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mayan calendar - end of the world question

  • 18-06-2009 4:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭


    I'm wondering about the mayan calendar. I never heard of this calendar until the movie 2012 came on the horizon.

    My understanding is that the mayan calendar end on december 21 2012 and the mayans believe that the world will end on this date.

    What im wondering is that IF this date comes and goes and nothing happens, where does this leave the mayans beliefs?




  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    djt0607 wrote: »

    I'm wondering about the mayan calendar. I never heard of this calendar until the movie 2012 came on the horizon.

    My understanding is that the mayan calendar end on december 21 2012 and the mayans believe that the world will end on this date.

    What im wondering is that IF this date comes and goes and nothing happens, where does this leave the mayans beliefs?


    Pretty sure this is a misconception. Mayan calendars are divided into specific lengths of time, it just so happens that the calendar they had constructed only ran as long as 2012 for this particular epoch. They may well have intended to devise a new one when this one ended.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 146 ✭✭sachamama

    The Mayan calendar ends on this date because there is a shift in the poles, and the times we live in will end and new times will begin. Its a bit like the death card in the Tarot pack - the death of the old ways, the birth of the new.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,398 ✭✭✭Phototoxin

    Its the 5th age currently , so what happened at the end of the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th? Nothing that's what!

    That said the 'end times are night' types will be all over this

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    The Giza pyramids are aligned on decemeber 21 2012. Also.

    The ancient egyptians, Mayans and summerians were not obsessed with time for no reason. They knew the cycles of the earth. These cycles happen all the time every few thousands years. It's why Atlantis dissappeared in the Atlantic. They were advanced as us if not higher than us spiritually. But like us they became ignorant and too powerful in terms of arrogance, they were self destructing themselves as society.

    The society perished along with alot of the coastlines around the globe. Floods, hurricanes and yes the poleshifts. Poleshifts are part of the earth natural rotation and spin. We are just so ignorant, to the point,

    We actually believe we are immune to this.

    The governments know everything of course. We are ****ing sheep to the ****ing grass. People have no idea. They burn all the anicent libaries and texts. The Spanish burned all the Mayan texts. The Alexandria libarary was burned also. Now the Summerian texts are been burned as well. Or they are taken as records by the US government.

    The hall of records is one of the greatest kept secrets of mankind. As you know who got in to the chambers, and filmed everything till THE POINT... of.... TRUTH..

    They didnt reveail it.

    WHY. could it be that the texts hold information of E.Ts in proof print.;)
    Could it be all the records of souls who travelled from other stars to incarnate as humans. There are many more questions and secrets.

    Either way, its not the end but a new chapter in human evolution. All I can say is keep in the present, learn from your past, and LET IT GO. Your the god of your presence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Phototoxin wrote: »
    Its the 5th age currently , so what happened at the end of the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th? Nothing that's what!

    That said the 'end times are night' types will be all over this

    Yes its human evolution. We have been preparing for the 5th dimension.

    In my own awareness, thousands of races in this universe are watching what is happening to earth. Because the whole galaxy is connected to earth. Every soul incarnated here, comes from the milky way centre. Where all matter, anti matter exists. The cycles here, is why everything as we know exists, on every level and not just physical.

    The ancients knew the dark rifts centre. Eyptians were obsessed with certain stars, because the dark rift and certain energies lie around it like the nebulae just above Orion. The Mayans even had descriptions of the dark rift. Yet "conformists scientists":D are only begiinning to find out this as fact. There we go "society proving to be a total scam" again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,646 ✭✭✭cooker3

    sachamama wrote: »
    The Mayan calendar ends on this date because there is a shift in the poles

    No. Anyone who tries to claim they know exactly to the year when the poles will shift is lying. At some point it will happen but it as likely to happen in 5000 years as it is in 2012.
    Anyway it's just the equivalent of when our calendar goes from 1999-2000, that's it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    cooker3 wrote: »
    No. Anyone who tries to claim they know exactly to the year when the poles will shift is lying. At some point it will happen but it as likely to happen in 5000 years as it is in 2012.
    Anyway it's just the equivalent of when our calendar goes from 1999-2000, that's it.

    The mayans never actually predicted a poleshift. It's the cycle of earth we are now entering.

