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How do i Join a paranormal investigation group?

  • 06-11-2009 2:36pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6

    Im a Final year psychology student with a keen interest in parapsychology. Im very interested in joining or even setting up a paranormal group im in Dublin at the moment but im from Monaghan so i can travel anywhere from Ulster to Munster.

    If you any ideas please don't hesitate to leave a message or get in contact with me.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    there are many different ideals and value sets within the paranormal community so my adive would be to decifer what your own thoughts are, what you would like to find out/research and then locate a team in your area that is after the same ideals.

    You could start your own group but thats really a world of hurt. I'd leave that until you get a grapple on the basics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Come along to the ParaCon in Dublin tomorrow to meet loads of teams and individuals. Click my sig for details.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 flash21

    Thanks iam hunted ill definetly bear that in mind. That will allow the group to know your intentions and what you hope to get out of the experience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 flash21

    I'll definetly be there dublin paracon. I can't wait for it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 simpo

    A word of advice on this. I went along to a few investigations with different teams. All of them were really bad and had no idea what the were at. These were all unknown teams and as i found out later they were just a bunch of random people messing around.

    I wont join a team now unless the have a website with some info on what they do. It might sound silly but if they have a half decent website then the have a least put some effort in and i can see what they get up too.

    I know a lot of people will disagree with me but i had so many bad experiences trying to find a team that were not just a bunch of messers. It's not very nice to be at an investigation and the main guys are drinking cans and smoking hash all night.

    Of course the more established teams are very closed off like PIGs and Paranormal leinster etc but from what i see they aren't very active these days anyway (apart from PIGs who organised paracon etc, but not many new investigations on there website). I have contacted some of the newer teams around and am waiting to hear back from them.

    One new team in particular seems like they will be very good but they asked me not to mention them too much on boards yet. Well they say they are new but after chatting to one of the main guys it looks like they have done it for a while but just not advertised themselves much. So at least they know what they are at, i hope :)

    If anyone wants to know the names of the new teams please PM me and i will send you on all the details i have as i dont want to post them here in case i get in trouble with the teams or with the mods here as it would look like i am advertising them.

    So anyway, just be careful when trying to get into a team.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,952 ✭✭✭✭Stoner

    simpo wrote: »
    (apart from PIGs who organised paracon etc, but not many new investigations on there website). I have contacted some of the newer teams around and am waiting to hear back from them.


    We dont put all our invesitgation up on our site, but the paracon did impact on investigations, the last investigation we did was three weeks ago in kilkenny.

    I agree with your advice BTW, I was lucky that a group Soul Searchers let me in on 3 of their investigations, great guys, familyish group and I got a good insight into how a group works from them. They dont post everything they do on a web site, they just do their own thing. That's key to this hobby IMHO.
    I also went on some boards open investigations and enjoyed them a lot, I met peole i did and did not want to work with and discovered that I can work with someone with completely different ideas to my own.

    One thing I would say to anyone, IMO many groups have one Alpha leader, if this is the case you would need to make sure that your ideas of investigating the paranormal match this lear figure in the group, otherwise you wont last in the group, you could also always be at a certain level in the group.

    Also personally I developed along a certain line, initially I found everthing interesting from orbs to all EVPs, I think differently now. In our group we all got to develop our own thoughts and move in a certain direction at our own pace.

    As Iamhunted pointed out, setting up a group can be a pain, we are considered a closed group because we have enough trouble keeping together as it is, it's us not new people :) but with a new group people can develop at their own pace and grow together as a team where everyone brings something to the table and has an equal input on the direction and method used during an investigation. If in setting up a new group you intend to lead and direct the group completly you will retain a certain type of member, but you should get more from people by treating them as equal team members.
    Once again the above is just an opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 782 ✭✭✭DANNY22XX

    simpo wrote: »
    Of course the more established teams are very closed off like PIGs and Paranormal leinster etc but from what i see they aren't very active these days anyway (apart from PIGs who organised paracon etc, but not many new investigations on there website). I have contacted some of the newer teams around and am waiting to hear back from them.

    Leinster has been busy most of our cases are private so we wouldnt advertise them on the site our last 2 cases was 2 weeks ago one in Galway and the other in Wexford :eek: and another 2 coming up
    we dont do open investigations so you wont see anything like that on our site keep an eye on here for open investigations they have had great success as always

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭Jessica xxx

    flash21 wrote: »
    Im a Final year psychology student with a keen interest in parapsychology. Im very interested in joining or even setting up a paranormal group im in Dublin at the moment but im from Monaghan so i can travel anywhere from Ulster to Munster.

