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Some of Todays Wrestling News and Rumours (Possible spoilers) ***NO CHAT***



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,624 ✭✭✭Dancor

    I thought Vince never gets sick or belives in sickness.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 15,101 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red has published an article asking what’s gotten into Kelly Kelly since the feisty competitor brutalized Divas Champion Beth Phoenix in a fit of rage on last week’s RAW SuperShow.

    “They’ve been torturing me and making me miserable for the last few months,” she told “Losing the title [to Beth at WWE Hell in a Cell] just topped it off. The next night, I let my frustrations get to me and I just let out everything I’ve been holding back.”

    Kelly has fought back against negativity and naysayers to earn the respect of not only WWE fans, but the Divas locker room and she’s not about to let her tormentors take that away from her.

    “After five years, this is finally my time,” she said. “I’m going to take it and I’m going to show people that I’m not just a pretty face.”


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Dancor wrote: »
    I thought Vince never gets sick or belives in sickness.

    Yep. He wills himself not to sneeze, cough or even yawn in public or in meetings.

    But allegations of cocaine use go back to the 1980s, they were brought up again in Sex, Lies and Headlocks 10 years ago then again in the book Ring of Hell were members of the creative team would describe waiting for hours for Vince to arrive at meetings, his erratic behaviour and the gross blood vessels on his nose.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,624 ✭✭✭Dancor

    I had my Suspicions after first seen him performing ''stand back''


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,307 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

    WWE currently has pay-per-view main events penciled in through the Royal Rumble, which is the opposite of how they have booked in recent years. Of course, things will likely change numerous times.

    There has been talk of doing a Scramble match at the Survivor Series pay-per-view with Sheamus, Mark Henry, Christian, Randy Orton, Big Show and Kane. Henry vs. Show in a Tables Match at the TLC pay-per-view is also being discussed.

    It’s also said that creative has picked out a tentative winner for the Royal Rumble already, and that Superstar is from the SmackDown! brand. The idea is that the winner will end up with the World Heavyweight Title before WrestleMania 28, likely at Elimination Chamber, because Daniel Bryan will be challenging with his Money in the Bank briefcase.

    So Daniel Bryan has a title shot at Mania anyways would love to seeone like Christian or Sheamus win the RR

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,980 ✭✭✭Degag

    Rjd2 wrote: »
    May amuse some of the lads who know their darts.:D

    He's had a few wrestling themes as entrance music before. Randy Ortons i think. Alex Roy also did and Mervyn King had HHH's King of Kings theme.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 15,101 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has started his own professional wrestling company.

    The singer, whose band are currently gearing up for the release of their new studio album 'Oceania', has called the firm Resistance Pro and has said he will be operating as 'creative director'.

    Corgan's role will be to create 'story lines' for the wrestling events and to be the public face of the organization. His company will host its first event on November 25 at Chicago's Excalibur Club. The event is called 'Black Friday'.

    Asked about the company, he told Fox News Chicago:
    I've been involved sort of behind the scenes with pro wrestling for about a decade and made a lot of friends in the business. It's a very insular business and it's a long story, but I essentially got involved with some brothers who had a wrestling promotion. We decided to form our own promotion and we're going to try to bring back to the glory days.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D is reporting that Smackdown will be airing live on the SyFy network on Tuesday, November 29 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The show will also air in its regular Friday time slot on December 2.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 15,101 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Awesome Wrestling Entertainment (AWE)
    Night of Legends
    Oct. 15, 2011
    Augusta Expo Center in Fishersville, Virginia

    Commentators are Chris Cruise, Dutch Mantel and Larry Zybysko. Chris Graham and Bill Apter​ are doing backstage interviews.

    The show apparently started at 8 p.m., but didn’t go to ppv until 9 p.m., so that’s probably why we don’t see some of the advertised matches and people.

