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Bullying and Offencive behavior,Airsoft Adverts, your opinions on this?



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    I dont know Johnboyeire personally but i have bough from him in the past and he was grand to deal with & completely above board too, but he definitely got the raw end of the deal here, he had his time wasted and thread spoiled which went to 3 pages before any intervention, compare and contrast that with the quick response time of the other thread.

    johnboyire has over 500 posts to his name and most definitely knows better than to have posted what he did. Personal abuse is perhaps the wrong term to use but he was most definitely out of order. I gave him a month rather than something heavier given the benefit of the doubt of probably having a bad day and the poorly worded post by Dread-Lock which caused confusion.
    And for his troubles he gets a months ban while the tyre kickers and thread spoilers got a infraction.

    Dread-Lock clarified his post to me in PM. I spent quite a bit of time deliberating over what to do about his post over it. You don't always see what goes on as a user Franc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 947 ✭✭✭Frank the Manc

    Lemming wrote: »
    johnboyire has over 500 posts to his name and most definitely knows better than to have posted what he did. Personal abuse is perhaps the wrong term to use but he was most definitely out of order. I gave him a month rather than something heavier given the benefit of the doubt of probably having a bad day and the poorly worded post by Dread-Lock which caused confusion.

    Dread-Lock clarified his post to me in PM. I spent quite a bit of time deliberating over what to do about his post over it. You don't always see what goes on as a user Franc.

    i know all that but if he didnt personally abuse someone or if he edited his post upon reflection, then what rule did he break that warranted a months ban.

    He may have been sharp in hi replies but lets be fair theres nothing worse than dreamers and lads saying "im not payin that cos its 20 cheaper from china" when youre trying to sell something, especially when stuck for the few pound.

    Again im not criticising you, you can be a cúnt but ive alwasy felt youre an equal oppertunities cúnt......
    thats a compliment by the way cos a cúnt is whats sometimes needed to deal with some of these clowns.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 452 ✭✭Phractal

    Masada: No offense, but I beg to disagree with you. Lemming in no way oversteps the acceptable boundaries of moderation. Was still around I would show you what real moderation is like - it aint pleasant! AS an ex moderator on many a forum (pyrotechnics forums) which required careful handling of the moderation - not removing certain posts could lead to a fatal accident! Or deleting the wrong post could stop people from learning valuable safety lessons, etc. I was known as a more leniant mod - giving chances and posting lots of tested experimentation, yet it did not work. On RogueSci, we had NBK2000. NBK was a proper, no prisoners, no **** mod. He was VERY heavy handed with the Ban-Hammer and liked to flame the HELL out of a guy prior to the ban.

    All Lemming did, by comparison, was deliver a slap on the wrist. No heavy verbal abuse, public mockery and humiliation, merely a good verbal explaination and a TEMPORARY ban. Not a permanent ban.

    Accusations of lemming allowing personal life to interfere are unfounded. It was merely for humor - and for the info of the ban-ee. Hell I REALLY doubt Rach would be abusin any backseat moderation or anything. Actually guys the accusation of letting personal life interfere was a tad unfair.

    Now the rest of y'all givin Lemming an ear bashin. I note y'all are on the same team. Well why dont you all be as friendly as you are reputed to be.

    In conclusion Masada, this aint seen by me, or fellow pyroforum types as offensive or even bullying. I recommend you read what happens on the pro-pyro forums to poor banned peeps! The dude broke the rules and paid. **** where I was moderating i/I failure could result in a ban!!!

    Lemming: I actually must applaud you there! Seems like you are the kind of mod the internet NEEDS these days. Firm of hand, fair and unbiased - break em rules, you get banned- able to ban mercilessly, and also with some goddamn steel in your spine able to stand up to your fellow staffers.

    All: I think we gotta stop feeling so sorry for the poor idiots who break rules and suffer the consequences. If we all were nice mercifull folk tere could end up like 'bombshock' 'totse' 'wierdpier' or such - overrun by idiots, unmoderateable and unreadable. ITS FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

    IN total conclusion, firm moderation is good for you. SOMEONE has gotta do the dirty work of it and we cant really complain about how its done - it just GETS DONE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Now the rest of y'all givin Lemming an ear bashin. I note y'all are on the same team. Well why dont you all be as friendly as you are reputed to be.

