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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman


    5/3/1 C3W3
    Hang Power Cleans: 20 x 10, 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 70 x 3, 80 x 3, 85 x 1, 85 x 1, 85 x 1
    Squats Warm Up: 52.5 x 5, 65 x 5, 77.5 x 3
    Work sets: 102.5 x 5, 115 x 3, 130 x 5

    And that was it. Intended to do more but was too fluffed out. But still. That's a new pb in my squat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman


    5/3/1 C3W3
    Military Press Warm Up: 27.5 x 5, 32.5 x 5, 40 x 3
    Work Sets: 52.5 x 5, 57.5 x 3, 65 x 6

    Chin Ups: 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1

    Dips: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    Tight for time today so only had time for INDJS

    Hang Power Snatch: 20 x 10, 30 x 5, 40 x 5, 50 x 3, 60 x 1, 60 x 1 60 x 1
    Deadlift - Warm Ups: 65 x 5, 82. 5 x 5, 97.5 x 3
    -Work sets: 127.5 x 5, 145 x 3, 162.5 x 8

    Last rep of deadlift may have been hitched but I counted it anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    Been thinking about that last rep. I've marked it down. So only 7 reps.

    Football on Monday. And I'd a crap game. I'm putting it down to a messed up sleep on Sunday night fecking up my recovery.

    Tonight was 5/3/1 C3W3

    -Warm Up: 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 60 x 3
    -Work Sets: 80 x 5, 90 x 3, 100 x 4

    Dips: 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4

    DB Rows: 20 x 10, 25 x 10, 25 x 10, 25 x 10, 27.5 x 10

    Not happy with the benching. Just didn't feel stable doing it. Think the few pullups I did last time helped. Must try it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    Since it was such a nice evening I got out the prowler and gave it a dusting off. Found this page with a list of a few workouts and had a go at the first one.

    Prowler Challenge #1 – The Hell that is New Jersey

    · Number of Sprints – 6

    · Rest period of each sprint – 60 seconds

    · Distance of each sprint– 40 yards

    · Weight on Prowler – 140 pounds total

    · Alternate between horns (vertical black posts) and highest low handle

    I wussed out and only put 40kg(88lbs) on the prowler. It was enough.

    Not sure of the distance. Think its about 32m. I'll get a proper measurement when my legs work again.
    elitefts wrote:
    Six total sprints of this and you’ll be a complete mess

    Quoted for truth

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    Tonight I tried a wod from the site.

    Wed, Apr 21st
    Workout of the Day:
    70Kg Power Clean
    Box Jump

    Subbed the Box for a normal chair. Not sure of the height

    Did it in a crappy time of 24:21

    And my pathetic excuse is that my back gave up. Fairly flew through the first set and could feel my lungs on fire already. But coming into the 3rd round or so I could feel a nasty pain in my lower back. Wasn't nice. Think my form wasn't great in the beginning that didn't help but letting the bar down jerked my back every time. Badly need bumper plates I'd say. So spent a good portion of the workout lying on my back trying to work out the pain :( Wasn't even out of breath at the end - Still sweaty though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    Played indoor footie on Monday night as usual and could still feel the tiredness in my lower back. Made running a bit difficult at times.

    Tonight I got the prowler out again. Did the same workout as before and timed myself to a time of 15:52. Pushing with the high bar was no real problem. I got stuck for ages when I tried the low bar pushing. Think I made the prowler too long because it just tips over when pushing it. That or my technique stinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭The_Bullman

    A long time since I last posted but not without good reason. Since 1st May I'm the proud daddy of a wee girl. Along with that comes responsibility and a change in house. Which lead to a change in where I had the gym and a significant reduction in time I could spend working out. I moved the gym to a spare room in work and I'm good to go.

    I started back into 5/3/1 near the end of July. Did the same cycle as before. Didn't push myself in week 1. Started pushing in week 2, and by week 3 I did:

    Squat: 130 x 4(5 before), Strict press: 65 x 6(Same as before), Deadlift: 162.5 x 7(8), and bench: 100 x 4(same)

    I upped the weight and moved on to a new cycle

    C4W1: Squat 127.5 x 7, Strict Press: 60 x 7, Deadlift 162.5 x 8, Bench 95 x 6

    13/9/10 Squat
    Warm Ups: 55 x 5, 67.5 x 5, 82.5 x 3
    Work Sets: 105 x 3, 120 x 3, 135 x 5 (Seeing stars from the 3rd rep)

    Front Squats: 60 x 7, 60 x 8
    Hanging knee raises: 3 sets of 15

    Strict Press
    Warm ups: 20 x 10, 27.5 x 5, 32.5 x 5, 40 x 3
    Work Sets: 50 x 3, 57.5 x 3, 65 x 6

    Neutral Grip pullups 3,3,2,1

    And that's that. Limited time to do a workout. Only have the hour for lunch and I've to get changed and eat during then too.
