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What's it like to be Shot?

  • 24-07-2009 12:29pm
    Registered Users Posts: 28,171 ✭✭✭✭

    I've went paintballing a few times and you know when you've been shot as it bloddy hurts and leaves a blob of paint, how does Airsoft compare, I'd love to give it a go some weekend just wondering how the 2 sports compare?

    Also do bullets cost much, went through over 1000 paintballs last weekend, would like to see the price difference...also do you have to wear a face mask?(eye protection)




  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    20 quid gets you 5000 bbs, and it doesn't really hurt at all, eye protection is mandatory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 545 ✭✭✭ravydavygravy

    I've went paintballing a few times and you know when you've been shot as it bloddy hurts and leaves a blob of paint, how does Airsoft compare, I'd love to give it a go some weekend just wondering how the 2 sports compare?

    Also do bullets cost much, went through over 1000 paintballs last weekend, would like to see the price difference...also do you have to wear a face mask?(eye protection)



    Airsoft isn't nearly as painful, but it can still hurt at close range. Some sites ask you to use semi-auto at < 5m range, and also to offer a bang kill (say bang instead of shooting) at point blank range. At 15-20m range, I think its like someone flicking your ear hard with their finger (same pain level)

    A 3000 round bottle of bbs will cost ~€10 at most sites, more than enough for a days play. i used less than half a bottle the last full day I played.

    Eye protection is compulsary on all sites, some sites insist on full face cover - this can be goggles and balaclava/scarf/shemagh or a full face mack. Full face cover and gloves is probably a good idea for close quarters stuff anyway, as a BB in the face from < 10m will sting! They can break teeth if you are close enough....


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,463 ✭✭✭Leftyflip


    As the lads have said, BB's are cheap compared to paintballs(E10 a bottle) , I went through about 500 in my first skirmish. Different sites allow different types of eye protection, ie; some will allow just goggles, some will allow goggles and a balaclava, neoprene or a shemagh and some will insist of full face masks.
    Hits are really only a light flick depending on range, I got shot full auto in the face from about 10 metres away only wearing goggles and it didnt hurt much. Although it's something else seeing a large line of BB's coming at you and not being able to dodge them...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭phlegms

    Shots to the body dont usually hurt that much. You will notice it alright, but it wont be anything major.
    The only hits I have had that have ever hurt, are when I have taken hits to the face or scalp. But get yourself a mask or a hat and you'll be grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,104 ✭✭✭bluestripe93

    you can get 9000 bb's for €20 at seairsoft but you wont use as much as in paintball,
    if you play paintball you may already own a paintball mask so you could use it for airsoft,
    i went paintballing about 2 weeks ago and got shot alot ,it didnt hurt too much so airsoft wont hurt much

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭Toasty113

    I find it hurts in the same way as a strong flick (at close range) and at longer distances I usually hear the shot hitting me before I feel anything from it. And if your close enough for a hit that hurts, your probably going to be adrenaline fuelled, and (for me neway) that cancel out the pain in about 3 seconds

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,084 ✭✭✭dubtom

    I got shot in the back today from twenty feet,a tee shirt doesn't offer any protection.Christ it hurt, and it drew a drop of blood. I only got the gun today so already have gained a healthy respect for what 1 joule can do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    One don't hurt much, bar on the scalp or fingers. A couple thousand on the other hand....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,881 ✭✭✭mle1324

    One don't hurt much, bar on the scalp or fingers. A couple thousand on the other hand....

    f**k, that looks sore:eek:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,341 ✭✭✭Fallschirmjager

    thats another reason for some bdu clothing that is loose. the loose clothing takes the speed out. a decent pair of gloves and you wont feel it. if you are worried about getting hit in the hand, wear gloves, worried about the head wear a hat. worried about your legs wear baggy pants. honestly if you dont wear gloves and get hit on the hand...its your fault not the person firing. so if you dont wear the gear, you have to accept the hits. 99 times out of 100 i only hear hits, i barely feel them. so everyone loves the war stories, you hear the oohs and ahhs about teeth...wear a mask or a neoprene mask. it really isnt rocket science.

    also can everyone stop with the freaking nightmare stories....they are so rare in airsoft it barely makes sense to even mention them....

    if you follow the rules of a wont hurt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 545 ✭✭✭ravydavygravy

    also can everyone stop with the freaking nightmare stories....they are so rare in airsoft it barely makes sense to even mention them....


