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American Muscletechie

  • 25-09-2009 3:46am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭

    Background post: skip ahead for the routine itself.

    My physical background

    I was introduced to exercise at a very young age. My parents believed in the philosophy that each mental activity needed to be paired with a physical activity if one truly wanted to be healthy. My main sports were jujitsu/MMA and I enjoyed years of training in these disciplines. However, in 2002 I severely bruised my spinal cord when two cervical vertebrae displaced during training for an international youth jujitsu competition. I was actually told I may not walk again after this injury. Years of rehabilitative training have proven otherwise. Because of this, I lost sensation in all of my left side until recently, and still am unable to feel the back region from my left hamstring to my mid spine. This trauma has removed me from most sport entirely. A slew of other injuries occurred relating to this sensation loss including: two separated shoulders, stress fractures of both tibia and fibula, etc etc etc (I pole vaulted in secondary school and it didn't quite agree with me). I only note all this because until recently I have not been able to truly train in the manner I'd like.

    I'm 21 years old and 5'8" (173 cm). At the moment, I estimate myself to be between 165 and 180 lbs (11-12 st) at about 10% body fat. I hope to gain 15 lbs (~1 st) by the end of this training regimen. :D

    Education and training
    I've worked in the field in some form since 2004. I earned my CPT through NESTA in 2006 after spending a short time studying Kinesiology at the Pennsylvania State University. I also have a simple background in athletic training, health education, and sports nutrition.

    Behind the workout
    I decided to log my new 2 week bulking routine. I was going to do pictures but then I remembered I don't own a camera outside my mobile :D. Nor do I own a scale, so I'll have to go with estimates on bodyweight/fat (I use the un-flexed abs showing-or-not method to guesstimate bf). As mentioned above, this is my bulking routine. It's going to look odd and not really make sense, but I base it on years and years of figuring out what works for myself along with the research I've read. The main concept behind what I do stems from Arthur Jones' theory on exercise. Layman's: total muscular exhaustion. To achieve it, I do complex/isolation/complex exercise for opposing muscle groups during the same session. This allows for me to push beyond a normal lift given one muscle group helps to clear the other of soreness and lactic acid by essentially stealing what your body needs to make you feel fatigued in one or the other. In short: twice the effect, half the soreness.

    Supplements and diet
    With each post I will also include the day's diet. For this bulking, I'll be stacking GAKIC/nanoVAPOR/LEUKIC/Anabolic Halo. Last time I ran through a similar program, I didn't have nano but I included CREAKIC. This achieved an 18 lb raw gain in 15 days, 15 total increase after an additional week detox. My body fat only increased by about 3%.

    Note: My MA program starts this Monday so this should be even more interesting!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Chest/Back/Abs Day

    Breakfast: 12:30 PM
    2 bricks Weetabix for breakfast with a half cup of low fat milk.

    1500 mL water

    Lunch: 15:30 PM
    1 hamburger patty with half bag of portioned rice, 1/2 teaspoon ketchup.

    1500 mL water

    6:30 PM
    GAKIC - 8 tabs
    6:45 PM
    nanoVAPOR - 2 scoops in 300 mL water
    7:00 PM
    LEUKIC - 6 tabs

    7:05 Lift time!


    Bench Press: 110kg x 3; 110kg x 3; 100kg x 6; 105kg x 4
    No spotter for all this :( ... and a terrible one for the two sets I refuse to include given the boy equated bench press spotting with bent-over rowing

    Chest Fly Machine: 95kg x 6; 105kg x 6; 85kg x 6; 65kg x 6
    Really good flexion on these, took them nice and slow. Sometimes do dumbbell, but Saturday is Legs/Shoulders so I don't risk DOMS.

    Chest Press Machine: 65kg x 6 x 3.
    Just a shock circuit for the whole muscle group.

    Standing Low-to-High Fly with Pulley: 11.25 kg each arm x 10 x 3
    I miss my wide-grip press Hammerstrength back at Penn State :(

    Standing High-to-Low Fly with Pulley: 23.25 kg each arm x 10 x 3
    I'm a little OCD about hitting all the angles...


    Pull-ups: 10 x 3
    Nice and steady, dead-hang, and no kipping.

