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Mayor of Limerick wants deportation of EU-nationals



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    How would like it if Roma people from Romania worked for a few months and then claimed social welfare from the polish government? I know for a fact you wouldnt[don't] like that...

    I'd just like to point out that the Roma don't come from Romania.
    Ive been working since I was 15 and only stopped for either classes in school or lectures in college(worked part time through education) and also I started a job a day after I finished my last exam in college, and I am 100% not satisfied that my PAYE also goes towards paying lazy foreigners (and no im not forgetting lazy irish people). And there are also plenty of African people who get ridiculous benefits from our government! taxi vouchers houses, the whole lot! get a grip and find out whats going on in our country before you slate our people

    Your PAYE does not go to lazy anyone. Thats what your PRSI does. For someone who has been working since they were 15 you should be familiar with which payments go where.
    Good post, there really is a lack of tolerance and information towards many Irisjh people when you go in to sign on after losing a job. I signed on this year after being let go, and I fould it a horrible experience, which was made worse by a system that seems to not want to give out information, and that is not what I would term user friendly when asked questions.

    All the information you need is available on the citizens information website, the welfare website and the Fas website. There is tons of information on wikipedia about Irish Taxation law, social contributions, benefit, the works. Did you want someone to read it to you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,000 ✭✭✭fl4pj4ck

    And there are also plenty of African people who get ridiculous benefits from our government! taxi vouchers houses, the whole lot! get a grip and find out whats going on in our country before you slate our people

    it's sth like 19e (nineteen) a week, I know it's riddicoulus, it should be slashed at least by 50%!

    errr... wait. I'm getting e204/week, maybe I should be deported 10 times to break it even with those bastards! what do you think?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,352 ✭✭✭daveyboy_1ie

    fl4pj4ck wrote: »
    so you want to cut the benefits for everyone apart from Irish, is that right?
    this is exactly the definition of the racism.

    Sorry, I have re-read my post several times now and still can't see where i said this? what I said was there is a difference beween how an irish person signing on is treated and a non-national.

    This is the reason people are afraid to offer genuine opinions even though we are always told 'everyone is entitled to their opinions', its because people like yourself try to shame and bully rather than debate. sorry but that tactic does not work with me, I call it as I see it. Speaking from someone who had to sign on this year i know exactly what happens when signing on and how little information was forthcoming. I got no private room interview explaining my entitlements. Quoting me websites is not the same as helping me when I am singing on. The same level of respect should be afforded to everyone when they are signing on as its a demeaning experience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,000 ✭✭✭fl4pj4ck

    This is the reason people are afraid to offer genuine opinions even though we are always told 'everyone is entitled to their opinions', its because people like yourself try to shame and bully rather than debate. sorry but that tactic does not work with me, I call it as I see it.
    this thread has been cleaned up twice already and all the rasists comments were deleted, none of them was mine
    Speaking from someone who had to sign on this year i know exactly what happens when signing on and how little information was forthcoming. I got no private room interview explaining my entitlements. Quoting me websites is not the same as helping me when I am singing on. The same level of respect should be afforded to everyone when they are signing on as its a demeaning experience.
    I don't know which SW office did you go to to claim your JSB/JSA, but it certainly wasn't the one in Limerick.

    I, and all the people I helped so far wasn't given an option to use, how you call it "private room". So please keep your fairy tales to yourself.

    But we are not discussing this right now, so please stay on topic. So far I only see people attacking the fact that non-nationals are entitled to welfare in Ireland. As it has been pointed out by myself several times in this thread, we are only asking what rightfully should be given to us (I am not talking about small percentage of people who abuses the system).

    This thread is about gettin EU people deported, because some fool sees this as a good idea to get more people to support him in future. That sort of populism is very popular when times are tough. However this idea is completely out of this world, and there's not even the slighest chance to have it implemented.

    In other words: dear mayor, if you want to cut non-national's right to their entitlements you need to do the same with Irish people.

    I wonder if he has balls to tell that to the public.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 314 ✭✭allimac

    fl4pj4ck wrote: »
    of course. al that well-educated people in the social welfare office speaks at least three different languages to help all unemployed non-nationals gets them their part of the cake. and there's a pot of gold for everyone at the end of the rainbow.

    I have never been threated worse than when I had to go to the SW in Limerick. and you know why? I have done my homework so I was prepared for all the bull**** they are serving there. I was told that it might take up to six months to get my JSB, and I will end up better going back to Poland.

    A friend of mine was waiting from march 2009 till last week for the decision. She worked hard and earned it like every working person here, but for over six months she has been stalled with the officer hoping for here to go back to Poland.

