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Running Through The Wall



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 26th June

    Tue: 12.55 miles; 1:41:55. Pleasant run with a good wedge of trail added into it, which took the pressure off the joints a little. Nice.
    Wed: Short 5.51 miler. 42:52. Nothing spectacular about this one.
    Thu: 10.21 miles, 1:20:23. Toughest things is trying to run slower than 7.30/8 min miles. Really want to slow down to prepare myself for the ultra, where I reckon given the course, i'll be looking at 10min+ per mile.
    Sat: 18.03 miles. Thankfully, the heat and humidity piped down a bit for the day and I really enjoyed this relaxing 18 miler. 2:30:44. Ave pace 8.22/mile. Perfect.
    Sun: Rounding off the week with a 5 miler in just under 40 mins.

    Satisfactory week in that I reached my 50 mile goal. Now for 60 miles next week!

    Total miles this week: 51.3
    Total miles this year: 904.31

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 3rd july

    Mon - 8.01 miles in 1:02:33. Felt tired during this one after the heavy week last week.
    Tue: 5.56 miles before work, 44:23. 7.03 miles after work. My first double session of the year!
    Wed: 11.3 miles. Garmin ran out of batts. Prob about 1:50:00 i'd say. Tough 6 sessions over past 5 days.
    Fri: a day off for Canada Day. 20.3 miles, 2:57:58. Much slower than i would normally expect to complet 20 miles, but thats okay. Happy with time on feet. Oh and off for a 10 mile cycle with mrs killerz after.
    Sun: 4.35 miles to round off the week.

    So, not quite 60 miles for the week. But 56.55 was enough for me. No sense in knocking out extra miles for the sake of it.

    Total miles this week: 56.55
    Total miles this year: 960.86

    Tapering now up to the 56km ultra on 16th july. Hoping to hit the 1000 mile barrier before then all going well!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 10th july

    Tue: 7.75miles, 1:00:12
    Thu: 7.75 miles, 59:29
    Sat: very pleasant, if hot and humid 12.35miler. 1:36:18
    Sun: 5.52 miles easy to round off the week.

    Total miles this week: 33.37
    Total miles this year: 994.23

    Less than a week to go to the ultra! And fingers crossed, one more run of just under 6 miles to take me to the 1000 mile mark for 2010!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    1000 MILES!

    6.09 miles brings me uo to 1000.32 for the year!


    Now for a footlong sub to celebrate!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Killerz wrote: »
    1000 MILES!

    6.09 miles brings me uo to 1000.32 for the year!

    Congratulations ....
    Killerz wrote: »
    Now for a footlong sub to celebrate!

    Eh ... you might be beginning to show signs of being in North America too long.:D

    Good luck with the ultra. Should cool off a little for you.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    All the best for the Ultra.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 17th July

    Tue: 6.09 miles as below.
    Thu: 6.02 miles in 45 mins, nice warmup for saturday.

    Saturday 16th july: Limberlost ultra trail race -56km

    After doing 2 ultras last year as part of the Ontario Ultra Series, but acknowledging that probably marathon distance and below is my best distance, i said i'd throw my hat in the ring for a mid-distance ultra in 2011.

    Limberlost forest is north of toronto, and last year was the first year of the race. There are 4 distances available - 14,28,42 and 56km. Its a looped course, so 56km is 4 laps. It is tough, hilly, rocky, rooty, with some muddy sections and tough climbs. Add humidity on top of 30 degrees heat and you can see why its regarded as a tough course.

    So, we camped there for the weekend. I knew it would be a good race when i heard fishermans blues by the waterboys blaring out of the pa system morning of the race. Anyhow, i set up my deckchair and lovely wife at the start-finish line, so i could pick up supplies/ change tshirt/ hat etc as i went along.

    Loop 1: 1:42:20

    Took it relatively handy on this loop, and finished within my 1:45 target. Got talking to a couple of lads up from buffalo n.y., and enjoyed taking in the course, which took in 5 lakes. The loop began at 8am, so there was little in the way of heat or mosquitos knocking about at this stage of the day. And so i kept a nice pace of just over 7min/km. I know people reading this may question as to how i would cover 14k so slow. In response, i'd say that there are a number of factors to consider: heat, tough terrain that demanded concentration, the fact that i was doing it just for the fun of it, and lastly i had not done any specific training for this. After the toronto marathon in mid may, i did one 20miler in advance of this 35mile race. So anyhow, lap 1 done, through the start finish line, feeling fresh.

