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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Molly wrote: »
    Ring Dips
    4 sets of 10

    Nicely done. When ya adding the weight? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    I want to try get to 4 sets of 15 before I go do anything like that

    Dynamic Warm up
    10 Pull ups
    10 Dips
    10 Push ups
    10 Sit ups
    10 Squats

    Max Double Unders in 5 mins
    Total 176

    Max Ring Dips in 2 mins
    Total 23

    AMRAP in 15 mins
    250m run
    15 SDHP (75lbs)
    5 Bar roll outs
    5 rounds & 150m

    The 10 pull ups between warm up and the double unders were probably the best set of pull ups i've done. They seemed effortless. Double unders were easy at the start and then my arms just refused to let me do any more which was unfortunate. 1 minute rest and then max ring dips. I ended up having to use the rings hanging from 12 feet so these swing a lot more making it a little harder. Ended up with 23, was hoping for 25. WOD was good, my first run I ended up running about 40 or 50m too far :( and my SDHP were awful. By the third round the SDHP were going really well. Could have finished the 5th round if my first 2 sets of SDHP were better and I didn't run too far in the first round:p Bar roll outs are tough, they're basically like using an ab wheel but with a bar bell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    800m Row
    Dynamic Warm up

    10 minutes Snatch Practice

    4 rounds of
    AMRAP in 3 minutes
    10 Hang Power Snatches (65lbs)
    25 Double Unders
    Minute Rest between rounds
    Total 6 rounds (2,2,1,1)

    Muscle Up Practice
    Muscle up x 1 :D

    Snatch practice was pretty bad. I need so much practice with this movement. WOD was decent if a little annoying. First round of the first round the double-unders were weird and couldn't get a rhythm. needed to start like 4 times on these. I also was doing a more muscle snatch instead of power snatch. After this round I started dropping a bit to catch the bar and it was easier. Was a single and 3 double unders short of 2 rounds in the last 2 sets. Think i'd have gotten two rounds in the last two if I could have seen a clock (was broken!) Spent about 10 minutes stretching and rolling, followed by some muscle up practice. Got my first one but it was strange, both my hands slipped into the rings somehow and it was just my forearms holding me up, managed to push off of my forearms and finish it out. Tried about 3 or 4 after that but wasn't able to get any.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Been all over the place with work and stuff in the last while doing crazy hours and not in my usual location. Played a soccer match on the 16th, didn't do anything until the 22nd.

    5 min Skill: Handstand Push-ups

    Push Press
    Can't remember warm up sets
    Work Sets
    125 x3,135x2 +1f,135x3
    Pistols 3×5 each leg

    8 rounds:
    30 sec rest between sets of:
    50 M Sprint
    10 Ring Dips (4 sets rxed, 4 with tiny red band
    10 45lb bumper plate military presses
    10 Sit-ups
    Time: Can't remember. I do remember the bumper plate military presses being absolutely horrible to do because of the awkwardness of the size of the plate. Time would have been faster if it was a direct run like it was for the morning classes instead of shuttle runs and I had to wait for the rings twice also.

    Played a soccer match on the 23rd
    Didn't do anything else until today

    5 min Skill: Frog Stands

    5 min Skill Pistols

    5 min Skill Ring Push-Ups

    4 Sets:
    2 minutes rest between sets of:
    12 Ring Dips
    24 Kettlebell Swings
    500m Run
    Time: DNF

    Frog Stands are almost there despite not having done them very often. Could stay up for almost 10 seconds but not consistently. Pistols are getting better all the time. I think if I wore my weight lifting shoes here I could do them pretty easy. I might try this soon actually. Ring Push ups are so much harder then regular push ups. WOD was going really well, going through things unbroken. After second round I went to get a drink of water and somehow managed to f*ck my elbow up using the water fountain. Went to begin my third round and when I went to raise myself out of the lowered position on the drip, I felt weakness and a bit of pain in my elbow. Stopped the WOD there. Tried another dip a couple of minutes later, same thing. Tried another dip off of a bar with my feet on the ground, same thing. Going to cross my fingers and hope I wake up tomorrow morning and I'm fixed :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    My elbow is fine. Tested out some ring dips yesterday and they felt normal so very happy with that. Wasn't able to make it to the gym though so just did the first 2 mobility WODS. Sitting in a squat for 10 minutes blows goats.

