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  • 01-07-2009 10:26pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭

    roodon (or Troödon in older sources) is a genusGenus

    A genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the classification of living and fossil organisms. The taxonomic ranks are domain , kingdom , phylum, class , order , family , genus, and species....
    of relatively small, birdBird

    Birds are wing, Bipedalismal, endothermic , vertebrate animals that lay egg . There are around 10,000 living species, making them the most numerous tetrapod vertebrates....
    -like dinosaurDinosaur

    Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrate animals of Landform ecosystems for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic Period until the end of the Cretaceous Period , when most of them became extinct in the Cretaceous?Tertiary extinction event....
    from the Late CretaceousLate Cretaceous

    Late Cretaceous refers to the second half of the Cretaceous Period , named after the famous white chalk cliffs of southern England, which date from this time....
    Period (75-65 myaMya (unit)

    In astronomy, geology, and paleontology, mya or "m.y.a." is an abbreviation for "million years ago". Like the related unit bya, mya is traditionally written in lower case....
    ). Discovered in 1855, it was among the first dinosaurs found in North AmericaNorth America

    North America is the northern continent of the Americas, situated in the Earth's northern hemisphere and almost totally in the western hemisphere....

    Its name ( "TROE-odon") is GreekAncient Greek

    Ancient Greek is the historical stage in the development of the Greek language spanning across the Archaic Greece , Classical Greece , and Hellenistic civilization periods of ancient Greece and the classical antiquity....
    for "wounding tooth", referring to the dinosaur's teeth, which are different from those of most other theropods. The teeth bear prominent, apicallyApex

    Apex may refer to:...
    oriented serrations. These "wounding" serrations, however, are morphometrically more similar to those of herbivorous reptiles, and suggest a possibly omnivorous diet.


    Troodon was a small dinosaur, around 2 metersMetre

    The metre or meter is a Unit of measurement of length. It is the SI base unit of length in the metric system and in the International System of Units , used around the world for general and scientific purposes....
    (6.5 ft) in length, 1 meter (3 ft) tall, and weighed 60 kilogramKilogram

    The kilogram or kilogrammeThe spelling kilogram is used by the International Committee for Weights and Measures and the U.S....
    s (130 lbPound (mass)

    The pound or pound-mass is a Units of measurement of massused in the Imperial unit, United States customary units and other systems of measurement....
    ). It had very long, slender limbs, suggesting that the animal was able to move quickly. It had long 'arms' that folded against the wall of the thorax like a bird's. It had large, retractable sickle-shaped claws on its second toes, which were raised off the ground when running. Because of these features scientists regard Troodon as a member of the ManiraptoraManiraptora

    Maniraptora is a clade of coelurosaurian dinosaurs which includes the birds and the dinosaurs that were more closely related to them than to Ornithomimus velox....
    . Its eyes were large (perhaps suggesting nocturnal activity) and slightly forward facing, giving Troodon some depth perceptionDepth perception

    Depth perception is the visual perception ability to perceive the world in three dimensions. Although any animal capable of moving around its environment must be able to sense the distance of objects in that environment, the term perception is reserved for humans, who are the only beings that can tell each other about their qualia of dist...
    . In fact most reconstructions give Troodon eyes which point in a more forwards direction than almost any other dinosaur, which implies that it had better binocular visionDepth perception

    Depth perception is the visual perception ability to perceive the world in three dimensions. Although any animal capable of moving around its environment must be able to sense the distance of objects in that environment, the term perception is reserved for humans, who are the only beings that can tell each other about their qualia of dist...
    than most dinosaurs. Their light skulls contained a capsule similar to those found in ostrich dinosaurs. Troodon had one of the largest known brains of any dinosaur, relative to its body mass (comparable to modern birds). Hence it is believed to have been one of the most intelligent dinosaurs, even more intelligent than mammals of that era. Eggs have also been discovered, in nests.


    Troodon is known from the Judith River FormationJudith River Formation

    The Judith River Formation is a fossil-bearing geologic formation in Montana, and is part of the Judith River Group. It dates to the upper Cretaceous....
    and the upper Two Medicine FormationTwo Medicine Formation

    The Two Medicine Formation is a geologic formation, or rock body, that was deposited between 83.5 ? 0.7 Ma to 70.6 ? 0.6 Ma , during Campanian time, and is located in northwestern Montana....
    of MontanaMontana

    Montana is a U.S. state in the Western United States. The western third of the state contains numerous mountain ranges; other 'island' ranges are found in the central third of the state, for a total of 77 named ranges of the Rocky Mountains....
    , the Judith River Group of AlbertaAlberta

    Alberta is one of Canada Canadian Prairies Provinces and territories of Canada. It became a province on September 1, 1905.Alberta is located in western Canada, bounded by the provinces of British Columbia to the west and Saskatchewan to the east, the Northwest Territories to the north, and the U.S....
    , the Horseshoe Canyon FormationHorseshoe Canyon Formation

    The Horseshoe Canyon Formation is part of the Edmonton Group and is up to 230m in thickness. It is Late Campanian to Early Maastrichtian in age and is composed of mudstone, sandstone, and carbonaceous shales....
    of Alberta, the North SlopeAlaska North Slope

    The Alaska North Slope is the region of the U.S. state of Alaska located on the northern slope of the Brooks Range along the coast of two marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean, the Chukchi Sea being on the western side of Point Barrow, and the Beaufort Sea on the eastern....
    of AlaskaAlaska

    Alaska is the largest U.S. state of the United States by area; it is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait....
    , and in the famous LanceLance Formation

    The Lance Formation is a division of Late Cretaceous rocks in the western United States. Named after Lance Creek, Wyoming, the microvertebrate fossils and dinosaurs represent important components of the latest Mesozoic vertebrate faunas....
    and Hell Creek FormationHell Creek Formation

    The Hell Creek Formation is an intensely-studied division of Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene rocks in North America, named for exposures studied along Hell Creek, near Jordan, Montana....
    s of the USA. There is some evidence that Troodon favored cooler climates, as it seems to have been particularly abundant in northern areas and during cooler intervals, such as the Early MaastrichtianMaastrichtian

    The Maastrichtian is the last faunal stage of the Cretaceous geologic period, and therefore of the Mesozoic geologic era. It spanned from 70.6 ? 0.6 annum to 65.5 ? 0.3 Ma ....

    It seems unlikely that all of these fossils, which come from localities hundreds or thousands of miles apart, separated by millions of years of time, represent a single species of Troodon. However, further study and more fossils are needed to determine how many species of Troodon existed.


    Troodon is thought to have been a predator like other theropods. This view is supported by its ManiraptoraManiraptora

    Maniraptora is a clade of coelurosaurian dinosaurs which includes the birds and the dinosaurs that were more closely related to them than to Ornithomimus velox....
    n features (sickle claw on foot) and apparently good binocular visionDepth perception

    Depth perception is the visual perception ability to perceive the world in three dimensions. Although any animal capable of moving around its environment must be able to sense the distance of objects in that environment, the term perception is reserved for humans, who are the only beings that can tell each other about their qualia of dist...