    And boy your entering it... If you study pyramids you would know what it mean's. To time keepers its like chapter after chapter. The 2012 is the top layer of the pyramid. and the ascension has already begun.

    Look at the world since 2001, and witness the chaos that we have been experiencing. The illuminati (imo) can't predicts the turnout of the planet, even despite they shift and distort this world to their way, for their surivival. In sacred geomtry, the pyramid represents the system, three point, and physical reality. The mind perception of the third dimension. all in the physical world on the base leads to one higher point and that is the top of the pyramid. Its very symbolic to occultists. And the pyramid is not "human made" its not even created by us. It was given to us by the fallen ones who incarnated on this planet. They gave us complex mathematics, geomtry, astronomy, astrology, physics, language, etc etc.

    Most Third and fourth dimensional beings do not want this earth rise about the fifth dimension, or the fifth age. For they will lose power over the earth as humanity is now touching higher vibration's. Or a new awarness. Satanists, occultisst will lose their power tactics automatically. As the vibration they need is fear and confusion. Which is what they need in order for their reality to manifest into your's or this planet as a whole.

    This awareness prevents the humanoids/Reptillians/Annuanki from controlling the world as we or you know it today through the elite.

    I cannot say if even they planned this or not in retrospect, but the reality is this planet is changing faster than anyone can comprehend. Poleshift or no poleshift. It all pre ordained.

    But awareness is the key here. I believe anyone can truly know what is to happen if they are aware of these cycles.

    But I think we are just going to fail like the previous civlizations

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    What the ancients predicted was a "moment" or "time" to make you aware of it.

    This awareness then means for you to be something in that period.

    Here and now "asking yourself" in all this chaos and confusion, what can I be to benefit me and the world around me. If the ancients predicted all this before, what are they warning me of. If I realise my path, I can change everything in the presence of now.

    Its so incredibly simple if you just realise the simplicity of it.

    For example, lets just say an event is going to happen where millions could die, and it happened in the last cycle. If you have the awareness you can change that.

    Satanists and occultists don't want you to know. Because the last time around they did not do as I asked them. They went the pyramid way. Ego.

    All on this planet to one higher point. The symbol meaning that the ones who do know the unknown will keep it unknown for the others to die and perish. It's ego and self enrichment. That's the idealogy of been satanic. It's nothing to do with been evil and good. Though my point is, if you don't wake up NOW, this process will repeat and yes this universe will complete the same way as before. The illuminati will rule the same way as pre flood era and all of the other historic civlilazatisons going back 12,000 years and even before it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    From a spiritual perspective.

    Mankind has been give a second chance as a whole to change. The milky way is where all matter in this galaxy comes from. The energy here is divine and cosmic. The Mayans knew this.d

    It can been seen as the great destroyer and the great life giver.

    If you **** up and use it for ego, you will destruct and self destruct

    The surivivors of the last two cataclysms are the survivors of the first great civilizations and have been given the tools from star travelers ;) These are the present day illuminati. But most of todays population. Again behaved the same as our ancestors. They perished. Now its your turn.

    You can sit here and laugh at me, I couldn't care less. But remember whats fueling your laughter. EGO. Remember this line. Are you going to change, or repeat an cycle and perish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    djt0607 wrote: »

    What im wondering is that IF this date comes and goes and nothing happens, where does this leave the mayans beliefs?

    Dead along with the Mayans?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    djt0607 wrote: »

    What im wondering is that IF this date comes and goes and nothing happens, where does this leave the mayans beliefs?


    To just re quote the message from the previous posters response.
    Your quote depicts that nothing will happen.

    What has been happening on this planet already since 2001??
    Apart from, 9/11,Oklahoma bombings, London.Madrid bombings Tsunamis, Hurricanes, increased solar activity, increased world temperatures and ecological changes, Increased wars/conflict, political instability, Global genomic meltdown, Pandemic/biological warfare,global information shift,

    If this doesn't convince you of the current chaange, how about whats happening to your own existence and reality now?

    In my view the changes, are never just physical, it's mind body and spirit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Galvasean wrote: »
    Dead along with the Mayans?

    Death means a lot more than you inscribed it to be:rolleyes: The Mayans were ageless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭Yunalesca

    Considering the Mayans started carving their stone calanders around 1050, personally I believe they got to 2012 and figured they could like, just do the rest later on.

