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IPO - Trip Reports

  • 17-10-2009 2:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,822 ✭✭✭

    I said id set this thread up and we can keep any trip reports in the same area.

    I set out on the journey yesterday morning from home at 10am and i got to the regency by about 12.15pm. I sat in the car for a while before coming in as i didnt really know anyone there.

    I sat down at my table 71 which was a mixture of frenchies and irish. Anthony Fagan was the biggest name at the table. I only spent two or three levels at this table. The standard was ok but certainly nothing to be worried about. There was a v aggresive dutch guy at the table who was causing people a lot of trouble.

    I played two big hands at this table. AA utg Vs aggresive dutch guy on button, i managed to lose as little as possible in this had as he flopped a set. I then went against the same guy a level later when he had about 4.5 k left my AK held against his JJ all in pre. If i had not won this race i would have been down to 3k very early.

    On the third level i was moved to table 18 where i stayed for most of the tournament. I suspect there may have been a few boardsies on this table im not sure. I stayed a little below average for most of my time at this table i could never win that big hand that would set me up for a good run at the tournament. I took out a shortstack with KK Vs KQ and another shortstack with KQ Vs Q9 had i lost either of these i would have been in trouble. Most of my time at this table involved taking down small bets and 3 betting light in good spots just to keep around the average.

    I was moved to table 36 at the 400-800 level i think. I must say that this was the most interesting table i played at. The table included Kevin O Leary, Chufty and that Liz girl who made the table quiet fun i must say. There was a nice litlle bit of banter and chat here. I have to say for a high stakes player chufty is very down to earth and treated everyone at the table with respect and was a model pro IMO.

    This was to be my last table and i started this table as i had all day with a little below average. It was a bad table for me as it was full of big stacks and i started tight to build up a profile to be able to shove light at a later stage. It went against me as i hit a lot of cards at this table i got AA 3times, twice UTG which is a disaster for a tight player and i only took down blinds. The third time i shoved over a chufty 4k raise for 21k and he folded in hindsight i maybe should have flatted. My exit hand came at the 1200 - 2400 level where i had fallen to 19k or so and i shoved AJ in EP only to run into AK and out in 126th of 720 starters:(

    My thoughts on this tournament is that it was excellent fun and good structure for the buy in. I believe i have an edge in these type of tournaments and will try to play more as it was only my third ranked tournament having gone v deep in one of the others aswell. If i had ever got a stack i would have fancied my chances. My only downfall is i dont particulary mix with poker players and i dont like going on long journeys or weekends away on my own.

    I would like to congratulate Carfax and Boyles on a great event and i look forward to playing next year.

    The only bad points for me was the fog on my journey home and the two chippers i pulled into on the way home both turning there lights off as i pulled up which left a very hungry lad.:(



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,854 ✭✭✭zuutroy

    Here's mine:


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,751 ✭✭✭BigCityBanker

    my prayers to the god of squeezing and shafting went unanswered.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,771 ✭✭✭TommyGunne

    I'll go too so.

    I went into the day thinking that my start table would be super soft cos they all had French sounding names. I was nearly right. The moment I sat down, a guy two seats to my left starts talking to me, and it becomes pretty obvious that he's OK. Turns out he's a Dutch stars 2/4 reg. I start talking to the next guy that sits down as well. Turns out he's a German Everest 2/4 reg. They're 2 and 3 to my left. Sigh.

    I get off to an OK but swingy start. I opened 11 times in level 1. Fun times! Had to cut it back though cos the German and Dutch guy 3bet 3 of my opens in a row. Lost a few chips in a few small pots without showdown and I'm back down to 8k. Then I 3 barrel the Dutch guy on a monotone flop with a gutshot and K high flush draw at 100/200. River leaves a 1 gapper straight on board which is relatively believable for me to have, and I'd be firing a lot of other hands for value too. He folds and I'm up to 10k. Very next hand, I flat a retarded French guys open from MP with 33 on the CO. Retarded French (I should stop calling them "retarded French" guys. Just saying that they're French should suffice. The rest is implied) guy on the button calls too. Flop is Q93 with a flush draw. Bingo. French guy bets out 3/4 pot, I raise, BTN folds, French guy snaps. Turn is the 2 of blanks, he checks to me and I stick him in for pot. He tank folds AQ. Standard that the retardodonk manages to fold the nuts here when I've an awful image. Two hands later he stacks off in the most retarded spot vs the german guy too. Why can't he stack off vs me in a much better spot???!!!! Sigh.

    Up to 16k after a few more steals when I play a big hand vs the German guy. I've posted it in the theory section. I won it obv, but was disappointed that it wasn't against anyone else, as they would have stacked off against me. That got me to 23k or so, and I stayed there till break 1.

    Stacked the German guy straight after the break when I raise/call a shove with A9 when he gets shortish and hold vs K9. Table is now supersoft because the Dutch guy is gone too, and an English guy who is pretty bad (but thinks he's awesome) has taken his place. Stack Simon Trumper's wife/girlfriend/partner/friend/I'm not really sure when I open 44, she calls oop, and donk shoves KQ on a KQ4 board. I'm now up to 37k or so at 400/800.

    Get moved tables very shortly afterwards (Sigh again, cos it was such a soft table!) to a table with Simon Trumper on my right and a few decent stacks. It becomes immediately apparent that they're all horrible apart from him. I open 55 EP after a bit at 500/1000 and a guy who I've seen in the small tourneys around town a fair bit shoves with no FE. He has A8 and he counterfeits me. Meh. He said he thought I'd fold. Lol. Folding is no fun.

