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Run for your life.



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    My last training day was Monday, and technically have had 2 days rest. But theyve been tough days because of personal stuff going on, so I dont feel rested. In fact I feel knackered. :)

    Got out for a run today, and kinda had to force myself out... but did 4 miles in 34 mins, my normal pace, and it felt good once I got moving, the tiredness left. It did my head good to get out, I hate rest days, especially two in a row.

    And I got new shoes yesterday, so tried them out today. They are Brooks Launch again, I never even know Im wearing them, but they have better cushioning than the old pair, was definitely time to change them. Am hoping they fix the plantar fascitis too. I also got speed laces today, so will fit them later and see how they work. Gee, Im almost a proper triathlete now, I have all the gear (and no idea). :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Pool swim this morning. Kept it easy enough, sets of between 4 and 10 lengths. The swim session was on but wasnt tempted to join in, 2800m would have been a bit much today. :) Lost count of lengths, over 40 is all I know. No more training till Sunday now. I feel ok about this tri, I think because its a shorter pool swim. Will be interesting to see how my times go on this one.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Bunclody sprint tri yesterday. Lovely hilly race! Report to follow, when I stop feeling tired. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Well done! Looking forward to report.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I hadnt been too worried coming up to this tri, I mean, I'd done one before, this was a shorter pool swim... it couldnt be worse that my first at least. But during the briefing the words 'tough' and 'hills' were mentioned a bit too much for my liking, and I thought, oops, maybe this wasn't an easy option....

    I began in wave two, which was all women for some reason. Lovely happy, chatty group there, so a positive vibe at the start. Started third in the lane, but was lapped pretty quickly by the fastest girl. I did struggle, technique was non existent and I tired quickly. But plodded on. You know youre not doing well when the counter says 'youre doing well love, only four to go' and you can see that the most of the other lanes are empty. :) There were about 3 left in the pool as I finished, and I thought at least Im not last. 14.12m.

    Heading to T1 I was gasping, but relieved the hard bit was done. A 2 min transition (needs working on, but remembered gloves this time) and I was out on the bike. I got my breath back by 3k. A hilly start to the bike led on to rolling hills, with one tough section going through Clonegal village, a long stretch of hill that sapped my legs. (A kid outside the pub told me to 'go harder, will ya!' -Im not ready for the Tour d'Etape yet, it seems). But I did catch a few people here, and the only ones to catch me were on TT bikes. The downhills were class on the route, a real buzz. 51.56m bike, the hills causing a slow time.

    T2 took 49 seconds. I dont use cleats (or toe clips, its on my to do list), so no shoes to change. Almost done just the run to complete. It was 'tough' though, as per the briefing. The outward leg was all steadily uphill, with the last drag to the turnaround a soul destroying climb, as youre struggling as you watch everyone scooting downhill looking strong. I almost walked here, my brain doing that 'I will stop/no I wont' thing all the way to the cone, which I admit to walking around. But the home stretch was all the way down the same hill, and coming to the last bit where you can see the entrance to the finish I cranked it up a bit and passed two competitors. Hoped to catch the next girl in sight, but at the turn to the finish she took off like she was rocket propelled and we did a great sprint to the finish. Didnt catch her, but I mustve gained a few seconds from the effort. :) Run time 24.11m

    Total finish time 1.33.08. Slower than Carrick (which I knew the swim would be anyway) but a harder course, and only two weeks since the last one anyway. So Im a happy camper, who will work hard on my swim between now and my next tri, Dublin at the end of the month.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Well done Oryx, your report is very similar to mine apart from you still had a good run :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Monday 2/8/10
    Tired all day, which is to be expected. Did a sea swim in the evening, which I was thinking of not doing, but Im glad I did, I felt grand once I got going. Did the 750m well enough, I still stop a few times but its more to reorient myself than anything else. No sense swimming out to sea! I am getting better at automatically sighting every few strokes though.

    It will take a lot more hard work to get my swim stamina to a reasonable standard. Im finding the swimming a bit like walking up a sand dune, its hard, seems to take so much effort, and you keep sliding backwards. :)

    Big problems with the soles of my feet today, which I blame the bike for. The position of my feet when pedalling is definitely the thing thats giving me the issues Ive had for the last few weeks. That means mastering cleats. Oh dear. I hear a girl went straight into the ditch at the end of the bike on Sunday as she tried to unhook her feet, that would be me, with cleats.