    Troodon teeth, however, are different from most other theropods. One comparative study of the feeding apparatus suggests that Troodon could have been an omnivoreOmnivore

    Omnivores are species that eating both plants and animals as their primary food source. They are opportunistic, general feeders not specifically adapted to eat and digest either meat or plant material exclusively....
    . The jaws met in a broad, U-shaped symphysisSymphysis

    A symphysis is a cartilage fusion between two bones. It is a type of cartilaginous joint.Unlike synchondroses, symphyses are permanent....
    similar to that of an iguanaIguana

    Iguana is a genus of lizard native to tropical areas of Central America and South America and the Caribbean. The genus was first described by Austrian naturalist Josephus Nicolaus Laurenti in his book Specimen Medicum, Exhibens Synopsin Reptilium Emendatam cum Experimentis circa Venena in 1768....
    , a lizard species adapted to a plant-eating lifestyle. Additionally, the teeth of Troodon bore large serrations each of which is called a denticle. There are pits at the intersections of the denticles, and the points of the denticles point towards the tip, or apexApex

    Apex may refer to:...
    , of each tooth. The teeth show wear facets on their sides. Holtz (1998) also noted that characteristics used to support a predatory habit for Troodon - the grasping hands, large brain and stereoscopic vision, are all characteristics shared with the herbivorous/omnivorous primatePrimate

    A primate is a member of the biological order Primates , the group that contains lemurs, the Aye-aye, Lorisidaes, galagos, tarsiers, monkeys, and apes, with the last category including humans....
    s and omnivorous ProcyonProcyon

    Procyon is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor. To the naked eye, it appears to be a single star, the list of brightest stars in the night sky with a visual apparent magnitude of 0.34....

    One study was based on the many Troodon teeth that have been collected from Late CretaceousLate Cretaceous

    Late Cretaceous refers to the second half of the Cretaceous Period , named after the famous white chalk cliffs of southern England, which date from this time....
    deposits from northern Alaska. These teeth are much larger than those collected from more southern sites, providing evidence that northern Alaskan populations of Troodon grew to larger average body size. The study suggests that the Alaskan Troodons may have had access to large animals as prey because there were no Tyrannosaurids in their habitat to provide competition for those resources. This study also provides an analysis of the proportions and wear patterns of a large sample of Troodon teeth. It proposes that the wear patterns of all Troodon teeth suggest a diet of soft foods - inconsistent with bone chewing, invertebrate exoskeletons, or tough plant items. This study hypothesizes a diet primarily consisting of meat


    Varriccho et al. (2002) have described eight TroodonTroodon

    Troodon is a genus of relatively small, bird-like dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period . Discovered in 1855, it was among the first dinosaurs found in North America....
    nests. All of these nests are from the Two Medicine Formation of Montana. These are all in the collection of the Museum of the RockiesMuseum of the Rockies

    The Museum of the Rockies, affiliated with Montana State University - Bozeman and the Smithsonian Institution, is located in Bozeman, Montana, Montana, and is known for its Paleontology collections despite dinosaurs not being its sole focus....
    and their accession numbers are MOR 246, 299, 393, 675, 676, 750, 963, 1139. The first of these were discovered by John Horner in 1983. Horner (1984) found isolated bones and partial skeletons of the hypsilophodontHypsilophodont

    Hypsilophodonts were small ornithopod dinosaurs, regarded as fast, herbivorous bipeds on the order of 1-2 meters long . They are known from Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, from rock formation of Middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous age....
    Orodromeus very near the nests in the same horizon and described the eggs as those of OrodromeusOrodromeus

    Orodromeus was a genus of hypsilophodont dinosaur from Late Cretaceous North America . It was a small herbivore that probably coexisted with dinosaurs such as Daspletosaurus and Einiosaurus....
    . Horner and Weishampel (1996) reexamined the embryos preserved in the eggs and determined that they were those of Troodon, not OrodromeusOrodromeus

    Orodromeus was a genus of hypsilophodont dinosaur from Late Cretaceous North America . It was a small herbivore that probably coexisted with dinosaurs such as Daspletosaurus and Einiosaurus....

    Varricchio et al. (1997) made this determination with even more certainty when they described a partial skeleton of an adult Troodon (MOR 748) in contact with a clutch of at least five eggs (MOR 750), probably in a brooding position.

    Varricchio et al (1997) described the exact structure of Troodon nests. They were built from sediments, they were dish shaped, about 100 cm in internal diameter, and with a pronounced raised rim encircling the eggs. The more complete nests had between 16 (minimum number in MOR 246) and 24 (MOR 963) eggs. The eggs are shaped like elongated teardrops, with the more tapered ends pointed downwards and imbedded about halfway in the sediment. The eggs are pitched at an angle so that, on average, the upper half is closer to the center of the nest. There is no evidence that plant matter was present in the nest.

    Varricchio et al.(1997) were able to extract enough evidence from the nests to infer several characteristics of Troodon reproductive biology. The results are that Troodon appears to have a type of reproduction that is intermediate between crocodiles and birds, as phylogeny would predict. The eggs are statistically grouped in pairs, which suggests that the animal had two functional oviducts, like crocodiles, rather than one, as in birds. Crocodiles lay many eggs that are small proportional to adult body size. Birds lay fewer, larger, eggs. Troodon was intermediate, laying an egg of about 0.5 kg for a 50kg adult. This is 10 times larger than reptiles of the same mass, but two Troodon eggs are roughly equivalent to the 1.1 kg egg predicted for a 50 kg bird. Varricchio et al. also found evidence for iterative laying, where the adult might lay a pair of eggs every one or two days, and then ensured simultaneous hatching by delaying brooding until all eggs were laid. MOR 363 was found with 22 empty (hatched) eggs, and the embryos found in the eggs of MOR 246 were in very similar states of development, implying that all of the young hatched simultaneously. The embryos had an advanced degree of skeletal development, implying that they were precocialPrecocial

    In Biology, the term precocial refers to species in which the young are relatively mature and mobile from the moment of birth or hatching. The opposite developmental strategy is called "altricial", where the young are born helpless....
    or even superprecocialSuperprecocial

    The term superprecocial refers to a level of physical maturity and capability in young animals that is most extreme. Examples are the Megapode birds, which have full flight feathers and which, in some species, can fly on the same day they hatch from their eggs....
    . The authors estimated 45 to 65 total days of adult nest attendance for laying, brooding, and hatching. The authors found no evidence that the young remained in the nest after hatching and suggested that, instead, they dispersed like hatchling crocodiles or megapode birds.

    Varricchio et al. (2008) examined the bone histology of Troodon specimen MOR 748 and found that it lacked the bone resorption patterns that would indicate it was an egg-laying female. They also measured the ratio of the total volume of eggs in Troodon clutches to the body mass of the adult. They graphed correlations between this ratio and the type of parenting strategies used by extant birds and crocodiles and found that the ratio in Troodon was consistent with that in birds where only the adult male broods the eggs. From this they concluded that Troodon females likely did not brood eggs, that the males did, and this may be a character shared between maniraptoran dinosaurs and basal birds.


    Troodon was originally spelled Troödon (with a diaeresisDiaeresis

    In linguistics, diaeresis, or dieresis, is the pronunciation of two adjacent vowels in two separate syllables rather than as a diphthong, and it is also the name of the diacritic mark used to prompt the reader to pronounce adjacent vowels in this manner....
    ) by Joseph LeidyJoseph Leidy

    Joseph Leidy was an United States paleontologist.Leidy was professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania, and later was a professor of natural history at Swarthmore College....
    in 1856, which was officially amended to its current status by Sauvage in 1876.

    The Troodon tooth was originally classified as a "lacertian" (lizardLizard

    Lizards are a large and widespread group of squamate reptiles, with nearly 5,000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica as well as most oceanic island chains....
    ) by Leidy, but re-assigned as a megalosauridMegalosaurid

    Megalosauridae was a family of relatively primitive Tetanurae theropod dinosaurs, order Saurischia. They were small-to-large carnivores with sharp teeth and three claws on each hand....
    dinosaur by Nopsca in 1901 (Megalosauridae having historically been a wastebin taxon for most carnivorous dinosaurs). In 1924, Gilmore suggested that the tooth belonged to the herbivorous pachycephalosaur StegocerasStegoceras

    Stegoceras was a genus of plant-eating ornithischian Pachycephalosauria dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Late Cretaceous Period ....
    , and that Stegoceras was in fact a junior synonym of Troodon (the similarity of troodontid teeth to those of herbivorous dinosaurs continues to lead many paleontologists to believe that these animals were omnivores). In 1945, Charles Mortram SternbergCharles Mortram Sternberg

    Charles Mortram Sternberg was an American-Canadian fossil collector and paleontology, son of Charles Hazelius Sternberg.Late in his career, he collected and described Pachyrhinosaurus, Brachylophosaurus, Parksosaurus and Edmontonia....
    rejected the possibility that Troodon was a pachycephalosaur due to its stronger similarity to the teeth of other carnivorous dinosaurs.

