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Deedsie Starting Strength

  • 26-08-2009 5:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭

    Height - (179) cm

    Weight - (81) Kg

    Age - 25

    Sex - Male

    I have just started starting strength with a couple of Modifications.

    I will be lifting two nights a week from here on this will be the weight ill be lifting this week.

    I intend to increase each week by 5 Kg on the squat, 2.5 Kg on the Bench, 5 Kg on the Deadlift and 2.5 Kg on the overhead Press.

    Day one:

    67.25 Kg
    Bench Press
    55.25 Kg
    95 Kg
    Reverse Crunch

    Day 2

    70 Kg
    Bench Press
    55.25 Kg
    Overhead Press
    50 Kg
    Pull Ups/Chin Ups
    Prone Bridges

    I would love some advice on this program? My cardio is non existant at present but there is room to include it.

    My diet is awful.

    I dont have a breakfast everyday. But When i do its always Porridge.

    Big Lunch at 1 Sandwich and a Sausage roll or a Lasagne, Chips and Salad usually.

    I have a big dinner around six. Pasta or frozen Pizza type thing.

    I only drink water, no fizzy drinks. Might have a cup of tea the odd evening.


    My goals are to get strong have a hard core muscle. Wouldnt be to bothered about a six pack, just want it to be hard.

    I want to condition my body to be strong enough to endure 80 mins of club Rugby.

    Any advice will be appreciated. I know i am all over the shop but i am trying.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    Drink milk, and plenty of it, and increasing by 5kg on the squats wont last too long

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi There

    Firstly let me state that I am no expert. I have been working out in a gym for the past year only and the comments below are just my opinions.

    I have recently started a Strengthening program called "Strong Lifts 5x5" which is similar to the Starting Strength program.

    The first thing that jumps out at me is that the weights you are starting at for your different lifts are quite high. I am not fully sure about the philosophy of SS, but with Strong Lifts you are supposed to start of with an empty bar (20kg) moving up by 2.5kg each workout. This is to ensure that you get the technique of the lifts correct before attempting them with heavy weights (vitally important IMHO). I also think that there is a psychological element to it, where you get use to adding weight on each workout, so that when you do get to heavier weights the additions are easier to manage. And finally it will be longer before you have to reset on any of your lifts.

    So if you are confident of you squatting, benching and dead lift technique and the weights you posted are not close to your current max, then work away. However if you are not fully confident in your technique, or these weights are close to your current max, or worse still pride is making you start at these weights, then you may want to reconsider.

    When I started into Strong Lifts, I was benching 70kg's for 6 reps and squatting around 70/75kg for 8-10 reps. I would often have a sore back after squatting, as my technique was terrible. I started strong lifts with a 30kg squat and a 30kg bench and even now I am not back to the weights I was doing after 3 weeks. However I have no more soreness after squatting apart from slight DOMS sometimes, especially on the day I sqaut and dead lift and it becomes kind of addictive adding weight each workout, to the point that you lookforward to gettign to the gym.

    As for cardio fitness, I can't really say anything as I do not know whether you play soccer and rugby already and have just been off for the summer, in whcih case you will have cardio fitness, though it may have dropped a little -or- Whether you are just starting to play soccer and rugby and have no cardion fitness at present.

    To address your diet, well you already know you diet is not good.
    My diet is awful.

    I dont have a breakfast everyday :eek:. But When i do its always Porridge :).

    Big Lunch at 1 Sandwich ??? is it on wholemeal bread with a lean protein and lots of salad type veggies? and a Sausage roll or a Lasagne, Chips :eek:and Salad usually :).

    I have a big dinner around six. Pasta ??? Is it wholemeal Pasta ? or frozen Pizza type thing :eek:.

    I only drink water, no fizzy drinks. Might have a cup of tea the odd evening.

    Firstly you should make sure that you have a good decent breakfast every day, no excuses.

    If possible you should try and move to the 5 or 6 smaller meals per day regime, with a good protein source with each meal.

    Sausage rolls, Lasange & Chips, and Frozen Pizza type things have no place in your diet, except on maybe a very rare occasion (think blue moon), in small portions as a cheat meal.

