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What is your health & fitness regime?

  • 29-06-2009 3:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 881 ✭✭✭

    Ok Ladies, I'd really like to know this, as I've been thinking of my own, and I guess it's not the greatest - but I'm not a complete couch potato either!

    Re: fitness, I do 2 hour-long exercise classes a week, I also walk about an hour every day, coming to and from work.

    I guess my diet is...OK, could be improved on though - there's no way I eat the recommended "five a day", normally id have a banana and mandarin every day, veg would be fairly scarce in my diet, unless you count lettuce, maybe cauliflower/broccoli which I'd have with my dinner about once/twice a week. Drink plenty of water/milk, have a bar of chocolate every 2 to 3 days, go the cinema at least once a week, and always have a nachos/popcorn...

    I guess I'd like to know what the rest of you are like, given that most restaurants I eat in, I'm tucking into a burger and chips, and most other women are eating salads and the like...


  • Registered Users Posts: 140 ✭✭Skapoot

    I used to work out, took a 2 year break. Trying to get back into it :eek:

    My old routine was. Work out aerobically half an hour one day. Do aerobic and muscle work the second and alternate, taking one day off every week.

    I used to count calories and cut out all sweets crisps chocolate etc out of my diet

    thats a bit intense now looking back. I think im still going to do the same work out routine, but Im not counting calories. Im just eating the same, just with a waaaayy lower intake of sweets and crisps etc!

    should be fun !! ( i hope!)

    Oh yeah and btw, I use workout videos for everything aforementioned. they work, believe me. You have to get the right ones

    I think its easier to just get up in the morning work out in your sitting room before even leaving for the day. makes it easier to do, if this advice is even helpful to you ...

    good luck with it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 Effigy

    You should do cardio one day and resistance the next. Make sure you are working in the correct 'fat burning zone' for you age. You only need to do an hour each day, but try to keep your heart rate in your fat burning zone for atleast 20 - 30 mins!
    PM me if you like!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Effigy wrote: »
    You should do cardio one day and resistance the next. Make sure you are working in the correct 'fat burning zone' for you age. You only need to do an hour each day, but try to keep your heart rate in your fat burning zone for atleast 20 - 30 mins!
    PM me if you like!:)

    Not necessarily true,

    There are alot of myths surrounding fitness and what you should and should not do. Many of which are not true in practical terms when broken down and looked at on a case by case example.

    Have a look at a example I like to use regarding cardio versus weight training,

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I do some sort of exercise every day.

    At the height of training I'd be running at least 40 miles a week, trying to get myself sorted again after injury so I'm trying to do double session four days a week so a run in the mornings and gym in the evenings on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I also cycle to and from work which is circa 50 miles a week. I do quite a physical job too so I'm on my feet all day. My diet could do with some work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    I got a bit slack for a bit there coming up to my exams but normally it's weights 3 times a week and cardio twice/3 times a week. I don't diet really but at the same time I watch what I eat, I haven't eaten crisps/choc/fast food/junk food in general since I was about 15 so my main downfall is carbs:o I try not to eat pasta/bread/ starchy carbs in general at all as I find I put on weight - though being a veggie it's not always easy!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    I want to get super-fit and healthy so I'm pushing myself when it comes to food and exercise. Very few carbs. I'm enjoying it though and I relax a bit at the weekends.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,657 Mod ✭✭✭✭Faith

    I went off the rails diet-wise in the past few months. I'm an emotional eater, so with the stress/boredom of a dissertation for 3 months, followed by final exams, I was eating barely anything besides crap. I'm having real trouble breaking that habit now. Another thing that gets me is my boyfriend. I don't want to be a boring girlfriend who counts calories and won't go over 1,500 a day. When I'm with him, I eat what he does and drink what he does. That really doesn't help!

    I cycled too and from work today though, which was an hour round trip, and haven't eaten any crap, so I'm hoping today will be the start of looking after myself!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Yeah, I think the calorie-counting/"does my bum look big?" thing is just unfair on a boyfriend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 214 ✭✭piscean

    At the moment i'm trying to get in shape for my summer hols in August so i'm going to gym 3 times a week and cutting out all the crap I normally eat.
    Want to feel good in my bikini on hols.