    The first specimen of Troodon that was not a tooth, then referred to its own genus (Stenonychosaurus), was named by Sternberg in 1932, based on a foot, fragments of a hand, and some caudal vertebrae from AlbertaAlberta

    Alberta is one of Canada Canadian Prairies Provinces and territories of Canada. It became a province on September 1, 1905.Alberta is located in western Canada, bounded by the provinces of British Columbia to the west and Saskatchewan to the east, the Northwest Territories to the north, and the U.S....
    . A remarkable feature of these remains was the enlarged claw on the second toe, which is now recognized as characteristic of DeinonychosauriaDeinonychosauria

    The Deinonychosauria were a successful clade of Theropoda in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Period . These carnivores are known for their switchblade-like second toes....
    . Sternberg initially classified Stenonychosaurus as a member of the family CoeluridaeCoeluridae

    Coeluridae is an historically paraphyletic family of generally small, Carnivore dinosaurs from the late Jurassic Period . For many years, any small Jurassic or Cretaceous theropoda that did not belong to one of the more specialized families recognized at the time was classified with the coelurids, creating a confusing array of 'coelurid' th...
    . Later, Sternberg (1951) speculated that since Stenonychosaurus had a "very peculiar pesPes (zoology)

    The wikt:pes#Latin is the Zoology term for the Anatomical terms of location portion of the hind limb of tetrapod animals. It is the part of the pentadactyl limb that includes the metatarsals and digits ....
    " and Troodon "equally unusual teeth", they may be closely related. Unfortunately, no comparable specimens were available at that time to test the idea.

    A more complete skeleton of Stenonychosaurus was described by Dale RussellDale Russell

    Dale A. Russell is a Canadian geologist/palaeontologist, currently Research Professor at The Department of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University....
    in 1969, which eventually formed the scientific foundation for a famous life-sized sculpture of Stenonychosaurus accompanied by its fictional, human-like descendant, the "dinosauroid". Stenonychosaurus became a well-known theropod in the 1980s, when the feet and braincase were described in more detail. Phil Currie, reviewing the known TroodontidaeTroodontidae

    Troodontidae is a Family of bird-like Theropoda dinosaurs. In previous decades, troodontid fossils were few and scrappy and they have therefore been allied, at various times, with nearly every major coelurosaurian lineage....
    in 1987, reclassified Stenonychosaurus inequalis as a junior synonym of Troodon formosus. This synonymy has been widely adopted by other paleontologistsPaleontology

    File:Geological time spiral - sharper.pngPaleontology from Greek: pa?a??? "old, ancient", ??, ??t- "being, creature", and ????? "speech, thought" is the study of prehistory life, including organisms' evolution and interactions with each other and their environments ....
    , and therefore all of the specimens once called Stenonychosaurus are now referred to as Troodon in the recent scientific literature.


    The type specimen of Troodon has caused problems with classification, as the entire genus is based only on a single tooth from the Judith River Formation. Since the discovery of the original tooth, postcranial material from a related animal were given the name Stenonychosaurus. More complete remains of Stenonychosaurus convinced most paleontologists that it in fact was the same animal as the original tooth, so the name Stenonychosaurus was replaced with its senior synonym, Troodon. Other genera, including Polyodontosaurus and Pectinodon, have also been assigned to Troodon based on the assumption that this particular tooth type is limited to only a single type of dinosaur. For this reason, the future of the name Troodon itself is dubious--in similar situations, genera based on teeth have been abandoned in favor of names based on better remains. Familiar names like DeinodonDeinodon

    Deinodon is a name assigned to Tyrannosauridae teeth of the Late Cretaceous of Montana by paleontologist Joseph Leidy in 1856 . Although it is likely that these fossilized teeth belonged to the dinosaur later identified as Gorgosaurus, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between different tyrannosaurid species based on tooth ch...
    and TrachodonTrachodon

    Trachodon is a nomen dubium genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur based on teeth from the Campanian-age Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation of Montana, U.S.A....
    have been abandoned in this way, and further research may require Troodon be replaced with Stenonychosaurus. In a chapter of the 2005 book Dinosaur Provincial Park, Phil CurriePhil Currie

    Philip J. Currie is a Canada palaeontologist and museum curator who helped found the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alberta and is now a professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton....
    (one of the leading experts on North American troodontids) resurrects the type species of Stenonychosaurus (S. inequalis) within the genus Troodon as Troodon inequalis (Currie, 2005).

    The "Dinosauroid"

    In 1982, paleontologist Dale RussellDale Russell

    Dale A. Russell is a Canadian geologist/palaeontologist, currently Research Professor at The Department of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University....
    , curator of vertebrateVertebrate

    Vertebrates are members of the subphylum Vertebrata, chordates with Vertebras or Vertebral columns. The grouping sometimes includes the hagfish, which have no vertebrae, but are genetically quite closely related to lampreys, which do have vertebrae....
    fossils at the National Museum of Canada in OttawaOttawa

    Ottawa is the Capital of Canada. The city has population of 812,000, the List of the 100 largest municipalities in Canada by population municipality in the country and second largest in Ontario....
    , speculated on how evolutionEvolution

    In biology, evolution is change in the heritability trait of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection....
    would have proceeded if the troodonts had survived the extincton of the dinosaurs. Russell speculated that a species like Troodon would have grown smarter and taken on a human-like appearance. Russell partnered with taxidermist and artist Ron Sequin and together they made a model of what a derived, intelligent Troodon would look like, naming their fantasy creation a "Dinosauroid" (Russell & Séguin, 1982). While a few paleontologists, such as David Norman (1985) and Cristiano dal Sasso (2004) have regarded this as a plausible line of reasoning, others, such as Gregory S. PaulGregory S. Paul

    Gregory S. Paul is a freelance paleontologist, author and illustrator. He is best known for his work and research on theropoda dinosaurs, and his detailed illustrations, both live and skeletal....
    (1988) and Thomas R. Holtz Jr.Thomas R. Holtz Jr.

    Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. is a vertebrate paleontologist and senior lecturer at the University of Maryland, College Park's Department of Geology. He has published extensively on the phylogeny, morphology , ecomorphology, and locomotion of terrestrial predators, especially on tyrannosaurids and other theropod dinosaurs....
    , consider it "suspiciously human" (Paul, 1988) and argue that a large-brained, highly intelligent troodontid would retain a more standard theropod body plan. Darren NaishDarren Naish

    Darren Naish is a vertebrate paleontologist and science writer. He obtained a geology degree at the University of Southampton and later studied vertebrate palaeontology under British palaeontologist David Martill at the University of Portsmouth, where he obtained both an M....
    has suggested the ground hornbill as a better model for a hominid-mimicking terrestrial theropod.(*)(*)
    In popular culture

    Troodon is featured in ITVITV

    ITV is a public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom television network of British television broadcasters, set up under the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC....
    's Prehistoric ParkPrehistoric Park

    Prehistoric Park was a six-episode docu-fiction television mini-series that premiered on ITV on 22 July 2006 and on Animal Planet on 29 October 2006....
    in 2006, where it was portrayed as a highly intelligent scavenger. It was also shown in two episodes of Dinosaur Planet. In one, a pack of dwarf Troodon make "friends" with a PyroraptorPyroraptor

    Pyroraptor is a genus of Dromaeosauridae dinosaur from the late Cretaceous Period of France . It is known from a single specimen, estimated to have been 2.5 metres in length....
    ; in another, a pack of Troodon attack a flock of OrodromeusOrodromeus

    Orodromeus was a genus of hypsilophodont dinosaur from Late Cretaceous North America . It was a small herbivore that probably coexisted with dinosaurs such as Daspletosaurus and Einiosaurus....
    . Troodon was also featured in an episode of Animal ArmageddonAnimal Armageddon

    Animal Armageddon is a paleontology-based American documentary film television series that premiered in February 2009 on Animal Planet....

