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  • 17-07-2009 1:45pm
    Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,728 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    well that worked


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,728 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    on the left
    in the mid
    on the right

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,728 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter
















  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,728 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    HHH comes to the ring and cuts a promo about his title match next sunday. He refrences how he came out to his old Motorhead entrance music saying that it symbolises a more serious side to him, that DX will be taking a back seat on Sunday and it will be once more time for Randy Orton to play the game because him and Orton have unfinished business. He talks about how they never really finished their feud that lead all the way back to pre-mania when Orton put his hands on the mother of his children... HHH is interupted by Randy Ortons Music who keeps his words short and to the the point. He says that he is sick of hearing HHH moan about the same stuff again and again, infact he is sick of HHH in general. He says just like Cena, HHH has had multiple shots at him in the main event going back months and therefore just like Cena HHH's own father in law Mr.McMahon has just reluctantly agreed that if the game cant win on Sunday he wont get another shot at randy's title. On that Bombshell Orton leaves to go backstage.

    [A Video package is shown of last weeks Henry/MVP defeat and their handshake as they agree to return to singles wrestling.]

    The first match of the night is announced as: Mark Henry vs MVP

    with another handshake this match gets underway, at the beginning both men reverve a lot of the others moves as the commentators play off the fact that they know each others gameplans so well after teaming together. Henry gains the advantage however as MVP is thrown tover the ring rops landing awkwardly on the outside. Despite playing up a leg injury obtained then and Henry seemingkly getting on top MVP hits two of his signature moves in quick succession (his "Drive by" jumping big boot following by the "straight up ballin Elbow") before going for the pin 1.2... and not just a normal kickout MVP is thown across the ring by the worlds strongest kickout, once again playing up his leg injury on landing as he hobbles straight into "The Worlds Strongest Slam" and Mark Henry gets the 3 count! After the match the shake hands again and Henry helps his former partner back to the back.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    *Tonights main event is announced as DX Member "HBK" Shawn Micheals vs "The Viper" Randy Orton*

    Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing John Cena

    Once more we see a far more serious John Cena today, he talks about how Orton had made him realise that he has not been the same John Cena that won the BWE title from JBL at wrestlemania 21 or won The Royal Rumble in 2008, hell he wasnt even the same John Cena that took on the Hammerstein ballroom or beat edge in tables ladders and chairs, something had changed, something the fans had picked up on and started booing him because of. He states that from now on you will see a more focused John Cena, a better John Cena and do so im going to make an example of every opponent i face including my opponent this Sunday until i get my title back...Santino wanders into the interview, "Sooo, you going to go all Serious Cena eh? but who will all the kiddie fans make the love to then while all the olda fogies boo you?... I can see it now Santino Marella Dr of Thuganomics" - Cena shakes his head in disgust and heads to the ring

    Match 2: John Cena vs Santino Marella Jack Swagger is on commentary

    Santino is wearing a throwback NBA jersey of the city the BWE is in and further imitating Cena's old gimmick raps into a mic on his way to the ring. However when he gets to the ring the fun and games end as Cena lays down a furious beating on him unleashing as Santino would say a can of ass whoop on him. The match is a total squash but goes on slightley longer than the usual squash match until Cena ends it deliverring not one but 2 attitude adjusters on Santino before pinning him.

    Winner: John Cena

    *post match as Cena is making his way up the ramp, Swagger gets on the mic and lets him know "Cena, the votes are in, this Sunday its you vs me the all American American for the no.1 contendership". After a quick stare down, Cena continues to the back.

    [Backstage we see Legacy talking, Brett Dibiase is there, Ted says to him that on his Raw debut they won so he called him back from his FCW training (where he has been since) to make sure they win again tonight in their tag team tournament semi final against Chris Jericho and The Bigshow.]

    Tag Tournament Semi Final - Jerishow vs Legacy

    A real back and forth encounter with neither team looking like they will give an inch. Everytime Jerishow look to be getting on top Bret Dibaise causes a distraction on the ringside and Ted/cody take advantage. Eventually Big Show has enough and pulls Brett into the ring and takes on both he and Cody at once. all three brawl to the outside of the ring but not before Jericho and Ted can tag themselves in. Dibiase hits "Dream street" on Jeicho but he kicks out after 2, Jericho hits the Codebreaker on Ted but he kicks out this time after 2. Jericho goes for a bulldog but Ted turn him around into the Million Dollar Dream but Jerihco gets to the ropes.(by this time Big Show, Cody & Bret have fought all the way up to beside the titantron). When ted release the hold Jericho suddenly hits a second codebreaker followed by a Lionsault, that must be it, but NO! Ted gets his foot on the bottom rope. Jericho is beside himself and begins berating the Referee, he physically pushes and the ref falls through the ropes to the floor. Then suddenly out of nowhere a fan comes out of the crowd slides into the ring behind Jericho and smashes a glass bottle over his head before exiting the ring and dissapearing once more into the crowd. Big Show gives Cody and Brett a double chokeslam on the metal stage but before he makes it back to the ring the ref has slid back into it and counted 3 for ted who has rolled over onto the unconcious Jericho.