    Loop 2: 1:42:18

    After leaving the buffalo dudes behind at the start/finish, i set out on lap 2 and spent this running on my own, passing the odd person here and there and letting the odd 28km runner pass me as necessary. There were 3 aid stations essentially- 3.9km, 8.6km and 14km (or start/finish). I carried a handheld water bottle which straps around the hand, carrying about 500mls or so. I was pretty much running on empty on this coming up to each station, but had planned it that way. At each station, i refilled it, had another cup of water and a cup of electrolyte solution. As the day wore on, i ate some pretzels at the aid stations too. I probably ran too aggressively at points on this loop, but i was feeling good. I was taking the odd gel and salt tablet at this stage too keep the energy and salt levels in check. And so the second lap came to an end.

    Loop 3 1:52:57

    I stopped for a bit at the start/finish line, throwing on the mp3 player, changing hat, stocking up on gels and salt and off again. A bit of groove armada in the ears and it was me and the animals of farthing wood for another few hours. By now, midday was approaching. While the course was largely under canopy, there were a few exposed parts, and it was still damn hot. I took my first ever tumble during this lap. Never before had i fallen in a race or training. Anyhow, i hit a root or something and went flying, landing in between two large rocks, water bottle and my arm saving me from damage. Powered onwards and upwards. However it was later in this lap that i started to get serious cramping in my left, and ultimately right leg. This was only a problem on the near vertical climbs. I had to compress my leg by gripping it tight while swinging the other one up the climb, trying to keep it straight so it wouldnt seize up. anyhow, got through that and hoped it would go away. Significantly upped my salt intake in light of this issue. And so lap3 concludes.

    Lap 4: 2:06:17

    I took 4 or 5 mins out and sat on my deckchair prior to heading out for the fourth and final lap. Needed to sit down for a bit. Regrouped and off for the last lap. Was feeling the tiredness now. Was after completing the marathon distance, and had been on my feet in the july heat for over 5 hours. The cramping became a real problem on this lap, i lost i would say 10mins on the 3 major climbs. I was fairly banging around the course otherwise, the cramps werent bothering me on the downhills or the flatter landscape. Kept up my gels, water etc, and also drank a couple of cups of coke along the way, which gave me some nice boosts as i went through the aid stations. I kept flying on and pushed ahead to finish the race and finish it well. There was a lad i was yo-yoing for position with on the last lap, but he got a good lead with about a km to go. However, on the final section- about a 500m section of road, i legged it, caught him and at that stage, felt it would be a nice thing to finish together. And so we put in an almighty surge and finished in a manner worthy or olympic champioms to the acclaim of my awesome cheering section!

    Finishing Time 7:23:51. 25th of 53 finishers, 17 others dropping on the day.

    I ran the race i wanted to run. I say race, but for me, this was just an experience, and a help in building my endurance. And i achieved that. I avoided injury, dug in, and showed that i have some good fitness, which i am very happy with.

    There is something funny about doing 42km on the trails (3laps of the above), and it taking over 5 hours, and doing the same distance on roads, taking me only 3 hours. Just goes to show how different the two types of race are.

    Some lovely food afterwards. Great race. Great times. Great people met!

    Total miles this week: 47.11
    Total miles this year: 1041.34

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Well done Kz. Tough going on little specific training.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 24th July

    I must start this post by giving a shout out to Peter and Clare who were 2/3 of the aforementioned cheering section at the ultra there a couple of weeks ago. They were very disappointed not to be named in the previous post.

    Weds: 5.75 miles. Good to get back out there again after 3 days off following the ultra. Recovery going well.
    Thurs: 5.8 miles, 47:11.
    Sat: 4.25 miles in torrential rain. Refreshing.
    Sun: Nice medium length run of 10.31 miles in strong heat. 1:19:12 was a fair return from that I think.

    So, a bit of a warm-down week after the ultra. Time to step things up next week!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 31st July

    So, with about 10 weeks to go to Chicago, its time to get the head down and start putting in some speed work and nailing the long runs.

    10 mile race on 14th August and 10km on the 11th September should be good health checks as I move towards the marathon on 9th October.

