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Starting Strong Lifts 5x5



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 hour class (Intervals and Hill Climbs)


    No Abs today as I am switching them to my weight workout days. I was advised that as my abs come into play on my weight training days, it might be overkill doing a separate abs workout on my cardio days as my abs would not be gettign much chance to rest.

    I will try this for a while and see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 62.5kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets with just the Oly bar)
    1 x 3 x 30kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 42.5kg (work sets)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 62.5kg (work sets)

    Power Clean practice
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets)
    3 x 5 x 30kg (work sets)

    Underhand Grip Pullups ups: 3 to fail (12,10,9)

    Workout Time: 48 mins


    1 x 18 x Body Weight
    2 x 10 x Body Weight +5kg
    1 x 12 x Body Weight

    Narrow Grip Bench Press
    3 x 10 x 48kg

    Tricep Pushups
    2 x 10

    Workout Time: 15 mins

    Abs & Core Circuit x 2

    Slow situps: 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    15 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 15 x 10kg
    Russian Twists: 30 x 5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 20
    Dragon Flags: 10

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 12 x 5kg
    Glute/Hamstring Situps:
    3 x 12 x 5kg

    Workout Time: 20 mins


    Squats were good. I probably had about 2 mins rest between sets as there were two other guys who were working on the Chin-up bar on the power rack. The 62.5kd was fine and blasted out all 5 sets with no problem. Also I have gotten use to the bar across my back now, so that is no longer an issue.

    Standing Press was tough, as I expected it to be. I did help that I cut down the warm up sets to 2 sets with just the bar (20kg) and 1 x 3 x 30kg. I Think I will just about manage the 45kg next time but unless there is a miracle I think I will really struggle after that. I will try with the fractional plates and if no joy I will reset.

    Dead Lifts, I really like this lift. Again no real issues with the 62.5kg. I Reckon I can handle a bit more. There was a young woman there tonight dead lifting the same weight with excellent form. Made it look so easy.

    Power Cleans. I decided to get some practice with Power Cleans instead of the bent over rowing. Just practiced bringing the weight from knee level to the rack position on my shoulders. Seemed to be ok but will need to get technique checked before I start upping the weight. Just had 1 5kg plate on each side tonight.

    Pullups were not too bad tonight. First set has still not progressed, but the second and third sets were nearer in reps to the first set than usual, so kind of happy with that.

    Triceps. All benches were being used so I did my dips on the dip station. First set I could have gone a little further, but stopped at 18. A few weeks back I would have struggled to get to 15, so seem to be making a little progress :)

    Also swapped the kick backs for triceps push-ups (Index fingers and thumbs for a diamond under chest). This really burned :)

    Abs. First time doing abs on weights night. Managed to do the full usual routine, however it was more of a struggle than usual. I may look to cut back a bit on the amount of direct abs work I am doing. As usual each circuit si done with little or no rest between exercises and about 2 minutes rest between circuits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 sullie86

    Hey b-builder iv just started the stronglifts programme myself and I was wondering have u found it any good for the body fat loss?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi suille86

    Can't really answer that as my goal and reson for starting Strong Lifts is to put on a little weight, so I am taking on more calories then I was, plus this is only my 3rd week on the program. Also the guy who usually measures my BF was on a 6 week holiday and is only just back in the gym, so I haven't had it measured since before we went.

    Have only gained a pound so far :( (working on tweaking the diet some more) but I think going my the mirror and how my jeans/belt fit, my waist has shrunk a little which is good. I also think I have an almost discernable 4 pack :), though this could just be a trick of the light :D

    But having spent almost 10 months basically messing around in the gym with different dplit routines for little or no gain, I have to say I am enjoying the Strong Lifts program, and sad as it sounds I look forward to going to the gym and adding weight to my lifts. It's kind of addictive :)

    Best Regards & Good luck with the program,


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Weekly Rest Day - Whoohooooo

    Looking forward to my rest day :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 Hour spin class (Intervals, Hill Climbs)

    Again, No abs today as I ahve switched my abs workout to my weight training days to ensure that I give my abs a rest on cardio days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 2 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 65kg (work sets)

    Bench Press
    1 x 5 x 35kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 60kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (19, 15, 12) -- Slightly more than last time :)

    3 sets to failure (45, 25, 24) -- Down a bit on last time. Couldn't get to 50 in firs set :(

    Workout time: 45 mins


    Bicep 21's

    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Workout Time: 20 minutes

    Abs Circuit x 3

    Reverse Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 63.3kg
    Wood Choppers (low to high): 3 x 12 x 34kg
    Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 68kg
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension:
    Dragon Flags: 10

    workout time: 25 mins


    were ok, though I did feel some discomfort at the top of my left leg (groin), will monitor. Getting closer to body weight now and squats are starting to become quite challenging, especially the last two sets. Now taking 90-120 seconds between sets.