    For the record, I don't have an issue with Lemming's moderation in general, or in this post. Muppets need to get blatted, and ridicule is all part of the grand spectacle. Internet is serious business, after all.

    I only called him out on blaming an IRC server I run for enabling some grand conspiracy that supposedly exists against him and the OP. The OP of the thread in question is permabanned from this IRC server, and there's some animosity there.

    The idea that there's a 'cabal' or team of people tag-teaming him with abuse is all in his head, I'm afraid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Yes... I remember that... Perma banned after offering you an olive branch to settle the pre existing animosity between myself and you Dave... I belive you laughed in my face when i tried to make peace... However, you don't need to drag this up... Although... This whole incident does stink somewhat of a previous trip to feedback with you and your boys Dave? I cant quite remember what it was about though?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Funbags Freddie

    Lemming wrote: »
    Indeed yes, FireKitten is my partner. Congratulations on stating what has not been a secret to anyone. More on that later.

    This puzzles me. I elaborated rather clearly as to why Pardu13 was being banned because I knew that these very accusations would be levelled at me. Thank you for living down to my expectations Masada. Nice to see that as expected after I banned AlternateID for thread-spoiling, and PM'd Moggser after he openly laid accusation at me in front of the other airsoft moderators that if he had an issue with my moderation to take it to the helpdesk forum, that lo and behold your post appeared Masada. Or should I say "all of you". Of course none of this has been liaised either by phone, text, PM, or on any other "medium" where you asked for feedback from your team-mates after making your initial post. Not in the slightest.

    More on AlternateID's ban later.

    After a cursory glance through the search history of Pardu13's posts, I gave up after page three of eleven from overload. He has a history of being pushy to the point of harassment more often than not and constantly will not take "no" for an answer.

    I could provide link after link, but it'll make for hard reading and my message is quite clear. So I'll keep it short. For example:

    All from the same thread:
    And another thread:
    • 15-09-2009, circa 22:00 Attempted off-thread dealing in this thread. No ban since I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    And another thread:
    These are three examples and I'll also include the thread in question that resulted in Pardu13's ban, making four that I found within a few minutes of cursory searching. I could go on, but the point is made concerning past conduct.

    Pardu breached two rules, as already explained. One fundamentally important one as far as forums are concerned, and one that is both fundamental to and On this, I have been crystal clear; I considered his past behaviour which has not been favourable, I considered his post count and boards activity (heavily on airsoft adverts), I considered the nature of both his bans and then handed him three months. I would have done the same for any other user in the same circumstances. Indeed he has been on my radar for quite some time albeit hadn't quite crossed the line until the thread in question.

    The ban was handed down without bias; as much as several posters here seem think me incapable of doing so, the irony of their accusation not escaping me (but more on that later too). At no time did my relationship to the OP interfere in the ban-making process, other than to make me smile as I did it.

    In your opinion. You are not a moderator and your opinion was not sought or needed. I have admittedly been far more lenient with my ban durations in the last roughly eight months due to users generally behaving, and people seem to forget this. I have enacted far more severe bans on airsoft adverts for far less abusive posts and I wouldn't need to dig far to find them.

    As for back-seat moderating, you need to go and look up what back-seat moderating is Masada. In your haste to get a swing in you've overreached. FireKitten did, at no point during that thread, do anything other than refuse Pardu's repeated offers whilst stating that she was aware of his bid(s). Indeed, she got exasperating after he made his thread-spoiling america/ebay comment and asked him to stop. That post by him is very much the tipping point to the entire thread and entirely on his own head.

    The fact that it was FireKitten who felt harassed at that point or another use is secondary. A seller felt harassed after repeatedly refusing another user's posts. I would have acted regardless, and Pardu would have received the same ban. A moot point I may add since he then created a second account, and a suspected third to circumvent his ban, thus resulting in a site-ban. Clearly somebody willing to abide by the rules and worthy of your most stringent efforts to defend for the "good of the community" Masada and not some ulterior driven exercise in character assassination (of which you and some of your acquaintances are most practised these days) ...