    You say you don't drink "fizzy drinks", what about alcohol? and if so how much on average per week? Alcohol provides empty calories, i.e priovides calories for little or no nutritional benefit.

    To get a handle on getting a good healthy diet going, read teh stickies on both this forum and the Diet & Nutrition forum. Then if you have any questions, open up a topic in the main forum. There are loads of folks who will be happy to help you out.

    Finally as a previous posted said adding 5kg to you squat and deadlift each workout could shorten the time before you have to reset on these lifts. In strong lifts I only jump by 2.5kg (1.25kg on each side) per workout, and as far as I am concerned, as long as I am moving forward, then that's what matters.

    Well this has turned into a bit of a manuscript :eek: so I will leave it there. Hope some of this is helpful or at least worth considering.

    Best Regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi Again

    Just had a very quick look at the starting strength program and like the strong lifts program that I do, both push-ups & chin-ups are listed as 3 to failure. Therefore I am not sure why you are only going to do 3x5.

    Best Regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    Hi B-Builder,

    Cheers for the reply. Some great info there.

    I think i might be doing the "Strong Lifts 5x5" I lift 5 x 5 for each lift i have mentioned.

    I think you might be right about the weights being high. I can lift them, comfortably, until the final set. Gets tough then. I think as the weight increases my form might suffer. I am never really that tired or sore after training. Thats why i leave the weight high.

    I am not trying to sound a big hard man now saying that.

    I have read the stickies re diet. Its just something i have to get right myself. I am always to lazy to think of a proper evening meal. When i eat "Healthy" i am always left hungry.

    I am starting eating properly from today, going well so far. Ill be lifting at six tonight though and between now and then I dont know what i should be eating?

    Cardio, Soccer starts Tuesday and i am going back to Rugby next Thursday. Nowhere near ready for it yet though. Thats why i have the weight high for a starter. Time Constraints.

    I really appreciate you taking a look at the program.

    I am not sure what this means though: "both push-ups & chin-ups are listed as 3 to failure. Therefore I am not sure why you are only going to do 3x5"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi Again
    I am not sure what this means though: "both push-ups & chin-ups are listed as 3 to failure. Therefore I am not sure why you are only going to do 3x5"
    Deedsie wrote: »
    Height - (179) cm

    Day one:

    67.25 Kg
    Bench Press
    55.25 Kg
    95 Kg

    Reverse Crunch

    Day 2:

    70 Kg
    Bench Press
    55.25 Kg
    Overhead Press
    50 Kg
    Pull Ups/Chin Ups

    Prone Bridges

    In the excerpt above from you initial post I have highlighted where you mention the Dips/Press-ups on Day 1 and the Pull-ups/Chin-ups on Day 2.

    You posted that you intend to do 3 sets of 5 reps.

    However both the Starting Strength and Strong Lifts 5x5 programs advise doing these exercises for 3 sets to failure.

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Workout A ............... Workout B

    Back Squat 5x5 ............... Back Squat 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5 ............... Standing Press 5x5
    Inverted Row 5x5 ............... Deadlift 5x5
    Push-ups 3xF ............... Chin-ups/Pull-ups 3xF
    Reverse Crunches 3x12 ............... Prone Bridge 3x30 secs

    Starting Strength From the Wiki page

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench press / Press (Alternating)
    Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Press / Bench Press (Alternating)
    1x5 Deadlift

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press / Press (Alternating)
    Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    i.e. Tuesday was my Day1 routine which included pushups.

    For my first set I managed to do 51 push-ups with proper form, I rested about 90-120 seconds and then did my second set where I managed to do 26 push-ups with proper form. Again a 90-120 second rest and then my final set where I managed to get 25 push-ups with proper form.

    This gave my Chest an amazing pump biggrin.gif. There is no way I would find 3 sets of 5 push-ups a challenge at this stage and I am sure you are the same.

    So when you do your pushups make sure that your form is good,

    i.e. 3 secs down & 1 sec up, chest touches the ground, abs are engaged and you body is in a straight line from you ankles to your shoulders. No butt stuck up in the air smile.gif. Breath in on the way down, out on the way up. Then do 3 sets of as many push-ups as you can while keeping good form.

