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Weight training.... but also a basketball player

  • 30-08-2009 10:27am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭

    Hy just wondering what people think of this training regieme.

    Im 23, and have been weight training for years. once 14.5 stone of muscle etc... basically i am good in the gym etc and not a beginner. but not I am back playing basketball and dont want to do weights that are going to mess up my shot etc and flexability.
    Monday and Friday Basketball Strength Training Exercise

    Abs workout - Twisting Sit-up, Hanging Leg Raise. [/font]
    ]Bench Press (10-8-6-4) - Shoulders, chest, triceps.[/font]
    Lat Pull Down (3 x 10) - Latissimus dorsi, biceps, and brachioradialis.[/font]
    Bicep Curls (3 x 10) - Biceps, and forearms
    ]Bar Dips (3 x max) - Chest, shoulders, and arms.[/font]
    Squats/ Leg Press (12-10-8-6) - Hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, groin, and lower back. [/font]
    ]Hang Cleans (10-8-6) - legs, hips, lower back, upper back, and shoulders.[/font]
    Calf Raises (3 x 30) - Ankles, and calves.[/font]
    Wrist Curls (3 x 25) - Forearm flexors.[/font]
    Wednesday Basketball Strength Training Exercises

    Abs workout - Legs-in-the-Air Sit-Ups, Bench Crunch, Side Sit-ups.[/font]
    Incline Bench Press (10-8-6) - Shoulders, chest, triceps, and upper back.[/font]
    Seated Lat Row (3 x 10) - Latissimus dorsi, biceps, and brachioradialis.[/font]
    Lateral DB Raises (10-8-6) - Deltoid and trapezius.[/font]
    Tricep Press Downs (3 x 10) - Triceps.[/font]
    Dumbbell Curls (3 x 10) - Biceps, and forearms.[/font]
    Squats/ Leg Press (12-10-8-6) - Hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, groin, and lower back.[/font]
    High Pull (10-8-6) - Legs, hips, lower back, upper back, and shoulders.[/font]
    Calve Raises (3 x 30) - Ankles and calves.[/font]