    At "most" a day or two? What rock have you been living under and how far bereft of reality are you to make that suggestion? It only underscores either just how clueless you are regarding adverts moderation (which I sincerely doubt) or how quick & eager you are to try and score "points" against me for ulterior motives (of which rest assured to passers by this thread reeks). I have never once to my recollection given such a lenient sentence for personal abuse as a "couple of days". A couple of months is more accurate as a time-frame to suggest.

    Of course I took sides, it was blatantly obvious as to who was the poster very much in breech of the rules. What exactly do you think a single user ban is? Not taking a side?

    It would also be in your opinion that you are either very much mistaken as regarding moderation or have ulterior motive in trying to paint this issue in such a light. ANY thread that descends into personal abuse warrants immediate action, if not because it's the right thing to do but is also necessary to calm the thread lest it descend into a flame war and prove even more difficult to restore. I can cite examples of such threads to back that assertion and once again, you show yourself to be bereft of any sort of notions regarding adverts moderation. has always been ruled with zero humour and zero tolerance. That I have allowed the airsoft adverts sub-forum a degree of leniency in those rules in recent months is to my mistake and from this point on you shall all remember the rule of law. Goodwill takes years to build and moments to tear down.

    As for claims of leaving the thread alone, the ban was handed down after some two hours had passed and no moderation had been carried out. The thread was first reported at 21:25 on the 16-09-2009. I had no proper access at that time since I was using a portable device at a friend's house, so I locked the thread pending moderator action at 21.35. No action was taken until by myself at 23.16. It can be argued that other moderators left it alone at that point, although it would not be remiss for another moderator to notice that I am indeed no longer online and pro-actively moderate in my place.

    So roughly two hours passed before a moderator touched the advert. Me. Echoes of leaving to another moderator ring somewhat hollow since none bothered to intervene, although I shall also add caveat not to find fault with my fellow moderators in this respect as it can be argued either way and in no way reflects on them or their abilities to moderate.

    Take a look at ANY of my moderation posts going back over the last .... five or six years, and you'll find that when somebody acts like a complete muppet I tend to swear. You also seem to be a bit blind in your haste to post. Allow me to show you something that you obviously missed ...

    I set the important word in both quotes in bold italics for your correction ... "haha" indeed. Like, I'm soooo, like, drunk on power that I didn't think of quoting Pardu's comment back to him in sarcasm ... like.

    Pardu removed his own appeal by re-registering with at least one other account (that has since been site-banned). You seem to be glossing over that rather rosy, important little fact to paint what i can only describe as an exercise in exceptionally dishonest behaviour reeking of ulterior motive.

    As I have already said you also need to go look up the definition of back-seat moderating, and I also find your insistence that FireKitten brought Pardu13's harassing behaviour and abuse on herself by refusing his offers and asking him to stop to be both rather alarming and utterly, utterly chauvinistic and devoid of any level of dignity or respect.

    Incidentally, you have also seen far, far, far worse bans handed out by me on airsoft adverts. That I haven't handed out such a moderately heavy ban in a while is neither here nor there. You have a short memory Masada, as do some others.

    Ironic really, that the only person(s) engaging in bullying behaviour here is you and your cabal (yet again). This behaviour has persisted for months on end now both on and off and I am quite frankly sick and tired of it and the two-faced behaviour from yourself and others Masada. You behave all civil and fine and friendly when one-on-one, yet then behave like a pack of dogs hunting for spoils slapping each other on the back seeing who can engage in the quickest bout of insult whilst trying to portray yourselves as victims. I am sick and tired of the endless character assassinations on myself, on FireKitten, and on our relationship by a bunch of dishonest, morally bankrupt, elitest-minded hypocrites.

    I have banned AlternateID before for similar behaviour. He had no excuse and is indeed fortunate that I did not hand out a heavier sentence in that account.

    Hang on a sec. So personal abuse is serious after all? But you said ...

    Ah, I see, it's only serious when you are making a personal issue out of the moderation post to take another swipe. Gotcha.

    I've already elaborated on this above. In short I'm going to summarise the above:

    I gave Pardu13 a ban that would have been the same length given his circumstances had it been any other user. My relationship to the OP did not affect the ban making process save to make me laugh and think how unfortunate Pardu13 was to have sent that PM to me, trying to justify his use of abuse whilst continuing it. My choice of language after the PM could most certainly have been better phrased but nonetheless it was painfully obvious as to what I was referring to.

