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Starting Strength Restart!

  • 24-08-2009 5:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭

    ok since my holidays found it hard to get a routine to allow me follow the SS plan that I was on so this week is the restart and to help me along I have decided to take the plunge and write a log.

    Before my hols I was squatting ~ 110kgs but I was worried about the depth i was getting. When I got back I reset down to 90 and then upto 100 as I progressed. Really found it difficult - spoke to a trainer in the gym about my deadlift and he mentioned he noticed me squatting and that although it was great to actually see someone using the squat rack that I should probably drop the weight a bit. So my thinking was confirmed and so I have reset this week to 80kg. I wanna get all the depth I can.

    So today:

    80 kg (3x5) full depth - left leg is falling apart though, my knee is sore and my hip is tight, going to try some stretching exercises for the hip not sure about my knee, never had an issue before.

    70kg bench (2x5) - on a smith machine - so I know this will upset folk. Trying to go on to dumb bells as it is obviously not working me right. Unfortunately my right hand seems to spasm on the highest weight on dumb bells and I can't hold it correctly - not getting this on the barbell which is weird.

    chinups 1 x 7 and 2 x 3

    I have dropped back the weight a good bit for my squats but not so much for the bench but it does feel like I am starting again so we will see how it goes.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    82.5 kg (3x5)
    - knee was very sore on each initial rep, didn't bother me in warm up and other reps were ok, very odd - will monitor.

    Bench Press:
    Ok shouldn't really be doing this again according to the SS plan but was pissed off missing the 3x5 on 70kg on Monday so went at it again...similar results
    70kg (2x5) (1x2) - this is my welcome back week so I just want to hit 70kg again and I will be fine for next week - getting closer for Friday!

    80kg (1x5)
    - the Sumo stance really does seem to let me get my form right easier and though I could have lifted more I wanted to practise the form more than the weight for this.

    Knee was fine after work out - was worried deadlifts might make it worse but no reaction at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Squats : 85kg (3x5) Knee felt pretty good and hip - stretching making a difference.

    Bench Press : 70kg (2x5) 67.5 (1x5) Failed the 3 sets again. will go back to 67.5 next week when i start the overhead press again. Always seem to hit a brick wall on this.

    Pull Ups : (2 x 2) (1x1) pathetic is all i can say :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    squats 85 kg (3 x 5) : started off the week on the same weight as ended last due to my knee - went between hurting like a bugger to being ok...think I need to keep the stretching up on my off days to see if it makes a difference.

    bench press 67.5kg (3 x 5)

    chin ups 1 x 7, 1 x 4, 1 x 2

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    forgot to post this yesterday

    Squats : 87.5kg (3x5): Knee giving very little trouble hopeful that the rest day stretching is helping it. Squats were good and deep and really feeling the difference.

    Overhead Press : 32.5kg (3 x 5): First time doing these in a couple of months so went down on the weight a good bit. Glad to get them out of the way, don't like them much :)

    Deadlift : 90kg (1 x 5): Had only meant to go to 85kg but i only realised that I had the wrong weights on when I was all set to go and couldn't be bothered taking them off again! Lifted well, happy with the improvement in my form for this.

    Guess I should have posted my stats too:

    Age: 36
    Height: 5'11''
    Weight: 78kg roughly
    Aims: lift heavier, lose what is left of my belly, get stronger. Hoping to go 2 x bodyweight on squat at some point waaaay down the line and at least that again on the deadlift. would love to breach 100kg on the bench press too. Again - waaaaay down the line.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Squats: 90kg (3 x 5): Barely felt anything from my knee in fact forgot all about it when doing the squats, only when i was stretching that I thought about it - so happy that the stretching is taking care of it.

    Bench Press: 70kg (3 x 5): Possibly might have been able to do 72.5 but after last week's struggles just delighted to do the 70kg and finish the reps/sets.

    Pull Ups: 1x3 2x2 - still pathetic :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 909 ✭✭✭Captain Furball

    Good progress.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Good progress.:)

    Thanks - nearly at the stage I was before going on hols in June although to be honest I feel much better this time as I think my form and especially my depth on squats is so much better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Squats: 92.5kg (3 x 5): Was worried going in today as had done a lot of shoveling at the weekend and was still quite tired so happy to get the squats done - knee still talking back to me, but only in a whisper!

