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Sleep issues with 1.5 yr old

  • 18-11-2009 1:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭


    Up to about two weeks ago our bedtime routine with my 1.5yr old son was
    1. Get ready for bed
    2. Get inhalers (asthmatic)
    3. Watch 30mins of tv.
    4. Get a bottle when put in the cot.
    We'd leave the room immediately, leaving the door slightly open and the light on the landing on. He'd drink the bottle, throw it on the floor and settle down for the night. He slept soundly and very occasionally would wake briefly looking for he dummy.

    Lately however he wont take the bottle in his cot. So we've started giving it to him before going to bed. When in bed he starts screaming if I (his dad) leave the room to the point where he has made himself sick. I've ended up staying in the room until he falls asleep (This is a habit I don't want to get into). Several nights he has woken up in the middle of the night and we go through the same screaming when we leave the room. It takes over a hour to settle him. We've try letting him cry (in and out to him every five mins), teddy Bears etc. If my wife stays in the room with him he'll start screaming for me. He settles down as long as I am in the room. I don't have to hug him or anything. He has never really slept in the bed with us. We all can't slept when he is (It play time when he is brought into the bed with us).

    There has been no significant changes in our lives since this behavior started happening. I would welcome any advise you have.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 595 ✭✭✭Just The One

    He is growing up and starting to develop his own personality and fears. He is becoming more aware of his surroundings and knows that when he screams and screams he will get your attention.

    Perhaps you should try a new routine. Cut out the tv right before bedtime. Let him watch it earlier. Get ready for bed and go to his bedroom and read/look at books for 10-15 mins with a nightlight.

    Tell him it is sleeptime now and he has to go to sleep. Keep going back into the room and lying him back down. Keep conversation to a minimum.

    Try this for a week and see how you get on.

    We did something similar to this with our daughter who is a little older and very headstrong... it took about 8 weeks! but we have seen the rewards. At only 1.5years you should be able to sort this in a week or two.

    Not saying this will work but it worked for us

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    As Just The One said keep conversation to a minimum. None if possible. Walk in, put him down and walk out. And stick to it. We did this and it worked - eventually. Kids will always test you to find the limits - the sooner you lay down those limits the better. Don't get sucked in to staying with him for hours to calm him - it'll be bad for both of you in the long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭Eoineo

    You have my sympathies.

    It's the in between stage for toddlers. Between the first and second years they gravitate from 2 decent naps a day to 1 nap for the day. The point where they do it means that they are less tired at night so aren't as settled going to sleep. They need about 13 - 14 hours sleep over a 24 hour period. Too much sleep gets them cranky at bedtime because they're not tired, too little means they get a bit wired!

    Can you give him a bath before bedtime instead of tv, my little fella has to have one because of his skin but it's brilliant for sending him off to sleep. Also we don't feed him for a half hour before bedtime - no bottle or food for that time because a full stomach can be uncomfortable to sleep on.

    One other thing: Inhalers at night can make kids a bit hyper, can you try to give them in the middle of the day instead? That might help too.

    3 days to break a routine, 3 days to create a new one......

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,580 ✭✭✭Voltex

    He is growing up and starting to develop his own personality and fears. He is becoming more aware of his surroundings and knows that when he screams and screams he will get your attention.

    Perhaps you should try a new routine. Cut out the tv right before bedtime. Let him watch it earlier. Get ready for bed and go to his bedroom and read/look at books for 10-15 mins with a nightlight.

    Tell him it is sleeptime now and he has to go to sleep. Keep going back into the room and lying him back down. Keep conversation to a minimum.

    Try this for a week and see how you get on.

    We did something similar to this with our daughter who is a little older and very headstrong... it took about 8 weeks! but we have seen the rewards. At only 1.5years you should be able to sort this in a week or two.

    Not saying this will work but it worked for us

    Good post Just the one...and id agree also..your child is not just physically growing but emoitionally aswell. he understands seperation at bedtime means he wont see mum or dad till morning...and TBH if you put yourself in his shoes thats not a nice thought when mum and dad are seperatly and together the most important things in his life without question.

    I always felt bedtime needs to be a relaxed stress. Try relaxing with your child for 5 mins in the bedroom with him with a book or a teddy.
    Reassure him your not gone away..pop in and out often for the first few nights..just so he knows your out of sight but still close by. Hope all works out OP

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭stwome01

    Thanks for all the advice. The rouitine has now been changed. He is getting less tv before going to bed and I am reading a story to him every night now. He's very relax while reading but the screaming starts once I finish the book. It is not as bad as it use to be though. He doesn't sound like he'll make himself sick any more.

    Unfortunately he is teething like mad at the moment and the asthma is also bad so he is waking up frequently at night. These sessions haven't improve much but fingers cross. He slept a bit later last night before waking so I feel fresher today :)

    Thanks Again. I really appreciate it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭themysteriouson

    I know what you mean. I myself have a nearly 2 year old who was in a great routine and suddenly decided that she doesnt want to go to bed at 830 anymore! Sometimes she can be up to as late as 10!!!!!!!! It can be really frustrating at the best of times especially if theres thing to be done around the house like cleaning etc. We are gradually getting her back to normal by doing things like reducing nap time and making sure she doesnt nap after 2pm.
    With teething it can really make them cranky aswell so he could just be a little touchy while the teeth are coming down. Good luck.