    Bench Press was bumped up to 60kg as 55kg still felt very light. The extra 5kg made a good difference and it felt more like a workout.

    Inverted Rows were slightly up on last time, which was pleasing.

    Push-ups were slightly down (94) on last time :(. This could be due to the extra weight added to my bench press or maybe as I was messing with my sisters kids on Saturday, doing push-ups with the kids on my back :)

    Biceps as always is just to supplement the compund exercises.

    Abs were ok. Second time I have done abs on weights day, This is the shortest of my abs workouts so no problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 hour class (Intervals and Hill Climbs)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 2 x 60kg (Warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 67.5kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets with just the Oly bar)
    1 x 3 x 30kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 45kg (work sets)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 3 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 50kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 67.5kg (work sets)

    Power Clean practice
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets)
    5x 5 x 30kg (work sets)

    Pullups ups (palms facing me): 3 to fail (14,10,7)

    Workout Time: 60 mins


    1 x 18 x Body Weight
    3 x 10 x Body Weight +5kg

    Narrow Grip Bench Press
    3 x 10 x 48kg

    Tricep Kickbacks
    3 x 10 x 12kg

    Workout Time: 15 mins

    Abs & Core Circuit x 2

    Slow situps: 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    15 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 15 x 10kg
    Russian Twists: 30 x 5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 20
    Dragon Flags: 10

    Workout Time: 20 mins


    were good, still feel some discomfort at the top of my left leg (groin), it's kind of like a slight groin strain. Almost to body weight now.

    Standing Press was tough. Got all my sets/reps but it was hard. I might stay at this weight for the next time also and see how it goes.

    Dead lifts were good. I really like this lift, but you do feel it the next day after doing 5 x 5 for squats and DL on the same day :)

    Power Clean Practice did not seem as good as the last day. Have studied sone you tube demos and was trying to do the shrug and jump to rack the bar. Think I was more on the side of muscle cleans then proper cleans :( Will keep trying.

    Pull-ups were done with palms facing me. I alternate each workout between plams facing me, palms facing away & palms facing each other. Numbers are still not great :(

    Abs are harder when done on my weights day compared to when I was doing them on my cardio days. Probably due to the core being hit with the compound lifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio day

    45 minute class (intervals and Hill Climbs)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 2 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 70kg (work sets)

    Bench Press
    1 x 5 x 35kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 62.5kg (work sets)

    Straight leg Dead Lift
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    3 x 5 x 50kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (20, 14, 14) -- Slightly more than last time smile.gif

    3 sets to failure (46, 27, 25) -- Down a bit on last time. Couldn't get to 50 in firs set frown.gif

    Workout time: 47 mins


    Bicep 21's

    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Workout Time: 20 minutes

    Abs Circuit x 3

    Reverse Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 63.3kg
    Wood Choppers (low to high): 3 x 12 x 34kg
    Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 68kg
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension:
    Dragon Flags: 10

    workout time: 25 mins


    Squats tough. Still feel some discomfort at the top of my left leg (groin), will monitor. only 3kg from body weight now and squats are starting to become quite challenging. Grion discomfort not really helping here. I might back the weight off a little and look to build it back up again. Either that or switch to leg press for a while to give grion a chance to heal up.

    Bench Press was ok, but felt like a work out. Only ever benched 70kg previously, so getting close to my max here. Hopefully I can push on a little further.

    Inverted Rows were pretty much the same as last time.

    Push-ups were slightly under the 100 mark frown.gif.

    Biceps as always is just to supplement the compund exercises.

    Abs were ok. Though I think I will be reverting back to abs on Cardio days as my weight days are too long, considering that I train in the evening and am up each morning at 04:45 for work.