    Stack remains steady at 25k or so until I get moved table (again). An old guy thats shoved a few times already shoves for 10k from his CO at 500/1000. I call from the SB with 77 and he wins with AK. Down to 15k and get dealt an insane amount of 6 high, 5 high and 8 high hands. Get a small number of steals through to get to about 17k. Shove 99 EP at 800/1500, a guy with 2 big blinds calls with KQ and wins obv. Shove KK next hand and double through JJ.

    Nothing happens for a long time then till I shove my BTN with 36k with 33 at 1500/3000. 88 calls and wins. 3 big blinds. No good. Out in 98th. Maybe next time.

    Wasn't a complete disaster though. At least I lasted longer than any boardie that I knew there!

    Starting to think that I really don't want to play these kind of events much. I just get really bored and its not like I'm going that many $$$ of edge. I would be very surprised if I have more than $40 of edge in that tournament. What's the point of travelling to the northside for $40!!!! Doesn't seem like a very good way to spend a day! Not to take away from the tourney though. It was awesomely run, very well structured for a $250 tourney, and there was a really good atmosphere. WP again Poker Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭Breifne

    Never really got going in the IPO, had a few hands which i raised pre flop, but had to fold when i completely missed the flop and the heat was applied, but after three or four hands during the first two hours, i eventually found myself a little under pressure, and decided to raise with KJs and got one caller, i shoved on the rainbow 8-high flop for a little more than the pot, putting our hero on an Ace, he duly called with his pair of J's leaving me with six outs and an early bath.

    All wasn't lost though as i did manage to wade through the all-in fest that was the €50 rebuy side event to win it out. Was second in chips with 116k going into the final table, but never really hit a hand while everyone else went stir crazy, was the short stack three handed when they went hammer and tongs at it and knocked each other out, leaving me with about 120k and the chip leader with over 600k.

    I raised every pot except one (53o) before 2 double ups saw me take the chip lead, and he pushed into me on the very next hand, i looked down saw A7 of diamonds, called and he failed to improve on his K rag to allow me to win it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭FeetMagic

    Went in last night for some 1-2 cash, played for about 3 hours and lost 700 quid. Most notable hand was getting it in on a 10 6 Q flop with 1010 vs KK to get outdrawn by running Q's.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 584 ✭✭✭aidankk

    For a start im BAADD

    Bit disappointed with the setup i was hoping for a sea of poker, and what was there, was a couple of rooms that were too small for the purpose, and tables that were too small for 10 handed.. This really should be held i an much bigger room. Still unbelievable value tough.

    I raise far too many hands in the first few orbits, without hitting anything. Later flopped bottom 2, i kept betting until King on the river game me crap 3 pair, and had to fold to a river bet..

    Then i had a huge blowup, i raised AA in early position and got called by the tightest living human ( an older guy, whose hendon mob database seemed like a load of min cashes) 2 other callers. 10 high flop, i bet out he calls, (im sure he has qq of jj here as i gathered that he was calling my flop bet nomatter what) 10 on the turn, and i bet he raises i ship ( i couldnt see him calling my raise pre with a 10) i was wrong he had A10, and it was simply shocking play by me, what else could he have really..

    I was guilty of putting him on a particular hand ( im thinking he was thinking im going to get chips of this fish (he was right)) and not thinking it trough, this guy would never raise the turn without a ten... Disgusted with my play, as i dont play much anymore and was looking forward to this.. 4 hours driving about 35mins of bad poker..:mad::mad:..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 324 ✭✭westlife

    biggest dissapointment was when i got to my table... no frenchies! rooms where very busy but i thought that the admin was first rate and the moving of tables was very sharp considering the numbers. Doing ok for first few hours staying above av stack until 300-600 when i got a little card dead from there on in. Shoved (with 11,000) late position with 3-5, blinds 800-1500 and ran into Ray Masters in the bb with AA (shocking call!). flop 3-3-6 (sorry ray) and nice double up. Few hands later utg Jc Jh, blinds 1000-2000...... raised to 7000, got around to bb and reraised all in. Called with my remaining 14,500, bb has As Ks... flop Kh 4s 2s ....missed my one outter. out in 140th. Had the pleasure of sitting with Marty to my left for many hours... WHAT A GENT! Class act in every way. Really enjoyed the atmosphere created by the likes of Padraig on table behind me and Scot on my right hand side, great ambassadors for Boyles, loads of friendly banter in the small room.

    Congratulations to Keith McFadden for being the first person out of their bin at approx. 3pm and still in that condition at 6am! Thanks to the Galway posse for the donation from the omaha table (especially Christy). And special thanks to Ciaran Corbett, Stephen and Boyles for a top tourny. Deserves the support it gets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭HiCloy

    TommyGunne wrote: »

    Starting to think that I really don't want to play these kind of events much. I just get really bored and its not like I'm going that many $$$ of edge. I would be very surprised if I have more than $40 of edge in that tournament. What's the point of travelling to the northside for $40!!!!

    I probably shouldn't have backed you at 400/1 so!