    And I meant to mention, kudos to my friend who did a 1h 55 triathlon, despite only one bike ride beforehand, and only ever running 3k a few times. Makes you wonder what all this training is for!! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Well done on yesterday - good pair of shoes for the bike is something i need to invest in too.

    Starting 8 weeks of intermediate swimming lessons that are held 2 times a week tomorrow evening. Hopefully ill be happy and swimming well after! Practice Practice.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ULstudent wrote: »
    Well done on yesterday - good pair of shoes for the bike is something i need to invest in too.

    Starting 8 weeks of intermediate swimming lessons that are held 2 times a week tomorrow evening. Hopefully ill be happy and swimming well after! Practice Practice.
    Oh I have the shoes and pedals sitting at home, ignored. I have tried and failed to use them, I actually thought they were faulty, until I got a pro cyclist to test them. Theyre fine, its just me thats faulty. :)

    Good luck with the swimming. I plan more coaching next week to get my technique back on track.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Tired all day, but went out for a short run in the evening, and it was just what I needed to wake me up. Bright sunny weather, quiet roads, lovely stuff. Kept the pace easy, 5.5k in 29 mins. I could really feel it in my legs, they are tired from Sunday. Its hard to do a run when youre tired, but rewarding when you finish it.

    Bike this evening, weather permitting! (Please, weather angels, dont make it pee down :D)

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Got out on the bike, as hoped. Did 15 miles. 56 mins. Av pace out 16.7, av pace back against the wind, 15.7. Was a lovely spin, would have loved to go longer but time didnt allow. Made sure to have my feet in a relaxed position to see if it would stop them being sore later.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Well the feet are ok today which is a good sign, knew it was the bike doing it.

    Got to the pool early today, ten past seven, bloody mad. Didnt do brilliantly, felt like I was all over the place and couldnt get a rhythm going. Longest set was 8 lengths continuous. Did 1600m total, it took 56 minutes. Am wrecked now. :) Ive booked a coaching session for next week, because I know I need to sharpen the technique again, all the old bad habits are back.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Got a run in this morning. 4 miles in a slow 34 mins. Didnt feel slow of course. :) Unless I do speedwork I wont gain any pace and I think that may wait till next season. The current level of training is enough right now!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Got out on the bike today, did 19 miles, then a 4 mile run. The run was tough, after the bike, and am tired this weekend anyway.

    Just the sea swim tomorrow and then Hellfire on Wednesday.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Sea swim tonight, it actually felt good. Probably the best open water swim yet. Im still not fast but Im getting faster. Only stopped twice on the way back which is a bit of a record for me, finally I got a steady relaxed swim going. Woo hoo. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    This was not my best race. In fact, it was a bit of a disaster right from the start, I think sometimes the gods are trying to tell you to just go home and not do silly things like run up hills. :)

    After a lot of fannying around housing estates asking directions, I finally found the venue, but had to park my car a mile uphill from the start. Then my bike fell over and scratched my car. Not boding well, this.

    The race started gently, a forest trail climbing gradually, before reaching the proper climb to the Hellfire club. I walked this, I know that running up it is not my thing, and would kill me. In fact even the walking kills me, and my head wasnt right, I was hating it. But once I got to flattish or downhill bits, I ran again. Not a total wuss. The run course was a series of fast and dodgy downhills with some uphill slogs thrown in. I didnt make time on the downhills because Im just not sure footed enough and dont go fast!

    By the time I got back to transition it was pouring with rain (lovely) and my head kept saying 'quit'. On the bike and straight onto the uphill drag (over a mile I reckon). And dammit, I had no granny gear on the front, so had to do the whole bloody hill on the big ring. My legs were burning. I stopped a few times but hadnt a clue how to fix it, the cable was seized. Ran the last section to the top with the bike, where a spectator battered the gears into low and sent me on my way. Lost a hell of a lot of time.

    The steep descent on the other side of the hill was scary, my bike was sliding all over the place, and Im not a confident rider at the best of times. 15-18mph max. Nearly lost it on one sharp bend. The gears stuck again on the way back to the start area, again a kind guy on a bike got me moving, and from then on they behaved. Up the loooong hill again, easier this time with the extra low gear. :) The second lap felt shorter, and a lot easier. Saw a guy Id been chatting to earlier, on the side of the road having crashed, it looked bad, hope he was ok.

    Back to transition, I felt like I was Paddy Last. Onto the run. Still wanted to just go home, but just got on with it anyway. Met everyone coming down fast as I went up slow. Thats just so demoralising. :) But got around the route again, didnt seem so bad the second time, cos I knew I was done.