    In fiction, Troodon feature prominently in the 1994 science-fiction novel End of an Era by Robert J. SawyerRobert J. Sawyer

    Robert James Sawyer is a Canada science fiction writer, born in Ottawa in 1960 and now resident in Mississauga. He has published 18 novels, and his short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Amazing Stories, On Spec, Nature, and numerous anthologies....
    , in which they are the preferred host vehicle for intelligent MartianMartian

    As an adjective, the term "martian" is used to describe anything pertaining to the planet Mars.However, a Martian is more usually a hypothetical or fictional native inhabitant of the planet Mars....
    viral invaders. Also, an intelligent saurian species very like the Troodon, called the saurs, appears in Ken MacLeodKen MacLeod

    Ken MacLeod , an award-winning Scotland science fiction writer, lives in South Queensferry near Edinburgh. He graduated from Glasgow University with a degree in zoology and has worked as a computer programmer and written a masters thesis on biomechanics....
    's "Engines of Light" series of books.

    In the Star TrekStar Trek

    Star Trek is an American Science fiction on television entertainment series and media franchise. The Star Trek fictional universe created by Gene Roddenberry is the setting of six television series including the original 1966 Star Trek: The Original Series, in addition to ten feature films with Star Trek to be released on May 8,...
    novel First Frontier by Diane CareyDiane Carey

    Diane Carey is an author of historical fiction and science fiction who is perhaps best known for her work in the Star Trek franchise. She is the co-creator, with John J....
    and James Kirkland, several members of the EnterpriseUSS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

    The USS Enterprise is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. The program depicts its crew's mission "to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before" under the command of Captain James T....
    crew travel back in time and find that Troodon has rudimentary language and were well coordinated hunters. They also encounter evolved Troodons, called Clan Ru, from the future that were transplanted before the extinction by the PreserversPreservers

    Preservers can refer to:*Preserver , a race in the fantasy comic Elfquest*Preservers, an ancient race in the Star Trek Expanded Universe; see List of Star Trek races#Preservers...
    and were sentient beings capable of warp travel.

    The Troodon to "Dinosauroid" 'Thought Experiment', as proposed by Dr. Dale Russell, has also fueled conversation in the UFO communityUfology

    Ufology is a neologism coined to describe the collective efforts of those who study unidentified flying object reports and associated evidence....
    . John Rhodes, the original proponent for the potential for intelligence in "Dinosauroid" like cryptids, called Reptilian-Humanoids or Reptoids, has an entire web site dedicated to this subject.

    External links

    Now before I tell you the reasons why I'm making you aware of this dinosaur. i was facinated by this particular dinosaur ever since I was a child. I was a dinosaur fanatic, and not many chidren at the age of 9 had 200 dinosaur books and knew over 500species of dinosuar's:D

    Why did it facinate me?
    Because it was the most intellegent dinosaur that was "found" It also survived right up till the dinosaurs "perished"

    Now if anyone is a fan of Jurassic park, you would of seen just how intellegent Velociraptors were, and they were a not to distant cousin of this dino. Infact as you know, Troodon was far more intellegent!

    So why did "this" dinosaur "die out" and crocodiles, turtles, amphilibians, birds and other reptiles survive? This dinosaur had an advantage like most of it's survivors if not better evolutionary advantages.

    Bigger brain
    Extra toe/finger/Thumb
    Was small
    Was bout meat eating and plant eating
    It lived in forest and land
    It had large eyes, meaning it was nocturnal, and had very good vision.

    Bear in mind the offical record of this dinosaur's survival was 10million years. So if we are to take evolutionary hypothesis into account simalar to the history of Primates. If troodon was on a simalar evolutionary path as it was with the primates in their time, getting bigger hands, bigger brains and becoming smaller and standing on two feet? Why didn't troodon evolve??

    Thoughts on this, I'm really curious to see what people think of this, its widely talked about in other dino forums! ( I know alot on this but I will keep tight lipped on my thoughts)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Meaning of troodon (wounding tooth)
    Or troo (Truth) (couldn't find any links for "troo" )

    Don (organised crime family, king of underworld, tutor, teacher)
    In french - means professor
    In Celtic - world ruler
    DON: Short form of English Donald, meaing "world ruler.
    Donald also comes from the word Don...

    Don (verb)
    put clothing on one's body; get into; assume

    The genus name Troodon which is derived from Greek words, means "wounding tooth". Formosus is Latin for "beautiful". Another name used in the past for Troodon was Stenonychosaurus.STEnonychsaurus means (saint, non, i know oh lizard )

    Don't know why Donald trump comes to mind:D:D:D:eek::D and he does look like a lizard...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    mysterious wrote: »
    Now if anyone is a fan of Jurassic park, you would of seen just how intellegent Velociraptors were, and they were a not to distant cousin of this dino. Infact as you know, Troodon was far more intellegent!

    While Troodon was indeed more intelligent than Velociraptor you must remember taht Velociraptor's intelligence (as well as size) was greatly exaggerated in the Jurassic Park films. In reality Troodon, while a comparative genius by dinosaur standards, would most likely have been no smarter than the average rodent (like a shrew).
    mysterious wrote: »
    So why did "this" dinosaur "die out" and crocodiles, turtles, amphilibians, birds and other reptiles survive? This dinosaur had an advantage like most of it's survivors if not better evolutionary advantages.

    Crocodiles are one of nature's greatest survivors. Their physiology lends itself very well to surviving through harsh times. Having cold blood tehy can survive for a very long time without food, in some extreme cases up to a year as long as they had goorged themselves beforehand. Troodon on the other hand was warm blooded and would have needed to feed much more often than a cold blooded crocodile. In a situation where food is scarce the crocodile would have a massive advantage over Troodon.
    Crocodiles also have a very advanced natural disinfectant in their blood. This allows them to sustain and survive massive injuies which would kill most othere animals of similar size. To summarise, crocodiles are some of the hardiest animals known.
    Turtles have a very slow metabolic rate they need very little food to sustain themselves. They are also great migrators, capable of travelling massive distances in search of food. Troodon on the other hand wasbuilt for short term speed instead of long distance travelling. It would most likely have been confined to its own homelands and not capable of travelling great distances in search of food when times got harsh.
    Certain amphibians can hibernate for over a year. They could have literally 'slept out' the worst part of the extinction event. Ad the facts that they were cold blooded and small, meaning they wouldn't need much food to sustain themselves. Same foes for many types of reptile.
    Birds had the flight advantage. They could travel great distances quickly to find food and avoid those that would predate them.

    mysterious wrote: »
    Bigger brain
    Extra toe/finger/Thumb
    Was small
    Was bout meat eating and plant eating
    It lived in forest and land
    It had large eyes, meaning it was nocturnal, and had very good vision.

    Troodon was very well suited to it's own environment but when this finely tuned environment changed suddenly it wasn't able to adapt quickly enough (for reasons I stated above).
    mysterious wrote: »
    Bear in mind the offical record of this dinosaur's survival was 10million years. So if we are to take evolutionary hypothesis into account simalar to the history of Primates. If troodon was on a simalar evolutionary path as it was with the primates in their time, getting bigger hands, bigger brains and becoming smaller and standing on two feet? Why didn't troodon evolve??