    Mon: 45 mins on the ex bike in the gym.
    Tue: 11.25 miles, with 4 of these miles at sub-7 min mile pace on tough trails. 1:26:26. Average pace 7:41 min miles.
    Wed: 7.37 mile speed session, 6:53/mile, to come in in 50:44.
    Fri: Cheeky 6 miler before work. High humidity made this tough, even at 7.30 am. 46:11
    Sun: Decent long run of 21.16 miles. Varying terrain - trails, hills and concrete. Weather started off fairly mild but I was quite exposed when the sun came out after mile 16. Nonetheless, a highly satisfactory run in 2:44:21, average pace of 7:46/mile.

    A nice total of 45.78 miles this week.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 31st July

    So, with about 10 weeks to go to Chicago, its time to get the head down and start putting in some speed work and nailing the long runs.

    10 mile race on 14th August and 10km on the 11th September should be good health checks as I move towards the marathon on 9th October.

    Mon: 45 mins on the ex bike in the gym.
    Tue: 11.25 miles, with 4 of these miles at sub-7 min mile pace on tough trails. 1:26:26. Average pace 7:41 min miles.
    Wed: 7.37 mile speed session, 6:53/mile, to come in in 50:44.
    Fri: Cheeky 6 miler before work. High humidity made this tough, even at 7.30 am. 46:11
    Sun: Decent long run of 21.16 miles. Varying terrain - trails, hills and concrete. Weather started off fairly mild but I was quite exposed when the sun came out after mile 16. Nonetheless, a highly satisfactory run in 2:44:21, average pace of 7:46/mile.

    A nice total of 45.78 miles this week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 7th August

    Mon: 6.5 miles recoveey run, 50.43. Only notable event in this session was getting into a tangle with a lad on a bike (who was on the footpath). He seemed to be in his own world and almost knocked me over twice. Actually had to gently push him out of the way in the end. The f****r chased me for a bit shouting at me.... But couldnt catch me :D
    Tue: Very satisfactory speed session today. There's a place closeby with loops of .38 miles (approx 610mtrs, with a hill and steps built in). Did loops as follows (some slow, some fast loops):

    2:55:62 (7:44/mi pace)
    2:03:92 (5:24/mi)
    4:21:91 (slightly longer-0.51 mile, recovery)
    2:15:25 (5:49/mi)
    2:09:32 (5:37/mi)
    4:32:50 (recovery)
    2:19:07 (6:09/mi)

    Adding warmup and warm down of c.2.4 miles totalled 5.02 miles

    Wed: 10.6 miles, about 3 of it on lovely trails. Felt the legs... Very tired during this. 1:28:32- slow pace of 8:21/mi
    Fri: 4 miles easy in 31:03
    Sat: This run went oh-so-wrong. Intended on doing 18miles+. stomach was in bits for the first 8 miles and thought about packing it in for the day. My arms were aching, i was feeling awful. Gritted it out, doing 15.31 miles in an incredibly unsatisfactory 2:19:15. Disappointed.
    Sun: Zipped up the man suit today and did a very nice 9 miles in 1:12:36. Nothing spectacular, but a little redemption for yesterday.

    So, 50.43 miles for the week, which is where i wanted to get to, albeit i got to it in a slightly different way than planned. The speed session was the real highlight of the week. When i consider that the temperatures are at least in the high 20's if not well into the 30's + humidity of 80%+, i think i'm managing okay.

    Step back week now ahead of the Toronto 10 Miler on sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 14th August

    Along the route of my training for chicago, i always said i would have two 'check-in' points, the 10 miler which took place today (more details further on) and the 10k on 11th september.

    Anyhow, summary of the week, which was a step back week of sorts, culminating in a 10 mile race today.

    Tue 9th aug: 6.05 miles before work, easy pace. 47:43. Avg pace of 7;53/mile which seems to just come naturally on these morning runs. Cant really seem to get faster in the mornings. Built in 6 x 20sec strides towards the end just to keep things interesting.
    Wed: lovely run after work, 7.30 miles at a relaxed gallop in 54:30, avg pace 7:28/mile.
    Fri: 4 miler in 29:25, just keeping limber ahead of the 10 miler on sunday.
    Sun: 10 mile race in toronto. I did this last year in 66:30 odd. Now, toronto in the height of summer is something else. It wasnt so much high temps today as high humidity. There was a lot of moisture in the air, which had me sweating as i stood at the start. Target was 65 mins. During the week, i had heard from a alum, racingflat, who has recently moved to toronto. He's shooting for the toronto waterfront marathon here in october, where i reckon he'll nail an excellent time. I met him at the start, togher ac
    singlet on show. Excellent. Now, he was shooting for (and succeeded in getting) a better time than me so i left him to it!

