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Error Message: Unable to participate in this session.

  • 28-08-2009 12:02am
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭

    I get an error message that says "Unable to participate in this session" any time I try to invite a friend to a private match. I'm playing on PC and use a BT Voyager router, its a cable connection and I have tried to forward my ports but the instructions at dont cover SF4 on the PC for BT routers.

    Anyone have any idea how to rectify this? Its a real pain in the ass.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    You should be able to set a permanent internal IP using MAC address reservation somewhere in your router settings if that's what you mean Ropedrink.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    lazlo wrote: »
    I have tried to forward my ports but the instructions at dont cover SF4 on the PC for BT routers.

    PC version is on the way but I don't have it yet. Try just following the instructions for setting a static ip and forwarding ports for games for windows live or whatever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 269 ✭✭Red350

    Had this exact same issue for sf4 on PC, plus about every other console game I've tried to play online.

    Go to your home menu > settings > netowrk information. It will most likely say something like resticted for NAT Type, and you need it to say open.

    The easiest way to fix this is to lower your router firewall. On my netopia router, dropping my firewall from medium to low solved all my NAT problems, so try dropping yours down a notch or two and see if you can get it working.

    If that doesn't work then you're going to have to forward ports, which can be found here:

    Finally check if UPnP is enabled on your router, because that can solve a lot of these issues as well. Then see if windows live recognises it (network information again), though it does have a stupid habit of saying "Available,not used".

    At least one of these should work, tell me if you have any more problems though, I'll be more than happy to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 269 ✭✭Red350

    The IP address you're looking for is the internal one used by your router to distinguish your PC from any other PC on the network, and it's usually something along the lines of 192.168.1.xx (with xx being between 1 and 254).

    This guide will show you where to find it, and how to make it static:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭lazlo

    Red3650's advice paid off for me. If that doesn't work then you're going to have to forward ports, which can be found here:

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  • Moderators Posts: 5,557 ✭✭✭Azza

    Lazlo whats your GFLW account name, we could get some games going on. RopeDrink looks to have got his issues sorted to.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭lazlo

    I am trainslaughing - is yours Azza?

  • Moderators Posts: 5,557 ✭✭✭Azza

    Mine is Stavanger1, lazlo.
    Sent you an invite anyway.
    RopeDrink wrote:
    That match with your Ryu was nice, though - Don't mind being beaten to a pulp but I'll never find it as entertaining as any kind of even match, really. Bison, Rose and Seth can die in a fire, f'ing hate them as my Boxer.

    Why the hate for poor Rose, Seth and Bison, you almost never see them online compared the 1 trillion Ryu's online. Its not like any of the 3 are bad match ups for Boxer either. I can understand some hate directed towards the man made of paper, but Rose and Bison aren't bad match ups at all for Boxer.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭lazlo

    i cannot beat balrog or guile with my bison, in fact they rip me to shreds

  • Moderators Posts: 5,557 ✭✭✭Azza

    Guile is a horrible match up for Bison but Balrog is about even.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,005 ✭✭✭Creature

    Yeah Bison is a pain in the arse for Balrog, but like Azza said, it is an even matchup. It generally comes down to who the more experienced player is. If players are equal then it will likely be down to the wire. Rose is annoying but then only because I don't really know the matchup at all.

    Seth isn't too bad though, just give him a few slaps and he'll break :D

  • Moderators Posts: 5,557 ✭✭✭Azza

    At least Bison's scissor kick spam is offensive orientated, not saying you do RopeDrink but I find alot of Balrogs just turtle there asses off. So much so I'm tempted to learn Sagat so I can blast there ass off from the other side of the screen. But really after light scissors kick and his medium and roundhouse pokes he hasn't too many options to attack against Rog, its difficult to cross Rog up because his headbutt gets him out of it a lot of the time and ex.headbutt timed late can stuff it. Because Rog has great pokes, tick throwing is difficult. Also Rog has a much better set up for Ultra than Bison does in that match it. But overall its a close match up. Rog on the other hand can't cross dictator up which does take a fair bit of pressure of Bison, and Rogs wake up options are a gamble. Rogs dash punches tend to be FA vulnerable.

