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Triple Extending



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Ortopedic surgeon. He says my rotator cuff is sprained. :(

    Tuesday (5:45 am)

    Dynamic Warm-up
    2-Min Mobility: Bent Legged Hamstring PNF

    5-Min Skill: Overhead Squats

    3 Rounds For time:
    500 Meter Row
    25 Burpees
    Time 15:07

    Awful session, I don't function well when I get up at 4:45. Also I need to stop being a bitch and 'break through the barrier'. Physical Therapist later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Dynamic Warm-up
    2-Min Mobility: Bent Legged Hamstring PNF

    5-Min Skill: Overhead Squats

    45 x 5
    55 x 5
    66 x 12

    As many rounds as possible in 16 min:
    5 thrusters (95lbs)
    250m run
    Rest 1 min every 3 rounds
    8 rounds, 5 thrusters and about 70m

    Delighted with this. Thrusters had been a horrid exercise for me and the extra reps of them I've been doing lately have definitely been helping. Needed this session as the last few have been poor

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Dynamic Warm-up
    2-Min Mobility: Bent Legged Hamstring PNF

    5-Min Skill: Overhead Squats

    “Ranaldi” 3 round for time:
    400m run
    5 Burpee Pull-ups
    10 Burpee Box Jumps (30 inch box)
    15 Swings (24kg)
    Time 14:28

    Really good session (two in a row :) ). Could have pushed a little harder on the runs and maybe got it below 14 minutes but i'm happy with the time. Rest tomorrow and olympic lifting class on Saturday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Olympic lifting class for an hour. Working on snatch some more. Did some snatch balance work. Need to work on this some more.

    Followed this with a soccer match in crazy heat

    Dynamic Warm-up
    2-min Mobility: Double Lax Ball Shoulder
    5-min Skill: Turkish Get-ups

    800m Run Test
    Time 2:23. Can definitely go a good bit faster here if i go out.

    For time:
    40 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65#)
    20 Pull-ups
    12 Hand Stand Push-ups
    30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65#)
    15 Pull-ups
    8 Hand Stand Push-ups

    Time 17:30

    I hate Sumo Deadlift high pulls. Pull ups were dog rough today, not sure why they were so bad but I need to do some work on these. HSPU are getting stronger so i'm happy with those.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Dynamic Warm up
    100 Single unders (64 + 36)
    5 Minute Turkish Get ups
    100 Single unders
    2 minutes mobility work with 2 lacross balls

    Push press work
    95lbs x 5
    115lbs x 5
    135lbs x 2

    15 minutes, as many rounds as possible of
    5 pull ups
    10 burpees
    15 squats

    Push press could have done more at 135 but shoulder was a little sore doing it so left it off. WOD was tough, basically Cindy but 5 minutes shorter and burpees instead of push ups. Burpees make it a whole lot harder. Happy with this though. Heat here is ridiculous at the moment. Hands are a bit blistered up at the moment too but no rips so will persevere on.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Crossfit total
    Squat 265
    Press 120
    Deadlift 355

    Ended up with the exact same total as last time. I missed a lot of the strength days this time though. A little annoyed with my squat. Failed twice on 275, I can't seem to press more than 120 and this is also annoying. Happy with the deadlift.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up

    Squat Cleans 1-1-1-1-1 (worked up to 145lbs (65kg)

    For time:
    Start with 100 Double Unders

    5 Rounds:
    5 HSPU
    50 Squats

    Finish with 100 Double Unders
    Time 17:55

    Squat Cleans went pretty good, hadn't done much of these so was happy with 65kg. There is definitely more in the tank here.

    The WOD started out fine but when I got to the final 100 double unders I died and struggled really badly. Took far too long with this, just felt permanently gassed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up
    5 minutes double unders

    3 rounds of
    10 second L Sit
    10 KB Swings
    10 Back Extensions
    10 Box jumps


    For time:
    95/65-lb Overhead Squat 21 reps
    42 Pull-ups
    95/65-lb Overhead Squat 15 reps
    30 Pull-ups
    95/65-lb Overhead Squat 9 reps
    18 Pull-ups

    Last time I did this WOD i did 55lb Overhead Squats and used blue bands for pull ups. It took 20:13. Today I rx'd this workout and it took 16:55. Not a great time. The Overhead squats were fine but the pull ups gassed me. It was pointed out that I'm trying to butterfly kip these without being able to do it properly so I'm making things harder for myself. Going to practice these before WODS in future
    I did the Overhead squats at 55lbs. I did almost all of the pull ups with a blue band. Finished in 20:13.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Was late today so just did a 750m row
    some deadlift warm ups and then straight into

    or Time:
    15 Deadlifts (275/185#)
    Run 250m
    25 Double Unders
    Run 500m
    50 Double Unders
    Run 1000m
    100 Double Unders;
    15 Deadlifts

