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Scummiest thing you've ever seen ?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,050 ✭✭✭token101

    emzolita wrote: »
    when I worked in a creche a few years ago, a parent who was 2hours late collecting her son, turned up yoked out of it. Was chewing the jaw off herself. Ended up having to call the granny cause we couldnt give the kid to her. scumbag.

    Granny? I'd be calling Child Welfare and the Gardaí before 'Granny' tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭emzolita

    token101 wrote: »
    Granny? I'd be calling Child Welfare and the Gardaí before 'Granny' tbh.

    Yeah they were already involved. She was on a probation scheme, we had to relay to them every few weeks. Not much was done to be honest. She eventually gave him to her sister, and within a matter of weeks, the child had lost so much weight(he was obese) ,was clean, and happy thank God.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭bbam

    In fairness that is more of a business decision, trying to save one animal rather than having to loose two. I've heard of it working and the calf being saved.
    I think your mixing up scummy with something you found distastful.
    Back when I was a young fella I was working on my Uncle's farm one Summer.
    One of his cows was heavily pregnant and was also very ill.
    The cow died in front of us in the yard one day.
    As soon as it hit the ground the Uncle whipped out a knife and slashed the cow's stomach open - in an attempt to rescue the unborn calf.
    A load of guts and fluids spilled out into the yard along with a dead calf foetus.
    Obviously the calf had died a week or two beforehand.

    That's without a doubt the scummiest thing I've ever seen.
    It didn't smell to pretty either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 Stanley Devastating

    Saw a teenage girl lying in what was presumably her own urine across from O'Connell Bridge on Paddy's 1:30 in the afternoon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,010 ✭✭✭BizzyC

    A few years back on a summer's day me and a group of mates were in a pub in Dalkey during a festival.
    After a few pints I went into the jax, where I ran into one of the lads. We both proceeded to take a piss, at which point and auld lad drunk off his head came in and started pissing everywhere but the urinal.
    My mate was wearing flip flops so he told the guy to be careful where he was pissnig, to which the guy apologised and proceeded to tuck his lad away mid stream.
    He then walked back out into the bar still pissing himself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 287 ✭✭Mellio

    Well yesterday after having a nice easter weekend with the family we
    were in the sitting room watching tv and I was looking out the window.

    We live in a cul de sac and there is a bit of grass in front of the houses.

    It was 3 in the afternoon and two lads were leaving one of the neighbours houses with cans in there hands, not sure if it was beer, looked like it.

    One of them decided that it was appropriate to piss against the bush on the grass area in the middle of the day.

    Im not sure if he was trying to impress one of the young girls he just left in the hope that they would see him from there window, unfortunately I did.

    I had a feeling he lived in our estate and was going to follow him to his house and do a s*it on his parents garden just to make a point but a bit scummy so I didn't bother.:)

    I was trying to be open minded and thought would I have been like that at 13/14 years of age, probably not but kids are not brought up these days they just let lose.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 586 ✭✭✭Mickey Dazzler

    I once downed a half a can of beer the I had left alone for some time only to spit out seven cigarette butts. Nice

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭ShaneScouse

    Was in boston few years ago for christmas, saw a middle aged man get beat to an absolute pulp in the city when out for a few drinks with my cousins. I mean it was savage, a big gang of at least 8(few had weapons on em aswell, knives bars etc) and they were all kicking him in the head, stamping and jumping on him and wacking him with the bars, there was a big circle around it of people ringing police teling them to stop, few girls getting worked up etc. A few lads moved in to try stop it but the gang just kinda spread out and swung at people getting close. Was horrific, they eventually ran away and most people waited with him till police and ambulance arrived, more then alot of US city folks would do. He was totally out of it but was alive going in the ambulance luckily, never heard what happend to him.

    Also saw a young lad only about 17 get pushed infront of a car in town by a bouncer, bouncer was prob about 30 and a beast, the kid said something to him when not allowed in or something, but my god he just punched him in the face and pushed him out on the cobblestone road infront of a taxi that luckly broke fast so he just banged and fell on his back, he was in bits still though freaked me out a bit. The bouncer didnt even have charges against him they were droped and he still worked at the club I wont mention for a few more years friend told me he saw him there like a year later(not sure how true that Is I aint been back to club since but I take his word)

    I kinda wish some hobo pissing on a wall was the scummiest thing I saw, it would be down a long list :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭dazzlemoo

    Only thing that springs to mind is when I was in the pub recently and I bought a bag of peanuts.
    I was just opening them, about to offer them round the table, when I saw a friend of a friend with his finger stuck right in his ear, wiggling it around and then wiping his finger on his jacket.
    He didn't realise I'd seen him. Then he asked for a nut. I gave him the bag and told him to keep 'em.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,717 ✭✭✭Raging_Ninja

    Worked in a bar for a couple of years so have some stories.

