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Triple Extending



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Double Under work
    Mobility Stuff

    Pull up work

    Some Light Deadlifts


    1000m Row
    185lb Deadlift
    Time 11:01

    Going to scale back reps on double unders and try be more efficent in my technique. Pull ups are progressing a bit all the time. WOD was a lung burner. Row was in 3:40. Less rest more moving would have gotten this sub 10

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    45lbs x 10
    65 x 10
    95 x 5
    115 x 3
    140 x 5
    140 x 5
    140 x 8

    Double Under Work

    20 minute AMRAP
    9 Pull ups
    9 Squat Cleans (95lb)
    9 Kettlebell Swings (55lb)
    9 Toes To Bar
    9 Push Press
    9 Burpees
    4 rounds & 9 pull ups

    Bench seems to progressing really really well. Last time I tested my max bench it was 150lbs. In two weeks I should be doing this for 3 sets of 5. 140 for 8 puts me at 177. Just realised I did 135lbs two weeks in a row. Oops.

    WOD was enjoyable, was tough. Squat Cleans are just slow. Toes to bars were easier than ever before so good to see some progression there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up
    Double Under Work

    Baseline Retest
    500m row
    40 Squats
    30 Sit ups
    20 Push ups
    10 Pull ups
    Time 4:34

    45lbs x 5/7/3 would have give
    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    185 x 2
    230 x 5
    230 x 5
    230 x 5

    Double unders were pretty sweet today. Stringing 25 together nicely without having to do big jumps. Going to keep working on these. Did the baseline workout around 2 and a half months ago; had a 41 second improvement (form 5:15 to 4:34). I would have liked to go under 4:30, getting out of the rower faster and doing push ups 10/10 instead of 10/7/3 would have given me that. Squats were good, first work set was tough, second was easier and the third was the easiest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up
    Double Under Work

    SDHP work

    15 min AMRAP
    5 SDHP (75#)
    7 Box jumps 24"
    9 Sit ups
    15 rounds + 5 SDHP + 3 box jumps

    Eugh 6 am class, disgusting. Was supposed to do pull up work this morning also but my hands are in need of serious filing. Did some dead hangs and left it at that. WOD was good, could have pushed a little harder to get 16 and maybe 17 rounds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Double Under Work
    Warm up

    Hang Power Clean Work

    5 rounds
    5 Hang Power Cleans
    10 Thrusters
    Time 9:07

    95lbs x 5
    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 2
    275 x 2
    325 x 5 :cool:

    Snatch Balance @ 45lbs & 65lbs.
    Lots of Hang Snatches at various weights
    Full Snatches at 65/85/95/105

    Muscle up stuff

    WOD was annoying. Burpees was randomly roared out and 3 burpees were required to be done. Dunno how often it was called out but it was a pain in the ass. Deadlifting was decent. There was definitely more than 5 reps in there anyway. Snatches were good. I looked through my log and I've only done them a couple of times before. Felt pretty solid at 95 but I only got 105 on my second attempt of 4. I'm going to do these more often. Muscle ups were interesting, I haven't done these in ages and both my hands slipped off the rings on one of my second attempt ending up with the rings almost up at my armpits. I'm a clown. Did some singles after

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Double Unders

    Pull up Stuff
    Bunch of Technique work
    5 sets of 7
    5 sets of 5 Chest to Bar

    Pull ups
    Push ups

    3 rounds 2 mins rest between each one

    Two nice big bruises on my biceps from my muscle up accident yesterday. Today was pretty decent up to the end. I'd never done Chest to Bar before so was good to try. I didn't try go for any long sets of pull ups because I figured my hands wouldn't like me for it seeing as there were 81 in the WOD. I got through 77 of these before I felt something in my hand go and developed a nice blood blister

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    45lbs x 10
    65 x 10
    95 x 5
    115 x 2
    135 x 2
    145 x 5
    145 x 5
    145 x 6

    Some Muscle Ups

    Double Under Work


    Power Clean & Split Jerk
    65 x 2
    95 x 2
    115 x 2
    135 x 2
    145 x 2
    155 x 1