    Straight Legged Deadlift was added to the main workout to to balance out my quad/hamstring work. Need to work on technique though, as I am not sure that I have it correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    These days were taken off for family commitments

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin Class: 45 minutes (Interval and Hill Climbs)

    Abs & Core Circuit x 2

    Slow situps: 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    15 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 15 x 10kg
    Russian Twists: 30 x 5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 20
    Dragon Flags: 10

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 12 x 5kg
    Glute/Hamstring Situps:
    3 x 12 x 5kg

    Workout Time: 20 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 60kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets with just the Oly bar)
    1 x 3 x 30kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 45kg (work sets)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    4x 5 x 70 (work sets)

    Power Clean practice
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets)
    4x 5 x 30kg (work sets)

    Wide Grip Chinups - palms facing away: 3 to fail (11, 8, 9, 7)

    Workout Time: 55 mins


    Narrow Grip Bench Press
    3 x 10 x 55kg

    3 to fail (24, 21, 17) Bodyweight only

    Tricep Pushdowns
    3x 10 x 55kg

    Tricep Pushups
    1 x 10

    Workout Time: 20 mins


    . I dropped the weight back to 60 kg and only went to parallel. Did not have too much discomfort in groin. I was mostly noticing it when coming up from squatting deep. Probably flexability issues. Must work more on flexability. Other wise squats were good. Not really too hard, but not too easy either.

    Standing Press I left at 45kg again. I could maybe have pushed it up a little, but 5 x 5 x 45kg is really dificult, especially in the last sets. I think that if I go much higher my form would suffer.

    Dead Lift is still one of my favourite lifts. 70kg last night. Starting to feel it now. Had to reset my grip after every lift in the last set. Was using grip with both palms facing towards me. Will try switching to the alternating grip next time and see if that makes a difference. Don't really want to go the lifting straps route if I can help. Would rather build up my grip strength.

    Power Clean practice continues to be hit and miss. I am only doing Hang Cleans at persent and I am sure that most of my reps are what they seem to call "Muscle Cleans" on a crossfit site. More reverse curl than proper clean on most reps, though some reps seem to be ok. Will keep chipping away. Maybe if I can get to the Crossfit day one of the folks there will be kind enough to give me some pointers.

    Wide Grip Chip-ups I am not sure about. I would have expected to be making some gains rep wise, but I seem to be stuck on the same numbers. Unfortunitely the only chin-up station that lends itself to doing negatives was really busy. On the plus side I try to keep my form strict and the movement slow and I think I am noticing some difference in my lats and the side of my torso.

    Triceps. I switched the exercises around a little, doing the close grip BP first followed by Dips and finally the pushdowns. My triceps were burning after the pushdowns and were really pumped up. Looked good for an hour or so :)

    All in all a good workout and this morning I can definitely feel the effects of last nights excersions :D. Feels good though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    Good work man, your following the program fairly well! You will notice a Huge difference with mixed grip, my max grip alternating is about 40-50kg more than double overhand!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi Cardio

    Thanks for the comment. Can I just ask, with the alternating grip, should I swap around which hand I alternate? As in

    Set 1: Right hand plam facing me, left hand palm facing away
    Set 2: Right hand plam facing away, left hand palm facing me
    etc, etc

    Or do you just stick with whichever way feels best?

    Also need to do some work on my diet as I would like to gain a little on my upper body, but I want to do it without adding any/much body fat (don't we all). After 3 weeks on this program my scales yesterday showed a 2 lb increase, which is not too bad, if it sticks. But I have seen my weight fluctuate by a couple of pounds before and then drop back to 11st 7lb dead :rolleyes:. Been hovering around this weight for over a year now. Would like to get to around 12 st.

    Best Regards & Thansk again for the comment,


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day & Abs

    Spin: 45 min class (Interval & Hill Climbs)

    Abs Circuit x 3

    Reverse Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 63.3kg
    Wood Choppers (low to high): 2 x 10 x 34kg
    Wood Choppers (High to Low) 2 x 10 x 27kg
    Cable Crunches: 3 x 18 x 68kg
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension:
    Dragon Flags: 6

    workout time: 25 mins


    Legs felt really heavy tonight, probably not recovered from the squatting and dead lifting the previous day. Left calf felt like it was about to cramp at any second and quads felt tired.

    Will have to keep an eye on this as (hopefully) my squat and DL get heavier.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    B-Builder wrote: »
    Hi Cardio

    Thanks for the comment. Can I just ask, with the alternating grip, should I swap around which hand I alternate? As in

    Set 1: Right hand plam facing me, left hand palm facing away
    Set 2: Right hand plam facing away, left hand palm facing me
    etc, etc

    Or do you just stick with whichever way feels best?

    Also need to do some work on my diet as I would like to gain a little on my upper body, but I want to do it without adding any/much body fat (don't we all). After 3 weeks on this program my scales yesterday showed a 2 lb increase, which is not too bad, if it sticks. But I have seen my weight fluctuate by a couple of pounds before and then drop back to 11st 7lb dead :rolleyes:. Been hovering around this weight for over a year now. Would like to get to around 12 st.

