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Bullying and Offencive behavior,Airsoft Adverts, your opinions on this?



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Apologies ladies and gents, this is going to be a stupidly long post but i feel it clarifys my exact point in this thread.
    I have gone back through only a few months of your 8000 odd posts and quoted exactly the point of this thread. you frequenty going off the handle, using reduculous amounts of language, threatening people, slaps, unmerceful beatings, etc etc and posting peoples PM openly to have a giggle at.

    This has to stop, you need to separate the james from the lemming in your very personal attacks and realize you have a responsibility to behave as much as you have to discipline others for not doing so.

    now for a minute, ignore my name on the Original post (a friend of yours for quite some time) and let the content do the talking. The content that came straight from you, publically.

    It didn't take long to see a pattern emerging here, more threats of beatings and effing and blinding at people and ive only gone back a few months of your time on boards lemming, theres thousands more.
    Lemming wrote: »
    This, ladies and gentlemen .... is an eloquent example as to why we have the "No off-thread dealing" rule. So that everybody knows what the f*ck is going on.
    Lemming wrote: »
    Caroline_ie takes a month off for soliciting off-thread dealing.

    Mani09 takes a month off for engaging in off-thread dealing.

    Next person I see in any thread carrying on with off-thread dealing bullsh*t will get an instant three-month ban. Cop. The. F*ck. On folks.

    This particular one was posted after a mod already dealt with the thread.
    Lemming wrote:
    Thread locked pending beatings ...

    peter-pantslez, tunnelweb, and Lee 303 take 7 days off for thread-spoiling. LOL on that. The next time you think about having "fun" in the adverts section; don't. This is not the place for it.

    gunner_twotone takes a month off for causing an absolute f*cking mess in the first place with attempting to engage in auctioneering and failing to specify asking prices.
    Lemming wrote:
    Jesus christ will you just f*ck off and die Discharger09/JooGotSniipeD/Podge94!

    Encreasing a persons ban just because hes in a bad mood.
    Lemming wrote: »
    darryl takes a nice two week holiday.

    Read. The. F*cking. Rules. If you want to take the p*ss do it elsewhere, not on the adverts forum.

    Actually, f*ck it. Now I'm in a really bad mood for this total pointless waste of time. Make it a month.

    Clearly stating the outcome of his mod intervention was to be influenced by "how busy he is". How very fair of you lemming.
    Lemming wrote: »
    Hmmm, thread locked again whilst I delve into the finer points of charterdom.

    The fact I've got a b*llocks load of work to do is not helping the case for leniency.

    Right: After mulling over a couple of contenious posts - and in keeping with the spirit of adverts, Weeder & HH do indeed have a deal here.

    With that said and done; Weeder, please be less non-committal please. Phrases like "I'll let you know" really don't give a clear indicator of what's going on. Also, given the lack of mobility, HH should have been given first option on postage if possible before defaulting to desertstorm.
    Lemming wrote: »

    if I see ONE more post from you asking if anyone wants a Ghillie, I swear to god I will ban you faster than you can cry after getting kicked in the balls by a horse on acid. You have repeatedly spammed this forum about that Ghillie. If anyone wanted it, they'd have said so by now.

    If someone asks for a Ghillie, by all means .... but until that ever happens, if I see one. More. F*cking. Spam. Post from you about that poxy-arse Ghillie there will be bannings.

    Consider yourself very much warned.
    Lemming wrote: »
    What. In the motherf*cking Hell. Is. This. Mickey. Mouse. Sh*t?

    I've been a moderator of - and before that the old boards For sale forum for the last ... five years or more. I have never encountered anything quite like this before. I am utterly. F*cking. Baffled.

    Rockercover, you have about 5 seconds to pm me where on gods green earth this bullsh*t is coming from before I escalate this.

    Ironically another thread involving firekitten.
    Lemming wrote: »
    Zackslacky slapped for one month for personal abuse.

    I even managed that with a smile on my face.

    Lemming wrote: »
    I love muppets. They make me happy, they make the world go round, and round and round and round. I like muppets ... Silly, silly muppets.... etc.

    Ohai LSKT .. oh sorry, should I say Zack? Direct IP match within the last couple of minutes? Oh deary me ....


