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In the Noclight: Galvasean



  • Moderators Posts: 51,789 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Galvasean wrote: »
    It's a toss up between:
    This one time I was playing in the Ha'Penny Bridge Inn and in the middle of my set some bugger in the front row decides to get up and go to the bathroom. So as he was walking away I said "Wait, don't go", and then started singing "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me..." then all these girls in the audience joined in singing the "Oooooooooooo-oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" bit. That surprised the heck out of me.
    That and the time I played in Cuba (Galway) before PJ Gallagher in front of about 300 people. Such a fantastic night. It was one of those gigs were every joke just landed as intended. PJ told me after the show that he really enjoyed my set. He even gave me a lift! :D
    Both very cool:D

    1. do you think the t-rex was even aware that it had arms??:p
    2. have you ever had someone shout a really weird heckle at you??

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    OKie-dokie Karma Garda and Koth, I'll getto your questions once I fget g_f's out of the way (some list here I go.....), not to mention LZ.
    • If you are Nerin’s father – where is his mother?

    Long and confusing story. You see Nerin is actualy from the future. The fact of the matter is I haven't met his mother yet (that I know of). In a weird kind of way I think he's trying to cockblock me so he will never be born.
    • Favourite Transformer?

    Gotta be Galvatron, coz he's bat-**** crazy:

    • Three facts about you (not available on Boards) that you think we will find interesting

    Well there arent many facts about me that you cant find on boards with a little bit of rooting...
    - When I was a kid I used to have to wear an eye patch asone o my eyes wasn't particularly good. It was to get the bad eye used to working and improve it. So, basically for a while, I had one bad eye and a patch over the good eye... a bit like Sagat from Street Fighter. I couldn't see ****!
    - When I was in second class my appendix burst, on Christmas day. Worst Xmas ever. Got better just in time for school :mad:
    - I don't like bats. They freak me out.
    • Favourite holiday you’ve been on – and why?

    Answered that one already.
    • Who do you get on best with in your family?
    My sister. Probably because she no longer lives at home so we don't see each other that often.
    • Highpoints and lowpoints of 2009?

    Highpoint was working on my first two full lenght feature films (that didn't get canned half way through shooting) as a sound guy in quick succession; In World War and Portrait of a Zombie. Both are due to be released next year.

    Lowpoints: Got shafted out of a few projects. ie: Told I had the role only later to be replaced on the sly without informing me. LOTS of chancers in this business. I've only been around a year and I have an enemies list.
    • Is Santa bringing you pressies or coal?

    Hopefully a present. Santa says I'm getting too old and this will be my last one.
    • What are your top three talents?

    Sound recording
    Cracking wise
    Karaoke (I'm ossim)
    • Any tattoos or piercings?
    Nope, and I have no intention to get any. Not after my best friend got drunk in Span and got a picture of a horse tatood on his leg. He later went to aniother tatoo parlour asking could they make it look 'less girly'. He now has MUSCLY horse tatood on his leg.
    • Any nicknames?

    Most people call me Markey. Boards people call me Galvy. However in comedy circles people call me JP. It's very rare that people call me Sean - usually at the bank.
    • Which do you prefer: tea or coffee?
    Tea is my usual preference. However, sometimes you just can't beat a good cup of coffee.
    • What fora are on your subbed list?

    Palaeontology, Films, Nocturnal Forum, Ranting & Raving, Transformers, Atheism & Agnosticism.
    • How did you end up on Boards and what made you stay?

    I have no idea how/why I ended up on boards. Lost to antiquity I guess.
    I stay for the company.
    • Do you have any teddies?

    I still have a few in a drawer somewhere. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them, not after the years of loyal service thay gave me. Good old Bunzul the bear, we will never know why I named you so...
    • How did you choose your username?

    Well, my name is Sean and the Galva bit comes from the Transformer Galvatron. I was watching the cartoon one day and my sister said to me, "Hey, that one looks like you!" (he has a goatee and I had a goatee at the time). From that day forth I became Galvasean, FUTURE RUILER OF THE UNIVERSE! MULTIVERSES!!!
    • Favourite type of music?

