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Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact

Is boards becoming too PC, or dare I say a plastic bubble fantasy.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭Red Sleeping Beauty

    Well on that basis, do you think the Feedback forum is actually fairly and proportionately representative of the user base of

    That's something I've kinda asked before. I don't know. Between here, the mod's forum and reported posts there's a ton of stuff for someone to catch up on. And some people (mods and users) like to have their prescence felt everywhere wherever there's "something going down" . Case in point : the recent Soccer and Poker forum issues.

    Obviously is someone's banned from AH permanently after a ton of other bands and they come here complaining that it's too rigid and too strict ye know what they're up to but the same is also said for someone complaining it's not strict enough. That aside though, there does seem to be a culture of if/when someone complains or makes a suggestion there's a bit of ganging up "what's it got to do with you, gtfo none of yr business, lol you don't run the site you've no say in it" etc. ad naseum. But I think it's usually the more "troublesome" users who do decide to open threads here but it's probably cause the more level headed reasoned people either aren't bothered,know it's not worth it, are only concerned with what happens inside the forum they frequent. It's kinda of like in democracy you don't get a majority of the people you get a majority of the electorate and basing a society on that leaves people out of the loop. Not that anyone wants the site run like a society but it's a community which isn't far off I suppose.

    The cycling forum/adverts from a while ago probably illustrates feedback working (although they did get the run around before anything was settled on) where loads of posters from the community come here and say "oi, not happy with this, any chance of something different?". There seems to be a bit of a trend though with these kinda threads. They're either started by troublemakers or the original poster is eventually vilified anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan suits 99% of users. Thats a pretty wide range of users.

    Whether or not feedback or in general represents society today is actually neither here nor there. It represents those who post here.

    There will always be 1% of users who feel that what we provide does not facilitate them enough. Thats fine, just understand there are lots of other places to go. No one is forced to come here, but if you do , then yes, you need to be within the structures provided.
    There will also be those who like to be seen and heard. Those who jump on every thread in here and bleat about mod consiracies, cyber bullying, the usual admin screw ups, yadda yadda yadda.
    Again, if its so bad, I dont understand why people stay. Seems insane to me to keep going back to something that you derive no pleasure from.

    Now, I am not saying that people dont make mistakes. We do. Admins do, and have been highlighted recently. Of course, go back before that, and there isnt much to complain about.
    Mods have always made mistakes. I made loads.
    Users make mistakes. Mea Culpa! cast the first stone and all that.

    But whatever the issue is, it is always looked at, and if that person has a legitimate issue, it will be answered.

    Its so very easy to come on here, piss on everything and everyone and fcuk off again. Its a lot harder to be here every day and try and help. Especially when there are a number of people who just dont want to help. they just want to moan.
    And thats fine, but then they get ansy when I ignore them.

    Take your pick. be constructive, or not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious suits 99% of users. Thats a pretty wide range of users.

    Whether or not feedback or in general represents society today is actually neither here nor there. It represents those who post here.

    There will always be 1% of users who feel that what we provide does not facilitate them enough. Thats fine, just understand there are lots of other places to go. No one is forced to come here, but if you do , then yes, you need to be within the structures provided.
    There will also be those who like to be seen and heard. Those who jump on every thread in here and bleat about mod consiracies, cyber bullying, the usual admin screw ups, yadda yadda yadda.
    Again, if its so bad, I don't understand why people stay. Seems insane to me to keep going back to something that you derive no pleasure from.

    Now, I am not saying that people dont make mistakes. We do. Admins do, and have been highlighted recently. Of course, go back before that, and there isnt much to complain about.
    Mods have always made mistakes. I made loads.
    Users make mistakes. Mea Culpa! cast the first stone and all that.

    But whatever the issue is, it is always looked at, and if that person has a legitimate issue, it will be answered.

    Its so very easy to come on here, piss on everything and everyone and fcuk off again. Its a lot harder to be here every day and try and help. Especially when there are a number of people who just dont want to help. they just want to moan.
    And thats fine, but then they get ansy when I ignore them.