    Best Regards & Thansk again for the comment,


    i never change grip around it feels weird tbh, but some do, its up to you. you can change on each rep too but id keep using the overhand grip as long as you can and only use alternating for the heavy sets, your grip will thank you for it.

    i think i saw you up in westwood on tuesday trying the powercleans and CG benching. hope the powercleans are going ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    bigstar wrote: »
    i never change grip around it feels weird tbh, but some do, its up to you. you can change on each rep too but id keep using the overhand grip as long as you can and only use alternating for the heavy sets, your grip will thank you for it.

    i think i saw you up in westwood on tuesday trying the powercleans and CG benching. hope the powercleans are going ok.

    Hi Bigstar

    Thanks for the advice re grip. Will keep the overhand grip so as long as I can so.

    Yep, that was me :), just posted in another post re Pretein & Whey shakes asking if it was yourself with your other half in Westwood on Tuesday. I noticed someone doing impressively heavy squats with really good form, going really deep :eek: and wearing Converse Runners. I remember that you said you wear these when in the gym, but was too emabrrased to say hi
    1. As you were in the middle of your squat sets
    2. In case it was not you :)
    Really nice squatting. I can but aim for form like that :D

    I though my attempted power cleans the other night were attrocious to be honest. I think most of them were more like heavy reverse curls rather then anything close to a proper clean technique :eek: but they say practice makes perfect, so watch this space

    Best Regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    No Workout due to work :( and can't switch to Friday as I have a platelet donaton at 13:30.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Scheduled Rest day & monthly Blood Platelet donation

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 859 ✭✭✭BobbyOLeary

    Hey Martin,

    I meant to say this a few days back but if you make it to the CF Invitational next weekend I'll happily go through the power clean with you or get one of the guys to train you up. It's a simple enough movement once you have it but takes a bit of coaching in my experience. I'm not an expert in it by any means but I'm sure I can get you to a reasonable standard.... or at least better than what's going on now :pac:

    Hope to see you there!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Scheduled day off. Never work out the day after Platelet donation.

    Actually crashed fro a solid 7 hours between noon and 19:00 (must be old age catching up :D). Felt great when I work up :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 2 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 62.5kg (work sets)

    Bench Press
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 55kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 65kg (work sets)

    Straight leg Dead Lift
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    3 x 5 x 50kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (16, 13, 12) -- Slightly more than last time smile.gif

    3 sets to failure (42, 28, 23) -- Down a bit on last time. Couldn't get to 50 in firs set frown.gif

    Workout time: 62 mins


    Bicep 21's

    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 12 x 12kg (6 curls to each side)

    Workout Time: 25 minutes


    Reverse Dumbell Curls
    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Reverse Wrist Curls
    3 x 8 x 10kg

    Wrist Curls
    3 x 12 x 20kg

    Hammer Twists
    3 x 10 x 10kg (each hand)

    Workout Time:
    20 Minutes


    felt ok. Still a little niggle in my grion, but not as bad as previous sessions. Hopefully it's on the mend. Weight still down, just over the 60kg mark. Gonna keep it round here till groin is 100%. Also I did 5 air squats between each workset.

    Bench Press was good. Used to struggle with 70kg before I started this program, so it will be interesting to see what happens when I try 70kg for 5 x 5.

    Straight Leg Dead lift was ok. Was trying to make sure that I kept my back straight and did not round it. Tried to keep form strict and therfore reps were slow.

    Inverted Rows were a bit of s dissapointment as my number were down on last time. Not too sure whether this was due to adding in the SLDL's or a hangover from the platelet donation. It was mostly my grip that failed, which makes me think the SLDL's are to blame.

    Pushups again a dissapointment. Could only squeeze out 42 for the first set and this was absolute failure. Again wondering if the SLDL or platelet donation had an effect on my numbers. I suppose I will know after the next time I do this routine (Thursday, 17th)

    Biceps Again ok, found the workout challenging.

    Forearms was tougher than usual. Forarms were on fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio & Core

    45 min Class (Intervals and Hill Climbs)

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 10kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8

    Back Hyper Extensions:
    1 x 12 x BW
    2 x 12 x 8kg

    Glute/Hamstring Situps:

    1 x 12 x BW
    2 x 12 x 8kg

    Reverse Hyper Extensions
    3 x 12 x 5kg

    Workout Time: 30 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Well it has been a while since I made any entries in this log.

    That was due to tweaking my back, I suspect while I was trying to get my posture right on the SDL's with 30 kg on the oly bar (50kg total) on Sunday, 13th Sept.

    Back felt a little dodgy on waking on the morning of Monday 14th, but true to form I went to the gym anyways as it was "only" a cardio & abs workout. The workout went ok, even the ab crunches etc were no real problem.