    What nightmare stories?? I thought the general impression on the thread was that it wasn't sore?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit


    What nightmare stories?? I thought the general impression on the thread was that it wasn't sore?

    You can crack a tooth if you take a shot at close range and it hits you in the mouth, its rare, and I've never seen it happen, but I know a couple of people it happened to.

    Only up close, only a direct hit, and head shots are discouraged regardless.

    Thats the worst that can happen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 302 ✭✭Lobster

    Do the guns use pressurised air? And if so what pressure? Any sites in donegal?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    One don't hurt much, bar on the scalp or fingers. A couple thousand on the other hand....

    A prime example of clinical stupidity.

    Firing squads are the equivalent of hazing and frankly anyone engaging in them is a detriment to the good safety reputation airsoft has.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,623 ✭✭✭scanlant

    Having been hit by sub 1J and super 1J rifles, the risk is there but it is rectified by using gumshields/facemasks.

    At Berget, I had a bit of a tumble onto my knee (and when I say bit, I couldn't walk for 2 days) and 4 weeks later, it still is sore to kneel down on, but then again, I have dislocated 2 fingers when I used to play gaelic football. But those were risks I was willing to take, and I must accept the consequences.

    The risks are there in any sport, hell I've come across teeth being knocked out in hurling. Just take the proper precautions to reduce risk (the same as any sport) and have fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    SAULGOODE9 wrote: »
    For all those people getting started, thats what they'll do when you don't take your hits...;)

    ... rahter than pull them out of a game and bar them from the site, a much more useful measure.

    Let me state this for the record: Corporal punishment of this sort has no place within airsoft.

    If you want to indulge in this kind of behavior can I suggest taking up mugging or a similar passtime involving victimisation? Badger baiting for example?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭NakedDex

    I was under the impression this kind of bull**** was banned across all sites. I'm severely disappointed to see this kind of thing is still happening. It's reckless, dangerous and the only noone learns anything from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    the guns dont use pressurised air, and either way, the muzzle energy is only 1 joule, nomatter what the propellant is...

    Getting shot can hurt depending where, if its fleshy... less, boney... more... The nightmare stories are so rare, but with a topic like this, they all come out like a bad single at christmas. 'I heard jonny x lost his leg to a bb once' etc... 99% of these nightmare stories are chinese whispers, usually starting with Jonny x getting shot on the leg.

    As sam said, a super close shot may take a tooth, but you have to have your mouth wide open and the bb to strike the tooth for a chance of loosing one... i got hit on a tooth at 20m, was fine, but hurt like hell, teach me and others its happened to to wander around with our mouths open eh?

    worst i found was the little bit of the nose between the nostrils... YOWCH... that or being shot in the boobs >< (long story ozcam and lemming know about)

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    He kinda volunteered, was his birthday....

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    He kinda volunteered, was his birthday....


    Actually, the case may be that there is no right of "consent to be harmed" in Ireland but I'll have to look into that.

    The point is this is stupid, childish, smacks of bullying and ammounts to corporal punishment.

    Whats worse is to publish it on the internet, in full view of the authorities where it can be seen, taken out of context and used to bash us up side the head.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    He's right... anything other than the sport as its intended can be used to harm us... wherever airsoft is in the world... 'wannabe soldiers reenact firing squad with replica firearms on video'

    love that headline dont you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    scanlant wrote: »
    Having been hit by sub 1J and super 1J rifles, the risk is there but it is rectified by using gumshields/facemasks.

    At Berget, I had a bit of a tumble onto my knee (and when I say bit, I couldn't walk for 2 days) and 4 weeks later, it still is sore to kneel down on, but then again, I have dislocated 2 fingers when I used to play gaelic football. But those were risks I was willing to take, and I must accept the consequences.