    This morning.
    3rd mobility WOD

    1k Run
    Some Deadlift warm ups
    Some Thruster warm ups
    Some pull ups
    Some Kettlebell Swings

    The Seven
    Seven Rounds of:
    7 Handstand Push-ups (2 rounds full depth, 4 rounds with one ab mat)
    7 Thrusters (135#) (95lbs)
    7 Knees to Elbows
    7 Deadlifts (245#) (2 Rounds @ 245, 4 at 225)
    7 Burpees
    7 Kettlebell Swings (32kg) (scaled to 24Kg)
    7 Pull-ups
    Time 42:20 and only 6 rounds.

    Pull ups and Knees to elbows were really good. Did them all unbroken and the pull ups felt really easy.
    Burpees don't really bother me that much.
    HSPU are starting to feel stronger.
    Deadlifts were okay, could have stuck out 245 if I didn't wimp out
    Kettlebell swings were easy
    Only a tiny rip on the palm of my hand

    Thrusters are awful, I just don't get the movement.
    I wimped out on the deadlifts
    I only got 6 rounds done in a slow time
    I didn't scale the thrusters down enough

    Thrusters took a loooong time on every round except the first, If i had scaled these down further I would have got 7 rounds in faster then I did the 6 :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Stupid work interfering with everything, been keeping up with mobility stuff though

    Did some benching at home
    135lbs x 4
    145lbs x 2
    150lbs x 1

    Probably an extra rep on all sets with a spotter

    Double unders, Air Squats
    Time 7:32

    This sucked major ass. Didn't start string together any double unders until the last two rounds, was only getting 10s as a max until the 20 round. Didn't miss any double unders after that. Air squats sucked all the time. I don't know was it because of my legs getting worn out from double unders or the fact that I haven't really been doing anything at all lately but it was awful. Screw this, i'm driving to the gym tomorrow. Can't wait for the new affiliate 10 minutes from my house to open up next week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    This morning (Saturday)

    1 Year Anniversary of Fort Hood Massacre:
    Lumberjack 20 Remembrance WOD
    20 Deadlifts (275#) scaled to 225#
    400m Run
    20 KB Swings (2 pood) scaled to 1.5 pood (24kg)
    400m Run
    20 Overhead Squats (115#) scaled to 95#
    400m Run
    20 Burpees
    400m Run
    20 Pull-ups (Chest to Bar) scaled to normal pull ups
    400m Run
    20 Box Jumps (24″)
    400m Run
    20 DB Squat Cleans (45# each) scaled to 25#
    Lumberjack Run 400m
    Time 29:36

    Loved this wod. I actually ran 450 metres the first 4 runs by mistake until someone showed me where I was actually supposed to run to. The deadlifts were a bit soul destroying at the start seeing as my hands were not very happy with them. Deadlifts and first run took somewhere around 6 minutes which blows. Kettlebell swings were unbroken. Overhead Squats were broken into 6/4/7/3. Lost the bar forwards on the 18th rep so had to snatch it overhead again unfortunately. Burpees were fine, i'm not really fast at them but they don't bother me really. Pull ups were done 11/9. Hand slipped off the bar causing me to break them up. On a positive note, these took absolutely nothing out of me energy wise and only took around 25-30 seconds. I think I have butterfly pull ups sorted now, just need to build up more endurance on them. Box jumps were easy if a little slow due to my quads beginning to die. DB Squat cleans, I was late this morning due to traffic so i just picked up the first set of DBs i saw, turns out they were 25#. I think if I had a choice I would have went with 35#. These were actually horrible and felt like the hardest exercise by a long way. Pretty happy with pull ups and kettlebell swings. I think I might try Helen again soon. I'm pretty sure I can kill the last time I had on it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Oh god, i've barely been able to walk since Saturday, probably the worst DOMS I've ever had.

