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Ultra Street Fighter 4 Discussion Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,181 ✭✭✭✭Jim

    Dreddybajs wrote: »
    lol, while I'm not disputing its legitimacy, could they have happened to have a worse camera on them at the time??

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    It wouldn't be a 'leaked' photo if it wasn't taken on a .3mpx camera

    It's tradition dontchaknow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    Hes like a cross between urien and jimmy hill

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,181 ✭✭✭✭Jim



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    wtf @ ibuki! Am I blind or did they remove her overhead????? Forward medium kick!?

    Wtf is this spinkick thing? :confused::mad:

    *edit* nvm I checked the vid again and it looks like she has it along with forward hk, guess we don't see the whole move list.

    By the way, that guy theleaker is after being banned by SRK and a few things taken off the front page, it appears capcom are cracking down a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,084 ✭✭✭✭Kirby

    Dreddybajs wrote: »
    What would you like to see changed/added to Sim, Kirby? Haven't really thought about him at all myself, would be interested to know.
    Azza wrote: »
    My 2 cents on Sim for what its worth.

    Fix Up Blast and Ex.Up Blast to be decent anti air, but not a solution to cross ups on wake up.

    Make Drills safe on hit.

    Both of these moves seem useless at the moment.

    Slight damage buff to his ultra.

    Maybe a slight health buff.

    I would keep his health as is. He has good zoning tools. It makes sense that he has low health. Ofcourse more would be great :D, but for balance I would say keep it as is.

    I would like a few frames less recovery on his fireball. Nothing major, 3 or 4 would do it. It would still keep him on the bottom tier of fireballs, but it would help somewhat.

    His roundhouse slide needs better recovery. Its pretty much his only way to knock an opponent down outside of yoga flame combo's.

    I'd also like his throw range increased to 1.0 like rose's. His short game is appalling for a reason and this would help slightly in that regard. Not a huge thing, but I mean come on! he has stretchy arms! :p

    His new ultra looks very good for some teleport shenanigans so I'm happy with that as long as it does more damage than his current one.

    Like azza said, he needs a bit of frame advantage on a couple of his drills, or at the very least frame neutrality. As it stands, even when I time it perfectly I still get hit sometimes. They are only useful right now for positioning and escaping a corner.

    The yoga blast, or upflame as its also known, needs a heavy buff too. Keep the heavy recovery if you must, but the hitbox needs huge improvement as its too small. Also, I would like to see the motion for it changed to a simple QCB plus buttons. Quarter circle back would make it easier to do with split second reactions.

    One last thing. Dhalsim has no use for FADC. You can't perform any viable combo's with it. The only thing you can use it for is to fireball then FADC to bait out abel or chun li's ultra but there are better ways of baiting imo.

    Considering he has no use for it, thinking outside the box here, but why not give him an EX telport of sorts that uses two metres instead and letting him teleport accross the screen. Have him burn metre as a way out of the corner using two bars. Just an idea. Using 2 bars , 3 bars or perhaps all of his metre in the process would prevent it from being overpowered or abused.

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Sims Roundhouse slide does have terrible recovery. Between -18 and -6 or around that. I would not object to it have slightly improved recovery but 9 times ot of 10 it still should be punishable on block like all the other slide sweeps.

    Perhpas making all slide sweeps Ex. Focus cancelable would be an option. (only cancelable if blocked close)

    Would not like to see an a range increase on his throw. Don't think it goes with his character design of been crap when his zoning game fails.

    Not sure I like the idea of Ex.Teleport. Sim has pretty much nothing to spend meter on bar his very good super so if it was only 2 bars I think it would be too strong. 3 Bars and it probably be a better idea to save the meter for super.

    I'm curious to know how an Ex. Teleport would work, press all 6 buttons together?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,084 ✭✭✭✭Kirby

    yup. thats how I would implement it alright. And why not let him burn metre for it? Loads of the cast can get out of a corner for free as long as they time it right. Ryu can, Akuma can, Bison can, gen can, vega can, seth can etc. and they all have good short games.