    Anyhow, to cut a long story short, i had hoped on the day of the race for 4min kms to come in around 64mins. That wasnt happening. I was wet through from sweating during this, and was satisfied to get home in 65:32, or roughly 4:05/km. I think that on a cooler day, that may be good for 64mins. But it is what it is. Very well organised race nonetheless. Great to meet racingflat he lives in toronto i will be stalking him for tips :D

    About a half hour after the race, the arch on my left foot was in real pain. Nothing during the race. Odd. Iced it up for the evening, seems to be okay now. Think i'm due a visit to physio anyhow.

    Total miles this week: 27.35 (low, but i think it was necessary, and i'm a low-mileage man overall).
    Total miles this year: 1191.01.

    In summary, a welcome stepback week, culminating in the first healthcheck of the Project Chicago. I think i'm on track. The next lomg run will tell me a lot i think.

    Had considered the 30k race that is taking place next week here in toronto. Would have been a good health check and also i figured i may have had a decent chance of placing. In hindsight given the humidity today at 8:30am, and given that race is early evening, i think i'm better off away from it.

    Oh, and its my wedding anniversary next weekend. Like i say, better off away from it :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Congrats on the 10 mile race in those conditions. Yup ... thinking long term I'd scale the long run back on anniversay week end :).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Congrats on the 10 mile race in those conditions. Yup ... thinking long term I'd scale the long run back on anniversay week end :).

    Cheers! You are a man of infinite wisdom ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Midweek Update - 17th August

    So, have been recovering from the 10 miler by putting in a few miles on mon, tues and weds. I also had some pain in my left foot too after the race. Thankfully, that issue seems to have cleared up, however I wanted to go to the physio anyhow as there was an issue with the left glute that wasnt going anywhere. Felt like a nerve issue or something.

    Anyhow, got it checked out and got some severe glute manipulation by the (female) physio :eek: and am feeling a little better. I've been given a suite of stretches to work on before and after running, but thankfully wont have to reduce mileage/ effort.

    The problem? The piriformis muscle, which is close to the sciatic nerve. Thankfully that nerve isnt being irritated. The muscle is not working efficiently and is a little irritated. Some loosening will hopefully reverse the issue.

    Anyway, running wise:

    Mon: 6.03 miles easy in 44:17. Nice recovery from the 10 mile race, but got caught in some torrential rain.
    Tue: 10.31 miles post-physio. 8.01 miles in 59:05 - 7:23/mi. Foot of the pace a bit for 2.3 miles in 17:10. Still felt the tiredness in the legs from Sunday. Lovely segments of off-road trail in this one. Really nice.
    Wed: 6.41 miles at 7:05/mile pace for 45:25 total. Very pleasant run albeit in serious humidity.

    Day off thursday, long run Friday morning (if I can get up early enough).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36,634 ✭✭✭✭Ruu_Old

    Great running. Know a lot going to Chicago from my area. I have a half this weekend in Madison, WI and a full in October in Indianapolis. Mmm fall Autumn marathons. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    good going in the 10miles, sounds like a tough day to race....
    so you met larry brent, good was only by coincidence that you posted on my log the same day as he pm'd half thinking of doing the STWM now but i wont decide until sept id say....good luck with the recovery and the training for here on in...serious thunder storm here tonight, had to finish up my run on the tredmill....just as well i turned back early!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Ruu wrote: »
    Great running. Know a lot going to Chicago from my area. I have a half this weekend in Madison, WI and a full in October in Indianapolis. Mmm fall Autumn marathons. :)

    Sounds good. I'm looking forward to chicago now. I think its gonna be hard to top boston, but who knows! Fall..... Yeh, not used to that yet

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    seanynova wrote: »
    good going in the 10miles, sounds like a tough day to race....
    so you met larry brent, good was only by coincidence that you posted on my log the same day as he pm'd half thinking of doing the STWM now but i wont decide until sept id say....good luck with the recovery and the training for here on in...serious thunder storm here tonight, had to finish up my run on the tredmill....just as well i turned back early!

    Cheers, ya, i met larry alright. Lives within spitting distance from me here actually, so hoping to get out for a run or two with him. The STWM is good alright....i dont know if its as good as ottawa (which i havent done) but is well worth a shot.