    As for why I mentioned that FireKitten is my better half in the thread in question? Had I not (and I have nothing to hide), either Masada or an acquaintance would have brought it up either as reported (like Moggser), or slung mud and .. guess what? We're right back to this point in time anyway.

    Either some people have an issue with the moderator decision taken in context of this thread, or they have an issue with the fact that I have a relationship. The fact that they have chosen make this "report" personal by trying to sling innuendo & accusation and drag my relationship into this whilst insinuating that I am incapable of objective, independent thought only moves me to afford them nothing more than utter contempt.

    Great post and well said.

    What is your response to the issue mentioned by a few people (who didn't question your moderation) of posting up a PM (Private message) with no permission to do so?

    Why did you do it?

    If I missed it in your post I am sorry but I just search "PM" and didn't see anything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Personally I wouldn't publish a pm when I moderated. If the pm in question contained something of substance then yes I would question why it was made public. It was rubbish and all it served to do was confirm the person that sent was a muppet and no loss to the airsoft adverts forum or boards.

    Again I would ask people to choose their martyrs very carefully in future. This smacks of another witchhunt by the "Barbara Whitehouses" of the airsoft forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    What is your response to the issue mentioned by a few people (who didn't question your moderation) of posting up a PM (Private message) with no permission to do so?

    Why did you do it?

    If I missed it in your post I am sorry but I just search "PM" and didn't see anything?

    No problems. I did mention it, although it's quite easily lost in that whopper of a post. Here's the part where I touched on the PM.
    I gave Pardu13 a ban that would have been the same length given his circumstances had it been any other user. My relationship to the OP did not affect the ban making process save to make me laugh and think how unfortunate Pardu13 was to have sent that PM to me, trying to justify his use of abuse whilst continuing it. My choice of language after the PM could most certainly have been better phrased but nonetheless it was painfully obvious as to what I was referring to.

    As for why I mentioned that FireKitten is my better half in the thread in question? Had I not (and I have nothing to hide), either Masada or an acquaintance would have brought it up either as reported (like Moggser), or slung mud and .. guess what? We're right back to this point in time anyway.

    In short, Pardu had tried to both justify his personal abuse and further it in PM to me, knowing full well what was likely coming his way. I found it hillarious in so much as it was a case of "talk about doing the most unfortunate thing possible in front of the wrong person". It gave me a laugh and it also shows the further willingness of Pardu13 to abuse another user. Again, that it was FireKitten is besides the point other than the amusement factor involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Firekitten wrote: »
    Yes... I remember that... Perma banned after offering you an olive branch to settle the pre existing animosity between myself and you Dave... I belive you laughed in my face when i tried to make peace... However, you don't need to drag this up... Although... This whole incident does stink somewhat of a previous trip to feedback with you and your boys Dave? I cant quite remember what it was about though?

    You're right, this isn't the place to drag it up. You've been informed of the avenues for appealing the ban.

    I did start a previous feedback thread about The Master, which resulted in him taking the feedback on board and changing how he did things. All settled. I don't see a connection between this thread and that. I didn't start this thread, and have no issues with Lemming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    gerrowadat wrote: »
    I only called him out on blaming an IRC server I run for enabling some grand conspiracy that supposedly exists against him and the OP. The OP of the thread in question is permabanned from this IRC server, and there's some animosity there.

    The idea that there's a 'cabal' or team of people tag-teaming him with abuse is all in his head, I'm afraid.

    So you deny that yourself and others closely associated to you have frequently engaged in character assassination on the IAA's official IRC server perceivedly (amateurs) behind my back? Funny that .... cause you've [plural] been doing it to my face for months.

    That's the problem with the internet ... it's all in writing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Get better glasses please....

    anyway, this is no place, as we both agree for this topic... I think its best if we deflate the issue and leave it alone...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Lemming wrote: »
    So you deny that yourself and others closely associated to you have frequently engaged in character assassination on the IAA's official IRC server perceivedly (amateurs) behind my back? Funny that .... cause you've [plural] been doing it to my face for months.

    That's the problem with the internet ... it's all in writing.

    fwiw, talking about banned users is now prohibited on the channel. It clearly matters enough to you guys that you're prepared to circumvent bans and get logs off other channel users, but I honestly have better things to be doing than making sure everyone is nice to everyone at all times.