    I'd imagine a decent Sagat and Zangief are much tougher for Rog than Bison is, and I'm sure there is several other characters that are just as tough for Rog as Bison.

    Rose poor Rose, she doesn't deserve any hate.
    Her slide is only safe at range, same with he Soul Spiral. Her fireball game is poor with long recovery times and Soul Throw a lot of the time needs to be physic or it gets stuffed. He Soul Reflect is difficult to use and requires good timing but its totally useless against non fireball character. Her wake up game is poor as well, with EX.Soul Spiral being her best option but its no safe either. She is a little below average health too. Focus attack has limited range. No offensive ultra set ups.

    Her damage output is okay, and her combos are nice and simply. She has a decent Super set up and here Ultra is a great punisher. Her priority in the air is reasonable and her dash is really good. Her crouching fierce punch is excellent AA but empty jumps can cause it to whiff. Seems like her throw has better range than most characters. Crouching medium punch is still a decent poke but not at the same as its godly Alpha state. Pretty decent pokes from Rose too. Her slide to throw is pretty decent, but people will cop on eventually. Overall she is all right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    I like rose, I don't play as her but I like playing against a good rose they're always cool fights, I like to play chunny and rose matches. I do hate bison and vega though and balrog annoys me too sometimes with that unbeatable jabbing of his.

    What annoys me about bison is his priority. He has more priority then you after you blocked his moves. Yet if you hit him he can punish you. He can even punish you for trying to punish him aaaaaaaargh lol. Another thing is the head stomp if you know bisons gonna do it and try to jump over him, the damn thing STILL gets you.

    With vega I just dunno wtf is going on, I'm fighting a homing missile that seems like it can just lock on and hit me whenever it wants no matter what I do yet I generally still win, but when I win it doesn't really feel like I out played him just out randomised him. :confused:

    But ropedrink don't be so pissed off that azza beat you , he's one of the best players on here. He beats the crap outa me when we play and I'm not entirely new to the game. You learn from fighting better players anyways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 319 ✭✭DarkTalant

    Gief and sagat are definitely boxers worst match-ups, but bison is really confusing until you figure out how to deal with his less solid stuff (and lk sissor kick), the thing is to put serious pressure on him as he can't deal with as easily as most chars...

    Turtling with boxer is match-up depend I find, for example rushing down gief or blanka is going to leave you with a broken back or picking spikes out of your face respectively so you pretty much have to turtle abit in those match-ups whereas against dhalsim you want to be right on top of him as much as possible.

    lp headbut, TAP and FADC are your friends against crossups.

  • Moderators Posts: 5,557 ✭✭✭Azza

    Dark Talent is correct. Bison's really weakness is his defensive options on wake up. He's particularly vulnerable when he has no super meter. Give him a taste of his own medicine where possible, he struggles against cross ups and tick throws.
    RopeDrink wrote:
    so SF4 can REALLY get me angry at times hence
    No different to a lot of people. Myself, Blag, Bush, Kirby have all admitted to the same. I've done it in lots of games but in person I tend to control it better (pro evo brings out the worst in me though, evil game). I know lots of other people who are like this in many games. Everyone is free to enjoy the game however they want, so play whatever mode you prefer, no one is judging you for it (unlike the fps thing I was wrong about :P). I'm always up for a game with anyone anytime.
    RopeDrink wrote:
    I'm horrible against cross-up's, they really are my weakness right now.
    Yeah I have the same issue, I need to defend against cross ups better and improve my throw teching game. Its my main issue at the moment.
    Cunny-Funt wrote:
    What annoys me about bison is his priority. He has more priority then you after you blocked his moves. Yet if you hit him he can punish you. He can even punish you for trying to punish him aaaaaaaargh lol.