    I may do the half or something there, shame its so soon after chicago

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    my only gripe with the ottawa marathon is that it could be potentially a warm day, even though i thing the race starts at 6/7?

    the STWM route doesn't look too good as you are constantly doubling back on yourself, physclogically i dont think i could handle that...but the way im looking at it now is, its a chance to run a differrent marathon (without any pressure) so i may well enjoy i have extended family there so wouldnt be so bad all round.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Yes, you're right- there would be a danger of heat at ottawa.

    I was a bit worried about the out and back nature of STWM, however it worked out just fine for me. It didnt really affect me. If anything it helped a little in the Beaches section, as due to the fact that you go out and back on the same street, there were a good few fans there cheering both sides. You get the benefit of the atmosphere of two stretches of the route at one time

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    Killerz wrote: »
    Yes, you're right- there would be a danger of heat at ottawa.

    I was a bit worried about the out and back nature of STWM, however it worked out just fine for me. It didnt really affect me. If anything it helped a little in the Beaches section, as due to the fact that you go out and back on the same street, there were a good few fans there cheering both sides. You get the benefit of the atmosphere of two stretches of the route at one time

    its looking a likely event for me now..but was also looking at the roadtohope....big downhill course which wouldnt stand as a WR course but it will give me an extra week on DCM and 3weeks on STWM, its an option. heard anything about it?

    also, know of any other marathons in canada for oct/nov time, had a look on the ahotu website but a lot of smaller events on that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Hi seany, yes i have heard about the road to hope. I think it has the highest % qualifiers for boston from canadian marathons. I dont give much creedence to these stats, but anyhow. Hamilton, where it takes place, doesnt offer much of interest, but is c.90 mins by bus from toronto. Can be cold in mid november too. I think theyve ironed out issues such as having to stop for a train crossing a couple of years ago too!

    There is a marathon in niagara falls on 23rd october and detroit the week before (same week as toronto). From a novelty side, the niagara one is the only one in the world afaik that starts in one country (usa) and finishes in another (canada), so from that viewpoint could be interesting.

    By far and away though, STWM would be the biggest one around in the autumn, but road 2hope (hamilton) is prob the fastest. forum is a good spot to read race reports and ask questions on the cdn races!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 21st August

    Early part of week covered in a previous post.

    Fri: Did my long run before work today as i would be out all day saturday with mrs. Killerz celebrating the 2nd wedding anniversary.

    So, was out the door just before 5am. What a time to be out. I'm generally not a big fan of morning runs, but i could now be a convert! Caught the sunrise etc. Anyhow, enough of the soft stuff:

    20.01 miles in 2:27:28. Average pace of 7:22/mi on a course with a fair few hills etc. Split as follows (pmp is 6:52/mi):

    4.04 mile warmup: 32:28 - avg 8:03/mi
    2.22 miles at about 97% pmp - 15:58, avg 7:12/mi
    0.19 mile short recovery on a monster hill: 1:27
    2.06 miles in 13:58, avg pace 6:47/mi
    1.26 miles recovery, 10:33
    4.06 miles in 28:33, avg 7:02/mi
    1.16 miles recovery, 8:37
    2.03 miles in 14:10, 6:59/mi
    3.00 miles in 21:44, 7:15/mi

    So, thats really the first time i've put the pedal down on a long run, and it worked out well. The 2.22 and 2.06 at the start would have been strung together only for the animal hill, which i knew would skew the result. So lookimg back, that works out at getting in 2 x 4 miles & 2 miles at very close to pmp, and a final 3 miles at pretty close to the target too.

    Very satisfied. Was very tired at work afterwards too!

    Sun: 1.34 mile warm up before meeting fellow toronto boardsie larry brent for a c.10miler.

    Warm up: 8:55 (6:40/mi) - was feeling energetic!
    10.36 miles in 1:16:38, some of this (prob the .36 bit) was a warmdown where i forgot to hit the lap button on the watch.

    Great run, and nice to pick up some tips from a faster runner!

    Excellent week for running for me, so a good confidence booster.

    54.46 miles on the clock

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 28th August

    Ok, so this Arsenal game is turning a little tragic, so may aswell get a little logging done...

    Mon: 8.3 miles on flat terrain at an easy pace of 7:29/mi, total 1:02:06.
    Tue: Relatively lengthy mid week run of 12.2 miles in 1:33:34, avg pace 7:40/mi. Nice enough run, bit of offroad trail in it too- about 2miles.
    Wed: Lunchtime 5.01 miles in 36:40. Not particularly fast due to humidity and tired legs, avg pace 7:20/mi.
    Fri: Long run of 18.51 miles. Had hoped for better out of this, but found the humidity a bit tough, also just wasnt feeling it.