    However the next morning my back was really stiff on waking and would go into spasm if I went from a sitting or bent over position to standing position too quickly. So did I take a break from training to give the back a chance to sort itself out? Of course not :D I went back to the gym after work Wednesday evening and preceeded to attempt the following routine

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 62.5kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets with just the Oly bar)
    1 x 3 x 30kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 45kg (work sets)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 5 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 60kg (warm up set)
    4x 5 x 72.5 (work sets)

    Power Clean practice
    2 x 5 x 20kg (warm up sets with just oly bar)
    4x 5 x 35kg (work sets)

    Wide Grip Chinups - palms facing away: 3 to fail

    Squats were horrendous. For certain reps I could not stand up straight and was left for a few seconds bent over with 72.5kg on my back till the spasm eased off. Did I stop after the first of these episodes? Of course not, I carried on through all warm up and work sets.

    Standing Press was actually ok, no real problems at all. But no way did my back feel great, however as there was no bending there was no spasm either. So onwards and upwards.

    Dead lift started off ok. 50kg warm up was no problem and even the 60kg warm up was just slightly uncomfortable. However my first attemp to get 72.5 kg off the floor was excruciatingly painful. I was left bent over at a 45 degree angle for almost 5 full minutes before I could stand up again.

    Now I know you're thinking that I must have called it a day at this point and you would be ...

    ...dead wrong. I skipped the dead lifts and moved on to ...

    Pullups, which were not problem. I managed to get 13 reps, 11 reps and 7 reps for my three sets.

    Power Clean practice was next and I managed to knock out 5 sets of 5 reps with 35kg, starting with the bar just above my knee and pulling it into the racked position.

    Back was pretty f*cked at this point, but the squat rack was still empty, so off I went to see could I get my dead lifts in. One more attempt at 72.5kg finally convinced my that I being an idiot, so I called it a night.

    Had great difficulty trying to shower and dress after the workout and stepping off the bus onto the footpath on the way home was agony.

    Wednesday morning it took ages to shower and dress. Back would continually go into spasm at the slightest movement. However ever the optimist, off I went to work with my gym bag over my shoulder

    To be continued...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    i think itsallaboutthel rubbed off on ya :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker


    All through the day my back would spasm after any sharp movement, but as the day wore on it got less noticeable. So belive it or not after work I found my self back in the gym that evening. My reasoning was that it was only cardio. I promised myself I would not even attempt any ab work. I would just have to make do with a 40 minute Spin class.

    However I arrived at the gym at 17:35 and spin was not due to start until 18:30. What to do, what to do.

    Well I kept my promise to myself and did not attempt any ab work. However I decided that surely spinning would not be too taxing on my back. So off to the spin studio about 40 minutes before class, armed with my trusty iPod full of Rock and Trance tracks :).

    A pretty tough 40 minute warm up ensued followed by a tough 40 minute class. My back held up pretty well during my "warm up", however about 10-15 minutes into the class it would seriously complain when moving from a sitting to standing position.

    Of course beign a guy it's unheard of to show weakness :rolleyes: so there was nothing for it than to grin and bear it. Ego is a powerful thing and I just could not bring myself to ease off or leave the class early and look like a wimp.

    Well the next day I could hardly get out of bed and for the first hour afer getting up I did a really good impression of the hunchback of Notre Dame :D

    Finally copped myself on that I would have to skip training until my back sorted itself out :mad: Was not impressed at my stupidity. Also if I thought my back was going to sort itself out I was seriously mistaken. After over a week of waiting, while it was slightly better and normal mundane movements no longer caused bad spasms, my back was still nowhere near being up to going back to the gym.

    I finally bit the bullet and went to a Physio in Dun Laoghaire, who spent well over an hour working on my back. Even though the Physio agreed that I could go back to light training if I wanted, I decided to give it another week before I hit the gym again.

    My first day back in the gym was Saturday 3rd October. It's soooo good to be back :p I woudl like to say that I have learned my lesson and that I will never be that STUPID again but...

    ... Well hears hoping at least

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    i think itsallaboutthel rubbed off on ya :D

    I can take some comfort then that I am not alone :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio day

    Spin Class: 1 hour Advanced spin. Intervals and Hill climbs

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8

    Back Hyper Extensions:
    1 x 12 x BW
    2 x 12 x 8kg

    Glute/Hamstring Situps:

    1 x 12 x BW
    2 x 12 x 8kg


    Back felt ok while working out and no porblem for the rest of Saturday.

    Whoohoo... I'm back
