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Ever Decreasing Circles:



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Solid start to training for London BB. At least you have ingredients to start baking a cake....i am still stuck in the shop looking for them:)
    What will you likely top out at volume wise during peak and what do you see as your key long run of the whole plan? The one that says "yeah i am ready to rock London", long run with 16 or 18miles at MP??

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Solid start to training for London BB. At least you have ingredients to start baking a cake....i am still stuck in the shop looking for them:)
    What will you likely top out at volume wise during peak and what do you see as your key long run of the whole plan? The one that says "yeah i am ready to rock London", long run with 16 or 18miles at MP??

    Deliberately haven't looked that far into the plan yet :), I think the sensible approach is to keep it within +20% the exit 4 week average of my base phase, so that would be high 90's. I don't think the plan goes that high on MP and for me would be counter-productive I feel, thus the point of not over cooking the training, which I've a tendency to do.

    I have a HM 6 weeks out, that will be a key milestone and should tell me if I'm progressing as needed. Then I've a hilly HM 3 weeks out, which I'll do as part of a 21 with the plan being 10 at MP effort and finishing progressively stronger, the HR stats will be an influencer there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Solid week this week ticking all the boxes without any drama; progressed the mileage, ran a solid 20, increased the distance and speed of the mid-week steady run, everything else was filler miles at different intensities.

    Mon: Doubleday, couple of easy runs.

    Tue: 10 with 5 steady, done this by headtorch in Shanganagh and I don't know why, but always find it a little more difficult to run faster like this. But was + 1 mile from last week and 7 secs quicker per mile, so a pleasing session overall.

    Wed - Fri: 5 easy runs totalling 34 miles, with a hungry 12 on Weds after work.

    Sat: 20 @ MP + 40secs, not a great day for running, thought there was a break so headed out a little under dressed and underestimated the chill factor. Pretty soon I had numb hands, forearms and face and soon to be followed by toes once the wet seeped through. The run, well the run went as well as expected, kept it reasonably consistent letting elevation dictate the pace and finished in good shape with 14 - 19 at 7:06 pace considering that I sticking with the plan of no water or gels in the 1st half of the program. 20 @ 7:14

    Sun: Met some of the speedsters (Gary, Joe, Neil and Stephen) over in Shankill as they were doing 20, looping back to the start after 10, so I joined them for what would be a steady 10 for me (6:53).

    Next week stay on schedule for the 1st 3 days and then ease off a little with Dungarvan on Sunday.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 84.3 [135.7]
    MTD: 195.6 [314.7]
    Races YTD: 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    Nice to put a face to the name BB. Good week. Best of luck in dungarvan

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Rolling back the years - Dungarvan 10M - 59:45 Master's PB

    Done a mini-taper for this one, if you call a 60 mile week a taper.
    The early half of the week was just ok, Tuesday I felt wrecked, have been fighting off a chesty cough and when I was struggling around Shanganagh at 7:50 pace with the sweats I pulled the plug shortly after 4 miles and called it a day, nothing to be gained in the grander scheme of things. Rest of the week went to plan.

    Race Day: Abhainn was doing the driving duties, so it was nice to chill out and catch up on the way down. Weather was better than expected and we made good progress, parked up at start line after grabbing a coffee and some jelly beans with an hour to spare.
    Pre race breakfast was granola and coffee (4hrs pre race) and a Beet It shot and half a granola bar (2hrs pre race).

    Gentle 2 mile warm up to check out mile 2 and mile 10 followed by the usual strides and dynamic stretching and additional jogging to keep warm. Headed to the start line just as the weather was taking a turn for the worst, so grabbed an old pair of Lidl gloves from my bag.

    My target was sub 61, although I told Joe if 60 reared it's head I'd give it a shot.

    The delays at the start are well documented on the race thread so I won't go into that, only to say as a race organiser myself you are at the mercy of the emergency services and a few minutes delay is no biggie.