    Scaled Deadlifts to 245 lbs. Finished in 17:51. First set of double unders were shocking. they got a lot better after that though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up

    Front Squats
    45lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    135lbs x 5
    155lbs x 5
    185lbs x 3
    205lbs x 1

    “Freddy’s Revenge”
    5 Rounds:
    -5 Overhead anyhow @ 185lbs (from rack you can press, push-press, jerk….doesn’t matter as long as it starts at the rack and ends overhead
    -10 Burpees
    Time 10:52 (Scaled to 115lbs and did split jerks)

    Front Squats were okay. Failed on the second rep of 205lbs but had never tried to front squat more then 135lbs before. WOD was tough. Burpees were crap. My arms give up long before i start to feel them in my legs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Molly wrote: »

    As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of
    275lb deadlift x 5 (I did 225 lbs)
    Pushups x 13
    24 inch box jumps x 9

    I did 10 rounds, plus 2 deadlifts. Push ups were the hardest part of this for me. After it was done I noticed my hands were ripped open. I don't think I've sweated so much in a work out before.

    Did this again today. Went with 225lbs today so I would have a direct comparison. Managed 13 rounds plus 1 deadlift. Box jumps were like a break for me. Deadlifts were fine, but the push ups were absolutely horrid. An improvement but I would have liked to have had 2 rounds more

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up


    Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Squats
    If broken, record unbroken score, and continue for as many rounds as possible in 30minutes.

    I got 6 rounds on the minute before the push ups killed me. I was doing the pull ups in about 7 seconds every round but my push ups were miserable. My chest,shoulders and triceps are ridiculously tender from the other work outs this week and they're going to be worse tomorrow. I got a further 14 rounds in for a total of 20. Could have got more if I wasn't suffering so much but it's an improvement over last time I did Cindy where I only got 11 rounds. Have soccer training now. Double sessions = bleurgh

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Molly wrote: »

    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up

    Front Squats
    45lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    135lbs x 5
    155lbs x 5
    185lbs x 3
    205lbs x 1

    Savage stuff there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up

    Overhead Squats
    45lbs x 5
    65lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    95lbs x 4
    100lbs x 3
    110lbs x 3

    30 Clean & Jerks (I scaled from 135lbs to 95lbs)
    Time 3:45

    Today was good. Most I had ever overhead squatted before was 95lbs. Can go a bit higher on these definitely. WOD was good. Wanted to do a direct comparison with last time I did grace so kept it at 95lbs. Went from 5:39 to 3:45. Tried to do split jerks but the weight was too light so ended up a hybrid split jerk/push jerk cos the weight just flew up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Soccer match, felt horrible. Wanted to vomit the whole game for some reason

    800m run
    Dynamic Warm up
    Pull up practice, did 3 sets of ten here.
    Turkish get up practice with a 16kg Kettlebell

    4 rounds of
    15 KB Swings ( I used 24kg)
    15 Ring dips (assisted with a red band)
    250m run
    Time 12:33

    Today was fine. Ring dips are another of my many weaknesses. Not much more to say here. Time to move up to a 28kg Kettlebell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up
    Pull ups
    10,6,6 hands are wrecked
    Clean & Jerks
    95lbs x 3
    115lbs x 3
    135lbs x 2
    145lbs x failed jerk
    145lbs x 1
    150lbs x 1

    As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
    5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (scaled to 95lbs from 115lbs)
    10 Push Press (scaled to 95lbs from 115lbs)
    15 24 inch box jumps
    20 Sit ups
    Total 5 rounds

    Hands are wrecked at the moment so pull ups suffered. Clean and jerks were good. There's more in the tank definitely. First time putting bodyweight (150lbs) overhead. Felt good! WOD was decent. Just got the 5th round finished with about 2 seconds to spare.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    500m run
    Dynamic Warm up
    500m row
    4 sets of 5 ring dips (will try up this every day)

    10 Handstand push ups (used two 35lb plates and an abmat to make it Rx'd)
    20 Knees to Elbows
    30 Burpees
    40 Lunges
    50 Pull ups
    60 Box jumps (24 inches)
    70 Squats
    80 Push ups
    90 Sit ups
    100 Double unders
    Time 35:49

    Going with the dips before every session from now on. WOD was fun, pull ups and push ups killed my time :( Double unders were done in about a minute and 20 seconds so that was nice. Hands are pretty beat up right now though. Day off today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    4 sets of 6 ring dips (going to keep upping these til I feel I'm comfortable with the exercise)
    Soccer Training