    Evolution isn't something an organism can do on purpose. The ecological changes were simply too many too quickly for Troodon's ilk. The primates woul have had an advantage over Troodon during the mass extinction due to their small size (needing less food, easier to find hiding places etc.).
    Had it not been for the catastrophic events 65 million years ago it is quite likely that Troodon's descendants may have gone on to rule the world instead of us.
    mysterious wrote: »
    Meaning of troodon (wounding tooth)
    Or troo (Truth) (couldn't find any links for "troo" )

    Don (organised crime family, king of underworld, tutor, teacher)
    In french - means professor
    In Celtic - world ruler
    DON: Short form of English Donald, meaing "world ruler.
    Donald also comes from the word Don...

    Don (verb)
    put clothing on one's body; get into; assume

    I think you are reading in to it far too much. The name is simply derived from the Greek words for 'wounding' and 'tooth'.

    mysterious wrote:
    Another name used in the past for Troodon was Stenonychosaurus.STEnonychsaurus means (saint, non, i know oh lizard )

    Stenonychosaurus simply means 'narrow claw lizard'.
    mysterious wrote:
    Don't know why Donald trump comes to mind:D:D:D:eek::D and he does look like a lizard...

    He is a bit slimy alright! :pac:

    PS: In future please do not copy and paste so much text. It makes your post fairly unmanagable. Try posting a bit of it followed by a link.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    Mysterious, perhaps you could post a summary of what you want to say and then link to the relevant articles rather than hefty use of the Ctrl_C. I find your post very interesting but i certainly dont have the time to read it all.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Galvasean wrote: »
    While Troodon was indeed more intelligent than Velociraptor you must remember taht Velociraptor's intelligence (as well as size) was greatly exaggerated in the Jurassic Park films. In reality Troodon, while a comparative genius by dinosaur standards, would most likely have been no smarter than the average rodent (like a shrew).

    So we are been told;) You have 300millions to play with, remember I told you once your in the known and do not know the unknown, youir really only guessing and taking assumptions for limited information.

    You have to understand deception and slavery of this planet. We are in the height of ignorance. I suggest you look at the amount of people who go missing and die in the states for pubically trying to reveal that reptilles are sentient creatures who have evolved to humanoid form. But I seriously doubt you will pay any attention to that.

    Crocodiles are one of nature's greatest survivors.
    And troodon isn't? Your only going on what "you know" The reality is you don't know.
    Their physiology lends itself very well to surviving through harsh times. Having cold blood Troodon on the other hand was warm blooded and would have needed to feed much more often than a cold blooded crocodile.
    Could you give me evidence to prove that he was warm blooded
    From what I read it's still only theory. But I can't see how the idea of been warm blooded means they are going to be less adaptable to extreme cliamte

    Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation? If you catch my drift.
    Troodon like most of the survivors today were small and adaptable. Hence its why they survived along with the mammals that eventually evolved to us modern day humans. But since your only going on societys evidence, you fail to see how absurd and closed your ideas are.

    Troodon, Could walk on four or two legs. It was predatory and it was also a scavanger. It had all the right condition's to survive the catcylisms because it could easily have survived on rodents and all the other known surviving animals. The fact that it had a large brain and large Nocturnal eyes it would of have greater chances of survival than most animals.

    Remember people who have proof have been killed to give out this info, but of course "we live in this delusional sense of reality"
    In a situation where food is scarce the crocodile would have a massive advantage over Troodon.
    Troodon would not have this issue! Otherwise birds wouldn't of survived who had a simalar diet to troodon and were less intellegent.
    Crocodiles also have a very advanced natural disinfectant in their blood. This allows them to sustain and survive massive injuies which would kill most othere animals of similar size. To summarise, crocodiles are some of the hardiest animals known.
    And troodon wasn't smart enough? But birds and other simalar less intellegent dinosaurs did survive.

    Yeah...... sure.....
    Troodon on the other hand wasbuilt for short term speed instead of long distance travelling. It would most likely have been confined to its own homelands and not capable of travelling great distances in search of food when times got harsh.
    Your wrong.

    Troodon was a predator and scavanger pretty much tha same as birds. It ate almost anything, from eggs, to small dinosaurs to insects. etc. It could use its claws like we could. It could stand on two legs and evidence suggest it didn't even need its tall for much use only when running! It was a quick animal too. I can't see how it wasn't an advantage to them in terms of the harsh changes. Their nocturnal eyes gave them a great advantage when the planet was in the extinction period. This means it could prey on all the smaller surviving dinosaurs including mammals.

    Same with Monkeys, Harsh changes in climate meant they were forced to go from trees to land and use their brains to adapt with the help of their thumb like hands to use tools. Monkeys weren't crocodiles were they.
    Certain amphibians...... They could travel great distances quickly to find food and avoid those that would predate them.
    So could troodon.

    Troodon was very well suited to it's own environment but when this finely tuned environment changed suddenly it wasn't able to adapt quickly enough (for reasons I stated above).

    I respect in you doing your research, but this is where i come to a blow on people!"They didn't survive because I stated so, so there!"

    No I can't accept that, blind people will, but I'm not stupid so no I won't take your word on that nonsense. Instead of researching the known, try the unknown if your brave enough.

    Evolution isn't something an organism can do on purpose. The ecological changes were simply too many too quickly for Troodon's ilk. The primates woul have had an advantage over Troodon during the mass extinction due to their small size (needing less food, easier to find hiding places etc.).
    Primates were the same size and lived in simalar environments. Troodon was only longer in lenght. Most primates were bigger, infact 4mya most priamtes were bigger than our modern predeccors.

    This is probably the most pathetic argument you have at this stage.
    Had it not been for the catastrophic events 65 million years ago it is quite likely that Troodon's descendants may have gone on to rule the world instead of us.
    Again going on the assumptions of the known.

    I think you are reading in to it far too much. The name is simply derived from the Greek words for 'wounding' and 'tooth'.
    Formousous?? is part of the name, so it's part of the name. It seems you don't look into things or observe things in great detail, infact you miss everything.:D

    Stenonychosaurus simply means 'narrow claw lizard'.[/qoute] that I know.

    He is a bit slimy alright! :pac:

    PS: In future please do not copy and paste so much text. It makes your post fairly unmanagable. Try posting a bit of it followed by a link.

    We agree on something anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 962 ✭✭✭darjeeling

    mysterious wrote: »
    So we are been told;) You have 300millions to play with, remember I told you once your in the known and do not know the unknown, youir really only guessing and taking assumptions for limited information.

    You have to understand deception and slavery of this planet. We are in the height of ignorance. I suggest you look at the amount of people who go missing and die in the states for pubically trying to reveal that reptilles are sentient creatures who have evolved to humanoid form. But I seriously doubt you will pay any attention to that.


    With all due respect, this is sheer fantasy. Generally, were someone to make a remarkable claim, I might ask for evidence. Here I am certain there isn't any, so I shan't bother.

    The vast amount of genetic data collected from present-day people shows that we all belong to a single species, and that we share recent common ancestry. The fossil record shows that the anatomical features distinguishing modern humans appear in the fossil record no more than 200,000 years ago. Going progressively further back, the fossil evidence supports a taxonomic grouping of humans with the other apes, then with other primates, then with other mammals.

    There is nothing in the scientific literature that could offer any support to an independent reptilian origin of a subset of modern humans. The notion is beyond laughable.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    darjeeling wrote: »
    With all due respect, this is sheer fantasy. Generally, were someone to make a remarkable claim, I might ask for evidence. Here I am certain there isn't any, so I shan't bother.

    The vast amount of genetic data collected from present-day people shows that we all belong to a single species, and that we share recent common ancestry. The fossil record shows that the anatomical features distinguishing modern humans appear in the fossil record no more than 200,000 years ago. Going progressively further back, the fossil evidence supports a taxonomic grouping of humans with the other apes, then with other primates, then with other mammals.