    AMRAP 12 minutes
    5 Clean & Jerk 115lb
    7 Box Jumps 24"
    9 Rounds even
    Immediately after 1 minute of pull ups: 19 pull ups

    Bench felt horrible today, my lats are sore and my form was just shaky. Putting 155lbs overhead was actually really easy. There was definitely a lot more in the tank. 155lb clean was easy too. WOD was nice and enjoyable. Gives me hope of being able to Rx Grace sometime soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    500m Row

    3 rounds of Cindy

    Front Squats
    45 x 7
    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    155lbs x 5 x 5

    Max double Unders in 2 minutes

    Some muscle ups

    Not much to say about today. Could have gone slightly heavier on the front squats. Had 83 double unders in a row before i slipped up. Had this done in 40 seconds as well. Then I fatigued badly :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    Military Press
    45lbs x 10
    65 x 5
    95 x 3
    95 x 3
    115 x 4
    115 x 4
    115 x 4

    135lb x 5
    185 x 5
    225 x 3
    285 x 2
    335 x 5

    More Mobility

    Dead Hang pull ups: 6/6/5

    1000m row
    225lb Deadlifts
    Ring Rows
    Time 13:57

    Military Press was okay. I'll get the 115 next week I think. Deadlift felt a little heavy, even at lower weights, got through it though.
    In theory his puts me up close to a 400lb deadlift. Pull ups were pull ups. The WOD was absolutely bollox. Not sure why but I sucked major balls at it. Hadn't done any body rows in ages, I don't like them. Split Jerks tomorrow. Hoping for a non sh*t day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    3 rounds of
    10 push ups
    5(each side) single leg hip extensions
    5(each side) lunges

    Split Jerk Work (cleaned form the floor)
    45 x 5 (singles)
    95 x 5 (singles)
    135 x 7 (singles)

    5-10-15-20-25 55lb Kettlebell Swing
    25-20-15-10-5 20lb Wallballs
    Time 9:10

    45lbs x 5
    95 x 5
    135 x 3
    185 x 2
    225 x 1
    235 x 5
    235 x 5
    235 x 5

    Split jerks were fine, just working on technique. WOD was tough as my back felt ridiculously stiff from yesterday. Could have definitely gone faster if my back wasn't so stiff/sore. Squats were ridiculously hard. 135 felt about as heavy as 230 was a few weeks back. Dunno what was going on there, everything was just incredibly heavy. Probably the hardest 3 sets of squats I've done. Snowboarding for the weekend.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Double Under Work

    Kettlebell Swings (70lb bell)

    Handstand work

    Military Press
    45 x 10
    65 x 5
    95 x 3
    115 x 5
    115 x 5
    115lbs x 5

    Tabatha plank holds

    Hit a tree snowboarding at the weekend, just below my knee pretty sore at the moment so happy with a not too intense session. Was my first time using the 32kg kettlebell, was heavy :p Happy with the press, I knew I'd get it after last week. Tabatha plank holds were a pain in the ass. My core strength sucks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    Bench Press
    45 x 10
    95 x 5
    115 x 3
    135 x 1
    150 x 5
    150 x 5
    150lbs x 5

    Max double unders in 2 minutes: 123

    Pull ups

    Chest to bar pull ups

    Dead Hang pull ups

    Kettlebell Swings 55lb/1.5pood/24kg/whatever
    Double Unders
    Time 13:27

    So last time I did a one rep max test for my bench it was 150lbs (might have been 155), was nice to do 3 sets of 5 on it. There was definitely a 6th rep on the final set and possibly a 7th. Really happy with this. Two minute max double unders wasn't as good as last week but still okay. Pull ups actually look decent now. Chest to bar are fine too, I just need to work to higher reps. WOD was good, high rep swings burn out my back. Double unders were pretty easy. Room for improvement on the WOD

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Double Unders
    Warm up
    More Mobility
    More Mobility

    45lbs x 5
    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 1
    240 x 5
    245 x 5

    Tabatha Mash up of Squats/Sit ups

    Think I was good for 250 x 5 on the squats. Will do 245 for 5 sets of 3 next time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up

    Some light deadlifts

    Pull up owrk

    20 min AMRAP
    10 BW Deadlifts (155)
    16 Double Unders
    9 Pull ups
    10 rounds and 7 pull ups.