    The risks are there in any sport, hell I've come across teeth being knocked out in hurling. Just take the proper precautions to reduce risk (the same as any sport) and have fun.

    Quoted for context.

    Airsoft guns are one of the safest things in airsoft, if used properly and with the right gear. In fact, with a full face mask, an airsoft gun can not damage you at all.

    Falls, trips and slips are the main risk, and this is a point worth emphasising to those new to the sport or the media.

    Airsoft is as safe as any sport, and far safer than many.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭NakedDex

    Airsoft guns are one of the safest things in airsoft

    The most dangerous thing in airsoft is the idiocy of the human.

    We are all fallible and therefore we posses the uncanny ability to suffer accidents. Be it a fall, accidental discharge or simple complacency with switching to safety post-skirmish. These are things that will happen to even the most conscientious and experienced players on occasion and, therefore, cannot be avoided completely.

    What can be avoided completely is artificially creating a situation where a person has a high chance of coming to harm, be it on purpose or by accident. This is something that can be actively avoided if something as simple as using the ironically named "common sense".

    The person in that video likely walked away with some bruising and a large number of welts. Half way through the barrage, however, he started to turn in agony. Clearly this was because what was happening was causing him pain and it was a natural reflex. However, what if a stray round caught him in the head as he turned? What if one had caught under the mask and ricocheted?

    A dozen or more people firing full auto for several seconds is a lot of rounds and provides a huge chance for error. One stray round. One shift of position by a shooter. One awkward turn from the targeted individual. There's innumerate variables that could have left a situation like that in disaster for not only the person in question, but those who opened fire, the site owners and the sport in general.

    As the saying goes; common sense isn't all that common. It can be learned, however. I suggest some people do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat


    Actually, the case may be that there is no right of "consent to be harmed" in Ireland but I'll have to look into that.

    The point is this is stupid, childish, smacks of bullying and ammounts to corporal punishment.

    Whats worse is to publish it on the internet, in full view of the authorities where it can be seen, taken out of context and used to bash us up side the head.

    In fairness, that video is about a year old, and firing squads (at least in Fingal according to Bren) seem to be a thing of the past on major sites. Bren has told me that firing squads were a dumb idea most of the time and didn't achieve much, and I agree with him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    gerrowadat wrote: »
    In fairness, that video is about a year old, and firing squads (at least in Fingal according to Bren) seem to be a thing of the past on major sites. Bren has told me that firing squads were a dumb idea most of the time and didn't achieve much, and I agree with him.

    The video is dated 18 of July 2009. Thats a little over last week not last year.

    ... So you'll forgive me if I dont believe a word of it.

    Further, it doesnt change the fact this this kind of behavior has been tacitly condoned and the results have even appeared in print. Nor does it in any way represent "what its like to get shot" with a single round or short burst.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming


    Actually, the case may be that there is no right of "consent to be harmed" in Ireland but I'll have to look into that.

    There is no recognition of consent to be harmed in Ireland.

    To the Gardai, it's assault regardless of whether or not you get punched by some skanger on a night out, or asked the guy to punch you, or begged the woman in latex and boots to whip you silly whilst you're tied across the kitchen table :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,542 ✭✭✭kinkstr

    What's it like to be Shot?

    Its like warm apple pie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    Lemming wrote: »
    There is no recognition of consent to be harmed in Ireland.

    To the Gardai, it's assault regardless of whether or not you get punched by some skanger on a night out, or asked the guy to punch you, or begged the woman in latex and boots to whip you silly whilst you're tied across the kitchen table :P

    Thought as much ... though I'm not entirely sure I needed that mental image Lemming *insert vomit smiley here*

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Lemming wrote: »
    or begged the woman in latex and boots to whip you silly whilst you're tied across the kitchen table :P
    Disclaimer.... NOT ME, seriously... NOT BLOODY ME.:eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭NakedDex

    Methinks she doth protest too much...

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