    I like rock n' roll and the lighter forms of metal the most. While I do like the odd bit of dance and rap etc. I'm not one of those knob-ends who says "I like all kinds of music"- what a dumb thing to say. Nobody does. Or those twats who say, "I like all music... except rap.... and metal...." etc. (woah, Im going into R&R mode, better stop)
    • Favourite song?

    Not many people believe me when I tell them this, but..

    • Song you love that you hope no one will ever find out about?
    Well, I guess everyone is gonna find out now...

    • Most embarrassing dvd in your collection?

    It's so embarassing, it comes out the otherside and becomes cool again!

    Check out John Candy's cameo one minute in! :D
    • Most embarrassing moment?

    Oh man... let's just say it involved condoms and leave it at that.
    • If you could invite 5 guests (dead or living) to a dinner party, who would they be?

    Charles Darwin
    Jim Carrey
    Billy Connolly
    Richard Dawkins
    Stephen Fry
    • Best thing about your time on
    All the great new friends I've made.
    1..2..3... awwwwwwwwwww.........
    • Most annoying habit?

    Nail biting. Can't help it!
    • Any type of music you don’t like?

    All that acid house 'uns uns uns' crap or when they take aclassic song, ad that stupid repetitive dance beat and have some sped up squeeky voiced girl sing the lyrics. You know, the kind of crap scumbahs listen to on the Dart.
    • Last book you read?
    • Who would you like to play you in the film of your life?

    James Van Der Beek. See would anyone know the difference.
    • Favourite quote or saying?

    "Deal with it!"/"Rock n' roll."
    - Sean Bateman
    • If you could mod any forum (other than Noc or ones you already mod) which would you choose and why?

    Atheism & Agnosticism. However, I mod enough forums as is. I said I'd never go over three, then tehy offered me Transformers... which basically mods itself.
    I'd actually hate to mod the Noc forum. I come here to relax, not to work.
    • Favourite food?

    As I said before, either a really good steak or a proper Chinese.
    • First concert you went to?

    First proper concert I went to (ie: not a band in the pub) was Iron Maiden at the Point when I was in transition year.
    • If you had to choose only one for the rest of your life would you choose hugs or kisses?

    Oooh, tough choice. Depends on who I'm kissing... and would spooning still be allowed?
    • Last thing that made you laugh?

    Robindch (mod of A&A) saying 'cream cheese dildo'. If you knew him you'd understand (he's like Frasier).
    • Last thing that made you cry (that you feel comfortable sharing)

    I watched Terminator 2 last week. "I know now why you cry."

    • What do you like and dislike most about yourself?

    This damnable acne, goddamnit Sean, youre not twelve anymore!
    • Favourite dessert?

    Iced cream.
    • In the cinema where is your preferred seat?
    Near the back/middle, preferable away from the knackers if possible.
    • Would you ever get plastic surgery?

    Hmmm, wouldn't mind having a bigger chin...
    • What famous people would you love to punch in the face?

    There are so many I couldn't begin to tell you...
    How about this dude?
    See how he likes it!
    • How long would you last without access to the internet?
    Indefinately. That's not to say I'd like it though.
    • Have you ever been in love?

    Perhaps, once...
    • What is your greatest fear?

    Not making it.
    • Have you broken any bones?

    Nope. I drink plenty of milk.
    • Do you believe in karma?

    Not really. I like to say I do as a means of keeping myself good. But in reality, no, not really.
    • are you a religious/spiritual person or not?

    Not in the slightest. I think organised religion is a clever means to grab power and money.
    As for spirituiality, no. I don't see the point in inventing supernatural things to fill in the gaps in human understanding. For the miost part, it's counter-productive.
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What pisses you off about society Galva?

    The sheer corruption of it all. The fact that nepotism is everywhere in society and by and large people put up with it.
    LZ wrote:
    Any impending films that are making you die with anticipation?