    Best Regards,


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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    B-Builder wrote: »
    Hi Again

    You posted that you intend to do 3 sets of 5 reps.

    However both the Starting Strength and Strong Lifts 5x5 programs advise doing these exercises for 3 sets to failure.

    Strong Lifts 5x5

    Workout A ............... Workout B

    Back Squat 5x5 ............... Back Squat 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5 ............... Standing Press 5x5
    Inverted Row 5x5 ............... Deadlift 5x5
    Push-ups 3xF ............... Chin-ups/Pull-ups 3xF
    Reverse Crunches 3x12 ............... Prone Bridge 3x30 secs

    Starting Strength From the Wiki page

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench press / Press (Alternating)
    Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Press / Bench Press (Alternating)
    1x5 Deadlift

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press / Press (Alternating)
    Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    i.e. Tuesday was my Day1 routine which included pushups.

    For my first set I managed to do 51 push-ups with proper form, I rested about 90-120 seconds and then did my second set where I managed to do 26 push-ups with proper form. Again a 90-120 second rest and then my final set where I managed to get 25 push-ups with proper form.

    This gave my Chest an amazing pump biggrin.gif. There is no way I would find 3 sets of 5 push-ups a challenge at this stage and I am sure you are the same.

    So when you do your pushups make sure that your form is good,

    i.e. 3 secs down & 1 sec up, chest touches the ground, abs are engaged and you body is in a straight line from you ankles to your shoulders. No butt stuck up in the air smile.gif. Breath in on the way down, out on the way up. Then do 3 sets of as many push-ups as you can while keeping good form.

    Best Regards,


    Ok now i get you. Ya ill try that so. I actually usualy do the dips instead of the Pushups. But i might get more out of a proper Push than a cheating Dips. Cheers man. Looking forward to training now tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    I played my first game of Rugby in over a year yesterday. Went ok, wasnt expecting to be playing this early.

    I will be doing Weights Monday and Wednesday. Rugby Training Tuesday and Thursday.

    And hopefully a long run of a Friday or Saturday. Match day will be Saturdays or Sundays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    72.5 Kg

    Bench Press
    57.5 Kg

    Overhead Press
    30 Kg

    Chin Ups

    Prone Bridge

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    I just ordered this Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Whey. Do i only take these shakes the days i am lifting? Monday and Wednesday?

    I am also gonna start eating three Chicken Breasts a night. There is a butcher here who does 30 breasts for 34 euro.

    That would be ten meals. Should last me three weeks if i freeze them.

    Does anyone have any good recipes to eat with Chicken breasts? Would Uncle Bens Sauces just spoil the effort?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    Deedsie wrote: »

    I just ordered this Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Whey. Do i only take these shakes the days i am lifting? Monday and Wednesday?

    I am also gonna start eating three Chicken Breasts a night. There is a butcher here who does 30 breasts for 34 euro.

    That would be ten meals. Should last me three weeks if i freeze them.

    Does anyone have any good recipes to eat with Chicken breasts? Would Uncle Bens Sauces just spoil the effort?

    ok, post up what you are going to be having as a typical days eating, something sounds a miss here

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    ok, post up what you are going to be having as a typical days eating, something sounds a miss here

    My average diet will be:

    Breakfast: 8 to 9 am

    Porridge/low fat milk.
    Few cashew nuts
    Maybe a Hard boiled egg without the Yolk.
    (Think of Hard Boiling six eggs of a monday and having one a day before I head to work) Good idea/bad idea?

    Break: 11 am
    Couple of bits of Fruit, apple/orange/banana/kiwi/pear etc

    Lunch: 1 - 2 pm

    Sandwich (Irish Pride) Brown Wholemeal bread, No mayo or Butter starting today. Chicken, Ham, Lettuce, Peppers, Cheese, Tomato
    Couple of crisps for flavour.

    Break: 4 pm

    Couple of bits of fruit


    Dinner: After 6 pm

    Gonna be 3 chicken breasts most evenings from next monday on. I was gonna get some uncle bens stuff, half a jar of different flavours and a load of veg, carrots, legumes, baby sweet corn, peppers. Might not bother with Rice.

    I am a big fan of Tinned Salmon also. I might try fit that in there somewhere too.

