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from rock bottom

  • 10-09-2009 8:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭

    names ed and i have started this thread and a blog to help with my motivation and to use some of the (some times frightning amount of) knowledge and help i see handed out on here everyday!

    Back Story: Have played basketball all my life but have never been near my proper BMI or ideal weight. ( i know these are not the most accurate things when it comes to weight and ur body compisition) A multitude of set backs and injuries have since halted my playing and i now want to get back to playing next year which is exactly a year from now. I am a great cook and know how to cook healthy. I also at least know about different types of training and excersises so have a solid base of knowledge to work from.

    State im in: I right now am at the heaviest i have ever been and also the most unfit. Have not done excersise in many months so literally starting from the bottom up. Though for the last 2 weeks i have been out for hour walks at night to just try get into the mind set of excersise again. I have figured out my diet and will post it if anyone would like to look at it and help which i know i probably need.

    What i want from this thread: To just keep this and my blog going, i have bought a tape to measure body size and i want to know how to or where to go to get a body fat measurement. I am basically new to excersise again and im finding it tough to write a simple gym plan even tho i have been going to the gym since i was 15, its a mental block and if anyone has been in this position or helped someone similar to start again i would love any basic plans to follow.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place or i have broken any rules. im new to creating threads.


