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Starting Strong Lifts 5x5



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    i dont do a cardio warm up for upper body.
    just use light weights to warm up to the bigger weights.

    for lower body work, yeah, i do 5-8 mins steady state cardio on the bike.
    I dont push myself, it's just to get the blood flowing and the muscles warm.

    then i do my warm up sets, work sets and bit of cardio interval training after that.
    (cardio should be more frequent than it is now though)

    as for rest between sets, i wouldnt always keep it to 60-90 seconds.
    if you do a heavy ass set, sometimes you need more of a rest.

    i might take the lower body advise here, my legs always feel weird when i start squatting :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    i dont do a cardio warm up for upper body.
    just use light weights to warm up to the bigger weights.

    for lower body work, yeah, i do 5-8 mins steady state cardio on the bike.
    I dont push myself, it's just to get the blood flowing and the muscles warm.

    I'm doing a 5x5 full body routine at the moment, not a upper/lower split, which is why I always do the warmup before lifting now. I admit I need to get my head around not always pushing hard for all exercise :rolleyes: My cross trainer intervals are more of a mini workout than a warm up if I am honest :)
    then i do my warm up sets, work sets and bit of cardio interval training after that.
    (cardio should be more frequent than it is now though)

    Do you mean that I should be doing more cardio? as I do advanced spin 3 times per week (alternate days to weight workouts) and push really hard during classes. At present am trying to add a little lean mass.
    as for rest between sets, i wouldnt always keep it to 60-90 seconds.
    if you do a heavy ass set, sometimes you need more of a rest.

    This will probably sound strange, but will you know if you need more rest? I usually feel ok after the 60 - 90 second break between sets. Maybe when weights get heavier I will require more of a break.

    Again thanks to all for the input. It is much appreciated.

    Best Regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    I wasn't questioning your own cardio at all man.
    I was on about my own cardio or lack thereof!

    I understand you're doing the 5 x 5.

    Maybe you could try this for a session or two and see how you find it:

    Warm up
    10 mins on bike (steady state)

    weights workout
    warm up sets and work sets

    Interval training on cross trainer

    warm down
    5-10 mins on stationary bike (steady state)

    As for the rest thing, id take more than 60-90 seconds any time i go near failure.
    I never go to absolute failure, i always leave one in the tank but yeah, sometimes i could take a 5 min gap between sets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 859 ✭✭✭BobbyOLeary

    Sorry to be trampling all over your log Martin!

    I see what you mean about resting between sets Liam, I dunno though, when I'm doing sets of front squats I always get a few air squats in between sets to keep an eye on my form and depth. 4 or 5 air squats before I get under the bar to grease my groove as such. Make sure I'm hitting the right form. I equate it to doing some clean high pulls and then moving straight into a full squat clean in order to get over a muted hip extension. If that makes any sense at all?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 minutes (Interval and Hills)

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 7.5kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    No Training due to work commitments :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 hour Advanced Class (Intervals, Sprints & Hills)

    Abs & Core

    Cable Crunch:
    3 x 15 x 68kg
    Reverse Cable crunch: 3 x 15x 63.2kg
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Low to High)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (High to Low)

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 12 x 7kg
    Glute & Ham Sit-ups: 3 x 12 x 7kg
    Reverse Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 10kg

    Side Bridge: 2 x 35 sec (each side) with one arm & leg raised
    Prone Bridge: 3 x 1 min with wide arms (Crucifix)


    Good to be back working out again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 60kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 65kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 67.5kg (work sets)
    1 x 1 x 75kg (just to see what the weight felt like)
    1 x 1 x 80kg (just to see what the weight felt like)

    Bench Press
    1 x 4 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 65kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (20, 12, 14)

    3 sets to failure (40, 26, 22)

    Workout time: 50 mins


    Bicep 21's
    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 12kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 10 x 10kg

    Standing Close grip Bicep Curl:
    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Workout Time: 25 minutes


    Reverse Bicep Curl:
    3 x 8 x 25kg

    Reverse DB Wrist Curls
    3 x 10 x 6kg (each Arm)

