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big and strong simple as..

  • 05-10-2009 11:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭

    Since I finally have access to a decent gym I thought I'd start this up to track my progress.For the past two years I had been doing the stronglifts template with varying rep schemes with a 50kg weight set.

    Main goals are to just be as big and strong as possible while hopefully limiting injuries.Bodyfat isn't gonna be a big concern for a while untill i get the weight up.I'm 6:1 and at 13 stone at roughly 10% bodyfat{guess}.

    I'm now on a rough bodybuilding type split with mostly compound exercises.

    Thats it really for the minute Im sure I'm leaving out plenty.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy


    Damn I should write this down.My mind is like a sieve.

    10 mins warmup stationary bike.

    Olympic bar 15 reps.

    30kg:10 reps
    :10 reps
    :10 reps

    40kg:7 reps
    :7 reps
    :7 reps

    straight leg deadlift off a box
    20kg: 10 reps
    40kg:12 reps
    40kg 12 reps

    Leg press
    30kg :10 reps
    50kg :20 reps
    50kg :20 reps
    50kg :20 reps

    leg extension
    15 reps
    15 reps

    leg curl
    10 reps
    10 reps

    Thoughts.Happy enough with it.I was planning on doing more volume in squats and less of the other crap but i haven't trained legs in 2 months and my form felt so screwy.I have to say having been used to low reps and sets im getting pretty addicted to volume.

    I might throw up a video of my squating for critique in the next few days.Knees have a tendency to slide in.Im not sure what that's due to.Hip mobility maybe?Anyways the weight is laughable but I want to make sure my form is spot on in the squat is spot on before i start ramping it up.

    Oh and I love straight leg deads!:D

    Actually looking at it now it looks like a silly amount of volume..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    two days ago...

    2 sets of 10 pushups.

    Dumbell bench
    14kg dumbells
    12 reps
    12 reps

    16kg d'bells
    10 reps

    18kg d'bells.
    15 reps
    15 reps

    20 kg d'bells.
    10 reps*pr
    10 reps*pr
    10 reps*pr

    18 kg d'bells
    10 reps

    16kg d'bells
    10 reps
    10 reps

    14kg d'bells
    10 reps

    hammer strength bench press machine
    30kg 20 reps

    40kg 15 reps
    40kg 12 reps
    40kg 12 reps

    very chuffed with the 20kg dumbells.heaps of progression there methinks.I think I'll stick with the 'bells over the benchpress for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Doing a similar approach myself Remmy, almost identical height and weight also. I am gonna lash along till Christmas, drink alot and eat alot over christmas and then do lots of conditioning stuff and clean up the diet

    I will keep an eye on your log,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Went in with the belief of having 2 hours.Something came up and I ended up having only 30 minutes.Grr.

    Back extensions
    2x10 unweighted.

    Box squats


    Grand session considering I only spent like 20 minutes actually lifting. I tried box squats for the first time today seen as my squat form is so sucky.I think I'll stick with them for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Remmy wrote: »
    two days ago...

    2 sets of 10 pushups.

    Dumbell bench
    14kg dumbells
    12 reps
    12 reps

    16kg d'bells
    10 reps

    18kg d'bells.
    15 reps
    15 reps

    20 kg d'bells.
    10 reps*pr
    10 reps*pr
    10 reps*pr

    18 kg d'bells
    10 reps

    16kg d'bells
    10 reps
    10 reps

    14kg d'bells
    10 reps

    hammer strength bench press machine
    30kg 20 reps

    40kg 15 reps
    40kg 12 reps
    40kg 12 reps

    very chuffed with the 20kg dumbells.heaps of progression there methinks.I think I'll stick with the 'bells over the benchpress for a while.

    There's something like 213 reps for chest in this workout which is a HUGE amount.

    Would you consider upping the weight on the DB bench and doing 5 sets of 5 reps?
    You could maybe manage 28kg DBs or 30kg DBs based on what you did there.

    might be a better approach for strenght gains

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    There's something like 213 reps for chest in this workout which is a HUGE amount.

    Would you consider upping the weight on the DB bench and doing 5 sets of 5 reps?
    You could maybe manage 28kg DBs or 30kg DBs based on what you did there.

    might be a better approach for strenght gains

    Yep Definatly agree with you there on the mad volume.I'm still new to the gym before that I trained at home so it's very much a case of a kid in a candy store trying out the new sh1t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Did a bit at home today to clear my head.

    upright rows 3x12 25kg
    and 5x5 30kg.

    Inverted body rows useing a 1inch rope.

    Love the body rows!I never tried them before.The rope i was useing is crappy and It ripped up my hands but It was well worth it.Great arm pump off them too wasn't expecting that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Bit done at home hence the girly weight.

