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Lagging on Fifa 09 on Xbox 360!!

  • 16-07-2009 10:54am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭

    Has anyone any solution ( A serious one ) to stopping Fifa09 lagging constantly from around 10pm to 12am , after 12am it seems to sort itself out !?
    But for those 2 hours its very bad, for me anyway.
    My internet download speed is 7 mbs, and im not downloading any movies or demo's at that time either .
    Can anyone help ?
    And is it true that the playstation 3 doesn't have this problem at all , no lagging what so ever?!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,635 ✭✭✭corcaigh07

    just sounds like your internet was crap for 2 hours. next time that happens, it might be an idea to test your internet speed on

    ive played fifa on ps3, dont worry, that lags as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    corcaigh07 wrote: »
    just sounds like your internet was crap for 2 hours. next time that happens, it might be an idea to test your internet speed on

    ive played fifa on ps3, dont worry, that lags as well.

    Ok , sound i will
    but it wasn't just last nite , its every night and my friend also has the same problem.
    I take it Corcaigh , you dont have this problem , can i ask what internet service provider do you have ?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    More than likely its your contention ratio at that loads of people online at same time as you for that period, each provider has a contention ratio which is how many people you share your connection with as such. If all those people are on then you will find your connection is slightly laggy, hence why it improves at 12am when they are all gone to bed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    Axwell wrote: »
    More than likely its your contention ratio at that loads of people online at same time as you for that period, each provider has a contention ratio which is how many people you share your connection with as such. If all those people are on then you will find your connection is slightly laggy, hence why it improves at 12am when they are all gone to bed.

    ok , cheers for that Axwell.
    Nothing i can do so , ah well

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    OP are you with Eircom?

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    Splender1 wrote: »
    ok , cheers for that Axwell.
    Nothing i can do so , ah well

    All you can do is make sure no one else in your house is on using the connection and try not to play against people outside of Ireland as if you are playing against americans it will cause more lag. Apart from that the extreme would be to switch provider. I have the same speed connection as you on BT and dont have any problems. Have you checked your connection to see what download speed you actually get?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    Axwell wrote: »
    All you can do is make sure no one else in your house is on using the connection and try not to play against people outside of Ireland as if you are playing against americans it will cause more lag. Apart from that the extreme would be to switch provider. I have the same speed connection as you on BT and dont have any problems. Have you checked your connection to see what download speed you actually get?
    To be quiet honest , i haven't .
    How do i check that on router's ip address site?
    Im with Eircom. Is BT better on price ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    Did you go from 3mb to 7mb with eircom?
    If so your interleaving may be causing your issues.

    I couldn't play xbox live at all with 7mb had to get them to put me back to 3mb.
    Interleaving fixed, problem solved.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    Splender1 wrote: »
    To be quiet honest , i haven't .
    How do i check that on router's ip address site?
    Im with Eircom. Is BT better on price ?

    Go to and run a check will tell you what your download speed is an your ping. also try

    Im not sure which is better, I use it for work as I work from home so got it because of the phone package that came with it at the time which Eircom didnt offer, free calls to landlines here and the Uk, they have since brought out something similar but im not sure of the prices.
    Did you go from 3mb to 7mb with eircom?
    If so your interleaving may be causing your issues.

    I couldn't play xbox live at all with 7mb had to get them to put me back to 3mb.
    Interleaving fixed, problem solved.

    Its acutally the pings that were the issue when the upgrades went through, on 3mb lines the pinges were a lot lower so way less lag, when they moved to 7mb lines the pings increased hugely which meant more lag. By going back to a 3mb line you have reduced the ping which means better gaming and less lag.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    Axwell wrote: »

    Its acutally the pings that were the issue when the upgrades went through, on 3mb lines the pinges were a lot lower so way less lag, when they moved to 7mb lines the pings increased hugely which meant more lag. By going back to a 3mb line you have reduced the ping which means better gaming and less lag.

    No, the pings were high beacuse of Interleaving.
    They changed the interleaving and it fixed the ping rates.

    OP call Eircom technical support and ask them to change your interleaving profile back to normal.
    You will lose 7mb speed but will get your gaming back.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    No, the pings were high beacuse of Interleaving.
    They changed the interleaving and it fixed the ping rates.

    OP call Eircom technical support and ask them to change your interleaving profile back to normal.
    You will lose 7mb speed but will get your gaming back.

    Sound WillieCocker, but even when i had 3mb speed before i upgraded to 7mb speed, i still encounter this lagging.
    Anyway , thanks lads for the help.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    Splender1 wrote: »
    Sound WillieCocker, but even when i had 3mb speed before i upgraded to 7mb speed, i still encounter this lagging.
    Anyway , thanks lads for the help.

    Do you use party chat whilst gaming?
    This can have a terrible effect on gaming too.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    No, the pings were high beacuse of Interleaving.
    They changed the interleaving and it fixed the ping rates.

