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Unfairly banned wow forums, mod has an ongoing issue with me.

  • 13-08-2009 1:17am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 969 ✭✭✭

    The thread that resulted in my ban is below.

    Frankly 2 people were having a discussion, there was nothing untoward going on just a simple discussion, fair enough it was heated but there was no malevolence from either party iceman or myself, if you care to read the thread you'll see it's just 2 Irish people arguing in a way that's normal.

    In the above thread I commented on why Ivan chose to come in and mod this specific thread as frankly myself and iceman's discussion was just the same as most threads on, the only mitigating factor in his reason to mod this thread was me. If 2 people cannot discuss something without a mod stepping then why was boards established in the first place. There was nothing derogatory from both myself or iceman just a simple heated Irish discussion.

    As you can see many people questioned his modding in the above thread all of which Im 110% sure received no warning and or ban, just me.
    Originally posted by Nix
    poor sunzz, unfairly treated/banned imo. Were here to discuss and thats whats been going on, sure ego's can play their part as we are human but things never get blown out of proportion.

    As long as things don't deteriorate to name calling/flaming, then play ball no?
    Originally posted byAnti
    Agreed, i personally think it was a bit harsh, but Ivan's the mod here so its his call.

    I mean tell me where any other mod would have stepped into the above thread, I mean was it really needed?
    I was later banned when I posted on an alt character on the forums, this I take full responsibility for under the name cellulite_sally. However I posted simply to state it was unfair and to continue my point as I was wrongfully stopped midway through a perfectly valid discussion.

    this ongoing escapade between myself and Ivan stems back for quite some time now around about wow pvp season 5, which is last november. He stated something along the lines of this spec would dominate in wow pvp and my two death knight friends (wow jargon I know sorry) have played more and know more than anyone on this forum about pvp, nice assumptions for a mod, needless to say I argued the point and may have called him a baffling idiot which when you tell people how little their input is valued due to having awesome friends who know everything seems quite fitting.. Needless to say in the end he was flat out wrong.
    and it seems every single thread I try and post into is met with a barrage of absolute unnecessary warnings, I don't know if i upset his ego in the past but....

    This is what he posted when I was banned.
    Originally Posted by Ivan
    Now it's permanent Sunzz. Thank you for playing.

    As if to say. 'ah well got you in the end'

    another example of him being flat out unlawfully warning me (IMO) was.

    If you take a look at a recent thread it starts on page 3.

    This warning was unjustified. He said I was being "not noob friendly" in a pm he sent me about the issue, magilly has been a poster on the wow forums for quite some time now, almost 9 months. And in that time has posted numerous times in the wow forum, hardly a noob. :rolleyes:

    I don't know what the issue is here regarding private messages, I have numerous messages regarding how Ivan has stated if we cannot get on on the forums that I would just receive a ban/warning for the content I post and he would mod it like any other mod, May I add that I replied get lost you egotistical maniac, and asked him to show me one credible post in the last month where I stepped out of line, needless to say there was no reply.

    I have copies of all pm's and will be happy to share both my inbox and sent items for inspection just to prove that I'm being treated unfairly, especially when most of my input (if a little heated) Is valid.


  • Registered Users Posts: 22,231 ✭✭✭✭Sparky

    Whatever between yourself and Ivan, you had a temp forum ban as it was your second offence in that forum. Fair enough a few other users may have said it was harsh, but they are not mods.
    Then you went back to that thread with an alt account to circumvent the ban.
    I'm not sure if you are aware, but this is a golden rule that you dont use alt accounts to circumvent a ban.
    Both accounts have been banned permanently from that forum

    What is the need for the cellulite_sally account?

    Ivan as a moderator in their decisions is another topic for another thread tbh

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 969 ✭✭✭sunzz

    You don't think I was unfairly banned in the 1st place on sunzz?
    If Ivan didn't see fit to come in and unnecessarily mod a thread that was in no way inappropriate then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    Surely you can see that his relations with me goes a lot further than just a moderator.

    I get banned for commenting on a mods decision to warn me in a PUBLIC thread, when the warning was completely unwarranted, 4 other people also commented, did they receive bans? Surely if he wants to warn me and doesn't want me to question him it should be done in a PM.

    How can you justify him firstly as a mod and secondly as a dictator.
    It seems that to disagree is to receive infractions and or harassment upon every thread you deem fit to post in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    ' wrote:
    It's always something with you people - it's never your fault that you lose. It's never about finding a way to kill someone and using some ability, it's always about "QQ it's not fair, it's not EZ mode to mash my face on my keyboard and win an arena match QQ".