    If you any ideas please don't hesitate to leave a message or get in contact with me.
    I am in the process of setting up a good group at the min (dublin/kildare area). Were still gathering the last few members if your interested? Check out my thread with e-mail address/contact details attatched. We have an up coming investigation lined up for next week. Drop me a PM if your interested.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 Teresa09

    When it come to paranormal investigating, One very important thing to remember between the team and the location be it residence or commercial is confidentiality, That is why you will not see cases teams have done up for public view.
    You will see adverts for open investigations when being held either on boards or on any teams sites. If you are looking to join a group, do a bit of homework In what teams are based where, how long has the team been formed, make contact with teams, from my experience every team is very willing to answer any questions people may have.
    A website that looks good is not a indication the team is brilliant, anyone can make a fancy website now a days, but not have the know how of the paranormal. New teams are starting up all over the place, so i would strongly recommending you do as i said a bit of home work to get a team that you feel have in your view the same interests and understanding as you. Not all groups will be of same understanding we all have different views, Now that is a good thing by the way, it is what makes us all different but again the same, in we are all interested in all things paranormal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    Regarding my experience with the PIGS. I was investigating on my own on open investigations for almost a year before I ever joined a group as were the rest of the group I am with at the moment. We came together because we worked well together as individuals and as a result there were no "senior" members. I think this "lead investigator / head of marketing and IT" situation is a bit of a farce. Had I just rushed myself into any group before ever attending a series of paranormal investigations as an individual I doubt both me and the group would have lasted long. I am very happy with the PIGS and couldn’t see myself with another group as it takes years to build a group to a standard of reputation, equipment and mutual respect we are at. I certainly would never have become involved in the paranormal if someone with no experience or understanding was my leader and I was their trainee, which was my other option at the time the PIGS formed. The PIGS were going at least 6 months as I recall before the world became aware of the group when we had established and had a hell of a lot of trips to charleville for 400 quid a pop under our belts. Certainly we didn’t lash into private houses and there is still trepidation in the group of doing private places over five years later mainly because 1) no one holds science qualifications with the exception of Stoner who has a master’s degree in his field and to a much lesser extent my worthless arts masters in archaeology but neither qualify us to go into people houses and tell them they have the devil in their fridge and 2) wtf is a ghost anyway and just because I have an EMF meter doesn’t mean I can "help" someone, I can’t get rid of a ghost and I can’t sort out the owners psychological issues nor fix their rattling pipes.

    Four years ago members of this forum would organize an investigation which was not attributed to any groups nor were there any groups there. It was a mixture of individuals while whoever organized it through this forum would take a certain lead on the night as far as safety forms, dealing with the location were concerned. I am dismayed as this never happens anymore and all paranormal events must be organized by an established group. This has led to groups springing up and representing themselves as investigators without ever attending an event or meeting the community. This brings up the issue of access, some old lady could be letting any idiot with a Lidl EMF into her house or possibly someone with less that honest intentions based on the fact that they claim to be a paranormal investigator. I "claim" to be a brain surgeon, you would certainly want to see my portfolio of fixed noggins before you let me into your head. I predict a lot of groups that will step on the toes of other groups and attempt to make money as well as not have a clue what they are doing. In essence heading along the lines of the British system and I really feel the community over here is too small to support a hundred groups all running around. I know for a fact that a lot of the groups now report on and their mediums act on historical events that never actually take place.

    I will however start to step in on this and start telling groups to get their archaeology and history right if there are going to be <100 groups spouting out tourist rubbish and their mediums contacting a fictional character. For example let’s take ... Mr. 'O 'Reilly what utter codswallop yet all mediums have contacted this lad and there are numerous more examples of this. If you’re going to be part of a group then do your research right.

    (this isn’t a go at any established groups but more a warning to establishing groups that have no experience in the "field")

    Interesting Times. I look forward to resurrecting this thread in 1 year exactly!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Grimes, I really hope none of these new teams try and make money as it will ruin it for everyone. And I hope the new teams all know that any investigations done should be non-profit, non-profit, non-profit.
    But on another note, just because the members of a new team are people you don’t know or have not talked about it much on boards does not mean they are just random people who had an idea to form a group and get famous/rich/laid/etc etc.

    I am a member of a what I guess you would call a new group in that we decided to put ourselves out there recently and came up with a name and a website and all that. But we have been around for a long long time before this but have kept any stuff we did private as we are not that interested in publicity. We recently decided we should share more with the community and get to know more groups and organisations and let people know about our investigations and experiences.