    Was cleaning up at around 3am. Its my turn to sweep the toilets, but we've done everything else and a few of us finish it off.

    One of the stalls was locked, so I looked under the door and it looked like somebody was collapsed on the floor. I can't see much, so assuming the worst, I jump up and stick my head over the top to see what's what.

    It's some fairly well-dressed girl around the age of 20 or so, curled up hugging her knees to her chest, sitting in a puddle of her own vomit and filth. Its all over her dress, legs and even in her hair.

    So anyways, I tell the manager, who gets the bouncers and one of the bar girls to go get her up and get her out.

    Anyways, eventually they got her out and I think they got her a taxi, we were sitting down having a pint and she is brought down and led out past all of us.

    Another time, there are two girls in the disabled toilet and the door is left wide open. One girl is kneeling in front of the toilet, one hand in the bowl, vomiting into it, while the other is holding her hair back.

    Another night at closing time some older gent (in his late 50s early 60s I'd say) amongst a group shít himself, walked over to the disabled toilet to clean himself up, leaving a little trail where he walked (bits of it must have been running down his leg). Didn't bother me too much as it emptied the bar fairly quickly so finished up earlier than usual.

    Some fella was walking up the stairs and started spectacularly vomiting, spraying all over the stairs and out over the rail onto the heads of those unfortunate to be below.

    Some guy dragged his silent girlfriend across the floor by her hair, then shiving her up against a wall and started hitting her.

    There are many others but they all follow in the same vein - people vomiting, shítting, beating each other, etc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Darksaga87

    BizzyC wrote: »
    A few years back on a summer's day me and a group of mates were in a pub in Dalkey during a festival.
    After a few pints I went into the jax, where I ran into one of the lads. We both proceeded to take a piss, at which point and auld lad drunk off his head came in and started pissing everywhere but the urinal.
    My mate was wearing flip flops so he told the guy to be careful where he was pissnig, to which the guy apologised and proceeded to tuck his lad away mid stream.
    He then walked back out into the bar still pissing himself.

    Im sorry, thats hilarious.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    3 of us in a taxi after being out for a few pints on saturday..

    I'm in the front, and i hear my wife let out a shreak.. My mate had just vomited on her.

    And I get a slap for laughing??

  • Registered Users Posts: 745 ✭✭✭csi vegas

    This thread is great! Glad for the resurrection! Only got to around 20 posts, the marvellous tales will keep me amused for the day.

    Seen a few scummy-ish things, like recently this haunty skanger one roaring and screaming her squashed little face off at a nice girl, cos the girl did not have a 'faaag' for her. Every name under the sun she called her, all the while walking 'hard' after her down the street, P***s Boutique sleeves rolled up for 'action'..."all I wanted was a f****ng FAAAG you f*****g c*nt w***re prawwwstitute!" "walk on now fast u bettuuur!" "I'll kill that c*nt Millissssa I swear ta Gawd I will the way she looked at me!"
    Felt so sorry for her, I felt her fear. The whole street came to a standstill.

    Another day a security guard caught some other skanks shoplifting in Pennys (who else would lift from there) probably the same 'wans' as above.
    Anyway a struggle ensued, she battered a rack of bracelets at him, as he was trying to stop her getaway she lashed out and fell over backwards (I was pissing myself :)) screaming her squashed up little head off :) and her buddy ('Millllisssssa' probably) roars out "leave her alone she's five months pregnant you cuuuuuuuunnnn**t!"
    when all settled and mamma of the year came to her feet, she loudly proclaimed at security and for shoppers to take heed "you're a dead man DEAD! I'll get my ex-boyfriend after you!"
    Seriously. Her ex. No better way to reignite the flames of passion between scum than a shared passion for conspiring to bustup a bad bastard of a security guard spoiling all of her fun on allowance day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 309 ✭✭keithb93

    I was in Dunnes in westside yesterday and a lad walked past me with a bottle of JD in his hand. It was about 4 o clock and he was so drunk he could barely walk. The security guard told him to leave and he punched him in the forehead. His "girlfriend" then dragged him out and he nearly punched her aswell.

    Also one of my earliest memories was a lad I knew killing a cat by swinging it around by its tail and letting it fly into a wall. I was only about 6 at the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 661 ✭✭✭Intensive Care Bear

    Just a few that spring to mind...