    There is nothing in the scientific literature that could offer any support to an independent reptilian origin of a subset of modern humans. The notion is beyond laughable.

    Where did you get your evidence????:rolleyes: Stop with the known, and go study the unknown. Try read a few books, and go online and study disclosure on these things. Talk to people.

    People have died, thats why evidence is hidden. It's either that or you just don't look. The only fantasy that here, is your inability to discover yourself, by yourself. Everything can be deemed fantasy if you only accept your version of reality.

    I will leave it there, to let it tiddle your minds. Your all not used to this :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 962 ✭✭✭darjeeling

    mysterious wrote: »
    Where did you get your evidence????:rolleyes: Stop with the known, and go study the unknown. Try read a few books, and go online and study disclosure on these things. Talk to people.

    People have died, thats why evidence is hidden. It's either that or you just don't look. The only fantasy that here, is your inability to discover yourself, by yourself. Everything can be deemed fantasy if you only accept your version of reality.

    I will leave it there, to let it tiddle your minds. Your all not used to this :)

    This is a science forum, and it deals with real evidence, not mysterious stuff that can't ever be seen.

    It is simply nonsense to suggest that there's a dinosaur that went on a remarkable evolutionary trajectory to turn into something indistinguishable from humans, uniquely breaking all the rules of evolution and leaving no trace of its progress either in the fossil record or in the genes we study today.

    Oh, but the evidence is conveniently hidden. I think Mandy Rice-Davies has the last word on that one: they would say that, wouldn't they.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    darjeeling wrote: »
    This is a science forum, and it deals with real evidence, not mysterious stuff that can't ever be seen.

    It is simply nonsense to suggest that there's a dinosaur that went on a remarkable evolutionary trajectory to turn into something indistinguishable from humans, uniquely breaking all the rules of evolution and leaving no trace of its progress either in the fossil record or in the genes we study today.

    Oh, but the evidence is conveniently hidden. I think Mandy Rice-Davies has the last word on that one: they would say that, wouldn't they.

    Sure have you EVER looked up the EVIDENCE of people been murdered in the states or go missing when trying to reveal infor such as this. There are ALOT of scientists out there who are not mainstream and will quite bluntly disagree woefully with your ignorance on that stance. Alot of proprosed these theories as far back as the 1970s to the public. But as I keep telling you its hard to get publicity on this as there is so much cover up on this.

    This is science. There is a continent under the Antarctic ice sheet too. 70% of the surface of this planet is under sea and has not been touched.. The rest of the land holds 30% percent, where still only a fraction has been only excavated. How DO YOU KNOW there is no evidence. Your blatantly saying so by your own words and you can't say that. Where is your expertise and knowledge for one who is quick to dismiss reality. Questioning is important if we are to gain any thread of evidence or development on this. What is too say the government don't allow all fossils to be disclosed to the public, and you cannot deny this has been done. They are still finding dinosaur bones today that constantly rewrites the history of these great reptiles. So please stop with the society crap. There are thousands of dinosaurs that still haven't been named or fully examined yet. "we know it all" etc. We simply don't know anything about this planet in such detail whatsoever. You know the system that is it. That is the SCIENCE OF THIS REALITY. What you need to do is change your mindset.

    This is why I cant stand this ignorance. You speak in this way cus you don't look for it yourself. If your really believe this is nonsense why aren't you the one to prove it's nonsense.

    You have 300million years of research.
    What if I told you the reptiles own your society and co-exist beside you and you don't know it yet. I'll start you off. Every single ancient civilization on earth has reptilian symbolism in them. Even religions and rituals too have this stuff in them. Look at China and the far east who worship the dragon. Look at the bloody dollar if you would just stop think and look at the obviousness. The Annunaki who have alot of serpent symobolism. Look at the myths. Look at all the programming today in our movies, cartooons. It's everywhere. This is not conspiracy THIS IS FACTS. I will even name the programs. You should watch a few Diana interviews what she thinks of the bloodlines rulers of this world. As I said this is a fraction of whats out there.

    Mainstream science will continue to dumb you all down, and live in such fantasy to what is your world.

    Why do you think people get shot and killed near Area 51 and places like that.

    There is absolutely nothing mysterious about that reality whatsoever. It's the daily world behind scenes. Open your mind and learn to think outside "society" your just following the program of retaining and not actually doing your own research.

    If I had the proof of the troodon existing I would be kiled.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    mysterious wrote: »
    The rest of the land holds 30% percent, where still only a fraction has been only excavated. How DO YOU KNOW there is no evidence.

    I can pretty much garuntee thhat there is absolutely no evidence of an advanced prehuman culture anywhere in this world. Five years in archaeology and this is the first I have even heard of it.
    mysterious wrote: »
    If I had the proof of the troodon existing I would be kiled.

    So this is all just wild speculation and loose co-incidence. Alot of people who do not believe in the Trodoon die also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Grimes wrote: »
    I can pretty much garuntee thhat there is absolutely no evidence of an advanced prehuman culture anywhere in this world. Five years in archaeology and this is the first I have even heard of it.

    The thing is you can't. You can think you can, but the fact is you can't

    Research what's unknown then come back to me. Your programmed well. You following the program well.

    So this is all just wild speculation and loose co-incidence. Alot of people who do not believe in the Trodoon die also.

    I suggest you research underground bases in America. Then tell me if I'm wrong about people going missing or been murdered. You really haven't a bulls notion as to what they have discovered and what they have found and what is living on this planet. You just dont know it, cus they own mainstream science. It's designed to keep you misinformed.

    Speculation, go study it and find out. Then we will see what you have learned rahter than retained....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I'll give you an example just how flawed your "ideology" of mainstream science is.

    "Mainstream science has recently discovered Sirius B that orbits Sirus A.

    The Egyptians and dogam tribes in Western Africa knew Sirus was a three star system. See if you followed "mainstream science blindly" you wouldn't know this fact. Now after all these year's they finally know the truth.

    Its the same treatment for every dark secret on this planet. And boy are there secrets. Mainstream science is like your average cable show you watch and T.V you watch and retain it. Nothing more nothing less.

    Now to bring this back on topic, you state "science can garentee everything" Well how come science didn't have the proof of the Binary star of sirius. IN other words mainstream science is behind

    The real science driving this planet. we are the sheep to the shepard. Which is why I specifically state when researching is, stop depending on the the bull**** system to gain knowledge.

    As a palentoligist you should be studying this more than me. Apologies to bring another example that isn't very topical, but I wanted to bring forth an example where science is falwed and yet the ancients and secrets knew all along where as modern science really is far behind the real knowledge and power. So you could of suggested wild speculation here eh. But you see your not used to anything outside of the unknown like most people on this planet.

    I am, the question is when will you?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 962 ✭✭✭darjeeling

    mysterious wrote: »
    Sure have you EVER looked up the EVIDENCE of people been murdered in the states or go missing when trying to reveal infor such as this. [more CT stuff snipped]

    Once you depart from the actual available evidence and start saying that there's a cover up to conceal the real evidence, well then you're deep into CT forum territory, and I see no point in proceeding here.
    mysterious wrote: »
    This is science. There is a continent under the Antarctic ice sheet too. 70% of the surface of this planet is under sea and has not been touched.. The rest of the land holds 30% percent, where still only a fraction has been only excavated. How DO YOU KNOW there is no evidence.

    There is no reliable, reported evidence. You can't build a scientific case on the basis of evidence you think might be out there but can't find!
    mysterious wrote: »
    This is why I cant stand this ignorance. You speak in this way cus you don't look for it yourself. If your really believe this is nonsense why aren't you the one to prove it's nonsense.