    Overhead Press: 35kg (3 x 5): Man I hate this exercise. Glad to get it done - and happy that I will miss it on Friday when I am in London :)

    Chin Ups: 1x7 2x4 - could barely lift my arms afterwards though, weekend finally caught up with me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 909 ✭✭✭Captain Furball

    Your progress was very similair to mine when i did SS.
    Can't beat the press, it's great for your shoulders.
    Feels great to do the squat at 100kg for reps haha.
    knee still talking back to me, but only in a whisper!
    haha that made me laugh :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Been in London for the past 5 days plus been carrying a cold of a severe sort so missed a couple of sessions last week, only back today and was not sure how I would fare as
    a. London was exhausting, took the kids to as many parks as we could = lots of walking and running with the kids for 5 days. knee did not like it one bit.
    b. still feeling the cold and sore throat.

    One thing i thought was interesting was when lifting the buggy down the tube I was automatically taking up good form a la deadlifting..made me smile anyway ;)

    Anyhoo did lots of stretching last night to help my knee and missed warming up on the treadmill and concentrated on stretching instead at the gym today.

    Squats: 95kg (3 x 5): Got through them but only just, felt very wobbly on the last couple and not sure my form was too good so might redo this weight on Friday to make sure I crack it well. On the upside I got no pain at all from my knee which is great.

    Bench Press: 70kg (3 x 5): Should have been overhead press but got my days mixed up - wanted to get the 70kg done again anyway as I have missed it when I have had a break before.

    Deadlift: 95kg (1 x 5): Could have done the 100kg I guess but didn't want to push myself too much when feeling rough still - wasn't even going to do it today but hell I was already there so might as well...form was good I think - need to take a recording to check myself out one of these days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    ugh...sore sore legs today...

    Squat : 95kg (3 x 5) : As I said on Wed wanted to do this weight again as I am not sure my form was good - form definitely better today, nearly fell over mid 2nd set mind you, thankfully the puny stomach muscles managed to keep me straight on the way up. Sore legs, no pain in the knee tho so all good.

    Overhead Press: 37.5kg (3 x 5) :
    Hate it hate it hate it. Really struggled 2nd set but recovered to get the 3rd set done in good form. did i mention that i hate doing these?

    Pull ups: (2 x 2 + 1 x 1) so embarrassing that I should not even be putting it up :(

    Still feeling the cold, mainly when breathing so hopefully the weekend should clear up the chest by Monday - got to go to Germany for 3 days with work next week so need to make sure the hotel has some sort of gym equipment in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Off to Germany tomorrow and hotel has no gym :( so no Wednesday workout.

    Squat : 97.5kg (3 x 5): Shaky form on some squats again, especially the 2nd set, this combined with Wed absence means I will be doing this weight again on Friday. Still feeling a bit head cold but no pain again on the knee.

    Bench Press: 72.5kg (3 x 5) PR: Delighted to get 72.5 and only the final rep nearly broke me the rest were pretty good. In saying that I can still barely lift my arms and am typing with my nose... :)

    Chin Ups : 1x5 2x3 - really tired doing these.

    Overall happy with the workout - really tired afterward though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    ok two posts today as I forgot to do it on Friday:

    Squat : 97.55kg (3 x 5) : Form was pretty good although I was seeing stars in the 2nd set - put that down to being wrecked from traveling back from Germany late last night.

    Bench Press: 72.5kg (3 x 5) :
    Was good, felt strong despite being tired..was going to up it to see how high i could go but time was running out.

    Pull ups: (1 x 2 + 2 x 1) Let's not mention this again :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Squat : 100kg (3 x 5) : Yes! The 100 barrier is broken - felt good doing them though if I have a critique to make I don't think I was low enough, certainly not in the last 2 sets. I got down to at least knee level I think, but not deeper and the motions were nice and controlled so I should be happy. will do the same again on Wed - not strictly SS so maybe I am not doing myself any favours - any opinions people? Should I bump it up to 102.5 regardless?

    Bench Press: 75kg (2 x 5, 1 x 2) 70kg 1 x 1 FAIL:
    My routine with alternating bench and overhead seems to have been messed up with travel in the past few weeks and I think the lack of overhead may have contributed to this fail :| was really hard, got stuck on the last set and tried to lower it to finish, managed one but that was it. Now I don't want to go back 10% on Friday so I am going to try 75 again or should I drop back to 72.5? Annoyed at not getting it but hopeful I will by the end of the week.