    Or maybe they ran out of really big rocks to carve stuff onto. Either way I wouldn't worry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,112 ✭✭✭Dacelonid

    mysterious wrote: »
    What has been happening on this planet already since 2001??
    Apart from, 9/11,Oklahoma bombings, London.Madrid bombings Tsunamis, Hurricanes, increased solar activity, increased world temperatures and ecological changes, Increased wars/conflict, political instability, Global genomic meltdown, Pandemic/biological warfare,global information shift,

    Hate to rain on your parade, but the Oklahoma bombings were in 1995, the increased solar activity started in 1996 and is due to end (look up solar cycle, it hapens every 9-12 years), a lot of articles I've read have said that there has been no increase in world temps since 1998 (el nino). I would reckon there is less war/conflict than there was 1000 years ago, or even in the time of the Mayans, read any history books and you will see political instability has been a mainstay of human existance. Economic meltdown, what about the Great Depression, hell even the recessions of the Eighties. This is nothing new either. How many pandemics have there been since 2001, how many biological attacks. And what the hell is global information shift, and why would any cosmic entity/event/[insert meaningless thing here] care what we do with our 1's and 0's

    And who cares about the Mayan calendar, I have a calendar on my wall. It only goes as far as Dec 31st 2009. Should we all be scared. Of course not, but when people think of ancient people, they think they must have known somthing we didn't. Bullsh!t, they were savages. They ripped peoples still beating hearts from their chests, to make crops grow, to make the sun rise etc. If they knew about "cycles" they would know the Sun would rise every day regardless of whether someones heart was burnt or not. As for the Egytians, they used to believe a dung beatle pushed the sun across the sky, so I think I would rather listen to the views of Hawking and Kaku et al, rather than put my faith in some long dead priest/shaman/grand vizier/[insert meaningless ancient title here]

    Now don't get me wrong, these people had knowledge, and could be genuinely brilliant, and god* knows where we would be if it weren't for the dark ages, but lets face it they don't know any more about astronomy than we do now, and we know a hell of a lot more than they could have ever imagined.

    *This is just a phrase and doesn't imply any belief in any god like entity.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    You obviously have not done your research, you just came and made silly guesswork of a civilization that actually could events thousands of years ahead.

    The Spanish and Catholic church stolen a lot of their work or burned most of the secret manuscripts. So we the public could not know the full truth as to what actually they were predicting up to 2012. The mayans didn't predict

    End of the world, End of an age.
    The new age coming in 2012, is not just unique to Mayans. They are also documented by astrologers, paganists, time keepers, and even other ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians. 2012 is mentioned in the bible also.

    The main ancient civlizations came from the mother civlization which perished in their own watch. (Atlanits - the pyramid builders) These civlizations are using their time keeping and knowledge to learn from these cycles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,112 ✭✭✭Dacelonid

    mysterious wrote: »
    2012 is mentioned in the bible also.
    Prove it. Show me a quote in the Bible where it says 2012 is the end of the world and I will join your church

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Dacelonid wrote: »
    Hate to rain on your parade, but the Oklahoma bombings were in 1995, the increased solar activity started in 1996 and is due to end (look up solar cycle, it hapens every 9-12 years), a lot of articles I've read have said that there has been no increase in world temps since 1998 (el nino).

    Average world temperatures are increasing, as is the rest of the solar systems. NASA the lies from spaceville, even had to admit hat solar activity will peak in 2012.
    I would reckon there is less war/conflict than there was 1000 years ago, or even in the time of the Mayans, read any history books and you will see political instability has been a mainstay of human existance. Economic meltdown, what about the Great Depression, hell even the recessions of the Eighties. This is nothing new either. How many pandemics have there been since 2001, how many biological attacks. And what the hell is global information shift, and why would any cosmic entity/event/[insert meaningless thing here] care what we do with our 1's and 0's

    You mean mainstream history books. Thinks that's say's it all.

    The today's great depression rivals that of the 30s, and its right before WW2. You obviously cannot see the bigger picture, and what cycles I'm talking about here. But sonce you claim we are alot smarter than the ancients we killed hundreds of millions in this century alone for less.

