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It's a new dawn ......... it's a new day.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Monday 17th
    Took it off in prep for the race tomorrow

    Tuesday 18th
    Shouldn't have bothered :(
    Claregalway 5K - 18:25
    Not too sure what the hell is going on. Well I have some ideas, but who the hell knows. Went through 1k where I wanted, 3:25. Then it all went wrong. 2k in 7:09 (3:44). Bit of a drag of a hill and a bit of wind, but nothing major. A couple of guys caught me and I made a feeble attempt to stay with them but backed off. Maybe in the back of my mind I was saving something for the hill on the 3rd K :confused:
    Yada yada yada ..............

    Wednesday 19th
    6.5mls easy. Felt pretty good after yesterday, until 3 or 4mls when the hip started bothering me. Was able to complete the run at least.

    Time :- 49:03
    Aver bpm :- 145

    Thursday 20th
    3 x 4 x 400m, 2min/rec between reps, 4mins between sets.
    Times were:
    74, 71, 74, 73 - 73, 75, 74, 74 - 75, 74, 74, 68
    Took longer of a recovery than last week, want to try and focus more on the speed. It seems to have worked as I was able to to the full 12 and the times were slightly faster.
    I also had a fairly hard day physically, spent about 3hrs cutting the grass, moved some furniture and rebuilt a stone wall. No wonder the legs were tired on the last few :rolleyes:

    Distance :- 8.5mls

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 ceduffy

    best of luck keep it going

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Took Friday off for no other reason than I wanted to :rolleyes:

    Saturday - At 9.30am we did 4 x 5mins at thr. Felt ok, the plan was for 5 but I pulled the plug because of the heat and a bad nights sleep, and the few beers last night didn't help too much either :(

    Distance :- 7.5mls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    LSR, 11ml club run at 9am in glorious weather. Felt great to be running in the prom in just the shorts & runners, think we might have scared some of the walkers though :rolleyes:
    As usual we started off slow enough but ended up averaging 7:26's. Hip started to get slow around 6mls or so, my own fault as I havn't been stretching it :mad:

    Monday - Off

    Well, had decided to give the racing lark a miss for a while, so of course I headed out to Loughrea for the 5K :confused:
    Was trying to get myself into the right headspace before hand after the last couple of races where I went out too fast and then went out just right but didn't have the effort.
    Decided to go with the usual guys I've been battling (or trying too at least). 1k in 3:19, rolling hills, legs felt ok, a little sluggish though. 2k in 6:39, legs felt like jelly, hanging on, breathing very laboured. My mind was all over the place, I kept trying to think positive thoughts and too just relax and tell myself that I can do this, but I more or less decided to pack it in at 2k.
    Was going to stop but I just started to jog. Its amazing, I was 'jogging' but people weren't flying past me. Hit 3k in 10:51 (4:12, hill) and kinda thought that I am recovered a bit now and maybe I can salvage something here, 7:08 to get a sub 18?
    4th K was a b*stard and was glad that I wasn't pushing it (well, I was then, not sure about now!). Decided that if I reach 4k in 14:40 or so I'll dig in again for the last K which is mostly downhill.
    Reached it in 15:10 (4:19), "to hell with it".
    A mate from my club caught me with about 800m to go, I made a slight effort to stay with him, and he wasn't getting that far ahead, but then I figured "why bother". Another guy who I've had a few battles with caught me with 200m to go, this time I said "no way" and decided that he wasn't going to beat me. He got about 8-10 metres on me but I kicked with about 100m to go and caught him just before the mat, and only missed my clubmate by 1 second. Finished in 18:38, last K in 3:28.
    Crap time, but its funny, it wasn't too far off what I had been running considering that I didn't even bother for 2k.