    Take your pick. be constructive, or not.

    For once I agree with alot you've just said! This is what should be expressed. I think what is going wrong, is boards is getting divided on many things. mod(adult) user (child) or the off topic threads getting banned cus a mods says so etc. I mean there is alot of misbehaving comiming from mods aswell. I understand mods have a big job. But if your not going to be self responsible and dedicated to it, then don't do it.

    But now I'm speaking for myself obviously, but in general it would be far greater if was a more community feel, and not this "your wrong I'm right attitude" Know matter how big the site becomes(as it is now), the site should still constantly improve the image and hospitality of the people who use it. Why, it's the people that post everyday their opinions, make what it is. people of all positions need to make note of that. I personally think it would be absurd for the Admin mods to just now sit back and say oh"we have a big site now, sure people are fine, let the ball roll over". This to me is not a "great" attitude. If this is the way well so be it. It's all about change and bringing more to the forum. Just because it now has a fan base doesn't mean anyone should get arrogant about it and let some people on boards suffer, because the site has thousands of people on it anyway. Just one person eh:rolleyes:.. I don't know, me personally It just not the attitude I have. Of course your not going to suit everyone al the time. But there is a responsibility here.
    But to recap.
    Rather than, having this Mod vs user and having this imaginary line that's always seems to be between the two. Rather than the mods, making heavier restrictions, allow more respect to go in a full circle.

    The other thing, since you made a broad view of 99% of people on boards. I don't want to go into the C.T forums and paranormal bans as this is not the place.

    My views/posts are deemed extreme "to some" because they are not the norms of what we discuss. So again does boards not have an outlet for talking about the metaphysical, inter dimensional reality, UFOs, and outside the box thinking"

    In other sense, a lot of people like my threads and post's too. I get good and bad responses and either way if they love or hate me, its always an interesting discussion at least from my point of view(I'm sure to many other's). Whether you believe what I say is another matter.

    You see people have no idea what I'm doing, despite my understanding of the unknown and unusual I specifically bring the unknown into the awareness so people can test it for themselves. I know people are not going to believe all of what I say understand it. For now I don't believe is important. What's important is that I feel, is that these topics can be expressed. The reason that most people are backing up. "society has a built in system" Oh you better not talk about that, its wacko. There case closed, end it, now, zzzzz back to fantasy bubble of society.

    I create my threads so people can
    Observe, Di sect, tease, question and most importantly challenge it.

    It would be a very boring place, if we all just kept thinking that we should only talk about the same ol same ol.

    I know people do not care of what I say. I don't need anyone too, I don't expect people to love every word I say. I'm more interested in bringing what I say to your awareness.

    I do this in waking life, I'm getting the result. If don't seem to think that my banning on paranormal and C.T are just not knock on effects of people reacting with strong emotions just to my personal views

    Well time will decide that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,740 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Perhaps you should suggest a new forum for that. There are forums for CTs, the paranormal, spirituality, metaphysical, inter dimensional reality, UFOs etc, but why not suggest to the admins to have another forum encompassing all these ideas.

    Some of your threads get locked or moved because it can be hard to tell which forum it actually belongs to, seeing as how you discuss a wide range of topics and connect them all. A new forum which is for discussing how all these things are related would prevent that.

    The rules of the site are there for a reason mysterious, the trick is to knowing how you can use these to your advantage. Suggest a new forum using examples of your locked/moved threads

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    mysterious wrote: »
    I think what is going wrong, is boards is getting divided on many things. mod(adult) user (child) or the off topic threads getting banned cus a mods says so etc. I mean there is alot of misbehaving comiming from mods aswell. I understand mods have a big job. But if your not going to be self responsible and dedicated to it, then don't do it.

    I fully agree. from my point of view, mods are there to ensure that forums run smoothly. if that means removing a disruptive force, then so be it.