    1000m Row
    Dynamic warm up (lunges in here felt like absolute torture)
    5 minutes skill: Thrusters

    OH Squats supersetted with dead hang pull ups
    Some Warm up sets
    95lbs x 3 /7 DHPU
    115lbs x 3 /5 DHPUs
    135lbs x 1 /2 DHPU

    2 rounds
    30 push ups (hand release at bottom)
    21 95lb OH Squats
    Time: Dunno

    Today sucked an awful lot. Thrusters were actually the highlight as I got some really good pointers that seem to make them easier. OH Squats were okay before the WOD I guess. 135lbs could have been for more reps, just lost my balance a little. This is actually a PR. The WOD was awful, I couldn't string together any OH Squats for some reason and my wrists and left elbow were giving me hassle. When foam rolling after i noticed how tight my IT bands were. I've never had a problem with these before but today they were rock hard and rolling them was just torture. Tomorrow will be better

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Legs are still awfully tight. Left leg more so than my right. At least it went a lot better than yesterday

    50 Double Unders
    Dynamic Warm up
    5 minutes pull up practice

    Squat Cleans (scaled to 95lbs from 135)
    Ring Dips
    Time 11:47

    Lots of Stretching/Rolling after

    I seem to have lost the ability to do double unders, most I got was 20 when I've been able to string together 50 quite easily in the past. Pull ups were good, butterfly technique is getting better all the time. Scaled to 95lbs for the WOD, was good, lost 2 reps on the cleans and had two bad reps that came out too far in front of me but the rest felt really good. This was my second time wearing my lifting shoes, felt good. Dips were broken into 3 sets every time. 11/6/4, 7/5/3 and 5/2/2.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    This morning
    Had a massage on my legs last night. Did wonders, still a little tight though but a million times better.

    Some skipping
    dynamic warm up

    3 rounds of
    400m run
    21 24kg kettlebell swings
    12 pull ups
    Time 11:57

    First round was done in 2 minutes 30 seconds. after that I died. Cold air (40 degrees Fahrenheit) and running outside burns my throat. Need to man up more. Recovery from this was ridiculous, took about 10 minutes because my throat/chest was on fire. Joining new affiliate Monday, only 10 minutes from my house instead of 45 minutes to an hour.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    This morning.

    New affiliate just 15 minutes from my house. Affiliate owner is a nice guy was just chatting for a while and then did baseline WOD.

    500m row (1:40)
    40 Squats
    30 Sit ups
    20 Push ups
    10 Pull ups
    Time 5:15

    Squats and push ups were slow. Row could have been faster, pull ups weren't great. Sit ups were fine. Starting up properly Monday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    5 minutes skipping
    Dynamic warm up

    3 rounds of Cindy
    5 Pull ups/10 Push ups/15 Squats

    135lbs x 5
    185 x 5
    225 x 5
    275 x 5
    295 x 5

    5 round of
    225lb Deadlift x 5
    10 Burpees
    Time 6:07


    Cindy rounds were fine, pull ups weren't the best today. Deadlifts were good, nice to get some additional coaching, felt really good on the final set. Was working on not putting the bar in the middle of my hand as well. Will take a while to get used to. WOD I scaled back to 225lbs. After the third round the burpees got pretty horrible. Nice little workout.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up
    3 rounds of
    400m run
    10 20kg Kettlebell swings
    10 Inverted rows
    10 Squats

    Some squat clean drills

    45lbs x 3
    65lbs x 5
    95lbs x 5
    115lbs x 5

    3 rounds of
    10 Front Squats (115lbs)
    50 Double unders
    Time 7:52

    Couple of things I really like about this affiliate. The warm up is very varied and feels like a little mini wod at your own pace, instead of bear crawls, spider man crawls, inch worms and over/under the hurdles all the time. I also like the fact that there is less people there so there is more time spent with each person. Got some really good pointers on my cleans today, just need to practice them a little. The cleans themselves were alright, my lower back is a little stiff from yesterdays deadlifting and my glutes are a little sore as well. The WOD was interesting. Round 1 was easy, unbroken squats, double unders 20/15/15. Round 2 the squats were harder and i broke it into 5 and 5. I shouldn't have done this, unbroken was very achievable for me I just needed to HTFU, Double unders were done in 5 sets. Round 3 I got through 5 squats, thought about dropping it but got 3 more in and then dropped it. Should have done it unbroken again. Last 50 double unders were awful. Got through 20 on the first set and died badly after that, doing them in 5s as my shoulders were destroyed. Need to use more wrist and less shoulder.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Dynamic Warm up
    Some HSPU practice
    Some technique work for military press

    Military Press
    45lbs x 10
    55 x 10
    65 x 5
    85 x 5
    95 x 5
    100 x 5
    100 x 5