    Would have had more rounds if my double unders hadn't been absolutely sh*te. I think I got one round straight through which is laughable. Ripped one of my hands on the last round which was annoying. Didn't feel it getting sore or anything

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    1000m Row

    Power Snatch Work

    500m row 1:35:9

    OHS (85lb)
    Ring Rows (Hand not healed yet)
    Time 9:09

    500m row time is a pb by 4 seconds. Today i concentrated on pulling as hard as i could rather then as fast as I could. It's going to take some getting used to but I think I can keep on improving my rowing by doing that. OHS were terrible as usual, as soon as I stop concentrating I lose the bar forwards which pisses me off. Need to focus more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    20 Burpees for being late

    Some Kettlebell snatches

    Power Clean Work


    7 rounds
    7 Pull ups/14 ring rows
    7 Power Cleans (115lbs)
    time 9:32

    Suckfest, wanted to do pull ups but my hands are still at me. Did two rounds before changing to ring rows which destroyed my forearms. Felt like I was just going through the motions...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Double Under Work

    2 min max double unders

    3 rounds
    5 Deadhang Pull ups
    10 Push ups
    15 Overhead Squats

    Light Clean and Jerk work

    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 2
    275 x 1
    315 x 1
    365 x 1
    385 x 1 :D (174.6 Kg)
    390 x 0 :(

    Double Unders score equals my PR however i felt much fresher this time then last time. Can get this higher definitely. Deadlifts were good, 385 was hard, 390 didn't move off the floor. After it was pointed out to me that the bar was moving up off of the ground but it was bending a little. I was off the impression the bar hadn't moved at all so packed it in. Maybe if I had of been more patient. Still i'm pleased with a 20 lb pr. 15 more lbs by the end of March to hit my goal of 400lbs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up
    Mobility Work

    2 rounds of
    5 Power Snatch
    5 Clean & Jerk
    5 each arm Kettlebell Snatch


    5 rounds
    400m run
    10 Thrusters 95 lb
    10 Toes to Bar
    Time: 19:15

    Good to be able to run again but i suffered from not doing any running in so long. First run was around 1:13 and I wasn't even pushing. Was out the door again at 2:30. After the second run I just died. It was brutal. Delighted with the thrusters though, got first, second and 5th round unbroken. 3rd round I lost one forwards so did 3 and 7. 4th round was tough. Toes to Bar were alright. Not a great performance but was delighted with the thrusters, I think I finally have them fixed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    This morning,

    PR Saturday :D

    45lbs x 5
    95 x 5
    135 x 3
    185 x 2
    225 x 1
    245 x 1
    265 x 1 (Ties PR)
    275 x 1
    285 x 1
    290 x 1(25lb PR) 131.5Kg
    295 x 0

    45lbs x 10
    65 x 5
    95 x 3
    115 x 2
    135 x 1
    155 x 1 (token 5lb PR)
    160 x 1
    170 x 1
    180 x 1
    190 x 1(40lb PR) 86.2Kg

    Muscle Ups

    Military Press
    45lbs x 5
    65 x 3
    95 x 3
    125 x 1 (5lb PR)
    135 x 1 (15lb PR) 61.23
    140 x 0

    Awesome day. 285 shot up, 290 was ugly, 295 i lost it forward. Closing in on double bodyweight. Heaviest I had benched before was 150 (but had done 3 sets of 5). 170 flew up, 180 showed me my weak point. about a third of the way off my chest and 190 reinforced this :p Muscle ups were good, was just messing between bench sets, I think i'm good for 5, my hand just slipped off the ring, chalk would have made a difference I think. Press was good, 125 was easy, 135 was a grinder, 140 wasn't happening. A great start to the day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Warm up

    Snatch Pulls x 3/Snatch Balance x 3/Snatch x 3

    75lbs x 3
    95lbs x 3
    105lbs x 2
    115lbs x 1 (10 lb pr)
    125 x 0,0,0,0,0,0

    Okay day. First 125lb was half hearted, second and third I lost forwards. 4th I caught it well but coming out of the hole I leaned forwards, got it up but never was in control and lost it backwards while fully extended :(. 5th I lost it behind me, didn't get out of the way fast enough, a nice scrape/bruise on my back now. 6th attempt was so close, my left arm wasn't fully extended and thus buckled :( Had to leave then as was short on time

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up

    45 x 5
    65 x 3 (felt heavy :( )
    95 x 3
    115 x 3

    95lb Thrusters
    Time 11:37.

