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bullying?? bit of a long story - please read

  • 05-11-2009 11:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭

    i have been in my job for 3 and half years! i work with 3 other staff members - our manager (a guy) and two other girls - X and Y! well, X has been in the job 5 years and is part time - but is also a trainer.

    recently we had a new starter from another branch training with us. it was just X and me on that day when she first came down. before 2 pm (the time the trainee arrived) me and X were ok all day! we never really talked much but we got on ok - but as soon as the trainee arrived - X completely went on a U-turn, started bossing me around, correcting me for minor mistakes (that she does all the time too) in a very undermining manner!

    so anyway, i went home furious! this isnt the first time she did this (although it was never this extreme) but ive always let it go because i never cared, but this was the last straw - humiliating me in front of a new starter. I wasnt working with X until the next week.

    Now, my manager and X are very good friends and have known eachother since they were in primary school and live in the same area still. we are all in our mid twenties, me being 2 years younger than these people! through my 3 years working with X i felt i could never tell my manager how she behaves.

    I understand, a guy working in a small space with 3 girls cant be easy! but over the summer - it suspiciously worked out that me and Y (my other collegue) had worked between 11 and 13 saturdays (out of 15) while X only worked 5. me and Y were furious over this when we worked it out and said it to our manager that we dont mind working saturdays as long as we work our fair share! ever since then, our manager has been treating Y differently, he'd bitch about her to us, saying he wanted her gone, he wouldnt speak to her hardly unless he had to! ever since we started working together (my manager is there 3 years also and Y is there 1 year) we all got on great and always had loads of fun and laughs! but as soon as our manager even left the room X wouldnt speak one word to me, and this has also been the case with Y!

    i know my manager at this point pretty well as a person, i know he is quite two faced, but can be very professional also. then one day about a month ago, our manager tells me and Y that hes sick of Facebook and is deleting his account. and he apparently did so, except i saw this friend suggestion come up - and it was for him! so i clicked on to it and saw that he had deleted me and Y, but was still friends with X!i said nothing because technically, he doesnt HAVE to be our friends outside work and facebook is so petty anyway. but this made me more concerned about not being able to tell him my problems with X. so i bit the bullet and did it anyway - i called down on my day off (having previously texted him to see if there was a time i could) and told him my problem with her! and i used the facebook thing as a concern over confidentiality and trust if ye get me! but anyway, i told him everything on how i felt and how i was treated. he listened to me and took everything in, assured me of confidentiality and i thought everything was cool. we could go back to normal - so he told our area manager (which he asked me to and i agreed). she came to our branch for a meeting with me and i told her absolutely everything - all the while acknowledging that our manager works hard despite the fact that theres 3 girls that can lead to bitchiness and made him look great! but after she left - he has barely spoken to me! he only talks to me unless he has to, if i try to make conversation he just gives a 'hmmm' or a 'yeah'.

    anyway, ive given up trying and the atmosphere in the space is so uncomfortable and actually intolerable! the 4 of us never work on the one day, its either 2 on one day, 3 on the next, 2 on the next. im full time permanent, so im in there 5 days a week which makes it exceptionally hard! it has been going on for about 3 weeks now and even the trainee (who stayed with us for 2 weeks) noticed everything and is on my side over it! but now i have also noticed that X barely even acknowledges my existence, even more so than before!!!
    its a really tough situation, as all the bosses love our manager like hes the best in the whole company! I dont feel comfortable at this stage to talk to my manager personally, as ive had the chances but could never get the guts to! and our area manager is down tomorrow, so i have a letter (very professional, not making accusations or anything, but explaining the situation fair and reasonable).

    thanks for taking the time to read, and all replies will be greatly accepted!!! thanks!! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭U1D2C3

    just a few notes - i have never done anything to upset X (that i can think of).

    after my meeting with the area manager - we decided on just keeping it on file - and if it ever happens again, to take further actions.

    i have a really good record with the company - and my manager used to compliment me on how flexible i have always been!

    there just little notes anyway!

    thanks again!