    If you don't like it, stick to PvE where, if Blizzard let you do more with macros, you could program your character to beat any boss while you go AFK.

    ' wrote:
    [cEMAN**;61560847']Now you're saying out damaging? You're talking out your ass lad. Seriously, you are. Prot/Holy paladins can't dps, they can interrupt. They can dot you up if you don't take it off, and do maybe 1/3 or 1/4 if they're lucky, of their partner's overall dmg.

    But out dpsing? Now you're just grasping at straws.

    sunzz wrote: »
    lol im takling out my arse

    I'm sorry little boy you've seem to misread the above.

    when im talking about a TANK out damaging im talking about PROT/RET also known as 0/53/18 or 0/52/19 you take your pick. either way its a TANK

    when im talking about a TANK out healing im talking about PROT/HOLY also known as 21/50/0 or 19/52/0 once again take your pick. either way its a TANK

    Now as you probably don't have an iota what you're talking about Im kindly going to link you a world wide ranking 2v2 via arenajunkies where 5% of ALL resto/paladin teams play this TANK dps spec. See the bottom line.

    I've played against a TANK who has out dpsd me on numerous occasion I'll happily link you an armory just so you don't get the misconception im talking out my arse again.

    Little children should be seen and not heard.

    You're telling me that a prot/holy paladin with a 20 second hammer and a 30 second silence which does infact CRIT for 7k+ (Please say im talking out my arse again so i can make you look like a spa again) is not overpowered? not to mention judges/seals/ bubble on 2min effectively with aura mastery.

    ITS BROKE. HENCE IT BEING FIXED. Tanks were not ever intended to out heal healers nor out damage dps.
    argue all you want but you look like a fool doing so.

    As for me talking out my arse, yea wel..........:rolleyes:
    Ivan wrote: »
    If you two cant have a discussion about WoW without trying to one up one another and general dickery, you can do it elsewhere.

    I and many others are getting sick of this type of bickering, on these forums.

    Warning on thread for two people, to stop being abusive. The warning was to stop things from escalating further and for emphasis that this sort of abusive behaviour isnt acceptable.
    sunzz wrote: »
    I don't see the problem here ivan, I said nothing in any previous post on the thread, he stated I was talking out of my arse.

    I made him look like an idiot, what exactly went wrong here?
    What exactly was there to mod? or was it simply because "EYE" posted spa in the above post?
    See what I did there :D oh I did it again :D

    You replied debating a moderating decision onthread, while simultaneously trying to troll ][ceman; after having received a warning for both.
    Ivan wrote:
    sunzz wrote:
    Ivan wrote:
    sunzz wrote:
    Ivan wrote:
    sunzz wrote:
    Ivan wrote:
    sunzz wrote: »
    In my OWN opinion he should have stopped typing as his whole post was nonsensical dribble. I fail to see how what I said was against any of the charter rules, the fact you have issues with me may have something to do with it? Just wondering why you needed to mod the above? Mussolini would be proud of you however. :D

    I dont have a problem with you, I have a problem with your attitude on the forums.

    Everything anyone posts that doesnt agree with your point of view, is nonsensical dribble.

    Anytime you are being moderated it is because the moderator must have issues with you.

    I moderated the above because it is not conducive to a forum for constructive debate. If someone makes errors, try a little patience and try to educate them - dont call them out for posting nonsensical dribble or "should have having stopped there" etc. The rule in the charter you are breaking is
    koneko wrote: »
    This should be a noobie-friendly zone so if you're just starting out, don't be afraid to say hello, meanies will be punished.

    Everytime someone posts something that disagrees with your, to be fair; biased* view point of deathknights you go off on one.

    The unwritten rule (that I am sure is written someplace) is to attack the content of the post, not the poster. It's a fine line that is sometimes difficult to walk, but needless to say calling something someone wrote "nonsenical dribble" is not attacking the content of the post within the spirit of this rule.

    I have somewhat distanced myself from moderating your comments as much as I should, mostly because they are directed at me and sometimes because they were only inflamed by something I said. As it stands, I have taken more of a back seat to conversations you are involved in because I dont trust myself when trying to have a conversation with you.

    With this in mind, I feel comfortable enough to again moderate you to within the confines of the forum and it's charter - i.e. a noob friendly place where people can talk about World of Warcraft and not cower in fear everytime the subject of death knights comes up - for fear of facing Sunzzs' wrath for a mispoken word.

