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Ever Decreasing Circles:



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Nicely done BB, that's a great run at this time of year without any real speedwork. Must see if we can get a race together over the mile this year (not of the beer variety!).

    Trinity track coming up, the grass is a leveller.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    That was a very solid mile. 72, 75, 75, 75 - shows the strength is there. Definite improvement with speed work or just a few more races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Mick Dowling Sportsworld Terenure 5
    I know I've done this race in a previous life, I just can't remember when, a sign off old age starting to settle in maybe.
    Had hoped to keep the run of Master's PB's rolling, but alas it was not to be, I think a combination of 1) 5th race in 25 days 2) Tipping the scales 3k heavier than pre London 3) Going off a bit too fast and 4) Some tightness around the hip flexors that I've been working through the last few days.

    A great buzz around race HQ when I rocked up in good time, priority 1 meet up with Digger to collect my number, all done and dusted and back to the car for a little snooze after a few late nights and the accompanied overindulgence (back on the wagon tomorrow - promise :p)

    Bumped into a few familiar faces, caught up with Neil from the club who would go on to run a cracking 26:20 and then CL during the stroll up to the start line where I found Aero2k in good form. Lined up about 4 rows back in amongst the 2,000 other runners and we were off bang on time.

    Got a clean start and in no time we are hurtling down Templeogue Rd, when I say hurtling a glance at the watch shows 5:20 pace after about a half a mile - yikes. Reign it back in somewhat and cruise through 1 mile in 5:30.

    There's a group a little up the road, but they look like they are motoring, so I hang back and let the group behind catch up as we go along Terenure Rd W. Bit of a breeze here which exacerbates the slight climb, working together in a little group which includes the 3rd lady Michelle McGee.
    Turn onto Fortfield Rd and the breeze is noticeably stronger, tunguska comes past here and I duck in behind him, but he's motoring and soon drops me which leaves me on my todd into the breeze - 5:48.

    Nothing to do but keep working, I pick off a few, but I'm really working hard for it. There's some relief and we turn back onto Templeogue Rd again, but finding it hard to get the legs turning over - 5:53.

    Find a bit of a 2nd wind and dig deep on mile 4, there's a few exchanging of places which keeps it interesting and a bit of a battle with a Bros Pearce runner, manage to run this in a decent 5:46.

    Back into the breeze for the final mile and I'm done, the body's not responding and it's just the head that keeps me going. Michelle and the BP runner pull ahead as we hit the turn with 800 to go and I'm sweating like Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall reading Just 17. There's a stiff breeze to contend with and I'm really just hanging on, come round the final bend and see the gantry with 28:4X and I think muscle memory kicks in and I manage a sprint taking back the BP place, but Michelle had drifted too far ahead.

    Official Chip time 28:51, missed my Master's PB of 28:42, in reality I should've nailed that in the last mile, so I left with a hint of disappointment in my performance and a promise to myself to get rid of at least 2 of those excess kilos. 3rd M45 which is alright in a race of this stature.

    Bumped into a few boardies again afterwards, most felt the breeze at the end was tough, but all agreed it was a fantastic race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Good run today, only copped who you were as you passed me. That road to the finish always has a strong wind blowing down it, and it was pretty humid out there

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Well done today.
    I saw you warming up ahead of the start line, as I recognised you from your photo on the Know your A/Rists thread. Was going to say hello, but you looked far too focused to talk to anyone :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Well done today.
    I saw you warming up ahead of the start line, as I recognised you from your photo on the Know your A/Rists thread. Was going to say hello, but you looked far too focused to talk to anyone :pac:

    Next time :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Good to see you Dom, there was no sign of that 3 kilos as I watched you disappear off into the distance. I was afraid I wasn't trying hard enough at the start as a group of at least 50 seemed to be moving away from me - I couldn't believe it when I saw 5:09 on the watch! I suffered badly with the wind - I should have tried to stay with your group for the shelter. Great race though, and it would be really fast on a calm day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »

    Official Chip time 28:51, missed my Master's PB of 28:42, in reality I should've nailed that in the last mile, so I left with a hint of disappointment in my performance and a promise to myself to get rid of at least 2 of those excess kilos. 3rd M45 which is alright in a race of this stature.

