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If the bar ain't bending...

  • 09-11-2009 6:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭

    Age: 26
    Weight: 73kg
    Body Fat: 7%
    Height: 5' 9''

    Reach 80kgs and keep body fat under 10%.. BLAH, Just wanna get stronger!!:D

    First day doing Wendler's 5/3/1 program.
    Monday - November 9th
    Cycle 1 - Week 1

    65kgs - 5reps (65%)
    75kgs - 5reps (75%)
    85kgs - 9reps (85%)

    Drop set of Front Squats
    40kgs - 10reps

    Gliding Lunges
    15kgs (per hand) 5x15reps

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    60kgs - 10reps
    65kgs - 10reps
    70kgs - 10reps
    75kgs - 10reps
    80kgs - 10reps

    Reverse Crunches
    7kgs - 3x20reps

    Weighted Crunches
    20kgs - 3x20reps

    500m Row - 2:05

    Gliding Lunges are the tool of Satan!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    gliding lunges - great for hitting the glutes and i bet people will be asking where they can get one!

    stop reading this and get back to eating!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Transform wrote: »
    gliding lunges - great for hitting the glutes and i bet people will be asking where they can get one!

    stop reading this and get back to eating!

    Got a few inquisitive looks alright.

    Gliding lunges officially trump spilt squats in the 'not cool' stakes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Overhead Press
    38kgs - 5reps (65%)
    45kgs - 5reps (75%)
    50kgs - 6reps (85%)

    Band Pulls
    5 x 20reps

    Bent Over Lateral Raise
    7.5kgs - 12reps
    7.5kgs - 12reps
    5kgs - 12reps
    5kgs - 12reps
    7.5kgs -12reps

    10kgs - 8reps
    15kgs - 8reps
    20kgs- 8reps
    b/w - 15reps
    b/w - 15reps

    Back Extensions
    10kgs - 10reps
    10kgs - 10reps
    10kgs - 10reps
    10kgs - 10reps
    15kgs - 10reps

    Barbell Chops
    20kgs - 3 x 20reps

    Ab Roller
    3 x 20reps

    Burpees x 10
    500m Row
    3 rounds for time - 9:42

    Workout felt like a total washout.
    Felt mad weak on the over head press, struggled with the 50kg presses and that’s only 85%!!

    Lateral raise technique was all over the shop, had to lower the weight to improve the technique... And it still felt heavy??!!

    I haven’t done weighted dips in a while but I use to be able to dip 30 – 35kgs, no such luck today.

    Felt like a waster so banged out a little metcon at the end to get the heart rate up.

    AHH not happy… off to raid the fridge now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Metcon day

    Kettlebell Swings (20kgs)
    Hang Cleans (20kgs)
    Knees to elbows

    21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3

    Time - 22:06

    Burpees & Chins

    15 - 10 - 5

    Time - 4:49

    Stole that metcon from Transform, probably wasn’t the greatest idea doing one so upper body dominant after yesterdays workout. (I learned that the hard way a few minutes in)

    Did cleans with an empty bar as my wrist wasn't a 100% from a recent sprain.
    Wanna give this one another shot in a week or two with 50kg cleans and bang out a better time.

    Banged out the burpees & chins cause I had a spare 5 minutes. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    88kgs - 5reps (65%)
    101kgs - 5reps (75%)
    115kgs - 10reps (85%)

    60kgs - 15reps (drop set)

    Spilt Squats
    7.5kgs (per hand) 5x12reps

    Hip Thrusts
    60kgs - 15reps
    80kgs - 15reps
    80kgs - 15reps
    85kgs - 15reps
    90kgs - 15reps

    Hanging Leg Raises (toes to fingers)

    1000 meter row: 4:13

    Was also banging out body weight chins between the sets of deadlifts to keep the heart rate up.

    Sluggish day! Have a weeks worth of DOMS catching up with me.
    Took it handy on the squats as my legs were knackered!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Bench Press
    57kgs - 5reps (65%)
    66kgs - 5reps (75%)
    75kgs - 6reps (85%)

    60kgs - 15reps (drop set)

    Did tricep pulldows with a band between bench sets to keep the aul heart rate up.

