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I've had enough

  • 07-12-2009 6:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭

    Like so many people here, I have a strong fear of spiders. I am a 30 year old male. My friends slag me coz I'm a big guy yet I'm scared sh*tless of these little thing. The entrance and stairs in my apartment block is covered with spiders webs - and even though I can't see any spiders (I keep my head down) I know they're there and I get nervous everytime I come in and out of the apartment.

    Sometimes, if there's a large one in my parents house, I'll ask my dad to get it (I just want to squash it but he won't and just picks it up and leaves it outside!). My brother lives in autralia and he would like me to visit. The main reason I can't go is because I know how huge the spiders can get over there. Even the knowledge that I might see one that big is enough to stop me going. My brother once said he found a nest of wolf spiders in his spare room!! :eek:

    So enough is enough. I've decided to try and take action. I'm living in galway at the minute. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of a hypno-therapist in galway or nearby. I don't mind how much it costs - if it works - it will be worth the money.



  • Registered Users Posts: 48 Caroline K

    Hi Ripcord,

    Came across your post and I'm in the same boat as you completely! I'm planning a three week trip to the wilds of Africa and theres a very likely chance I will come in contact with creepy crawlies. Money spiders cause me to break out in cold sweats so a tarantula wouls probably kill me! Just wondering if you had any success with finding a hypnotherapist and, if so, did it work? I'm in Tipperary but willing to travel...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Hey there,

    This is a forum for people with phobias to have somewhere to discuss their per the forum charter, it's not a place to get recommendations for geographically specific specialists or counsellors.

    You'll find a list of hypno-therapists in your local area in your golden pages, in the local classifieds or by googling.

    I'd also ask you don't bump old threads but rather read the charter to ensure it's appropriate and then post one of your own/in a recent thread.


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