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  • 20-07-2009 11:21pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 859 ✭✭✭

    I was reading some of the logs here today thinking how cool it was that I could see how the other posters actually trained when I thought that maybe other people would like to see how I do. Probably not but I have some comedy gems in my log from time to time (I like to think I do at least) so I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not going to bother posting anything before tonight, if you're that interested head over to and check out my log there.

    Quick intro:

    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 77kg

    Squat: 115kg
    Deadlift: 135kg
    Press: 62.5kg
    Clean: 75kg
    Snatch: 35kg (Girly I know, expect this to rise a tad over the next while)

    Fran: 8:06
    Franley: 2:49
    Cindy: 16 Rounds + 2 Pushups
    Pushups: 36 in one minute (Chest to floor)

    Pullups: 8 Strict 28 Kipping
    Dips: 11 on rings

    My training is split between 5 days of CrossFit (2-on 1-off 3-on 1-off) and 2-3 days of MMA per week. Diet is strict zone-paleo for 3 meals a day with my lunches in the work canteen. Saturday evening to sunday afternoon is anything goes but usually isn't too bad unless I'm drinking in which case it's pretty bad.

    Monday 20th July

    Had a phenomenal weekend in Manchester, I don't think a single healthy thing passed my lips from Friday to Sunday night. Totally worth it. Almost missed my flight home on Sunday, I got a chance to show off my CrossFitting skills through the airport as I was the only one who could flat out sprint while carrying 3 bags and manage not to knock other people over. Apart from that damn kid who wouldn't move out of my way. Overall a good weekend. Couldn't get a chicken parmo though, very disappointing.

    Had work and family commitments so I ended up working out on my own in my garage at about 22:20. I hadn't tried out my box for a full workout so I decided I'd get a tabata going between those and the rings. I settled on the following.

    Burgener Warm Up

    The lads heading up to Coach B inspired me to get my head properly into this whole lifting thing. I'm going to do this every day as part of my warm up. It's tiring enough I found and I was only using a paint extension handle thing. I'd like an 80kg C&J and a 60kg Snatch before I get back to doctoring so I'm going to keep at this.

    Tabata Mashup

    16 intervals of 20 Seconds on, 10 Seconds off alternating between

    Box Jumps (25")
    Ring Dips

    Scores: 96 / 33

    This worked out a bit odd, the box jumps were cycle time limited the whole time and I scored 12 in every round. I wasn't actually tired at this stage so I was lovely and fresh for the ring dips. They however, dipped dramatically after whopper opening rounds of 9 and 6. I dropped to 4 for two rounds and finished it out with 2s and 3s. I can't quite figure out the kip on these, sometimes I get it and I fly out of the dip, other times I just flail about for a bit and fail the dip. Happy with my scores though, my ring dips have improved dramatically. I must give Elizabeth a go sometime soon to see how I fare.

    I finished up my evening by doing some handstands and slow controlled HSPU negatives outside. My shoulders were tired at this stage so this didn't go that well but I can comfortably kick up into a handstand now and hold it for a semi-decent length of time I think. Tried a big kid muscle up afterwards but my body attacked my character and called me a weak performer.