    I think it would be an interesting way of compensating for lack of fadc into ultra that nearly every other character has.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    Kirby wrote: »
    yup. thats how I would implement it alright. And why not let him burn metre for it? Loads of the cast can get out of a corner for free as long as they time it right. Ryu can, Akuma can, Bison can, gen can, vega can, seth can etc. and they all have good short games.

    They're removing a lot of these in SSF4 and imo it's for the good of the game (air hurricane and EX oga aren't going to be as good for escaping corner for free off the top of my head). SF4 is bad enough as it is without adding more **** like that .

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    The difference is the other characters don't have Sims zoning game. Seth and Akuma yeah can zone as well or nearly as well as Sim but they have far less health.

    An its not quite that simple in getting out of a corner for many characters.

    A few do have very good tools for excaping the corner, like Akuma's teleport and Seth's wall jump as well as Gen's Ex.oga. Rog has lp :D

    Looking at the options for other characters most don't have anything garunteed to work.

    Air Tatsu can be stuffed during its start up.
    Blanka can be hit out of ex.rainbow ball, option selects help with it.
    Bisons options are match up dependent. Mostly ex.psycho is used but that looses to the shoto's option selects, Sims and Seths stretch punch, Giefs larait, Abel and Akuma's ultra, Fei-Longs Rekka's. Also if not done point blank beside the person several have normals that can tag him on recovery (Blanka, Chun, Rufus)
    Viper has super jump but can be hit out of that on start up.

    But some have nothing.
    Abel has nothing.
    Chun-Li has nothing.
    Guile has nothing.
    Honda nothing.
    Vega has nothing.

    Some have wall jumps but are a calculated risk that can leave them open.

    There is also a few characters like Sim that gain almost nothing from FADC moves, Vega, Bison, El Feurte, and argubly Guile. While only a few like Ryu, Akuma and Sagat really geta big advantage out of it. The rest of the cast the advantages of FADC are more moderate.

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  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Dreddybajs wrote:
    They're removing a lot of these in SSF4 and imo it's for the good of the game (air hurricane and EX oga aren't going to be as good for escaping corner for free off the top of my head). SF4 is bad enough as it is without adding more **** like that .

    I heard a while back the range on air tatsu (or coward copter as some call it) has been reduced.

    However the Gen forums on shoryuken have alot of conflicting info with some people saying that Ex.Oga and his hands combo-ing into mk into hands still remain while others say they are gone.

    Capcom did state of all the SF IV characters being tweaked the most work and changes had gone into Gen.

    Not sure though if I would begrudge a Gen player his escape move though. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    Leaker update: He got banned from SRK - it seems he was posting legit info and Capcom asked SRK to plug the leak up.

    Some interesting stuff from this NeoGAF thread:
    the hilarious part is that the story on the front page is all about the leak.. yet Mr.Wizard banned the poster and removed all of his posts. Way to go, orange.

    more stuff:

    this was from gamefaqs and also got deleted D:
    Hot off the SRK...

    Originally Posted by TheLeaker2: **** this ****. I am going to lose my ****ing job now.
    Thanks a lot SRK

    [he got banned] and

    Originally Posted by TheLeaking: Costume 10 works similar to Costumes 11 & 12 in the sense that they alter the costume beyond color. It'll have its own color, but it will also change something specific about the characters costume.

    I had stated before that the Pic would be revealing, and that the doubters can trust my leaked Info. You can expect the the planned screenshots of monday to be posted accordingly, showing examples of the costumes.

    I Leak info:
    Fuerte has fewer recovery frames for a majority of his moves.

    He didn't get banned. Yet. Who do we trust? Does he mean colour?

