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  • 19-08-2009 3:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 28

    I'm really looking for a bit of advice here about my workout. My main exercise is cardio, I really don't like doing weights.
    Warm Up : 5 mins on Bike
    Cross Country Programme on Precor Bike. I always increase the resistance as I find it too easy. The max resistance is 24 or so, and not below 13 and I keep the revs between 65 to 80. Time is 30mins
    I then use the stepper, i set the machine to 75 steps per minute, at one level, and do 20 - 25 mins.
    I use hrm and watch my bpm on the bike is up to 140 and 150 on the stepper.
    I burn 1,000 cals per work out and sometimes a bit more. ( In about 1.5 hours ) Then do lots of stretches.
    I have been working out like this for about 5 months and have lost 13kgs. I have tried other programmes on each of the machines and nothing gives me the work out like i do already.
    Does anyone have advice about better workout on the bikes and stepper ?
    Would appreciate it. Thanks