    I don't think it was anything like that though. My first table were seriously soft eg
    1. Folded to small blind who completes, Frenchie in BB mucks
    2. UTG raises, frenchie calls in SB, BB calls. Flop QJ9, frenchie bets, BB raises, fold, French calls. Turn Q and frenchie bets out again, is called, the river checks through and he proudly shows 66

    Played bad and very card dead all day, no particularly interesting hands. Out in the end when at 1k/2k/200 I ship KQ UTG for 18k and lose to AJ. Very well run event, wp to all involved

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    played bad and did not waste too much time...end TR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 376 ✭✭The Tourist

    I started my day at table 3. It broke early, but not before I lost my bonus 2k with top and bottom pair vs flopped top two. Ah well. The day took an interesting turn then, when I was moved to the "tv" table. There were no cameras, but we had loads of space, and comfy chairs. Sweet. The only players I recognised were Don Fagan and Ken Doherty.

    My very first hand at the table I got 66 and raised from early/mid position. Called by Fagan on the button. The flop came three overcards, c-bet, call. The turn brings a lovely 6, and two flush draws, bet, fold. Good start.
    A few orbits later I find KK and raise Fagans BB. He calls and I get a bit more from him on the flop.

    Then theres a lot of small pots back and forth. Doherty was giving me a bit of a headache at first, especially when he had position. After a while I limp the button with 55 in a multiway, and flop the set. I get three small bets from a hesitant Doherty.

    The main pot of the afternoon comes when I find 22 in the BB and I'm facing a raise and call. I call and flop a set against top two for stacks.

    After that I get a few small pots, playing the big stack, and end on 38k at the dinner break. After dinner I finish off another shorty (AK > AJ) and I'm up to 45k with blinds at 500/1000/75. Happy days.

    It's all down hill from there.

    The first problem I run into is that it's shipping time for the shorties, so raising light is treacherous. I'm surrounded by them. On top of that I go completely card dead. By the time the shorty situation is settled I'm back in the field. Four hands of note that cost me from there: Twice I raised with aces, and both times I picked up the blinds. Twice I raised with ATC, and both times I got three bet (once shown queens). Booo-urns!

    The big question I face in tourneys is this: I love to play deep stacked. When the blinds are small I consistently win chips. I'd say I build early 80% of the time. Then the blinds go up and I'm faced with the question: widen ranges and wait, or, force the action with longball bluffs. I'm still not decided on the best plan. Answers on a postcard please. At this table, bluffing was probably a bad idea. Probably.

    After a few levels of ATC, I finish up with a bizare hand. After limping along stealing blinds with junk, I see my best hand for ages: KJo. It's folded to me in the SB and I ship my 7BB into the big stacked BB. He goes into the tank, and seems to be taking it personally. I guess he was pretty inexperienced (or a good actor), because he took umbrage at my loopy play or whatever. After an age, he calls with KQs and we both miss.

    Overall, I thought the tourney was excellently run. You could see the experience of the previous two years. The only thing worth bringing up is the heat, which was really draining.

    The standard at my table was pretty variable. I played with a couple of good frenchies, and a couple who were just there to have a good time. The atmosphere at our table for most of the day was tops. A few of the new arrivals late on seemed to be taking it a bit seriously. It's only a game lads! Enjoy it.

    Overall, a good day, and I finished 90th, which I guess is somewhere near the bubble. I got a good run early, and with a bit of luck after dinner would have cruised into the money.

    See you next year.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,646 ✭✭✭cooker3

    Opening was dull. Kind of dwindled away chips. I don't play very well. Double through to 14k with set vs slowplayed AK on K high flop. I got moved tables, started off quiet at new one but once I am settled I start raising it up a bit. My hand of the day was reported by Sam, raise it with 89s, get 3bet by Scandi guy so naturally I 4bet shove. He calls with AK. I hit 2pair, standard. 1 point of correction from Boyles blog, there was nothing sheepish about how I turned over that hand.

    From there I am cruising. I get my stack up to 95k just through stealing the blinds, cbetting etc. Very easy low variance poker. I wasn't even being that aggro as the 98s hand shot my image to pieces but still gradually building up my stack. Last 2-3 hours I started to dwindle. I called a raise all in the bb with AQs, he has AJ and hits a straight on the river so down to 60k. I have a good few raises, snapped off. Eventually with 15 minutes to go I get 88 all in vs AQ for around 55k. I lose that and have 5bb. I just shove in it next hand with 98o. Possibly slightly -ev but my Sleepev should make up for that
    TommyGunne wrote: »
    Starting to think that I really don't want to play these kind of events much. I just get really bored and its not like I'm going that many $$$ of edge. I would be very surprised if I have more than $40 of edge in that tournament. What's the point of travelling to the northside for $40!!!! Doesn't seem like a very good way to spend a day! Not to take away from the tourney though. It was awesomely run, very well structured for a $250 tourney, and there was a really good atmosphere. WP again Poker Ireland.

    I kind of agree, not so sure about that edge but quite honestly I spent most of the day fairly bored. It really is such a grind. Also having short stacks around you when your image sucks is really annoying and constricts what you can do.
    Overall the standard was very poor. I could have played better, started off better. Still, no qualms with how my stack went down. All standard in my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,836 ✭✭✭connie147

    I posted in the other thread before i spotted this TR thread. I copied and pasted and reprinted it here. Going to add a few observations on the end:

    No luck for me either today. never got going really, out in level 8 (200-400). Shoved my 8k over a serial raiser in late position only to walk into AA in the BB.

    Best hands of the day for me- 22, 33(twice), 44, 55 and A-10. Thats it for 5 hours poker. Boring really.