    We now even do biological warfare and our elites love organised warfare to keep us stuck in the past. We sure our bright aren't we

    Cus cosmic entities do all sort of things, whether your aware of it or not. Frankly you won't understand that.
    And who cares about the Mayan calendar,
    Some people like to study it. Have you a an issue with it?
    . Should we all be scared. Of course not,
    No, but I gather your cot up with the bullsh!t side of it.
    but when people think of ancient people, they think they must have known somthing we didn't. Bullsh!t, they were savages. They ripped peoples still beating hearts from their chests, to make crops grow, to make the sun rise etc. If they knew about "cycles" they would know the Sun would rise every day regardless of whether someones heart was burnt or not. As for the Egytians, they used to believe a dung beatle pushed the sun across the sky, so I think I would rather listen to the views of Hawking and Kaku et al, rather than put my faith in some long dead priest/shaman/grand vizier/[insert meaningless ancient title here]

    The dung beetle story was more to do with the symbolism behind it. But explain to me how the Egyptians and western African peoples knew that sirius was a binary star? I think you seriously do some research before you go blasting it off.
    LMFAO... Ignorance and arrogance to history is a blind man walking off the cliff, you keep going sir. We "know" it all...:rolleyes:

    If you study the universe you would understand the importance of "cycles" I can't really comment to the rest of your paragraph.

    Now don't get me wrong, these people had knowledge, and could be genuinely brilliant, and god* knows where we would be if it weren't for the dark ages, but lets face it they don't know any more about astronomy than we do now, and we know a hell of a lot more than they could have ever imagined.

    *This is just a phrase and doesn't imply any belief in any god like entity.

    When one doesn't know its easy to dismiss reality. Look up deception and re read your post. Todays society knows very little. The real scientists of today are telling you jack ****. The masters of this world just let guys like Steven hawkings try finf the truth with onlu limited knowledge. People like you will guess there is life for the next thousand years because you don't understand power and deception YET... You depend on mainstream science..................

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Alright. I'll post here again on December 13th 2012. Or if the Mayans were right I wont.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Dacelonid wrote: »
    Prove it. Show me a quote in the Bible where it says 2012 is the end of the world and I will join your church

    Did I say the end of the world?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Galvasean wrote: »
    Alright. I'll post here again on December 13th 2012. Or if the Mayans were right I wont.

    What do you mean? who is right and who is wrong about what exactly?

    There is two sides to every story.

    Between the lines, is alot of bull**** people distort and view to suit themselves. Do you actually understand what is been dicussed here.

    Or do you watch alot of crap on T.V about this? The mainstream science are there to misinform you and twist the perception of the ancients knowledge.

    Like your favorite subject paleontology "where is the missing link":D Keep you guessing and following a leesh imo.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,065 ✭✭✭Fighting Irish

    mysterious wrote: »
    You obviously have not done your research, you just came and made silly guesswork of a civilization that actually could events thousands of years ahead.

    The Spanish and Catholic church stolen a lot of their work or burned most of the secret manuscripts. So we the public could not know the full truth as to what actually they were predicting up to 2012. The mayans didn't predict

    End of the world, End of an age.
    The new age coming in 2012, is not just unique to Mayans. They are also documented by astrologers, paganists, time keepers, and even other ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians. 2012 is mentioned in the bible also.

    The main ancient civlizations came from the mother civlization which perished in their own watch. (Atlanits - the pyramid builders) These civlizations are using their time keeping and knowledge to learn from these cycles.

    I stopped reading here

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I stopped reading here

    I'm not relgious, and I don't sit and read page after page of the bible.

    But throughout history it has been documented, whether it was the Greeks, Notradamus, Mayans, Egyptians and many other ancient texts. Every 3,600 years cycles happen.

    Your going to have to accept that your in ignorance. Do you honestly believe that life and civilization began 6,000 years ago? They have found under sea buildings that push civilization further back before the iceage. They have carved mountains in Peru where the Nasca lines and no one knows how they were created and for what purpose. They haven ancient carving there that can only be seen from the sky. no one knew why the Mayans had so accuracate calanders despite the fact they didn't use telescopes. Today we now finally have some truth coming out that the Spinx is 12,000 years old:) I could keep going with this. But you get the picture.