    Being born here you are usually in better position - you can stay all the time waiting for your money with you family, that can help you out, unfortunatelly emigrant don't have that luxury, and still have to pay the rent, bills, etc.

    I will give you another example of the Polish legislation: the governent agencies like SW, Revenue, etc. has to answer every single claim within a given time period (it's usually 30 days that can be extended in certain situations to 60 days). if they don't do that, they have to pay up all the arrears including the fees for being late.
    What are you doing here if the polish legislation is so good?I hear theres plenty of work in lodz.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,932 ✭✭✭The Saint

    allimac wrote: »
    What are you doing here if the polish legislation is so good?I hear theres plenty of work in lodz.
    Woooo, bitter much?

    I think our dear mayor and some here don't really have a grasp of the social welfare system and EU law. Let's put it simply:
    EU workers are entitled to **** all if they have not made the required PRSI contributions.
    Under EU law all people that meet the requirements in the host country are entitled to the exact same benifits as the natives. Countries cannot discriminate between their own civilians and other EU citizens. If you want to reduce benifits to EU nationals then the same has to apply to Irish nationals.

    And there are also plenty of African people who get ridiculous benefits from our government! taxi vouchers houses, the whole lot! get a grip and find out whats going on in our country before you slate our people
    This is a disgraceful ill-informed comment with no basis in fact. Shame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,207 ✭✭✭hightower1

    allimac wrote: »
    What are you doing here if the polish legislation is so good?I hear theres plenty of work in lodz.

    Ah dont worry man all the poilsh are heading home anyways there is nothing left here for them now just take a look in daft at the amount of rank apartments left vacant.

    A lot of the issue being that we had soooo many non national workers doing their bit BUT a large amount of that capital was not put and recycled back into the country but sent back abroad, capital is the lifeblood of a country and is recirculated around it as such but an influx of non national workers causes it to bleed out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 frenchy12

    All the people supporting that idea really make me sick.... how do you plan on putting that into practice ?? sure pack them all up and send them back home... i have worked in this country since i came here at 18 years of age.. have settled here, have an irish partner and kids.. paid my rent, my bills etc... i'm being made redundant in the next couple of months... and i have to say how helpful the irish people have been with their suggestions as to what to do next... 'sure why don't you say he doesn't live here and claim unmarried mother (lone parent family benefit), everybody does it!...'
    Em no sorry not going to do that!!!! people are giving out about foreigners claiming benefits when they lose their jobs through no fault of their own. However they are more than happy to close their eyes and ears when it comes to irish girls who have 3 or 4 kids from different fathers claiming lone parent benefit when their partner lives with them, getting some of their rent paid for by the social and who have never worked a day in their lives!!! seriously! i have paid my dues, invested in this country, settled here and you want to deport me if i can't find another job!!! sure my irish partner would then be able to give up his job, claim lone parent and get the rent paid etc and look after the kids!!!how much more would that cost this country but sure it's ok cause he's irish!! Get a grip people!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    ok the mayor is an idiot. i think most of will agree(mods i mean that his views are idiotic not the man himself as i dont know him personally but have had numerous conversations with him the night of the local election count being the last)

    Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
    Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
    Article 13
    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
    2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.
    Article 14
    1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
    2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
    Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.Article 23
    1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
    2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
    3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
    4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.


    all people in this country no matter of age sex religion or nationality should or will be exiled.

    i do belive anyone thats on social welfare(people who have worked for the last 2 years or more therefore reclaiming their stamps) should be left alone. they are getting what they have worked for and that is security in hard times. anyone of us could be unemployed in the morning. we should stand together people. where have the times gone where you can ask your neighbour for some sugar;)

    anyone who has not worked before or whose stamps have run out and are recieving the dole should be made work a mandatory 25 hours of community work. there are plenty of things we are paying people for that we shouldnt. instead using the people who want to leach from the state. we have streets to be cleaned. bins that should be collected by the government agencies. parks cleaned and supervised. lights fixed. walls built. roads built.

    money that the government is paying agencies to provide these survices could be invested in training "the leachers" to change lights, build roads, rail lines, walls, collect bins.

    this would cut our costs and would encourage people to work or help or community to better itself.

    we have the resources. lets help eachother and ourselves and not soccum to propoganda that its always someone elses fault except the government. its not the foriegners its the mis spending and F#ck you im alright jack attitude.

    dont turn on eachother. dont be a biggot

    and one last thing please get the thread back on topic and not use the thread to bitch at eachother pointlessly

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭gaf1983

    Kess73 wrote: »
    Good post, there really is a lack of tolerance and information towards many Irisjh people when you go in to sign on after losing a job. I signed on this year after being let go, and I fould it a horrible experience, which was made worse by a system that seems to not want to give out information, and that is not what I would term user friendly when asked questions.