    The only downfall is my boyfriend bringing home bars of chocolate to entice me in the evenings -he's on a warning not to bring home any more choc:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 842 ✭✭✭Weidii

    G86 wrote: »
    I got a bit slack for a bit there coming up to my exams but normally it's weights 3 times a week and cardio twice/3 times a week. I don't diet really but at the same time I watch what I eat, I haven't eaten crisps/choc/fast food/junk food in general since I was about 15 so my main downfall is carbs:o I try not to eat pasta/bread/ starchy carbs in general at all as I find I put on weight - though being a veggie it's not always easy!

    Good lord, you cut out crap, meat and starchy carbs...

    What do you eat?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Weidii wrote: »
    Good lord, you cut out crap, meat and starchy carbs...

    What do you eat?

    Quite a lot actually!!! I'm no skinny minny! :p I love bean salads, veg stir fry's, and just veg meals in general! For snacks I have ryvita and hoummous or oatcakes and almond butter (good for protein) or fruit salads and yogurts. It's not hard for me because I prefer to eat this way, for example I'd enjoy a bunch of grapes far more than a bar of chocolate. When I was a kid ate a fair bit of crap, but then one day when I was 15 I joined a gym and just decided to stop, and I haven't gone near it since.

    I started seeing a personal trainer 2 years ago who figured out that I was eating far too many carbs and I've made a lot of progress since then by simply keeping an eye on them and not going overboard. My diets alot more balanced now than it used to be.

    That said though I do find I lapse with the likes of pasta sometimes, especially if out to dinner etc, but there's no harm in that the odd time :) I found myself eating alot more of them in the last few weeks of college as convenience food is laden with them, but getting back on track now that I'm in more of a routine and have the exams over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    Faith wrote: »
    Another thing that gets me is my boyfriend. I don't want to be a boring girlfriend who counts calories and won't go over 1,500 a day. When I'm with him, I eat what he does and drink what he does. That really doesn't help!

    that always seems to happen when youre with someone. i always seem to put on some weight when i have a bf, dont know if its partly due to the comfort of being with someone & subconsciously making less effort, but its mostly due to being lazy and eating out & getting takeaways more often.

    ive been dieting for AGES so im far healthier than I wouldve been about 6/8 months ago. I have friday as a eat whatever i want day, but most other days im pretty good about what i eat (except after i have a few drinks on a saturday night & end up in the chipper).

    Im still not eating as much fruit/veg as i should cause i dont like fruit but i usually try to snack on apples, especially during work, i always have a few around to avoid going to the shop for chocolate. i eat low fat versions of everything - butter, milk, etc.

    but i do have to treat myself or id go insane, its just a case of treating myself with the right things. eg. having an icepop like a twister or some sugar free jelly instead half a tub of ben & jerrys :P

    i try to exercise but im not great at it. i usually get to at least 1 exercise class a week simply cause it forces me to do something, but it has to soemthing i enjoy like salsa or dance aerobics or i wont go. other than that i try to walk at least twice a week with ankle weights on.

    im not actually very fit or healthy but im trying!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,058 ✭✭✭✭Abi

    Dudess wrote: »
    I want to get super-fit and healthy so I'm pushing myself when it comes to food and exercise.
    Same boat. I don't like it if my legs and arms lose their tone, so I'm starting to up the ante a little.
    Very few carbs. I'm enjoying it though and I relax a bit at the weekends.

    You'll need some of them carbs if you are going to be working out more ;) I'm just watching that my carbs are the healthy kind. Anything with white flour is gone, and I've switched my white rice for some wild rice. I found the wild rice kinda hard to get a hold of, and was surprised to find Tesco are selling it now in their health food section, which is handy. For snacks I'm eating some macademias, or a rice cake.