    But in reality people coming onto this thread, prove just how little they actually know.

    We are a very ignorant society. We think we are immune to change and events that could affect us globally. It's already begun, people who are not aware of it, prove my previous statment on the previous sentence. lol..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    The current Mayan great-year cycle of 26,000-years, as well as the 104,000-year cycle (the fourth sun) closes on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin (Winter Solstice, December 23, 2012 C.E.) when we begin "El Quinto Sol" or the Fifth Sun. In this cycle, those who stay will become a cosmic humanity and contact with other worlds will be possible.
    Disagreement of the Timing.
    Scholars do not agree on the timing of these events. I will present the more popular ones so you can make up your own mind.
    On March 21, 1995, this 520-year period was completed and the Age of Knowledge (Itza Age) began; a time when ancient and hidden knowledge is to be reawakened; a time when the condor of the south is to meet the eagle of the north and there will be a return of the Light of health, purity, wisdom, and healing on Earth. Via the magnetic grid of energy that envelops planet Earth and the many sensitive spots on the Earth often referred to as Sacred Sites, the elders said that the solar ceremonies in Chichen Itza in March, 1995, anchored the intent to activate humanity in the Light.
    The Great Year is a 26,000 year cycle consisting of 12 ages, each 2,160 years long. The ages are determined by the poles of the earth and whatever constellation the north pole points to determines the age.
    Cycles of time are the result of three movements of the Earth. The rotation around the Earth's axis causes day and night. Our yearly orbit around the sun brings the four seasons. The third movement comes as a result of the gravitational pull of the sun and moon which causes the earth to gyrate, shifting the poles at the rate of one degree every 72 years. The earth shifts so that in 26,000 years the north pole points to four different stars.
    The Ecliptic
    The Ecliptic is the Great Circle that describes the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth (but which is really the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The Ecliptic extends approximately 8-9° of arc above and below (North and South of) the actual path of the Earth/Sun. The other planets in the solar system are always visible within this band of sky. The longitudinal (East-West) position of celestial bodies (i.e. planets, asteroids, etc.) is measured along the ecliptic.
    Signs. The Signs are units of measurement each equal to 30 degrees of arc along the ecliptic.
    Vernal Point. The point measured along the ecliptic which represents the apparent position of the Sun at the moment of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. At the moment of the Spring Equinox, the Sun is directly overhead at mid-day along the Tropic of Cancer.
    The Earth doesn't so much "shift" on its axis as it "wobbles" The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5° to the plane of the ecliptic. This tilt is what produces the seasonal variations. The Earth is also not a perfect sphere; it bulges in the middle near the Equator. This unequal distribution of mass causes the Earth to "wobble" around its rotational axis like a gyroscope. What this means is that the Earth's axis makes its own rotation, with the North and South Poles slowly describing a circle around the ecliptic pole (which is the pole exactly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic; the North and South poles, remember are tilted 23.5 degrees away from this plane). How slowly? Well, a complete cycle takes about 25,800 years. (26,920) The precession can also be seen in terms of the "North Star".
    Currently the North Pole of the Earth is aligned with the fixed star Polaris. This was not the case 3,000 years ago; and by the year 14,000 A.D., the North Star will be Vega, not Polaris.
    This rotation of the Earth's axis occurs at something like 1° every 71.5 years (about 5 seconds of arc per year). The "wobble" and the precession of the equinoxes were known to the Ancient Egyptians, although the first official "discovery" of it was made by an Ancient Greek astronomer, Hipparchus, who was born sometime around 190 B.C. It was noted because the Sun was in a slightly earlier position at the time of the Spring Equinox each year (as measured against the fixed stars). Because the movement slips backwards through the zodiac, it is called precession (as opposed to a forward-movement which would be called progression).
    Now 1° every 71.5 years doesn't sound like too much, but it certainly adds up over 2,000 years or so.