    4 mile warmup (probably too fast) in 28:33, or 7:08/mi
    2.01 miles in 13:36 - slightly above marathon pace at 6:46/mi
    Hit the lap here again as felt myself slowing... But didnt slow too much:
    2.19 miles in 15:13 - 6:57/mi.
    So thats pretty much 8 miles at 7 min/mi pace, or 4 at 95% or so of pmp, then 4 at around pmp so far.

    0.14 mile recovery

    2.01 miles at 6:54 pace, total 13:55
    1.72 miles at slower pace of 7:50/mi. Feeling it a bit at this stage.
    1.03 miles in 6:47

    0.15 mile recovery

    1.7 miles in 12:40 - starting to fade.
    3 miles at 7:37/mi pace. Nasty stitch towards end of this stretch.
    0.51 miles very slow to warm down in 4:47.

    I wasnt too happy with this run when i did it, but looking back at the splits, theyre pretty good. I think i went out a little fast, but the day was humid, the course was rolling and i felt a little tired.

    The reason for non-standard splits is down to the nature of the course really.

    Avg pace 7:20/mi. Thought about bringing it to 20, but gonna shoot for a longer run next saturday instead.

    Sat: 7.26 miles easy in 57:00

    Sun: Rounded off the week nicely with a 10.61 miler, 10 miles with local boardsie larry. Avg pace for the 10 miler of 7:34/mi, total 1:15:42.

    Great confidence-boosting week. Most miles i've done in a while. But more importantly, these were really solid, useful miles rather than empty miles. Need to keep building on these and getting as many pmp miles in as i can.

    Total miles: 61.83 this week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 4th September

    Really? September already? Wtf?!

    After 2 solid weeks' training, i was hoping to keep the dream alive this week with some quality runs. I think i managed it....

    Mon: 6.2 miles easy in 45:48
    Tue: 10.31 miles total in 1:16:47. Average pace of 7:27/mi, splits as follows:

    5 miles slow pace of 7:39/mi, total 38:12
    1.01 mile on tough, twisiting trail 8:13
    1 mile in 7:54
    2 miles at c.10 miler pace... 12:49 total, or 6:24 a mile
    1.3 mile warmdown in 9:40 (7:26/mi)

    Tired after that

    Wed: short enough easy run. 37:24 for 5.12 miles
    Thu: 8.3 miles in 1:02:40. Marked the first time i have ever run 7 days in a row.
    Sat: 22.51 mile long run in 2:46:45. Average pace 7:24/mile. Shocking humidity today. Splits as follows:

    4 mile warm up in 31:40 - avg pace 7:55/mi
    3.01 miles at close to pmp - 21:13 at avg pace 7:03/mi
    1 mile recovery - 7:31
    4 miles at pmp of 6:51/mi totalling 27:24
    1 mile recovery - 7:55
    2 miles at pmp of 6:49/mi totalling 13:39
    2.14 miles recovery - 18:16 or 8:32/mile.... Humidity really ramping up now
    2.15 miles at a faster pace - 16:56 or 7:52/mile
    1 mile at 6:34
    1 mile at 6:28
    1.2 mile warmdown in 9:07 or 7:36/mi

    Really pleases with this run, in very difficult conditions. The 2 miles at faster than pmp at the end were great boosters. Overall, averaged out there's about 11miles of pmp in that workout.

    Sun: 9.01 miles to round out the week. Still felt fresh after the exertioms of the 22.5 the day before. Total 1:08:57, avg pace 7:39/ mi

    Happy with the week's work. Week 7 will be slower as i work towards a 10k race on 11th september, from there it is 4 weeks to the Windy City's 26.2.

    Total mies this week: 61.45

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    good sessions there killerz....good to get those high mileage weeks in before taper also.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    seanynova wrote: »
    good sessions there killerz....good to get those high mileage weeks in before taper also.

    Thanks Seany. You're posting some excellent sessions yourself, and congrats on the half marathon time! So, have you settled on toronto marathon then, or will it be somewhere else you go for?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    Killerz wrote: »
    Thanks Seany. You're posting some excellent sessions yourself, and congrats on the half marathon time! So, have you settled on toronto marathon then, or will it be somewhere else you go for?

    not 100% on a marathon yet but will be DCM or STWM.
    the race was ok, gives me a chance but race pace is still TBC (should be ~6:28-6:32m/m).

    how bout the 10k your doing, any goal in mind?
