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Dry socket

  • 24-11-2009 10:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 34

    HI Guys,

    Last Monday i had a lower molar extracted...

    On Thursday night i woke up in pain( dry socket).
    I went back to the Dentist and she did a corsodyl rinse and packed the socket. i have been taking ibuprofen and that as been working fine..

    Ever since the extraction i have felt like crap,, constant headaches and feeling rundown is this normal??

    I'm getting worried.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 dirtyburgersauc


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,940 ✭✭✭ballsymchugh

    should be ok, it's pretty normal if the extraction was a bit hairy to feel rotten for a day or two, but the dressing she put in will help a hell of a lot. if you smoke, try and give it a break til you feel better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 dirtyburgersauc

    should be ok, it's pretty normal if the extraction was a bit hairy to feel rotten for a day or two, but the dressing she put in will help a hell of a lot. if you smoke, try and give it a break til you feel better.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I got the tooth extracted on 16/11/2009.

    My jaw is sore and i have a constant pain in my head and occasionally my ears..

    I feel rotten for the past week.

    I might go back the dentist?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 281 ✭✭Chloroplast

    Hi, ive just had an extraction done on Monday, i too have dry socket symptoms.
    im going back to my dentist right away in the morning. i wont be asking for an appointment either, i will just telling him im coming down to him straight away as in these cases, booking appointments goes straight out the window, its serious enough to be seen right away.

    if your a smoker,aged 30 and up, and if the extraction was on the bottom jaw, then you have a higher chance of getting drying socket than anyone else, but having said that, dry socket can happen to anyone and can just down to bad luck.

    you will know if you have dry socket if your breath is absolutely stinking,and i mean mingin. other symptoms include throbbing in the jaw/face and twitching under your eye and in your neck,and what seems to be like an earache, all on the same side of the extraction of coarse,

    you say you have pains in your head ? well what happens after you take some paracetamol ?

    and if you feel rotten for the last week, as in sick and run down, it probably is bacteria from the bad tooth, and you will need a dose of flagyl to clean you out.if you have never had these tabs before god help you, i wouldn't wish these tabs on anyone,

    if you had this done on the 16th, its been 10 days, even after your visit on Thursday there is still trouble then you either need to go see a doctor, and go and find out about proper after-care.. there could be many things your not doing to look after yourself as regards post extraction,

    my dentist told me sweet FA and if it wasn't for the internet i would of been smoking my head off as soon as the extraction took place , its only for i knew that if your a smoker and had an extraction done that you shouldn't smoke for a least 3 days to a week, and i haven't smoked at all since my extraction i still ended up getting dry socket, and im a horrible mood after it. sitting here now typing away in order to try and keep sane and not think about fags, LOL. good luck with it......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,940 ✭✭✭ballsymchugh

    Hi, ive just had an extraction done on Monday, i too have dry socket symptoms.
    im going back to my dentist right away in the morning. i wont be asking for an appointment either, i will just telling him im coming down to him straight away as in these cases, booking appointments goes straight out the window, its serious enough to be seen right away.

    if your a smoker,aged 30 and up, and if the extraction was on the bottom jaw, then you have a higher chance of getting drying socket than anyone else, but having said that, dry socket can happen to anyone and can just down to bad luck.

    you will know if you have dry socket if your breath is absolutely stinking,and i mean mingin. other symptoms include throbbing in the jaw/face and twitching under your eye and in your neck,and what seems to be like an earache, all on the same side of the extraction of coarse,

    you say you have pains in your head ? well what happens after you take some paracetamol ?

    and if you feel rotten for the last week, as in sick and run down, it probably is bacteria from the bad tooth, and you will need a dose of flagyl to clean you out.if you have never had these tabs before god help you, i wouldn't wish these tabs on anyone,

    if you had this done on the 16th, its been 10 days, even after your visit on Thursday there is still trouble then you either need to go see a doctor, and go and find out about proper after-care.. there could be many things your not doing to look after yourself as regards post extraction,

    my dentist told me sweet FA and if it wasn't for the internet i would of been smoking my head off as soon as the extraction took place , its only for i knew that if your a smoker and had an extraction done that you shouldn't smoke for a least 3 days to a week, and i haven't smoked at all since my extraction i still ended up getting dry socket, and im a horrible mood after it. sitting here now typing away in order to try and keep sane and not think about fags, LOL. good luck with it......

    the damage from smoking is done long before you had the extraction. dry sockets rarely need antibiotic cover, basically the clot has become dislodged from the wound, and if you smoke, the blood vessels are already constricted so the clot won't form easily again leaving the bone exposed. this is highly innervated hence the pain.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,549 ✭✭✭scuba steve

    so what helps if you have a dry socket? i think i have one aswell,got a root of a tooth taken out (the tooth had cracked) last friday, has been very sore the last week and have had headaches aswell. theres a horrible taste coming from the gum where the tooth came out aswell. any one know any tips??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 505 ✭✭✭annieoburns

    I had this after two extractions in space of month. No sympathy from initial dentist's receptionist but did own research.... It is type of nerve pain and in takes time for tissue to recover/heal. In my case it was constant pain up into ear and side of head and lasted two weeks. It can take up to a month and it takes as long as it takes.... In this time it seems to be unrelenting not a slow improvement. Then suddenly all better :)