    10 minutes AMRAP
    5 Hand stand push ups
    10 Knees to elbows
    Total 5 rounds and 5 Handstand push ups

    Military Press was good today, felt solid. I learned handstand push ups are a lot harder after 'a lot' of shoulder work before hand. First round was rx, after that was one abmat, and the last set was 2 abmats. Rest tomorrow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    400m run
    Dynamic Warm up

    45lbs & 65lbs
    1 round at each weight
    1 Power Clean
    3 Front Squats
    5 Push Press
    7 Thrusters

    Some Pull up practice

    Some more Thruster practice

    5 rounds of
    400m run
    7 Thrusters (95lbs scaled from 135)
    Time 12:37

    Thrusters are a goat for me. Went with 95lbs for the WOD because I wanted to work on my technique as much as possible. Got through 4 rounds unbroken. On the 5th round after the second rep the bar got away from me on the way down and had to break them up. A little disappointed with that but I know I had the capacity to do the 7 unbroken. Runs were alright, was trying to keep up a decent pace on each one but I think the last one was a little slow (2 minutes)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Yesterday, spent the day paintballing. I had forgotten how fun/painful this was :)

    This morning

    Dynamic Warm up
    5 rounds of
    400m run
    30 24 inch box jump
    30 20lb wall balls
    Time 28:37

    Streching/rolling/shoulder mobility

    Eugh, didn't sleep very well last night, good session today though. First round was done in around 4:30, second round was done in 10, 4th round was 22:00. My shoulders are absolutely fried. I do seem to be getting the hang of wall balls though. Left IT band (the one that was ridiculously tight recently) was a little sore today, spent some time rolling it on a PVC pipe after. Certainly not fun. There is room for improvement on this WOD.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Dynamic Warm up

    Deadlifts worked up to
    225 for 3 sets of 5

    SDHP 65lbs
    Shoulders to Overhead 65lbs
    Time 12:37

    Tabath Sit ups

    Shoulders still sore from yesterday so this was tough. Shoulders to overhead were a mixture of Push Press, and Split Jerks when I got really tired

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Not sure why I stopped logging but starting it back up

    15 Squat Cleans (95lbs) (was supposed to be 135)
    30 Toes to Bar
    30 24" Box Jumps
    15 Jumping Muscle ups (was supposed to be muscle ups)
    30 Kettlebell Push Presses (35lb)
    30 Double Under
    15 95lb Thruster (supposed to be 135)
    30 Pull ups (9/9/9/3)
    30 Burpees
    300ft Walking Lunges with a 25lb plate (was supposed to be a 45lb plate)
    Time 29:01

    Cleans and Thrusters were sucky, form was just bad on them. Can't remember the warm up but was practice of each movement. Did 2 muscle ups in a row (dropping between each one)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Trying to go up 5 lbs on Military Press/Bench Press/Squats each week and 10 lbs on deadlifts.

    Done at home
    Ring Dips; 4 sets of 10

    Military Press
    45 x 5
    65 x 5
    85 x 5
    85 x 5
    85 x 5

    Squats/Push ups/Sit ups
    Time 5:52

    Got through all push ups unbroken so was happy with that, ring dips got tough on the last set. Press was fine

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up
    HSPU/Kettlebell Swings/Toes to bars

    Skill work (dunno what it was)

    AMRAP 20 minutes
    400m run
    4 HSPU
    8 24kg Kettlebell Swings
    12 Toes to Bar

    5 rounds, finished 6th run at 20:07. Toes to bar were sloooooow. Couldn't figure out the rhythm.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up & Mobility Work
    Lots of Clean Practice
    Some Pull up Practice

    WOD 15-12-9
    115lb Power Clean & Jerk
    Pull ups
    Time 14:55

    Wasn't doing this pull ups as butterflys, just standard kipping, working on pushing away from the bar. This was slow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up
    Mobility Work
    500m Row slow pace (1:50)
    Power Snatch Work

    3 rounds of
    400m run
    10 OHS @ 95lbs
    10 Knees to Elbows
    10 Burpees

    Time 13:26

    Power Snatches were decent, WOD was good. Knees to elbow were really solid. Overhead Squats were unbroken in the first round, 5/4/1 in the second and in the third they were 6/4

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    3 rounds
    7 Push ups
    10 Thrusters

