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Time to get smaller

  • 29-06-2009 1:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭

    Okay so my current stats read:

    Height 6"4
    Weight 112 kgs

    I started off quite a bit heavier peaking at nearly 119kgs during the month of May (ie Masters finals!). I've been fairly good the last month or so and have made a huge improvement in all areas (fitness, eating, sleeping etc.)

    My goals by the 30th September is quite simply to weigh 100kgs. I've been using the boards beach body challenge template to track changes over the last 6 weeks.

    Those stats currently read (all in inches):

    Neck 16.5
    Chest 43.25
    Waist 41.5 (Pushed Out)
    Hips 41
    Top Leg 27.625
    Knee 17.375
    Calf 16.625

    The idea is to get most of those figures down as much as possible, especially the waist and hips.

    Next Up: The Eating Plan



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt


    2 Cups Egg White
    1 Whole Egg
    1 Cup Milk
    2 slices toast or blueberries with yogurt


    1 can tuna
    2 tbsp peanut butter
    2 fish oil tablets

    175g-200g chicken breast
    1.5 tbsp olive oil
    Salad mix (beans, greens, carrots, peppers etc.)

    Whatever is cooked

    My mam is usually good for this. Meat/Fish with good choice of veg

    .5 tub of cottage cheese
    25g cashew nuts
    1 tbsp peanut butter
    1 scoop protein powder

    2 Scoops of Protein Powder and half a banana or an apple or something like that.

    Will vary it up a bit but that'll be my basic template. Should leave me near enough 3000 cals a day. Once I hit 108kgs I'll work my calories down a bit more and once more at 104kgs.

    Next Up: The Workouts

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt


    Morning Session
    Front Squats 3x5
    Bench 3x5
    Lunges 3x8-10
    Shoulder Press 3x8-10
    Leg Extension 3x10-12
    Tricep Pushdown 3x10-12

    Afternoon Session


    Morning Session
    Deadlift 3x5
    Chin Ups 3x5
    SL Deadlift 3x8-10
    BB Row 3x8-10
    Ham Curl 3x10-12
    Face Pull 3x10-12

    Afternoon Session
    Cycle 45mins


    Spin Class and Stretch


    As Monday, subbing benching with incline benching.


    As Tuesday


    Spin class early morning depending if I've to work a Fri night shift and can't do a cardio session.

    I'm keeping this template up for one more month and then I'll look to start doing some field work (speed and endurance).

    I've done this the last while and haven't felt too bad from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Front Squat 5x60,70,70 (Gna drop down on these, **** form)

    Bench (Narrow-Mid Grip) 5x65,70,70

    Lunges (onto 10inch stepper using 20k db) 8x20,20,20

    DB Shoulder Press 8x20, 7x20, 3x20 (Left shoulder gave out for some reason, wasn't gna push it)

    Leg Extension (one leg at a time) 12x35, 30, 30 (Dropped down because I was moving to much trying to shift the weight)

    Tricep Pushdown 3 sets of 12. Forget the weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt



    Chin Ups

    40k Assistance


    Hamstring Curls

    One Leg at a time


    Face Pulls

    (I'm not sure how exactly to these properly, should the pulley be set high or low?)


    I played around with different positions hence the decrease in weight.

    SL Deadlift


    Grip went to **** so didin't include last attempted set.

    BB Row


    Not sure if it was the face pulls, but I could really feel these when I pulled by shoulder blades back together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Got up at 8pm for a spin class and walked in as people were doing some stretching on the bikes. Instructor gave me a little shout saying that they were finished so I bowed out of the room gracefully:D

    There was another class on for 8.15 but I was the only one so decided to do some rowing and biking instead. Nothing impressive as it was **** hot in the gym so only stuck out the machine for 2,000 metres and the bike for about 10 minutes followed by a quick cooldown.

    Pointless visit to the gym really.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Front Squat


    Bench (Normal Grip)


    DB Lunges


    Shoulder Press

    6x20 (Wiggled a bit for the last two so stopped)

    Leg Extension

    12x30 (Left) 11x30 (Right)

    Tri Pushdown (Rope)

    3 sets of 12

    Didn't get a chance to get cardio in today on account of waking up later than expected and having a dinner to go to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Front Squat


    These felt a lot better. Really sat back into them. Still using plates under the heals though.

    Bench (Normal Grip)


    DB Lunges


    Shoulder Press


    Leg Extension


    Tri Pushdown (Bar)

    2 sets of 12
    1 set of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt



    Should probably attempt extra sets but I'm unsure since I'm not eating enough.