    Bent-Over Barbell Row (Overhand): 50kg x 8, 70kg x 8, 70kg x 6
    My glute cramped up somethin' fierce on the third set. Not too sure why.

    Bent-Over Fixed Bar Row (Underhand): 45kg x 10 x 3
    Just to be thorough.

    Seated Row / Rear Deltoid Machine: 65kg x 10 x 3
    I take these really slow and try to feel the whole flexion as I go through the motion. Only real way for me to tell my left and right are getting worked evenly.

    Pulley Pull-down (Overhand, Handle-straps not bar): 33.25kg/2 x 6, 36.75kg/2 x 6, 43.25kg/2 x 6
    Again trying to make sure the sides stay even.

    Close-Grip Underhand Pull-down with Bar: 43.25kg/2 x 6, 46.75kg/2 x 6, Stack/2 x 6
    I hate these because I have to put a 25kg plate on my lap to stay seated. These have always come easy for me unless I do a ton of weight.

    Dumbbell Pull-over: 24kg x 10, 28kg x 10, 34kg x 6
    Same as above coming easy for me, and really great to get my serratus anterior to "pop".

    Lat Flexor Machine: 65kg x 6 x 3
    Just to really make me feel it in the morning.


    Dragon Flag: 15
    Slow, steady, everything off bench but shoulders coming to parallel with ground and held perfectly straight. Nothing makes me hate and love myself more than this gross exercise.

    Piking Leg Raise: 8, 15, 15
    I do them right after the dragon flag in the same style only letting my back/butt touch the bench on the way down. Really hits everything.

    Oblique Rotation Machine: 65kg x 10/2, 75kg x 10/2, 55kg x 10/2
    Super slow, really feeling everything move through the twist. Keep momentum out of it and it's astounding.

    *Normally after abs I'd do deadlifts, but I didn't want to risk putting my leg workout on Saturday off and the glute cramp was a good indication to hold off*

    Anabolic Halo - 3 scoops in 650 mL water

    9:15: Walk home, take a shower, 750 mL water, and pass out 'til 3 AM when you decide to start your fitness log! Oh and forget to eat dinner so that when you wake up at 3 AM you almost eat yourself out of house and home.

    Tomorrow is rest day (7 hr life-draining meeting for Int'l students at DCU) but will log food/water/supps.

    Saturday: Legs/Shoulders/Feel Tiny because there's a bodybuilding competition you need to pass to and from the gym :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Rest day!

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    Weetabix 2 bricks
    750 mL water

    250 mL water

    250 mL water

    Orientation lunch.
    2x some Chicken/Pineapple kebab
    2x some small puff pastry
    500 mL water


    2 tbsp peanut butter on one slice white bread x 4
    750 mL water


    1500 mL water
    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    1 tin tuna drained with 2 tbsp Miracle Whip
    4 slices toast

    Anabolic Halo - 2.5 scoops in 650mL water

    I think I'm going to cut back tomorrow's pre-workout to 1 scoop of nanoVAPOR because between that and the GAKIC, I was feelin a little too wired.

    Tomorrow is: Legs/Shoulders

  • Registered Users Posts: 779 ✭✭✭papajimsmooth

    Your recovery and determination is one of the most awesome things i have ever heard, keep up the good work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    Welcome aboard. This log is


    Can't believe you're only 21 with that list of injuries.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    kevpants wrote: »
    Welcome aboard. This log is


    Can't believe you're only 21 with that list of injuries.

    lol. Yeah I idiotically spent a period of time after my injury thinking that because I couldn't feel the pain of the exercise, I could do more! Hence running my legs to splinters and ruining my rotator cuffs haha. Lessons learned.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    GAKIC - 8 tabs
    300 mL water

    nanoVAPOR - 1.5 scoops in 250 mL water
    I docked this down from 2 because this + the GAKIC = caffeine overdose and I didn't want my workout to be interrupted by anal urination feeling unwell :D

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    250 mL water


    We're not allowed to free squat at DCU so I had to hold off on legs 'til after shoulders because our sole smith machine was constantly occupied...


    Barbell Overhead Press: 70kg x 8, 70kg x 6, 80kg x fail, 75kg x fail, 70kg x 6
    I just couldn't seem to pass my sticking point on the heavy ones despite the light feeling like nothing. Big problem with valsalva on these normally so concentrated on breathing and kept form nice today. The cleans up felt like nothing at all... I love GAKIC.