    Mound of the Cross, Paquime, Casas Grandes, Chihuahua
    Paquime, Casas Grandes, Chihuahua is one of the major cities on the southern limits of Oasis America, or "The Southwest", where various iconographic (feathered se rpents) and architectural features (ball courts) and many artifacts (copper bells , shells and macaws) indicate that it held an important position in the communica tions network between Mesoamerica and Oasis America. It was built on the west bank of the Rio Casas Grandes generally with a north-south orientation. To facilitate its study, Charles Di Peso divided the site into mo re than twenty arbitrary units, one of which is known as the Mound of the Cross. The Mound of the Cross is composed of five asymmetric structures, one cross and f our satellites. Although their approximate orientation corresponds to the cardina l points, the arms of the cross are not square with themselves nor each other. Th e satellites are almost round and off-set from the arms axis. While common wisdom has argued that the Mound of the Cross is an observatory, until the present stud y, no orientations have been established. Personal observations during the summer and winter solstices over the last few years indicate that a line tangential to the northern side of the southern satellite and the southern side of the eastern satellite define the winter sunset and the summer sunrise just as a line tangential to the northern side of the southern sa tellite and the southern side of the western satellite define the winter sunrise and the summer sunset.
    [From: The Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin]
    When the original thirteen baktuns were created, a war was waged which caused the country to cease to exist. Little by little, however, our enemies came to hear the prophecies of Ahau; but finally even the hope of hearing Ahau is brought to an end because of the words of opposition. When the need arises for the high authority at the head of the mat to safeguard our children, then we will feel deeply the tragedy of being captives in war; also when we are ordered to obey... And when over the dark sea I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire, to that generation there will come the day of withered fruit.
    The face of the sun will be extinguished because of the great tempest. Then finally ornaments shall descend in heaps. There will be good gifts for one and all, as well as land, from the Great Spirit wherever they shall settle down. Presently Baktun thirteen shall come sailing, figuratively speaking, bringing the ornaments of which I have spoken, from your ancestors. Then the god will come to visit his little cones. Perhaps After Death will be the subject of his discourse.

    More on this on the webpage

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Does it say end of the world NOOOOOoooOOooOoOoO it doesn't

    To many average people watch average **** on T.V. The government don't want you to know. How do they suck you in by fear and panick. So you will miss the real deal.

    It really annoys me when people sprout their ill thought opinions from some nonsense they heard via the mainstream news. :rolleyes:

    In 2009 I still don't understand why people watch T.V. Its a cancer to the brain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    mysterious wrote: »
    The mainstream science are there to misinform you and twist the perception of the ancients knowledge.

    Let me see... tried and tested orthodox science or the ramblings of one fellow I encountered on a message board. I think I'll side with the former until you can convince me otherwise.
    mysterious wrote:
    Like your favorite subject paleontology "where is the missing link":D Keep you guessing and following a leesh imo.

    I don't see why you're dragging palaeontology into this but if you make sweeping ignorant statements on it I feel obliged to rebut you.

    The 'missing link' as you put it is an outdated notion (usually perpetuated by Young Earth Creationists) that implies that there is an as of yet unfound fossil that would prove that humans evolved from apes. The big myth here is that such a thing has never been found when in fact many potential human ancestors have been found, most notably Australopithecus and the significantly older darwinius.

    Other famous links in the evolutionary 'tree' that have been found include:
    Ambulocetus, a link between land based mammals and fully aquatic whales.
    Archaeopteryx, a link between dinosaurs and birds.
    Falcarius, a link between meat eating dinosaurs and a specialized group of plant eating dinosaurs called therizinosaurs.
    Tiktaalic, a link between fish and amphibians.

    There are of course plenty more, but it would be far too time consuming to post them all.
    mysterious wrote:
    In 2009 I still don't understand why people watch T.V. Its a cancer to the brain.
    Yeah, the internet is where it's at these days. Far more reliable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 232 ✭✭DTrotter

    mysterious wrote: »
    The Giza pyramids are aligned on decemeber 21 2012. Also.

    The ancient egyptians, Mayans and summerians were not obsessed with time for no reason. They knew the cycles of the earth. These cycles happen all the time every few thousands years. It's why Atlantis dissappeared in the Atlantic. They were advanced as us if not higher than us spiritually. But like us they became ignorant and too powerful in terms of arrogance, they were self destructing themselves as society.

    The society perished along with alot of the coastlines around the globe. Floods, hurricanes and yes the poleshifts. Poleshifts are part of the earth natural rotation and spin. We are just so ignorant, to the point,

    We actually believe we are immune to this.

