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What your child did/said that made you smile today.



  • Registered Users Posts: 976 ✭✭✭Gandhi

    Was just telling my 4-year-old to give back a toy he had taken from his baby brother.

    "He said I could have it"

    "He is one year old. He can't talk"


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭Davidth88

    Davidth88 wrote: »
    Ok, this is a weird one.

    A dirty nappy and she told me she was doing it !!!!

    let me explain

    Our youngest ( now 2 )was born with a condition called Imperforate Anus , basically she had not bottom hole.
    From 1 day old she had a colostomy bag.
    So now , 3 operations later , she has a fully functioning bottom thanks to the amazing team at Temple St. She did her first dirty nappy back in Feb when her colostomy was closed , but the last 2-3 weeks she is telling us she is going .

    This is great news because it means she can feel it !! so hopefully she will be able to control things ' down there ' .

    Hi an update. Our little one is basically now toilet trained and this week attended play school for the first time. Great thanks to the fantastic team at Temple St.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    My 5 yo old was on a roll today.

    He was giving out this morning as we were cleaning the kids bedroom, his 13mth old sister doing more damage than anything.

    Him "I didn't want a baby."
    Me "Well tough, because she's here."
    Him "I wanted a boy, why did you order a girl one?"

    I didn't know you could order genders :D

    And we were watching the WWE Raw this morning, and it was the Divas (the girls match) so the same little guy decides who he wants to win, she loses, and he broke down, I mean really broke down as though the end was nigh. "Why did she lose? I am heartbroken, I'll never watch wrestling again. It's terrible. I'll never be happy again"

    I think he's suffering from a severe case of dramatics!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭loubian

    Minding my niece yesterday had us in stitches. She's 3.

    We were playing with mrs weebles house and I said to my mum "L was A's age when we bought this, wasn't she?" N she said "no she was 18 months". Then L goes I'm 18 months aren't i?

    N then I was telling A to hand something to nana and L was like noo that's not nana, we proceed to tell her that my mum is A's nana (my parents are separated, L is my step sisters little girl) n then L starts going around saying "I'm a granny, I'm a granny!"

    So funny

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭hollster2

    I was getting dressed today and my 2yr old came up to me and squeezed my bum and said " mommy big fat bum bum" ( I wouldnt want to be paramoid about my body :) ) so I said to him ah thats not nice hes came up to me then hugged me and said im sorry mommy love you melted my heart!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭yamiki

    my 1 year 2 week old girl is walking. She looks almost too tiny to walk, but is completely delighted with herself. The girls in the creche were telling me yesterday that everytime she walks, she looks around and claps, waiting for the applause :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭loubian

    yamiki wrote: »
    my 1 year 2 week old girl is walking. She looks almost too tiny to walk, but is completely delighted with herself. The girls in the creche were telling me yesterday that everytime she walks, she looks around and claps, waiting for the applause :p

    My lo does the same :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,510 ✭✭✭nikpmup

    FINALLY said dada* yesterday at the zoo!

    *well, it was dadadadadada hurgle ducka ducka grrrdle ducka dadadadadada thhhhhhhhhttthhhh, said while looking at the ducks in the lake, but we'll take it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Sweet Rose

    I'm quite a shy person and I hate it sometimes as it holds me back. I kinda hoped my 13 month old daughter wouldn't be too shy. I brought her to music classes this morning. No bother to her, she was right in the middle of a big circle of 30 parents and children singing and dancing away on her own. I was so proud of her, she was as happy as can be :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭loubian

    My 13 month old carries her bottle insulating holder around like a handbag on the crook of her arm and struts around the house like she's Victoria beckham!

    I usually wear over the shoulder bags so I've no idea where she got it from!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭happywithlife

    Disgusting one here but fellow parents will understand how poo and dissections of dirty nappies become the topic of conversation once you have your own...
    So junior let one rip today...I heard it all - in spite of being three rooms away and a having a partially closed door between us 😮
    He was proud as punch with himself.😀
    I ended up gagging 😰

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Sweet Rose

    loubian wrote: »
    My 13 month old carries her bottle insulating holder around like a handbag on the crook of her arm and struts around the house like she's Victoria beckham!

    I usually wear over the shoulder bags so I've no idea where she got it from!!