    Ban baby ban, foreva and eva, ban baby ban ...

    Needless, the poster who dug up this thread was only new to the forum. an obvious mistake.
    lemming wrote:
    Locked. For f*ck sake folks ... look at the dates ...
    Lemming wrote: »
    Beating ... beatings ...beating, all of it inbound ...

    Brabazone gets a two week ban, and markY6222 gets one month off; two weeks for auctioneering, two weeks for off-thread dealing.

    This was another PM you posted. you actually made a specific thread in the Feebback forum for this just so you could ridicule someone and get laughs. Needless to say you were shot down on this little "lol fest" power trip by an Admin who locked your thread.
    Lemming wrote:
    I received this PM from a user who was banned for being rather spammy and suffering from an obvious case of severe ADD, and then subsequently site-banned for trying to circumvent the existing ban. The PM made me laugh, and I'd like to share with the rest o fboards in the hope that it gives all of you a good giggle.

    Yes it's real, and yes this is the crap we have to put up from time to time ... the subject of the PM is "IM BACK BITCHEZZZ!!", received 27th August 2009 at 02.52
    Lemming wrote: »


    Beatings to follow.

    Edit. Reopened.

    Noname ... you can have two weeks off. If you have an issue with an advert, report it. Do not engage in back-seat moderation. Thank you, but no. More often than not it is more a hassle than a help to myself and my fellow moderators.

    Geoff. I'm truly sick and f*cking tired of this. I've seen your name about twenty times too often this week and last. You have repeatedly spammed the adverts forum with the same crap over and over and over.

    A few pointers:
    • You do not request adverts be closed; simply post saying that you're not looking and the advert will take care of itself by moving down the list and out of sight.
    • If you cannot find your adverts, either do a search for them, or navigate through the "pages" of threads that exist; y'know? Those little arrow things at the top and bottom of each forum?
    • If you create a thread, for the love of F*CK give people a chance to respond. This forum and its other users do not exist at your beck and call to satisfy your perceived demands in short order. People may not have what you seek. People may not get around to reading it for a few hours. BUT FOR F*CK SAKE!!!!!! STOP. WITH. THE. SPAM.
    You have four threads open where one would do and I've had to already deal with you; you are well aware that there are rules in place and where to find them. To that effect, you can have four weeks off. One for each thread.
    Lemming wrote: »

    Do I need to remind people about the rules? Especially the one about no off-thread dealing?

    Lemming wrote: »
    Thread locked whilst I review this.

    Unmerciful beatings to follow .... So gather around folks and break out the 3D glasses and popcorn.
    Lemming wrote: »
    Mistake number one. And a very large one. Thread-spoiling ban number one. "haha" on that.

    Mistake number two. And one that you have persisted in across multiple threads (yes, we do notice these things ... ); i.e. posting to the point of harassment.

    Not an outright ban in itself, but you've done yourself no favours in the moderator-leniency stakes.

    And uber mistake number f*cking three.

    Damn that was a doozy. It's rare these days (alas) that one encounters users who so utterly devoid of ability to understand the rules whilst moderating. It's so easy it should be criminal. You practically just handed me my ban-hammer on a gold-plated tray. Your post is practically on par with nomination for a Darwin award.

    But yes, on the note of your mistakes; mistake one lands you two weeks off. Mistake two gets you lack of appeal. Mistake three? Well .... lets just say "Good. F*cking. Night." Have a nice three months off to think about it all, between the general behaviour, thread spoiling and abuse.

    For the rest of you; I leave you with this PM. It made me laugh.

    Oh, by the way Pardu ... a word to the wise; insulting a moderator's girlfriend when you're already in the firing line for an awful f*cking beating is not the most sensible of things one could do. If it's any consolation, you did make me laugh though. At you.

    Thread unlocked.