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Terry Funk in a no disqualification match
    Mantel said Dreamer and Funk asked to go first. Probably so they can go get drunk. Well, drunker. The bell rings, but Funk asks for the microphone. Funk said he gets a physical before every match. His doctor said he was just fine, but he was too old to wrestle, but he wanted to come out for the fans and for Dreamer, who has been his fan since he was a pimple faced, greasy haired kid. Funk admits his real age is 105. He smacks Dreamer with the microphone and they go straight to the floor. Dreamer takes a bottle of Gatorade off of a kid and smacks Funk with it. Dreamer throws Funk into the timekeeper’s table. Funk throws Dreamer into the table and then starts throwing plastic chairs at him. Dreamer takes an atomic drop on the guardrail. They go into the ring and Funk hits a series of head butts. He then pays tribute to JYD with the crawling head butts. They go back outside and Dreamer takes a drink of someone’s soda and spits Funk in the eyes with it. They trade chops back in the ring. Funk hits a drop toe hold to send Dreamer into a chair. Funk throws more chairs. Funk works a spinning toe hold. Dreamer then hits a small package out of nowhere for the win. Funk knocks out the referee. Dreamer asks Funk what he’s doing, but he’s just mad and walks off.
    Winner: Tommy Dreamer by small package.

    Olivencia gives a pretty standard interview backstage where he says his own name like ten times and Jamin Olivencia doesn’t just roll off the tongue. Dutt responds that yeah, he wants to be a liar, a cheat and a jerk like Olivencia. He’s Jay Dutt from the feet up.

    Jamin Olivencia vs. Sonjay Dutt
    They do some grappling to start to establish they’re on even par. They trade off on a headlock. Olivencia gets cocky after knocking Dutt down. Dutt kips up and slaps Olivencia in the face. Dutt hits a dropkick and Olivencia takes a head scissors to the floor. Olivencia gets into the ring behind Dutt and blind sides him. Olivencia takes over. Dutt fights back. Olivencia stops Dutt from getting a springboard and covers for two. Olivencia with a suplex. He follows with a twisting splash for two. We go to the chin lock. Dutt works out, but takes a high knee for two. Dutt flips out of an atomic drop and takes over. Olivencia takes another head scissors to the floor. Dutt does a moonsault off the second rope onto Olivencia on the floor. He gets two back in the ring. Olivencia gets a spinning clothesline for two. Olivencia showboats and takes a knee in the corner. A springboard splash gets two for Dutt. Olivencia gets a back suplex. Olivencia misses a blind charge in the corner and takes a kick through the ropes. Olivencia comes back with a high knee. He goes to backdrop Dutt, but he lands on his feet and nails a super kick. They trade forearms. Olivencia blocks a sunset flip by grabbing the ropes. The referee knocks him off and Dutt completes the move. The referee gets bumped and Olivencia kicks Dutt in the groin. Olivencia finishes with the O Drop, some sort of body scissors slam.
    Winner: Olivencia with the O Drop after a low blow

    They show the contract signing from a previous show between Kevin Nash and the Rock ‘N Express. Morton looks like Charlie Rich​ with rickets. Robert Morton has Marty Feldman eyes. Morton said just to google Ricky Morton​ hates Kevin Nash and you’ll know what everything is about.

    Rick Garrison joins the commentators and bad mouths Saturn. Garrison is president of the AWE from what Cruise said. Saturn hasn’t had a match in nine years. Anderson isn’t worried in a backstage interview. Apter has Saturn. They’re hyping Saturn’s comeback match and how he was homeless, ate out of the garbage and was a drug addict. That was Tuesday. Saturn calls Anderson a bunch of different names like C.C. Deville and B.D. Cooper.

    Perry Saturn vs. C.W. Anderson
    Saturn’s a bit flabby. Replace bit with a lot. Saturn stalls to start. They trade off on some waist locks and hammer locks to start. Saturn works the punch count in the corner. Saturn follows with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Anderson takes a head scissors to the floor. He grabs a plastic chair and Saturn does a suicide dive in to it. He’s busted up. Great spot actually. Anderson works the cut back in the ring and then moves to the shoulder. Harrison has building respect for Saturn. Saturn gets a sunset flip for two. Anderson throws Saturn to the floor. Anderson wraps Saturn’s arm around the ring post on the floor. He snaps Saturn’s arm over the top rope. Anderson works the arm back in the ring. Saturn falls to the floor. Anderson smacks Saturn’s arm on the ring steps. Back in the ring, Anderson runs into a boot and takes a neck breaker. Saturn hits a clothesline. Saturn runs into a super kick for two. Spinebuster gets two. Saturn turns a backdrop try into a sunset flip for three out of nowhere. The commentators did a good job in getting the storyline over of Saturn’s return and his problems while away from the ring.
    Winner: Perry Saturn with a sunset flip.