    The governments know everything of course. We are ****ing sheep to the ****ing grass. People have no idea. They burn all the anicent libaries and texts. The Spanish burned all the Mayan texts. The Alexandria libarary was burned also. Now the Summerian texts are been burned as well. Or they are taken as records by the US government.

    The hall of records is one of the greatest kept secrets of mankind. As you know who got in to the chambers, and filmed everything till THE POINT... of.... TRUTH..

    They didnt reveail it.

    WHY. could it be that the texts hold information of E.Ts in proof print.;)
    Could it be all the records of souls who travelled from other stars to incarnate as humans. There are many more questions and secrets.

    Either way, its not the end but a new chapter in human evolution. All I can say is keep in the present, learn from your past, and LET IT GO. Your the god of your presence.[/quote]

    Good god.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Galvasean wrote: »
    Let me see... tried and tested orthodox science or the ramblings of one fellow I encountered on a message board. I think I'll side with the former until you can convince me otherwise.

    Ok I'm gonna be calm on this and let you off the hook with that dig.

    Let me tell you something right here and right now. Get off your ****.
    Just because your a palentologists or follow the mainstream science.

    Does not put you into some high ranking above me. I tell you what you are. A conformists.

    Whether you like it or not, know it or not. You will never known the unknown, and you dont have credablility to say anything, cus you HAVE NEVER went that root. I did. You learned the system.

    The real people control the system and are 50 years ahead of the system, they keep you misinformed, conformed and deformed. To keep the system and masses in control

    There are secret's among us, that some know and you will simply not know, You can sit here and say it's rambling, because you just don't know

    I don't see why you're dragging palaeontology into this but if you make sweeping ignorant statements on it I feel obliged to rebut you.

    The 'missing link' as you put it is an outdated notion (usually perpetuated by Young Earth Creationists) that implies that there is an as of yet unfound fossil that would prove that humans evolved from apes. The big myth here is that such a thing has never been found when in fact many potential human ancestors have been found, most notably Australopithecus and the significantly older darwinius.

    I suggest you pm me, and I will further debunk "darwin's theory"

    And yes I don't believe in the bible, christian, creationlist's theory either.;) I believe in common sense.

    Other famous links in the evolutionary 'tree' that have been found include:
    Ambulocetus, a link between land based mammals and fully aquatic whales.
    Archaeopteryx, a link between dinosaurs and birds.
    Falcarius, a link between meat eating dinosaurs and a specialized group of plant eating dinosaurs called therizinosaurs.
    Tiktaalic, a link between fish and amphibians.

    You won't explain homo sapiens, because you haven't been told. You state facts but not all the facts.

    Yeah, the internet is where it's at these days. Far more reliable.

    The internet is great, if you use it to your advantage. You can contact very smart people at the touch of your fingertips. It's about investigating, dicerning, observing, analysing and coming to your conclusions. Bullsh!t is everywhere you look and not just on the internet I can assure you. But the great thing about the net is, information is more widely available and disclosure on many topics is much more easier because years ago publically you wouuld be forced to shut up on many aspects.

    The best way to learn, is "you testing the unknown and discovering yourself, not you depending on conformists ideas taht were built for you to retain without question" like most people.

    I would love if you could pm me your view how homo sapiens is the way it is today. Cus I'm sure you will not answer 80% of my questions'

    Back to the Mayans apologies for been off topic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 232 ✭✭DTrotter

    mysterious wrote: »
    Ok I'm gonna be calm on this and let you off the hook with that dig.

    Let me tell you something right here and right now. Get off your ****.
    Just because your a palentologists or follow the mainstream science.

    Does not put you into some high ranking above me. I tell you what you are. A conformists.

    Whether you like it or not, know it or not. You will never known the unknown, and you dont have credablility to say anything, cus you HAVE NEVER went that root. I did. You learned the system.

    The real people control the system and are 50 years ahead of the system, they keep you misinformed, conformed and deformed. To keep the system and masses in control

    There are secret's among us, that some know and you will simply not know, You can sit here and say it's rambling, because you just don't know


    I suggest you pm me, and I will further debunk "darwin's theory"

    And yes I don't believe in the bible, christian, creationlist's theory either.;) I believe in common sense.

    You won't explain homo sapiens, because you haven't been told. You state facts but not all the facts.