    Also wasn't the changing part of the costume thing in SF4? How was it possible to get it to appear?
    (a whole bunch of Dudley screenshots)
    More "TheLeaker"

    SSF4 NEWS: Hakan has 4 Special Moves: 2 Grapple (360 P or 360 K in Air), 1 Slide (QCF P), 1 Oiling Up (SRK K) (via TheLeaker)

    SSF4 NEWS: Hakan's slide counters fireball spammers; unsafe on block. Good damage w/Normals; not combo heavy. (via TheLeaker)

    SSF4 NEWS: Hakan's Ultra 2 is prob his best weapon & best anti-air move in game; shuts down any jumping game. (via TheLeaker)

    Sheesh. Seems they deleted a lot of posts with others' responses too. Let me see what I've gleaned thus far, based on what others have posted that haven't been deleted (so this is really third hand info, and quite possibly inaccurate):

    - The 11/12 colour thing is the bonus for SFIV owners.
    - Hakan has a button charge command grab
    - Has that oil special rumoured a while ago. Something about storing command grabs?!

    Oh, seems he still has saome posts on EventHubs:

    Quote:Originally Posted by TheLurker on eventHubs
    Hakan has 4 special moves:

    - 360 P grapple
    - 360 or HCB? K - Grapple ala Alex 3s. The jumping one.
    - QCF P. Slide like Ibuki. If hit press P for another Hit
    - SRK K for Oiling up.

    Quote:I guess i can leak my opinion:

    - About SRK the banning is weird. There was no clause in the terms that i could be banned for leaking info. The Ban is permanent so i wont be making a return on SRK.

    - Hakan looks awesome. He resembles Hellboy, Darun. Some of you made the link to Wario :) His build resembles Marduk of Tekken 6. He is big, not as tall as gief tho. There is oil dripping and oozing all over his body. Weird and nice effect.

    Gameplaywise: I really cant put him somewhere on the charts. My initial impression of a longtime SF player, is that he will be mid-tier.

    His slide is a counter against fireballspammers. He'll have a problem with low Tiger Shots. Slide is unsafe if blocked. Great damage on normals. Not combo heavy.

    His U2 is probably his best weapon and best Anti-air move in the game. It shuts down any jumping game.
    Also got this from someone else on SRk concerning Hakan's ultras:

    Quote:Oil Coaster a 720º + PPP and Oil Combination Hold a D, D + KKK move. But I'm guessing he misplaced the names with the commands. The other way around makes more sense to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    I wish he leaked more info about other things rather than bloody Hakan the oily **** wrestler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Ry wrote: »
    I wish he leaked more info about other things rather than bloody Hakan the oily **** wrestler.

    Well he leaked enough to know that Hakan has indeed got 360 commands and this confirms to me that Capcom are no longer making charge characters. This makes me a sad panda.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    They said on the nakky blog before that charge characters are really hard to make for some reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Bush80 wrote: »
    They said on the nakky blog before that charge characters are really hard to make for some reason.

    Yeh this is what I presumed the reason was for them not adding more when we spoke the other day Dan. I'd say that's why. Cuz they have to take so much into account to keep them balanced with standard characters.

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Isn't Dee Jay a charge character?

    Charge character seems harder to balance. They don't have access on demand to high damaging punishers, and outside of Balrog none of the current crop have ultra's they can land consistently and generally speaking FADC moves does not benefit them as much as the shoto type characters.

    Seems some of the current charge characters are going become hybrid characters.

    Rog and Honda's new ultras are command throws.
    Chun's and Bison's 2nd ultra is 2xQCF motion. (you could already argue Bison was like this as he had a non charge move with his Teleport)

    Seems like Guiles, Blanka and Vega's new ultra are still charge moves though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Azza wrote: »
    Isn't Dee Jay a charge character?

    Charge character seems harder to balance. They don't have access on demand to high damaging punishers, and outside of Balrog none of the current crop have ultra's they can land consistently and generally speaking FADC moves does not benefit them as much as the shoto type characters.