    I only drink water during the week.

    I might have a cup of tea the odd evening?

    My Saturday and sunday will be different to this for the start anyway.

    Please critique/suggest changes to this.

    I forgot about they Whey protein, i was gonna make a shake with skimmed milk, some porridge oats, and half one before the morning i am gonna be lifting and one after i come home. (Monday and Wednesday)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    ok couple of question before I answer, why no egg yolk and why 3 chicken fillets in the evening

    edit: also what days do you train and and what times

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    ok couple of question before I answer, why no egg yolk and why 3 chicken fillets in the evening

    edit: also what days do you train and and what times

    I heard Egg yoke is not great for you? 3 Chicken Fillets, I dunno really. Would you suggest a different amount?

    Monday and Wednesday i am doing weights at six to seven in the evening. Details are above.

    Tuesday I play Soccer from six to seven. I might be giving this up for Rugby training.

    Thursday I have Rugby training at 7:15

    Friday/Saturday i am gonna try do a long run.

    I will have matches on Sundays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    nah egg yolks are fine as with everything else in moderation they are fine, plus getting the fat into you is important and it seems to be lacking from your diet, so get some fish oil from Holland and barrets as well as nuts and seeds and add them to your diet.

    As to the structure of your diet I would rethink a bit as all your activities are in the evening but you aren't getting any decent food into you before hand as your last decent meal is lunch which is around 5-6 hours before hand. Another aside to this is that you seem to have your carbs in the morning and a bit at lunch. I would be more inclined to have carbs before and after your activities and be less inclined to have them at breakfast if you are trying in some way to low carb. training days you may need to eat more before training to make sure you have energy for the full session where as lifitng days you may need to eat more after your workout to help recovery

    As for the 3 chicken breasts it is a bit overkill, your best bet would be to use something like fitday to have a look at your macro breakdown of your daily calories.

    In relation to shakes I would probably have them post workout with some fruit to start with to help recovery.

    Also in relation to the amount of exercise you are doing, I think it is a bit overkill and you aren't giving your body enough time to recover and chances are that will impact on your rugby

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    nah egg yolks are fine as with everything else in moderation they are fine, plus getting the fat into you is important and it seems to be lacking from your diet, so get some fish oil from Holland and barrets as well as nuts and seeds and add them to your diet.

    As to the structure of your diet I would rethink a bit as all your activities are in the evening but you aren't getting any decent food into you before hand as your last decent meal is lunch which is around 5-6 hours before hand. Another aside to this is that you seem to have your carbs in the morning and a bit at lunch. I would be more inclined to have carbs before and after your activities and be less inclined to have them at breakfast if you are trying in some way to low carb. training days you may need to eat more before training to make sure you have energy for the full session where as lifitng days you may need to eat more after your workout to help recovery

    As for the 3 chicken breasts it is a bit overkill, your best bet would be to use something like fitday to have a look at your macro breakdown of your daily calories.

    In relation to shakes I would probably have them post workout with some fruit to start with to help recovery.

    Also in relation to the amount of exercise you are doing, I think it is a bit overkill and you aren't giving your body enough time to recover and chances are that will impact on your rugby

    Cheers for that,

    In relation to Over training, i dont really have a choice at the minute, We are playing tonight again. So I am trying to build myself up asap. I am not fit or strong enough to be playing yet if i am honest. But I am working hard at this.

    I will reduce the chicken down to 2 breasts, but is the ragu Stir in an acceptable sacue to use with it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    Well I was more trying to get you to ditch one of the long runs probably the saturday one, if anything do a bit of light recovery work i.e. just go for a walk or something instead maybe add some HIIT onto the end of your Wednesday training.

    As for the sauces generally they aren't the best but then I can't remember off the top of my head but on training days I wouldn't be too worried about it as you are going to need the calories

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    Workout 1

    77.25 Kg

    Bench Press
    60 Kg

    110 Kg

    1x6 1x4 1x3

    Reverse Crunch

    Weekend on the beer in Banna nearly killed me, could barely train yesterday.

