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IPO - Trip Reports



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 324 ✭✭westlife

    Enzo Scifo wrote: »
    Starting table, with Donal O Connor, Sean Gregory and Phil Baker. No frenchies but 2 from Cavan.

    Phil late, Donal and Sean both looking forward to playing with best player in Ireland ( when phil turns up he agrees that he currently is Irelands best but it also includes a 2nd year for some reason)

    Hand 1, Donal raises sb, BB calls. Checks the flop, Donal bets turn and is re raised. Donal asks Seat 2 about 46 questions including are you serious, what do you have, you cant have called me with a 2, are you any good, one of us cant be first out. First hand takes 7 mins, Donal wins over 4000.

    Donal tells us poker stories from the last couple of months.

    Sean tells us poker stories from the last 20 years.

    Phil tells us that we can fold because he is always ahead and he will show.

    Level 2, Donal gets the Sunderland jersey (that had some extra ones). The Boyles lady thinks he is Donal Norton :P. Every time he loses a hand, Sean tells him he cant believe he called.

    Any time any of the 3 of them are in a hand, they have to shout to Parky or Marty or JP and tell them about it.

    Sean orders a sandwich and tea, no make that 2. Gets them and is asked for 12 euro, says thats a bit rich, waiter says its more in City West, Sean goes mad. Tells Parky, Marty and Jp about the cost of 1 sandwich and a tea. Guy in seat 9 opens his mouth for the first time and says did'nt you get 2? Sean shuts up (for about 42 seconds)

    I have never paid this much money to be ringside at the circus.

    1 guy at the table checks every hand after the flop dark.

    I really mean every hand.

    Donal asks him does he need some light over his side.

    Then the trouble starts....

    As flop being dealt, Big blind checks dark and Sean also checks. Phil (in SB) says hang on its my action and bets out. Sean not happy and says Phil stayed quite to long. Ends up Phil take a big pot with quads over Seans full house. Sean goes mad and goes at Phil and the dealer. Tension is massive.

    A few hands later, Mr Check In The Dark goes all in Utg for 2000+. Mr Cavan is thinking in 3rd position when Phil says sure its only less than 10 BB. Mr Cavan and Sean calls.Flop is akx, Mr Dark says **** and stands up to leave the table. Checked down and Mr dark's qq holds against 99 and 1010. Phil says (really nicely) in future for proper table manners you should try to just sit as you are giving an advantage to the other players as they know you have no king or ace. Mr Dark agrees. Seat 2 says, speaking of table manners, you should keep your mouth shut about players having less than 10 big blinds. We than have 5 mins of heated what is and is not acceptable until Sean calls floor to get a ruling or for them to both shut up, it works.

    In fairness the banter was great crack and most enjoyable but we get broken up after about 3 hours.

    Get moved to Scot Grays table and also some other bounty. Stayed tight and leave this table with over average stack.

    Get moved to TV table :cool:. Go to sit down to be told I'm at the wrong table :o, sorry , excuse me, how can I get out of here quickly...

    Sit at a table with no one I know. Even better, its ultra soft. 3 re raises with air get through. Flop a set and get paid. Go from around 12500 to 27500 at dinner break.

    Play 2 hands after the break. Blind are I think 4 and 800. AQ suited, I raise to 2500, guy next to me goes all in for 14000. I insta fold and show my ace queen, raiser shows ace king. Man I'm in the zone and get at least 4 nice fold sir. Next hand, guy next to me raises to 2500, i look down at ace king. Easy decision, all in, comes back to him and he thinks for a min (wow he might call with his aq / aj). I will be on 48 or 49 or ... call kk. Sorry, did I just push 24000ish with ak off. Thers bad beats and bad beats. The flop comes xxxxx, no bad beat here. The table says unlucky sir (or what a t i t). So, this is what a real brian fart feels like....

    Came back Sunday for side event. 250+, take my re buy at start to be at 10000. Get a set, top pair top kicker, aa etc and get to 21000. Then this, blinds 300/600, utg pushed for last 1600. I call with 33. Button calls, sb all in for 4600. I call and bb calls. Flop is a23 rainbow. I check, bb all in for another 7500, Im against aj, 1010, and ak. Turn is 2 for my boat, 3 players gone and up to almost 40000, avg stack is 14000.

    Moved table and lose a bit, go for 15 min break with 33900.