    Unfortunately the social welfare system seems to be designed this way. Make it as user-unfriendly as possible, make it very difficult for people to claim what they are Goddamn entitled too, which means they'll have to call in to their local TD's "clinic". TD will save the day (Although not actually - he/she will only give smooth the way for their constituent to get what they were entitled to in the first place) and get the constituent's vote. It's this parish-pump clientelism that has led to much of the lack of long-term vision in Irish politics as alluded to in other posts, causing much of the mess we find ourselves in.
    Paulegend wrote: »
    anyone who has not worked before or whose stamps have run out and are recieving the dole should be made work a mandatory 25 hours of community work. there are plenty of things we are paying people for that we shouldnt. instead using the people who want to leach from the state. we have streets to be cleaned. bins that should be collected by the government agencies. parks cleaned and supervised. lights fixed. walls built. roads built.

    Funnily enough I heard the very same suggestion made earlier in the week, by, guess who, the man of the moment, the one and only Mayor Kevin Kiely!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 363 ✭✭cancan

    America, England, Australia and Canada etc here.
    We were just wondering you could take back all the irish ye gave us, while we're at it :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    gaf1983 wrote: »
    Funnily enough I heard the very same suggestion made earlier in the week, by, guess who, the man of the moment, the one and only Mayor Kevin Kiely!


    it is something i do feel strongly about doh as it would cut costs for the government and the people

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 858 ✭✭✭goingpostal

    Roadend wrote: »
    The Anglo Irish Bank has nothing to do with social welfare expenditure. Bloody Fintan o'Toole

    They are both examples of our government spending taxpayers money. I can see a definite connection there. It is typical of this country. A year ago most people in the country were angry at the banks and the developers for taking crazy, irresponsible gambles that ended up wrecking our economy. Now FF has managed to narrow the debate to Public Sector vs Private Sector and to beating up on people who have lost their jobs because of the fallout of the collapse that these bankers and developers brought about. Divide to rule, we have all fallen for the oldest trick in the plutocrats book. While we are all bickering about who should be entitled to this or that pittance, the same old crooks are making off with all the gold once again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭thedini

    yupyup7up wrote: »
    yes I understand that people who have worked have contributed and therefore are entitled to benefit for a specified time. I'm talking about those who are in receipt of social welfare long after their contribution has been used to to provide them with the dole. Why should we provide years of social welfare to non nationals if they have only worked here for a year or less? and this sadly is the case.

    How would like it if Roma people from Romania worked for a few months and then claimed social welfare from the polish government? I know for a fact you wouldntI][B]don't[/B][/I like that...

    Would you like it if I went to Poland and worked for 6 months and claimed social welfare for another 6 months after that? doesnt make sense to support something like that.

    Ive been working since I was 15 and only stopped for either classes in school or lectures in college(worked part time through education) and also I started a job a day after I finished my last exam in college, and I am 100% not satisfied that my PAYE also goes towards paying lazy foreigners (and no im not forgetting lazy irish people). And there are also plenty of African people who get ridiculous benefits from our government! taxi vouchers houses, the whole lot! get a grip and find out whats going on in our country before you slate our people

    Why don't you just admit that you are a racist and be done with it, on a side note the educational system must be in dire straits .

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    I'll post here what I posted on Limerick Leaders facebook yesterday.
    The real problem is the locals who never work or try to and claim for their entire lives. Sort our own out, the eu nationals are entitled to claim because they worked and paid tax here. Pointing fingers at the wrong people as usual, i'd expect nothing less from our incompetant council. I for one am glad of free travel, it means that soon i'll be ... Read moreable to more to move away from the type of xenophobic ignorant bile being spewed above. The EU nationals can't win, if they're working they're "taking our jobs", if they're not they're "sponging of us". The eu nationals aren't the problem, everything wrong with ireland is our own fault. Kiely should at least apologise, at most resign.

    i'll now post some of the other posts
    He's dead right so he is get them out now i had to leave my country and go To Ozz over the Bums
    eh, no, you didn't.
    I agree with d mayor get the **** out and stay ****in out...end of ****in story.
    I would throw what I call social welfare migrants out. They are bleeding the system dry.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 858 ✭✭✭goingpostal


    Deport Kevin Kiely! Send him to some country where having a saddle on your bike is illegal! And give him a job as bicycle courier!! On minimum wage!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Niall1975

    I went back to college after losing my job recently. I am not entitled to a grant etc..