    Wrist Curls (BB)
    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Thors Hammer
    3 x 8 x 10kg

    Workout Time: 15 minutes


    I kept to the same weight as last time as I had missed a couple of workouts. Felt nice and fresh after the days off and squats felt a little easier than last workout. Did 1 rep with 75kg and 1 with 80kg at the end and both felt good. Just wanted to see if I could lift that weight as I was feeling good and have a kind of mental block at squatting above body weight. It was a good feeling to get even the 1 rep at 80kg, though I could have pushed out a few more. But as I had already finished my squatting I kept it at just the 1.

    Beach Press was pretty tough, but managed all sets & reps.

    Inverted Rows were good. Added a few extra reps on all three sets compared with last time, so happy with that. Grip went on second set. Took a littel extra rest between 2nd and 3rd set.

    Push ups are also a little better than last time with a few more reps on 2nd and 3rd sets. The push ups give your chest a great pump :)

    Performed this routine as a super set and changed from alternate seated and hammer curls to lifting both arms together. Again great pump to bicpes.

    These exercises are done just to do some exercises that directly target forearms and hopefully help improve grip. Arms are pretty shattered after this

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    good work on the 80Kg especially after doing the 5x5 already as that will have taken a good bit out of you before attempting heavier reps so if you were just doing a proper 1RM attempt with less warm up sets you should be able to get some more

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    good work on the 80Kg especially after doing the 5x5 already as that will have taken a good bit out of you before attempting heavier reps so if you were just doing a proper 1RM attempt with less warm up sets you should be able to get some more

    Hi There

    Cheers for the comment. It wasn't really an 1RM attempt. It was more to do with proving to myself that I could lift that weight, so I know that I can keep on adding each workout to at least 80kg.

    I was starting to tell myself that I would need to consider resetting the weights soon as I was getting close to body weight on my Squat & Bench and I have pushed my Dead Lift to 1.25 times body weight. So being able to squat the heavier weight showed me that I can keep making gains a while longer, at lest on the squat.

    Best Regards,


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 minutes advanced Spin (Interval and Hills)

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 10kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 5 x 60kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 65kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 70kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    1 x 5 x 40kg
    1 x 3 x 42.5kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 45kg (work sets)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 3 x 70kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 80kg (warm up set)
    2 x 5 x 92.5kg (work sets)

    Power Clean practice
    5 x 5 x 42.5kg (work sets)

    Wide Grip Chinups - palms facing away: 3 to fail(11, 8, 8)

    Tricep Exercises

    Laying tricep ext: 3 x 5 x 27.5kg
    Close Grip BP: 3 x 8 x 55kg
    Weighted Dips : 3 to fail + 10kg (15, 10, 8)
    Push Downs: 3 x 10 x 50kg


    were upped to 70kg and were pretty good. Still bouyed by the fact that I know that I can lift 80kg.

    Standign press was pretty solid. Last reps of last two sets were hard but this is the heavest I have ever pressed over my head from standing, so happy with that and I reckon I can get to 50kg so ...

    Dead Lifts were really hard, especially grip wise. For the last two reps of the first work set and all the second, I had to reset my grip after each lift.

    I used to always touch the plates to the floor, wait for 1 sec and lift again. But since I jumped the weight up by 20kg a few sessions ago, I find my grip is my biggest problem adn I don't wat to use straps if I can help it. So now I will be reseting my grip and stance between each lift, but still doing 5 lifts with minimal rest between each one.

    Cleans this time were hit and miss. My grip was f*cked after the DL's so sometimes I thought my form/technique was Ok and sometimes it was atrocious :o I might move my Cleans to my other workout as the heavier DL's are trashing my grip at the moment.

    Pull ups were OK. Again I think that I was affected by the DL's, but I still managed to get a reasonable number of reps each set.