    Arnold Press: 26kg/2 x 6, 24kg/2 x 8, 22kg/2 x 8, 22kg/2 x 8
    These always give me a really good burn/swell on the whole deltoid so I like to use them before isolating with flys. Left anterior was still sore from bench on Thursday so hopefully won't be on fire come tomorrow morning.

    Lateral Fly: 12.5kg/2 x 8, 15kg/2 x 6, 15kg/2 x 6, 12.5kg/2 x 6
    Good form, slow raise, arms kept fully extended.

    Single Arm Lateral Fly: 15kg x 4/2 x 3
    Just to really kill the outside before moving on.

    Anterior Fly: 17.5kg/2 x 6 x 3
    I like to do these alternating arms because otherwise I valsalva way too much. I do the first set with the dumbbell perpendicular to the ground, second parallel, and third twisting from perpendicular to parallel and really squeezing at the top.

    Single Arm Rear Deltoid w/ Pulley: 11.25kg x 6/2, 11.25kg x 8/2, 11.25kg x 10/2
    I set the pulley to about shoulder height, keep my arm fully extended, and draw the handle from opposite shoulder across my chest to full 180 degree while keeping it parallel to ground (hard as hell for me to describe in words right now?). This keeps my back out of it and really burns up my rear delts.

    Fixed Bar Front Raise: 30kg x 10, 35kg x 10, 45kg x 10
    Just finishing off the unit.

    Dumbbell Overhead Press: 26kg/2 x 6 x 2
    Same as above. Only bringing weights down until the radius/humerus make a 90 degree angle.


    Leg Press Machine: 125kg x 6 x 3

    Smith Machine Squat: 50kg x 6, 80kg x 6, 50kg x 6
    Very slow and very deep. Driving from heels. Almost let stomach flatten to thighs before rising.

    Leg Curl Machine: 65kg x 10, 75kg x 10, 55kg x 8
    Slow curl bringing legs through full range of motion from full extension to as full flexion as the machine allows.

    Leg Extension Machine: 95kg x 8, 75kg x 10, 65kg x 10, 35kg x 15
    Slow lift and a strong flex at full extension for 1 solid second on each rep. Makes me so nauseous but works so well :D

    Dumbbell Lunge: 15kg/2 x 10/2, 20kg/2 x 8/2, 15kg/2 x 6/2
    Keeping everything perfectly straight and only allowing upward/downward motion. The second I get any side-to-side I reset. All about preserving my knees.

    Weight Plate Calf Raise Circuit: 25/2 x 3
    I lay a 20kg plate on its side, and then with the "ball" of each foot on its edge do 25 full calf raises. I immediately follow this by turning around and placing each heel on the plate. I then go to max calf flexion and hold for a half second and repeat for 25. Three sets on the whole circuit.

    Leg Press Machine Calf Raise: 95kg x 25, 105kg x 20, 95kg x 15
    Put the ball of both feet side by side at the bottom, center of the leg press board after bringing it out to full extension. Then relax and allow my heels to drop under, followed by full flexion. Once again nauseous at the end of every set but does wonders for these chicken-legs.

    Anabolic Halo - 2.5 scoops in 650 mL water
    Figured out that my container won't last the 2 weeks unless I dock the serving size back slightly.

    Unexpected 5m Long Jump
    I accidentally turned off the power to the water heater last night and hopped into what may be the coldest shower I've ever been in outside an ice bath. :eek:

    Will be back to edit for food at the end of the night!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    3 bricks Weetabix with 1 cup milk
    1500 mL water


    3 chicken breasts, 2 bags rice, 1 pt gravy
    Bake the chicken breasts (180 C for 35 min), cook rice (12 min), make thin gravy (5 min). Shred chicken and put in gravy, reduce to demi-glace. Add rice, put over medium heat for 2 min to get the gravy into the rice.

    1/2 of the above

    1500 mL water

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    6 tbsp peanut butter
    3 slices bread from loaf I realized after consumption was thoroughly moldy :D

    750 mL water

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Biceps / Triceps / Trapezius

    GAKIC - 8 tabs
    500 mL Water

    nanoVAPOR - 1.5 scoops
    250 mL Water
    Will be decreasing to 1 scoop from now on because it's still making my stomach a little off with everything else

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    150 mL Water

    11:50 - Lift time!


