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One step at a time



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Im re jiggin all over the place,plan was to run into work and home tomorrow but the weather was so bad again today we went nowhere so squeezed in a recovery run of the same length to round off a good weeks running of 40m,also happy not to be getting up at 5:30 tomorrow morning,that extra 45 mins in bed will be nice ;)
    If i can get 40 a week i will do ok...onwards and upwards.

    7m @ 7:39p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Yesterday : Intervals

    Decided to get the intervals out of the way early this week,but could not get out until after 9pm due to work and off i went in the dark of night,a lovely night it has to be said not a puff of wind...

    1.5m warm up - 7:32p
    8*600 @ 5:14,5:19,5:09,5:20,5:13,5:22,5:10,5:15 Pace
    The intervals were up and down a hill so interval 1,3,5,7 were 250m flat and 350m downhill and 2,4,6,8 were 350 uphill and 250 flat....
    Felt really strong doing them...the downhill ones felt like jogging and of course the uphill ones were tough,not the initial 350 up the hill though,it was the last 250 were killer but all good and strongest i have felt in a long time.
    90s rec inbetween intervals
    1.5m home - 8:23p

    6m Total

    Today - Aerobic

    Legs were slightly tender today so took it easy,enjoyed the trot out the back roads,ballygunner,ballinamona,ballindud.....really nice morning for it

    10m @ 7:19p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Off nights,felt tired today as opposed to last week off nights i was flying...ran the same route as tuesday and managed to pick it up for the last 5 to get home in a decent time in really blustery conditions.
    Will get a recovery run intomorrow night and that may be it for the w/e as i have a wedding saturday,the rugby and big fellas hurling saturday morning and self inflicted recovery on Sunday...

    10m @ 6:53p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Like a true blaa would say..."me legs are in bits buoy"

    Long time no post,i picked up a back injury thing about 10 days ago...the morning after the last post up above,felt great running that and woke up the next day with stomach muscle pain like i had done about 1000 sit ups but had not done any !
    Didnt run that day and had a wedding the next and aggravated it there dancing the night away....back to work monday and not great,it had turned to back pain after the wedding,restricted in what i did and then pulled it just when it was getting better wednesday when the small fella nearly fell of the bed and i dived to the rescue...ouch...back to square to the docs then and he gave me a dose of Difene...good strong stuff there to keep the pain at bay,tried 5m nice and easy Saturday and ran it to fast as i had some thigh muscle pain after that ( after only 9 days off...muscle pain in the you lose it that fast ? ) but no back pain thankfully...took yesterday off and ran 8.5 today,the pace felt real easy but the legs were in the last few miles in a marathon agony,had to stop 3 times in the last couple of miles to stretch the thighs as each step was painful.
    Got home then and had an ice bath ( which i hate ) and smothered the legs in Zum...very sore now though,reminds me of a few years back when i started running long,the thighs would just seize up...not comfortable at all.
    I'll have to let this recovery happen in its own time...dont want to tear a thigh muscle or anything stupid like that.
    Will see how i am Wednesday night,might chance a few slow ones.

    I'd say seanynova is even fresher than me now and he has just run a tough marathon and i did a measly 8.5m at a stroll......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    The legs are still in bits...

    Chanced a short one tonight,the legs were seriously hurting after Mondays effort,felt ok today in work but only a mile into the run the pains came back,im not worried about it though as i know its only muscle pain,just really surprised at how it came at me,the real concern i have is my back at the minute,that was tight/sore/uncomfortable all day but the run seemed to loosen it up,now i can feel the tightness again as i type,again i dont think this is serious either,will take the rest of the Difene ( 3 days tablets left from prescription ) and see where that gets me.
    4 years running and no injuries,thats good going,lets hope i shake these niggles off in time to prepare to run the half in December !

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Ran 4.5m today and was noticably better,the thigh muscle pain is almost gone so took no chance with distance and held it to 4.5...a milelonger than wednesday.
    I'll take another rest day tomorrow and run 7/8 on Sunday morning,hopefully i will be ready to up it a bit more next week,with only 7 weeks to the half,id say a good time is out the window but i dont care,i would settle for a steady performance and push on then for the Dungarvan 10 in late Jan.
    A little birdie told me that the National half is on down here for the 2012 and 2013 so the club half in Dec will be a 10m race for both of those years.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    OK,we are progressing nicely after my litany of minor obstructions ( wont call them injuries,except for the back pain,that was sore )...ran 7m today and clipped along very easily for the first 5m @ 6:47p...delighted with how easy that was as it was milling out and the wind was howling hard in spots,took the foot of the pedal at 5m to coast home,as its just another step to getting back into full training hopefully by the end of the week coming,that will give me 6 weeks to the half,i'll still plan for sub 80 if i can get 6 decent weeks in as my fitness levels are still good.