    The internet is great, if you use it to your advantage. You can contact very smart people at the touch of your fingertips. It's about investigating, dicerning, observing, analysing and coming to your conclusions. Bullsh!t is everywhere you look and not just on the internet I can assure you. But the great thing about the net is, information is more widely available and disclosure on many topics is much more easier because years ago publically you wouuld be forced to shut up on many aspects.

    The best way to learn, is "you testing the unknown and discovering yourself, not you depending on conformists ideas taht were built for you to retain without question" like most people.

    I would love if you could pm me your view how homo sapiens is the way it is today. Cus I'm sure you will not answer 80% of my questions'

    Back to the Mayans apologies for been off topic.

    Let me guess; DNA splitting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭thebullkf

    mysterious wrote: »
    Ok I'm gonna be calm on this and let you off the hook with that dig.

    Let me tell you something right here and right now. Get off your ****.
    Just because your a palentologists or follow the mainstream science.

    Does not put you into some high ranking above me. I tell you what you are. A conformists.

    Whether you like it or not, know it or not. You will never known the unknown, and you dont have credablility to say anything, cus you HAVE NEVER went that root. I did. You learned the system.

    The real people control the system and are 50 years ahead of the system, they keep you misinformed, conformed and deformed. To keep the system and masses in control

    There are secret's among us, that some know and you will simply not know, You can sit here and say it's rambling, because you just don't know


    I suggest you pm me, and I will further debunk "darwin's theory"

    And yes I don't believe in the bible, christian, creationlist's theory either.;) I believe in common sense.

    You won't explain homo sapiens, because you haven't been told. You state facts but not all the facts.

    The internet is great, if you use it to your advantage. You can contact very smart people at the touch of your fingertips. It's about investigating, dicerning, observing, analysing and coming to your conclusions. Bullsh!t is everywhere you look and not just on the internet I can assure you. But the great thing about the net is, information is more widely available and disclosure on many topics is much more easier because years ago publically you wouuld be forced to shut up on many aspects.

    The best way to learn, is "you testing the unknown and discovering yourself, not you depending on conformists ideas taht were built for you to retain without question" like most people.

    I would love if you could pm me your view how homo sapiens is the way it is today. Cus I'm sure you will not answer 80% of my questions'

    Back to the Mayans apologies for been off topic.

    the secret?

    nobody told me

    enlighten me about the system...

    3 people can keep a secret

    as long as 2 of em are dead

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    The secret is the ones who survived the previous ones keep you dumb and stupid like the kinda comments I do be getting "like how could it be" "how can these cycles happen" " there is no such thing" " the wooly math just came extinct for no reason" "its man made global warming"

    "there is no such thing as cycles"

    "the mayans didn't know anything"

    "your nuts"

    "ancients weren't advanced duh"

    "your just rambling"

    "what secret"

    "how do you know"



    "I stopped reading this when.....( "I never heard of this before")
    Because your brain has a built in system from 4 to 25 of a system of learning what is right and what is not. When you hear something unknown or unfamiliar your brain says o_0. "subconcious" never retained this, so it can't be right. face the unknown and less of the ignorance people.

    More of this kind of behaviour, just look back at the comment's. This will prove how people react to the unknown, they laugh it off. Whats that a sign of? Let me guess stupidity and ignorance. Of course I'm not here attacking people at all (it's the other way around). But it's important to be aware of how "we" are projecting our "stuff" onto people when we are not in the know of some aspects of life. It's how "we" dump on others in fear that we are inferior to other's. Instead of fearing it, FACE it.

    This the system, ignorant and stupid and your all cot up in it. Start thinking outside the box and be more aware.

    The secret is, the ones that survived it, keep you this way, so they will survive it. It happened twice in their time, (orginal and first civilization - Atlantis) the last great big one was 12,500 years ago. Atlantis time, 95% of the human population was wiped out. The survivors of this system are the present day people who run the current system and yes mainstream science to make sure your mainstream and keep everything dumbed down on that level. Its kinda hilarious when you actually break the system, when you stop conforming to it, and begin to actually "use" your brain - then awareness common sense prevails. You won't realise until you begin that.

    Thats all im going to say on that. You can't handle the truth anyway. We all came from monkeys and bam we are on computers typing lol...

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