    Again this is just to directly target my triceps, as my arms are one of the places I would like to add some size to and I have to say since I started the Strong Lifts program I have seen a noticeable it not huge increase in my Chest, Back & Arm developement :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    The rest of the week was a wash out as I had my Niece staying over to get some peaceful study time. It's her junior cert year and her two younger brothers (4yrs & 2 yrs) make it hard for her to get propper study time at home :) And as the Gym have an over 16yrs policy I could not bring here to the gym with me, even though she uses a gym in Port Laoise and I would have been with her.

    So I did some foam rolling and stretching (which I don't do nearly enough of anyway) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 hour Advanced Class (Intervals & Hills)

    Abs & Core

    Cable Crunch:
    3 x 15 x 68kg
    Reverse Cable crunch: 3 x 15x 63.2kg
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Low to High)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (High to Low)

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 7kg
    Glute & Ham Sit-ups: 3 x 10 x 7kg
    Reverse Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 10kg

    Side Bridge: 2 x 35 sec (each side) with one arm & leg raised
    Prone Bridge: 3 x 1 min with wide arms (Crucifix)


    Good to be back working out again smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭agentgreen


    How have you found this program for adding lean mass? Have you cut much bf with it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    agentgreen wrote: »

    How have you found this program for adding lean mass? Have you cut much bf with it?


    Hi There

    Somethings to note before I give a response to your question.

    • I am a 46 yr old male (so my prime muscle building years may well be behind me)
    • I am only interested in lean gains, or at least as lean as possible. So I am not prepared to use the "See Food Diet" (when you see food you eat it :D)
    • I am only 5' 6" and currently 11st 10lb
    • My primary reason for working out is to stay as fit and healthy as I can as I head towards the big 50. If I can also attain my astetic goals, then I will consider that a plus.
    Now in saying that, when I started my version of Strong Lifts (if you compare my routines to those posted on the strong lift site, you will see I have changed the workouts a little :rolleyes:, which is frowned upon) at the end of July I was 11st 7lb @ 13.5% body fat. I am now 11st 10lb at 13% body fat.

    So I seem to have gained a little lean mass and lost a small amount of body fat in the process. It's nothing amazing, but at least my gains are in the right direction for my goals :). I notice it mostly on my arms, chest and back, which are the areas I was hoping to improve when I started the 5x5 routine.

    However I must also point out that when I started on the 5x5 program I also started to take more notice of my diet and the breakdown of micro nutrients (Protein, Carbs and Fat). My Diet is still a work in progress, But I now have a better idea of the number of calories I eat each day, as well as how many I need to eat to maintain, gain or loose. I strive for a daily breakdown of around 45% of calories from Protein, 30% from Carbs and 25% from healthy fats. I don't hit these numbers exactly each day, but I usually get pretty close. Also with the carbs, I have some oats for breakfast and usually a wholemeal pitta with lunch, these are usually the only starch based carbs I eat. The rest of my carb calories come mostly from fruit and veg.

    At 13% bodyfat I have slightly visible abs, especially in the morning :) (you can kind of see the definition of a four pack under my rib cage, but my lower abs (under my belly button) shows no definition. As I am currently trying to add lean muscle I am happy to hover around the 13% BF mark.

    Along with staying as fit and healthy as possible, my astetic target is to get to around 12st with a %BF of around 10% and then maintain that. I would like a physique closer to that of Brad Pitt or Mattew McConaghty rather than a WWF Wrestler.

    So in summary, I believe that the 5x5 routine coupled with paying closer attention to my diet and my Cardio is working for me and I am getting to where I want to be slowly but surely. But I am not in any rush. Also I seem to have made better and more noticeable progress in the last 3 months than I did in the previous 9 where I was faffing around with different split routines.

    As for cutting BF with this routine, I have lost .5% but would credit my diet more with this than the routine. When the time comes that I want to drop my BF, I will adjust my daily calories to slightly below maintenance level while still keeping the same % breakdown and increase the cardio sessions in both number and intensity while maintaining the weight sessions and hopefully that will bring me down to 10%. As I mentioned earlier, my current goal is gaining lean mass, so as long as my BF% does not increase (too much) than I am happy enough.