    I don't really eat too badly to begin with, its the sneaky glasses of wine that are getting me into trouble! :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 428 ✭✭ciagr297

    my current regime is as follows: 6 to 10km fast paced walking around 2 to 3 times per week, pilates once a week and any other sporting activities i come across :)
    healthy eating - i don't eat a lot of meat products anyway so switching over to the chickpea/black bean side is proving easier. i don't eat alot of junk food (marshmallows are a fav tho)...not too much coffee (another vice) but on the whole i'm just keeping an eye on everything
    thinking of ramping up the training but looking for some sort of target (seeing as the flora mini-marathon is gone now) and will be starting to cycle to work everyday hopefully from next week which should help
    anyone with suggestions on targets i could aim for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    I have been a couch potato but joined a basketball league three weeks ago and really enjoying that and this weekend am getting a puppy who will need at least 2 walks a day so that should make a big difference to my weight as well. Only 1 size bigger than I'd like to be, so hopefully me and puppy will help one another.
    I've decided life is too short to either diet or abuse myself with bad foods. Will stick to my w.w. til I hit target but want to enjoy myself too :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,488 ✭✭✭pikachucheeks

    I spend two and a half hours a day walking, five times a week.

    Diet-wise, I try to eat as much fruit and vegetables as I can! I also drink as much water as is humanly possible!

    I did yoga for a while, had to give it up because of clashes in my college timetable ... hoping to take it up again! I'm looking into getting back into swimming too, used to swim a lot and compete a bit when I was younger.

    I'd love to be more active, might take up something new at the weekends, when I'm not working!

    I've started to pay more attention to what I eat, seeing as I'm possibly going on holiday in August! Need to have the bikini bod in shape! Just trying to cut down on white bread and other such evil carbs!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    I have an exercise bike, and I spend about 25 minutes on it keeping my heart-rate at 80-90% of its maximum, 5 mornings a week. I also lift free weights, and get a long walk in at least 3 times a week. Sometimes I play frisbee or swim, but not regularly.

    I get in my five a day 98% of the time and I try to only eat wholegrain carbs. I closely watch my calorie intake as I am slowly and steadily losing weight. I could do with eating more fish, but oily fish doesn't seem to agree with me, which is a shame. I've given up alcohol for the time being.

    I find all of it hard, because I love rubbish food and lazing around! However there are significant benefits, so I'm hanging on in there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,150 ✭✭✭✭Malari

    Exercise...I cycle to work, but it's a short commute. I cycle at the weekends, about 3 hours each day. Walk about 30 minutes to an hour each day.

    Food...I have a fairly balanced diet I would think. I cook (as opposed to just sticking ready-meal in the oven!) 5 or 6 days a week. I snack on fruit or yoghurts or nuts. Eat chocolate bars very rarely - maybe one every couple of months. I don't like crisps and cakes in general. I do a bit of home-baking though, so usually only make what I like! And I am fond of a glass of wine :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭skywards

    Get up, take care of horses. Best fitness plan ever, works like a charm :p.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 fithealth

    Hey - it's a minefield out there. But stay away from set 'zones' of cardio work - more effective to move up and down through more intense (8-9 out of 10 effort), and slightly lower intensity (7 /10 effort) for a shorter period in total (say 15-20 mins), than longer periods at a static intensity.
    Short, sharp resistance works for me - all you need is a floor space - maybe a stability ball! Squat, lunge, press ups, back extensions....a little of everything. PM me for more info - it's my job!:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,730 ✭✭✭✭entropi

    Oh dont call it a fitness "regime" either, regime is a negative word;) call it a plan or something like that:) Alot of keeping fit is building the mind through confidence and positive thought about how you are progressing, alongside the physical work you can see:D

    Although not female i'll add my piece:

    Hurling training for 2h mon and wed eve, jog around 8mi tue and thur and lift weights once i get home and usually a match each 2nd sun. Will be swimming and doing aerobics once i get back to college in sept. I can teach basic Pilates so follow my own version when i bother to do it. Diet...well i can eat what i want and not put on much weight although being veggie i have to be careful in getting proper nutrition.

    Oh i use my massage skills to help waste removal from the parts of my body i can reach:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,048 ✭✭✭✭Snowie

    I can only walk slowly im not aloowed to push my self at all. untill after Mr doctor decides what hes going to do with my knee :( i think he should get me one from argus :D..

    tho im still on the look out for bits and peaces...