    I also fail to see how this is relevant to the thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Funbags Freddie

    Lemming wrote: »
    No problems. I did mention it, although it's quite easily lost in that whopper of a post. Here's the part where I touched on the PM.

    In short, Pardu had tried to both justify his personal abuse and further it in PM to me, knowing full well what was likely coming his way. I found it hillarious in so much as it was a case of "talk about doing the most unfortunate thing possible in front of the wrong person". It gave me a laugh and it also shows the further willingness of Pardu13 to abuse another user. Again, that it was FireKitten is besides the point other than the amusement factor involved.

    You did mention the PM. I read that. You don't justify your publishing the PM or explaining why? Just mentioning it is not much to go on. Is it not against the spirit of boards?


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    gerrowadat wrote: »
    fwiw, talking about banned users is now prohibited on the channel. It clearly matters enough to you guys that you're prepared to circumvent bans and get logs off other channel users, but I honestly have better things to be doing than making sure everyone is nice to everyone at all times.

    I also fail to see how this is relevant to the thread.

    I have received zero - reread that; "zero" logs from any other user. All the logs I have are my own. But to answer your final question; it's entirely relevant to showing the background and ulterior motive that spawned this thread.

    I'll also point out that your prohibition is an act of bolting the stable door after the horse has fled. Token at best and damage already done. You'll pardon me if I'm not jumping up and down in praise from the man who accused my other half of being a gold digger and I of being some dumb sap in so many words, to my face. And yes I have that in writing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭AlternateID

    Lemming wrote: »
    I have banned AlternateID before for similar behaviour. He had no excuse and is indeed fortunate that I did not hand out a heavier sentence in that account.

    Really? You banned me before? This is my first ban as far as I know.

    As I said in another thread I've no problem with the ban imposed on me. My post did breach the rules. My only issue is the PM you posted publicly. It may of course be gone by now. I cant check. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    You did mention the PM. I read that. You don't justify your publishing the PM or explaining why? Just mentioning it is not much to go on. Is it not against the spirit of boards?

    Sorry, thought I'd made it a bit clearer. I published the PM to show the further level of personal abuse being engaged in by Pardu, and his willingness to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Firekitten wrote: »
    To be honest, i dont see a point in apealing to a band of hawks member, regarding a ban by a band of hawks member... on the band of hawks irc.... sorry, the IAA irc... When the Chairman of the IAA bans people out of personal spite, I'm quite suprised you've managed to keep the IAA afloat...

    You were banned due to numerous complaints about personal abuse of other users. Some of these were hawks, some weren't. This was reinforced by personal abuse I suffered from you as well.
    anyway, this is no place, as we both agree for this topic... I think its best if we deflate the issue and leave it alone...

    Oh, I see what you did there. Bringing up the old chestnut you recycled on the channel over an over, where you called my partner a blow-up doll. That, and calling me a racist, and calling me a 'grudge-holding bastard' when I refused to immediately accept your apology, when it was clear it was not meant sincerely.

    Oh, whoops, sorry, forgot you were the victim here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    I belive the grude comment came after you laughed in my face... In your own logs...

    Look Dave, This isn't about us, you brought me up, and you seem to be using the fact you banned me to discolour this thread... Its not on topic, and while we all deviated for a bit, i think we all need to turn around and stick to what is important here... the topic at hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Firekitten wrote: »
    I belive the grude comment came after you laughed in my face... In your own logs...

    Look Dave, This isn't about us, you brought me up, and you seem to be using the fact you banned me to discolour this thread... Its not on topic, and while we all deviated for a bit, i think we all need to turn around and stick to what is important here... the topic at hand.

    Anything for a quiet life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Lads & Lassie I suggest you sort out your IRC issues away from here. None of you are doing yourselves any favours.

    Dave as an aside I would be extremely disappointed if its confirmed that the IAA are hosting an IRC Server that is being used by a few users to subvert moderating on another site and from what I am hearing latent bullying. I will be putting a motion at the next AGM to discontinue this service as I believe the misuse of it by users could diminish and damage the organisation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    gandalf wrote: »
    Dave as an aside I would be extremely disappointed if its confirmed that the IAA are hosting an IRC Server that is being used by a few users to subvert moderating on another site and from what I am hearing latent bullying. I will be putting a motion at the next AGM to discontinue this service as I believe the misuse of it by users could diminish and damage the organisation.