    Come back to find table has broken, go to my new table and I have only 29000? Call JP but nothing can be done as 2 people counted all the stacks. Really p i s s e d. Raise with a10 and have to fold to all in. 3 hands gone and I'd down almost 10000.

    50 left (25 paid) and down to 18000. Blinds 5 and 1000. UTG raises to 3000, call for seat 2, next guy all in for 30000, i have kk and call, utg folds, seat 2 calls. Up against qq and 99 and they hold, up to 60000 ish...

    Fairly tight after this, keep raising into smurf's BB as I know she wont call or push unless loaded. She keeps pushing into others so happy to let me buy. I raise for half my stack and she folds 66 (you were ahead of my 24 off). Lose half my stack before the break. Now have 24000 and I'm in the bb after break with blinds 5 and 10000, im f u c k e d

    Dinner, 27 left 25 paid. Dinner over, 26 agree to pay everyone, Mr 27 is in the chipper. Jp gives him 5 mins to get back like does he not know i have 2 and a half blinds left?? Just remember that I was in the chipper before him and I got the last bag of chips before they ran out. Never mind reading players, if I had only left him in before me I'd be in the money.

    3 mins gone, no sign of Mr chipper. Its gonna cost me an extra 200 euro for a horrible curry chip.

    4 mins 58 sec (I kid you not) Mr chipper comes back.

    Everone cheers.

    He agrees.

    Everyone cheers again.

    I hug him (ok, I didnt but it was emotional).

    Raise re raise, I fold 26 off. kk v ak, player gone. I push sb with 93 off and hit, im back to 28000.

    Why play for hours and then once you hit the money do people not give a s h i t. Guy has 150,000 and loses half so next hand he pushed average stack with j5 off and gets called by a9 off, wtf.. Another guy raises to 30000, smurf pushes her tens for around 150000 and he insta calls with kj off? He hits of course. 22 left, more money.

    Im just picking spots, 18 left, more money.

    14 left, more money. Blinds are 8000 and 15000. I have 59000. Folded around, im bb with ak. I tell sb that he might as well count out 59 if he wants to play. He does. He has k3. Im happy. He hits a 3.... ah well, 400 squids.

    Lose 100 playing cash.

    Win 350 playing on line.

    Watch a bit of final table.

    Pass Neil bad beat on the way out, he is telling someone that he is talking to the Vic about having a very similar event soon in London (hot off the on the way to get my car park ticket stamped)

    Drive to Limerick, stop twice on the way for a 10 min kip, Im wrecked.

    Woke up this morning to find i had made it home.

    Great tourney, congrats to Steven, Jp, yada yada, roll on next year

    picking on some points:

    No frenchies but 2 from Cavan Same difference!

    Phil late, It's the only way I can stay in after level 4

    Donal and Sean both looking forward to playing with best player in Ireland ( when phil turns up he agrees that he currently is Irelands best but it also includes a 2nd year for some reason)
    why would'nt they :D And, next year, I will be 'the artist formally known as BPII'

    Sean orders a sandwich and tea, no make that 2. Gets them and is asked for 12 euro, says thats a bit rich, waiter says its more in City West, Sean goes mad. Tells Parky, Marty and Jp about the cost of 1 sandwich and a tea. Guy in seat 9 opens his mouth for the first time and says did'nt you get 2? Sean shuts up (for about 42 seconds)
    What you forgot was when the poor waiter stood there I said to Sean "it's not that guy's fault about the price, give him a tip" to which he replied (while the waiter was standing 4 cm away from him) "No, his attitude sucks as well" priceless:D

    As flop being dealt, Big blind checks dark and Sean also checks. Phil (in SB) says hang on its my action and bets out. Sean not happy and says Phil stayed quite to long. Ends up Phil take a big pot with quads over Seans full house. Sean goes mad and goes at Phil and the dealer. Tension is massive.
    Handbags..... It was a strange situation. We had just come back from the break, i think only 4 or 5 sitting at the table when the cards were being dealt. Sean had that 'Short hand robbing of blinds' stare in his face. He raises, I call with KQ and BB calls.Just as the dealer has attempted to turn the flop the BB calls 'check in the dark' When the QQ3 flop comes down Sean checks . I tell the dealer that I have not acted and the action comes to me. Sean is visibly pissed off with this (making his hand look weak) and I bet the flop. He flat calls and the turn is an A (the money card). I check and sean bets 3/4 pot, I flat call.River is a Q and as I am puting sean on an Ace I check the river, he bets and I value raise. He calls, and then is really pissed about the stuff on the flop. I explained to him that I was always going to bet the flop and ethically I dont think I did anything wrong. If he had bet the flop it would have been much worse for him (and me) but, and I hope Sean is reading this, I would rather have his respect then his chips.