    Seems some of the current charge characters are going become hybrid characters.

    Rog and Honda's new ultras are command throws.
    Chun's and Bison's 2nd ultra is 2xQCF motion. (you could already argue Bison was like this as he had a non charge move with his Teleport)

    Seems like Guiles, Blanka and Vega's new ultra are still charge moves though.
    Is Vega's definitely a charge? :(:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval
    ...before letting us get our hands on the final fighter on the roster Hakan. A huge red Turkish wrestler who lathers himself with oil during fights, Hakan sports some of the most hilarious Ultras we've ever seen.

    Info on Hakan coming soon, says Seth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,181 ✭✭✭✭Jim

    Price in the US confirmed to be $40. I believe the normal retail price for games is $60 - $70, so hopefully our price will be around €30 - €40

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    I asked this question a few pages back but it was ignored possibly due to conversation moving onto something else or just people not knowing but I'll ask again.

    There's talk of Supar Mega Elite Editions of SSF4 only available from Capcom Unity or something pre-order yadda yadda.

    Does anyone know how we here in Ireland can get our hands on them if possible or are we confined to whatever Gamestop/Game/etc can muster up for their shelves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    I pre-ordered in Game in the other day but they don't know what their package is.
    I'll have to check Gamestop after france.

    Regarding charge characters, I would imagine that they are a lot harder to balance but I would still like to see some new charge characters. Yes Dee jay is a charge character but he is an established character as opposed to a new character. Maybe if there's a third edition we might see a new one but I'm not going to hold my breath. Especially because I've seen very little mention of this trend outside this forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    A brief summary of all the Hakan leak shenanigans.

    EDIT: Some tweets re: Hakan:
    SSF4 NEWS: Hakan's "U2 if connected and has a female opponent it will look like they are doing a Position 69" (via TheLeaker)
    SSF4 NEWS: "When Hakan oils up during battle he becomes ungrabable..." (via TheLeaker via @pesaddict) #ssf4 #sf4 #hakan

  • Registered Users Posts: 353 ✭✭Generic_name01

    Jim wrote: »
    Price in the US confirmed to be $40. I believe the normal retail price for games is $60 - $70, so hopefully our price will be around €30 - €40

    Yeah I work in Smyths and the price is 29.99! Not too shabby

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Yeah I work in Smyths and the price is 29.99! Not too shabby

    Do you know what kind of pre-order bonuses will be in Smyths?

  • Registered Users Posts: 353 ✭✭Generic_name01

    HMUYA wrote: »
    Do you know what kind of pre-order bonuses will be in Smyths?

    If you worked here, you'd laugh so hard at that. Its a shame because we dont have any pre-order stuff. But staff get a discount so for me it'll be hard to resist 24.99 personally. I did some searching through other shops and at the mo, no seems to have any bonus excluding online retailers.

    P.S the "laugh so hard" isnt an insult towards you but towards smyths. eg for a while we were advertising the god of war collection package even though we were never going to sell it! >.<

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    If you can get a copy for me early.....I'll pay you €49.99 for it!!!;):D:)

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    Seconded! I'll pay 50 for an early copy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    If you worked here, you'd laugh so hard at that. Its a shame because we dont have any pre-order stuff. But staff get a discount so for me it'll be hard to resist 24.99 personally. I did some searching through other shops and at the mo, no seems to have any bonus excluding online retailers.

    P.S the "laugh so hard" isnt an insult towards you but towards smyths. eg for a while we were advertising the god of war collection package even though we were never going to sell it! >.<

    Damn those shops! And they wonder why bricks and mortar shops aren't doing as well as online retailers.

    I really want to get that guile t-shirt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 353 ✭✭Generic_name01

    Lol I wish I could guys but I'm a lowly staff member! And we only get games instore two days before release! (two days I shall use well)

    Solution= find someone that works in software and befriend the hella them so come the end of april you'll be ahead (by only two days) of the pack! ;)