    Sorry for the longish reply, but I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭agentgreen

    Great reply, thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Once again work conspires to keep me out of the gym :mad:

    Got out too late and would not have had time to get a workout in. Did some foam rolling & stretching at home instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 minutes advanced Spin (Interval and Hills)

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 15kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 2 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    15 minutes on the cross trainer at level 11 to warm up and get the blood flowing :)

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 4 x 60kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 65kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 70kg (work sets)

    Power Cleans
    5 x 5 x 45kg

    Bench Press
    1 x 4 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 65kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (20, 14, 12)

    3 sets to failure (42, 23, 20)

    Workout time: 70 mins


    Bicep 21's
    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 10kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 8 x 10kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Standing Close grip Bicep Curl:

    3 x 8 x 25kg

    Workout Time: 25 minutes


    Really was not in the mood for the gym tonight, but went anyway as I have missed a fair few sessions over the last two weeks. I was really tired, probably due to being back in work after a week off and having to get up at 04:40 again :eek: Ended up not being too bad a session and I was glad I went at the end.

    Squats were good and bad. Good because I went up to 70kg and they were fairly good. I am getting happier with my technique and the niggle I got in my grion the last time I was around this weight is no longer present (touch wood :)). Still doing 5 air squats before each weighted set and I really feel that this has helped over the last while with my technique.

    The bad part was that there were no 20kg Oly bars available, so I had to use an 18kg bar. These bars seem to be slightly shorter and thinner than the 20kg bars and I found that to be distracting. Just didn't feel "right" and I neer really got into the "groove".

    Power Cleans were switched from my other workout to this one as my other workout has squats and dead lifts and I felt that with the power cleans as well my routines were unbalanced, with tonights routine being a good deal easier than the other routine.

    Again the different bar did not feel "right" but I managed to get 5 x 5 x 45kg and was happy with the form on the majority of the lifts.

    Bench Press was good. Felt ok and should have no problem increasing a little next time.

    Inverted Rows were ok. Pretty much the same numbers as the last time. Might switch to bent over rows or single arm DB rows for a while, just to mix things up a little.

    Push-ups were good. Got 2 extra reps in the first set, but then was a few short in the second and third. Wonder if the addition of the cleans had any effect on my push-up numbers :confused: I really like the pump you get from push-ups.


    For some reason bicep exercises tonight seemed a lot harder then usual. Might be due to the tiredness or the addition of the cleans or maybe it was just an off night.

    Anyway had to take a 30 second break on the last 7 reps of thelast set of 21's. Done 4 reps, then had to stop for 30 seconds and then kick out the last 3.

    Then I could not manages the 12kg for the seated bicep curls, so I had to drop back down to 10kg :(

    Finally for the hammer and the close grip curls I struggled to do 3 x 8. The last few reps of each set were a real struggle. Last time I got 3 x 10 and although it was hard it felt easier than tonight.

    Oh well, considering the way I felt going in tonight it was not too bad and as I said, on the whole I was glad I went in the end.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    No exercise today :D

    Friday is my weekly recover day where I do nothing. Also it is my monthly visit to the Blood Platelet Clinic in St James for donation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 1 hour Advanced Class (Intervals, Sprints & Hills)

    Abs & Core

    Cable Crunch:
    3 x 15 x 68kg
    Reverse Cable crunch: 3 x 15x 63.2kg
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Low to High)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (High to Low)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Waist Level)

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 8kg
    Glute & Ham Sit-ups: 3 x 10 x 78kg
    Reverse Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 12.5kg


    First time to workout the day after platelet donation. Usually take day off, but felt ok. No problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Warm up with 15 mins on Cross Trainer

    Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 3 x 65kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 70kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 72.5kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    1 x 3 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 45kg (Warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 47.5kg (work sets) Heaviest ever over head :)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 3 x 80kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 90kg (warm up set)
    2 x 5 x 95kg (work set)
    1 x 3 x 100kg (just to see what it was like to pull 100kg off the floor :)) PB