    Chin Ups

    40k Assistance

    First Set: 1x6
    Third Set: 1x5

    33k Assistance

    Second Set: 1x5

    Good Mornings


    Only tried these for the first time today. More about getting my form set. I'm dropping SL Deadlifts from this program for the moment because my grip is giving out too often. I figure with the good mornings I'll still stretch the hamstrings pretty good without straining the forearms.

    BB Row


    Jumped up too much, will aim for 3 sets of 55 x 8-10 next time around.

    Hamstring Curls

    One Leg at a time


    Legs were like lead at this stage.

    Face Pulls

    3 sets of 12.

    I'm not even gonna bother writing down the weights for pulley machines as they all differ, seriously, I can't understand how a weight on one machine is easy and on another it's really hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Did 15mins of steady cardio along with some stretching/hip mobility and then into the spin studio. Was ruined after half an hour on the bike. I was sweating buckets throughout it, I'm disgusting.:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    I've been eating kinda **** the last 5 days because I'm awaiting a new oven to be delivered, hopefully it's coming tomorrow. Last one just stopped working on Sunday.

    Microwaved food is pretty disgusting and eating healthy take away can be pretty hard! Weight wise I'll be expecting to go up a kilo or so on Sunday morning.

    Had a short time in the gym earlier so sort of rushed through everything with hardly any breaks.

    Front Squats


    Bench Press

    DB Lunges
    12x16 - flat on the ground
    10x16 - on box
    8x16 - on box

    My right side of my body is seriously tight doing lunges. I've stretched the glutes and hamstrings quite a lot these last six weeks and I've noticed no difference really. On the box I'm not too bad but doing lunges straight on the ground today was an eye opener.

    DB Shoulder Press


    A stupid weight to go with for reps and no real rest period considering I'm only doing 20k 3x8 normally.

    Leg Extension


    Tricep Pushdown

    3 sets of 15


    Overall a poor session. Hopefully I'll make up for it tomorrow along with eating some proper food.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt



    Pull Ups

    40k Assitance

    3 sets of 5

    Good Mornings


    BB Bent Over Row


    Single Leg Curls


    Face Pulls

    3 sets of 15

    All the sets were done pretty quickly, no real rest maybe 30 seconds or so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Did about 20mins of 200m sprints on the rowing machine. Spent another 20min doing some easy bike work since I'm pretty stiff, moved on and spent another 35-40mins stretching out everything in my body. Feel nice and relaxed now.

    Had a friend come asking me to go through testing his 1rm's for a new program he's doing. Yeah you've guessed it 5/3/1:D He's about 70 odd kilos and hasn't lifted at all really. He got some pretty nice numbers.

    In total I spent about two and a half hours in the gym but only worked hard for about 20minutes:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Had some testing today.

    On the 17th June I managed a 170kg deadlift, 85k bench, 0 pull ups and 25 push ups in a minute.

    Today I went:



    When I dl I usually use 25kg plates instead of 20kg plates, definitely noticed the difference and just couldn't get the momentum to get the first one or two inches up, I flew up on 180 once I got past the first three inches or so.



    Again 95 flew up, honestly, it nearly went out of my hands it was that quick. Tried 100 twice but the bar kept working it's way between my neck and nipple line if that makes sense and I couldn't shift it.

    Pull Ups


    I'm weak as feck doing these, really would love to get 3 next month.

    Press Ups

    29 in a minute.

    Overall I added 10k to my dl and bench, one extra rep on pull ups and 4 extra press ups. Wasn't too bad I guess.

    Weight went from 114.3 (my scales said 112 at that date) to 113.1. Might change what I'm doing, weight not coming off quick enough although the previous week can be blamed for hiccup.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭Beau

    Good work man, keep it up! It'll happen for ya, maybe up the running or something. Impressive deadlift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    I've been away from the gym the last few days so had to make do with some jogging and bodyweight stuff.

    Rambled up today before work for 40 minutes or so and just messed about.

    First working set was inverted rows, hang snatch and front squat. Did that 3 times all with no rest. Only had 40k on the bar.

    Next working set was bench press and bent over rows. Repped on 70k benching and just 40k for the rows. Again no rest and just three supersets.

    Last working set was hamstring curls, just did 10 reps on the left leg and then 10 on the right. Did four "sets" of these with no break and finished off with a 1k rowing sprint. Was handy enough.

    On a slightly more serious note I'm cutting my weights down to 3 days a week. Instead of going push/pull on a Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri i'm going to do two push and one pull the first week and vice versa the second week. I've only a part time job but that's surprisingly given me more work than I had planned so need to cut down a bit on the weights to allow more cardio in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Only had time for a real quick session today.