    Chin ups: 1 x 4 and 2 x 3 - arms were useless after the press..

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    Should I bump it up to 102.5 regardless?

    Although I don't know the programme I wouldn't bump it up, instead try and get the proper depth on the current weight for all sets and reps, cause if you up the weight chances are form and depth will just get worse to accommodate the extra weight

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    That's my own feeling too - been doing it the past couple of weeks with squats and think that it is benefiting me.

    I am in no hurry to get onto bigger weights anyway so I will take it slow and give myself the week to manage each increment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    what a lunch hour!

    Squats : 3 x 5 100kg
    - except that I failed on the 5th rep on 2nd set, too far forward, could not get up and fell over thankfully had enough time to get the bar just about on the safety rails to stop it coming down on my head! Thanks to the guys who lifted the bar back up for me too whoever they are! Never happened to me before so quite amused at it and will definitely learn from it, took the 3rd set a bit easier, ie did not try to go as deep as the confidence had gone. had been going quite well until then too.

    overhead press : 3 x 5 40kg - amazed i completed these, hate this, hate this, hate this, is your lower back supposed to hurt so much afterwards or does my technique just really suck?

    deadlift : 1 x 5 105kg :
    to round off a miserable work out I got the weights wrong in my warm ups and jumped 25kg for the final set which was not great, technique went to toffee at 3rd rep - do people lift and put back on ground or do they do the reps without letting the barbell touch the floor? The latter is how I was doing it but my form was shaky as I say towards the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Squats: 3x5 100kg: Apprehensive after wednesday but went ok - again don't think i went deep enough, thought it was pretty deep for most of them. Back muscles were still sore from Wed. Think I will try 100kg again on Monday just to see if I can go any deeper.

    Bench Press: 3x5 75kg: PR
    - happy about that. Now the aim is 80kg in the next 2 weeks.

    Pull Ups 2x2 1x1 once more pathetic!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Felt strong going in today - kidding myself on!

    Squats : 3x5 100kg: Definitely getting better at this weight, first 2 sets went well till the last one of the 2nd set which was not great. 3 set was all over the place. lower back was tired i guess - sore on the last set but only muscle sore - where it was on Friday and where it was aggravated at the weekend with me bending over in the attic all Saturday laying insulation.

    Overhead Press: 3x5 42.5kg 3x5 37.5kg: failed totally on the 42.5kg, managed 2, knew as soon as I started the warm up lifts I wasn't up to it...was all I could do to finish with 37.5kg.

    Chin ups: 2 x 5, 1 x 2: Not great but better than last week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    aaarrggghhh :(

    Squats 3x5 92.5kg: knew during the warm up that i was not going to be able to do 100kg so decided to drop some and make sure I did all sets properly. Although I think I did the sets with ok form it was still not great and I was f**ked afterwards...pretty annoying..seems like I am going backwards now..

    Bench Press (using dumbbells) : 3 x 5 50kg: decided to do benching with dumbbells when it is on the wednesday just to see if it can help me make gains on the bench press with barbell. Only 50kg but not sure that it is the weight that stops me getting higher, rather the strength to get myself into correct position with the dumb bells. Still wasn't too disappointed, definitely different to the barbell.

    Deadlift 1 x 5 110kg: Form started to go as my grip started to go. Think one affected the other, got through it, and with better form than last week, but I wasn't 100% happy.

    bench press : 1 x 4 80kg - just wanted to prove to myself i could do 80kg even if it did just about kill me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Missed a session there and will miss at least one more this week as I travel with work. Managed to go in Monday though:

    Squat: 90kg 3 x 5: after the struggle at 100kg I decided to reset and try and build up again in, slower, in the hope that I can do the 100kg like I did the 90 kg - deep and controlled....was good to feel myself getting down as deep as I can again - need to keep this up and keep the weight down until i am happy.

    Bench: 77.5kg 3 x 5 PR: well chuffed I managed to go up again, especially after the failures I had breaking through 70kg previously. It's a pity I am going to miss going for 80kg but hopefully that gives me another week of training to ensure I do hit 80kg when I go for it.