    Standing EZ Bar Curl: 47.5kg x 10, 47.5kg x 8, 57.5kg x 6, 37.5kg x 10
    I like to use these to initially shock the unit and fatigue any supporting muscles playing a role in the workout. I used to do oly bar but it gives me pain down the outside of my ulna that impedes the rest of the workout. I allow a little "body English" here because I don't want to valsalva and mess up the rest of the lifts.

    Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 17.5kg/2 x 6/2, 20kg/2 x 6/2, 25kg/2 x 6/2
    I like to take these slow and really contract at the top. I'll redo the rep or sometimes even reset if I swing my elbows at all given it defeats the purpose of the exercise. I do alternating because, like in my shoulder workout, I don't want to valsalva.

    Alternating Hammer Curls: 26kg/2 x 6/2, 28kg/2 x 6/2, 30kg/2 x 6/2
    Same as above.

    Fixed Bar Reverse Curl: 30kg x 6, 35kg x 6, 40kg x 6
    Finish out the muscle group strong. Same as above: no swinging the elbows or it doesn't count.


    Fixed Bar Skull Crusher: 45kg x 8, 45kg x 8, 35kg x 10
    Naturally strong at these so I overdose on the weight to shock the muscles into uncoordinated idiocy.

    Rope Pulley Pushdown: 26.75kg x 10, 18.25kg x 6, 16.75kg x 6
    I bring it down to a full contraction and drive outward with the ends at the bottom. Burns up the different heads of the muscle.

    Close Handle Pulley Pushdown: 36.75kg x 6 x 3
    Just to eat away at the lateral head.

    Straight Bar Pulley Pushdown: 46.75kg x 6 x 3
    Long head.

    Straight Bar "TNT" Pushdown: 46.75kg x 10 x 3
    Wile E. Coyote style pushdowns (like using the TNT igniter). Hits that hard to work medial section pretty well.

    Single Arm Handle Pulley Kickback: 11.25kg x 6/2 x 3
    Just to finish it out.


    Dumbbell Shrug Pyramid: 15kg/2 x 20, 17.5kg/2 x 18, 20kg/2 x 16, 17.5kg/2 x 18, 15kg/2 x 20
    My neck can take a beating strength wise, so I try to wear out its endurance to get a better flexion toward the end.

    Overhead Dumbbell Fly: 9kg/2 x 10, 10kg/2 x 10 x 2
    This is something I picked up from martial arts years ago. It's like the complimentary ROM of a Lateral Fly. Almost as if you're going from a "Da Vinci" position to a dive while standing upright. Take them slow and steady, and they'll do wonders for the whole muscle group.

    Anabolic Halo: 3 scoops in 650 mL Water

    3 Bricks Weetabix in 1 cup milk

    1500 mL water

    Be back later to finish the rest!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    alrighty, help me out here on some of the terms :D i tried googling but to no avail

    ulna (i think this means forearms :D)


    btw. kick ass log

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    alrighty, help me out here on some of the terms :D i tried googling but to no avail

    ulna (i think this means forearms :D)


    btw. kick ass log


    Ulna is the bone whose end sticks out as the elbow. There's a nerve that runs down it and "long-bar" curls infuriate mine for some reason. Do them and I risk not being able to make a fist from the pain.

    The Valsalva maneuver is when you push air against your throat from your lungs. Kind of like trying to "un-pop" your ears in an airplane. It can give you a boost in strength as it forces blood out of the chest throughout the body, but the big problem is that it potentially leaves the blood there where it'll pool and cause major issues/damage. Great way to blow a blood vessel or hemorrhage your brain :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Hate having to do the rest of the day in a second post, but can't seem to get "edit" to let me add that much content...