    1 not so interesting hand. This hand was played the hand before my exit hand.
    Blinds 200-400, utg+2 shoves all-in for 5,200. Folded to me on the button. I have 7,800 chips and look down at 55. Normally its an easy fold, but this is the biggest hand Ive been dealt today and truthfully, Id gladly take the race if I knew for a fact i was in one. While Im considering whether to shove or not, I spot the BB picking up enough chips to make the call (a NI player who makes this mistake often), so even though Im card dead, I reckon I'll find better spots than this and muck. The BB calls, raiser has AQ, BB has AK. of course theres a 5 on the flop and zero help for either of them. Got me thinking whether i was right or wrong, but i suppose thats results based thinking.

    Jumped into the side game (50 with 1 rebuy), nearly all my table take that option at the start. Nice table, Kevin "Lovejoy" o Leary to my left, Fintan gavin next to him, lucy Rocash beside fintan and then all frenchies. heres my exit hand from a super aggressive table.
    I raise 9s-10s from MP to 300. 5 callers, 3 tough players to my left and 2 of the frenchies. Flop is 9d-3s-2s. Frenchie, 1st to act, open shoves for 9k. I follow him in for 8.7k. Everyone else folds. He tables Kh-3h. Naturally, 3d arrives on the river.

    GL to all boardies left.

    Positives: Excellently ran tourney, with v.good floorstaff and dealers. Congrats to boyles and stephen. Great job!

    Negatives: The heat.Unbearable at times. Do they not have air conditioning in the convention center? Its seriously hot.

    I saw Vera Duffy being refused a cup of tea and sandwich at 12pm midnight, being told the kitchen was closed. She said she'd have a burger instead only to be told they were sold out. 1,000 people in the hotel at midnight and the kitchen is closed?

    Saw a good few players getting the black 5k chip and the blue chip mixed up. they were a bit alike.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭FeetMagic

    Completely agree about the heat but didnt want to make a fuss, it was pretty bad in fairness...

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭kpnuts

    Played Day 1A.

    Arrived a few hours late, so I missed the first 4 levels.

    Started with 8,600 @ Level 5.

    Played a 90k pot @ Level 18 (1,500-3,000/200a): Playing 43k, I open AK from UTG for 9k. Hapless old spewtard in the BB calls. Flop AK6r. He checks, I make weak lead, he shoves to cover, I beat him into the pot. He 666. GG.

    Not too bothered because I planned to take a couple of hours off today to attend Dublin SFC final in Parnell Park anyway, even if I had a stack.

    Great buzz @ The Regency -- well done to Paul S, Ciaran C, Lisa The Lip and all the team at Boyles.

    Best tourney in the global poker calendar by a mile.

    GL to all those on here who are still involved.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,477 ✭✭✭newbie2

    Card dead all day in tourney. Went out shoving TJ suited from BTN - was slowrolled by AT off-suit from BB. DikHed IMO

    Played €1/€2 cash and played really badly (The Snapper and Macspower can confirm) - hence won a few bob. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Lurker1977

    TommyGunne wrote: »

    Starting to think that I really don't want to play these kind of events much. I just get really bored
    cooker3 wrote: »
    quite honestly I spent most of the day fairly bored. It really is such a grind. Also having short stacks around you when your image sucks is really annoying and constricts what you can do.
    Overall the standard was very poor. I could have played better, started off better. Still, no qualms with how my stack went down. All standard in my mind.

    Have to echo the same sentiment as you both. Playing a couple of hands an hour is just incredibly boring and at approx 10pm last night I was out having a smoke and told myself I wouldn't play any live tourneys again barring satting into the Irish Open/WSOP type of event. Meh lol donkaments I suppose
    TommyGunne wrote: »
    Not to take away from the tourney though. It was awesomely run, very well structured for a $250 tourney, and there was a really good atmosphere. WP again Poker Ireland.

    Absolutely agree it was a really well run event and the structure is top notch, really the best run event and structure for the buy in anywhere. WP to carfax and boyles. My only qualm was the heat for the last few hours in the room, it was really uncomfortable.

    Good luck to all boardsies left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Lurker1977

    Suppose I will do a TR while I'm here. Arrived at 1pm with newbie2 after taking the scenic route thanks to tom. :rolleyes:

    Once we arrived I took my seat and scanned the table, only player I knew was oneillcat sitting on my right. I didn't make myself known as a boardsie at the start as I felt i could have gotten a little bit of FE if I 3bet any of her opens in the earlier levels. First hand when I sit down, I find 22 UTG and open to 150 at 25/50. Get 2 callers and we see a flop of AKQr. I am done with the hand and check after a small dwell. It gets checked around and the turn brings a T. I figure that only a J is calling if I bet and any AK/AQ/KQ bets the flop so I fire 350 and they all fold, good start.

    A few orbits later folded to BTN who calls, Cat completes and I check my option with Q7. Btn is an english guy who has been involved in quite a few pots already and Cat hasn't been out of line so I dont want to raise. Flop comes QhJh7x. I decide I might get a bet out of any J or FD so check with the intention of c/r. Flop gets checked around and turn is an offsuit brick. Cat checks, I bet near full pot, BTN folds and Cat calls. River brings a Q and Cat checks. I think about overbetting hoping it looks like a busted FD but with no history I elect to value bet and cat calls. Up to 13.5k at this point. Get involved in a few marginal spots, double floating with A high (board ran Q8875 after I opened, he called and donked flop) and have to fold river when he fires a third time, really strange as his range was a Q or busted flush and I really didnt think he would fold a Q if I shoved :(. Stack dwindled down to 8.5k.

