a great job in the ever-controversial Adverts section. But the level of 'noise' has remained constant over the last two months, while the moderation by The Master has descended into micro-management and controversy. We're not posting here to mould the situation to our own choosing, to have the inmates running the asylum as it were, we just want to see the situation return to where it was, that's all.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Wrong I am giving my opinion based on the fact I have moderated the forum in the past and understand the workings of it intimately and the childishness that so called adults can get up to on it.

    While I understand what you have contributed to the forum, i don't think this is something that can add weight to your argument. I have been on the airsoft forum for 2 years, before and after you modded in there so its not like your participation on the forum gains you any more experience over some of its most regular contributors who are posting in this thread.

    I want the news thread to contain news, no chatter at all. As I have said all I have seen from the master is warnings in there, if I was still modding I would have started banning by now as people were obviously ignoring my guidance.

    If you want news. heres news,

    since the beginning of the thread there has always been discussion of things posted in the thread, and that has included moderators, thats the type of thread it is. If there was no discussion it wouldnt have any attraction and if it goes that I for one, certainly will not contribute any further to it.
    Further to that, if you want to have rules on whats allowed then post some in its first page. there is no mention anywhere of any rules on what can be posted in the news thread.
    I did say that I hadn't seen it and yes I did assume it was outside that forum. But as Dave gave no other context on the deleted photo like giving me the information that it was in the off topic thread to go on. He obviously left it vague to strengthen his arguement.

    What was the photo a picture of?
    why is it that dave so obviously left it vague? when it has been mentioned by both him and myself.. in this thread, and you still haven't seen it. have you read this thread? you are being selective with what your quoting and overlooking what is right under your nose.

    here ya go though,
    Masada wrote:
    We also have an off topic thread were we regularly chat and post random stuff. i posted a pic in this thread (which I must strain, is the off topic thread) and this same moderator took exception to the pic and removed it. this was done for personal reasons as there was nothing offensive or derogatory in the image.
    See the image here,

    Nice emotive language there, so now locking a thread with a minor quip is shooting someone down. I actually see why he locked that thread, it makes total sense to me.

    Ok... well if it makes perfect sense to you.. help the rest of us understand it then, dont just say it makes sense?

    can you clear this up for me then please.
    Q:Is it ok to organise a piss up on the airsoft forum?

    Q:Why isnt it ok to organise a boards airsoft get together where we, umm, play airsoft?

    Now, i know the default response is going to be,
    "people do that every weekend" etc blah blah.
    but people go drinking every weekend too. the idea of the thread was to get all the boards regulars together in the one site. which i think makes perfect sense.

    I don't mean to look like I'm digging into you paul, but you seem fiercely defensive on the topic, and your post hasn't added anything to the thread, other than saying you agree with his moderation.

    This could go on for hours with the quoting so i think i'll call it a day and leave it at that.
    What usually happens from here? is their some sort of a process or do we wait for c mods/s mods to come across the thread?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,881 ✭✭✭mle1324

    Masada wrote: »
    Q:Why isnt it ok to organise a boards airsoft get together where we, umm, play airsoft?

    I would like to point out that the Boards Airsoft Day which was started by Doyler92 on the 02/06/2009 was closed after 13 posts (mine been last) with no reason given what so ever at first, which resulted in a second thread been made about a Boards Airsoft Day and from my understanding with Doyler92 that he and myself thought that is was an error and it was then that the second Boards Day Out thread created by Doyler92 again and then a few minutes was locked and deleted and then finally and explanation given later in the day at some stage on the first boards airsoft day thread.In fact i see this Boards Airsoft Day been more sensible then going out on the piss.i.e>Airsoft Beers.

    A lot of boards airsoft members do skirmish at weekends if they can.

    As for a site wide boards skirmish?

    Figure out a way to PM every member and arm them with an AEG at a large enough site to accommodate a few hundred thousand people and were on!
    In my opinion this dose not seem a good reason to lock the thread as there was no intention to get EVERY member of and invite them out to a skirmish and in a way i don't see how this is much different from the Airsoft Beers thread.And my opinion on this is that this was bad modding.

    Another point that I am making is that by the looks of it there dose not seem to be much or any communcation between Mods regarding who to ban, give an infraction to and which posts to delete.As a Registered User i cannot see what the Mods see such as a hidden thread (e.g:a thread for Mods to discuss things regarding the forum that they are in charge of).What i mean by my last sentence is that i am a Mod on another forum and we confair with each other about the forum in a private thread called a staff lounge.If there is no such thing in the Airsoft Forum i would recommend having one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Ok I will respond to this tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,881 ✭✭✭mle1324

    gandalf wrote: »
    Ok I will respond to this tonight.

    grand so,but just to tell you that i gave my opinion and am in no mood for arguing:).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    This terrible moderating decision doesn't look so unreasonable now:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,679 Mod ✭✭✭✭Rew

    Ass wrote: »
    This terrible moderating decision doesn't look so unreasonable now:

    No everyone agreed about that one, the world is actually out to get you and if you are banned alone in a forest no one will hear you whinge.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    It doesn't matter that I eventually deserved that ban. Most of the terrible moderator characteristics described in this thread about "The Master" were present when I got banned by him.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,679 Mod ✭✭✭✭Rew

    Ass wrote: »
    It doesn't matter that I eventually deserved that ban. Most of the terrible moderator characteristics described in this thread about "The Master" were present when I got banned by him.

    Case closed so, he's a great mod!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    The airsoft forum has to be the most heavily moderated forum on boards. I can understand it seeing as it's seen as the public image of airsoft and that some of the lads in there have invested a kings ransom in their equipment but the vast majority of airsoft users probably don't have vast collections that they want to protect at all costs and are only in it for a bit of craic. It's weird because the forum is the exact opposite of the people you meet when out playing.

    The fact the forum is devoid of any sense of humor that isn't back slapping is a real turn off for posting in there and I hate the fact everyones bending to the will of the "won't somebody think of the children" mob. When ever I go in there for a look I see threads locked for going even slightly off topic or slightly non airsoft there's no chance for banter at all and I just turn around and leave. Or just go into the picture thread for gander at whats new.

    I'm not trying to pick on anybody and like I said I can understand where it's coming from it's just a shame it's so strict in there.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,679 Mod ✭✭✭✭Rew

    ScumLord wrote: »
    The fact the forum is devoid of any sense of humor that isn't back slapping is a real turn off for posting in there and I hate the fact everyones bending to the will of the "won't somebody think of the children" mob.

    There are allot of under age players/posters so someone does actually have to think of the children.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    The moderators are deluded as to what is actually harmful to the sport also. I remember posting a thread asking people what they would change the Irish laws with regards to the classification of an airsoft gun and the thread was locked. It was as if they thought a discussion on an internet forum about increasing the power of airsoft guns was going to get the sport banned. That was the reason given for it being locked, which is laughable at best.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    Rew wrote: »
    There are allot of under age players/posters so someone does actually have to think of the children.
    There are probably children looking at AH too, there are probably children listening to their parents talking about adult stuff in pubs and we don't pander to them there. I would have thought airsoft was an adult game anyway.

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