    Bench Press
    45 x 10
    65 x 10
    95 x 10
    135 x 5
    135 x 5

    500m row

    7 rounds of
    7 Wall Balls (20lb)
    7 Push ups

    500m row

    Time 11:00

    Last rep of second set of 135lbs was a grinder. The second row in the wod was awful, push ups sucked and wall balls were wall balls.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Military Press
    45 x 5
    65 x 5
    75 x 5
    90 x 5
    90 x 5
    90 x 5

    15 x 10
    45 x 20
    65 x 17

    Power Cleans
    65 x 6
    115 x 3
    135 x 2
    155 x 1
    175 x 0
    175 x 1
    185 x 0,0

    20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
    2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Box Jumps (24")

    Time 13:45

    Military Press was easy. Thrusters were god form wise. Could have gotten 185 on the power cleans if I had dropped a little more, pull was up to nipple level I just wasn't dropping under the bar at that point. WOD was good but I shouldn't have dropped the kettlebell on the 18/16/14 sets. Could definitely have powered through. Was a burner of a WOD

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up
    Double Under Work

    45lbs x 10
    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    185 x 2
    200 x 5
    200 x 5
    200 x 5

    Muscle up Work
    12 Attempts, 10 successful :D

    400m run
    then 5 rounds of
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 squats
    20 sit ups
    then 400m run

    Time 12:03

    Squats were really good. Push ups were broken up in round 3 and 4. Sit ups were tough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Double Under/Pull up/Overhead Squat Practice

    95lb OHS
    Pull ups
    20 Double Unders after each couplet

    Time 18:26

    OHS were embarassingly bad, could barely string 3 or 4 together at the start and it only got worse. Pull ups were solid, only dropped off the bar in the last set. Double unders were unbroken or had one break except for the first round of 8 which I seemed to lose all ability to do double unders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Row 1000m (slow pace; 4:02)
    3 rds Kettlebell Swings/Overhead Lunges/Push Press 16Kg Kettlebell

    Military Press
    45 x 10
    65 x 5
    85 x 4
    95 x 5
    95 x 5
    95 x 5

    Hang Cleans
    Worked up to 95lbs

    AMRAP 12 minutes

    7 Deadlift @ 95lbs
    7 Hang Clean @ 95lbs
    7 Front Squats @ 95lbs

    7 rounds and 2 Deadlifts

    Military Press was easy. Fore arms were killing me before the WOD, after the WOD they felt like rocks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m row (1:50, slow pace)
    Kettlebell Work
    Pull up Work

    3 rounds of
    400m run
    21 Kettlebell Swings
    12 Pull ups
    Time 9:59

    First round (2:33)
    Run 1:18
    Swings unbroken
    Pull ups 6/6

    Second round (2:57)
    Swings 12/9
    Pull ups 7/5

    Third round (4:29)
    Swings 11/10
    Pull ups 3/4/2/1/1/1

    Last set of pull ups cost me a lot of time. Need to stop dropping kettlebell too because I don't actually need to. Potential to take another minute (at least)of with unbroken swings and better pull ups. Nice PR though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up

    3 rounds of
    5 Pull ups
    10 Push ups
    15 Squats

    Bench Press
    45 x 10
    65 x 10
    95 x 5
    115 x 3
    120 x 5
    120 x 5
    120 x 5

    Hang Power Snatch
    Worked up to 95lbs

    AMRAP 12 minutes

    7 Snatch width Hook Grip Deadlift @ 75lbs
    7 Hang Snatch @ 75lbs
    7 Overhead Squat @ 75lbs
    6 rounds & 6 Deadlifts

    Bench was fine, my left thumb nail was cut really short and while doing hook grip this dug into my thumb and made gripping the bar with my left hand difficult. Would have had at least 7 rounds otherwise, maybe even 8.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up
    Mobility Work

    L Sit Practice
    Parallettes, got 10 second holds a few times

    4 rounds
    10 Burpee Box Jumps (24 inch box)
    15 Wall balls
    20 Double Unders
    Time 9:00

    45 x 5
    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    185 x 2
    205 x 5
    205 x 5
    205 x 5

    L-Sits were sweet, really wasn't expecting that. WOD was tough as the burpee box jumps got progressively more difficult. Wall balls were straight through every time and double unders were unbroken. Did squats after the WOD. Used my do-wins for the first time, was all easy except for one rep where i lost tightness.