    Chin Ups: 6, 3, 2. Sore arms, different grip I have 99 other excuses if you want to hear them :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    So missed two sessions last week while away on work duty - combined with the crap food and the amount of alcohol consumed in the evenings meant I was not in good shape for this session!

    Squat 90kg 3 x 5: Last one was tough but other than that it was just hard but not killing me i didn't have to hold on to something for a minute afterwards :) - will keep this weight for this week though, move up slowly is the plan and I will nail that 100kg better than I did last time.

    Bench Press 77.5kg 2 x 5, 1 x 4 FAIL to be honest I never really thought I would be able to do this after missing the past week. weirdly enough my right arm was really weak and would not push at the same level as my left - I reckon this is down to the strange shape of my arm (i fractured my arm at my elbow when i was 4 and it never got set right so it is twisted a bit) which I think has developed my muscles differently in both arms...anyhoo had to take a break in 2nd set and 3rd, tried to finish 3rd set and it is just as well i was on the smiths machine coz i could not get it up at all and there was feck all other folk around to help me. Will persevere, should be able to do this again on Friday - knowing I have done it before will spur me on.

    Chin ups: really rotten, 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 2.

    stomach crunch machine (whatever it is called) 3 x 10 15kg

    Football tonight, one hour of manic running around!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Forgot to post yesterday..

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    3 x 5 90kg

    Overhead Press:
    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 25kg
    1 x 3 30kg
    1 x 2 35kg
    3 x 5 37.5kg

    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 3 80kg
    1 x 2 90kg
    1 x 5 105kg

    Squats : Felt good and really helped stretch out any remaining stiffness in my legs from the football on Monday night. One more day of 90kg and then will move up to 92.5 kg next week.

    Overhead Press: Thought I had broken my back at the end of the 2nd set - my form must be really **** at this but I would have thought it was simple as...going to do some research on proper form techniques as I don't think I should be feeling the strain in my lower back I do - it is not muscular and that is what concerns me.

    Deadlift: All went well to the actual work set - form went totally out of the window and only finished and no more - going to drop the weight next week and see how I get on - or I might start the alternating with power cleans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    3 x 5 90kg

    Bench Press:
    3 x 5 30kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 55kg
    1 x 2 65kg
    2 x 5 77.5kg 1 x 2 77.25kg FAIL..AGAIN

    Pull Ups:
    1 x 3
    1 x 2
    1 x 1

    Squats : Was so tired come the end of these..not looking forward to Monday :|

    Bench Press: Really disappointed about not getting this again - can't believe i did it the last time and am struggling now. Diet has not been great this past couple of weeks and sleep either...will try to rectify this for the next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    3 x 5 92.5kg

    Dumbbell Press:
    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 30kg
    1 x 3 35kg
    1 x 2 40kg
    3 x 5 45kg

    1 x 5 30kg
    1 x 3 50kg
    1 x 2 70kg
    1 x 5 90kg

    Squats: Felt really easy today even though i had increased the weight, I think it is to do with missing training on Monday and my legs being fully recovered. The 3 days a week squatting is beginning to tire me out physically and mentally. Might look at changing my program, was going to leave it till the new year but might just adjust to 2 days squatting and add something to compliment my benching and help push that up a bit. 92.5kg, ha! bring on 95kg!!

    Dumbbell Press: Not sure if I am getting the desired affect out of these, was hoping it might help with the benching and overhead press but I don't think I can lift nearly heavy enough to do so - going to go back to having this as a bench/overhead day.

    Deadlift: Dropped the weight again in an attempt to improve my form. It was good I think till the last set when it might have slipped, hard to tell as I was not in front of a mirror so could not get a glimpse of my shoulders etc. It feels like I had good form so I think I am just going to go with that and stop worrying about it as much as I think a lot of it is in my head.

    So anyone any thoughts on reducing to 2 days for Squats and what to replace it with?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Have been sick with the cold for the past 2 weeks and done nothing, add into that the crap i have been eating it is amazing I actually had the energy to fall into the gym today. Still feeling **** so took it easy as to add insult to injury my back muscles started giving me jip at the weekend while i was painting the skirting. wtf!!