    So eventually we were off, I got off the line well to stay out of trouble and then eased off as we went through the town, still quite sheltered at this stage and the sub 60 pacer was a few seconds up the road, went through the 1st mile in 6 even
    Mile 2 was into a headwind as the hail got stronger and as I ran through the river that was flowing down the main road I was actually getting brain freeze! During the warm up myself and Joe discussed how pushing too hard to keep pace this early in the race could easily end someones race, so I just concentrated on effort. A girl holding a stopwatch said 11 something, but my watch beeped at 12:06, I was happy to be running at target pace.
    Mile 3, a gentle rolling mile, a little bit sheltered which was nice with the exception of going past a few openings where you would get a quick icy blast. Unfortunately met Maria McC on this section walking back towards a steward. It was a bit narrow at times and I had to fight for space as the road narrowed further due to puddles. A 6:04 has me at 18:10, exactly where I wanted to be.
    Mile 4 is pretty similar, we have a nice stretch on a back road and I'm feeling pretty comfortable, in fact a bit too comfortable, but it's still a good bit to go. Getting into a few duals now which helps pass the time and keeps the pace where it needs to be - 6:07 by the watch, but my Garmin is reading short as a steward calls 24:10 for 4.
    Mile 5 is a nice section and I feel like I'm cruising, the timing clock is a nice touch which reads 30:15, but my Garmin beeps about 10 seconds later? Anyway I can see the pacer ballon about 50-60 mts up the road.

    Mile 6, there's a hard left shortly into this mile and I notice we've turned out of the breeze. It's a little bit of a rolling mile and I get talking to chap who tells me he's hoping to break 61 and asks me what my target is and how am I feeling. I'm actually feeling great, but look at the Garmin and see 6:12 and think I'm not letting this slip and put in some effort on a short climb. This feels good and as we get to the end of the mile a steward calls 36:15, my Garmin says 6:05.
    Mile 7 starts with a bit of a climb, but I'm eating up the road and starting to reel some of the sub 60 group that have been blown out the back door, this gives me a boost and I use the downhill to get this mile under 6, 5:57 and a 42:12 is called from the side of the road.
    Mile 8 is relatively flat and I focus on a high cadence, controlled breathing and getting the heels out behind. Give a chap some encouragement who has pulled to the side of the road and I hear 48:12 called and then I beep at 5:58.
    I've had a guy in front for a few miles and I draw level as we climb towards the main road, he says chase them down if you've anything left and I start to increase the pace to hit the last climb up the main road. I'm running through a battlefield, there's carnage everywhere as I pass runner after runner. Surprise myself with an uphill 5:59.
    Last mile, it's all or nothing, no time called at mile 9, only 'go on lads you can still get under 60'. The balloon, I can see the balloon, it's maybe 30-40 mts ahead. I turn around and look for support and say to a guy 'let's catch that poxy balloon', he says 'off you go' and I say 'f00k it, I'm not running 1:00:0X and take off like a scalded cat, passing quite a few in first 800 I check my watch at the 800 to go - 57:03, I can do this I think - pacer is about 20 ahead. I'm pushing hard, come on, 400 to go 58:25 - what does that mean, push again, roundabout, there's the pacer 5-4-3-2-1, I take him on the last corner, the 1st time I've been ahead of him. Look up 59:3X, sprint, work the arms, yesssssss 59:45 (1st sub 60 in 29 years), do a little jump for joy a big smile an attempted puke and..... I feel great, mosey up to collect the goodie back, meet JC another attempted puke and a walk back to car as we relive the race. He's very happy with his sub 58.

    Savage feed back at the hall, met AMK and it's happy days all around as he nails his target also.

    Ready to kick on now, the target stays the same for now, those training paces are working for. Big mileage week coming up!

    Running Totals
    WTD: 60.0 [96.6]
    MTD: 255.6 [411.3]
    Races YTD: 2
    Masters PBs: 1

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super time. Great racing. Nice catching up today.
    Great report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Great race report, and a flying finish. Well done, you're motoring nicely.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 768 ✭✭✭Letyourselfgo

    Love the finish, great stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    Dead exciting report, super result. I'm a bit behind the times, what's the goal race-wise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    cianc wrote: »
    Dead exciting report, super result. I'm a bit behind the times, what's the goal race-wise?