    A few hands later, Mr Check In The Dark goes all in Utg for 2000+. Mr Cavan is thinking in 3rd position when Phil says sure its only less than 10 BB. Mr Cavan and Sean calls.Flop is akx, Mr Dark says **** and stands up to leave the table. Checked down and Mr dark's qq holds against 99 and 1010. Phil says (really nicely) in future for proper table manners you should try to just sit as you are giving an advantage to the other players as they know you have no king or ace. Mr Dark agrees. Seat 2 says, speaking of table manners, you should keep your mouth shut about players having less than 10 big blinds. We than have 5 mins of heated what is and is not acceptable until Sean calls floor to get a ruling or for them to both shut up, it works.
    I think it was actually the guy with the beard in seat 5 or 6 who went all in, Mr check in the dark was on my left hand side in seat 9. The only reason I said anything to the guy who was 'all in' was that I thought he was an inexperienced live player and I just wanted to explain what his actions could do when there is a dry pot. And I did say it in the nicest possible way, no moaning or growning, not condescending but in a very friendly way. I have been at so many tables recently were new players to the live game do something wrong and the dealer just says 'string bet' etc etc. Nobody takes the time to explain the details to them of where they went wrong and they sit there at the table for the next 20 mins feeling a little embarrased about it....... we have ALL been there....
    On the other matter when the guy moved 'all in' he had numerically the biggest chip count on the table (unfortunately for him most of them were 25 chips with a few 100's) One player asked for a chip count at which point Mr check in the dark said to me 'jasus that a big bet' the player himself said it was around 3,500 and I said to Mr CITD (obviously a bit loud) 'ah, its around 10 times the big blind'. After the hand was over and I had talked to the all in guy another player at the top of the table said ' I dont think you should be announcing 10 big blinds. The dealer had already announced how much was in the stack (it was actually less, about 8bb) and if a player is directed by me saying '10 bb's' to make a call or fold or whatever then I give up. Can this influence a player to make a call or laydown? I dont know, but I should not have said anything in the situation, I understand this, but I just felt the guy was having a pop at me because of what I said to the 'all in' guy. I think he felt ' you had a pop at him billy big bollox so I am going to have one at you'. If I was in the wrong fair enough but it was the snide way he was having a go at me compared to the friendly way I had talked to the other guy that pissed me off. The calling for a ruling was a joke as the dealer took it up wrong. Me and the other guy where debating the issue, not loud or angry, just talking and Sean said joking 'ah, just get a ruling' and the dealer took it literally. The 'all in' guy took my conversation with him in exactly the way I wanted him to and we where very friendly for the rest of the game

    now i'm tired Enzo and it's all your fault with your witty post!!!!!:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭aceswild

    tipp86 wrote: »
    I was moved to table 36 at the 400-800 level i think. I must say that this was the most interesting table i played at. The table included Kevin O Leary, Chufty and that Liz girl who made the table quiet fun i must say. There was a nice litlle bit of banter and chat here. I have to say for a high stakes player chufty is very down to earth and treated everyone at the table with respect and was a model pro IMO.
    i love this "that liz girl" i think the fun at the table was a complete stranger came over to me to ask me in a very serious voice was i ok? i felt fine so told him i was grand which he followed up with ï thought something was wrong cos you havent spoken in 40 seconds" if it wasnt so funny (or true) id have been insulted,or then there was the time i interuppted a pot to tell the dealer he had counted a 500 chip as a 5000 chip and the pot was 4.5k short,the man who owed the pot wasnt best pleased especially when the floor guy came over to recheck the pot and told him i was correct,to this guys horror he only had 3k left which was now being shipped to a guy across the table leaving him knocked out,needless to say he wasnt impressed when i "knocked him out of a [EMAIL="fu@@ing"]fu@@ing[/EMAIL] pot i wasnt even [EMAIL="fu@@ing"]fu@@ing[/EMAIL] in" delighted i brightened up your day :) which guy were you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 145 ✭✭smcb

    what about the lad who looked about 13 and was playing on Day 1a - how did he fare up?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 324 ✭✭westlife

    smcb wrote: »
    what about the lad who looked about 13 and was playing on Day 1a - how did he fare up?