    I'm looking orward to next week now,its been a few weeks since i ran fast so will not be jumping straight back into long tempos and intervals,i may try 10m with 3/4 @ sub 6:00 at the tail end of the week...we will se how things pan out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    your after passing me out on the freshness front again it seams :)

    although im taking another week or two itching to get going again!

    take it handy going back to the faster suff

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    seanynova wrote: »
    your after passing me out on the freshness front again it seams :)

    although im taking another week or two itching to get going again!

    take it handy going back to the faster suff

    Since th enational half in Sept i have very little running done,i picked up a knock in the lead up to that and it affected my race that day so took 2 very easy weeks to follow,then i did 2 decent weeks with intervals and tempos then the last 2.5 weeks have been a set back,but im on the road back from that now,thanks....and i will be minding myself.
    Enjoy your own break...i was flicking back through a few running pics lately and as i cross the finish line at the Dungarvan 10 last year there is a dodgy looking fella with a white cap and a crutch in the crowd !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    First back to back runs in a month and it was good to get it done.
    Not ideal circumstances as i had my dinner at 6 and out the door at 7:15...fairly uncomfortable most of the way round tbh,stomach not great,but what did i expect after a hefty bowl of pasta and a few cuts of garlic bread...the pace was easy though thats the main thing.

    10m @ 7:11p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    Sosa wrote: »
    i was flicking back through a few running pics lately and as i cross the finish line at the Dungarvan 10 last year there is a dodgy looking fella with a white cap and a crutch in the crowd !

    id like to say ive come a log way since then but im still dodgy! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    3 days on the trot....Whoop Whoop....

    Yestrday was the first back to back runs in a month and first 10 miler in a month,i have not done 3 days on the spin in 6 weeks...all going in the right direction.
    Kept it really slow today and enjoyed the coolness in the air.

    5m @ 7:51p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    A nice cool evening for a run,long day in work and only got out the door at 9pm,no plans on route,distance,pace...i just ran and turned a few corners on the way,i didnt look at the watch once,ended up home going at a nice pace for the first 5 and purposely slowed down the last portion as that kind of pace is junk miles really....
    Will see how the w/e goes,working Fri and Sat night so chances at a premium.

    7.2m @ 6:53p
    First 5 in 33:07

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Have not ran since Thursday night due to several obstacles...namely work and family...thats just the ways it is for me these days so very hard to get some consistency going.
    Only off nights today so very sluggish and the dark miserable day out there didnt help but it had to be done.
    The legs are still not great,no pain or anything but just sluggish,i need to do a tempo or interval session next week to see what i can muster up.

    10 Wet,Miserable,Dark and Dreary miles @ 7:20p

    That was 32m for the week in 4 runs.
    I hope to get out 5 days next week and get near 40...woohoo !

    Best of luck to everyone running Dublin tomorrow...i hope the weather is not as bad as forecasted and you all have a great day with plenty of PB reports to read through tomorrow evening...wish i was doing it but would not get through 15m at MP at the minute.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    With the club half only 6 weeks away and having only ran fast once in the last 6 weeks i am kidding myself thinking im going to break 80 mins,i would be stupid also to put myself under that pressure.
    My running is very laboured at the minute,i ran back to back 10 milers Sunday and Monday and slowed frightfully the last 2m of each..ended up 7:20 and 7:18p for both but felt like i had run a marathon at the end...not good,the legs are very heavy and slightly sore if im honest at the end of both runs,so easy miles again this week ( hopefully 40 of them ) and see if i can muster up something fast next week,if i cannot i'll try the following week.

    Monday - 10m @ 7:18p
    Tonight - 6.3m @ 8:04p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    In and out of work today to rack up another few miles, a few more than usual.....

    In - 3.5m @ 8:04p
    Up with the birds and tbh it was not a morning for them....lashing rain and winds made this a very unenjoyable run but what else did i expect at 6am in the pitch dark in that weather.....

    Home - 10m @ 7:39p
    Left a half hour early today so decided to take advantage of the extra time by adding a few miles onlt the trip home...i was zig zagging up through the streets to make up the distance but it was an enjoyable run as it was easy and the legs were heavy from a 12hr day so would not have been advisable to run any faster....will attempt some intervals Saturday morning.

    The most miles in one day in an age....need to do this more often.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    My plans were thrown into dissaray this morning,the OH is going into town (childless) so therefore my intervals were scuppered while the big fella played hurling,so out early for a casual 6 instead as intervals at 7:30 just just quite float my boat.


    What a morning.....crisp,fresh,bright,sunny...all you could need to get the day off to a good start.

    6m @ 6:59p

    Hope to get some intervals done tomorrow or Monday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    One of those runs that i just had to do but really didnt have time but went anyway to break through the 40m barrier for the week,not many of those of late but aim to run 40 a week for the next 3 months to give myself a chance of setting a PB at the dungarvan 10 on Jan 29th.