    Interesting hand at 100/200. I am in BB. English guy UTG has been reasonably quiet, playing TAGgish, opens to 600. Folds around to Cat who looks at her cards, dwells and 3bets to 1.7k. There is no history and bluff 3betting an UTG early doors for nearly 20% of your stack is not a great policy. I know she would be aware that 3bet folding TT and probably JJ would be bad so I reason her hands are going to be QQ+/AK. I look down and find AA. Now I need to figure out the best way to get the loots in. UTG is going to call with QQ/KK/AK as well I figure so I ship expecting at least one caller. UTG dwells for a little and folds. Cat thinks for an age before asking if I will show if she folds. I remembered somebody posting that if you say no then they are more likely to call but not being sure I decide to keep it shut and stare at the table. Cat eventually folds announcing she folded QQ. I muck but tell her later that I had AA. Only other hand of note was the last hand before the first break. I am UTG with JJ and open to 600 at 100/200. Quiet guy who has not been involved in many hands 3bets to 2k. Old guy calling station type who has been calling raises with all sorts of muck flats the 3bet in late MP. Folds around to me and I muck. Really felt the hand was going to be difficult to play with flopping a set. Flop comes down QT8 2 tone, EMP bets, old guy folds.

    I showed Cat my JJ before folding and we get talking and I tell her that I'm a boardsie also. For the next few levels I steal a few pots and have some banter with Cat and the english guy who is BTN when I am in the BB. Few hands of note, Cat get short stacked and was down to approx 3.8k when it folds to me, I shove TT and she folds.

    Cat then goes on a run after doubling up with KK vs 44 and winning some other nice pots. at 200/400 it folds around to Cat who completes. I check my option with 23o. Flop comes down 3h6h6x, Cat checks so I bet 750 into a pot of approx 1k and get c/r to 2.1k. I really think she can do this with a wide range so I call. Turn brings another 6 and Cat checks to me. I check behind and the river is the Jd. Cat leads for 3k, at this point all I am worried about is JhXh which hit the river, I really wanna fold but the turn check makes me think she can have air here too. I call and she shows 2d6d, fml, I need to stop getting in these marginal spots. Back down to 9kish I raise in EP with KQ and get shoved on by a shortie, its only another 2.5 k to call so I do, but I'm not happy about it. Shortie shows 88 but I flop a K and hold.

    Not long after i get moved to a new table full of frenchies. Table chip leader has over double the average stack and is BTN to my BB. Blinds are 400/800 and I have 11.5k but dont want to get fancy without any sort of reads so I fold for the first 3-4 orbits. Getting close to dinner I decide I am not coming back with a small stack so when the active frenchie on my right opens to 3.1k I find AJo and shove for 9.6k. I really think I have a lot of FE as I haven't played a hand and I am shoving over an UTG open but he snaps with AK obv. I get up to leave and have my back turned when I hear groans of disappointment and some agitated french rumblings, I turn a round to see the flop has come J high. I hold to double up to over 20k. I get to the dinner break on approx the same size stack. After dinner I open more pots in late position as the table has tightened up a lot. I open KQo in the CO and frenchie in SB ships for 7k more, I have to call and he flips QQ. He holds and then starts banging the table in celebration and screaming. Really thought there was no need for that but meh, whatever. I bust an old guy in the BB who has been pretty nitty. I open As8s from HJ and he flats after a think. Flop comes Ac8c6s, I bet, he shoves and I snap. He turns AQ and I hold. He made some comments about me being bad but lol, with the stack sizes involved he should be shipping pre 100% of the time. I say nothing tho and just rake in the chips. I then open Td8d next orbit on BTN and french guy in SB calls. Flop comes ATxr. I cbet and he calls, we check it down and he shows A9o :(. I open a few other hands and have to fold to shoves. I quieten down and allow a couple of orbits of me just folding.

    Back down to 25k, I 3bet K8s to a mid position open from an internet looking type player (turned out to be boardsie, ghostface ste) expecting a lot of FE. He dwells and calls. I cbet an A hi dry board and he folds. Stuck on around 30k for a long time up until blinds were 1.2k/2.4k. Ghostface ste opens in late position (CO or BTN) for 7k, I ship AdQd and he snaps and tables KK. FML again, I get ready to leave but the dealer provides me the "Ace from space" and I hold to cripple ste and move me up to 55k. Had to fold two opens when I got shoved on, although a youngish Irish guy had just joined and was SS, I thought his stack was larger than it was tho and opened Kc4c in CO to 7k, He ships and I ask how much getting ready to fold, a dutch guy says about 60k so I fold and then he starts saying, "what, it was only 9k to call", I look and realise I had misheard the dutch guy who was saying 16k, FML again. Fold a few more orbits and steal some to remain on approx 50k.

    Exit hand was weird as Irish guy who had shipped the 16k earlier, open shipped 26k from HJ, French guy in BB snaps with QQ. Flop comes K5x and frenchie goes off on one. He is visibly upset. Dutch guy on my right comments on it. Frenchie open shoves next hand from CO. Following hand, the Dutch guy is UTG, looks at his cards, dwells and folds, I fold as well. EMP opens to 9k, frenchie in HJ shoves and EMP folds. Dutch guy said that he wanted to open but cant call a shove from Frenchie so didn't bother as Frenchie was tilting. I am UTG next hand and find AhJh, I am a little under average stack at 1.5k/3k/200a. I think for a minute and decide that if I open this hand I am calling if frenchie shoves. So I open to 8.5k, Frenchie shoves and I call. Frenchie has AA :(. I get a sweat when the flop comes out KQx with one heart but I whiff turn and river with my 4outer and my tourney is over.