    Diet was very poor all weekend. Have to work harder at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    80 Kg

    Bench Press
    60 Kg

    Overhead Press
    35 Kg

    Pull Ups/Chin Ups
    1x3 1x3 1x3

    Prone Bridges

    The shakes are hard to get right. I was instructed in the fitness forum to add L Glutamine, Glucose & Creatine to the ON Gold Whey shakes.

    Can anyone suggest where i could get L glutamine suitable for a shake?

    I tried Holland and Barret, the had capsules. Also i have no idea what kind of Creatine to get, as in which product.

    I have been using skimmed milk as it was in the fridge and i want to get rid of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me i cant reccomend it highly enough for any supplement. Im on creatine capsules at the moment and so far i really wouldnt reccomend them, not great value for money imo

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    Workout 1

    80 Kg

    Bench Press
    62.5 Kg *

    115 Kg

    1x8 1x5 1x3

    Reverse Crunch

    * Failed on final Set

    I was absolutely wrecked doing this workout.

    Exercise and Diet took a hit in the last week. Its very hard to commit to training hard when you are wrecked from the weekend. I think i need a few quiet weekends.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    82.5 Kg

    Bench Press
    62.5 Kg

    Overhead Press
    35 Kg

    Pull Ups
    2x1 1x1 1x1

    Prone Bridges

    Ok So i have the above whey protein, i have been making shakes with Skimmed milk and Shamrock Foods Glucose. (White Bag, white powder)

    Are these the last two ingredients i need for a good protein shake?

    Im lifting Monday and Wednesday. Training Tuesday and Thursday. How often should i be taking the shakes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    Workout 1


    85 Kg

    Bench Press
    65 Kg *


    90 Kg**

    1x10 1x5 1x3

    Reverse Crunch

    * Failed on fourth & Final Set
    ** I dropped the Deadlift back to 90 and increased the Reps to improve my form in the Lift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    87.5 Kg

    Bench Press
    65 Kg

    Overhead Press
    37.25 Kg

    Chin Ups
    4x1 3x1 3x1

    Prone Bridges
    3x1 min

    My weights not going up anyway significantly since i started.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    Had a fairly intense cardio session last night at training. I didnt go great. Its another area i will have to start working on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    Workout 1


    90 Kg

    Bench Press
    65 Kg *


    95 Kg

    1x10 1x6 1x3

    Reverse Crunch

    * Failed on fourth & Final Set

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    I havent trained or eaten properly in three weeks. Making my comeback at the weights tonight. should i drop back the weight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Deedsie wrote: »
    I havent trained or eaten properly in three weeks. Making my comeback at the weights tonight. should i drop back the weight?

    I would - it certainly helped me.

    I thought you were on SS (according to your log title) yet you are doing 5x5? do your logs reflect the number of times you are training (once a week?) as there is very little going on which would be why your numbers are not going up - also can't recommend taking the weekend easy and getting as much sleep as possible during the week to boost your training, I find it really helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie

    I have been off the beer for the month of January so far. Feel alot better for it. Have no intention of going out again till the middle of February.

    So I think now would be a good time to start making an attempt to improve my fitness.

    I have some ideas why the last time didnt work out to well.

    I wasnt doing enough Cardio, technique may not have been perfect for the lifting.

    I was always wrecked after the weekend. So monday nights training was regularly skipped. Beer, and chinese take aways at the weekend were killing me.

    I wasnt getting enough sleep.

    I really want to get in proper shape. I always feel better when i am fit and strong.

    Has anyone got any suggestions for me that might keep me motivated this time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    Workout 1


    70 Kg

    Bench Press
    50 Kg


    70 Kg

    1x5 1x3 1x2

    Reverse Crunch

    I reduced the weight from the last time i was lifting to improve my technique and to give myself a better chance of sticking to the routine.

    I am going to do weights Monday and Wednesday.

    Soccer for an hour Tuesday.

    Rugby on Thursday. Season is nearly over. Will prob be tag rugby after that on a Thursday.

    Might go to the gym on a friday for an hour or for a swim.

    I dont think the soccer and Rugby is doing much for me, cardio wise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,272 ✭✭✭Deedsie


    75 Kg

    Bench Press
    55 Kg

    Overhead Press
    35 Kg

    Chin Ups
    4x1 3x1 2x1

    Prone Bridges
    3x1 min