    She's sounds like a wee character :). I love this age now, you can really start to see their personalities shine through :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭lynski

    Disgusting one here but fellow parents will understand how poo and dissections of dirty nappies become the topic of conversation once you have your own...
    So junior let one rip today...I heard it all - in spite of being three rooms away and a having a partially closed door between us 😮
    He was proud as punch with himself.😀
    I ended up gagging 😰

    ROTFLMAO those were the days.
    Had my little man in the back of the car yesterday and he says 'that's fun. That the funest ting in da world' laughing away, 'what is love?' says I, 'my finger' he says, ' my finger is fun. It makes tickle me'.
    I laughed my ass off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Was driving yesterday morning when suddenly 2 yr old shouta "indicator rrrr" how often i must do that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Suucee wrote: »
    Was driving yesterday morning when suddenly 2 yr old shouta "indicator rrrr" how often i must do that.

    That child has more knowledge on how to drive cars than most adults.

    My little lady (13mth) has three words, mine, that and yeah, which she just uses in perfect context. She was at toddler group today and decided she was going to get a ball no one was playing with.

    Me "Where you going?"
    S "That." points to the ball.
    Me "Oh the ball."
    S "Yeah." grabs it. "Mine."
    Me, "Yours?"
    S "Yeah" followed by babbling.

    I really am not sure if she knows what she is saying, but it seems like she does and it is just so cute.

    (Sorry for the overly mushy mommyness. :o)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    3 yr old insists she will teach her baby sister to talk today. Spent AGES today telling the 6 month old to:
    "Say Teeth"
    "Say Nose"
    "Say Red"
    Etc. Baby just laughs at her...

    Eventually, dejected, she went out to the garden, got a stick, waved it at the baby.
    "Abra-kadabra Make You TALK".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 500 ✭✭✭indigo twist

    I love putting my baby to bed at night! He's so good, he's asleep within maybe five minutes, and usually sleeps through the night ... but, he does love for me to sit with him for those five minutes.

    Last night I tucked him in, put on the mobile, and was just going to run into the next room to grab something. But as soon as I got up, he was squawking "MAMAMAMAMAMA" until I turned around and sat down by his cot and held his hand. Then, eyes shut straight away, and asleep within minutes.

    There's just something so sweet about it. Isn't it just the infinite level of love and trust, to want someone to sit by you and watch you as you fall asleep? Isn't it the infinite level of faith and confidence in someone, to ask and expect them to do it?

    And god I love doing it. I love him gripping my finger in his little fist as he dozes off. There'll come a night when he'll tell me he doesn't need to be tucked in. There'll come a night when he's too old to be kissed goodnight. There'll come a time when he's a big smelly teenager, far too cool too allow mammy into his room, ever! But, I'll always have these lovely memories of the times that he just wouldn't let me leave. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,510 ✭✭✭nikpmup

    I love putting my baby to bed at night! He's so good, he's asleep within maybe five minutes, and usually sleeps through the night ... but, he does love for me to sit with him for those five minutes.

    Last night I tucked him in, put on the mobile, and was just going to run into the next room to grab something. But as soon as I got up, he was squawking "MAMAMAMAMAMA" until I turned around and sat down by his cot and held his hand. Then, eyes shut straight away, and asleep within minutes.

    There's just something so sweet about it. Isn't it just the infinite level of love and trust, to want someone to sit by you and watch you as you fall asleep? Isn't it the infinite level of faith and confidence in someone, to ask and expect them to do it?

    And god I love doing it. I love him gripping my finger in his little fist as he dozes off. There'll come a night when he'll tell me he doesn't need to be tucked in. There'll come a night when he's too old to be kissed goodnight. There'll come a time when he's a big smelly teenager, far too cool too allow mammy into his room, ever! But, I'll always have these lovely memories of the times that he just wouldn't let me leave. :)

    ^^^^ This. All of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Beautifully written indigo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,951 ✭✭✭_Whimsical_

    A case of minding someone else's kids made me smile!
    A little boy 4 and a girl 2
    I was asking the 4 year old what he was going to do when he grew up(a fire man) then I asked his sister and she said "I'd like to be a lady"
    So the 4 year old was trying to explain to her that this wasn't an adequate answer,he wanted her to think of a career or job she'd like to do but didn't really have the vocab to explain. In frustration he said " ok you can be a lady but you have to be something else as well".
    Her answer " when I'm not being a lady... I think I would like to be a man"
    Wonderfully he completely accepted this as a valid answer.:)

    Made my heart flip flop in delight:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,265 ✭✭✭youtube!

