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Camping, adventure actitvity weekend (stag) in Wales. Any ideas?

  • 30-06-2009 10:30am
    Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭

    Hi Folks.

    I'm getting married this September :).

    I am looking to have my stag in Wales.

    Now I know stag is a four letter word, but we are looking for activities, canoeing etc etc, based around camping or something similar.
    Obviously near a few boozers for a bit o' drenkin!!

    But I not interested in getting sh1t faced at 9 in the morning and wrecking the heads of everyone in a two mile radius. :p

    We went to Fermangh two years ago for a mates stag and it was great.
    Activities in the morning / afternoon (canoeing, archery etc, we were shockingly bad, but thats part of the fun)
    Then drinking, BBQ and chhillin' for the evening / night.

    So has anyone ever been to Wales or England for an adventure weekend in a place that might suit about 20 "good natured" :p lads, clowns !!!!

    Cheers Folks!