    I believe I have made my point well here lemming, you have dug this hole and you can try implicate whoever you like in the process of finding an escape hatch. this is about your misconduct as a moderator, not your fictional tales. A bigger man would have accepted this gross overstepping of the barrier and adjusted their modding routine

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    With regards to the zackslackey incident Richie, I ask you do NOT bring my name into it... Lemming Banned a guy for breaking forum rules, I was a buyer, If you read the thread, not quote misinformation, you will see it was a fair call on the moderator's part, I ask you NOT to repeatedly bring my name into this... Go after your issue, NOT your fantasy of bias.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    The quotes speak for themselves. They are Lemmings words regardless of the reasoning behind each action. any other mod would have dealt with it maturely while achieving the same goal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    I am asking you, to leave my name out, I'm sick and tired of being dragged into this... A user f**ked up, a user was banned, I happened to be a party in a deal the guy was trying to spoil. Its either bias, or not, and so i ask you to stop bringing me up to discredit Lemming when there was absolutely no connection other than his official capacity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Masada wrote: »
    Apologies ladies and gents, this is going to be a stupidly long post but i feel it clarifys my exact point in this thread.
    I have gone back through only a few months of your 8000 odd posts and quoted exactly the point of this thread. you frequenty going off the handle, using reduculous amounts of language, threatening people, slaps, unmerceful beatings, etc etc and posting peoples PM openly to have a giggle at.


    I believe I have made my point well here lemming, you have dug this hole and you can try implicate whoever you like in the process of finding an escape hatch. this is about your misconduct as a moderator, not your fictional tales. A bigger man would have accepted this gross overstepping of the barrier and adjusted their modding routine

    Congratulations on discovering the ability to quote multiple posts out of context to paint a very dishonest argument Masa.. oh sorry, RICHARD, since you have been so "kind" as to repeatedly use my real name in this thread.

    I'll remark that you took great amusement in several of those above quotes. As did others who have posted in this thread, and indeed celebrated one particular quote I made above for weeks on end as a source of great amusement. You are nothing but a charlatan and a hypocrite. A dishonest one at that.

    If you would kindly care to post the full context surrounding all of those threads, or indeed at times the intensity of moderation required (adverts has gone through several "bursts" of out and out muppetry that last for weeks on end) it would be very much appreciated. But since of course you're trying to sling mud to paint me in a certain light I wont hold my breath.

    The fact that you have also brought some details into this that are quite frankly nobody's business seems rather remiss of you and shows your argument to be completely bankrupt (which is why I hadn't responded earlier). Or the fact that not once have you stepped up to any comments made regarding your own conduct and have instead tried to sling further innuendo and mud at me.

    Further, you have no idea as to what goes on behind the scenes of adverts moderation. For every user I ban, I have several PMs from other people asking questions that are dealt with in a civil and polite manner. I resent having to ban people because it means that I have to hold otherwise supposedly free-thinking people's hands on matters that should be common sense. I resent having to deal with people who try to make a mockery of adverts and other users repeatedly and take up my time. And most of all I resent cretins conducting witch-hunts to set themselves up as "pillars of the community" ahead of an AGM.

    You also seem to have an obsession with my relationship with FireKitten because you persist in bringing her into your arguments. This thread is supposedly about me. Not her. So make up your mind as to what you have an issue with, my moderation or my relationship.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    You would like to imply theres no connection but the original post shows perfectly clearly the fact that lemming acted with extreme prejudice in dealing with the poster. even pointing out how it was a bad idea to insult a mods girlfriend while the poster was "in the firing line for an awful f&cking beating"

    You can draw circles all day of you like but i can quote these exact points over?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    If you try and use your eyes... the user was already getting 3 months....

    the comment, if you read it, was in line with Lemming's usual sarcastic post style...

    it was akin to 'well that was a silly idea, you stabbed yourself... Didn't you know knives were sharp? Btw, that was my knife you used on yourself'

    The fact the knife bellonged to Lemming doesnt mean that he stabbed the user, the user did it themselves, it was merely a last cutting remark.

    If you bother to read those quotes you keep making, you may notice that not only is Lemming a strict, and fair moderator, but he has NEVER once been bias in any way. Why would he start now?

    I'm sorry, but this is begining to stink of a witch hunt... its gotten to the 'but! but! but!' stage...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Masada wrote: »
    You would like to imply theres no connection but the original post shows perfectly clearly the fact that lemming acted with extreme prejudice in dealing with the poster. even pointing out how it was a bad idea to insult a mods girlfriend while the poster was "in the firing line for an awful f&cking beating"

    You can draw circles all day of you like but i can quote these exact points over?