    But there are many different communitites here now. its not community anymore. Its Boards society. There are a number of different communities now. Some of those communities are quite cliquey. Is it right or wrong, oh I dont know. i suppose every forum should be open, but the fact is, in society, communities are not open. On another thread i said that i felt represents society fairly well. this would appear to back up my argument.

    but that is neither here nor there.
    mysterious wrote: »

    But now I'm speaking for myself obviously, but in general it would be far greater if was a more community feel,

    How do you propose to do that? It came from a small group of gamers, and now its one of the largest sites in the world.
    What should we be doing to make it more communal?
    mysterious wrote: »
    Know matter how big the site becomes(as it is now), the site should still constantly improve the image and hospitality of the people who use it.

    I agree
    mysterious wrote: »
    . Why, it's the people that post everyday their opinions, make what it is.[

    Believe it or not, youre not telling me anything I dont know here.
    mysterious wrote: »
    people of all positions need to make note of that. I personally think it would be absurd for the Admin mods to just now sit back and say oh"we have a big site now, sure people are fine, let the ball roll over".

    And this is not the attitude the Admins have, believe it or not.
    This site has grown organically from nothing. Much of it is not planned. its very easy to say, 'oh hey, this that and the other should be better', but just remember that most of what is in place, is the remains of reactive decisions made in the past. Things are not the way they are for ****s and giggles. There is generally a good reason for it. That doesnt mean it works now of course, just dont assume that someone is done for the sake of it.
    mysterious wrote: »
    . I don't know, me personally It just not the attitude I have. Of course your not going to suit everyone al the time. But there is a responsibility here.

    Erm, so what is the right attitude?
    mysterious wrote: »
    Rather than, having this Mod vs user and having this imaginary line that's always seems to be between the two. Rather than the mods, making heavier restrictions, allow more respect to go in a full circle.

    Respect is a too way thing, and I tend to find that people who bleat about getting respect usually dish out very little in return.

    I dont see a mod vs user thing.

    I tend to see users who get upset becuase they are not allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Amazingly enough, this site continues to grow, even though for the past 11 years, every month there is a thread like this where people tell us we are doing it wrong and that is alredy dying, and how crap it is, and its not like the good old days.

    There is actually a point on that any user hits after a while. its the point where things usually change, there are more users than there used to be, and you start to see the same threads again and again. Suddenly, things are not what they used to be. previously, you were happy to post and have a laugh. Now you look at how things are done, and you become critical. Believe it or not, while changes every day, its actually the user. Every admin has gone through it.
    mysterious wrote: »

    In other sense, a lot of people like my threads and post's too. I get good and bad responses and either way if they love or hate me, its always an interesting discussion at least from my point of view(I'm sure to many other's). Whether you believe what I say is another matter.

    My suggestion is that you take it up with the moderator of the particular forums. Any good moderator should listen to what the users say. After all, a moderator is only a tool to maintain the forum.
    Some fora have different views, and these are generally garnered from what the users want. 2 desenting voices on a forum does not mean that we should make wholesale changes however. Like I said, we cater to 99% of the populace. The other 1% I apologise to :)
    mysterious wrote: »
    You see people have no idea what I'm doing, despite my understanding of the unknown and unusual I specifically bring the unknown into the awareness so people can test it for themselves. I know people are not going to believe all of what I say understand it. For now I don't believe is important. What's important is that I feel, is that these topics can be expressed. The reason that most people are backing up. "society has a built in system" Oh you better not talk about that, its wacko. There case closed, end it, now, zzzzz back to fantasy bubble of society.

    I create my threads so people can
    Observe, Di sect, tease, question and most importantly challenge it.

    It would be a very boring place, if we all just kept thinking that we should only talk about the same ol same ol.

    I know people do not care of what I say. I don't need anyone too, I don't expect people to love every word I say. I'm more interested in bringing what I say to your awareness.