    Really enjoyed the banter on the table with Cat and a few others but there was no fun to be had on the table I moved to and I got bored and eventually pissed off as the heat was uncomfortable and there was just no banter which made it a grind for the last 3 hours of the tourney.

    Anyway, if I can make it back next year I will probably play this but apart from that I think I will live tournaments a wide berth for the next while.

    Good luck to all boardsies left, keep the title on home soil!!!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    Finished up in 65th place. Started the day with 153k, about a few orbits took it up to 190k calling down ak to a river bet, small pot. It was my best hand of the day, i had to resort to stealing blinds when the antes went up after that. I had a few steals snapped off from the cutoff, it was mostly pre flop action, i manage one re steal in the sb when jesse may made it just over a min raise bet, i shoved a8 for another 70k, he dwells and says he never folds this hand, but eventually does fold JJ apparantely. Big turning point for me is when i lost my stack to the table donk, blind on blind, he had raised my bb twice before and i knew he would again. I decide to flat call with a8c, flopped 8,9x he bets i ship and turns over 99. Crippled and left struggling, eventually pushed utg+1 with a3o english guy calls aq amd some french donk with just under what we have calls j6, for the win. Good game and good luck. Just a pity i didnt get going today. Shane dempsey was also two to my left, seemed pretty abc to me. Decent player though. Good luck to all left.

    is cat o neill last boards player in?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 376 ✭✭The Tourist

    a-k-47 wrote: »
    Finished up in 65th place.

    Is the payout structure available online?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    didnt see it but 65th paid out 595$...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39,546 ✭✭✭✭KevIRL

    The payout structure for the 2009 IPO.
    Position Prize $
    1 62250
    2 47490
    3 33208
    4 24736
    5 19425
    6 16187
    7 12950
    8 9712
    9 6335
    10 3220
    11 3220
    12 3220
    13 2870
    14 2870
    15 2870
    16 2555
    17 2555
    18 2555
    19 1750
    20 1750
    21 1750
    22 1750
    23 1750
    24 1750
    25 1750
    26 1750
    27 1750
    28 1155
    29 1155
    30 1155
    31 1155
    32 1155
    33 1155
    34 1155
    35 1155
    36 1155
    37 875
    38 875
    39 875
    40 875
    41 875
    42 875
    43 875
    44 875
    45 875
    46 700
    47 700
    48 700
    49 700
    50 700
    51 700
    52 700
    53 700
    54 700
    55 700
    56 700
    57 700
    58 700
    59 700
    60 700
    61 700
    62 700
    63 700
    64 595
    65 595
    66 595
    67 595
    68 595
    69 595
    70 595
    71 595
    72 595
    73 595
    74 595
    75 595
    76 595
    77 595
    78 595
    79 595
    80 595
    81 595
    82 525
    83 525
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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    I came

    I saw

    I admired doke's attire

    I ran QQ into KK

    I was home in time for tay

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭Hawk Eye

    bah finished 22nd, my stack was crazy all day, started off with a few suckouts and was contending for the chip lead with 50ish left, couple bad beats later i'm down to 2.5 big blinds, then back up to being one of the chip leaders. Then play a huge pot with AQ vs TT vs KQ, obv the KQ scoops the main(1.1 million) and side(400k) pots, had a not so great image thats why the french kid called it off with KQ. Ridiculous structure but guess it has to be that way to finish up in two days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭gorrrr72

    Started off ok. Raised a couple of hands with suited connectors in the 1st couple of levels got a couple of callers but no help and had to fold to the action. Then I raise 300 with JJ, blinds at 50/100 from MP and get 2 callers(1 is table donk ,plays any ace). Flop is A 9 5 Rainbow. I c-bet 550 and table donk calls:(. J on the turn:D. He pays me off for 2 more bets 1250 and 2500. Pick up a couple of small pots with raises and c-bets. 8d6d and AK.

    Blinds 150/300 and I raise 850 with 88 in HJ and German guy LAG on button calls. I have 14k he has 9k. Flop is 789 with 2 spades. I bet 1500 and he calls. Turn is 9. I check and he bets 1500. I c/r all in and he folds. He said he had a 9 but I don't think he can fold a 9 there.

    Blinds 150/300 I raise to 900 with QQ UTG. Button reraises to 2500. He had opened 3 times the previous orbit and the only hand that I saw was 99 when he flopped a set and it went to the river. This was the 1st time he reraised. I call another 1600 and flop comes 953 rainbow. I check and he bets 4k. I call leaving around 10k. Turn is another 9 and I check and he shoves and has me covered. I don't know why I called the flop bet because I was never going to feel good about any turn unless it was a Q. I fold after a couple of minutes and he asked me did I have Q's. Don't know if I was right or wrong but I didn't like the way I played that hand and probably deserved to lose my stack.
    Came back after the break and didn't get much. raised with AQos and had to fold to a re-raise and an all in. Both had AK and split the pot. I would have lost anyway. Short stack now I ship UTG with 77. BB is shorter than me and calls with 10d6d. I lose on a Q8547 board when my set on the river makes her straight. Couple of hands later I call an all in with 88, she has 1010 and I bust out.