    20 bodyweight squats
    Box squats 50kg

    20 barbell pushups.
    Incline bench 45kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy


    Not including warmups..
    3 reps
    3 reps
    3 reps

    3 reps
    3 reps

    3 reps
    3 reps
    3 reps

    Well happy with this.Now my form seems down The weight just flys up.I felt like I had plenty more in the tank in all of these.If only squatting was this easy.:D Oh these triples were touch and go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    overhead press 5x5 40kg.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    gabgab wrote: »
    Doing a similar approach myself Remmy, almost identical height and weight also. I am gonna lash along till Christmas, drink alot and eat alot over christmas and then do lots of conditioning stuff and clean up the diet

    I will keep an eye on your log,

    Cheers gabgab.I enjoyed looking at your log.Are you still knocking away at crossfit?

    I was pretty ill over the past week so only back training now.I had zero appetite or anything so it sucked.

    Just did a bit at home to ease myself in tonight.

    overhead press.
    45kg 5x5

    one handed barbell snatch 20kg.
    10 each side.

    rope rows

    25kg barbell curls.

    Felt so good to get back into it.Finished off the better half of a tub of peanut butter after.

    tomorrow I wanna see how fast I'm able to do a mile and 50 burpees along with the normal weight training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    i have been lazy about posting my workouts into my log.
    Monday,9 November.

    squats 5x5 60kg

    overhead press 40kg 5x5

    60kg 2x5
    80kg 5x3

    ez bar curl 25kg 4x6

    messing:one handed ez bar overhead snatch.25kg

    damn i should have done more deadlifts.I should also be doing goodmornings.I want to start building up the weight on 1handed overhead snatches with an olympic barbell.Squats were ok not great.I should be eating more food also.!:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    5kg plate ''neck curls''

    squats 60kg 5x5

    legpress 110kg
    120kg 20 reps

    bent over row
    40kg 5 reps
    45kg 5 reps
    40kg 5 reps
    40 kg 5 reps
    40kg 5 reps

    benchpress 5x5 50kg
    benchpress 60kg 3 reps
    benchpress 60kg 5 reps.

    Great session today.I should note that the squats done today were normal and the last days ones were done in a smith machine.There isn't a powerack in my gym so im limited by the ammount i can clean and press.They felt great though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Neck curls 3x12 5kg
    10 reps 10kg plate
    10 reps 10kg plate
    10 reps 10kg plate
    8 reps 15kg plate

    front squat. 50kg 5x5

    overhead press 40kg 5x5

    deadlift 8x3 90kg

    barbell shrugs 60kg
    60kg 10 reps
    60kg 10 reps
    60kg 5 reps*dang it my grip just opened up and i lost the bar.
    60kg 10 reps.

    alt d'b curls
    10.5kg 10 reps x 2 reps.

    front squats were tricky but fun!Some of the deadlifts were regular grip,some were cross grip as my grip got worse.All that took me the better part of two hours..I need to speed up...and fcukin eat.Plus the overhead press pisses me off.I love the movement but progression is so slow on it compared to bench.Think i'm gonna add in seated smith press after the standing oh's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    after lots of faffin around with lifts just thrown in randomly Im just gonna go back to starting strength and stay there untill I feel as if I need something more complex.

    Just did these with 40kg to get a feel of the sets and reps.

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Press
    3x5 Power Cleans

    God im an idiot.Think I realised why i was getting calf pain when squatting below paralel.I wasn't tightening my core.oh jeez.

    few sets of curls with 12kg bells and one set of alt curls on an incline bench with 10.5's

    Question for anyone reading this.In starting strength for deads its 1x5 but I had been doing 8x3 for a while.Would the more volume of 8x3 mean I could progress with heavier weight quicker?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    squats 3x5 45kg
    bench press 3x5 45kg
    deadlift 1x5 45kg
    close grip bench 1x10 45kg

    20 rep squat set and 2 sets of 30 shrugs with 45kg on the barbell

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    neck curls with 5kg plate 2 sets of 5 reps.

    3x5 squats 60kg

    press 3x5 40.5kg!!

    power clean 3x5 50kg.

    seated military press[smith machine]''not including ramp up sets''

    55kg 3x5.after every set 2 chins done including ramp up sets.think i did in total 15.

    then 3x10 seated military press[smith machine]40kg

    some shoulder dislocations and scap pushups.

    lat pulldown 3x12 50kg.

    happy with overhead press.I think adding in more volume will make me able to press more.I cant wait for bench wednesday!!Oh I am starting GOMAD too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    60kg 5 reps
    50kg 10 reps
    55kg 5 reps.

    deadlift 1x5 100kg

    smith machine squat 3x5 60kg

    dips[parallel bars]

    concentration curls 10.5kg bells.3x10
    skull crushers ezbar plus 10kg 3x10

    close grip smith bench 30kg 25 reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    i had planned to do some overhead pressing today but some wankbagg bent the bar into a bannna shape.

    yates row 40kg 3x15

    seated dumbell press *fckin love these.