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 45kg
    1 x 3 55kg
    1 x 2 75kg
    3 x 5 85kg

    Bench Press:
    3 x 5 30kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 50kg
    1 x 2 60kg
    3 x 5 70kg

    Chin Ups:
    1 x 8, 2 x 3

    Squats : Just glad to have been able to do these, with my back i was not even going to attempt them, but the stretching out at the gym and the first few sets with just the bar convinced me to give it a go. No reaction with my back so fingers crossed I am ok. Legs were bloody tired though.

    Overhead Press: Said I would keep it low enough and 70kg was always my sticking point so wanted to make sure I hadn't wasted away too much :lol went well think I could have pulled out 72.5 but happy enough went straight to ab work instead of chin ups which i think showed in my first set of achieving my first ever 8 consecutive in one set! pity about the other 2 sets!

    Generally would play football tonight but i know there will be reaction to going back today so going to miss it and add some cardio during the week prob tue and sat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Right so as previously mentioned, dropping the Squats on a Wed for something else, unfortunately I did not have time to work that something else out yet and so just replaced it with bench presses after my overhead presses, needless to say they were rubbish!

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 25kg
    1 x 3 30kg
    1 x 2 35kg
    3 x 5 35kg

    Bench Press:
    2 x 5 40kg
    3 x 5 60kg

    2 x 5 60kg
    1 x 3 70kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    1 x 5 90kg

    1 x 10
    1 x 5
    1 x 3

    Overhead press was hard as I expected which is why it was so low, bench was tough after the overhead. Deadlift was good, form was good, sticking at this weight for a couple of weeks to perfect this form - first time I have been happy after the sets in a while. Liked the dips, will keep them in - just need to find a replacement for squats now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    3 x 5 90kg

    Bench Press:
    3 x 5 30kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 50kg
    1 x 2 60kg
    3 x 5 72.5kg

    Pull Ups:
    3 x 2 man this keeps getting worse!!

    1 x 7, 1 x 3, 1 x 2 - don't know why the hell I did these walked past the apparatus and found myself doing them!

    Squats : Last set was split into 3 + 2, I blame having to stop on the coughing fit i had before i started the last set!! Suffering from the lack of flexibility I had built up before I got sick so hopefully that can work itself out over the next week.

    Overhead Press: Was going to go for 75kg but as soon as i tried 60 I knew I was kidding myself. As It was had to stop after 4 on the last set, but managed to push out the last rep 20 seconds later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    3 x 5 90kg

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 22.5kg
    1 x 3 30kg
    1 x 2 35kg
    3 x 5 37.5kg

    Chin Ups:
    1 x 8, 2 x 2

    Squats : Felt good - last one on each set was tough but got there.

    Overhead Press: Still hate this, seem to have been stuck at 37.5 for the entire year due to holidays and sickness - this lift really falls back on me if I don't keep at it on a weekly basis.

    Chins : I can't believe my stamina is so poor that I can do 8 and then barely get up for 2 in the 2nd set. :o

    so have revisited my goals for the year - for Squat I wanna be doing at least 100kg well before 2010 comes a knocking. Bench I want 85kg overhead 45kg. Not too sure on Deads as I can do 120 but my form is ****..maybe I should aim for 120 with good form, time is short and i was just going to concentrate on form for the rest of the year here so will go half way and say 110kg.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    3 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 62.5kg
    3 x 5 72.5kg

    Bench Press:
    3x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 3 60kg
    1 x 2 65kg
    2 x 5 75kg
    1 x 3 75kg FAIL!

    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 3 70kg
    1 x 2 80kg
    1 x 5 90kg

    1 x 10
    1 x 5
    1 x 3

    Squats: Went with advice and did about 80% of current max (90kg). So why on earth did it feel just as hard as Monday's?? :)

    Bench: Knew I would fail this, forgot I failed at 72.5 on Monday but am eager to get back to my PB so 75kg it is again on Monday - this time I will NOT FAIL!

    Deads:My grip went to **** today. Really struggled to hold the bar even at the warm up weights, on the plus side it meant I had to push those heels in harder and so maybe I am starting to get my form right again - didn't raise the numbers as I wanna sort this fecking form once and for all - I think it is in my head to be honest but I need to convince myself.

    Dips: exact same as last week, mad - like these, was gubbed by the time I went to do them though.

    Got my BF% measure, 13.2% first time I had been checked so I didn't expect it to be so low. Know it is not accurate but still it is a guide.