    1 tin of Tuna
    2 tbsp of Miracle Whip (Which I found out you guys don't have much of over here. Mayonnaise made without the egg yolk just the white so it's no/low cholesterol :D)
    4 slices of white toast
    750 mL Water

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs

    1500 mL water

    1 plate (4 scoops maybe?) of last nights chicken/rice/gravy with 1.5 cups of heated-in-water frozen peas
    750 mL water

    750 mL water

    1.5 cups of Kellogg Crunchy Nut cereal with 1/2 cup milk
    Woke up starving this morning at around 5:00 and want to sleep through the night

    Tomorrow is Rest Day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Rest day

    LEUKIC - 6 tabs
    2 bricks Weetabix
    3/4c low fat milk
    750 mL water

    3 slices white bread
    5 tbsp peanut butter
    Anabolic Halo - 3 scoops in 600 mL water

    1500 mL water

    1 can tuna
    2 tbsp Miracle Whip
    4 slices toasted white bread

    1500 mL water

    1 glass of Organic Vegetable Juice
    750 mL water
    LEUKIC - 6 tabs

    Small portion of chicken/rice
    500 mL water

    Tomorrow is: Chest/Back/Abs and (hopefully) Gain Day 1!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Mickk


    are you sure you don't work for muscletech? A typical day is gakic, nano vapour, leukic and then you lift? You need to eat, your getting like one or two good meals a day! Have you ever sat down and added up the calories you take in in a day? Maybe you put weight on easily, if you don't you should spend more time preparing and eating good food than training, training is just like a stimulus, food is what will really make you grow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    I was going to post what Mick just did the other day, but from reading your background and experience etc. I thought better of it. Not to mention title of the thread sort of sums it up quite well!!
    Here's a question though, what's the thought process behind stacking all of these supplements seemingly ahead of real food?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Kev M wrote: »
    I was going to post what Mick just did the other day, but from reading your background and experience etc. I thought better of it. Not to mention title of the thread sort of sums it up quite well!!
    Here's a question though, what's the thought process behind stacking all of these supplements (and white bread) seemingly ahead of real food?

    added to Special K's post.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Mickk wrote: »

    are you sure you don't work for muscletech? A typical day is gakic, nano vapour, leukic and then you lift? You need to eat, your getting like one or two good meals a day! Have you ever sat down and added up the calories you take in in a day? Maybe you put weight on easily, if you don't you should spend more time preparing and eating good food than training, training is just like a stimulus, food is what will really make you grow.
    Kev M wrote: »
    I was going to post what Mick just did the other day, but from reading your background and experience etc. I thought better of it. Not to mention title of the thread sort of sums it up quite well!!
    Here's a question though, what's the thought process behind stacking all of these supplements seemingly ahead of real food?

    First: I wish I worked for Muscletech, maybe that'd save me from their overwhelming product cost! But no, I do not and have never worked for any of the supp companies (GNC etc). I normally literally go to the gym immediately after I wake up, and I've found over years of using pre-workouts that taking them on an empty stomach is my only way to guarantee I won't vomit or the sort. Now I'm seriously debating finding a way to put up a video of parts of my workout, given if you saw my body and what intensity it'd take for me to accomplish these lifts you'd better understand why it would mess me up otherwise.

    The main reason for LEUKIC/HALO is that my body is **** for recovery, and sensation loss + unmonitored exercise = recipe for injury. Hard to describe but I'd never go near working this hard without ensuring I would wake up the next day pain-free. If it takes even a placebo to calm my mind about it and make me feel strong, I'm fine with that. I could be taking 4 sugar supplements for all I know, but they work! :D

    Second: I might be doing a "bulking" cycle but I'm not out to just put on weight. I've successfully kept my body fat reasonably equal to before and after a muscle mass gain twice now. Like I say in the intro, this is what works for me. I have no reason to sacrifice my fitness or wellness just to pack on a few pounds of fat along with the muscle that I'll later have to work extra hard to get off anyway (can't really do impact cardio :( )

    Third: Girlfriend's a nutrition guru / foodie. She's pretty much got my diet on lock-down. If there were a problem or I wasn't eating enough, I'd know. I also have some digestive issues when it comes to certain foods, so it limits my ability to make affordable eating more than the same things every day. If you think I should be eating more of something particular, let me know and I'll look into it! I'm always up for advice, everyone's backgrounds are a little different and two schools of thought coming together can have a lot of benefits.