    London sub 2:55

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  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    London sub 2:55

    Ay yeah, flying so. No bother to you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    London sub 2:55

    Sub 2:50 is sub 2:55;).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Super time for the elder man you. :)
    No serious fair fcuks man, as I said earlier like a good red vino

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Great running & report!
    To hit an obvious target like that for the first time in 29 years must really bring you back to feeling like the 30 year old you were then!!:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    belcarra wrote: »
    Great running & report!
    To hit an obvious target like that for the first time in 29 years must really bring you back to feeling like the 30 year old you were then!!:pac:

    You could be right, was feeling it this morning, but a gentle 4 miler has got the blood flowing again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,193 ✭✭✭PaulieC

    Savage time BB, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Just popping by to mark the occasion of 100 consecutive days (1010 miles) - has a bit of a binary feel to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Plenty of easy running this week with emphasis on hitting the weekly mileage and ensuring a full recovery from Dungarvan. In all fairness the body felt fine, but it can be further down the road when it hits you, so played the conservative approach.
    Got a mid-week 13 in, 2nd run on Thu was a steady 10k @ 6:30 pace and yesterday was a steady 10 with 7 at 6:29 pace.
    Long run this morning 2.5hrs, pace was easy, but I was feeling fatigued, this it's the first time I've had a week where each day has gone into double figures.

    Big of juggling next week as some of my team are visiting, so will have to play it by ear.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 91.6 [147.3]
    Jan MTD: 316.8 [509.8]
    YTD: 347.2 [558.6]
    Races YTD: 2
    Masters PBs: 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭overpronator

    I see your sub 60 10 miler got a mention on Marathon talk, you're royalty now!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Bit of a tricky week really that required some juggling. Had some of my team and the executive leadership team over also. This meant some early morning treadies to keep the mileage ticking along.

    2 runs of note:

    1) Progressive 10.
    Had some of the team from India on a sightseeing tour of the coast, Glendalough and Powerscourt on Thursday. Left them at Dundrum for a spot of shopping which gave me a few hours to get back to Shanganagh and squeeze a run out.
    With 4 days of easy running under my belt, my body was fresh even if my head was a little fried.
    Anyway knocked out a nice 8 mile progression run with a few steady miles at the end to make it up to 10 [7:17-7:13-7:05-7:00-6:38-6:27-6:22-6:07-6:43-6:39].
    A baby wipe shower and I'm back on my way!

    2) 20 with 10 @ MP
    This one nearly didn't happen, Luke's match was off, so the plan was to hit Shanganagh early and knock this out. Then the match was back on, which meant a trip to the back end of Wicklow (Kurt territory), to stand on an exposed pitch getting whipped by the wind (came away with the win though :)). Got home about 12:30 and was starving so had a light lunch and a chillax, before getting my head in gear to get out the door to get finished in daylight.
    Plan 1hr easy - 10 @ MP - 15min easy.
    Surprised on the easy section as to how bouncy and light I felt, had to keep reeling back in the pace. I'd been toying with 2:50 pace for this during the week, the 10 mile time points to it, but an 8 min improvement is a big jump. Anyway the decision I've made is to train close to 6:30 per mile pace once I don't run into any issues, plan A is still sub 2:55 and on race day if feeling good I'll pull trigger at about 16.
    Back to the MP miles, well very controlled, had to keep a lid on it from time to time and I had a tight enough spread from 6:24 to 6:30 considering it's a bit lumpy [6:29-6:29-6:30-6:28-6:26-6:29-6:27-6:29-6:24-6:30] for a 6:28 average.
    Average 6:56 for 20
    Probably the last long run I'll do now without water and gels.
    Felt ok afterwards, recovered quickly, choc milk, shower, a Sunday roast handed to me and a 95th min equalizer from Fulham all within 30mins of walking in the door - doesn't get much better :D

    Decision to overcome this is what to do about Donadea, my form is great, does it add risk, does it add more strength, I'm at risk of peaking early, so maybe it could take the edge off for a few weeks :confused::confused::confused:

    Running Totals
    WTD: 83.3 [134.0]
    MTD: 113.7 [182.9]
    YTD: 430.5 [692.6]
    Races YTD: 2
    Masters PBs: 1

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    That's a super session BB, when you've finished with the legs from whatever young lad you borrowed them from, can I have them next :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Decision to overcome this is what to do about Donadea, my form is great, does it add risk, does it add more strength, I'm at risk of peaking early, so maybe it could take the edge off for a few weeks :confused::confused::confused:

    myself and theboyblunder are running 20+ miles of Donadea. Plan is for 7 minute mile pace*. You're more than welcome to join us for a trot if you like.

    *I reckon I'm going have to keep a tight reign on tbb

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    TRR wrote: »
    myself and theboyblunder are running 20+ miles of Donadea. Plan is for 7 minute mile pace*. You're more than welcome to join us for a trot if you like.

    *I reckon I'm going have to keep a tight reign on tbb

    Hope UM didn't put dates on the medals, he'll be able to use them next year at this rate!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Hope UM didn't put dates on the medals, he'll be able to use them next year at this rate!

    Everyone gets a medal, even if you drop out. It's the law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You are stealing the show here! Well done on your 10 mile PB - so wonderful for you to reap the rewards of your inspiring work and progress. Nice job, BB. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    A not really follow the plan week, there was no quality planned, but I had planned to get some strides in after runs, not sure why these didn't happen, just slipped my mind I guess.

    Tuesday's run was fun (not), headed to Greystones after work as the Slí Cualann AGM was due to take place there. Got changed and headed out in the icy chill, the plan was 1hr40 @ 7:30 pace, but the underfoot conditions and the wind meant I just focused on the time and not the speed.
    Came back, got showered and changed, the coffee machine was off, went to car and dragged 240 tee shirts inside, checked my phone to find a text saying the meeting was off - fcuk, bo||ox, fcuk, w@nk, fcuk!

    Donadea on Saturday, had a few chats early in the week and the consensus was not to run the full amount, but use it as a steady 20+ mile training run, eye on the big prize and all of that.
    Makes you feel like a bit of a fraud lining up, but once I had internalised that and told a few at the start that this was my plan I just got on with it.
    Great race as always, started with TRR and TBB, before easing off a little and picking up Claralara for 3 laps. She was in fine form and I knew she would go on to have a great race.
    Towards the end of lap 3 a few around started picking it up a bit so I went with the flow, feeling stronger as the pace tweaked towards 3hr marathon pace.
    Ended up running 7 laps (21.8mls) at 6:54 pace, which was 8mls @ 7:04 pace and 13.8mls at 6:52 pace.
    I had a packet of shot blocks in my pocket, but as I become used to not taking anything on my runs I forgot about them, so this was done with just a few mouth rinses of water. This seems to be working for me, but I know I won't get away with that running faster for longer in LDN, so nailing in race nutrition becomes a priority now!

    Took the dog for a 2 mile walk to the shops later and the legs we tickety boo!

    Luke had a match in Arklow this morning, so I used the opportunity to get a few miles in, just ran enough to hit 80 for the week, so 12.7mls at an easy pace, legs fine once the blood started circulating.

    I'm at 500 miles 8 days ahead of last year and 4 x 20+ runs under the belt, beginning to enjoy tolerate this endurance lark!

    Next week, mileage marginally higher, mid-week tempo, mid-week MSR and and an MP run during the Wicklow Hospice HM.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 80.1 [128.9]
    MTD: 193.8 [311.8]
    YTD: 510.6 [821.5]
    Races YTD: 3
    Masters PBs: 1
    Consecutive Days: 118

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Think I was in that bunch with you for the first few laps (I had pink t shirt on), pace got a bit hot later on so left ye to it! Nice training run for you, fair play on the discipline to stop yourself running more laps!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Killerz wrote: »
    Think I was in that bunch with you for the first few laps (I had pink t shirt on), pace got a bit hot later on so left ye to it! Nice training run for you, fair play on the discipline to stop yourself running more laps!