    The college is running ECDL for €240. A non irish lady said to the woman who is running the course that the social welfare will give her the €240 to do the ECDL, as well as a monthly VEC grant and the weekly back to education allowance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    Niall1975 wrote: »
    I went back to college after losing my job recently. I am not entitled to a grant etc..

    The college is running ECDL for €240. A non irish lady said to the woman who is running the course that the social welfare will give her the €240 to do the ECDL, as well as a monthly VEC grant and the weekly back to education allowance.

    if you are unemployed and recieving benifit for 6 months you can apply for back to education.

    i dont understand why they are giving her e240

    did you apply for a vec grant? or just assume your not entitled?

    not suggesting your an idiot or anything. just alot of people are been given the wrong information

    P.S if you are a medical card holder and go back to work you are exempt from paying the wage levy. dont wait for your boss or the tax office to let you know. go check it out bacause it is you entitlement!!!!111

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    I wouldn't put too much credence into the amount of comments bashing immigrants which appear in places like this. If the story linked to from a white supremasist website hosted in america and moderated by a canadian claiming to be for Ireland, then you will find that a number of people will follow that link and post their trash.

    this will result in a disproportionate amount of comments bashing immigrants.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    Niall1975 wrote: »
    I went back to college after losing my job recently. I am not entitled to a grant etc..

    The college is running ECDL for €240. A non irish lady said to the woman who is running the course that the social welfare will give her the €240 to do the ECDL, as well as a monthly VEC grant and the weekly back to education allowance.

    Did you consider the possibility that she was out of work longer than you were? Was out of work myself for 15 months before starting my degree and am getting BTEA, am also an Irish national.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    well to be honest even doh i completly disagree with good ol Kiely......

    it would be hard to agree with him here without slagging foriegners.

    but as i said im oppose

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,259 ✭✭✭✭Melion

    Whats the problem with he said?

    Why should people be allowed come into our country and automatically claim our benefits while having no intention of working? He didn't give out about the people who have been here a while and worked here while paying their taxes. The problem he had was with people arriving on the shores and taking the money.

    Its a joke of a country that people like that are getting benefits for doing nothing while the money is being taken off pensioners, single parents etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    Melion wrote: »
    Whats the problem with he said?

    Why should people be allowed come into our country and automatically claim our benefits while having no intention of working?

    Who said they can? EU nationals have to have accumulated the required number of weeks work before they can get anything from social welfare.
    He didn't give out about the people who have been here a while and worked here while paying their taxes. The problem he had was with people arriving on the shores and taking the money.

    See my above quote. The fact that he was wrong might explain why he issued a retraction
    Its a joke of a country that people like that are getting benefits for doing nothing while the money is being taken off pensioners, single parents etc.

    But they are not

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,259 ✭✭✭✭Melion

    And what about people who arent even living in the country who are flying in every other week to sign on and getting away with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    Melion wrote: »
    And what about people who arent even living in the country who are flying in every other week to sign on and getting away with it.

    what about them? They've nothing to do with what kiely said, they're not entitled to the payments and its fraud. Nothing to do with this subject, and we can't punish others on their behalf.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    Melion wrote: »
    And what about people who arent even living in the country who are flying in every other week to sign on and getting away with it.

    well anybody that has signed on in the last 12 or so months cant get paid into their accounts so payments must be collected every week from the post office of their choice. if payments arent collected within 3 days they are returned to the social welfare and their situation is looked into.

    its a myth and one of a million stupid reasons that people come up with to give out wrongfully about foreigners.

    i do believe that its possible some people are flying in ever month to sign on they are the few people still being payed into their account because it would be pointless paying to come here weekly??????
    these people are commiting fraud

    what about irish people working "under the counter"?? this is also fraud.

    what about claiming lone parents alowance and liveing with your partner for 10 or 20 odd years not getting married so you wont lose your benifits. this is also fraud.

    irish people are ripping this country off alot more than the foreigners!!!!!!! FACT

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    i notice kevps3 thanked the post. care to explain why kev?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭Paulegend

    zuroph wrote: »
    i notice kevps3 thanked the post. care to explain why kev?

    i think its a blind leading the blind scenario

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 kaniabart

    I'm polish, working here for the last 4 years what if i would loose my job now and go on the dole???? was paying tax and p.r.s.i and even levy i know this is not my country but its really bad what he said - he would send me home after 3 months being on the dole ha! why not send us to concentration camps or something like that?! :cool: i meet my girlfriend when i was studying she is Irish move to Iireland cos of her had job before that in Poland now i'm happy here with her and Ireland :D God bless u all!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    they're even taking our wimmin!!!!! :mad:
    I apologise, Kiely is an idiot, and thankfully will never be a REAL politician.