    Indeed, you can draw circles all day too. Rather dishonest ones I might add.

    Allow me to reiterate something that you have obviously forgotten in your giddy haste to sling mud Richard;

    From my original reply to you.
    Lemming wrote: »

    Pardu breached two rules, as already explained. One fundamentally important one as far as forums are concerned, and one that is both fundamental to and On this, I have been crystal clear; I considered his past behaviour which has not been favourable, I considered his post count and boards activity (heavily on airsoft adverts), I considered the nature of both his bans and then handed him three months. I would have done the same for any other user in the same circumstances. Indeed he has been on my radar for quite some time albeit hadn't quite crossed the line until the thread in question.

    The ban was handed down without bias; as much as several posters here seem think me incapable of doing so, the irony of their accusation not escaping me (but more on that later too). At no time did my relationship to the OP interfere in the ban-making process, other than to make me smile as I did it.

    ... (and further down the same post)

    I gave Pardu13 a ban that would have been the same length given his circumstances had it been any other user. My relationship to the OP did not affect the ban making process save to make me laugh and think how unfortunate Pardu13 was to have sent that PM to me, trying to justify his use of abuse whilst continuing it. My choice of language after the PM could most certainly have been better phrased but nonetheless it was painfully obvious as to what I was referring to.

    As for why I mentioned that FireKitten is my better half in the thread in question? Had I not (and I have nothing to hide), either Masada or an acquaintance would have brought it up either as reported (like Moggser), or slung mud and .. guess what? We're right back to this point in time anyway.

    and here in response to a question from Funbags Freddie here
    Lemming wrote: »
    In short, Pardu had tried to both justify his personal abuse and further it in PM to me, knowing full well what was likely coming his way. I found it hillarious in so much as it was a case of "talk about doing the most unfortunate thing possible in front of the wrong person". It gave me a laugh and it also shows the further willingness of Pardu13 to abuse another user. Again, that it was FireKitten is besides the point other than the amusement factor involved.

    and again clarified for Funbags Freddie here
    Lemming wrote: »
    Sorry, thought I'd made it a bit clearer. I published the PM to show the further level of personal abuse being engaged in by Pardu, and his willingness to do so.

    Pardu got three months regardless of who had been the OP due to his persistent behaviour. The fact that you refuse to see that and keep insisting that there is fire speaks more for your own credibility than anything else. My choice of wording after posting the PM was unfortunate, but that's about it.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Again you are going all over the place with plenty of letters but no content james.

    The issues in the above post have nothing to do with context but YOUR CONDUCT in dealing with them. you do so with abuseive behaviour and threatening.

    My name isnt RICHARD i should point out too, If you have a problem with me posting your real name then i apologize.

    Once again you revert to name calling and abuse instead of addressing the concerns i have very very clearly laid out.

    I object to being called a cretin for making a valid complaint through a medium in place to do so, and its just another reflection of your reactionary overpowering posting style.

    Regarding your position on banning people, I must point out you took great pride in bragging about your number of bans at an airsoft gathering not all that long ago in front of many people. you thought it hugely impressive that you had such a high count and even bragged of banning 30 something people in one thread. please james, dont bullsh1t me, at least be honest and address the concerns i have laid out.
    quit with the conspiracy theories. youve been called on them by myself plenty of times and you refuse to back them up.

    Regarding firekitten,
    You have shown how you let your personal relationship cloud your judgment as stated in my post above this,
    Masada wrote: »
    You would like to imply theres no connection but the original post shows perfectly clearly the fact that lemming acted with extreme prejudice in dealing with the poster. even pointing out how it was a bad idea to insult a mods girlfriend while the poster was "in the firing line for an awful f&cking beating"

    You can draw circles all day of you like but i can quote these exact points over?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Masada wrote: »
    Again you are going all over the place with plenty of letters but no content james.

    Really? But you keep harping back to how Pardu was unfairly banned. Indeed, your opening post was about that thread. So what's going on here? Is it harsh moderator decision or something else?

    Make up your mind.
    The issues in the above post have nothing to do with context but YOUR CONDUCT in dealing with them. you do so with abuseive behaviour and threatening.