    Ok so this didn't happen today nor yesterday but nonetheless it always makes me on...

    My little princess got a hamster...a bitey vicious little bugger of a thing but she adored Happy the hamster.

    Anyhow one fine day I was in the process of changing the bedding in the cage and whilst I was doing so the little bugger dug his needle sharp fangs right into my finger.

    Of course all I could do was shake it off as it was bloody agony but in my pain I managed to fling the little fecker right across the room straight into the opposite wall...I feel bad about it to this very day but twas a natural reaction to pain.

    So anyhow I picked Happy up and it was obvious he wasn't gonna make it...I brought him into my next door neighbour who just happens to be a vet and she confirmed the poor little divil was indeed expired.

    Anyway while all this was going on my darling daughter who was 3 at the time was away at a birthday party. I was dreading telling her the news..needless to say.

    When she arrived home the first thing she done was run to the empty cage but alas no Happy the Hamster!

    I gently took her by the hand and tried to explain as best as I could the Happy had passed away earlier..but I had a wonderful idea, I decided that we would send Happy off to a better place and that she would be there to witness the sacred event, I gently wrapped Happy in some toilet roll and led my daughter by the hand to the downsrtairs loo, when we got there I told her that we were going to flush Happy down the toilet but he would end up in Hamster Heaven! She totally bought it!

    So that's what we did we flushed Happy away to heaven..but the funniest part was when said to me..

    Hey Daddy at least we know that Heidi (Nana's large German Shepherd that she absolutely adored) at least now we know that Heidi will never die!

    Me (completely confused) "what do you mean honey? "Well because all animals go to heaven Daddy right"? Me ...yes of course dear..

    "Well Heidi can't ever die because she cannot fit down the toilet!"

    The logic was perfect and who was I to dispel her little myth?? I will always love the innocence of a little child...

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    My 16 months old can't walk or talk, but I caught her tapping her foot to a song on the radio earlier. Sounds crap, but I thought it was deadly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    beertons wrote: »
    My 16 months old can't walk or talk, but I caught her tapping her foot to a song on the radio earlier. Sounds crap, but I thought it was deadly.

    Snap! My guy stands at the coffee table and bobs his bum up and down. Cracks me up

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    2.5 yr old is mad about trucks.
    We drove by a brand new Thorntons bin truck & shouts excitedly "what's that?"
    Me: "It's a red truck"
    Him: "No"
    Me: "It's a rubbish truck"
    Him: "No"
    Me: "Well what is it then"
    Him: "It's a gorgeous truck"
    Well I really should've guessed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭Listrydude

    My 5 year old, who started school a few weeks ago: "Daddy, do Mommy and Nikki go to yoga to eat yoghurts?" Yes son, something like that!! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭ladypip

    My seven year old son is mad about science, he speaks endlessly about all the things he has learned and knows. On the way to the shop yesterday he was telling me all about "Grabity" and how it grabs everything down. I didn't have the heart to correct him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Sweet Rose

    My 13 month old daughter has started babbling in what sounds like a German accent. It's so funny. I was in fits of giggles listening to her this morning. I tries to sneak a video of it from outside her bedroom but she caught me :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭loubian

    Sweet Rose wrote: »
    My 13 month old daughter has started babbling in what sounds like a German accent. It's so funny. I was in fits of giggles listening to her this morning. I tries to sneak a video of it from outside her bedroom but she caught me :D

    Yes! My daughter sounds like she's from Israel ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭copey

    Just smiling

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    2.5 yr old always takes stickers when she see's them. Last week we were in garden section in woodies and she had taken them off the flowers and stuck them to herself.

    Today we were in pennys and ann she kept saying is "ooh mammy, knickers. knickers mammy". i kept trying to correct her but was no joy. she had loads stuck to her.
    Went up to check out and she pipes out to checkout operator.

    "look Nady (lady) knickers" checkout out operator just smiled then burst out laughing. she had bra ones stuck to her. Ya know the ones with boobs .