    AS I said before, this:

    and Avatar, I Love You Phillip Morris and hopefully Bad Boys 3.
    Have you got a favourite R&R rant? :P

    I have a few. There was grames_bond's f#ckwits at music gigs which became practically a forum of it's own. There was also a really good one posted last night which basically went to the beat of 'f#ck everybody!' My favourite rant that I did was the one about sharks in the media. I'm proud of that one. That and movie mistakes.
    LZ wrote:
    What have you started GF? :pac:

    A war between good and evil that will last for a millenia...

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    1. If you could replace your head with that of any living thing or animal etc (excluding dinos) what would it be?

    A crocodile! :D
    2. Tell me a joke.

    Ooof, you should never say that to anyone who does stand up. They really don't like it. I mean you wouldn't ask someone who you knew was an accountant, "Hey you, fill in my tax returns!"
    3. Let's say, hypothetically, you're lactose intolerant. You are on a date with AliCat. She orders some vanilla milkshake and it arrives. She says "oh, my most favourite thing in the world would be to share my milkshake with the Galvmeister! Please join me...". What do you do?

    Well for startersI'd check over my shoulder afor her boyfriend (he's bigger than me). Then I'd probably do my Daniel Day-Lewis impression.

    4. Nice Boobies or nice bums?

    Surely I deserve both? Oh well, if I must have one I'll go with boobies, I mean for the baby's sake. Bear in mind, for me, boobies don't need to be big, just nicely formed (pics or GTFO you say? Hmmm, sorry but much as I'd like to I better pass).
    5. Draw me a 5 minute sketch in paint/photoshop/etc and post it up here!

    Remind me about that one. I'll get on it this evening. I'm in a bit of a rush right now.
    6. Are your hands tired from all the ferociously long lists of questions?

    Repetive Strain Injury AAARRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    koth wrote: »
    1. do you think the t-rex was even aware that it had arms??:p

    Yes. Very much so. While small in size, they were incredibly muscular so they must have been used for something. In fact there is one theory doing the rounds that T.rex used it's hands to hang on while mating, perhaps even giving his mate a sensual back scratching.
    koth wrote:
    2. have you ever had someone shout a really weird heckle at you??

    Ah yes, once some drunk old git started a conversation with me about how much he hated priests. It was awkward to say the least...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 842 ✭✭✭Weidii

    A palaeonerd and a genetics nerd find a way to make Jurassic park possible. It's up to you whether or not it goes ahead. Yay or nay (or RAWWR)?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,009 ✭✭✭KarmaGarda

    Galvasean wrote: »
    Ooof, you should never say that to anyone who does stand up. They really don't like it. I mean you wouldn't ask someone who you knew was an accountant, "Hey you, fill in my tax returns!"

    Ohhh, I'll let you away with that one! Even though I'm a photographer (well, trying to be :pac:) and got asked to post a photo by someone! Although in fairness your retort was quite funny :D
    Galvasean wrote: »
    Remind me about that one. I'll get on it this evening. I'm in a bit of a rush right now.

    I'll ask again later when I think of more questions :)

    *scratches head... think the others covered every possible question known to man...*

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Weidii wrote: »
    A palaeonerd and a genetics nerd find a way to make Jurassic park possible. It's up to you whether or not it goes ahead. Yay or nay (or RAWWR)?

    Certainly. What could possiblé go wrong. I'd be first in line to visit. I'd sell my kids to raise the money.
    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    Ohhh, I'll let you away with that one! Even though I'm a photographer (well, trying to be :pac:) and got asked to post a photo by someone! Although in fairness your retort was quite funny :D
    See what I did there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    KarmaGarda wrote: »

    5. Draw me a 5 minute sketch in paint/photoshop/etc and post it up here!
    Well its not really a question, but here you go, five minute Paddysaurus.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,009 ✭✭✭KarmaGarda

    Galvasean wrote: »
    See what I did there?