    Really? Nothing whatsoever? You've never told someone not to do something, watched them do it repeatedly and then told them nt to do so again whilst swearing at them? I find that remarkably difficult to believe.
    Once again you revert to name calling and abuse instead of addressing the concerns i have very very clearly laid out.

    I object to being called a cretin for making a valid complaint through a medium in place to do so, and its just another reflection of your reactionary overpowering posting style.

    No, what you laid out was an exercise in dishonesty Masada. Very dishonest. For that I will pull no punches in calling you on it, or your motives to do so
    Regarding your position on banning people, I must point out you took great pride in bragging about your number of bans at an airsoft gathering not all that long ago in front of many people. you thought it hugely impressive that you had such a high count and even bragged of banning 30 something people in one thread. please james, dont bullsh1t me, at least be honest and address the concerns i have laid out.

    Don't bullsh*t? Coming from you? Coming from this? Would you like to mention the 34 people in one thread thing? Ok, lets go there shall we? That was a wind up on a whole load of people that were doing a wind up on one of the old For-Sale category forums several years ago.. Most of those banned were unbanned the next day, and most found it rather funny.


    and the feedback thread

    You're desperate for arguments if this is the best that you can do Masada.

    quit with the conspiracy theories. youve been called on them by myself plenty of times and you refuse to back them up.

    I think Gandalf made a rather eloquent post in that regard as to what has been being said and orchestrated behind my back in recent days. More eloquent than handing over reams and reams of conversation to somebody I don't consider worth the effort of compilation.
    Regarding firekitten,
    You have shown how you let your personal relationship cloud your judgment as stated in my post above this,

    In your opinion. And again I'll point out that you have repeatedly allowed your own personal bias come into this by again, repeatedly dragging her name into this despite requests not to do so, and the irrelevancy since this is apparently a thread about my moderation. Right?

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Contratulations on yet another pointless tail chasing post lemming..


    I'm a bit fed up reading your posts at this stage, they are so full of dead ends and half sentences.
    SPIT THE CONSPIRACY THEORY OUT!, or drop it. simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Masada wrote: »
    Contratulations on yet another pointless tail chasing post lemming..


    I'm a bit fed up reading your posts at this stage, they are so full of dead ends and half sentences.
    SPIT THE CONSPIRACY THEORY OUT!, or drop it. simple.
    When did he abuse his power?


    I'm not relevant to your quest Masada, Please leave my name out of this in future, I'm asking nicely.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    The OP thread involved you firekitten,

    Get off your pitty quest, nobody has threatened you or gotten personal with you. I will continue to refer to your involvement when lemming is addressing my concerns st out in the title.

    Further to that, if you want to be left out of it, then get out of it. you are questioning me on hwo he abused his mod powers and yt you dont want to be involved?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 452 ✭✭Phractal

    Masada: This may be a simplistic view, but if he was hell bent on abusing his powers, would he not have banned you? I know its a real simple view but its very relavent.

    Also, I dont see why y'all keep dragging Firekitten into this. She aint involved in this so I suggest you respect her wishes to be left out of this.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    He cant ban me because i very rarely post in that section. he would have to have a clear reason for doing so too, which he doesn't have.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Mirto

    [feedbackold]Pics of FireKitten plz.[/fb]

    Or GTFO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Masada wrote: »
    nobody has threatened you or gotten personal with you. I will continue to refer to your involvement when lemming is addressing my concerns st out in the title.
    And im sorry, but you keep raising my name, regardless of my posting or not, suggesting in both instances, that Lemming is behaving in a bias manner towards me. This tarnishes my own name, and I am respectfully asking that you stick you your topic, and question, that you keep repeating, (without my name) and decist from raising mine to muddy the water. It's a shallow tactic Richie, and irelevant to your own topic question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    Masada wrote: »
    He cant ban me because i very rarely post in that section. he would have to have a clear reason for doing so too, which he doesn't have.
    Well, if hes as bias and abusive of his power as you claim, why would he need a clear reason as you state yourself? doesnt that contradict your own stance in this?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    I will refer to you where relevent in the process of this complaint firekitten, if you object to this you may use the report function and i am more than willing to abide by the decision made by the FB mods.

    thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Mirto

    Firekitten wrote: »
    Well, if hes as bias and abusive of his power as you claim, why would he need a clear reason as you state yourself? doesnt that contradict your own stance in this?