    4 passport checks (seriously!)
    Marty knocked him out. I have reported Marty to the rspcc..

    he then went out and had a smoke (i kid you not)..and I think he looked about 12!

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭lillou

    JP Poker wrote: »
    Great Weekend, really enjoyed working with everyone.

    Congrats to Stephen, Paul, Cairan, John S, Toby, Richard, Paul, Dani, all the dealers, and of course all the players.

    Not sure if I'm forgeting anyone.... Oh yes think Lisa did a good job too;)

    don't know who you're talking about there, but Ciaran & Stephen certainly run a great tourney :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭copperfacegaz

    smcb wrote: »
    what about the lad who looked about 13 and was playing on Day 1a - how did he fare up?

    lol he was at my table late on friday ,, every new person that came to the table kept asking him wat age he was ... he said he was 19 and had his passport with him just in case the td asked ... not a bad player too .

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭Eyecatcher

    trip report ...

    was not playing till day1b so played €50 side event ..blanked for €110 total
    played an hour of 1/2 and won €120
    main event called mid pos raiser with A 10s and board ended up A high with rags ..called all streets and lost to AQ
    frittered away more trying to 3bet steal and ended up on 5k with blinds 200/400..had KJ in hijack and open raised 2.5 BB and sb calls
    flop K rag rag bets pot and I ship it in and he turns AK..........
    off to cash again for a few sessions and won €360 , €50, €25
    tried other side event and blanked again for another €110 loss
    played 2 more side events on weekend and lost €220
    played my last 2 cash sessions and won €225 and lost €150

    would have had a tasty wee profit only for side games but when frenchie calls all in with 44 v AA and hits 4 not much you can do...still a profit but bar bill took it all and a bit more :)

    was a great weekend but wished i had not ate as many of those darn burgers :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 139 ✭✭Enzo Scifo

    smurph wrote: »
    Best trip Report yet.... he called because well "He's French", apparently he won the side event the previous night by calling with any hand that had a picture Card in it, so in fairness he has a premium hand against me with his 2 beautiful picture cards :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    What seat were you in.... I cant put a face to you was it seat 8 beside Mr. KJ....

    Seat 7 I think.. As soon as I saw kj it had s h i t e call bad beat written all over it :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 139 ✭✭Enzo Scifo

    westlife wrote: »
    picking on some points:

    Handbags..... It was a strange situation. We had just come back from the break, i think only 4 or 5 sitting at the table when the cards were being dealt. Sean had that 'Short hand robbing of blinds' stare in his face. He raises, I call with KQ and BB calls.Just as the dealer has attempted to turn the flop the BB calls 'check in the dark' When the QQ3 flop comes down Sean checks . I tell the dealer that I have not acted and the action comes to me. Sean is visibly pissed off with this (making his hand look weak) and I bet the flop. He flat calls and the turn is an A (the money card). I check and sean bets 3/4 pot, I flat call.River is a Q and as I am puting sean on an Ace I check the river, he bets and I value raise. He calls, and then is really pissed about the stuff on the flop. I explained to him that I was always going to bet the flop and ethically I dont think I did anything wrong. If he had bet the flop it would have been much worse for him (and me) but, and I hope Sean is reading this, I would rather have his respect then his chips.

    (I think Sean was p i s s e d off because he checked so quickly before he knew you were still there, nothing you could have done)