    What a load of cobblers.
    Lets look at his move set when someone blocks his moves.
    LK Scissors kick. no advantage either way.
    MK Scissors Kick, safe at medium range but generally not safe, so probably advantage defender.
    HK and EX Scissors, safe at long range but generally not safe, so again probably advantage defender.
    All pyscho crushers are unsafe. The exceptions are a close range ex.scissors which is an escape move, and a prefectly ranged light pyscho crusher which is not safe but hard to punish. Advantage defender.
    Head stomp, advantage defender on landing (safety by range varries).
    Skull Driver both ex and regular give Bison good frame advantage. (note the extremely low priority of this move)
    Devils reverse not safe on block. Advantage defender.
    Super is safe but punishable in corner. Advantage defender
    Ultra is extremely punishable on block. Advantage defender.
    His roundhouse and medium kick pokes give small advantage to defender.
    Many of other normals also leave him at considerable frame disadvantage.
    Slide is only safe at long range against most characters. Akuma can still get a super on a far blocked slide and a ultra off a close one.

    His scissors kick does not go throw fireballs and trades with a lot of normals and looses to many specials (fireballs, flash kick, lariat, shoryuken, tiger knee)
    His pyscho crusher is pretty much broken and is of extremely limited use. Low priority, slow and not safe.
    EX moves are better but not entirely safe. Situational dependent moves.
    All are stuffed by ex.hurricane kick.
    His headstomp has good priority and his ex.headstomp has even better, but its easy to avoid, and dies to air throws and air hurricane kicks beat it clean 90% of time.
    Skull driver priority is very low. Shoryuken beats it clean.
    Devils Reverse has reasonable priority but isn't safe on block. Still vulnerable to air throws and air hurricane kicks. Weather you can be punished on block depends on the range of the block and the range of the blockers moves.
    All his moves are generally beaten clean by shoryuken bar ex.headstomp.
    His normal air moves priority is middle of the road. Not great not bad. But Ryu and Rufus ultra air set ups out prioritize Bison's.

    The reason Bison seems to have frame advantage is that he can use which comes out in 3 frames to tick into another scissors. The beats out alot of moves in speed so it seems like he has frame advantage. He can't do this more than once against most characters though as he will be too far away to connect with again. I'll point out that most scissors kick will go over a lot of opponents sweep attacks and beat them clean.

    However I must now point out some characters can match the speed of like Chun-Li and Balrog with there own pokes while others can shoryuken out of it or if your Gief SPD/Super/Ultra grab. Shoryuken beating anything Bison has on the ground in terms of priority and of course set up an ultra if you have enough meter. Bison can be thrown out of his pyscho crusher and scissors kick on start up regardless of what version is used.. Ryu and Akuma can stuff scissors kick start ups with crouching medium punch. Hell just timing a neutral jump can't shaft Bison who whiffs a scissors kick and can set up a high damaging combo for the defender. Of course Bison could try to threw a move that isn't a shoryuken or a lariat but he's in trouble if his opponent doesn't do anything and just blocks. As for him being able to punish people who hit him, thats a load of nonsense, he recovers at the same rate every character does. In fact the only one I know who can do this is Ryu who can land his ultra after trading hits with his shoryuken or Gief who tack on hand after trading hits with airborne opponent with his lariat. Both recover fast enough to hit them on the way down. The one thing Bison can easily punish of the shoto's is there hard kick sweep which takes ages to recover.

    And why on earth would you jump at a headstomp?. If you know its coming, just walk in any direction and punish. The move is vulnerable enough as is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 269 ✭✭Red350

    No matter what character I use, Balrog is my least favourite match up, I just feel like I can never punish anything, and end up guessing half the time. The worst part is when players mash jab during your block strings, so if at anytime you try to go for a throw, you eat a big combo, and if you try and use a frame trap the speed of the jab often results in a trade or being stuffed. At least shoryuken mashers can be baited and punished :D

    Personally I don't mind the Bison match up playing as Ryu or Chun. The Azza match up is a completely different story though :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    Azza I'll take the time to give your long post about bison a decent reply tomorrow as its late but for now I just wanna add to this:

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    SF4 can REALLY get me angry at times
    Azza wrote: »
    No different to a lot of people. Myself, Blag, Bush, Kirby have all admitted to the same.

    Hehe yeah I've a tendency to whisper the odd complaint apon missing combos/FADCS ultras etc too

    Damn you Street Fighter, damn you.