    I did not like taking pain relief constantly but saved it for bedtime. What did work a treat was oil of cloves which you will get in chemist. Do not apply neat!:eek: Make a dilute amount ... drop or two on damp on small piece of gauze folded over to fit over space. Great result for few hours. The second dentist did clean out the socket and 'pack' it. Felt bit better for that and for sympathy of new dentist and stronger prescription which did not take in end.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭c0ldfyr3


    I had a top molar removed 16/12 and it was fine, clot came out but still no dry socket. I think bottom molars are more prone. I had a bottom one removed last Wed 06/01 and woke up Sun morning with an unbelievable pain. I called the dentist and as he's the other side of the country he simply told me start taking the anti-biotics he prescribed. Those being Flagyl - - it's carcinogenic and should only be taken when absolutely necesary. I don't personaly believe a dry socket makes a carcinogenic antibiotice necesary especially as there's no infection and it's in an accessable location for cleaning.

    I did some research ontop of my Dad telling me clove oil was a good way of stemming the pain so today I went and purchased a small bottle of Clove Oil, small medical syringe and some gauze. Cut the gauze into small pieces just large enough to fill the socket.

    First - take the syringe and fill with salty warm water and spray directly into the socket a couple of times. You'd be amazed at what accumulates in there and you'll see it all coming out into the sink. Even without using that side of the mouth there's a lot of small pieces of food & dry blood etc.

    Second - take a couple of drops of Clove Oil and apply to one small piece of gauze.

    Now insert the gauze into the socket making sure not to touch anywhere else in your mouth.

    Pain is gone from a 8/9 to non existent! Ibuprofen 900mg was doing nothing for the pain since Sun, before that it was working. Clove oil got rid of it completely I'm amazed =)

    I don't think you should dilute the clove oil - you're effectively diluting your pain relief!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 505 ✭✭✭annieoburns

    Yes basically the dentist just syringed out socket with salty water.... too gross :eek: could not possible do myself but maybe less squeamish pal? Then it was 'packed' with tiny dressing soaked in clove oil.

    I used clove oil neat first and it was too intense like a burn. Perhaps experiment to level of relief?

    My dentist said they were not sure what real cause of dry socket. So I rechon antibiotic is not of direct use. It might be obvious that infection has set in as well though. Felt more like exposed nerve. Yes lower molars are more prone and also those who bleed less on initial extraction. That was case with me! took my arnica before hand to reduce bruising and probably bled less on that account.

    Don't forget regime of frequent rinse of mouth with salty water. Carry small bottle of it about with you. Grab a sachet or two from McDonalds to have handy if on the go. Of course chemist will sell you fancy salt in ready to use form!

    Here is hoping someone new gets few tips here!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,983 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    hey guys. Just wondering if anyone can help me here.

    Got the number 7 lower right molar removed.

    5-6 hours later and 4 days afterwards was horrible pain (lost the clot). Nurofen plus would sometimes releave the pain but not always. Awful experience.

    Since the 5th day I was getting the occasional burn on the side of the fac, like a mini fever. The pain slowly eased away as did this burn sensation but the hole remains as it always did. The gum is slightly swollen beside the socket.

    I use salt water and sometimes listerine to clean the socket 3 to 4 times a day.

    Any other tips? When does the hole eventually heal\seal up?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,240 ✭✭✭Oral Surgeon

    Trilla wrote: »
    hey guys. Just wondering if anyone can help me here.

    Got the number 7 lower right molar removed.

    5-6 hours later and 4 days afterwards was horrible pain (lost the clot). Nurofen plus would sometimes releave the pain but not always. Awful experience.

    Since the 5th day I was getting the occasional burn on the side of the fac, like a mini fever. The pain slowly eased away as did this burn sensation but the hole remains as it always did. The gum is slightly swollen beside the socket.

    I use salt water and sometimes listerine to clean the socket 3 to 4 times a day.

    Any other tips? When does the hole eventually heal\seal up?

    Tomorrow is Friday.... Get an appointment with your dentist tomorrow. If it is a dry socket, they can help.... Don't leave it or you may be in pain for the weekend...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 68 ✭✭tele2020

    Sorry for the 8 year bump, but this is the place I should be right now. sweet jesus, going through the same an right now, pain medication and anti inflamatories, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes I get a sort of leg spasm from the tablets, but it goes away after a while.

    Been to the dentist twice after extraction of molar. Pain was something I could not bare and was honestly suicidal one of the nights. Took xray and then did a clove oil dressing while helped a lot. Then 5.30 a.mnext day, bang, wide awake with shooting pains, so took 2 pain killers filled up the hot water bottle, hoping some heat in the bed would help. Finally got some sleep, but this is going on over a week , with no end in sight. Searched online and it could be four months like this. And I asked my dentist if they were not going to prescribe more than 3 days anti inflamatories? Definitely not enough.

    Would be interested in how original posters from the thread ended up, how long it took to be completely pain free?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 21,716 Mod ✭✭✭✭helimachoptor