    6m @ 7:22p

    (41.8 for the week...:D )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Sosa wrote: »

    With the club half only 6 weeks away and having only ran fast once in the last 6 weeks i am kidding myself thinking im going to break 80 mins,i would be stupid also to put myself under that pressure.
    My running is very laboured at the minute,i ran back to back 10 milers Sunday and Monday and slowed frightfully the last 2m of each..ended up 7:20 and 7:18p for both but felt like i had run a marathon at the end...not good,the legs are very heavy and slightly sore if im honest at the end of both runs,so easy miles again this week ( hopefully 40 of them ) and see if i can muster up something fast next week,if i cannot i'll try the following week.

    Monday - 10m @ 7:18p
    Tonight - 6.3m @ 8:04p
    Your looking to much nto the 80 min thing. Running is a real mental thing. I wont try in case i fail seems ot be your thinking. You have 5 weeks. 4 hard weeks will give you a great chance. If its like last jan you wnt break it if its like sep you will. If you dont try how can you fail ??
    If i am honest its a cop out. I would rather sub 80 than a 58 min 10 miler. You should do both with 6 weeks. I have often felt sluggish and within 5 weeks was flying.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Nothing like a rollicking from VR to stir the competitive fires and possibly get you back on track...i have not been exagerating my laboured running as of late,i really have been dragging my pace whatsoever in the legs,but today was the best i have felt in about 6 weeks,skipped along very nicely and the only thing holding me back was the dinner in the belly from only 90 mins before i left the house...rumbling around for the second half of the run...ran well within myself and really happy to get that feeling tonight...could have knocked out another 5 easy at that pace i was feeling so good....

    10m @ 7:02p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Another good run this morning in dirty wet conditions...enjoyed every minute of it though......tipping among nicely...intervals on Thursday...time to get back to the fast stuff.

    8.5m @ 6:56p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    A planned rest day but decided on a nice casual stroll for a bit of fresh air this evening.
    Intervals tomorrow...prob 8*800...pace undecided as its been a looong time since i did them
    A recovery run in the best sense,not enjoying the first couple of miles and by the end felt totally refreshed and wanted more....hope i feel like that tomorrow after 4/5 of the 800's !

    4.5m @ 8:15p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Looking forward to seeing tomorrow how you get on ?? 5k pace ?? Hope its lashing and windy as fcuk:D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    On my warm up mile i didnt really fancy the idea of 8*800 at 5k pace so i quickly came up with a different session,reason being is i may have ended up only doing 6*800 and this way i got 4.5m done.

    1m warm up @ 8:08p

    1m @ 5:42p
    2 mins
    1200 @ 5:38p
    90 seconds
    800 @ 5:32p
    90 seconds
    1m @ 5:43p
    2 mins
    1200 @ 5:37p
    90 seconds
    800 @ 5:36p

    1m warm down at 7:47p

    6.5m Total

    The pace was nothing great but it was my first tough session in 2 months so i was very happy with it...dont think i would have managed 8*800's all under 5:30p so i made the right decision.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Good man. Back into it with gusto!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    I reckon you are better putting down times for your own head. The garmin is scewed on the track. I rem running 4 miles and it clicked 4 miles 200m short.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    I reckon you are better putting down times for your own head. The garmin is scewed on the track. I rem running 4 miles and it clicked 4 miles 200m short.

    I did them in the park which is a km loop....the garmin read a bit longer than the markings but its always like that down there,you would have to be sceptical of a loop that starts and ends in the same place being exactly 1km !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Recovery and Aerobic

    Up earlier than usual this morning and out the gap at 5:45....wind howling,rain pouring and me running the streets of waterford...i must have been a vision ! enjoyed it though.

    5m @ 7:54p

    Home then after a long day and ran a similar route,a little faster but it was all about easy running today....

    5m @ 7:34p

    Thats 39.5m already for the day tomorrow and i will (hopefully) run 10.5 Sunday morning before the OH goes to work to make 50 for the week,just had a look back and the last time i ran a 50m week was May 2010 :eek:...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    So much for my 50m week,i wont get to run tomorrow morning as planned as the OH is going to work earlier than expected and im working tomorrow night so dont want to be up to early so ran tonight after work instead,maybe no harm though as i have gone from 25/30m a week for 6 weeks to a lofty 45.5 this week ( most miles in a week this year )
    I have run the last 8 days which i have not done in over 18 months.
    Got my first intervals done in 2 months akso this week,so i am going in the right direction.

    6m @ 6:54p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Sosa wrote: »

    So much for my 50m week,i wont get to run tomorrow morning as planned as the OH is going to work earlier than expected and im working tomorrow night so dont want to be up to early so ran tonight after work instead,maybe no harm though as i have gone from 25/30m a week for 6 weeks to a lofty 45.5 this week ( most miles in a week this year )
    I have run the last 8 days which i have not done in over 18 months.
    Got my first intervals done in 2 months akso this week,so i am going in the right direction.

    6m @ 6:54p

    Nothing like the VR to wake up a lad.:D:D:D
    I am looking forward to dungarvan. I must owe you a beating by now.