    Edit: By the way, I'm not saying any of this to wag my member or experience in any of your faces. You've more than likely been in the field the same time if not longer than I have. This type of training and dieting is what works for me, personally, and we'll see after the fact how and if it does :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Oh also, if you need to confirm that I'm a real person or the like:

    Facebook me: Matt Cox DCU Grad Student '10, Penn State '09

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Maybe I'm being glib, but I would imagine the reason your body is crap at recovery is because your volume is too high and you're not eating enough.

    Without trying to insult your girlfriend, most "nutrition guru's" that I've come across (in the medical field say) don't really seem to be too good when it comes to getting things right for muscle growth. Your calories seem pretty low like.

    And I hesitate to say this, because it might looking insulting, which isn't my intention, if you think you need all those supplements to recover from the weights you're lifting, I hate to think how much you'll need to spend 2-3 years down the road.

    I agree with the others that it really looks like you're just wasting your money on supplements, but that's allowed if you want!!!

    And your replies are always well thought out and unlike most you don't jump straight onto the defensive and try to explain thnigs instead, so fair play.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Haha no insults taken! Half the point of me having this up here is to have more than her and I seeing it, and hopefully get some feedback good or bad. I started this log because I was beginning to lose motivation. It's hard to keep at it when you're solo in the gym every time and thousands of miles from anyone that'd notice a difference in you physically. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, something else you all should know is that this cycle is all I'll take for the next maybe... 6 months? It's worth it to me to spend an amount of money on something I know works short term with long term results, than even more over time on something taken long term and potentially useless. I'd rather look at myself at the end of 14 days and go "awesome!" or go "never buy that again". It worked for me in the spring (they market this CREAKIC/GAKIC/LEUKIC stack minus Halo in the States as a boxed set) so I'll use it this one more time and if it doesn't it doesn't. By the way, this stuff's dirt cheap back home. Maybe 100 USD for the whole lot. I know Muscletech sucks on prices over here.

    PS: The Nutritional Sciences program at Penn State is one of the leading programs in the world... :D Girl knows her stuff. The issues arise where her telling me what to eat turns into me actually eating it :P

    Kev: White bread cause it's cheap and brings nothing to the table. I'd eat the peanut butter with a spoon if it'd still go down easy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Mickk

    mdc5065 wrote: »
    First: I wish I worked for Muscletech, maybe that'd save me from their overwhelming product cost! But no, I do not and have never worked for any of the supp companies (GNC etc). I normally literally go to the gym immediately after I wake up, and I've found over years of using pre-workouts that taking them on an empty stomach is my only way to guarantee I won't vomit or the sort. Now I'm seriously debating finding a way to put up a video of parts of my workout, given if you saw my body and what intensity it'd take for me to accomplish these lifts you'd better understand why it would mess me up otherwise.

    The main reason for LEUKIC/HALO is that my body is **** for recovery, and sensation loss + unmonitored exercise = recipe for injury. Hard to describe but I'd never go near working this hard without ensuring I would wake up the next day pain-free. If it takes even a placebo to calm my mind about it and make me feel strong, I'm fine with that. I could be taking 4 sugar supplements for all I know, but they work! :D

    Second: I might be doing a "bulking" cycle but I'm not out to just put on weight. I've successfully kept my body fat reasonably equal to before and after a muscle mass gain twice now. Like I say in the intro, this is what works for me. I have no reason to sacrifice my fitness or wellness just to pack on a few pounds of fat along with the muscle that I'll later have to work extra hard to get off anyway (can't really do impact cardio :( )

    Third: Girlfriend's a nutrition guru / foodie. She's pretty much got my diet on lock-down. If there were a problem or I wasn't eating enough, I'd know. I also have some digestive issues when it comes to certain foods, so it limits my ability to make affordable eating more than the same things every day. If you think I should be eating more of something particular, let me know and I'll look into it! I'm always up for advice, everyone's backgrounds are a little different and two schools of thought coming together can have a lot of benefits.