    Total time 1.51.42, Id say ten minutes of that is down to the busted bike. This event was a lesson in how things can go wrong, and how if your head isnt in the zone, you wont have a good race. But its done. Another box ticked. Onwards to better things (once I get my bike fixed)

    Anyone know any good bike maintenance courses for plebs? :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    ongrats on the duathlon desptie things not going as planned.

    ANymore duathlons planned? Iv got one the 23rd oct(humpty dumpty ) and one middle next month (clonakilty)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ULstudent wrote: »
    ongrats on the duathlon desptie things not going as planned.

    ANymore duathlons planned? Iv got one the 23rd oct(humpty dumpty ) and one middle next month (clonakilty)
    No more duathlons, and I cant fit any more in my schedule even if I wanted!

    Have two race series runs which Ill use as training runs, Dublin tri, and War Glenmalure. Im also toying with either turfguy in October, or the Ballbuster in the Uk in November.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Coached swim session early this morning. Its been weeks since the last one, and he could see improvement in technique. Ive been advised to work on power and getting the most from each stroke. More forward movement for less strokes per length is the aim. From now on its all about just getting lengths done, practice, practice, practice, till it gets more instinctive and relaxed.

    Was about an hour in the pool, with some hard sprints in the session. I am totally thoroughly wrecked now, and Ive a days work to do. All I want to do is sleep, I hadnt recovered from Wednesday at all yet, so the swim on top was killer!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Short bike this morning, as was stuck for time. Out for an easy hour, did 15 miles nice and handy just taking it easy on the legs and enjoying the gorgeous morning. Days like this you gotta love the bike. :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Hey Oryx,

    Are there any Tough-guy type events in Ireland?

    Wasn't sure if "turfguy" was a typo or an Irish version...:)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    There are lots of mudrun types of thing around the place, and the turfguy thing is a new event by the gaelforce people I think, it sounds like a total rip off, I hope they get it right. But I think for kudos you got to do the original Mr Mouse one. trouble is now, you have to be sponsored by a tg vet before you can enter if youve not been before.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Sea swim this evening, along with a club photo. :) Did the usual distance, but felt pretty good, just a little tired on the way back. Just about 4 short orientation stops on the out and same coming back. Still cant stay going continuous, particularly at the start when Im cold and have no rhythm. But its nice to see some improvement every week. No run after because I was chilled and only had a singlet to throw over the trisuit. Or at least thats my excuse. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Got out for last nights run this morning. :) Four miles, 34 mins. Not easy, my leggies are tired. But done.

    Just read Woddle's log, which has made me want to up my training. Isnt it great how we intimidate encourage each other to do more?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Oryx wrote: »

    Just read Woddle's log, which has made me want to up my training. Isnt it great how we intimidate encourage each other to do more?

    When i read that he did 1000m without stopping in the pool in his entry today - it made me want to go to the pool and get working on my swimming !!:)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ULstudent wrote: »
    When i read that he did 1000m without stopping in the pool in his entry today - it made me want to go to the pool and get working on my swimming !!:)
    Yup, thats just what I thought. Fecker is flying. :) But thats what motivates ya, the thought of getting annihilated at the next race!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Please feel free to start a woddle appreciation thread on the main forum :D
    Seriously though what you don't realise oryx is that it's you and your log that has given me the kick start and I'm very envious of your open water swims, keep up the good work and look forward to racing against with you in the future.

    Are you running Dublin marathon?

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    No, I scratched that off my list in June when I realised I couldnt tri train, adventure race train, and do a marathon plan as well. Well at least I couldnt do it and stay married. :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Pool swim this morning. 4 warm up lengths, then 1000m continuous, which took 25 mins. Thank you Woddle. :) Few lengths afterward working on technique, and bilateral breath, which I didnt do on the long swim. I know, I know.. I should. But with Dublin tri in ten days I need to get my head around the non stop part more!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Oryx wrote: »
    There are lots of mudrun types of thing around the place, and the turfguy thing is a new event by the gaelforce people I think, it sounds like a total rip off, I hope they get it right. But I think for kudos you got to do the original Mr Mouse one. trouble is now, you have to be sponsored by a tg vet before you can enter if youve not been before.

    Jeez, I hope the Galeforce guys are paying a royalty - even the photos are suspiciously similar!

    I-can't-believe-it's-not-Tough Guy:)