    All done real quickly


    Pretty easy lifting

    Military Press



    500m 1min 30

    4x200m-300m sprints keeping the stroke rate above 38. Once I dropped below it I stopped.

    Spent about 15-20mins just stretching out and using some bands to work on my left shoulder. It feels a bit strange at the moment.

    There's a superstar challenge in my gym that I'm gonna do on Thurs. Basically the best times/reps for:

    4 lengths of the swimming pool
    max dips in a min
    max elevated press
    2k row
    2k bike ride

    Should be a laugh, no real structure as of yet still so will be one less session in the gym to plan.

    I know I said I was gonna push on with the push/pull template but I'm thinking I might switch to 5/3/1 and just do it over 3 days a week with the deadlift and military press combined on one of the days. I'm now one of the sheep:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Just went up to find out my front squat numbers.


    Stopped at 80 since the form was pretty good and decided in lieu of some reading that longterm starting off with a smaller max will allow you to make incremental improvements for longer.

    Threw in 3 sets of inverted rows.

    Band work on the shoulders and hamstrings.

    Did 4 x 500m rows with a minute rest. Think I'll struggle tomorrow with a 200m row for time. The best is just over 8 minutes. This has kinda made me realise how unfit I am compared to about 12-14 months ago. How sad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Had the little superstar challenge today:D

    I'll be honest, I was fooked after it!

    Started off with dips, managed 8 in a minute. Triceps were dead after half a minute when I had the 8 done and couldn't manage another single one. Although I'm pretty happy getting even 8 considering my weight and the fact I've never trained them really before at all. Top guy had 43 dips:eek:

    Tried my hand at push ups, they were done with my arms resting on two of those reebok steppers. Found these hard, got 22 I think which was pretty poor but considering I'd just done dips it was to be expected. Top score was 55 by the same guy!

    At this stage I felt very embarrassed. Here was this pretty big bloke and i'd been wiped out by some pretty basic exercises.

    Moved onto the 2k bike ride. Was allowed to get up to speed and then it started. First km I completed about 58secs at about 160rpm, I was wiped though and dropped down to 130rpm at a lower resistance level for about 45 secs. At about 1.45 I upped the resistance again and went balls out managing to finish in 2mins 15secs. Second best time with the best guy doing 2mins 1sec (that's a pretty sick time I must say)

    My quads were like jelly after doing the bike ride, I could barely move them yet alone try to stretch them out in any sort of way. I've never had a dead sensation in my legs like that in all the years I've done sports, I look at speed cyclists now in a different light!

    Next up was the rowing, my legs were still pretty fooked after rowing and the guy with the best time on the rower was a good 30secs off me on the bike so I figured there wasn't a chance to beat his score on the rower (7mins 37sec odd). Set up a pacer on the rower at 1.55 500m intervals which meant that if I could stay ahead of the boat I might be able to make a final push for it in the last 500m. Stayed ahead of the pace boat by about a second for the first 1500m which meant I was on for 7min 39sec. Last 500m I said fook it, get me a bucket and I rowed the ****é out of the thing finishing at 7min 34sec odd! Best score so I was delighted, took my feet out of my shoes and the looks from a couple of people was hilarious, I was doubled over with my shoes stuck in the rowing machine:D Luckily I didn't have to use the bucket though.

    Lastly was the swimming. Think it's a 33 metre pool, I can barely swim so it was a bit of a problem. I solved it by running in the pool! Did it in 2mins 54secs, best time was 2mins 30secs so that was grand.

    Glad to have done it, seems easy enough but it really takes it out of you. I feel grand now whereas some rugby sessions I'd be absolutely banjaxed but the initial feeling having completed it is just disgusting.

    I'd love to do a triathlon now to be honest. They've some stamina those boys:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Had a game of touch rugby tonight up in the club. I'm being honest right now when I say it is unbelievably tough to try and shift the sort of weight around the pitch the way I use to. Game lasted 75 minutes and I came in and out of it at various points ie. I'd walk instead of jogging for a min or so.

    Legs are like jelly now but the main thing is that I was twisting and turning with no discomfort on the ankle so hopefully the real pre-season goes handy enough for me. I'm gonna start off 5/3/1 tomorrow doing some front squats and military press. I figure I won't be able to squat on Friday/Saturday so I'll just do deadlifts then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    5/3/1 Wave 1

    Front Squat



    Military Press



    Leg Extension

    17.5 Single Leg 5 sets of 15


    2x500m sprints. 1.37 average with a minute break.