    Thrusters were the death of my today, my shoulders were stiff and sore and stopped me putting my head through. Reps were slow and there was no spring like there was last Friday. Was moving all day and moving couches and furniture today. Just realised the last rest day I had was last Tuesday also. Moving back to Ireland Wednesday so probably take the best part of a week off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    what weight are you Molly if you dont mind me asking?

    130kg plus squat is fair going, savage benching as well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    I'm 150-155lbs, getting closer to 155 at the moment. Trying to get up to about 165. Number's aren't great to be honest but are slowly getting better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Moved back to Ireland, few days off. Everything will now be in Kgs

    Warm up
    20Kg x 5
    40 x 5
    60 x 5
    80 x 3
    100 x 1
    112.5 x 5
    112.5 x 5
    112.5 x 5

    Clean & Jerk Work
    3 Hang Cleans followed by 3 Squat Cleans

    Clean & Jerks
    50Kg x 2
    60 Kg x 1 (no jerk)
    65 Kg x 1
    70 Kg x 0

    At fitness worx in cork. I really like this gym. Squats were good for the most part. The first set I was pausing at the bottom and this made it much harder, second and third sets I wasn't pausing and they were much easier (still hard though). Was a little bit more then a 5lb leap but wanted to use a round number going forwards.

    Clean & Jerks blah, my elbows were slooooooow. I'm going to have to add in a lot more hang clean work to get them faster. It's the speed of my elbows that causes me to miss reps. I barely made the 65kg clean and my wrist was sore because my elbows didn't whip around the bar fast enough so my wrist bore a lot of the weight. 60Kg scared me, cleaned it up and suddenly the room started to spin and felt like I was about to pass out. Dropped the bar and I felt really woozy. Had to sit down for a minute or two. Think I must have caught the bar on the artery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    for information there is a crossfit cork now just opened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Monday: Cycled 12 miles (to and from work)

    Tuesday: Cycled 12 miles (to and from work) + Soccer training also

    Wednesday: Cycled 6 miles to work + 1 hour of 5 a side

    Thursday: Cycled 6 miles from work

    Friday: Cycled 12 miles

    Saturday: Was supposed to go to the gym but didn't

    Sunday: A little hungover so decided to do a quick WOD
    50-40-30-20-10 Squats
    5-4-3-2-1 Handstand push ups
    5 minutes 50 seconds.

    Slow, but i'm not too bothered as i'm not feeling the best right now. Missed two handstand push up kick ups on the first round and the rounds of 5 4 and 3 were broken up because I 'fell' off the wall. Don't think i'd done HSPU in ages so should have warmed up more. Just wanted to get the heart rate up a little this morning. Will go to Galway City Gym tomorrow after work. Depending how available/costly coaching is I might switch my focus to olympic lifting for a while with the odd met con thrown in for some conditioning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Monday: Cycled 12 miles

    Tuesday: Cycled 12 miles + Soccer training

    Wednesday: Cycled 12 miles

    Thursday: Soccer Training


    Galway City Gym (at last!)