    They show footage from a previous show of Akbar chewing out the fans. Cut to the backstage interview where Akbar gives an anti-USA promo. Akbar means the great and he’ll leave Duggan laying on his back in the ring with Old Glory draped over him. Duggan responds that he hasn’t been sitting in his rocker feeding the ducks, he’s been fighting kung-fu champions in Japan. On the Jake Roberts Heroes of Wrestling promo scale, Duggan gets about a seven.

    Mohammad Akbar vs. Jim Duggan
    Akbar gets in the ring and says there are three reasons people will remember his name. He’s tan, jacked, he’s got money in the bank and he goes for another one, but Duggan cuts him off from the back on what I’m calling the Awesome-Tron screen. As long as there is air in his lungs and blood in his arms he’ll carry the flag. He gets a USA chant going. They slug it out to start. Akbar takes a backdrop and is then clotheslined to the floor. They slug it out again in the ring. Duggan hits some clotheslines. Akbar is out on the apron. Duggan goes to get him and Akbar drops him throat first on the top rope. Akbar chokes Hacksaw. He then rakes the face. Duggan works out of a chin lock. He posts his shoulder on a charge. Akbar hits a knee drop for two. We go back to the chin lock. Seriously, they do the arm lift bit on the chin lock. Duggan lifts his arm on the third time and fights back. Three point stance into the clothesline gets the win. Akbar throws a hissy fit in the back. Duggan responds literally with blah, blah, blah and then starts a USA chant.
    Winner: Duggan with the three point stance into a clothesline.

    I think Silva’s gimmick is being a mentally challenged version of Randy Orton​. Silva’s mind starts wandering and Graham has to get his attention. Silva’s response is “I don’t pay attention, attention paid me.” What does that mean? Finlay doesn’t understand what Silva’s about and he won’t let him humiliate him and send him back to his wife and kids with his tale between his legs.

    Dave Finlay​ vs. Alex Silva with Tammy Sytch
    Tammy looks pretty good in jeans and a pink shirt. She plays to the crowd. Silva introduces her as the most beautiful diva in wrestling history. Sytch says Silva is the future of wrestling and that’s why she’s with him. I’m guessing he also covered her cab faire to the show. Silva kind of stalls and plays to Sytch a lot. They trade off on a wristlock. Finlay lands an elbow to the nose and Silva rolls to the floor. Sytch checks him out. I’m pretty sure Silva has a big piece of duct tape on his trunks. Back in the ring, they grapple on the mat. Finlay hits a shoulder block and Silva bails. They grapple more back in the ring. Finlay works the leg. Silva makes the ropes to break a knee bar. Finlay gets a waist lock takedown. He works the European uppercuts. More mat grappling. Silva works a head scissors. I make a sandwich and read the newspaper and they’re still in it. They’re not working it either, just lying on the mat. Finlay finally gets out and goes to the floor for a breather. Back in the ring, Finlay gets Silva off his feet with an arm drag. Finlay works the back. He drops a knee to the head and covers for two. Finlay works the chin lock. Finlay gets two off of a body slam. Another one gets two more. Finlay tries to go up on the second rope on a whip, but hurts his knee. Larry Z recounts how Finlay hurt his knee going through a table years ago and has had trouble ever since. Finlay begs off and milks the injury. Sytch slaps Finlay as the referee deals with Silva. Finlay won’t give up, but can’t get up. Sytch chokes Finlay from behind. Finlay rolls to the floor. The referee and Silva follow him out. If the injury was legit, the ref would have called the match by now. Silva gets a microphone and rags on Finlay for giving up as the referee helps him to the back. Silva calls him a coward. Wrong move, bub. Finlay goes back to the ring and gets a beat down. Silva is smart enough to focus on the knee. He rolls to the floor and Sytch nails Finlay. Silva follows and they brawl on the floor. Back in the ring, Silva beats and bites on the knee. Silva gets a leg grapevine, then a half crab. He goes to an ankle lock. Finlay fights back with elbows and chops. Silva cuts him off and boots Finlay to the floor. Silva slides out and Finlay catches him inside the ring apron and beats on him. They brawl on the floor. Finlay hits some clothesline back in the ring and a butt splash for two. Irish cross gets two. Silva goes up top. Finlay catches him for another Cross, but Sytch trips him. Silva gets a low blow and rolls him up. Silva has a bloody nose.
    Winner: Silva with a roll up after a low blow.

    Silva and Finlay cut promos on each other in the back after the match. Finlay is going to shove Silva’s head up his own ass.