    Pull-ups (plams facing me): 3 to fail (13, 9, 9)

    Workout Time: 60 mins approx

    Tricep Exercises

    Close Grip BP:
    3 x 8 x 55kg

    Floor tricep Extensions:
    1 x 10 x 27.5kg
    2 x 10 x 30kg

    Weighted Dips (10 KG):
    3 to fail (11, 7, 6)

    Standing tricep Extensions with rope:
    1 x 10 x 27kg
    1 x 10 x 34kg
    1 x 10 x 36.3kg
    1 x 8 x 38.6kg

    Push Downs:
    3 x 10 x 57.3kg

    Workout Time: 40 mins approx

    Forearm Workout (Super Set)

    Reverse Curls

    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Wrist Curls
    3 x 10 x 6kg DB's

    Reverse Wrist Curls
    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Thors Hammer Twists
    3 x 10 x 10kg

    Workout Time: 20 minutes approx


    Well I certainly felt this workout. CNS is well trashed :)

    Squats were good. But somehow it seems slightly harder lifting early in the morning compared to evening. Almost at body weight.

    Standing press was strange. First set was a real struggle, but it seemed to get easier with each set :confused:

    Dead Lifts were amazing :). I was totally F%cked after the 3 x 100kg for a few minutes. Really felt these. Legs are still feeling the effects now. Lifted 100kg off the floor, most weight I have ever lifted at one time. Well pleased. Usually lift with gloves, but today for work sets I went without and it was actually better :confused: Will have to invest in chalk or liquid chalk as grip is still not great now at heavier weight.

    Pull-ups were good also. I might try adding some weight now to my pull-ups when I do the palms facing me version.

    Tricep Routine

    Just done as a complimentary routine to work my triceps a bit more than just relying on the compound lifts.

    Forearm Routine

    Just done as a complimentary routine to work my forearms a bit more than just relying on the compound lifts. Hopefully it will also help my grip. Though I plan on adding in some Farmers Walks with heavy DB's somewhere to help with grip as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 minutes advanced Spin (Interval and Hills)

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 15kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 2 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 8
    Prone Bridge (wide hands): 3 x 60 secs


    Farmers Walk:
    20m x 6 x 32.5kg DB each hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Tonights workout should be...

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    15 minutes on the cross trainer at level 11 to warm up and get the blood flowing smile.gif

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 4 x 65kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 70kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 75kg (work sets)

    Power Cleans
    5 x 5 x 47.5kg

    Bench Press
    1 x 4 x 50kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 60kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 67.5kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure ( )

    3 sets to failure ( )

    Workout time: mins


    Bicep 21's
    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 12kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 8 x 10kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Standing Close grip Bicep Curl:

    3 x 8 x 25kg

    Workout Time: minutes


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    My mojo deserted me for this workout :( I did the workout anyway, but for some reason I just did not get the usual buzz :confused:

    Looking forward to Thursday's workout as I get to DL again :) Want to do my work sets at 100kg and then pull 110kg off the floor for a few reps.

    Squats were so so. I was able for the weight (finally squatting body weight :)) even though the last few reps of the final two sets we tough. Just never seemed to get into the groove for some reason.

    Cleans were actually good. Form seems to be coming along finally. I actually feel like I am racking the bar more like it should be racked. Didn't get to 47.5kg though :( As I was happy for my form with 45kg whcih was supposed to be my final warm up, I kept to this weight for the 5 work sets also.

    Bench Press was really hard. Got all sets and reps and even added a final set of 5 x 70kg, but I had to push hard to get the final rep of all bar the first set. Actually the final set of 70kg seemed better than the previous 5 sets at the lower weight.

    Inverted Rows were changed to T-bar rows as both Smith Machines were in use and I didn't want to be using a power cage for inverted rows. managed to get 20, 15 & 12 reps with 35kg on the bar. I have nothing to gauge these figures against though.

    Push-ups were ok. Managed 42, 25 & 20 for my 3 sets. Chest was f*cked (in a good way ;)) after these.