    I actually misread your reply! I see what you did now :D

    What's your most hated txt spk word m8, like srsly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    What's your most hated txt spk word m8, like srsly?

    When people put 'wb' at the end of their messages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    What are your top three rules/tips for zombie survival?

    What's your favourite zombie movie (excluding PoaZ :P)?

    If you were a dinosaur which one would you want to be?

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,159 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    You mentioned Karaoke. I've seen you in full song. You're technique and physical involvment is impressive. Where in gods name did you get that from?:D

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    What are your top three rules/tips for zombie survival?

    1. If someone is bitten. Execute them immediately. There is no cure. No room for sentimentality. The person you loved is gone.

    2. Be quiet! There's no point shooting a zombie with a loud gun only to attract dozens, if not hundreds more. Avoid conflict where possible.

    3. Tree bark is a surprisingly good source of food that is easily digested by humans. Be sure to harvest it without causing permanent damage to the trees. That way it will grow back.
    What's your favourite zombie movie (excluding PoaZ :P)?

    I'm a big fan of the 1990 version of Night of the Living Dead.

    If you were a dinosaur which one would you want to be?

    Gotta be Ankylosaurus, nobody messes with Ankylosaurus

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Wibbs wrote: »
    You mentioned Karaoke. I've seen you in full song. You're technique and physical involvment is impressive. Where in gods name did you get that from?:D
    Havent you heard? Anthony Keidis (lead singer from the Chili Peppers) taught me everything I know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,445 ✭✭✭Jako8

    If you were being exiled to a desert Island and could only bring 1 item, what would it be?

    Real Christmas tree or fake?

    If you could buy a Christmas present for one boardsie who would it be? Why? What would it be? (Price doesn't need to come into it)

    What are top 5 favourite films of all time?

    If you were told you had only 1 week to live. How would you spend it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Jako8 wrote: »
    If you were being exiled to a desert Island and could only bring 1 item, what would it be?

    Some sork of massive vat of fresh water.
    Jako8 wrote:
    Real Christmas tree or fake?

    Gotta be real. I just love the smell. I know you can buy the 'smell' in spray form, but it's never right.
    Jako8 wrote:
    If you could buy a Christmas present for one boardsie who would it be? Why? What would it be? (Price doesn't need to come into it)

    Ah no, cant be playing favourites now can I?
    How about I buy a game room for us all to hang out in?
    Jako8 wrote:
    What are top 5 favourite films of all time?
    In alphabetical order:

    American Psycho
    Dumb & Dumber
    Jurassic Park
    Jako8 wrote:
    If you were told you had only 1 week to live. How would you spend it?

    To be honest, I'd probably have a lot of sex and sire as many offspring as possible. Spread the lineage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,820 ✭✭✭grames_bond

    1) where in the blue hell has kevin murphy gone?!

    2) Tony Montana or Tony Soprano and why?

    3) Favourite bret easton ellis book?

    4) Worst gig you have ever been to (hell i was probably there) music? comedy?

    5) are you looking forward to Imperial Bedrooms? (the book)

    6) Do you base your look on bret easton ellis?


    7) guilty pleasure tv show?

    8) Is there anything you hate about the stand up comedy scene?

    9) If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing, what would it be? (skipper doesnt count coz rose already has him - you know she would protect him first)

    10) Best venue to play in dublin?

    11) what do you think of sheamus?!


  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    1) where in the blue hell has kevin murphy gone?!

    Away... FOREVAH!! :eek:
    2) Tony Montana or Tony Soprano and why?

    Tony Montana because his one liners are better.

    3) Favourite bret easton ellis book?

    The Rules of Attraction.
    4) Worst gig you have ever been to (hell i was probably there) music? comedy?

    Music, seeing Republic of Loose at Oxygen. Just what the hell where tehy doing there?!?!?!
    Comedy, surely it's one of the nights at the Tap.
    5) are you looking forward to Imperial Bedrooms? (the book)

    If that's the next Bret easton Ellis book, then yes.
    6) Do you base your look on bret easton ellis?