    That's your right as a member. I'm sure if people do try hard enough to get it shut down, it'll happen. It's not an essential part of what the IAA does by a longshot anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Funbags Freddie

    Lemming wrote: »
    Sorry, thought I'd made it a bit clearer. I published the PM to show the further level of personal abuse being engaged in by Pardu, and his willingness to do so.

    People can publish PM's if they feel it helps with their position.

    Thanks for the clarification.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    People can publish PM's if they feel it helps with their position.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I wouldn't make that statement without caveats and it is as not as simple as you've just made it sound.

    I posted that PM in context of moderation, not "wanting to win an argument" as a user, on the grounds that I knew my ability to moderate was going to be called into question, and that the user had provided very little int he way of any sort of sensitive or otherwise private conversation other than to continue with abuse. If that PM had not been posted in-thread, it would have undoubtedly ended up being published in this thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Funbags Freddie

    Lemming wrote: »
    I wouldn't make that statement without caveats and it is as not as simple as you've just made it sound.

    I posted that PM in context of moderation, not "wanting to win an argument" as a user on the grounds that I knew my ability to moderate was going to be called into question, and that the user had provided very little int he way of any sort of sensitive or otherwise private conversation other than to continue with abuse. If that PM had not been posted in-thread, it would have undoubtedly ended up being published in this thread.

    People can post PM's in context of moderation issues.

    Thanks for the clarification, again.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Well well well lemming, it sure took a while but as per my expection you have drummed up quite an example of fiction.
    Your spend at entire first half of your reply in justifying pardu's ban when his ban isnt the issue here. YOUR conduct is. you are quite simply a forum bully in there and your use of attacking phasing from threatening slaps to unmearcyful beatings is complete unacceptable, Your language alone is a disgrace and you aught to be ashamed of it.

    I remember a poster getting a week off in the past for calling someone a muppet yet you get away with venomous bullying of people and then gloat about it.
    In your opinion. You are not a moderator and your opinion was not sought or needed.
    I may not be a moderator but i am an active user and a contributor to the forum, much more than your good self and i base my opinions on this.
    As for claims of leaving the thread alone, the ban was handed down after some two hours had passed and no moderation had been carried out. The thread was first reported at 21:25 on the 16-09-2009. I had no proper access at that time since I was using a portable device at a friend's house, so I locked the thread pending moderator action at 21.35. No action was taken until by myself at 23.16. It can be argued that other moderators left it alone at that point, although it would not be remiss for another moderator to notice that I am indeed no longer online and pro-actively moderate in my place.
    So roughly two hours passed before a moderator touched the advert. Me. Echoes of leaving to another moderator ring somewhat hollow since none bothered to intervene,

    No other mod touched it or would have because in your own words the thread was locked with "Severe beatings to follow".

    Ironic really, that the only person(s) engaging in bullying behaviour here is you and your cabal (yet again). This behaviour has persisted for months on end now both on and off and I am quite frankly sick and tired of it and the two-faced behaviour from yourself and others Masada. You behave all civil and fine and friendly when one-on-one, yet then behave like a pack of dogs hunting for spoils slapping each other on the back seeing who can engage in the quickest bout of insult whilst trying to portray yourselves as victims. I am sick and tired of the endless character assassinations on myself, on FireKitten, and on our relationship by a bunch of dishonest, morally bankrupt, elitest-minded hypocrites.

    I would love to hear more about my ulterior motives lemming, you've done a decent job of implying there is more to this. care to elaborate as to what teh hell your on about?

    I find it ironic you imply im out to get you and your partner when for probably 2 years ive been getting along quite well with you to the point of doing all your upgrades and repairs FOC, aswell as trying to source some of the more rare kit you were after, (steyr sling I gave you, old irish gear and the flack jacket from vietnam that arrived at my home for you only the other day, taking calls from england to give you and firekitten technical assistance, the list goes on)
    Your claims i have victimized both of you are ridiculous. I made a point of saying hello to you, introducing myself to firekitten (the one and only time we've ever met) and shaking both your hands during a a recent military show in swords.
    Evidentially you are an elaborate fantasist James.