    I do this in waking life, I'm getting the result. If don't seem to think that my banning on paranormal and C.T are just not knock on effects of people reacting with strong emotions just to my personal views

    Well time will decide that.

    Well, I have no view on what you believe or dont believe. As long as you are happy with yourself, then I wouldnt worry too much about others.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 36,350 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    mysterious wrote: »
    Infact, If everyone understood my above points.

    There would be no governments and moderators on this forum.

    Their would be no people protesting and complaining, because we have a self responsiblity.

    It's like I find so much hypocrisy in today's society. We sit at home watch ****, eat **** and talk ****. We vote for people to give our power away. We lose our own power.

    So when the people in power **** up,
    We blame them for having it go all wrong.

    You all think your on the game, but none of you are. Just repetition.:rolleyes:
    You guys all realise you are giving this guy exactly what he wants right?

    I have been trying to figure out what it was about his writing style that didn't quite sit right (other than it being gibberish mostly) and I have figured it out. I won't say what it is I think as it would be untoward but you are far better off leaving this chap alone and leaving him to rattle against the system by himself.

    Keith is right of course. Irrespective of what you post here (or any other part of the site you choose to respond to him) he will continue with the same old rubbish. His exchange with 6th up thread is pretty damning if you ask me.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    I thought this had something to do with not working on Macs and I was gonna post to say "who cares?".

    Then I read the OP so I'll just say this:

    "who cares?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭EKRIUQ

    GuanYin wrote: »
    I thought this had something to do with not working on Macs and I was gonna post to say "who cares?".

    Then I read the OP so I'll just say this:

    "who cares?"

    Isn’t that what the OP is getting at, you’re a mod and you seem to brush aside his opinion “a user” with who cares. I glad the Thanks button is gone because as it would only have led to a bunch of posts being thanked purely for taking sides

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    EKRIUQ wrote: »
    Isn’t that what the OP is getting at, you’re a mod and you seem to brush aside his opinion “a user” with who cares. I glad the Thanks button is gone because as it would only have led to a bunch of posts being thanked purely for taking sides

    Are you complaining that I'm not being PC?

    I'm a user and a mod. In my opinion, my mod status should really only mean that I should be held to have a better respect of the site/forum rules than other users.

    Regarding the complaints about rules and strictness, it is an unfortunate fact of life that complaining about rules after you break them, really weakens your argument.

    I'm not sure if that is a a fair thing or not, but it is the way of the world.

    If you see a rule you don't like, bring it up for discussion, but don't ignore it out of spite and then expect people to listen to why you think it's stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,069 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    GuanYin wrote: »
    I'm a user and a mod. In my opinion, my mod status should really only mean that I should be held to have a better respect of the site/forum rules than other users.

    You sure do =)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    You sure do =)

    Hrmmm I'm not sure what you're implying but I'm guessing it isn't nice.

    All I mean is that a mod shouldn't break rules on boards. Period. It doesn't mean they can't have or express opinions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,069 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    GuanYin wrote: »
    Hrmmm I'm not sure what you're implying but I'm guessing it isn't nice.

    All I mean is that a mod shouldn't break rules on boards. Period. It doesn't mean they can't have or express opinions.

    I didn't imply, I inferred.

    Just meant that it could have more than 1 meaning giving your prior "who cares" statement.

    Somebody obviously cares if they made a thread about it in feedback. If I missed any sarcasm in your post then I apologise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    I didn't imply, I inferred.

    Just meant that it could have more than 1 meaning giving your prior "who cares" statement.

    Somebody obviously cares if they made a thread about it in feedback. If I missed any sarcasm in your post then I apologise.

    Ohh I see what you did. Very clever.

    Hrmm, I think my point is (or was) that complaints of this nature are sometimes valid, sometimes not, but the detail is in the presentation.

    But to extend on your remark, yes it could have more than one meaning and I would hold both equally valid. I have respect for other users who respect that rules are in place and abide by them while registering complaints and disagreeing with them more than I respect those who break them and then rant about them.