    Shortsleeve Sampson vs. Abo Shango
    Sampson cuts a promo before the match saying it’s midget time. Shango is a full size guy, but looks like a mini-me of Papa Shango​. Sampson leap frogs over a charge in the corner. He tries it again and Shango catches him, but Sampson turns it into a head scissors to the floor. Sampson teases a dive to the floor. As Shango tries to get back in the ring, Sampson makes him ride the second rope. Sampson hits a dropkick with Shango seated and gets a two. A schoolboy gets two. Shango trips backwards over Sampson and he rolls him up for two. Shango comes back with a body slam. Shango drops a leg to the back of the head and covers for two. Shango kicks the back hard and covers for two. Sampson gets some back kicks to break a chin lock. Sampson runs into a short arm clothesline for two. Sampson fights out of another chin lock, but is caught for a body slam for two. Shango pulls Sampson up. Shango jumps over Sampson on a whip, but Sampson catches him on his shoulders and drops him on his face. Sampson with an airplane spin. Bulldog follows. Remember the Worm, Sampson goes for the Inch Worm. Shango bails. Sampson flies out with a suicide dive. Shango gets powder from a blow gun he has. Sampson knocks it into his eyes. A tadpole splash gets the win.
    Winner: Sampson with a tadpole splash.

    Back to the contract signing for the main event. Morton flips the table over and Nash hits him with a chair. Additional footage shows the Rock ‘n Roll Express jumping Marvin Ward, Nash’s original tag team partner, in the ring at another show. The Midnight Express come out for the save, but it’s a swerve and they break Ward’s arm with a chair. The Midnights are Bobby Eaton​ and Dennis Condrey​. Diamond Dallas Page makes the real save. Never seen the Expresses team up before.

    In the back, Morton can’t even speak. Gibson said he’ll take on whoever the mystery partner is. Apter has Nash. Nash doesn’t hate Morton and he can’t understand what Morton has against him. Nash actually gives a scary promo where he doesn’t raise his voice at all, but says the match will end with one of Morton’s kids over his body begging him to get up. Nash might be killed one day, but it won’t be tonight and it won’t be by Morton. Nash’s prediction for tonight is pain.

    The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page
    Gibson and DDP start. Page is backed into his corner and tags Nash. Nash wants Morton. Gibson tags him, but Ward interrupts with his arm in a sling. He said he wouldn’t just turn and walk away after what Morton did to him. Nash came to him earlier today and said he would handle things with Morton one on one. Ward tells Gibson and Page to take a walk. The new main event is Nash vs. Morton anything goes. How does he have the power to make matches? They don’t explain that. Ward sends the referee away and introduces the new special guest referee. It’s Ronnie friggin’ Garvin. Nash just hammers on Morton. He’s working pretty stiff and quick for him. Morton takes a choke toss out of the corner. Morton tries to fight back, but takes a side slam for two. Nash takes off a turnbuckle cover. Snake eyes to the exposed pin. Morton bleeds. Nash does it a second time. Nash kicks Morton to the floor. Morton eats the stairs. Back in the ring, Nash drops an elbow for two. Morton kicks Nash in the neck and punches Nash to his knees. Morton kicks Nash’s leg out from under him. Nash recovers with a choke slam for two. Morton kicked out of a choke slam, really. Nash asks for a microphone. Before he finishes it, he wants to know what Morton’s real problem with him is. Morton says he gave his life to the business. Everything he’s about is the business. Garvin and a few others in the back raised him in the business and he grew up with some others in the business. It’s not about the money. It’s about the love. Nash was a prick and an asshole to everybody. He loves the business and Nash doesn’t. Nash says if that’s his problem, then they don’t have a problem. He might be a better business man than Morton, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love the business any less. They shake hands, but Nash knees him in the gut and hits a power bomb. He flips Morton off and does the crotch chop. Nash says it’s about the money. Morton doesn’t like him, who cares. Keep buying Nash dolls and T-shirts. The economy might be suffering, but Nash is doing fine. Nash walks off and Garvin counts him out.
    Winner: Morton by count out as Nash took a walk.

    It wasn’t enjoyable in a car crash kind of way. It was more like a tedious fender bender. It was alright for an indy show, but not for a pay per view. I would put all the matches around a star and half to two stars. The main event was just kind of weird and didn’t seem to really resolve everything. The Finlay and Silva match was way too long for what it was. For those expecting Heroes of Wrestling, it wasn’t that bad, but in that way was boring and not that much fun.