    Cable Rows
    60kgs - 15reps
    80kgs - 15reps
    90kgs - 15reps
    100kgs - 15reps
    110kgs - 15reps

    Weighted Push Ups
    10kgs - 15reps
    10kgs - 15reps
    12.5kgs - 15reps
    12.5kgs - 15reps
    15kgs - 15reps

    Reverse Decline Crunches
    3 x 20reps

    500 meter row: 1:59

    Another sluggish day!! Decent bit-o-rest on the weekend should sort me out for next week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    A decent bit of EATING to be done this weekend!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    that metcon was tough but was not on form when i did it - i did a really tough one using spinning bike this week with the other guys - 45mins of 3mins spin intervals, wall balls, inverted rows, press ups, 15kg weighted crunches all for 15reps!! oh 7 rounds

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Transform wrote: »
    that metcon was tough but was not on form when i did it - i did a really tough one using spinning bike this week with the other guys - 45mins of 3mins spin intervals, wall balls, inverted rows, press ups, 15kg weighted crunches all for 15reps!! oh 7 rounds

    I might give that one a go on Wednesday. Only one metcon a week is wrecking my head. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Cycle 1 - Week 2

    70kgs - 3reps (70%)
    80kgs - 3reps (80%)
    90kgs - 5reps (90%)

    Drop set of Front Squats
    60kgs - 5reps

    Gliding Lunges
    15kgs (per hand) 5x15reps (per leg)

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    70kgs - 10reps
    75kgs - 10reps
    75kgs - 10reps
    80kgs - 10reps
    85kgs - 10reps

    Reverse Crunches
    7kgs - 3x20reps

    Weighted Crunches
    20kgs - 3x20reps

    1000m Row - 4:20

    Felt mad weak for the workout. Had to stop and take a breath at the top of each 90kg squat. :confused:

    Felt like killing someone during the gliding lunges, really can't see myself upping the weight on these unless I drop the reps or knock off a set. :(

    Man that workout has depressed me!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Overhead Press
    41kgs - 3reps (70%)
    46kgs - 3reps (80%)
    52kgs - 5reps (90%)

    Band Pulls
    5 x 20reps

    Lateral Raise
    7.5kgs - 5 x 12reps

    B/W - 5 x 15reps

    Back Extensions
    10kgs - 5 x 10reps

    Ab Roller
    3 x 20reps

    500m Row x 3

    Should have been lifting heavier, or at least with more intensity! Turning into a slack bastard.. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    drop it to 3 sets on the gliding lunges.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Transform wrote: »
    drop it to 3 sets on the gliding lunges.

    Cheers man. 5 sets of 15 reps per leg was destroying me. :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Metcon day

    Deadlift (60kgs) - 15reps
    Kettlebell Swings (20kgs) - 15reps
    DB Push ups - 15reps
    500m Row

    6 Rounds for time.

    Time - 31:19

    If I'd pushed it more on the 500m row I would have banged out a much better time then that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    95kgs - 3reps (70%)
    108kgs - 3reps (80%)
    122kgs - 7reps (90%)

    100kgs - 5reps (drop set)
    100kgs - 5reps (drop set)
    110kgs - 5reps (drop set)
    115kgs - 5reps (drop set)

    B/W 5 x5reps

    Spilt Squats
    10kgs (per hand) 5x12reps

    Hip Thrusts
    60kgs - 5x15reps

    Hanging Leg Raises (toes to fingers)

    500 meter row x 2

    Deadlifts felt good today, took it handy with everything else. (lazy bastard I know) :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Bench Press
    62kgs - 3reps (70%)
    70kgs - 3reps (80%)
    79kgs - 1rep (90%)

    70kgs - 3reps (drop set)

    DB Bench Press
    25kgs(per hand) - 8reps
    27.5kgs(per hand) - 6reps
    27.5kgs(per hand) - 6reps
    22.5kgs (per hand)- 8reps

    Cable Rows
    90kgs - 15reps
    100kgs - 15reps
    110kgs - 15reps
    110kgs - 15reps
    120kgs - 15reps

    Weighted Push Ups
    10kgs - 15reps
    10kgs - 15reps
    12.5kgs - 15reps
    15kgs - 15reps
    15kgs - 15reps

    Reverse Decline Crunches
    3 x 20reps

    Side Bends
    32.5kgs 3 x 12reps

    500 meter row x 2

    I dunno what happend today, I totally failed on my last set of bench presses. I was planining on going for 4 reps at 79kgs but it wasn't to be, only managed one rep!! :mad:

    I was feeling annoyed with myself so I did a few sets of DB bench presses to make up for it.