    Came back Sunday for €50 rebuy. Was on a crazy table and didn't play a hand in the 1st 3 levels. lost 500 in blinds, topped up and came back with 9.5k. Won a hand QJ suited from the big blind to get me to 11.5k.
    Few hands later blinds 300/600 I raise from MP with AA. A Filipino guy, one of the worst players I ever saw is in BB and he calls as expected. He had been calling big all ins with k3 & k4 type hands. Sometimes hitting sometimes not. He is playing 10100. Flop comes 952 rainbow and he shoves. I instacall and he turns over 94 os. Turn and river is 99:mad:. I go all in with k 10 next hand and tripple up on a 10 high board. I few shoves later and I'm back up to 14.5k including knocking out the Filipino donk when he calls my 77 shove with A5 os. Justice:D.
    Table breaks and I post blinds on 3 more tables after seeing around 4 hands on each one and I go on the break with 9.5k.
    After the break blinds 1k/2k I double up AK v AJ. Then I go over the top of an UTG shortstack with AJ to his A2 and we split it on a double paired board. I then shove over 2 limps from the sb with A9 and second limper calls with K4clubs and my ace holds. Couple of orbits later I open push with AQ for 32k Blinds 2k/4k. 100K stack reraises and BB instacalls. 99 v KK and my lovely Ace hits on the river for a well needed triple up. With 27 players left we go on a break and 2 more players until the bubble. Deal is done to take €400 of top 2 so bubble is burst and players are falling thick and fast. I win a small pot in bb with A10 hearts when I call a shortstack all in. I am in BB With blinds at 5k/10k I have 92k and I call 2 all ins 96k and around 40k with AK. 77 v 99 v my AK. I hit K on river....nice. Start raising a bit more short handed with 13 players left and chip up to 290k. Then I lose 100k with 1010vAJ. J on the turn. A few minutes later I raise with QQ and guy from AJ hand a few minutes before shoves for 160K holding 1010 and my Q's hold.
    Belgian aggro guy sitting opposite me is raising a lot and particularly my BB everytime. Sometimes showing an 8 or a 7 or a 10. I am raising his every chance I get and one time he calls. I have QJ and he shoves 200k on an 8 high board and shows J8 when I fold. Would have loved a QJ8 board there. Couple of hands later he raises my BB again and I shove with KJ. He tanks for 3 mins and calls with AQ. We both miss and I'm down to 40k. Next hand he raises and I go all in with JJ. BB folds, Belgian guy has 77 and I'm back to 100k, with blinds at 10k/20k. Down to 10 players and final table.
    I am in seat 6, blinds go through and I shove over an EP limp with 77. He calls with A10 and I double up plus 30k in blinds. On 160k and all the money is in top 3. Next few jumps are €100 each. I raise to 60k with KK and guy shoves for 500k. Belgian guy tanks and calls 350k. I instacall. 500k has AQ, Belgian has AK. Flop is Q 5 4, Turn 10 and a nasty J on the river gives Belgian guy the lot. I was so angry I could have killed a penguin. And I get €600 for my trouble and a bad beat story.:(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 650 ✭✭✭pgodkin

    Went - played - finished 124th - Well done Poker Ireland and Boyles!

    Edit: Played badly though dont think i deserved to cash really!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 145 ✭✭smcb

    2 hr drive down - not a hand for 4 hrs, turned 12 bbs into 40 by 6pm Day 1A, on the drive back up the road after Jean Tigana's 9s cracked my Qs. great set-up again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭DAMO72

    Success for me in one sense as i didn't bubble it . Went out after 5 hrs with my stack fluctuating between 3k/20k . Exit hand was straight forward , UTG opens to 2.4 and i hold 77 in MP and decide to ship for 7k and find a call with AKo and the ace from space hits the flop.
    Very well run by Steve and the Poker Ireland crew and the hospitality from
    Boyles was second to none . Congrats guys and it was great to see Cat and Jay get a big result.

  • Subscribers Posts: 32,855 ✭✭✭✭5starpool

    I wasn't going to rwite one of these, but might as well.


    Didn't know anyone at my start table, but from a bit of checking I knew that the English lad in seat 10 had a good few results, other than that, no info on anyone. start table was a bit of a mix, but there were a few very active players which resulted in practically every pot being raised preflop, with a good bit of 3 betting as well. There was a dutch lad, a few frenchies, the one english lad, and the rest irish.

    I raised UTG the first hand with 66 but with 2 callers and a flop bet by someone on a flop of all 2 overs I gave it up. Every spot I picked in the first hour went wrong. I fired 3 bullets at one point and got called by A high which was good, and when I fired 2 bullets with 55 on a board with overs, a frenchie decided to call flop and turn and then bet river which I folded to be shown 34 for bottom pair on a dry board I had bet twice that had very few draws on it. At one point I got AQ, 99 and QQ 3 hands in a row, and lost all of them. After this 3 hand spell, as well as the others, I was down to 3500 from my 10k without winning a single hand.

    Then I won a few pots and without showdown got up to over 7k when the following hand happened. Very active english guy opened to 550 at the 75/150 level, and I 3 bet to 1650 with TT from CO which he called. Flop came AT9 with 2 hearts and it goes check, check. I knew he would bet almost any turn and with my stack size I was happy enough to let him on almost any turn card (or so I thought). He bet 2600 and I shoved for a total of about 5500. He grumbled about how horribly he played the hand but made the call with the scary 7h8h. The river blanked though and I doubled up.