    Winners: Legacy

    when the replays are shown of the fan interferance JR says he doesent think that was just any fan, that man looked really like...Nigel Mc Guinness! who JR describes as a famous wrestler from the independant circuit. King says they will try to get a camera crew at the exits to the arena to confirm this before the man has a chance to sneak out.

    Meanwhile back in the ring its dawning on Jerishow that their tag team is over as without tag belts or a tournament place they will both have to be on seperate brands again (the commentators mention this) Show on raw and Jericho back on Smackdown. Jericho just about recoverd from him the bottle shot but still bleading grabs a mike begins blaming Big Show for their loss, wondering where was he when it matterd, insulting his weight and calling him big slow. Shows Response is simple, He Chokeslams Jericho. Say goodbye to Raw Jericho!

    *Vince McMahon Makes his way to the ring and according to the King may be about to make a string of major announcements. He says that last week he said he wanted no interferance in matches, no using weapons, no nonsense and yet 1 week on we have Santino dressing up and rapping, Brett Dibiase getting involved in the tag tournament match and someone invading from the crowd using a weapon on a wrestler! will it stops now! this is Vinces last Raw in charge and he guaran-damn-tee's that anyone else who acts in such a manner will here his two favourite words..."You're Fired" and that includes his sone in law HHH and Cody Rhodes and the Dibiase brothers in tonights main event. He then goes on to talk about this Sunday and BWE Bragging rights, he announces that there will be a match between the WWE Diva's champion Mickie James Vs WWE Womens champion Michelle McCool for the bragging rights between the two female locker rooms.

    He then goes on to remind everyone that at Bragging rights he will announce the candidates (who will have one show before Survivor series) for the position of permanent Raw GM. However seing as one of those candidates will be hosting next weeks Raw he believe the WWE universe would want to know more than just a day in advance so he is going to announce them right here and now, and it will see the return once more of....The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

    Before he leaves Vince makes one final announcement, he says that in recent weeks since a new group of FCW talent was called up to ECW we have seen many ECW superstars moved over to Smackdown but none to Raw, we have also seen a number of Tag teams here on Raw break up (MVP/Henry & Jerishow) So to solve both these problems id like to now announce the newest tag team on Raw one man moved from ECW and another whose contract on SD had expired, i give you Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas, The Worlds Greatest Tag-Team.

    McMahon leaves the ring as their entrance music plays

    WGTT vs The Miz & Evan Bourne

    An unexpected match up but a contender for match of the night with Evan Bourne and Shelton Benjamin in particular catching the eye with some incredibly acrobatic moves, the main difference throughout being that unlike WGTT the tow contenders for the US title are not functioning as a team this culminated when the Miz refused to tag in leaving Bourne open to be double teamed by WGTT and a # Superkick by Benjamin into a bridging German suplex by Haas lead to the 3 count.

    Winners: WGTT Benjamin & Haas


    *when we return were shown footage taken during the commercials - Josh Matthews catches up with Nigel McGuinness in the parking lot and asks him, why did he interfere tonight and does it mean he has signed with BWE Raw? to which he only gets a sarcastic "What, you need a contract to beat on a fool now" before McGuiness gets in his car and drives off.

    Main Event - HBK vs Randy Orton
    In a good long encounter HBK trys as hard as he can to weaken Randy Orton before he faces HHH at Bragging right and to get the victory for himself tonight, but Randy had the better of the early match and even hit an early RKO but Micheals managed to kick out just before the three count. Orton continued to apply pressure with chokehold after chokehold and numerous Texas Cloverleafes. unable to get the pinfall or submission victory Orton grew ever more frustrated and eventually sets HBK up for a punt kick. Just before he goes through with it HHH's music hits and Orton stops in his tracks eyes transfixed on the titantron surely the game isnt going to come out and interefere costing him his job. eventually the music stops and with no sign of HHH orton turn his attension to HBK again but while Orton had looked away Micheals had sprung from the canvas to his feet and now hit a shock Sweet Chin Music for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: HBK

    as we go off the air HHH comes down to the ring and cellebrates with Micheals while JR ponders if we could be seing this very same seen this sunday at BWE bragging rights.

    Bragging Rights

    SD: CM Punk (c) v Taker or Batista or Y2J or Danielson for WHC
    SD: The Hart Dynasty representing Teddy v Mike Knox and Kane representing Tiffany
    SD: Jo Mo (c) v Christian v Dolph Ziggler
    Interpromotional: Mickie james vs Michelle McCool
    Raw: Vince's announcement regarding the GM candidates
    Raw: HHH v Orton for BWE title
    Raw: Miz v Bourne for US title
    Raw: Cena v Swagger for no.1 contershipship for the BWE title.


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