    I don't agree with or like many of the rules in boards. Some rules in fora I mod, I wish weren't in place. But I'll still abide by the rules of any fora I post in while those rules are there, or, in some cases, just avoid the fora.

    It isn't difficult.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,116 ✭✭✭✭RasTa

    Yeah most of it is apart from BBV :D

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    There is nothing, not one thing, that GY can do about the CT forum. So, her opinion is as valid, relevant and meaningful as anyone elses here, no more no less.

    Mysterious, I'm sorry, I just dont think Boards is for you. We are strict here and that means people toe-ing the line. You dont like that, nor do you like where that line is drawn. I do. I dont think we can help you as a result and I dont think you are going to be happy here. We cant make everyone happy and I'm comfortable with that. Sorry, I dont know what else you want me to say.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,689 Mod ✭✭✭✭stevenmu

    mysterious wrote: »
    My views/posts are deemed extreme "to some" because they are not the norms of what we discuss. So again does boards not have an outlet for talking about the metaphysical, inter dimensional reality, UFOs, and outside the box thinking"
    FWIW, many of the topics you touched on in paranormal would have been quite interesting and I would have liked to have seen them discussed further. The problem is that you really only touched on those topics as a means of kicking off a lecture about how we are being controlled by governments and secret societies, which is conspiracy theory. The paranormal forum is a delicate enough balancing act without having to bring in the problems of conspiracy theories as well, especially when there's a perfectly good CT forum there. It's also fairly standard on boards to not allow people bring topics from one forum to another just because they are banned from the former. For these reasons you were warned several times, and then banned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    stevenmu wrote: »
    FWIW, many of the topics you touched on in paranormal would have been quite interesting and I would have liked to have seen them discussed further. The problem is that you really only touched on those topics as a means of kicking off a lecture about how we are being controlled by governments and secret societies, which is conspiracy theory. The paranormal forum is a delicate enough balancing act without having to bring in the problems of conspiracy theories as well, especially when there's a perfectly good CT forum there. It's also fairly standard on boards to not allow people bring topics from one forum to another just because they are banned from the former. For these reasons you were warned several times, and then banned.

    NO Steve, you warned me not to go off topic. ONCE.

    You banned me when I started a thread on alien species thread. Big easyeah was deliberartely off topic, funny how you use selective vision.:rolleyes:

    Keep talking out of your ass now.

    There was nothing of government material in it. If there was a big deal. Your not going to get a forum where your gonna talk only about vowels and nothing about consenants all the time, you need both to make a sentence in english. It's just not going to happen where everything you say is going to be blue and only blue and nothing blue. You said it yourself paranormal and C.t sometimes connect together.

    If you find the topic's I said that were interesting, then your going to realise societies sometimes get mentioned, not because soceities are involved, but its' generally secret soceities that know this topic. The only reason I mention secret societies is because its an "name" "group".

    Your been controlled. I can see it. putting blue dots into the blue press, and when your hear soomeone talk about light blue dot's, you scream and gaurd your box.

    So if I said this, (just to show how stupid this argument of yours is)
    Said I think the government is going to control the world with vaccines, swineflue and Obama's popularity wil fall 15%percent in 2009 on the Predictions thread in the Paranormal forum, are you going get your sirens out.

    Steve I don't think you know what ties in with Paranormal to be honest. Other than ghost's and goblins. I think you should look at how other paranormal forums are run, and you would be surprised how idiotic your whole post is :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Krac

    DeVore wrote: »
    There is nothing, not one thing, that GY can do about the CT forum. So, her opinion is as valid, relevant and meaningful as anyone elses here, no more no less.

    Mysterious, I'm sorry, I just dont think Boards is for you. We are strict here and that means people toe-ing the line. You dont like that, nor do you like where that line is drawn. I do. I dont think we can help you as a result and I dont think you are going to be happy here. We cant make everyone happy and I'm comfortable with that. Sorry, I dont know what else you want me to say.