    17kg bells 3x10

    pinwheel curls 10.5kg 2x20

    skullcrushers ez+10kg 3x20

    alt bell conc. curls 10.5kg 4x10

    machine row 80kg 3x12

    lat pulldown 60kg 3x12
    mean to do dbell stepups and smith squats.gonna kick the shiit outta my legs tommorow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    30kg squats 5x10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    tuesday;1st december.

    incline bench 40kg 5x10
    incline flyes 7kg 3x15

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    wednesday;2nd december .Back.

    bent over db rows.

    20kg bells 10 reps
    22.7kg 2x10
    25kg bells 2x10
    27.3kg 2x10

    seated rows 70kgx10

    lat pulldown

    alt curls12kg x5x10x10

    9kg x 20

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy


    60kg back squats smit machine 5x5
    leg extension 70kg 5x10
    leg curl 70kg 5x10
    seated smith press 50kg 5x5{to chin and up]
    alt curls 11kg bells 5x6

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    right haven't been lifting or eating proper for ages due to studying and other such twoddle so elbows back to the grindstone...

    Friday last..
    50kg 5repsx2
    60kg 3 reps x3

    db bench
    20kg bells
    10 reps.

    22.7kg bells
    5 reps x3

    lat pull down 80kg-love this machine dunno why.
    10 reps x 5

    db shrugs 34kg bells
    6 reps x 4.

    mehness..It was ok considering I haven't been at it for a few months but bad weak as fcuk..I'm 6:1 and just over 13 stone now.I think I'll post up a pic next log in just to spur myself on.Potrait of a weak skinny person..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    decided im gonna give westside a try.I'm still shakey on the finer details of it so if anyone sees anything wrong just shout.

    earlier today.

    ME lower:

    conventional deadlift
    40kg-5 reps
    60kg-3 reps
    70kg-2 reps
    80kg-3 reps
    90kg-2 reps
    100kg-1 rep
    110kg-1 rep

    60kg-10 reps
    80kg-10 reps
    100kg-12 reps
    120kg-10 reps
    130kg-20 reps

    50kg-10 reps
    70kg-10 reps
    80kg-5 reps
    90kg-5 reps
    90kg-5 reps
    90kg-7 reps
    90kg-7 reps
    70kg-20 reps

    inclined situps-unweighted.
    3 sets of 12 reps

    smith machine calf raises*not sure why i did these.
    35kg-20 reps
    35kg-20 reps
    45kg-20 reps
    45kg-20 reps
    45kg-20 reps

    felt good..took me 90 mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    ME upper

    DC shoulder warmup

    olympic bar-20 reps.
    40kg-5 reps
    40kg-5 reps
    60kg-2 reps
    60kg-2 reps
    70kg-1 rep~pr
    70kg-1 rep

    Dumbell floor press
    18kg db's-10 reps
    18kg db's-10 reps
    18kg db's-16 reps

    tricep pushdown on lat pull-down.
    50kg-10 reps
    50kg-10 reps
    50kg-10 reps
    50kg-10 reps
    50kg-10 reps

    seated db curls
    10.5kg-10 reps
    10.5kg-10 reps
    10.5kg-10 reps

    olympic barbell curls
    25kg x 7
    25kg x 7
    25kg x 7
    25kg x 7

    really pissed with missing 80kg's on the bench.I lowered it to my chest and i just could not push it off.bugger...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Wednesday RE lower

    DC shoulder warmup

    barbell squats
    40kg-10 reps
    40kg-10 reps
    40kg-10 reps

    bent over barbell rows 40kg
    5 reps
    10 reps
    5 reps
    5 reps
    5 reps

    50kg-10 reps
    100kg-10 reps
    130kg-10 reps
    130kg-10 reps
    130kg-10 reps
    130kg-10 reps
    130kg-30 reps

    leg curls
    60kg-10 reps
    60kg-10 reps
    60kg-10 reps
    60kg-10 reps
    60kg-20 reps

    barbell shrugs
    40kg-10 reps
    60kg-10 reps
    60kg-10 reps
    70kg-10 reps
    70kg-10 reps

    70kg-5 deadlifts
    70kg-10 deadlifts
    70kg shrugs-10 reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    RE upper

    olympic bar x 20
    bench 50kg 3 sets 10 reps.
    olympic bar x 20


    19kg db's.palms in press

    25kg db's bent over rows

    hang cleans
    40kg-5 reps.

    jesus.My form must really suck on shrugs cause i have sore'r traps from doing those few hang cleans than from ever doing shrugs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    20kg bells incline bench
    5 reps x 13 sets
    40kg smith machine

    single handed tbar rows 40kg 4x10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    coming back from a rotater cuff thing which was really annoying.

    rotater cuff stuff.

    deads 60kgx5