    I've told you why, biologically, it's nonsense, but I can go on saying it if you like.

    There are no reported transitional fossils to suggest that any late cretaceous dinosaur evolved into something resembling a primate. The available hominin fossils point to a descent of humans from African apes several million years ago.

    Tens of millions of years of independent evolution leads to huge differences in genome organisation (and hence rapidly to hybrid infertility) and in individual gene sequences. There are, though, no reports of people found to have chromosome arrangements that differ as radically as expected under your scenario. There are no instances in any of the public genetic databases of individual human genes that are more similar to reptile sequences than to chimp sequences. The time to recent common ancestor for human genetic sequences is of the order of hundreds of thousands of years, not the tens of millions you would require.
    mysterious wrote: »
    If I had the proof of the troodon existing I would be kiled.

    So you don't then. Well, I kind of knew that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    Yes it is getting a bit CT around here and to be honest mysterious a conversation regarding the nature of kettle manufacture would probably come back to this NWO stuff. Please keep this topic on the existence of this creature rather than X-files type conspiracy stuff. Some reputable links to what has convinced you so deeply rather than blind claims would go along way to helping your cause.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    darjeeling wrote: »
    Once you depart from the actual available evidence and start saying that there's a cover up to conceal the real evidence, well then you're deep into CT forum territory, and I see no point in proceeding here.

    Well then the idea of Troodon dieing out is a theory too;)

    People hide evidence, so if you can't see it doesn't mean its not there. You cant see my house doesn't mean its not there, that is your argument.

    And my argument puts your "I praise the lord of mainstream science" out the windew sir.

    There is no reliable, reported evidence. You can't build a scientific case on the basis of evidence you think might be out there but can't find! [/qoute]

    So what kind of source is reliable, "mainstream" science.

    Good heavens, you bow to the system at this rate. No wonder you don't know the troodddd, I mean truth.

    I've told you why, biologically, it's nonsense, but I can go on saying it if you like.

    No it isn't. To say that is the height of ignorance. You cannot state your belief as fact. I'm not going to beaten down by your narrow minded views.
    There are no reported transitional fossils to suggest that any late cretaceous dinosaur evolved into something resembling a primate.
    I never ONCE said it did :)

    Don't twist my words. There are many scientists who study the whole troodon complex and not one not ever did any scientist claim that Troodon evolved into a primate, that is just your ignorant assertions.
    The available hominin fossils point to a descent of humans from African apes several million years ago.
    Here is a link where they are discussing that OofA theory is not so "biological" But we can see you believe everything the mainstream view is:rolleyes:

    Alot of Paleontologists are now disagreeing with your theory of out of Africa, So the ones do know will keep quiet while you all battle it out ;)

    Tens of millions of years of independent evolution leads to huge differences in genome organisation (and hence rapidly to hybrid infertility) and in individual gene sequences. There are, though, no reports of people found to have chromosome arrangements that differ as radically as expected under your scenario. There are no instances in any of the public genetic databases of individual human genes that are more similar to reptile sequences than to chimp sequences.

    Homo sapiens has 3 (mainstream dumbed down version blood types) O, A, AB,

    It has 29 - 35 blood groups officially in scientific separated groups. Then you have the whole RH - blood which is alien. Meaning not from earth. No Rhesus monkey gene present. It has two less chromosomes than other primates. You also have copper based blood which is another topic for another day. This is all just for homo sapiens you know... What did we evolve from and not just apes?
    The time to recent common ancestor for human genetic sequences is of the order of hundreds of thousands of years, not the tens of millions you would require.
    Your lost in your own argument.

    So you don't then. Well, I kind of knew that.

    What are you on about. You really are lost with something here.

    I never once said humans were reptiles I never said troodon was a human, not close and not ever. :rolleyes::D Oh dear oh dear.

    But I can give you links to show where scientist do agree that our DNA has alien DNA and mordern man is engineered aka homo sapens.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 962 ✭✭✭darjeeling

    mysterious wrote: »
    People hide evidence, so if you can't see it doesn't mean its not there. You cant see my house doesn't mean its not there, that is your argument.

    No, it isn't. This is:
    darjeeling wrote: »
    You can't build a scientific case on the basis of evidence you think might be out there but can't find!
    mysterious wrote: »
    darjeeling wrote: »
    There are no reported transitional fossils to suggest that any late cretaceous dinosaur evolved into something resembling a primate.
    I never ONCE said it did

    Don't twist my words. There are many scientists who study the whole troodon complex and not one not ever did any scientist claim that Troodon evolved into a primate, that is just your ignorant assertions.

    I said 'resembling a primate'. You think there are troodon descendents that are indistinguishable from humans. Humans are primates, so that means you're saying that a late cretaceous dinosaur evolved into something resembling a primate - just as I said. No word twisting, but simply restating - clearly - what you're saying.
    mysterious wrote: »
    Here is a link where they are discussing that OofA theory is not so "biological" But we can see you believe everything the mainstream view is

    Alot of Paleontologists are now disagreeing with your theory of out of Africa, So the ones do know will keep quiet while you all battle it out

    Did you actually look at any of these links? Multiregionalism - now essentially discredited - reckoned humans evolved from Homo erectus that first left Africa a million or two years ago. 'Out of Africa' reckons modern human ancestors left Africa a hundred thousand years ago. Everyone in the debate agrees hominins evolved in Africa, as I said. By rights, it's for me to tell you not to twist my words - as you have throughout your post.
    mysterious wrote: »
    But I can give you links to show where scientist do agree that our DNA has alien DNA and mordern man is engineered aka homo sapens.

    That is no more than unsourced internet rubbish. Does the alleged researcher cited even exist? PubMed doesn't turn up any of his papers.
    mysterious wrote: »
    I never once said humans were reptiles I never said troodon was a human, not close and not ever. Oh dear oh dear.

    The point is that no DNA sequence from anything currently walking around looking like a human looks more like a reptile sequence than a human - or chimp - sequence. No wildly different reptile-derived karyotypes have been seen in anything currently walking around looking like a human.

    So no fossil evidence and no genetic evidence (no, human blood groups don't offer you any support, should you think otherwise) means no evidence.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    I am very close to locking this thread. The Palaeontology forum states that arguments should be based within the realms of science (this being a science forum after all) and that soapboxing (repeating points without backing them up) are not allowed.
    Mysterious, you are currently breaking both of these rules. If you continue to do so this thread will be locked and further punishment may also be forthcoming.

    Now that I've gotten that unpleasantness out of the way...
    I was asked to prove that Troodon was warm blooded. Here is a link.
    To summarise:
    Size - In exact opposition to gigantothermy it can be demonstrated that size is unhelpful for cold-blooded animals. In order to move a massive body for a prolonged period of time great strength is required. This can be seen in many modern terrestrial mammals but not in any cold-blooded animals. It is possible to demonstrate that cold-blood is only possible up to a certain size in purely terrestrial animals, something the size of the Diplodocus3 is clearly past that limit.

    Bone Structure - It is possible to note significant differences in microscopic bone structure between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals. Dinosaur bone clearly shows a warm-blooded structure. This appears much stronger evidence than the mere overall design of the bone and effectively refutes the structure argument for ectothermy.

    Predator/Prey Ratios - If animals are warm-blooded then there is a large amount of prey biomass required per kilogram of predator biomass in order to support a stable population. If they are cold-blooded then the amount required is far less. Fossil discoveries point to a ratio of about 50 tonnes of prey biomass per tonne of predator biomass. This is what we would expect of warm-blooded animals.

    Dynamic Body Structure

    Stance - Dinosaurs stood erect, not sprawled like lizards. This stance is seen in warm-blooded animals only.