    Edit: By the way, I'm not saying any of this to wag my member or experience in any of your faces. You've more than likely been in the field the same time if not longer than I have. This type of training and dieting is what works for me, personally, and we'll see after the fact how and if it does :D

    Fair enough and I understand some people cant workout on a full stomach. I wasn't saying to eat everything in sight and put on a load of fat but for example from your log on day 1 you got about 20g of protein all day... Also just be careful if you are buying anabolic halo or nano vapor, they are both classed as steroids in this country and if found by customs will be destroyed and you could be charged. In reality they wont follow it up, especially for a first offence but it's worth knowing anyway.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Mickk wrote: »
    Fair enough and I understand some people cant workout on a full stomach. I wasn't saying to eat everything in sight and put on a load of fat but for example from your log on day 1 you got about 20g of protein all day... Also just be careful if you are buying anabolic halo or nano vapor, they are both classed as steroids in this country and if found by customs will be destroyed and you could be charged. In reality they wont follow it up, especially for a first offence but it's worth knowing anyway.

    Even if I buy them from an in-country source? There isn't a EU approved formula sold? I kind of assumed that it was legal if they could shelve it. I know for a fact I could never get my Universal stack here (animal mstak, stak, pak). Even I think that should be illegal back home. Serious thanks on the heads up!

    Be back after the shower to log the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Mickk

    Yea Ireland has different laws than the rest of the eu, Ireland's much stricter. That said the laws here aren't really inforced, I have only had one visit by the IMB since I opened my shop, most shops have never had a visit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    I'm actually pretty happy about that given back home you've got people tossing back Winni-V free and D-Bol of legal harm. - Original Version

    I'm actually pretty happy about that given back home we've got people tossing back Winni-V and D-Bol free of legal harm. - Semi-intelligent Version

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    No more shameless plugging of my products because I'm pretty sure you all understand what I'm on by now :D also not including my dosage schedule for the supplements given by now it's clear what I take when depending on the workout time anyway.

    I also know Hanley pointed out that I'm over-training. Yeah, I definitely am. That's why I take all the stuff for recovery. My recovery isn't always awful, only when I'm working like this in the weight room given it's literally physical torture. Second week so stepping up the intensity by the way, 3 major muscle groups an on-day from now on...:D

    3 tbsp Peanut Butter
    3 slices white bread :D
    500 mL water

    11:00 to 13:00
    Research Methods
    500 mL water

    1 tuna/sweetcorn 9"? sandwich from Spar with mayonnaise
    750 mL water

    14:00 to 16:00
    Politics of Development
    750 mL water

    16:25 - Lift time!

    I decided to do shoulders also today because I was tired of the anterior deltoid DOMS from my chest workout impeding my shoulder workout a ton.


    Bench Press: 100kg x 6, 100kg x 5, 100kg x 3, 110kg x 2
    I was pretty happy about hitting 110 especially for 2 reps. Been a while since I've been able to pull that off at the end of Bench.

    Chest Fly Machine: 95kg x 10, 95kg x8, 85kg x 8
    Great flexion on these and they were coming easier than before. Normally when I hit the end of the ROM it burns me up on squeezing, but not as much today as last workout.

    High-to-Low Pulley Fly: 23.5kg/2 x 10 x 3

    Low-to-High Pulley Fly: 13.5kg/2 x 10 x 3

    Chest Press Machine: 75kg x 6 x 3
    By the end of it all, I was really burning and definitely felt like I hit everything as hard as I could.


    Dead-hang Pull-ups: 10 x 3, 6
    Hit a few more in an extra set today and they came along really nicely. I like that I feel I can push on without losing form compared to last back workout

    Pulley Pull-down (Overhand, Handle-straps not bar): 33.5kg/2 x 6, 41.25kg/2 x 6 x 2

    Close-Grip Underhand Pull-down with Bar: 41.25kg/2 x 6 x 2, 49.?kg/2 x 6
    I almost didn't even need a weight plate to keep down and steady on these, so I'm thinking I've gained some weight... could just be form/stability improving though with muscle memory

    Dumbbell Pull-Over: 34kg x 10 x 3
    These felt like nothing, but I still got a great serratus swell out of them. I'm going to try using the 40kg fixed bar next time to see if it hits harder.

    Bent-Over Barbell Row (Overhand): 70kg x 6 x 3
    I was being gentle on my knees with this exercise since I'm working them tomorrow, and I think I might have been able to do more weight otherwise. Seriously considering getting some simple braces just for safety. I worry about working so hard this past week just to screw it all up :o

    Bent-Over Fixed Bar Row (Underhand): 45kg x 10 x 3
    Just to finish out. I don't think the seated row machine or the lat flexor are doing anything more than just running already dead things through the motion, so I'm ignoring it for now. May add them back in next time through.