    I like the way you think.

    Opinions are valid but relevant and meaniningful is important.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    DeVore wrote: »
    There is nothing, not one thing, that GY can do about the CT forum. So, her opinion is as valid, relevant and meaningful as anyone elses here, no more no less.

    Mysterious, I'm sorry, I just dont think Boards is for you. We are strict here and that means people toe-ing the line. You dont like that, nor do you like where that line is drawn. I do. I dont think we can help you as a result and I dont think you are going to be happy here. We cant make everyone happy and I'm comfortable with that. Sorry, I dont know what else you want me to say.


    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    I think your right, but I want to add, you do realise the ignorance and unacceptable behavior from the mod on C.T forum. If "some" people are going to say that is not for me, then what is offering to people. There are many who take interest in what I say. So who here believes that its not for me. Am I in bracket or label here.

    What kind of people do you want on this site. Is there a colour code? Is it a kind of niche now all of a sudden for a long time poster. Do you have to be a certain kind of person. OR Is it because Irish people cannot handle the truth. What does it say about the Irish society. Are we an ignorant society. Are we less likely to hear truths and opinion's of others.

    It's not a question if boards suit me. I have been here for years. Its a question of mods in question handling forums imo.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Krac

    mysterious wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    I think your right, <snip>

    What kind of people do you want on this site. Is there a colour code? Is it a kind of niche now all of a sudden for a long time poster. Do you have to be a certain kind of person. OR Is it because Irish people cannot handle the truth. What does it say about the Irish society. Are we an ignorant society. Are we less likely to hear truths and opinion's of others.

    It's not a question if boards suit me. I have been here for years. Its a question of mods in question handling forums imo.

    I like you too.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    mysterious wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    OR Is it because Irish people cannot handle the truth.

    Irish people can handle the truth , you see most people don't want to know the truth , they just want to live in a false reality , and i think that is what most of the people who visit boards want , they want a nice comfortable reality , agreed upon with others on here , you see when they agree with other posters it becomes more real to them , but it is a false reality because it is not the real world , so of course this is a plastic bubble fantasy , as is most of the internet .

    I think the mistake you are making is to assume that people want to know the truth .

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,740 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I think you're giving too much credit to boards.

    Boards is a site where people can come to chat, discuss things, share hobbies. All this talk of 'plastic bubble realities' and 'knowing the truth' is largely irrelevant when it comes to the topic at hand. The OP is essentially about too much modding and infringing on freedom of speech. You have no human rights here, freedom of speech does not apply here. You only have whatever freedom the Admins give you. And they give us a lot more than others, so enjoy it or leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    mysterious wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    I think your right, but I want to add, you do realise the ignorance and unacceptable behavior from the mod on C.T forum. If "some" people are going to say that is not for me, then what is offering to people. There are many who take interest in what I say. So who here believes that its not for me. Am I in bracket or label here.

    What kind of people do you want on this site. Is there a colour code? Is it a kind of niche now all of a sudden for a long time poster. Do you have to be a certain kind of person. OR Is it because Irish people cannot handle the truth. What does it say about the Irish society. Are we an ignorant society. Are we less likely to hear truths and opinion's of others.

    It's not a question if boards suit me. I have been here for years. Its a question of mods in question handling forums imo.

    AS I mentioned, if you dont fit into that 1% of people that cant or wont get along here, then it probably isnt the place for you.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    mysterious wrote: »
    Your not going to get a forum where your gonna talk only about vowels and nothing about consenants all the time, you need both to make a sentence in english. It's just not going to happen where everything you say is going to be blue and only blue and nothing blue.

    This is nonsense. A combination of false analogies and, in the sentence where blue seems to be the predominant adjective, total and utter gibberish.
    mysterious wrote: »
    So if I said this, (just to show how stupid this argument of yours is)
    Said I think ...