    Er... no. First time anyone has suggested it BTW. :confused:
    7) guilty pleasure tv show?

    8) Is there anything you hate about the stand up comedy scene?

    Loads. But most of all venues that expect you (as in the comedian) to personally bring in the audience for them, and then get pissy with you when you don't and wont give you more gigs. What a crock of balls.
    9) If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing, what would it be? (skipper doesnt count coz rose already has him - you know she would protect him first)

    Laptop. I likes my internets.
    10) Best venue to play in dublin?

    I'd imagine the Point. But, if you mean places I have played personally I guess I'll always have a soft spot for the Ha'Penny Bridge Inn.
    11) what do you think of sheamus?!


    I think he's a legend! King of the world!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,820 ✭✭✭grames_bond

    1) who would win in a fight, you or fred durst?! (i have no idea)

    2) if you could be one boardsie for a day who would it be and why?

    3) which one of the inglourious basterds are you and why?

    4) favourite resident evil character and why? (excluding wesker)

    5) who would you rather do: Queen Latifah or Halle Berry (but she's been dead for six hours?)

    6) you wanna get drunk and jump on cars again?

    7) are you upset tomangoes is going out of business?

    8) do you want rage against the machine to beat the x factor to get xmas number 1?

    9) if you wish you had written one song, which one would it be and why?

    10) whats the best music gig you have ever been to?

    1) which gig are you more looking forward to: kiss or pearl jam!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,445 ✭✭✭Jako8

    If you were invisible for one day, what would you do?

    If you could remove a country from existence, what one would you pick and why?

    If Obama appointed you as his adviser, what would you advise him to do?

    Who is your favourite comedian?

    An maith leat Gaeilge?

  • Moderators Posts: 51,789 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    1. do you watch much comedy shows on tv, if yes what shows are you a fan of??

    2. do you try to keep up with politics??

    3. if you were a super powered animal, what animal would you be and what powers??

    4. have you discovered any mis-conceptions people have about comedians??

    5. if you could hit someone with a fish, who would it be??

    If you can read this, you're too close!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    1) who would win in a fight, you or fred durst?! (i have no idea)

    Probably fred Durst. He's pretty hefty.
    2) if you could be one boardsie for a day who would it be and why?

    DeVore, so i could unlock the secrets of the universe.
    3) which one of the inglourious basterds are you and why?

    'The Little Man' for obvious reasons.
    4) favourite resident evil character and why? (excluding wesker)

    The Merchant from Resi4.

    5) who would you rather do: Queen Latifah or Halle Berry (but she's been dead for six hours?)

    ......I suppose I'll go for Queen Latifah. (had to think about that one)
    6) you wanna get drunk and jump on cars again?

    Yes. :pac:
    7) are you upset tomangoes is going out of business?

    I don't think it is. It sounds like a ploy to get more customers. They've done this before.
    8) do you want rage against the machine to beat the x factor to get xmas number 1?

    Yes, with the Muppets' Bohemian Rhapsody coming a close second.
    9) if you wish you had written one song, which one would it be and why?

    Under The Bridge (by the Chili Peppers), because then the chicks would like, totally dig me.
    10) whats the best music gig you have ever been to?

    Gonna go with Tesla, Journey, Whitesnake and Def Leppard at the Point.
    Would have gone with one of the Metallica gigs with Alice In Chains but for the fact that I really can't stand having those fools Avenged Sevenfold jammed in between.
    1) which gig are you more looking forward to: kiss or pearl jam!?

    Good question. I'm probably looking forward to kiss a bit more due to the sheer spectacle of it all. That said, I'll probably lean toward Pearl jam once I start listening to more of their stuff.
    Jako8 wrote: »
    If you were invisible for one day, what would you do?

    I did not see that question.
    Moving swiftly on! :pac:
    Jako8 wrote: »
    If you could remove a country from existence, what one would you pick and why?