    A few hands later, Mr Check In The Dark goes all in Utg for 2000+. Mr Cavan is thinking in 3rd position when Phil says sure its only less than 10 BB. Mr Cavan and Sean calls.Flop is akx, Mr Dark says **** and stands up to leave the table. Checked down and Mr dark's qq holds against 99 and 1010. Phil says (really nicely) in future for proper table manners you should try to just sit as you are giving an advantage to the other players as they know you have no king or ace. Mr Dark agrees. Seat 2 says, speaking of table manners, you should keep your mouth shut about players having less than 10 big blinds. We than have 5 mins of heated what is and is not acceptable until Sean calls floor to get a ruling or for them to both shut up, it works.
    I think it was actually the guy with the beard in seat 5 (yip seat 5) or 6 who went all in, Mr check in the dark was on my left hand side in seat 9 (he only checked in the dark once so he was never mr check in the dark). The only reason I said anything to the guy who was 'all in' was that I thought he was an inexperienced live player and I just wanted to explain what his actions could do when there is a dry pot. And I did say it in the nicest possible way (agreed and he took it this way), no moaning or growning, not condescending but in a very friendly way. I have been at so many tables recently were new players to the live game do something wrong and the dealer just says 'string bet' etc etc. Nobody takes the time to explain the details to them of where they went wrong and they sit there at the table for the next 20 mins feeling a little embarrased about it....... we have ALL been there....
    On the other matter when the guy moved 'all in' he had numerically the biggest chip count on the table (unfortunately for him most of them were 25 chips with a few 100's) One player asked for a chip count at which point Mr check in the dark said to me 'jasus that a big bet' the player himself said it was around 3,500 and I said to Mr CITD (obviously a bit loud) 'ah, its around 10 times the big blind'. Here was the issue, I again see your point but from just sitting there watching I actually do think that Mr Cavan actually gave your less than 10 big blinds comment a lot of credit and it was a factor in his calling After the hand was over and I had talked to the all in guy another player at the top of the table said ' I dont think you should be announcing 10 big blinds. The dealer had already announced how much was in the stack (it was actually less, about 8bb) and if a player is directed by me saying '10 bb's' to make a call or fold or whatever then I give up. Can this influence a player to make a call or laydown? I dont know, but I should not have said anything in the situation, I understand this, but I just felt the guy was having a pop at me because of what I said to the 'all in' guy. I think he felt ' you had a pop at him billy big bollox so I am going to have one at you'. If I was in the wrong fair enough but it was the snide way (Agreed, this guy was steaming from folding to my all in on the turn after he raised pre, bet flop and turn on the last hand before the break on a 6 high board. I felt he had an overpair of 88/99 or 1010 and he could not call an all in. He asked me to show if he folded and was p i s s e d when i showed him a draw. He was still steaming when the break was over and he just wanted a pop at someone. You were his opportunity but he came accross as an a s s h o l e and I dont even think he smilledwhen you went over after a while to shake his hand) on he was having a go at me compared to the friendly way I had talked to the other guy that pissed me off. The calling for a ruling was a joke as the dealer took it up wrong. Me and the other guy where debating the issue, not loud or angry, just talking and Sean said joking 'ah, just get a ruling' and the dealer took it literally. The 'all in' guy took my conversation with him in exactly the way I wanted him to and we where very friendly for the rest of the game

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    there was a guy there that looked like McLovin. Made sunday M.E

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  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭gorrrr72

    a-k-47 wrote: »
    there was a guy there that looked like McLovin. Made sunday M.E

    Could be Lorcan O'Toole from Wexford.

  • Registered Users Posts: 427 ✭✭one ill cat

    Rather than post my latest 'War & Peace' entry here I figured a link to my blog entry would be more efficient just in case anyone here could be bothered reading it.

    Be warned though, it's quite a long post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 650 ✭✭✭pgodkin

    Rather than post my latest 'War & Peace' entry here I figured a link to my blog entry would be more efficient just in case anyone here could be bothered reading it.

    Be warned though, it's quite a long post.

    Well done on the cash you'll have to give the fella a few pointers!:D i mean how do u lose with KK all in on a J high flop against AJ! :rolleyes::p Well done again

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 324 ✭✭westlife

    westlife wrote: »
    biggest dissapointment was when i got to my table... no frenchies! rooms where very busy but i thought that the admin was first rate and the moving of tables was very sharp considering the numbers. Doing ok for first few hours staying above av stack until 300-600 when i got a little card dead from there on in. Shoved (with 11,000) late position with 3-5, blinds 800-1500 and ran into Ray Masters in the bb with AA (shocking call!). flop 3-3-6 (sorry ray) and nice double up. Few hands later utg Jc Jh, blinds 1000-2000...... raised to 7000, got around to bb and reraised all in. Called with my remaining 14,500, bb has As Ks... flop Kh 4s 2s ....missed my one outter. out in 140th. Had the pleasure of sitting with Marty to my left for many hours... WHAT A GENT! Class act in every way. Really enjoyed the atmosphere created by the likes of Padraig on table behind me and Scot on my right hand side, great ambassadors for Boyles, loads of friendly banter in the small room.