    Where exactly does moggser come into this also? why have you involved him?

    Well, i dunno really, what i should say to that, is any of it relevent? are we to base the entire modding of the forum world on what went on over there? i know nothing of the place. If ti was a forum dealing with highly dangerous explosives i wouldn't be too surprised if it was strictly modded. Do the mods there threaten severe beatings no? maybe slaps? or even just a few F*&ks and Cu*ts? Its a moot point in my opinion.
    Gandalf wrote:
    My god you must really want a modship badly there Richie but I suggest you pick a better class of martyr next time.
    Was your keyboard due a few presses gandalf?
    I wouldnt touch modship with a bargepole pal. what exactly was the point here if you don't mind?
    Sorry, thought I'd made it a bit clearer. I published the PM to show the further level of personal abuse being engaged in by Pardu, and his willingness to do so.

    You did it because it made you feel big and almightly to go "dishing out the slaps." Your relish in this dark knight like persona of "slapping and beating" oversteppers. it is something you have done before, POsting peoples PMs is bad practice regardless of what kicks you get from it. even this was less than a month ago,

    Neeeway. I didnt come here to argue it with you. i could do that on the phone or in person.
    i simply posted it here for all to read and give their opinions on.
    Plenty have, and plenty agree you took it personally based on your relationship and you went OTT.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    gandalf wrote: »
    Lads & Lassie I suggest you sort out your IRC issues away from here. None of you are doing yourselves any favours.

    Dave as an aside I would be extremely disappointed if its confirmed that the IAA are hosting an IRC Server that is being used by a few users to subvert moderating on another site and from what I am hearing latent bullying. I will be putting a motion at the next AGM to discontinue this service as I believe the misuse of it by users could diminish and damage the organisation.

    Do take your own advice would you?

    Don't start dealing out high horse proclamations whilst ignoring them in the same breath.

    Your motion is based on pure speculation, rumors, ether. There is a glaring similarity to the airsoft forum, and calls by those not informed at all to remove it because there were arguments on the internet, it is hilarious you do not grasp this similarity at all, so the uninformed call for a ban on something, why is that familiar in so many ways?

    This thread is supposed to be about an advert dispute, supposed to be. The IRC isn't at fault here, perhaps you should endeavour to inform yourself from source as to what is really going on on the IRC if it so concerns you, outside of an adverts feedback thread on perhaps? Heck, I'll even tell you via pm if you ask, I am on the fence on this one, bar calls to remove the IRC I do so enjoy, naturally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    <Niall> I has a plan
    <Sam> do tell
    <Niall> I can't, it requires mentioning of unmentionables
    <Sam> Ah here, go ****e
    <Sam> unmentionable vegebles abominables
    <Niall> Basically it can remove what little credibility a formetnioned person has, and put an end to all this.

    That would suggest that people are using IRC to co-ordinate against people and if thats the case it is extremely relevant to this so called complaint thread.

    Can you put your hand on your heart and promise me that no discussion about the "unmentionable vegebles abominables" as you put it so eloquently yourself has occurred recently?

    btw I was logged on as Airsoft777, it is a public facing site and it is accessible by anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    gandalf wrote: »
    That would suggest that people are using IRC to co-ordinate against people and if thats the case it is extremely relevant to this so called complaint thread.

    Can you put your hand on your heart and promise me that no discussion about the "unmentionable vegebles abominables" as you put it so eloquently yourself has occurred recently?

    btw I was logged on as Airsoft777, it is a public facing site and it is accessible by anyone.

    You failed to mention that Niall was then promptly told to take it off the channel.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    In your own words galdalf, Sort ouf your IRS issues elsewhere. IRC has nothing to do with this thread.

    If you have a query with the IAA and their chat thing, can you go and contact them directly?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    gerrowadat wrote: »
    You failed to mention that Niall was then promptly told to take it off the channel.

    Oh I did notice that but as that rule only was brought in yesterday it begs the question what has gone on before this.

    Richie as I said this casts the whole complaint in a different light if people are "organising" elsewhere before bringing their problems here with an agenda behind it. And what Niall says suggests that people are out to get other people here which is not something I would like to find out originated from the official IAA IRC forum.

This discussion has been closed.