    Legs and lower back along with the groin all really, really stiff still after last night.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Pre Season Training Day 1

    Agony, why I'm awake right now after the session we had I don't know.

    10-15minute warm up had me heaving:rolleyes:

    4x20 min sets.

    1.Ball Handling
    2.Technique Drills
    3.Sprinting and Modified Prowler/Fireman Pushes (not sure of name)
    4.Conditioning - outlined below

    The prowlers things done with car tires were disgusting. We worked in teams of 4 so we worked different areas at different times. The conditioning at the end was horrid.

    4 sets of 10 pushups (5 second descent with clap, hands touching, left arm dominant, right arm dominant)
    2 sets of different sit ups
    2-3 sets of holding legs at different heights and various stuff.

    Did that circuit 3 times and felt dead.

    Fireman squats with a prop on your shoulders ain't good.

    Tyre Flipping. Lots of fun especially with a big ass tractor tyre.

    Grappling for 2 mins.

    Session ended we thought but then we had 6 shuttle sprints out and back with us needing to do a press up each time we reached the cones, ran the length of the field, repeat 6 times.

    Never felt the quads go on me before (during running). Mad feeling. Calves sore also. Deadlifting will be fun tomorrow!

    In addition to taking up the 5/3/1 program I've decided to forget about weighing myself etc and measuring and just work my ass off till the end of September and see how far I get along. Makes it simpler plus all the keeping track of **** makes me lose focus on what is important, ie diet and exercise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭Beau

    Haha! All I can say is I dont miss those sessions! Pure hell.

    What we are doing in Navan is seriously tough but nothing compared to that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    5/3/1 Week 1: Deadlift


    Woke up today feeling better than I thought I would have done, warmed up for 10 mins trying to loosen up but my lower back was stiffffffffff. The last two sets were hard work if I'm being honest. Not surprising after last night.

    DB Bent Over Row

    3 sets of 15 at 12kilos

    BB Row

    2 sets of 10 at 50 kilos


    5 sets of 12 at 7/8 plates


    4x500m 1min 40 avg with 90sec rest. Was really tired at the end of this workout so the rowing was tough enough. What was annoying was the fact that I kept slipping out of the shoe braces (I blame my size 13's:P) which meant I'd have to readjust. Half the rowers are banjaxed in the gym now, if the have foot straps the display doesn't work and if the display works there's no foot straps:mad:

    @Beau: You're in AIL 3 now yeah, we'll face off at some stage this year so either at Senior or J1;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭Beau

    @Beau: You're in AIL 3 now yeah, we'll face off at some stage this year so either at Senior or J1;)

    Yep! First match in fact! in the Senior Cup 27th of August, for 1st and 2nds. Should be fun :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Looking forward to it :) You bring many lads in? We've pretty much got the core of my age group and the 20's group after us for the squad along with a couple of the slightly older lads. Two french lads here with us for a year or so also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭Beau

    We haven't brought lads in as such, two new guys have joined us though from other clubs. We lost 2 of our main players (including captain) from last season which is a killer but as they're back row I'm not complaining to much!:P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    5/3/1 Week 1


    20,30,40,52.5,60 al by 5.

    67.5 by 10

    Incline DB Bench

    4 sets of 17.5kx10

    3x500m sprints with 90sec rest. 1min40 avg.

    V.quick session seeing as I woke up late and had to make off into work:mad:

    Planning to double up the squat and mp either tomorrow morning or else wed and hit dl (fri) and bp again on saturday to bring me back into a weekly sync.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Training session tonight as Tuesday.

    Fireman drills were pretty hard seeing as the ground was quite dry which upped the resistance a lot!

    Extra team session sat morning so I'm gonna have to double up dl and bp on friday now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    5/3/1 Week 2

    Front Squat:


    Military Press:


    Power Clean:


    Shoulder Press:


    Step Up:


    10 left leg and 10 right leg.

    I attempted walking lunges but my right flexor twinged after a couple so I cut the session short seeing as I'll be doing another heavy session tomorrow. Power cleans were good although I need to work on cleaning it a bit better, not catching the bar in a real squat position.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Team training.

    Instead of 20 minutes grids we now only have 18 minutes. Rest time cut down unfortunately.

    I'd just like to declare right here that i'm officially gay for Fabio O'Brien. For those of you who don't know he scored his 4th goal in 4 european games to send St.Pats through in the Uefa Europa League. Unfúckíng believable!