    I yoyod a bit after that, losing with QQ to a shorties AQ, hitting 2 pair from the BB in a rare unraised pot and getting some action, and so on. My biggest nearly hands were as follows. 200/400 and UTG frenchie limps, as does english guy next to act. the UTG limper had doen this 3 times, once with AA, once with something he folded to a raise, and once with a hand he called a raise with and won with a raise. MP then shoved for 5600 in total, and playing 12500 I look down at JJ. I think for a good while, hate the spot and fold (I'm still not sure about this, but with 5 left to act incl limpers I think it is marginal). SB shoves for lots anyhow and limpers clear out. First all in has AK, and the SB has reshoved with AQ. Obv flop comes J high and pairs on the turn to remove all doubt, so thats 20k I could have got there. Never mind.

    Then I raise AQ, get 4 callers, all check KJx flop, and I fold to a bet and a call on the turn only to see the river come a T obviously.

    Then Simon Trumper gets moved to my right, and although I played a couple of small pots with him, nothing of note happened for a while after that except I squeeze shove for 11k after a raise and a call and get through. Getting very card dead now, and I raise with A4o from 2 off the button, and the BB frenchie calls. Flop is A64r, and he check calls a bet. Turn is J, and I shove when he checks. He gets a count even though he covered me by about double, and then thinks for a bit before saying call. I flip over my cards and he has a good look at them before the slowroll revealing of 66 for flopped middle set. No miracle A on the river and that's that, finished in the first level after the dinner break.

    I was having a good chat with Simon Trumper as well at the time, and even got a chance to tell him "it must be ther samson effect" when he said he played better years ago, and it got a bit of a chuckle out of him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    Played the Bingo side event game on the Friday night, went out early, went drinking, developed the hickups, went home.

    Got up Saturday, had 2 Solpedine for Breakfast and headed to the game. The room was really warm, only player I knew at the Table was Manus Burke, 7 other players were French/Belgium, so chances of getting slowrolled was high, this did not happen and to be honest, the players were actually very nice.. Lost a big pot with JJ V 88 then got shortstacked, our table got broken and I got moved into the Conference centre, shipped with KJ called by A8 and I was drawing dead by the turn. Played some cash, had a great laugh with German twins, who were donating to the table.....

    Headed in and played the Side Event yesterday, starting stack 4K and 6K for re-buy or top-up, great structure, got off to a flyer, flopped a set of 5's got paid, and basically had 23K at the break (after topup).254 runners... Eventually went out in 22nd when a french player raised to 20K blinds 5K 10K, and I shipped my 140K over the line with pocket 10's, and was instantly called by KJ... Jack on turn and im gone. Watched the final two tables for a while, absolutely delighted to see Cat Make the Final table and Jay aswell, went home and watched the live stream (rory Liffey was hysterical)

    The whole event was really professional looking this year, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done to all involved on, you all must be wrecked.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭Wreck

    Interesting tourney for me. This was the fifth two day+ event I've played and the first time I've made it through the first day so I guess that's progress. Third time I've played the IPO, and this year was the most well run by a mile - the extra space over last year was a massive improvement.

    Starting table was actally pretty tough, were no easy chips to pick up. It was also the quietest table I've ever been at, absolutely no small talk or joking around. I was in the same seat for the whole day, which I think is a pretty big advantage. Played pretty solidly for most of the day, got lucky in a couple of spots, but made a marginal call towards the end of the day which pretty much defined the tournament for me. The plan was to try and accumulate a lot of chips so I was haoppy enough to take races here and there. Stack sizes, blinds and bet sizes are all pretty much a blur to me at this stage so the following will lack some detail.

    Around level 8 I was on about 30k called a guy's shove for about 12k with AQ, he had open shoved two or three hands previously and had lost a big pot a couple of hands previously so figured I was 50-50 at worst, he turned over AK but I rivered a queen. Somewhere around level 10 I raised from MP with AA, super tight french guy called and I checkraised all in on an ace high flop, he called with AK and I was up to about 90k. Two massive slices of luck for me really, and I was starting to feel pretty confident.

    Next few hours were pretty dismisal, table was quite active, I was pretty card dead but was slowly adding to my stack. Was on about 130k when I raised in MP with AK and the SB shoved for about 50k. SB had been at the table for a couple of levels but had only played four hands max - had doubled up shoving with KK pre. I made the call to be shown AA - in hindsight I think I'm 50/50 at best here and should have found a fold. Finished up an hour or so later with 75K. By the end of the day I was pretty wrecked and finding it quite hard to concentrate.

    Arrived back for day two with just under an average stack, but with an M of just over 10 I was more than willing to get it in and try to double up. Problem was that my table was super active, people were raising from EP in every hand and I didn't think I had too much fold equity so couldn't shove too light. aAfter about half an hour picked up JJ and shoved to a guy's raise in MP - at the time I actually thought he was comitted to the pot given stack sizes but he folded. At the start of the next level my M was about 5 and it was folded around to me in the small blind and I shoved with Q2 of clubs, BB woke up with AK, flop of A-2-X with two clubs at least gave me a sweat but blanks on the turn and river and I was gone in 122nd.

    Despite being totally shattered decided to play some cash - bad idea - and finished down 250 after getting it in bad twice over the course of two and a half hours. Was home and in bed by 8 and slept for 12 hours straight - still quite tired today.

    Thanks to everyone at Boyles and Poker Ireland for a very well-run weekend, and well done to oneillcat for an excellent 4th place finish.