    Congratulations to Keith McFadden for being the first person out of their bin at approx. 3pm and still in that condition at 6am! Thanks to the Galway posse for the donation from the omaha table (especially Christy). And special thanks to Ciaran Corbett, Stephen and Boyles for a top tourny. Deserves the support it gets.

    Sorry for dragging up an old post but i feel (and he feels) I owe Christy an apol. Christy, The post was ment tounge in cheek..... but here goes........'I am sorry for calling your rereraise with a hand that I was only 44.25% to win. I hope this will appease your feeling of wrong doing on my part and hope you can now turn up at a festival without the rage!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭bantee

    Better late than never I suppose.

    Played Day1B and after checking the names on my table(63) I figured the only recognisable name on it was a McClean which I guessed could be a relation of Stephen's.

    Turned out it was his dad and thanks again for providing the sports updates during the afternoon which was very handy, go on Munster and United on the day!

    I had 2 French lads to my right and 1 to my left with another acoss from me in seat 5, I was in seat 10.

    The rest were Irish and a nice fella from Cardiff was there too. Have to say it was a very enjoyable table to play on and it seemed the Irish contingent were the ones playing loose!

    One funny hand: the French lad in seat9 next to me was playing tight all day and he was doing a bit of huffing and moaning when he saw the variety of hands we were playing with. Folded around to him on SB and he completes for 200 more. I had 13k and he had about 6.5k. I look down at Q4 on the BB so check obv.
    THe flop comes Q42 rainbow and he ships all in! I snap call and say I hpe you don't have a set and he shows Q9 WTF? Turn and river brick out so I dd nicely to my stack.

    We sadly had to leave this table as it broke and I got moved to 36 which had mainly Irish, a couple of French and a Scotish lad. Only player I knew of was Paul Leckey and he won 3 big flips on my time there.

    Stayed on this table for the evening and won a few decent pots with AK, one of which I knocked out a bounty, Rebecca McAdam who held AJ, much to the annoyance of the whole table ;)

    I got my stack up to about 95k which was the highest but lost a couple of pots and finished up the day on 46k, when the average was 78k. I didn't care cos I was wrecked after a long day of it and figured I would try to double up on Day2.

    Started Day2 on table 48 which was the TV table but cameras weren't rolling yet :o

    We started back on the bubble but that burst after 2 hands so it was now time to double up as I was now blinded and anted down to 37k.

    Blinds 3/6 antes 500, I look down at AK UTG and I ship in. Dutch guy to my left calls and the 8 on the flop killed me off quickly!

    Bit sickened as the table seemed to be ok, with 1 Polish guy repeatedly saying he was shipping all in with any Ace :rolleyes:.

    Have to say I really enjoyed it and finished 135th for my troubles. The heat was the only complaint but it couldn't be helped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 650 ✭✭✭pgodkin

    bantee wrote: »
    Better late than never I suppose.

    Played Day1B and after checking the names on my table(63) I figured the only recognisable name on it was a McClean which I guessed could be a relation of Stephen's.

    Turned out it was his dad and thanks again for providing the sports updates during the afternoon which was very handy, go on Munster and United on the day!

    I had 2 French lads to my right and 1 to my left with another acoss from me in seat 5, I was in seat 10.

    The rest were Irish and a nice fella from Cardiff was there too. Have to say it was a very enjoyable table to play on and it seemed the Irish contingent were the ones playing loose!

    One funny hand: the French lad in seat9 next to me was playing tight all day and he was doing a bit of huffing and moaning when he saw the variety of hands we were playing with. Folded around to him on SB and he completes for 200 more. I had 13k and he had about 6.5k. I look down at Q4 on the BB so check obv.
    THe flop comes Q42 rainbow and he ships all in! I snap call and say I hpe you don't have a set and he shows Q9 WTF? Turn and river brick out so I dd nicely to my stack.

    We sadly had to leave this table as it broke and I got moved to 36 which had mainly Irish, a couple of French and a Scotish lad. Only player I knew of was Paul Leckey and he won 3 big flips on my time there.

    Stayed on this table for the evening and won a few decent pots with AK, one of which I knocked out a bounty, Rebecca McAdam who held AJ, much to the annoyance of the whole table ;)

    I got my stack up to about 95k which was the highest but lost a couple of pots and finished up the day on 46k, when the average was 78k. I didn't care cos I was wrecked after a long day of it and figured I would try to double up on Day2.

    Started Day2 on table 48 which was the TV table but cameras weren't rolling yet :o

    We started back on the bubble but that burst after 2 hands so it was now time to double up as I was now blinded and anted down to 37k.