    Pot and kettle situation here. At least his argument is coherent.

    mysterious wrote: »
    you would be surprised how idiotic your whole post is :)

    2nd piece of personal abuse in one post. And you are complaining about what now? Your banning? (1st abuse was the "talking out of your ass" comment)
    mysterious wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    Apparently you cannot read or write all that well. It is quite clear Dev was referring to GuanYin, who is a woman, and not you.
    mysterious wrote: »
    If "some" people are going to say that is not for me, then what is offering to people.

    I may be mis-interpreting this somehow but are you saying that is only a viable product if you are allowed to express your opinion on it?
    mysterious wrote: »
    There are many who take interest in what I say. So who here believes that its not for me. Am I in bracket or label here.

    The people who have said it is not for you believe that. Also, I have no idea what "Am I in bracket or label here" means, although I would imagine it is you thinking you are being persecuted.
    mysterious wrote: »
    What kind of people do you want on this site. Is there a colour code?

    Yes, only blue people who put blue dots into blue boxes. That's the colour code.

    Now I have gotten that off my chest...

    I would like to make a small suggestion to my fellow posters. Mysterious is trying to make this a CT thread about oppressive control. This is not the appropriate place, I would hazard to suggest, for such a discussion. Perhaps it is best we leave Mysterious to rant by himself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    My plastic bubble fantasy brings all the boys to the yard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,458 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    GuanYin wrote: »
    I thought this had something to do with not working on Macs and I was gonna post to say "who cares?".

    Then I read the OP so I'll just say this:

    "who cares?"
    Why did you post this? What was the whole point of posting it?
    If you don't care why post at all?
    You guys all realise you are giving this guy exactly what he wants right?

    I have been trying to figure out what it was about his writing style that didn't quite sit right (other than it being gibberish mostly) and I have figured it out. I won't say what it is I think as it would be untoward but you are far better off leaving this chap alone and leaving him to rattle against the system by himself.

    Ok, I read this and especially that bit.
    This is nonsense. A combination of false analogies and, in the sentence where blue seems to be the predominant adjective, total and utter gibberish.

    Pot and kettle situation here. At least his argument is coherent.

    2nd piece of personal abuse in one post. And you are complaining about what now? Your banning? (1st abuse was the "talking out of your ass" comment)

    Apparently you cannot read or write all that well. It is quite clear Dev was referring to GuanYin, who is a woman, and not you.

    I may be mis-interpreting this somehow but are you saying that is only a viable product if you are allowed to express your opinion on it?

    The people who have said it is not for you believe that. Also, I have no idea what "Am I in bracket or label here" means, although I would imagine it is you thinking you are being persecuted.

    Yes, only blue people who put blue dots into blue boxes. That's the colour code.

    Now I have gotten that off my chest...

    I would like to make a small suggestion to my fellow posters. Mysterious is trying to make this a CT thread about oppressive control. This is not the appropriate place, I would hazard to suggest, for such a discussion. Perhaps it is best we leave Mysterious to rant by himself?
    So why then did you post all this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,817 ✭✭✭ynotdu

    mysterious wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinion. I'm a he btw.

    I think your right, but I want to add, you do realise the ignorance and unacceptable behavior from the mod on C.T forum. If "some" people are going to say that is not for me, then what is offering to people. There are many who take interest in what I say. So who here believes that its not for me. Am I in bracket or label here.

    What kind of people do you want on this site. Is there a colour code? Is it a kind of niche now all of a sudden for a long time poster. Do you have to be a certain kind of person. OR Is it because Irish people cannot handle the truth. What does it say about the Irish society. Are we an ignorant society. Are we less likely to hear truths and opinion's of others.

    It's not a question if boards suit me. I have been here for years. Its a question of mods in question handling forums imo.