    Bicep Routine

    This is where my mojo finally departed. There was no Ezi bars available, 2 were nowhere to be found and the other 2 (one of which is bent a weird shape) were in use. So my 21's and close grip curls went by the way side. Only did the seated curls and hammers, which went ok. Got 12, 10 & 8 reps with 12kg's on the seated curls and 3x10x10kg on the hammers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 mins Advanced Class (Intervals, Sprints & Hills)

    Abs & Core

    Cable Crunch:
    3 x 15 x 68kg
    Reverse Cable crunch: 3 x 15x 63.2kg
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Low to High)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (High to Low)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Waist Level)

    Side Bridge: 2 x 40 seconds (to each side)
    Prone Bridge (wide hands): 2 x 60 seconds

    Workout time: 25 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Warm up with 15 mins on Cross Trainer

    Back squat:
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 3 x 70kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 75kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 77.5kg (work sets)

    Standing Press:
    1 x 5 x 40kg (warm up set)
    1 x 5 x 45kg (Warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 50kg (work sets) Heaviest ever over head :)

    Dead Lift
    1 x 3 x 90kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 95kg (warm up set)
    2 x 5 x 100kg (work set)
    1 x 1 x 105kg (just to see what it was like to pull this weight off the floor :)) PB

    1 x 1 x 110kg (just to see what it was like to pull this weight off the floor :)) PB

    Pull-ups (plams facing each other): 3 to fail (12, 9, 9)

    Workout Time: 70 mins approx

    Tricep Exercises

    Floor tricep Extensions:
    1 x 10 x 30kg
    2 x 10 x 32.5kg

    Close Grip BP:
    3 x 10 x 55kg

    Over head extension with 20kg plate
    3 x 10 x 20kg

    Standing tricep Extensions with rope:
    3 x 10 x 41kg

    Push Downs:
    3 x 10 x 57.3kg

    Workout Time: 40 mins approx


    Mojo Returned :) though tired going to gym as had to start work earlier than usual. Glad that today is my rest day as the DL's really took it out of me again.

    Squats were pretty tough. Struggled with the last couple of reps in the last set. 2.5 kg over body weight Yeah :) First time to squat over body weight. Will be squatting 80kg this Sunday :eek:

    Standing Press was really tough. Especially the last set. I meant to only do 3 reps in my warm ups, but I suppose I am so used to sets of 5 reps that I banged oot 5 reps for the warm ups. Not too sure how much more (if any) weight I will get with this lift before I have to reset.

    Dead Lifts, still my favourite lift, but holy son of a carpenter, these really take it out of you. Jumped my work sets from 95kg to 100kg, just for giggles and I wanted to be able to say I was lifting 100kg for reps :o. But my god these take it out of you. I was shattered after deadlifting and I could have happily went home to bed or down the Jacuzzi/Sauna after them :)

    Got my 2 sets of 5 x 100kg. Used mixed grip on first set, just as an experiment and it does make a difference grip wise. Didn't have to reset grip after each lift. Used overhand grip for second set and only managed 2 consecutive reps. Had to reset grip for each of the last 3 reps.

    Again for the experience I did a single lift at 105kg and then a single lift at 110kg. These were a serious struggle to get up :) Veins were standing out everywhere from the strain, Big red face etc. Reckon this is fairly close to my max at the moment.

    Pull-ups this time were palms facing each other, but was totally f&cked after the DL's, so was surprised that the numbers were not too bad.

    Tricep Routine

    This was pretty good. Had to swap from dips to overhead extensions with a 20kg plate as dip station was in use and was not in humor of waiting around. Mild doms in Back, Traps and Tri's this morning :) and would kill for a extra few hours in bed. Will be hitting the sack early today. Maybe 18:00/19:00 ish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Scheduled Rest Day, just some foam rolling and light stretching

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio day

    Spin Class: 1 hour Advanced spin. Intervals and Hill climbs

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 15kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 10

    Workout Time: 25mins