    I thought you ran really well. I could see you from a mile away with the luminous orange top and you looked strong. First mile of that race is quick anyway and from talking to everybody after we all had a hard time of it over certain stretches, its not an easy course at all. 28:51 is a good run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    tunguska wrote: »
    I thought you ran really well. I could see you from a mile away with the luminous orange top and you looked strong. First mile of that race is quick anyway and from talking to everybody after we all had a hard time of it over certain stretches, its not an easy course at all. 28:51 is a good run.

    You may not have said that if you passed me in the last mile :pac:
    You were driving very strong with a determined forward lean when you passed, I knew after about 400mts it would be suicidal to try and stay with you.
    Anyway back to grindstone today with a double 4 + 8.3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Think I just developed RSI getting to page my log is on, been a while since I updated :)
    Work and life has been busy so I needed the mental and physical break from running targets, so I didn't set any, ran when I felt like it, ran how I felt like it and generally enjoyed it.
    Still manged an average of 200 miles per month May - July and something marginally north of that for this month I would guess.

    Just back from a great 10 days in Italy where I had some hot and humid runs, nothing major longest was 7.5 miles and I ran 8 out 10 days so not a write off by any means.
    Only negative was busting my ribs again, and again all my own stupidity as I tried to break the Horan speed record at the Acquapark and looped the looped on the black run, where gravity won out :o. 9 days in and there's slight improvement, will be happy if I get away with the 4 weeks recovery it took earlier in the year. Running is ok, but problems kick in after about 50mins, breathing and coughing not so good, turning in the bed a right pain in the arse ribs!

    Anyway once I landed I was back in lets get the show back on the road mode and jumped out of the car coming from the airport for a 71 min 10 miler on Friday, followed that with 10.6 hilly miles on Carrick yesterday and an easy 15 miler @ 7:27 pace this morning, was understandably a little fatigued towards the end.

    Still not setting any targets just yet, will work on the mileage, loosing about 3kgs between now and Christmas in the process and will take a bath in a few races as I work my way back to racing fitness.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Good to see you back on here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Mixed week driven I think by the step up in post holiday runs aggravating my ribs, was quite tender while running on Mon and Tues and so much so that I abandoned a planned session after 2 reps on Weds.

    Took an easy day Thurs and a day off on Friday and things settled down.

    Felt fresh and ready to rumble on Saturday morning and headed out on my planned 13.1 miles steady which I felt should be around 3 hour MP. The miles slipped by easy and the pace felt controllable as I knocked pretty consistent splits averaging 6:32 min/ml so better than expected and the Puma Faas 200 could be my new HM shoe.

    We had the annual back to school camp out last night, so a few too many ales, an uncomfortable nights sleep (about 3hrs) and too many burgers shelved my plans to run early doors. It was late afternoon after going back to bed to watch the F1 and then put the headphones and listen to the GAA / Premiership for 10 slogged miles. Rips sore again probably from sleeping out last night.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 48.5 [78.1]
    MTD: 157.5 [253.5]
    YTD: 1,888.1 [3038.0]
    Races YTD: 19
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Would like to be sitting here saying I've really kicked on since the last update, but I've just been doing enough to maintain where I am really, averaging mid fifties, with no real quality, except the odd tempo and MP efforts. Ribs held me back, obviously a little more serious than the last time as it took until today for my first pain free run. On top of that work has been very busy.

    Diet in generally back in check and we're down another 1.5kg.

    Paced the 20 min group at the F4L last week and got a last minute call to run leg 3 in a Tri in Brittas on the Saturday, which I ran at tempo pace on a hilly / windy course, so it was a decent workout.

    Progressed the long run up the 16+ today, but do feel a little out of sorts, need to get back to some core and maintenance work and get the form back with some strides and form hills. Will look to continue to progress the mileage as work allows.