    Are you going to get them out or what?


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 452 ✭✭Phractal

    Mirto wrote: »
    [feedbackold]Pics of FireKitten plz.[/fb]

    Or GTFO.

    WTF is this doing here? Its totally off topic.

    Mirto... I am reporting your post. Have a nice day.

    Anyways, Masada, thanks for clearing up the issue of the extent of moderation powers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Mirto

    Phractal wrote: »
    WTF is this doing here? Its totally off topic.

    Anyways, Masada, thanks for clearing up the issue of the extent of moderation powers.

    Leming likes the Olkskool feedbck.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Firekitten wrote: »
    Well, if hes as bias and abusive of his power as you claim, why would he need a clear reason as you state yourself? doesnt that contradict your own stance in this?

    Because mods cant ban people for nothing. there would have to be a reason.

    Is there anything constructive you would like to add to this thread firekitten?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 452 ✭✭Phractal

    Masada is actually correct. I recognise how vBullitin software works - one must enter a reason for banning... OR... He could just enter a BS reason and proceed to ban you anyway. The software allows for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Mirto

    Masada wrote: »
    Is there anything constructive you would like to add to this thread firekitten?

    Her breasts?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭Firekitten

    I could ask that of yourself too Masada. My only desire, is for you to stop refering to me. I am not relevant to this complaint about bullying and abusive behavior. Please stop adding me into this as you see fit. I will be reporting future additions which are essentially suggestion of bias, where none is present, Constantly raising my relationship is suggesting an apparent link with incorect behavior on Lemming's part, and it's begining to border on slanderous as you have no evidence to suggest otherwise.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    Again Firekitten,

    If you have a problem as per my last post please make your issue known to the FB mods, to whom i will remain completely compliant.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,584 CMod ✭✭✭✭Steve

    Mirto, what you posted was disgusting.

    Pretend 'severe beatings' in an internet forum are too good for you.

    Masada, no offence but you seem to be clutching at straws now. Apart from using some colourful metaphors, there is nothing (by your own admission) wrong with Lemming's application of the rules.

    Yes some colourful langauge comes out now and then but if you'd any idea of the amount of abuse that gets thrown at adverts mods on a daily basis then perhaps you'd understand.

    Bear in mind that it's a very frustrating job and there's no thanks for it - repeatedly telling people what the rules are and the having them ignore you and call you Hitler is not pleasant - I should know - I really don't know how I've managed not to lose the rag in public on previous occasions.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭Masada

    steve, a mod of your experience should know, no matter what you have to put up with in your thankless job, you do not retaliate to rule breaking, by rule breaking,. I don't think i've ever seen any such posts by yourself? If it's ok the hey, let's all dish out slaps and unmercyful beatings, aparently it's the norm,.
    Steve wrote: »
    Mirto, what you posted was disgusting.

    Pretend 'severe beatings' in an internet forum are too good for you.

    Masada, no offence but you seem to be clutching at straws now. Apart from using some colourful metaphors, there is nothing (by your own admission) wrong with Lemming's application of the rules.

    Yes some colourful langauge comes out now and then but if you'd any idea of the amount of abuse that gets thrown at adverts mods on a daily basis then perhaps you'd understand.

    Bear in mind that it's a very frustrating job and there's no thanks for it - repeatedly telling people what the rules are and the having them ignore you and call you Hitler is not pleasant - I should know - I really don't know how I've managed not to lose the rag in public on previous occasions.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 386 ✭✭Airsofty

    "Clutching at straws" I don’t see how to be honest. In fact Masada should be commended for stating exactly what is on a lot of Forum user’s minds in relation to using or placing ads in the Airsoft section of boards.

    Depending on who the moderator is, the slightest faux pas in an advert can be met with over reaction and on occasion met with an air of superiority. Aside from this it would appear to me that decisions are made on the individual moderator’s mood on the day and the adverts moderation in general lacks continuity.

    Regardless moderators set the standard for everyone else, so in short if the moderator uses bad language and personal comments on individual users why wouldn’t everyone think it was ok to do the same.....

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