    Credit: 411

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,307 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Kevin Nash is playing a stripper in his new film Magic Mike (the film is based on actor Channing Tatum's past as stripper)

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 15,101 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    According to Jim Ross (, WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco Gerald Brisco suffered a stroke last night.

    Brisco worked as a road agent for years until suffering a stroke several years back. He had been working for WWE as a talent scout.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    According to Jim Ross (, WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco Gerald Brisco suffered a stroke last night.

    Brisco worked as a road agent for years until suffering a stroke several years back. He had been working for WWE as a talent scout.

    His brother died around the same time.

    Also his son Wes was released from developmental recently.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,487 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    Former WWE Stars Trend On Twitter
    Oct 19 2011 by Badrose

    -- Justin Credible, Scott Hall and Hall's alter-ego Razor Ramon were trending worldwide on Twitter tonight following E:60's segment on the founding member of the New World Order—both were interviewed for the piece. Justin Credible's trend is in part powered by fans of Justin Bieber, who believe it's about the teen idol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Sad news about Serena Deeb:
    A message to all my supporters- I recently sustained a rather serious concussion and following my doctors instructions, will not wrestle for a period of time. I apologize to those who were looking forward to seeing me anytime in the near future. I will keep you all posted-

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 15,101 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Partial Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

    CM Punk is in “top consideration” for the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania XXVIII since company officials are leaning against the title being on the line in the match pitting John Cena against The Rock.

    The heavily hyped bout is not expected to be for the title because WWE brass feel the finish would be too obvious since fans don’t expect The Rock to leave WrestleMania as champion.

    Cena will reportedly be removed from the title picture following Sunday’s Vengeance pay-per-view, which would indicate that Alberto Del Rio will retain the title in their Last Standing Match. Cena will begin building towards his partnership with The Rock at Survivor Series while Del Rio is expected to enter a program with Punk.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Other mad stuff is happening:

    Super Dragon is BACK. Returning at PWG last night:


    Claudio has been replaced as Chikara's head trainer by MARTY JANNETTY


    Nigel McGuinness returns home to the HWA on Saturday November 12th at 7:30pm for HWA Homecoming! Nigel will be wrestling on the event, information on his opponent to come later.

    For all trained pro wrestlers, Nigel will be hosting a camp earlier in the afternoon for only $30! Train with the former Desmond Wolfe and pick up some great pointers.

    For more info on HWA Homecoming, HWA Havoc, or our Tuesday Adrenaline shows, stay tuned to

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,478 ✭✭✭✭gnfnrhead

    Super Dragon ftW!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    gnfnrhead wrote: »
    Super Dragon ftW!

    Our generation's Sting :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    The Colons to reform in WWE....sort of?
    WWE developmental wrestler Tito Colon was brought on the road this weekend for an evaluation. At Saturday night's WWE Supershow in Corpus Christi, Texas, he partnered with Primo, his real-life cousin, and lost to Jey and Jimmy Uso.

    Prior to Carlito's dismissal from WWE, creative plans were in place for Tito to be promoted to the main roster and form a three-man stable.

    Partial Source: Pwinsider

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    deleted useless speculation posts. If you actually have news to share, please do :)

    move along, nothin ta see here


    EDIT : I wasn't clear enough.

    Christ. Rovert has no information to share, so it's not news. "I know something you don't know, I'm not telling" is not news, I consider it a form of trolling. It's extremely rude. This kind of withholding, insinuative posting is extremely unwelcome on pw boards and won't be tolerated.

    Until there's actual news, posts and further speculation/poking to reveal said news will result in bans. If you wish to continue the conversation, take it to PM. When the news breaks, go nuts.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Sorry I expressly wasn't playing the "I know something you don't know, I'm not telling" game and played that down every chance I got. I resent you saying that. When people where thinking major names I clearly stated wasnt the case. I asked people to stop guessing as well. That isnt the actions of someone trolling.

    Ive held my hands up about trolling in the past but I was not trolling here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Horsebox9000

    Any chance of a PM on what your talking about Rovert. Ta

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Any chance of a PM on what your talking about Rovert. Ta

    No need.

    Credit: PWInsider
    Rob Naylor, who handled announcing for Dragon Gate USA alongside Lenny Leonard is done. He's moved to Tampa and is now said to be working with Florida Championship Wrestling in a few different capacities, although I don't know which for sure. Word is Leonard with be joined by rotating names (mostly wrestlers) going forward. Naylor brought a lot of enthusiasm and knowledge to his calls.