    Hi mysterious,I started reading this thread ages ago,First of all I got a real Buzz from your first posting here and could not agree more that Americans moderate their sites to an absurd point.(power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutly)There is no doubt moderating is often personality/people driven(not a fair referee system as it should be)
    I only got as far as page 7,but was amazed at the amount of mods of varying status who jumped in,even worse i was amazed at how many plain oul ordinary members decided to moderate you as well.I think you spoke a lot of sense(ya know you,ve touched a nerve when SO many attack you back.It is often a form of cowardice and a bullying mindset that leads SO many to gang up on one individioul(ever notice the real cowards wait until a mod criticises before they start a lick the mods ass competition?I would,nt worry about them!

    I dont know if you are a prick as this is first thread by you i have read,
    I hate jumping on the bandwagon or bullying though and I think on this thread you have been a victim of being ganged up on!
    I agree if this kind of stuff was to continue the .ie part of may as well be dropped!
    An Irish site for Irish people first and foremost,if not just call it world/wimp chat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    ynotdu wrote: »
    Hi mysterious,I started reading this thread ages ago,First of all I got a real Buzz from your first posting here and could not agree more that Americans moderate their sites to an absurd point.(power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutly)There is no doubt moderating is often personality/people driven(not a fair referee system as it should be)
    I only got as far as page 7,but was amazed at the amount of mods of varying status who jumped in,even worse i was amazed at how many plain oul ordinary members decided to moderate you as well.I think you spoke a lot of sense(ya know you,ve touched a nerve when SO many attack you back.It is often a form of cowardice and a bullying mindset that leads SO many to gang up on one individioul(ever notice the real cowards wait until a mod criticises before they start a lick the mods ass competition?I would,nt worry about them!

    I dont know if you are a prick as this is first thread by you i have read,
    I hate jumping on the bandwagon or bullying though and I think on this thread you have been a victim of being ganged up on!
    I agree if this kind of stuff was to continue the .ie part of may as well be dropped!
    An Irish site for Irish people first and foremost,if not just call it world/wimp chat!


    by your own word, would this now mean that your attack on all those people who posted on this thread could be considered bullying?

    Does it also now mean that you are sycophantically licking his arse as you suggest is the case when anyone at all agrees with something you dont?

    Do you see what I did there?
    i used your own argument against you. I am very clever at that.

    Perhaps if you are in such agreement, and there seems to be so much disagreement against you, then perhaps you shouldnt post on this site either?

    Perhaps you would enjoy yourself more if you started your own web site and made your own rules, and you can tell whoever does not fit in with what you are doing that they can leave?

    This will pretty much be the last thing here, you can ramble on for a bit if you want. I am not to one to pretend that saying the same thing over and over again constitutes a debate, but if people feel that this site is too PC, then they need to go somewhere that will cater for them.
    This site is very broadminded, but if you fall out of the 99% of people who are happy to post, discuss, argue, debate, whatever, then really, you need to just go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,458 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye


    This site is very broadminded, but if you fall out of the 99% of people who are happy to post, discuss, argue, debate, whatever, then really, you need to just go.
    This bit actually interests me. What percentage of users who have posted over 2000 times have been banned from some forum at some time. Is it less than 1%?
    Does it differ greatly from forum to forum?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,817 ✭✭✭ynotdu

    perhaps you should just reread all the posts starting at the beginning of the thread and see if it is fair and balanced?

    Point out Exactly what is so outrageous about the OP,s opinions?

    as i said i do not know him from any other post.

    as regards turning my argument on myself,I would say You turned it on Yourself by proving the point about ganging up?(of course Admins and mods on any site always have the power above ordinary members)it depends on how they use their power.One dispute should=one Admin or one mod,with the power of appeal by either IMO.Its called freedom of speech!

    Of course moderating is needed but only for the worst disgressions,not because an admin has a fav or a dislike for a particulor member,or as happens the admin or mod is in bad humour/drunk/hungover/ they hand out spurious infractions/bans

    Whitewashman,this reply for You and how on earth do you know that 99% are happy if they are intimidated into being silent lest they be banned?
    and YES people here DO gang up and bully if given the go-ahead by mods,even more so by admins,It is the nature of bullying to do so.

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