    Warm up
    3 rounds of
    5 Handstand Push ups
    5 Ring push ups
    10 Back Extensions
    5 Pistols per leg

    100 Double Unders
    75 20 inch box jumps
    50 24kg Kettlebell swings
    25 burpees
    Time 12:45

    Pistol's are a pain in the ass. Double unders were easy. Just need to keep working on them as I get gassed after around 60. Box jumps were easy. Kettlebell swings were horrible today. Burpees were fine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Soccer match

    750m row
    Dynamic Warm up
    Ring Dips
    4 sets of 6 (going up to 4 sets of 7 tomorrow)

    Front Squats
    45lbs x 5
    65lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    135lbs x 3
    185lbs x 2
    195lbs x 1
    205lbs x 1

    WOD Helen
    3 Rounds of
    400m run
    21 Kettlebell swings (24kg)
    12 Pull ups
    Time 12:05

    Crap work out. Pull ups and swings need work. My forearms were absolutely destroyed after this WOD. I totally under estimated this one. Dips are getting better. Trying a Paleo diet for a few months to see how it goes. Day 1 almost down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Dynamic Warm up

    800m run

    10 minutes AMRAP
    250m row
    20 Wallballs (20lb ball, 12 foot targer)
    Total 3 rounds + row
    followed directly by

    8 minutes AMRAP
    4 Hand Stand Push Ups
    8 Overhead Squats (95lbs)
    15 Box jumps (24 inches)
    20 Sit ups
    Total 2 rounds, 4 and 1 OHS

    Run could have been faster. I need to wear a watch or have someone run along side me. First WOD was nasty. I haven't really done much wall balls so it was good to get some work on these. Learned that positioning is really important for these. Was too far back on some rounds so got pulled forward when catching the ball. WOD 2 was fine. Embarassingly on my first set of OHS I managed to not Power Snatch the weight overhead. Did the OHS all unbroken. If i had got the first snatch I may have gotten the 3 set of OHS done.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Hamstring has been giving me trouble the past couple of days :(

    3 rounds of
    10 12 foot 20lb Wall balls
    10 16kg Kettlebell swings

    500m Run
    Dynamic Warm up

    Push Presses
    45lbs x 5
    65 x 5
    95 x 5
    105 x 3
    115 x 2
    125 x 1
    135 x 1
    145 x 1
    155 x 1

    3 Rounds of
    10 Deadlifts (scaled to 245lbs from 275lbs)
    10 Burpees
    Time 5:25

    Ring Dips
    4 sets of 7 (go up to 8 tomorrow)

    Wallballs and Kettlebell swings are going to be a daily thing just to practice them. I'm just trying to drill it into my head to use my hips instead of my arms on the swings and I've just not done a lot of wall balls. Push Presses were a big improvement on the last time I did them where I think I didn't even manage 135lbs. A technique thing rather then strength I think. WOD was alright. Happy I scaled it. Was a little slow, second and third set of deadlifts were tough, especially the third. Burpees were very easy compared to the second and third set of deadlifts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    3 rounds of
    Wall balls x 10
    Kettlebell Swings x 10

    2 rounds of
    3 Muscle up attempts
    10 Second L sit (bar)
    10 Back Extensions (GHD)
    10 Kettlebell swings
    10 18 inch box jumps
    8 Ring Dips

    95lb thrusters
    pull ups
    Time 10:19.

    All pre WOD stuff was good. I figured out when doing pull ups that i've been holding the bar in the wrong place. I was gripping the bar in the centre of my hand and this was destroying them. Working on grabbing just below the fingers now. 95lbs was too heavy on the thrusters for me. Embarassing time to be honest. This and Helen were huge wake up calls for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    20 Wall balls
    500m Row
    Dynamic Warm up

    Ring Dips 4 sets of 8

    OH Squats
    45lbs x 5
    65 x 5
    95 x 3
    115 x 1
    125 x 0

    10 Burpees 1 single arm kettlebell swing per arm (20Kg)
    9 Burpees 2 single arm kettlebell swings per arm
    1 Burpee 10 single arm kettlebell swings per arm
    Time 11:07

    Wall balls are getting much better, have my distance right so i'm not getting pulled forward and am consistently hitting the target. Ring dips are getting easier. Will try 4 sets of 9 at home tomorrow. Overhead squats. After just using the bar I knew it was going to be bad. My shoulders were absolutely fried meaning I was struggling to get the bar overhead. 115 was really easy. 125 I just couldn't get the bar overhead. The WOD itself I thought was going to be a nightmare but I really liked it. The one armed swings forced me to use my hips rather than my arm so it definitely helped to drill the technique. Did every set of them unbroken (other than swapping arms). I wanted to do some thrusters today my my right wrist was a little sore plus my shoulders wouldn't let me. Will start working them into my daily routine again