    This is the bestest news ever from my POV. Rob has been one of the most beloved posters and most in demand Wrestling podcast guests for nearly as long as Ive been on the internet.

    When talking about old Wrestling he has made me feel the way I thought about Wrestling when I was a child and also played a strong role in getting word out there on a bunch of indy guys from Punk to Alex Shelly to Jon Moxley to every flippy guy under the sun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,863 ✭✭✭Pentecost

    Didn't Punk drop his name when he was doing commentary the other week?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Pentecost wrote: »
    Didn't Punk drop his name when he was doing commentary the other week?

    “I was out here trying to be a good commentator like Art Donovan or Rob Naylor … perhaps Michael Cole.”


    Punk really likes Naylor. Punk was reading the Death Valley Driver message board around the time he was in ROH and PM'd him saying he really liked his posts. Which was weird at the time as Punk had the rep/persona of not liking anything AND this was during the CM Punk - Teddy Hart internet war Rob was the biggest Teddy Hart mark/defender on the internet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Posted on another site,WWE roster payroll from October 04 to February 06.Not sure if this has been seen on here before,apologies if it has:

    -Ashley Massaro: $131,000
    - Batista: $813,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Big Show: $1,000,000 (Base salary)
    - Bob Holly: $217,000
    - Booker T: $375,000
    - Candice Michelle: $64,000
    - Carlito: $319,000
    - Chavo Guerrero: $206,000
    - Chris Benoit: $488,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Chris Masters: $253,000
    - Christian – $396,000
    - Danny Basham: $130,000
    - Doug Basham: $126,000
    - Eddie Guerrero: $372,000
    - Edge: $704,000
    - Eugene: $189,000
    - Funaki: $124,000
    - Gene Snitsky: $292,000
    - Gregory Helms: $277,000
    - John Cena: $1,743,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and
    ground transportation paid for every week)
    - John Layfield: $786,000 (Five star hotel accommodations paid for every week)
    - Jerry Lawler: $204,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and
    ground transportation paid for every week)
    - Jillian Hall: $52,000
    - Joey Mercury: $134,000
    - Johnny Nitro: $143,000
    - Jonathan Coachman: $175,000
    - Kane: $ 851,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Ken Kennedy: $133,000
    - Kid Kash: $62,000
    - Kurt Angle: $1,023,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Lance Cade: $118,000
    - Lilian Garcia: $90,000
    - Lita: $286,000 (Mostly downside paid due to lack of wrestling)
    - Maria: $41,000
    - Mark Henry: $300,000 (Base pay)
    - Matt Hardy: $322,000 (Missed over $70,000 of pay due to firing)
    - Matt Striker: $43,000
    - Melina: $155,000
    - Mickie James: $72,000
    - Nunzio: $186,000
    - Orlando Jordan: $145,000
    - Paul London: $177,000
    - Psicosis: $122,000
    - Randy Orton: $711,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Rene Dupree: $289,000
    - Rey Mysterio: $414,000
    - Ric Flair: $508,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)
    - Rob Conway: $186,000
    - Rob Van Darn: $220,000 (Only received downside and royalties due to injury)
    - Rosie: $105,000
    - Shawn Michaels: $1,045,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and
    ground transportation paid for every week)
    - Shelton Benjamin: $366,000
    - Simon Dean: $132,000
    - Stacy Keibler: $178,000 (Only downside paid during absence)
    - Steven Richards: $94,000
    - Torrie Wilson: $260,000
    - Trevor Murdoch: $48,000
    - Triple H: $2,013,000 (Allowed the personal use of company jet (10) times per
    year. First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation
    paid for every week)
    - Trish Stratus: $618,000 (Receives 20% of all Trish Stratus merchandise sold)
    - Tyson Tomko: $127,000
    - Undertaker: $1,811,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and
    ground transportation paid for every week)
    - Val Venis: $210,000
    - Victoria: $275,000
    - Viscera: $130,000
    - William Regal: $225,000

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Total bull****, sadly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    how did it get dismissed as bs? rov do u have any legit numbers? :)

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    jaykhunter wrote: »
    how did it get dismissed as bs? rov do u have any legit numbers? :)

    Meltzer, Keller, Scherer etc all shot it down as not even close. I dont have real numbers.

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