    Blinds 3/6 antes 500, I look down at AK UTG and I ship in. Dutch guy to my left calls and the 8 on the flop killed me off quickly!

    Bit sickened as the table seemed to be ok, with 1 Polish guy repeatedly saying he was shipping all in with any Ace :rolleyes:.

    Have to say I really enjoyed it and finished 135th for my troubles. The heat was the only complaint but it couldn't be helped.

    i was sittin to your left well played!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,822 ✭✭✭tipp86

    aceswild wrote: »
    i love this "that liz girl" i think the fun at the table was a complete stranger came over to me to ask me in a very serious voice was i ok? i felt fine so told him i was grand which he followed up with ï thought something was wrong cos you havent spoken in 40 seconds" if it wasnt so funny (or true) id have been insulted,or then there was the time i interuppted a pot to tell the dealer he had counted a 500 chip as a 5000 chip and the pot was 4.5k short,the man who owed the pot wasnt best pleased especially when the floor guy came over to recheck the pot and told him i was correct,to this guys horror he only had 3k left which was now being shipped to a guy across the table leaving him knocked out,needless to say he wasnt impressed when i "knocked him out of a [EMAIL="fu@@ing"]fu@@ing[/EMAIL] pot i wasnt even [EMAIL="fu@@ing"]fu@@ing[/EMAIL] in" delighted i brightened up your day :) which guy were you?

    I was the youngish lad on the table that offered you change for the fag machine when you were stuck!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,253 ✭✭✭shano_88

    bantee wrote: »
    Better late than never I suppose.

    Played Day1B and after checking the names on my table(63) I figured the only recognisable name on it was a McClean which I guessed could be a relation of Stephen's.

    Turned out it was his dad and thanks again for providing the sports updates during the afternoon which was very handy, go on Munster and United on the day!

    I had 2 French lads to my right and 1 to my left with another acoss from me in seat 5, I was in seat 10.

    The rest were Irish and a nice fella from Cardiff was there too. Have to say it was a very enjoyable table to play on and it seemed the Irish contingent were the ones playing loose!

    One funny hand: the French lad in seat9 next to me was playing tight all day and he was doing a bit of huffing and moaning when he saw the variety of hands we were playing with. Folded around to him on SB and he completes for 200 more. I had 13k and he had about 6.5k. I look down at Q4 on the BB so check obv.
    THe flop comes Q42 rainbow and he ships all in! I snap call and say I hpe you don't have a set and he shows Q9 WTF? Turn and river brick out so I dd nicely to my stack.

    We sadly had to leave this table as it broke and I got moved to 36 which had mainly Irish, a couple of French and a Scotish lad. Only player I knew of was Paul Leckey and he won 3 big flips on my time there.

    Stayed on this table for the evening and won a few decent pots with AK, one of which I knocked out a bounty, Rebecca McAdam who held AJ, much to the annoyance of the whole table ;)

    I got my stack up to about 95k which was the highest but lost a couple of pots and finished up the day on 46k, when the average was 78k. I didn't care cos I was wrecked after a long day of it and figured I would try to double up on Day2.

    Started Day2 on table 48 which was the TV table but cameras weren't rolling yet :o

    We started back on the bubble but that burst after 2 hands so it was now time to double up as I was now blinded and anted down to 37k.

    Blinds 3/6 antes 500, I look down at AK UTG and I ship in. Dutch guy to my left calls and the 8 on the flop killed me off quickly!

    Bit sickened as the table seemed to be ok, with 1 Polish guy repeatedly saying he was shipping all in with any Ace :rolleyes:.

    Have to say I really enjoyed it and finished 135th for my troubles. The heat was the only complaint but it couldn't be helped.

    I was on your starting table as well. Seat 3 i think. Most enjoyable table of the day by far. Great craic on it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭bantee

    pgodkin wrote: »
    i was sittin to your left well played!

    Well played yourself. I stayed outta your way as I figured you knew what you were doin LOL!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭bantee

    shano_88 wrote: »
    I was on your starting table as well. Seat 3 i think. Most enjoyable table of the day by far. Great craic on it!

    Ya I really enjoyed it. I was sickened to be moved as some of the lads were getting really impatient and Richie was goin mad with any ace :D

    He told me a while later he got a bad beat to be knocked out, AA < KQ

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