    Pacing the HM next Sat, always a great day, will sit down and start working on a plan after that - need a target first though!

    Running Totals
    WTD: 54.0 [86.9]
    MTD: 113.4 [182.4] AUG: 213.0 [342.7]
    YTD: 2057.0 [3309.7]
    Races YTD: 21
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    You've more shoes than Imelda feckin Marcus :)

    Will the target be a marathon?


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Will the target be a marathon?

    Not for the next 58 weeks ;)
    You've more shoes than Imelda feckin Marcus :)

    Have already picked out my Christmas present :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Any x-country planned for this winter BB?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Any x-country planned for this winter BB?

    Will do the county series, won't be in great shape for the Novice & Intermediate early next month, but hope to give the Senior & Masters a rattle.
    Beyond that I'll suck it and see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,179 ✭✭✭Gavlor

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Gavlor wrote: »

    Another happy camper across the line :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    A solid week, with a couple of doubles, a 1:40 pacing gig in the park and my first 60+ week since..ahem the end of March. It's a building block and does round off a consistent 28 days, with 26 days of running and 236 miles.

    Next week is a bit of a car crash with work and a wedding, so time management, motivation and dose of stfu will be needed to hit the sixties again.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 67.9 [109.2]
    MTD: 181.3 [291.6]
    YTD: 2,124.9 [3418.9]
    Races YTD: 22
    Masters PBs: 7

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Just popping by to mark a little milestone since I returned to running.
    15,000 Miles - I did not expect to be saying that, another 9,887 and I've run around the equator :eek:


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Decent few weeks considering, week before last was light due to travel and a wedding where overindulgence and avoiding overpronator's man flu was the order of the day.
    Got a long overdue 20 in today which went ok, 10 @ 7:29, 5 @ 7:20 and 5 @ 7:05, should set me up nicely for pacing DCM.

    Still not following any structure, just loosely aiming for a weekly mileage target and chucking a few faster bits and strides in as I see fit.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 66.4 [106.8]
    MTD: 45.6 [73.4] SEP: 255 [410]
    YTD: 2,244.1 [3,610.7]
    Races YTD: 22
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Another solid week, mileage goal was to top 63, which gives me a 7 week average of 60.

    Mainly easy, although joined the club 4k handicapped race on Thurs evening to open the hips as it's so long since I done anything faster than 6min pace.
    Ran a couple of sub 6 miles (5:55 / 5:52), before going off plan as the staggers unwound and went a little quick for the last half mile @ 5:25 pace for a 14:23.
    Opened the hips a bit too much and the following morning I had tightness and some discomfort around the hip joint and groin, particularly noticeable when going up stairs.
    So ran 3 very easy runs, 2 on Friday and 1 Saturday, just focusing on form and following the runs up with some isolated stretching. Seem to have done the trick and by Sunday morning, while still noticeable, it was manageable.

    Intermediate County XC today, was a workout more so than a full out race.
    4 laps with 1 steep lump and 1 longer sticker climb per 2k lap.
    Course is narrow, so I ran hard off the line and settled into an easier pace as we hit the first climb. Gave up quite a few places here, but I wasn't concerned and just ran my own race.
    Stayed like that until the beginning of the 3rd lap, when I started to target some places ahead of me.
    Finished pretty well with my 4th mile faster than my 3rd and the last mile faster again, taking 5 places in the process for a 29:36 (measured 4.9 on the Garmin).
    Probably another 2 for the taking if I had my game face on.
    Anyway got changed quickly and headed off for a 1hr extended warm down on the hilly trails of Avondale to hit my weekly target.