    I was getting a bus through Leyton last year and there was this Dublin junkie on the bus sucking on some sort of aerosol can. He then proceeded to make monkey sounds and actions at an elderly black couple who were rightly looking at him in disgust.

    I was on a bus home from college in Limerick one friday evening when some creep sitting on the back row decided to stand up and piss over the barrier and down the back stairs.

    Standing at Liverpool street station one evening i saw a Polish homeless guy slice his arm up with a piece of glass and then walk up to people to show them the wound to try and shock them into giving him money to get a "taxi to hospital".

    Another time i was standing outside Liverpool street station and this old man walked by me wearing a blue pair of hospital scrub trousers with a large stream of diarrhea flowing down the back. He then jumped in the back door of a crowed bus, within 30 seconds the bus was cleared.

    I also witnessed a multiple stabbing incident outside Nike town in oxford circus.

    When i was about 10 i went into some public toilets to take a p*ss and some old man walked up beside me, looked down at me and said "oh ya have a grand mickey" also when i was about 12 i was walking through tesco car park and this old man, about 90, stepped out in front of me with some ill fitting tracksuit bottoms and a raging erection, actually that was the car park where the the first incident happened. It must be where all the peados "hung" out. Either that or i was a very sexy child.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭kingsenny

    1210m5g wrote: »
    When i was about 10 i went into some public toilets to take a p*ss and some old man walked up beside me, looked down at me and said "oh ya have a grand mickey" also when i was about 12 i was walking through tesco car park and this old man, about 90, stepped out in front of me with some ill fitting tracksuit bottoms and a raging erection, actually that was the car park where the the first incident happened. It must be where all the peados "hung" out. Either that or i was a very sexy child.

    Wow, you've lived a heck of a life lol. But that last story is just f*cking freaky man. You should probably warn people about that place

  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭tempura

    Abi wrote: »
    Why you is shouting? :(

    I think it was a playful way of putting it ;)

    I agree, actually is a great ice breaker to say it like that ! Try it, If someone says to you " Do you wanna do the the sex" its hilarious , eases the moment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Pandora2

    1210m5g wrote: »
    Just a few that spring to mind...

    I was getting a bus through Leyton last year and there was this Dublin junkie on the bus sucking on some sort of aerosol can. He then proceeded to make monkey sounds and actions at an elderly black couple who were rightly looking at him in disgust.

    I was on a bus home from college in Limerick one friday evening when some creep sitting on the back row decided to stand up and piss over the barrier and down the back stairs.

    Standing at Liverpool street station one evening i saw a Polish homeless guy slice his arm up with a piece of glass and then walk up to people to show them the wound to try and shock them into giving him money to get a "taxi to hospital".

    Another time i was standing outside Liverpool street station and this old man walked by me wearing a blue pair of hospital scrub trousers with a large stream of diarrhea flowing down the back. He then jumped in the back door of a crowed bus, within 30 seconds the bus was cleared.

    I also witnessed a multiple stabbing incident outside Nike town in oxford circus.

    When i was about 10 i went into some public toilets to take a p*ss and some old man walked up beside me, looked down at me and said "oh ya have a grand mickey" also when i was about 12 i was walking through tesco car park and this old man, about 90, stepped out in front of me with some ill fitting tracksuit bottoms and a raging erection, actually that was the car park where the the first incident happened. It must be where all the peados "hung" out. Either that or i was a very sexy child.

    Holy Dog, you'd need therapy to get over that lot!! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 661 ✭✭✭Intensive Care Bear

    Pandora2 wrote: »
    Holy Dog, you'd need therapy to get over that lot!! :eek:

    Ha ha those are nothing, there is also the tampering with graves incident that i told about in another thread and worst of all the time i was kidnapped by a crack smoking illegal taxi driver which i will tell another time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 OpTiMuS Pr1mE

    So me da was out one night with friend. After a long night out they decided to go back to his for some more! Yerman was pissed out of his head by this stage and disappears as soon as they get in the door. After a hour wait me Da decides to go look for him. Finds him in the toilet, trousers down, ****e everywhere all over himself because he forgot to pull up the seat on the toilet!! Just sat straight down without pulling it up and had 1!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,303 ✭✭✭Temptamperu

    Seen a lad get bashed on the head with a hammer. I'll never forget that sound :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭bbam

    When I was younger I was on the bus on the way back from a nightclub back into our local town.. This was back when about 100 people would be stuffed into a 52 seater coach for the 3 mile trip :p

    Anyhow I was standing in the aisle and about two seats forward there are two couples, lads on the seats and the "girls" on their knees.. Bus was stuffed and everyone well, in a bad state..