    20 x 5
    40 x 5
    60 x 5
    80 x 3
    100 x 1
    115 x 5
    115 x 5
    115 x 5

    20 x 10
    40 x 10
    50 x 5
    60 x 5
    70 x 4
    70 x 4
    70 x 1
    70 x 3

    Just a quick visit. Left IT band is sore from cycling so took a break Thursday and Friday from it. Wandered around in the rain looking at my phone trying to find galway city gym, eventually I did. Curse you google maps. Squats were good, wasn't sure if I would have been able to do 115 as I've not done any kind of lifting in almost 2 weeks. Bench was hard at 70, I think I'll drop down to 62.5 here next time and work my way back up. The bench is an awkward height for me. The set of one was because some guy grabbed a plate that was next to me and i hit him with the bar while ascending. It was annoying. I like the gym. Will do some inquiring about some Olympic lifting coaching tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    60 x 5
    80 x 5
    100 x 3
    120 x 2
    140 x 1
    150 x 5

    Military Press (Cleaned from the ground)
    20 x 10
    40 x 5
    45 x 5
    45 x 5
    45 x 5

    Pulls 20 x 3, 25 x 3, 30 x 3, 40 x 3, 45 x 3, 50 x 2
    Balance 20 x 3, 25 x 3,30 x 3
    Hang 30 x 3, 40 x 2
    Full 40 x 2, 45 x 2, 50 x 1, 55 x 1

    Joined Galway City Gym today. Didn't inquire about any coaching though. Must do that next time I'm there. Deadlifts were fine up to the work set. That was a little difficult. I think I'll stay at that weight next time. Military Presses were easy. Snatching, well first off the platform in the gym is really sweet, much better than any of the home made crossfit ones I've used. Also the plates they have (IAWLA ones) are really sweet too :p I missed a snatch at 40, two at 50 and two at 55 before eventually getting them. The ones I hit at 50 and 55 were ridiculously easy. 55Kg is a PB for snatches so i'm happy with that. Crossfit is on the backburner for the moment, there's just no where for me to do it and I want to focus on getting stronger & olympic lifts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    Sunday the 13th
    Around 65 minutes of a soccer match on the biggest pitch i've ever played on. Calf started to cramp at the end of extra time but made it through.

    Tuesday the 15th
    Soccer training

    Saturday the 19th
    Supposed to have a game but other team gave us a walkover; had training instead.

    Hurt my wrist and ankle in the game on the 13th so wasn't able to cycle to work this past week. Wrist is still pretty sore. Picked up a car over the long weekend too so I'll now be able to get to the gym a lot easier. Looking forward to getting back into things.

    I'm going to do something similar to starting strength but I want to include olympic lifts in here as well. Will have a chat with someone at the gym tomorrow about this. I'll probably base my programming around starting strength but I want to do some olympic lifting as well so will have to have a chat with a coach about that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly


    Warm up

    20Kg x 5
    40 x 5
    60 x 5
    80 x 3
    100 x 5
    100 x 5
    100 x 5

    Bench Press
    20Kg x 10
    30 x 5
    40 x 5
    50 x 1
    60 x 5
    60 x 5
    60 x 5

    Barbell Row
    20 x 5
    40 x 5
    60 x 5
    60 x 5
    60 x 5

    Dead hang Pull ups

    Hang Cleans
    20 x 3
    30 x 3

    Clean & Jerks
    40 x 3
    50 x 2
    60 x 1
    70 x 1 PB (old pb was 150 lbs)
    75 x 0

    Back in the gym. Got to the gym for 4:15 by 4:45 place was mobbed or at least that's what the place felt like anyway. Videoed first two sets of squats, depth was fine nothing special. Will continue videoing squats to keep myself honest. Wasn't overly taxing but difficult enough. Bench pressing was annoying, the two other benches were in use so i ended up using a bench that had no friction so I slid all over it, made things more difficult then they should have been but it was still easy. Grip was a thumb length from the smooth. Barbell rows are hard, hamstrings felt really tight while doing them, this leads me to believe I'm doing something stupid. Anyone had this before? Pull ups were fine, the first set were all from a dead stop after every rep. Not sure why I did that but I think I could have got a couple more otherwise. Once I can do 15 I'll start doing weighted ones. Clean & Jerks were interesting. My wrist is killing me so I thought the cleans were going to be a write off, I was wrong. Hit a small PB and then ended up failing twice on 75Kg. It was annoying because 70Kg was so easy. I may have psyched myself out of 75 to be honest. Jerks were sloppy, from 6Kg onwards they were more push press split jerks (yes i made that up). Gotta call up the Olympic lifting guy later as he was busy while I was there