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    I haven't done burpees in ages... and the sheer prospect is giving me shivers!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    800m run
    Dynamic Warm up
    5 min Skill: Muscle-ups

    Back Squat 3×5, HSPU 3x max number
    3 minutes rest between sets, while resting for one perform the other
    210lbs Squats, 7,4,4 HSPU (No abmat, head to ground)

    AMRAP in 15 min:
    250m Run
    25 foot Bear Crawl
    50 Mountain Climbers
    6 rounds plus run and bear crawl and some mountain climbers

    Muscle ups as skill work again. Determined I'm going to get one soon. Squat was okay, not done any in a while. Really happy with the HSPU's. Definitely getting better at these. WOD was annoying, mountain climbers seem to make my shoes fall off (slightly too big for me) so had to stop numerous times to put my shoes back on and tie them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    30 minutes pull up practice

    Dynamic Warm up
    500m Row

    5 mins muscle up work

    135lbs x 5
    185lbs x 5
    225lbs x 3
    245lbs x 2
    285lbs x 5 (80% of 1RM)

    24 Inch Box Jump
    Sit ups
    Time 20:23

    Pull up practice was sweet. I know what i have been doing wrong so just need to work on it some more. Muscle ups are coming a long. Deadlifts were hard because my hands were sore from 30 minutes practicing pull ups, but other then that they were fine. WOD was supposed to be Knees to elbows instead of Sit ups but my grip gave up on me after 10 reps of Knees to elbows. No time for ring dips today as spent so much time doing pull ups.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Dynamic Warm up
    800m row

    Warm up Deadlift, Bench & Power Clean

    “The Centurion”
    5 rounds for time of:
    45 sec on and 15 sec off of:
    Deadlift (1.5% BW) -> 225lbs
    Bench (BW) -> 135lbs (should have been 150 but scaled it down.
    Power Clean (3/4 BW) -> 110lbs
    	DL	BP	PC	Total
    Rd1	11	6	11	28
    Rd2	7	4	9	20
    Rd3	6	4	9	19
    Rd4	5	4	9	18
    Rd5	5	4	10	19

    104 Reps.

    Deadlifts started out fine but my abs were killing me by the second round. Bench was horrible for me. Cleans were pretty easy. Decent enough session

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    2 rounds of
    10 Overhead Squats
    10 Sit ups
    10 Dips
    10 Pull ups
    20s Samson Stretch
    10 GHD Back extensions
    10 Push ups

    5 mins muscle up work

    Front Squats
    45lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    135lbs x 3
    185lbs x 5
    185lbs x 5
    185lbs x 5

    Squat Cleans
    45lbs x 3
    95lbs x 3
    135lbs x 0
    135lbs x 1
    155lbs x 0

    1000m Row
    50 45lb Thrusters
    30 Pull ups
    Time 10:28

    ARRRRGH. Muscle up was so close. Not going to the gym tomorrow so not going to be able to get one this week. Tried my Do-wins while front squatting. Seemed pretty decent. last set of 185lbs was the easiest. Squat cleans seemed a little weird in the shoes. Missed 135lbs as my hand slipped. Missed 155lbs as I fell backwards. Last time I did Jackie I finished in 12:01 so that's a PR of a minute and 31 seconds. Row was around 3:50, can't remember how fast the thrusters were but the pull ups were pretty bad. Went something like 6,6,4,4,3.... It's a technique thing as much as a stamina/strength thing. After about 6 pull ups my legs swing too far forward and I need to reset. Working out at home tomorrow. Going to try for 4 sets of 10 Ring dips and 'Annie' (50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders and Sit ups) tomorrow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Took the weekend off from workouts, had a soccer match and played some golf

    Monday (worked out at home)
    Ring Dips
    4 sets of 10

    Double Unders
    Sit ups
    Time 9:41

    Not much to say.
    Ring dips are getting so much easier.
    Double unders are easy.
    Sit ups are slow

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Ring Dips
    4 sets of 10

    Dynamic Warm up
    5 min Skill: Squat Snatch

    Power Clean: 10 min to find a 7 rep max keeping hands on bar the entire time
    95lbs x 7 followed by 115lbs x 7

    3 min max number of Handstand Push-ups

    12min AMRAP:
    12 Kettlebell Swings (20kg)
    12 Burpees
    6 rounds and one swing.

    Could definitely have gone heavier on cleans. Would have but ran out of time. I need to work on maximising my time. Handstand push ups were head to the floor so full range of motion. WOD was alright was supposed to be 24kg but not enough kettlebells at that weight. Did some muscle up work after and got so close again. It's coming
