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Starting Strong Lifts 5x5



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    15 minutes on the cross trainer at level 11 to warm up and get the blood flowing :)

    Back Squat
    2 x 10 x Air Squats (to loosen up)
    1 x 4 x 75kg (warm up set)
    1 x 4 x 77.5kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 80kg (work sets)
    1 x 1 x 85kg
    1 x 1 x 90kg

    Power Cleans
    5 x 5 x 45kg

    Bench Press
    1 x 3 x 60kg (warm up set)
    1 x 3 x 65kg (warm up set)
    5 x 5 x 70kg (work sets)

    Inverted Rows
    3 sets to failure (20, 14, 12)

    Push-ups on DB's
    3 sets to failure (30, 23, 20)

    Workout time: 70 mins


    Bicep 21's
    3 x 7 x 25kg

    Seated DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 12kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Hammer Curls
    3 x 8 x 10kg (Both arms lifting together)

    Preacher Curl:

    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Workout Time: 25 minutes

    Forearm Workout (Super Set)

    Reverse Curls

    3 x 8 x 25kg

    Wrist Curls
    3 x 10 x 6kg DB's

    Reverse Wrist Curls
    3 x 10 x 25kg

    Thors Hammer Twists
    3 x 8 x 10kg

    Workout Time: 20 minutes approx


    Squats were tough. Last couple of reps in last 3 sets we hardest ever. Really felt it in my hams a glutes later. I did a 1 x 85 and 1 x 90 to to check out what it feels like to squat this much weight, as these will be my next targets.

    Power Cleans I left at 45kg again to work on my form. Was happy with most of my lifts. However I slipped back into muscle ups a number of times :(

    Bench was really hard. I thought by now after 2 1/2 months on Strong lifts that when I got my bench back towards 70kg I would find it easier then last time I attempter this weight. But this was tough. Last 2 reps of final set were a real struggle :( Will try leaving a slightly longer rest between sets next tiem to see if that helps, as I was only leaving about 40 seconds today.

    Inverted Rows. Back to inverted rows again as the smith macines were free again :) Numbers still pretty much the same.

    Push-ups were done using dumbells, so I could go a little deeper. This caused a drop of 10-15 reps on the first set, however the numbers for the second and third set were similar to usual, though I had to really grind out the final 5 reps of the last set to get to 20.

    Bicep Routine

    These are just supplemental exerciese to more directly target upper arms.

    Forearm Routine

    These are just supplemental exercises to more directly target forearms. Arms were really tired during this routine today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio Day

    Spin: 45 mins Advanced Class (Intervals, Sprints & Hills)

    Abs & Core

    Cable Crunch:
    3 x 15 x 72.6kg
    Reverse Cable crunch: 3 x 15x 63.2kg
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Low to High)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (High to Low)
    Wood Choppers: 2 x 10 each side 36.2kg (Waist Level)

    Back Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 8kg
    Glute & Ham Sit-ups: 3 x 10 x 78kg
    Reverse Hyper Extensions: 3 x 10 x 12.5kg

    Foam Rolling: 15 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    No Gym tonight :(

    I got a really bad muscle spasm in my right hamstring a couple of times throughout the day and each time it took a good while to stretch and then walk it off.

    Hamstring was still feeling a little tight on the way home, so I skipped the gym and went home and had a warm soak, followed by some foam rolling and light stretching. Seemed to do the trick.

    Not too sure what caused the cramps/spasms :confused: I foam rolled and stretched after my workout on Monday night. I eat a decent diet, 1 or 2 bananas a day so potassium levels should be ok. I keep well hydrated so that shuld not be the cause...

    ... Oh well, hopefully just one of those things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Cardio day

    Spin Class: 45 min Advanced spin. Intervals and Hill climbs

    Abs & Core Circuit

    Slow situps: 2 x 20
    Weighted Crunches:
    2x 20 x 15kg
    Oblique Crunches:
    2 x20 (10 per side)
    Weighted Situps: 2 x 15 x 15kg
    Russian Twists: 2 x 30 x 7.5kg (15 per side)
    Reverse Crunches with vertical leg extension: 3 x 15
    Dragon Flags: 2 x 9
    Side Bends: 2 x 12 x 15kg

    Workout Time: 25mins


    Hamstring felt ok during spin and core workout. Still feeling ok today (day after workout, so hopefully was nothing to worry about.)