    The last 2 weeks have been a little **** lifting wise.. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    ... and now I'm craving pizza.. lots & lots of pizza!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Three in a row!
    That's like 1500g of sweet alluring yogurt! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭accensi0n

    Three in a row!
    That's like 1500g of sweet alluring yogurt! :D

    pfft, Natural...Vanilla's where it's at!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Cycle 1 - Week 3

    75kgs - 5reps (75%)
    85kgs - 3reps (85%)
    95kgs - 4reps (95%)

    60kgs - 3 x 8reps (drop set)

    Drop set of Front Squats
    40kgs - 10reps

    Gliding Lunges
    15kgs (per hand) - 15reps (per leg)
    17.5kgs (per hand) - 15reps (per leg)
    17.5kgs (per hand) - 15reps (per leg)
    Body weight - 15reps (per leg)

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    80kgs - 10reps
    85kgs - 10reps
    90kgs - 10reps

    60kgs - 15reps (drop set)

    Reverse Crunches
    8kgs - 3x20reps

    Weighted Crunches
    20kgs - 3x20reps

    500m Row x 2

    .. Still hate gliding lunges!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Can I use 'bulking' as a valid excuse for eating two large domino's pizzas in a row Saturday night? (and a side order of chicken dippers) :D

    I dunno what's worse, Eating that much, doing it in under 20 minutes or mooching around the fridge less than an hour later! :o

    I dunno though, I woke up yesterday and today looking massive!
    This got something to do with the sudden onslaught of carbs/water or something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    could be carb loading, not too sure! btw how do you do gliding lunges? would your feet not get stuck?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    could be carb loading, not too sure! btw how do you do gliding lunges? would your feet not get stuck?

    I use a 'gliding disc' which Transform was kind enough to supply me with.

    Seriously, Gliding lunges are disgracefully not cool, you must try em! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    ah, i was wondering, carpet would suck ass for them :P they look pretty cool actually

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    ah, i was wondering, carpet would suck ass for them :P they look pretty cool actually

    You can get different disc's for different surfaces.
    The one Transform gave me works a treat on carpet.

    I think I should make Domino's a staple of my diet so :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Overhead Press
    44kgs - 5reps (75%)
    49kgs - 3reps (85%)
    55kgs - 5reps (95%)

    40kgs - 8reps (drop set)
    30kgs - 8reps (drop set)
    35kgs - 8reps (drop set)
    35kgs - 8reps (drop set)

    Banged out Inverted Rows between the Overhead Presses to Keep the intensity up a little.

    Band Pulls
    5 x 20reps

    Lateral Raise
    7.5kgs - 5 x 12reps

    B/W - 5 x 15reps

    Back Extensions
    10kgs - 5 x 10reps

    Ab Roller 20reps & 500m Row x 3

    Overhead press felt good today (about time) I should have squeezed out another rep or 2 on the 55kg set.

    Ab roller and rowing machine make a nice combo.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭Parsley

    What kinda time do you take to do the 500 metres on the rowing machine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    Parsley wrote: »
    What kinda time do you take to do the 500 metres on the rowing machine?
    stop trying to be better than people!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Parsley wrote: »
    What kinda time do you take to do the 500 metres on the rowing machine?

    On average it's around 1:55 - 2:10. I normally only row as part of a crossfit style metcon or at the end of a weights session.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭Parsley

    stop trying to be better than people!!
    I'm only curious, mr-i'm-gonna-beat-parsley's-deadlift-pB-by-5kg! :p