    Form - Some dinosaurs have forms extremely reminiscent of fast ground birds, in fact Dromiceiomimus was built to a faster design than an ostrich. If we make the reasonable assumption that the form fulfilled the same function in both animals then Dromiceiomimus must have been capable of speeds approaching 60 miles per hour. Replace the warm-blooded animal with a cold-blooded one and those long, powerful legs would have propelled the animal at a less impressive four miles per hour. Moreover it would have had to sit down to rest every hundred yards or so! Obviously the animal must have been warm-blooded.

    Insulation - It is now clear that at least some dinosaurs, and some pterosaurs, were insulated. Insulation is a hazard in cold-blooded animals but a benefit in warm-blooded animals, mammals use fur or blubber, birds use feathers. Clearly some dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Moreover, this cancels out another cold-blooded argument. If some dinosaurs had feathers then they could have been ancestors of the birds. It is not possible to argue that dinosaurs were cold-blooded because they were descended from reptiles since it could be equally true to say that dinosaurs were warm-blooded because they were the ancestors of the birds.

    Growth Rate - We have excellent ranges of skeletons for some species, showing the development of the animals, and the growth rate appears to be extraordinary; from hatchling to adult Hadrosaurus5 in five years. This rate is confirmed by the examination of growth rings in bone. Such speed is only possible for warm-blooded animals.

    Infant Differentiation - In cold-blooded animals infants are essentially identical to adults, merely smaller. In warm-blooded animals there is significant differentiation in many cases, this is also observed in dinosaurs.

    Chest Capacity - Warm-blooded animals require huge lungs and powerful hearts. Cold-blooded animals do not and so have much smaller chest capacities relative to the size of the animal. Dinosaurs had clearly large chests for their mass.

    Geographical Range - Dinosaurs lived in some arctic conditions where sunlight was hard to come by and the air was freezing. Among terrestrial animals only those with internal heating could have adapted to such an environment.

    Species with Nocturnal Adaptation - Some dinosaurs have features that appear to assist with nocturnal activity. Such animals must be warm-blooded as the sun is required for cold-blooded animals to remain active.

    Success over Thecodontids - A reason must be found for the startling success that the dinosaurs achieved over the Thecodontids at the end of the Triassic period. They were clearly the more adaptable group. While this does not posit the evolution of warm-blood, it is certainly a possible advantage they may have had.

    Eating Behaviour - The Sauropods had enormous guts, multiple stomachs and used gastroliths6 to assist in the digestion of food. Such systems are needed if food is to be processed quickly and in bulk, a prerequisite of warm-blood.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    darjeeling wrote: »

    I said 'resembling a primate'.
    No you didn't you said no reptile would evolve into primates:). You said it. no one else did. No one else said resemble one either and I never suggested that either.
    Stop twisting it.

    You think there are troodon descendents that are indistinguishable from humans. Humans are primates, so that means you're saying that a late cretaceous dinosaur evolved into something resembling a primate - just as I said. No word twisting, but simply restating - clearly - what you're saying.

    You have twisted my words, read above.
    Now to get to the pont, and take all your off points, into context.

    I understand the evolution of humanoid, and humanoid is not a trait of evoultionary processs unique to earth. The humanoid is a universal body type to evolve for interplanetary travel. The thumb allows the use of tool making and making with hand of practical requirments. The Brain used to for intelligence and the limbs used to walk upright. Troodon was evolving to be more upright and walk like Ostriches. Its brain was developimg. It has had claw like hands that could be used like our hands but obviously more simple use.

    There is actually no reason why the Troodon couldn't evolve to Humanoid form. They live on the same planet as we do. The evolution was not that different either.

    My point they are humanoid in shape. As they have 200 million year chance of evolving far beyond us, they could easily of adapted more to look like us by use of genetic engineering. INfact they could even have altered our DNA to look more like them. Afterall. We are 10% Reptillan. Ruling bloodlines of this planet have more 50% reptillian DNA. They have reptillian traits. Tall, hairless, thin lips big eyes, scaly skin, more inept to wrinkly skin, green/hazel eyes. What I'm saying, is homo sapiens was designed to be so racially different to other primates because of the mixing. I'm not going to go into the theories and other theories. But you need to get of the mainstream crapology of only one route and one way thinking.

    Humanoid, doesn't mean homo sapiens or human. Any species can evolve to humanoid form. Its a well branched topic.
    Did you actually look at any of these links? Multiregionalism - now essentially discredited - reckoned humans evolved from Homo erectus that first left Africa a million or two years ago. 'Out of Africa' reckons modern human ancestors left Africa a hundred thousand years ago. Everyone in the debate agrees hominins evolved in Africa, as I said. By rights, it's for me to tell you not to twist my words - as you have throughout your post.

    How do you know were you there 300,000 years ago. There is also much evidence to suggest that other beings came to alter our DNA and mix with them to give the final creation of Homo sapiens. I still believe this is part of evolution. Is there any proof that Troodon actually died out? They are still finding new speices today.

    Since we are a binary star ;) Evoution, is a tricky word on this planet imo.:)

    That is no more than unsourced internet rubbish. Does the alleged researcher cited even exist? PubMed doesn't turn up any of his papers.

    So which scientist should we believe? What source should we believe in? Like seriously now, I'm asking a genuine question. I would ask the same to anyone especially people who just block out both sides. Look it up. Evidence is hidden, and you prove to be so ignorant of it. I will post more links tomorrow of facts, where scientists have proven E.T intellegent design tampering in the human genome. They found the alien gene. That is mainstream science finding it. But others knew thousands of years ago.

    The point is that no DNA sequence from anything currently walking around looking like a human looks more like a reptile sequence than a human - or chimp - sequence. No wildly different reptile-derived karyotypes have been seen in anything currently walking around looking like a human.

    You mean you don't know, remember what I said about Ignorance. Unless You can prove to me you know for certain, or you actually look like you have researched this, you depend so much on your mainstream backdrop. The T.V says so, time magazine says so, Stevan Hawkings says so , and you jump on it like a horse to cart.

    What research Have you done yet?
    So no fossil evidence and no genetic evidence (no, human blood groups don't offer you any support, should you think otherwise) means no evidence.

    Oh yes it does. If you continue to dismiss reality, then prove it your links. Your very quick witted on just saying no that not true.
    But that's all you say.

    What research have you shown?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    mysterious wrote: »
    I will post more links tomorrow of facts, where scientists have proven E.T intellegent design tampering in the human genome. They found the alien gene. That is mainstream science finding it. But others knew thousands of years ago.

    For the sake of sheer morbid curiosity I'm going to leave this thread open so you can post this evidence. Granted it is straying way off topic, but I'm beginning to believe this thread was started not to discuss prehistoric life, but rather to bring up such unusual topics 'trough the back door'.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 962 ✭✭✭darjeeling

    OK, I'm getting bored of this, so I'll keep it brief, and then I'm done.
    mysterious wrote: »
    No you didn't you said no reptile would evolve into primates:). You said it. no one else did. No one else said resemble one either and I never suggested that either.

    Just not true. If you can't even quote me correctly from earlier on the same webpage, there's not much hope.
    mysterious wrote: »
    So which scientist should we believe? What source should we believe in? Like seriously now, I'm asking a genuine question.

    Well, scientists who actually exist would be a good start.
    mysterious wrote: »
    What research Have you done yet?

    I've read enough about the available fossil data for human origins, and I'm familiar enough with the relevant human genetic data. As I've said above, nothing I've seen gives any basis to believe that a dinosaur evolved convergently to look like a human. There really is nothing more to say.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Mysterious has one day to post substantial evidence to back up his increasinly tiresome claims. If said evidence does not appear by 15:00GMT tomorrow this thread is being locked.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    the gas thing about mysterious is that he rails against everyone for not believing in things of which there is no empirical evidence, whereas he himself is as closed-minded in refusing to ever accept that sometimes things are exactly as they appear.

This discussion has been closed.