    But one thing I will say about the way things are going at the moment is that we wanted a couple of new members, so we seen a few people who were interested but unknown to us. After talking to these people we decided it was best to just keep the main team at 5 for the moment as we all know each other and the people we talked with all seemed more interested in getting their names and faces on websites and TV and all that stuff.

    One bit of advice to new teams(as Grimes also said), have someone who is good with history and research on the team. And I don’t just mean someone who can use Google. Sometimes dropping into the local pub and chatting to the locals will reveal more information on a building/location than hours on Google and in the library.

    Anyway, best of luck to all new teams. I think we have room for more in Ireland(not 100 more, but more), just don’t get in my way on the list for charleville ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,246 ✭✭✭✭Riamfada

    If a groups intentions are honest and they dont jeprodise the game for the rest of us that Im all behind it. Good luck to paranormal scene I say but they will need need to do their own thing before they go public. Fair play smcgarr. Hope to spend a night running around a castle with you sometime

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    Jus to reply to smGarr's post above. We are looking for new member's but were not new to the scene and we are extremely non profit. Our aim is to investigate and to find the truth as opposed to getting our face on the tv.


    But best of luck to the new team's that are setting up such as paranormal scene!

    Haha and you don't need to worry about us getting in your way on the list for charleville hehe we've been there all ready and not returning until next year :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Ruth KPS wrote: »
    Jus to reply to smGarr's post above. We are looking for new member's but were not new to the scene and we are extremely non profit. Our aim is to investigate and to find the truth as opposed to getting our face on the tv.


    But best of luck to the new team's that are setting up such as paranormal scene!

    Haha and you don't need to worry about us getting in your way on the list for charleville hehe we've been there all ready and not returning until next year :rolleyes:

    Ruth KPS, i hope you dont think i was getting at you, i wasn't. I was just speaking in general. And i know you guys have been around for a while anyway. And I'm Supernatural Ireland and not Paranormal Scene just to be clear to everyone. Lots more silly names coming I'm sure if there are so many new teams forming :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Grimes wrote: »
    If a groups intentions are honest and they dont jeprodise the game for the rest of us that Im all behind it. Good luck to paranormal scene I say but they will need need to do their own thing before they go public. Fair play smcgarr. Hope to spend a night running around a castle with you sometime
    A night running around a castle, it always sounds fun. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    Oh I knew you wern't speaking about KPS I just thought I'd make it clear hehe..

    Ya I knew you were supernatural Ireland, I saw your post on my thread lol...about not wanting to be public so soon.

    I think there are some really cool names out there, I can't wait to see what people start coming up with. Our next step now is to get a proper logo for ourselves!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Its all about ME!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Ruth KPS wrote: »
    Oh I knew you wern't speaking about KPS I just thought I'd make it clear hehe..

    Ya I knew you were supernatural Ireland, I saw your post on my thread lol...about not wanting to be public so soon.

    I think there are some really cool names out there, I can't wait to see what people start coming up with. Our next step now is to get a proper logo for ourselves!!! :D
    Yeah, we wanted to keep on the down low a bit longer, but what can you do. People talk, even when you tell them not too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    > It's always about you!!!!!! :D We can't help ourselves hahahahahaha!!!!! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    That's the way things go smcgarr....People will never keep quiet lol :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    I should really change my username on boards, it always sounds funny to me when people call me smcgarr.
    I'm steve. I'm sure nobody has taken that username yet, right :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    Well Steve being such an "uncommon" name lol Im sure ul be fine haha! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭paranormal

    not gonna get rich at this, quite the opposite you will put more money in then you will ever get out but if you are into it the rewards can be great .

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 75 ✭✭gavingaz

    flash21 wrote: »
    Im a Final year psychology student with a keen interest in parapsychology. Im very interested in joining or even setting up a paranormal group im in Dublin at the moment but im from Monaghan so i can travel anywhere from Ulster to Munster.

    If you any ideas please don't hesitate to leave a message or get in contact with me.

    hi im looking to join a paranormal team , my name is gavin , i live in wicklow town , i love the paranormal , looking for answers

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    gavingaz wrote: »
    hi im looking to join a paranormal team , my name is gavin , i live in wicklow town , i love the paranormal , looking for answers

    As I recommended in this thread last year, come along to The Dublin Paranormal Convention and chat with team members and others in the same boat as yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭Urizen

    6th wrote: »
    As I recommended in this thread last year, come along to The Dublin Paranormal Convention and chat with team members and others in the same boat as yourself.

    That's convenient timing :D