    Ah, the incredibly photogenic runner :D - well done on having the discipline to run the 10 laps ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Another solid week under the belt, although I was fighting off a cold/chesty cough for the first half of the week, thankfully plenty of vit c, honey and lemon, cough mixture and loads of water seemed to do the trick.
    It did mean that I canned a tempo run on Tues as I elected for a few days easy paced running to avoid agitating anything.

    Weds sent the 'I need someone to drag me around an MSR' plea to Krusty and he duly obliged and dragged along another clubie for a trot around suburbia and FDA heaven with plenty of junctions to keep us on our toes. Was really glad of the mid-week company as this is one run I don't look forward to doing on my todd. A good solid 15+ @ 7:21 pace flew by.

    Another few easy days under the belt and I was heading to Avondale for the Wicklow Hospice HM. Plan was to run about 18 miles in total with the HM at PMP. Put a face to the boards handle (Gavlor) when I seen a WAC vest heading towards me as I finished a 3M+ W/U.

    150+ lined up for this and I had already called the fact that we would be into the back of the 10kers after a mile or two and boy was I right.
    In fairness a section of forestry planned for the route became unavailable on Friday so the organisers done well to plan out new courses in a short space of time. Having said that some clear signage, better briefed stewards and tight management of the finish area would have improved things - actually swapping the finish area with the run route would have helped immensely.

    The race pretty much went to plan for me, started handy on the uphill section and found my way into my planned pace, was probably back in 10th after the 1st mile when we hit the 'wall' at the back of the 10k. This meant some careful course navigation and a few shouts which were pretty pointless.
    After about 2 miles and with very little effort I was in about 7th as we hit the main Rathdrum to Arklow road and a nice head wind. I stayed out on the road and out of trouble as I took a few in my slipstream on this about 1.5M headwind section. Wasn't too concerned as I wasn't racing.
    Some shelter on the back roads now and we turn back into Avondale to navigate the hill again, not running at full effort I cruise up the hill and take a few places and I'm in 5th or entering the woods.
    The few around me I notice are flying down the downhills and then struggling a bit on the ups, I however am running pretty even effort so I float between 4th and 8th place.
    Bit of a melee as we come past the finish area, no stewards to guide to the 10k runners from the HMers and I follow Gavlor who's about 50 ahead around to the left before seeing him turn across the grass!

    Back out on the 2nd lap and I'm in 4th with 3 leeches sitting behind me again as I take on the hill and the wind. I quickly think about dropping the hammer, but restrain myself as that's not why I here today. See Gavlor take a few nervous glances before getting his act together!
    Once we turn out of the breeze two of them make a break on the back road, guess we are about 9.5 miles into the race at this stage.
    I let them do their thing and I keep it steady as we head back into Avondale, taking a place back in the meantime.

    Back into the woods for the final 2.5 miles and I'm still just working off effort, but with about a k to go leech #3 comes flying past and I say feck it and burn him taking 12 seconds out him in the last half mile.

    Official time 1:21:36 - unofficial masters PB, but won't be counted as one.

    All in all a great workout ran the 12.5 miles on my Garmin at 6:32 pace, although the legs did feel heavy towards the end, I did have 89 miles in them over the previous 7 days. Av HR was a few blips under Kildare so that's a positive and I picked up 1st place in the old mans race :D.

    Double recovery today, one in horizontal rain the other in normal rain to hit the mileage target of 85 for the week and 340 for the 4 week block.

    Overdue recovery week coming up, have the Meath HM in the plan but I'm thinking of dropping it 1) I don't think I need it after 2 solid weekend runs and 2) I don't want to go too deep into the well even though a handy master's PB is up for grabs!
    Also thinking about offsetting the recovery as I'm travelling for 4 days with work the week after next, so may split the recovery or delay it until Thurs.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 85.4 [137.3]
    MTD: 279.1 [449.1]
    YTD: 595.9 [958.9]
    Races YTD: 4
    Masters PBs: 1
    Consecutive Days: 125

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Nice racing Dom, do the wise thing with Bohermeen.