    If that was the case why did you go back to 3mb, if you asked them to turn of or lower interleaving and the pings dropped you could have stuck with your 7mb line.

    Splender you need to check your download speed and pings on that site, just because you upgraded to a 7mb line doesnt mean you get that, in fact you wont anyways because of losses but it depends how far you are from the exchange and what speed you are actually getting, also your setup in the house etc. Best thing to do is check the line speed for an idea to start with and as i said also try and play against Irish people of possible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    Axwell wrote: »
    If that was the case why did you go back to 3mb, if you asked them to turn of or lower interleaving and the pings dropped you could have stuck with your 7mb line.
    I had no choice , for you to have 7mb increase they had to change your interleaving profile.
    You think i'd choose 3mb speed over 7??:pac:

    Faster speed = better pings , unless of course interleaving is being used.
    Xbox Live doesn't like interleaving

    Look and learn.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    I had no choice , for you to have 7mb increase they had to change your interleaving profile.
    You think i'd choose 3mb speed over 7??:pac:

    Faster speed = better pings , unless of course interleaving is being used.

    Look and learn.

    I dont need to learn thanks im quite aware of how it works, but Eircom bought out a package which had interleaving profiles set for gamers, high interleaving downstream and low upstream and you could keep the 7mb line and not experience high pings...maybe you should have checked with them about that.

    The more users on a multipair cable you have then you have to increase interleave or decrease speed to achieve same SNR.

    Look and learn as you say ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭WillieCocker

    Axwell wrote: »
    I dont need to learn thanks im quite aware of how it works, but Eircom bought out a package which had interleaving profiles set for gamers, high interleaving downstream and low upstream and you could keep the 7mb line and not experience high pings...maybe you should have checked with them about that..look and learn ;)

    Hah, that just increases Latency and is still inferior to the standard 3mb line on xbox live.;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    One last general question lads, when i upgraded to 7mb speed , the girl said that by doing so , i was entering into another 12 month contract.
    Is it possible , if i wanted to change to BT , to void this contract ?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    Splender1 wrote: »
    One last general question lads, when i upgraded to 7mb speed , the girl said that by doing so , i was entering into another 12 month contract.
    Is it possible , if i wanted to change to BT , to void this contract ?

    Probably not to be honest, how long ago was it? You could also get on to them and complain enough and then say you want to cancel your contract on the basis that they arent providing an adequate service for gaming which is what you upgraded for.

    Unfortunately Ireland is just useless in terms of communication and Eircoms monolpoly on the phone lines. Do you have any other options where you live like digital through NTL or Magnet?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Splender1

    Axwell wrote: »
    Probably not to be honest, how long ago was it? You could also get on to them and complain enough and then say you want to cancel your contract on the basis that they arent providing an adequate service for gaming which is what you upgraded for.

    Will do , quiet frankly i had it with all the lagging. It would turn you off gaming full stop.
    I just upgraded last month.
    Ok , i'm off to complain and cancel !
    Talk to ye later, lads.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,462 Mod ✭✭✭✭Axwell

    Well depending on your line etc you might still have issues even if you swap to BT. Its all the same phone line, BT just lease them from Eircom. Also as the equipment in the exchange belongs to Eircom BT cant do anything with the interleaving as far as i know because its Eircoms equipment and you wouldnt be an Eircom customer. Having said that im with BT and have no issues at all with lag or download speeds and im on a 7.6mb line. In this country no matter what broadband provider you go with you will have some problem as we just arent at the races compared to the rest of europe. Fiber optic FTW!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,084 ✭✭✭✭Kirby

    I too, was on the 7 meg for a few months. Great for downloading, was getting 800 k on downloads and it was rocketting along. But alas, Gaming went out the window.

    Pings trebled. Not good enough. Its an interleaving issue. On the 3 meg and lower, people are on Fast Path. With the 7 meg, you are on high interleaving. 90% of the people out there cannot have 7 meg without high interleaving.

    The lines and equipment arent good enough and the majority of people who asked to be on fast path on the 7 meg package were told no. The SN margin is already low,without high interleaving the connection would drop completely.

    So I switched back to the 3 meg and got my ping back. Thats what you should do OP.

    What eircom need to do, is roll out ADSL 2 for Dublin and surrounding areas, not just tiny pockets. Then most of us could have 7 meg with decent pings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,635 ✭✭✭corcaigh07

    im 3mb eircom OP. my contention ratio should still be very favourable as BB only came to our area very recently. my speed is very consistant at around 2.65mb DL and around .32mb upload. I also have heard many people complaining about eircom 7mb due to unusually high ping rate. Give speedtest a go between 10-12, that may tell us something.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,635 ✭✭✭corcaigh07

    518831814.png roughly my usual result although the ping is slightly higher than usual for me.