    Few minutes into the journey and the lad closest to the window starts to hurl.. I mean big belly-full hurls, full sound effects and all.. Looked over and the puke was running down the girls back, onto her friend and his mate beside him.. Bus was so full they couldn't get away from the sea of puke he was producing... Then of course queue about 4 others on the bus puking from the smell of the first guy.... the four of them were dripping in the stuff and just had to sit there until the bus was emptied in the town....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭whatlliwear

    My friend was getting off a Bus in the bus station in Limerick.. Some people were staying on the bus to carry on to Cork.. My friend was making his way to the front of the bus to get off & he spotted a really drunk old woman up ahead stop & talk to a couple. They looked like they were all dressed up for a night out in Cork.. She turned away for a second, then turned back facing them again & projectile vomited all over them.. She then attempted to apologise to them and leaned over them & did it again! She then wobbled off the bus while the poor couple sat on the bus covered in puke! My mate got off the bus asap!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 357 ✭✭DanC90

    few years back.. I was walking a girl i was meeting to her bus stop outside penneys on o connell street, seen a junkie couple walking by us screaming at each other.. thought nothing of it at the time, she went into the newsagents at the spire to get change for the bus.. then proceeded to the bus stop.. got to penneys and we went to the side of it for a quick kiss b4 her bus came and as we were about to walk over to the bus stop i looked into the phonebooth there and see the same 2 junkies.. the female junkie was on her knees suckin some sausage while rubbin her box and the male injecting heroin into his arm and then knocked on the glass to tell us t ***k off haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 MT HEAD

    CutzEr wrote: »
    You sir, are a horribile person. Oh great, if they do something bad, terrorise an elderly person. People like you make me sick.
    That is f***ing disgusting and you sir are a scumbag

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,541 ✭✭✭Smidge

    I saw a guy whilst on holiday in the states some years back do something that still haunts me to this day. It was outside an amusement park an he was an "american" big kind of guy, mid 30's ish. His wife and 2 kids were with him. Baby in a buggy and a boy of about 4. The dad was giving out to the little boy rather loudly as we were approaching and suddenly he hits the 4 year old boy with an unmerciful punch, square in the chest. No joking the poor kid flew into the air and went backwards about 6 feet. The wife didn't bat an eyelid. I went to run over as I was fcuking livid. I was screaming at him. OH held me back:mad:
    Scummiest thing I ever saw(well pretty close to it anyway!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,631 ✭✭✭Aint Eazy Being Cheezy

    1210m5g wrote: »
    Just a few that spring to mind...

    I was getting a bus through Leyton last year and there was this Dublin junkie on the bus sucking on some sort of aerosol can. He then proceeded to make monkey sounds and actions at an elderly black couple who were rightly looking at him in disgust.

    I was on a bus home from college in Limerick one friday evening when some creep sitting on the back row decided to stand up and piss over the barrier and down the back stairs.

    Standing at Liverpool street station one evening i saw a Polish homeless guy slice his arm up with a piece of glass and then walk up to people to show them the wound to try and shock them into giving him money to get a "taxi to hospital".

    Another time i was standing outside Liverpool street station and this old man walked by me wearing a blue pair of hospital scrub trousers with a large stream of diarrhea flowing down the back. He then jumped in the back door of a crowed bus, within 30 seconds the bus was cleared.

    I also witnessed a multiple stabbing incident outside Nike town in oxford circus.

    When i was about 10 i went into some public toilets to take a p*ss and some old man walked up beside me, looked down at me and said "oh ya have a grand mickey" also when i was about 12 i was walking through tesco car park and this old man, about 90, stepped out in front of me with some ill fitting tracksuit bottoms and a raging erection, actually that was the car park where the the first incident happened. It must be where all the peados "hung" out. Either that or i was a very sexy child.

    Is that you, Danny Dyer???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,714 ✭✭✭no1beemerfan

    Saw a very fat junkie on Jervis Street the other day walking around with a needle hanging out of his belly

    A friend of mine is a door to door sales man and one day a man answered the door with a needle hanging out of his neck. Talked away to my friend as if nothing was there!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    Years ago about ten couples decided to go on hols.

    Two of the lads are total messers and decided to stick my girlfriends toothbrush up one of their arses, and the other took a photo with her camera.

    We didnt know anything till she developed the photos two weeks later.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭poisonated

    Squ wrote: »
    Years ago about ten couples decided to go on hols.

    Two of the lads are total messers and decided to stick my girlfriends toothbrush up one of their arses, and the other took a photo with her camera.

    We didnt know anything till she developed the photos two weeks later.

    haha I think that story was told about three times already in this thread.