    One of the crap ones where they stone people for being gay, drinking beer, wearing pants etc.
    Jako8 wrote: »
    If Obama appointed you as his adviser, what would you advise him to do?

    PARTY DOWN!!!!! (then close the Creation museums)
    Jako8 wrote: »
    Who is your favourite comedian?

    Billy Connolly. I know the phrase is overused, but he is a genius. The man can waffle on for hours about virtually nothing and make it hilarious!
    Jako8 wrote: »
    An maith leat Gaeilge?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    koth wrote: »
    1. do you watch much comedy shows on tv, if yes what shows are you a fan of??

    Frasier is probably my current fave, as I have only really discovered it this year, so there's loads of episodes an it's all fresh and new.
    Then there's the 'toons. I freaking love Family Guy, South Park and Futurama. American Dad is really good too when you get into it. Not to mention classic Simpsons!
    I also watch King Of Queens and Two And A Half Men now and then. Two fairly underrated shows IMO.
    Not a big fan of watching stand up on TV. To me, half the fun is being there and soaking up the atmosphere.
    koth wrote: »
    2. do you try to keep up with politics??

    Perhaps oddly, I pay more attention to American politics than Irish ones. I even stayed up super late to watch the US presidential results come in.
    Irish politics are so dull. Bunch of fat cat **** (that felt good).
    koth wrote: »
    3. if you were a super powered animal, what animal would you be and what powers??

    A T.rex... who breathes fire! :cool:
    koth wrote: »
    4. have you discovered any mis-conceptions people have about comedians??

    Oh yes, loads. For instance whenever you're talking about a famous comedian someone will inevitably say, "Oh, I hear in real life he's a dick!" Of course, these people have never met said comedian but choose to gormlessly believe whatever hearsay they have heard. If it's a comedian I've met/know I will often try explain that they are in fact nice people, but once people get the idea in their head they seldom relent.
    Also, just because someone does a bit of stand up now and then people seem to think that they are somehow obliged to be funny all the time and tell jokes on demand. Sometimes even comedians like to be left alone when they are out having a quiet pint or meal with their friends, partner or family, without having some drunken tosspot demand that they drop what they're doing and tell them jokes immediately.
    I guess that's where the "Oh X comedian is an asshole in real life" mentality comes from.
    koth wrote: »
    5. if you could hit someone with a fish, who would it be??

    The president of Japan's whaling industry. Take that! (it's almost ironic)

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Which is your favourite Prime? from Transformers, smart arse. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Which is your favourite Prime? from Transformers, smart arse. :D

    The one from the Michael Bay movies (Contraversial!!!!). Great updated design that keeps te feel of the original. Plus, he's got Peter Cullen's voice. can't complain about that.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Favourite Prime that's not named optimus?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Favourite Prime that's not named optimus?

    Nova Prime. I refuse to call him Nemesis Prime as I find the name quite tacky.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,009 ✭✭✭KarmaGarda

    Who's your favourite non famous comedian?

    Eva Mendez or Scarlett Johansson?

    Let's say someone hands you a wire clothes hanger and said "Do something inventive!!", what would you do?

    How many noms does a good nom nom have?

    What'ya think about that?

    Do you know the comedian John Toolan? Always meant to go see a gig of his.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,445 ✭✭✭Jako8

    Who, in your opinion, is the most best looking female celeb(s)?

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Ooooh. Favourite dinosaur transformer?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    Who's your favourite non famous comedian?
    Robbie Bonham

    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    Eva Mendez or Scarlett Johansson?

    Eva Mendez. She seems a lot cooler.
    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    Let's say someone hands you a wire clothes hanger and said "Do something inventive!!", what would you do?
    an abortion
    Nah, I'd make a dinosaur shape from it.
    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    How many noms does a good nom nom have?

    What'ya think about that?

    Oh at least 4.
    KarmaGarda wrote: »
    Do you know the comedian John Toolan? Always meant to go see a gig of his.

    Can't say I do. Name doesn't ring a bell.

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