    Dragon Flag: 15, 6
    These really got me today but I could actually pull off a smaller second set without feeling like I was being torn in half. Muscle memory?

    Piking Leg Raise: 15, 10
    Finishing off what the flags didn't hit.

    Oblique machine was taken so I returned to it later...


    Barbell Overhead Press: 60kg x 10, 60kg x 6, 60kg x 6, 70kg x fail then 1
    My strength was at a loss on these and all my shoulder workout really. Still got great work in otherwise getting a good swell/burn going.

    Arnold Press: 22kg/2 x 10, 24kg/2 x 6, 22kg/2 x 6
    Kept having trouble getting over my sticking point on the second set. Went lighter and focused on form for a good finisher.

    Lateral Fly: 10kg/2 x 6 x 3

    Single-Arm Lateral Fly: 17.5kg x 6/2 x 2

    Single-Arm Rear Deltoid w/ Pulley: 11.25kg x 6/2, 11.25kg x 8/2, 11.25kg x 10/2
    My rear deltoids are tiny, weak, and easily burned out. I kept the same weight as last week because I planned to do bent-over dumbbell fly.

    Single-Arm Bent-Over Dumbbell Fly: 10kg x 10/2 x 3

    Anterior Dumbbell Fly: 17.5kg/2 x 6 x 2, 20kg/2 x 6

    *I chose not to do fixed bar front raises today because I think they're a major contributor to, or possibly the reason, why I was having a sore left rotator cuff all week. I don't normally do them and think I pushed a little too far trying to add them in to the already long shoulder routine*

    Overall I definitely feel like I got in a more effective shoulder lift today than I would have waiting until tomorrow

    Abs Pt 2

    Oblique Rotation Machine: 65kg x 10/2, 75kg x 10/2, 85kg x 10/2, 95kg x 10/2
    Yeah, chalking this up to muscle memory. I actually hadn't been able to use this machine in years, we had an identical one to it in my LA Fitness, and I'm back at the weight I could do before.

    1 can tuna
    2 tbsp Miracle Whip
    4 slices white toast

    1500 mL water

    Final portion of my chicken/rice/peas concoction.
    1 glass Organic Vegetable Juice (For you, Mom :D)
    750 mL water

    *At this point in the cycle, I'm hungry all the time. I've added one extra meal today going off what Mick pointed out but that doesn't seem like it will help, so I think there's second addition in the works for tomorrow. Let me know what else I'm missing, I truly do appreciate your feedback.*

    Tomorrow will be Legs/Biceps/Triceps/Deadlifts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065


    Last Wednesday night via Webcam (yes I know it's awful quality but it was my only option)


    Day 7 at 0:10 via Webcam

    It looks like I'm getting more defined rather than bulking haha, but some size gain. Yes I know my body is off-center and you don't need to point this out :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Looking good, traps are a weekpoint??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Looking good, traps are a weekpoint??
    Yes, I worry about going too heavy or focusing on them too much because one slight motion the wrong way and I'll be nursing a migraine for the next 2 days. Any tips on hitting them safely but harder?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    mdc5065 wrote: »
    Yes, I worry about going too heavy or focusing on them too much because one slight motion the wrong way and I'll be nursing a migraine for the next 2 days. Any tips on hitting them safely but harder?

    i've naturally got big traps for some unknown reason, i'm pretty sure the worst DOMs i've ever had in em was from doing Clean Pulls, a big fan of hang snatches and cleans as well. That and high rep plate shrugs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Yesterday did Biceps/Triceps/Neck/Legs. Don't have time to post the details (class is now in full swing and I'm still adjusting). Splitting a full body routine into two days is a disaster though, waiting for a DOMS check tomorrow before I decide if it's another rest day or I'll go in for Chest/Back/Shoulders.

    In other news, eating 4-5 solid meals a day now (increasing from 3 plus small portion "snack" meals). It's definitely helping curb the hunger and my recovery feels more stable. I need to get more fat into the diet though because my joints are starting to tell me my bf is dropping too low for this level of stress.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭mdc5065

    Rest day.