    In addition, keep comments on moderation to PMs or take them to the help desk. Posting on thread will get you banned. Naturally, had I enforced this rule - it would have been because I had something against you and not because you did something wrong...

    Note: I will be enforcing this rule in the future, consider this your warning.

    If you have a problem with any of my moderating - take it to the help desk and/or feedback forums. Mods are only human and make mistakes and sometimes totally overreact. Lord knows I've been guilty of it, but when it is pointed out in a polite and patient manner I will generally realise my mistake and attempt to correct it.

    I only tell you all this, knowing that you will merely quote the parts which confirm your opinion that I have a problem with you - because I think you are a valuable contributor to the forums when you can reign in your meglomania**. But if you wont at least work with me here, then I will be forced to take actions against you to the fullest extent of the Warcraft charter and the rules.

    * biased because you play a deathknight, just as everybody's opinion is biased towards their main class.

    **1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
    2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.


    I said he should have stopped typing, how is that against the charter rules? I said he posted nonsensical dribble when you deemed it fit to come in and mod.

    Follow that train of thought logically.

    Sunzz: You should have stopped writing there.
    Noob: Why?
    Sunzz: Because what you posted was nonsensical dribble.
    Noob: Oh, sorry. I didnt realise. I wont do that anymore.

    Noob no longer posts comments on the forum which they believe might be wrong and finds that there is now no longer any point posting on the forum, because the noob is just a noob and doesnt really know anything.

    We've gone through several noobs already on the Warcraft forums, Anti being the most prolific one. He started out a noob hunter convinced that his Marks spec was superior to the "cookie cutter" builds. But after repeated corrections by the bulk of the boards warcraft community he eventually came around and tried Beast Mastery and found it far superior (this was mid-TBC).

    Now change that scenario to where he's told repeatedly, he should just stop typing because his opinions are rubbish/bull****/talking out his ass/etc.

    Personally, I stopped trying to debate the issue of frost specs in Arenas because every comment I made was scrutinised for mistakes and the actual opinion mostly ignored or your rebuttal was ignored by me since I was so butt-hurt from the flame.

    Just because someone is wrong, doesnt leave them open for abuse - regardless of how idiotic their comments may seem to those on the opposite side of the fence.


    You were wrong last season and to this day frost is still ****e without the sigil, on a side note, magilly is posting on this forum for quite some time.

    So care to rewrite the train of thought?

    No, I think I've said my piece on frost and magilly being a noob or not is irrelevant. The fact still applies, especially since you are indiscriminate to whom you abuse.

    Hint: Adding a smiley to the end, does not making harsh language ok.

    Of course it's relevant, If i had told lee (dustaz) that he should have stopped posting after.... then no-one would bat an eyelid, you cant impose a warning for a "non noob friendly comment" when the person receiving the comment has had plenty of input into the forum, aka not a noob!

    But that assumes that other noob posters who come to the forum and see this going on, dont make the connection that this forum is not a noob friendly forums.

    Regardless, Koneko's choice of language is diliberately vague. "Meanies will be punished" applies regardless of whether the person your comments are aimed at is a noob to the forum, a noob to the game or neither. Respect people's opinions irrespective of your feelings on the validity of the content.

    I'm sorry, I dont see how you can believe that that is not something that applies.

    And apologies on another 600 page essay :rolleyes:

    PMs are dated 28th of July. You were warned not to debate moderating decisions on-thread, as is the rule. You did, again, you were banned. You posted on an alt account to circumvent the 7-day ban - you were perma banned.

    And feel free to post the rest of the PMs if you wish, I will also certainly do so if its relevant to the issue.

    I never said, and certainly never meant; that I would ban you if we couldnt get along. I said/meant that if you didnt at least try with me to stop this bickering I would be forced to take action against your account (because you would be breaking the forum policies).

    As for "Thanks for playing", I'll admit it is not the most professional of catch phrases when perma banning someone and for that I can most certainly apologise. As for how you could feel it means "got you in the end", I dont really understand.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 969 ✭✭✭sunzz

    May I also add that I'm not to pushed if I'm banned then I'm banned but let it be on the premise of me posting under another account not for infractions that simply can't be justified, the mod in question needs some serious looking into.

    It's like posting knowing that hitler is looking over your shoulder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot


    Well, with one hyperbolic descriptive term you've pretty much managed to destroy your credibility. Well done!

    (And yes, your original account can be sanctioned for activities that take place on your second account - otherwise, there would be little motivation in taking action at all, and everyone would have a second account to troll with).

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