    Will drop the mileage a little next week, only 1 day off in the last 33 and just shy of 300 miles.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 63.6 [102.3]
    MTD: 109.2 [175.6]
    YTD: 2,307.6 [3,713.0]
    Races YTD: 23
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi BB!! :) I've managed to sneak out of the tri forum this evening to get into a little mischief over here with you joggers ;) (Kurt has taught me well) and I see there's some good work going on in your piece of real estate! And, what's this I read?? You're moonlighting at triathlons as the anchor?? Really?? Way cool. If I start seeing pics of you lining up in a tri suit at road races then I'll know the conversion is complete! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    I'm glad I've no target races coming as I just don't feel like I'm clicking in any shape or form whatsoever. Every time I run hard I'm feeling strains all over the place, but mainly around the glutes, groin and hammers, but generally creaky everywhere.
    I'll just do easy running and my maintenance routine from now to the marathon and we'll be grand.

    Took 3 easy days after the XC and the glute had just about recovered, probably should have skipped the F4L, but it was part of the race myself back to fitness plan.
    Not a fast course by any means, it's out and back, through 3 junctions and a u turn at the bottom, so you lose momentum a few times. It's also uphill on the way back and against a breeze last Thur.
    Anyway I was giving the race briefing and forgot to set up the Garmin and as our Cyril waits for no man so this was run without the watch.
    Got a good belt down the hill and settled in about 5th, just off the leaders (inc Timmaay) who were always 5-10 metres ahead, stayed that way until we turned back up.
    I moved into 4th shortly after the turn passing a Parnell runner and we were strung out about 10mts apart.
    Hit the last roundabout with about 500 to go and I heard footsteps closing so I increase the effort and close pretty quickly on 3rd, take 3rd with about 200 to go, but that was short lived as the closing footsteps were those of Mick Byrne. I held him off briefly, but he had more in the last 100.
    Finished in 11:11 with a 9 sec gap to Timmaay.
    DCM dry run: stayed up until after 12 drinking wine and talking shoite with MrsBB, brown bread and jam for breakfast and then out for a trot, through is 4 miles at 6:36 pace during my 13 y'day, but again stiff afterwards and just not fluid.

    Anyway easy week coming up and reassess after a few pints on Monday.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 57.1 [91.8]
    MTD: 166.2 [267.5]
    YTD: 2,364.7 [3,804.8]
    Races YTD: 24
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67


    Couple of easy weeks either side of pacing DCM.
    Quad pain has continued, probably should have rested directly at DCM, but was off and got out for some easy runs. Reckon general DOMS disguised the quad pain as on Thurs it brought me to a standstill and I had to flag down a lift home.
    Took Fri and Sat off and got back out yesterday, improvement but not as rapid as I would like, so going to see the 7th son of a 7th son tomorrow night.

    Looking to put this behind me quickly and lay down a 70 mls per week average base to the end of the year, using a few races as harder/longer sessions.

    Running Totals
    WTD: 50.0 [80.5]
    MTD (Oct): 245.9 [395.6]
    YTD: 2,452.7 [3,946.4]
    Races YTD: 25
    Masters PBs: 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    November Totals
    Miles: 255.3
    Runs: 36
    Hours: 32:00
    Races: 1

    Another solid base month, making it 3 months hovering around the 250 mark.
    Started off light enough as I recovered from the Quad strain, ECOLII gave it a bit of a seeing too and I continued some self treatment and it eventually improved.
    Added a little quality into the mix, noticeable that pace is glaringly absent, but strength is returning, not overly concerned at this stage. Have a handful of races across a spectrum of distances which will help in December.
    December; the plan, more of the same, a few more sessions, run 300 miles to hit 3k and don't get injured in the process.


    Running Totals
    MTD: 255.3 [410.7]
    YTD: 2,699.6 [4,343.7]
    Races YTD: 26
    Masters PBs: 7

    In other news on a bit of a Puma buzz at the mo - great value at 5 pairs for just north of €200.15727021039_534238b71f_b.jpg

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Jezus you really are the Imelda Marcus of running!!!

    Do you need special off site storage for your runners.

    Do the green ones belong to your missus :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Jezus you really are the Imelda Marcus of running!!!

    Do you need special off site storage for your runners.

    Do the green ones belong to your missus :)


    Excuse me, that's not green - it's jasmine :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Are those pink ones definitely mens?
    I made the same mistake at TkMaxx recently with pink brooks...