    Not sure what the hell is going on. My legs just weren't there today, I mean I really tried but they were like feckin jelly. OK, I probably went out too fast, but if I had gone out say in 7mins for first 2k, then I had 2k of hills to contend with so probably still would only have got to 4k in 14:40, so with a fast last K I may have run close to 18 minutes, and then I'd be moaning about that.
    I don't know, I think I may need to just take a complete break. Like I'm not running too bad, but I just think I should be running a lot better. On the way home I decided to take a week-10 days off completely and just start to build up slowly for DCM, but now I'm not too sure. I think I have to start trying to enjoy it more, that was the plan when I started back 3 years ago after a 20 year absence from racing . I do enjoy it, for the most part I really enjoy the training, especially the club sessions, but it just wrecks my head when I don't see the results. Maybe I'll just keep training and racing, and just go hell for leather in the races, and let the chips fall where they may.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,346 ✭✭✭smmoore79

    You could be suffering from fatigue alright. Id take 5 days off if i were you. 10 might be a bit much. That should be enough time to re energise the legs..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    First of all I can't imagine how anyone can "jog" 5k in 18.5 minutes so well done! Secondly I remember reading in your log a while back that you thought racing every week wasn't a good idea and I now, having done 4/5 of the 5ks, I totally agree. I'm not even sure that every second week is a good idea. Maybe a few weeks of "just" training would get you back in form and bring some enjoyment back to the racing. I think there are almost too many races in the west at the minute and it's too hard to resist :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    littlebug wrote: »
    First of all I can't imagine how anyone can "jog" 5k in 18.5 minutes so well done! Secondly I remember reading in your log a while back that you thought racing every week wasn't a good idea and I now, having done 4/5 of the 5ks, I totally agree. I'm not even sure that every second week is a good idea. Maybe a few weeks of "just" training would get you back in form and bring some enjoyment back to the racing. I think there are almost too many races in the west at the minute and it's too hard to resist :(

    Tx LB, and have to agree, it is hard to resist. I will be the first to admit that I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to not practicing what I preach. I am already thinking about doing Dangan :rolleyes:
    That been said, I just went on the trampoline with my daughter and hurt my knee, knew it was a bad idea even before I went on it :eek:
    So maybe the only way that I will take a break is if I am forced into it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭tisnotover

    smmoore79 wrote: »
    You could be suffering from fatigue alright. Id take 5 days off if i were you. 10 might be a bit much. That should be enough time to re energise the legs..

    Inclined to agree with smmoore79 on this one. I was chatting to a guy at the track last nite+he sounds in same position as you having raced a lot lately....

    Take a few days off...or at least nothing but very easy runs....put the racing to one side for a while...body needs the rest?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,517 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    74, 71, 74, 73 - 73, 75, 74, 74 - 75, 74, 74, 68
    What do you mean similar pace? You're killing those 400 intervals!
    what is the reason for running them in sets?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    What do you mean similar pace? You're killing those 400 intervals!
    what is the reason for running them in sets?

    tryin to concentrate more on speed than strength. Taking a generous recovery, 2 mins between reps & 4mins between sets, that way we hopefully maintain the faster pace.
    A couple of months back we were doing 16 x 400m with just 30 sec recovery, but we were doing them in 80-81 secs, so that was obviously for strength.

    What kind of recovery were you taking Krusty?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,517 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    tryin to concentrate more on speed than strength. Taking a generous recovery, 2 mins between reps & 4mins between sets, that way we hopefully maintain the faster pace.
    A couple of months back we were doing 16 x 400m with just 30 sec recovery, but we were doing them in 80-81 secs, so that was obviously for strength.

    What kind of recovery were you taking Krusty?
    Around the same amount of time as it took me to do the intervals, so 100% (or 75 seconds). I struggled with them last week, but was much better yesterday. Last week I ran on a mixture of grass and wood-chips, so I think it may have been that bit more difficult just to hit the right pace. Also I accelerated gradually into the interval rather than trying to hit the pace immediately, which also helped, I reckon. I have only done intervals on my own, which might explain the gradual learning process!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Well, let me see. I think the last I wrote I was taking a wee break after the 5K in Loughrea due to crap results. I took 5 days off, and then last Monday ran 4mls just to check out my knee that I hurt pretending I was a kid again by foolishly jumping on the kids tramoline.
    Anyway, the knee was pretty sore, but I managed to get around, so of course decided to run the final 5K of the series in Galway.

    Won't go on too much about it, only to say that I had my now usual crap run. Ran 18:28, splits were 3:24, 3:27, 3:42, 3:49 & 4:06. Was going ok until 3 and a bit. The course got bad over the last K where it went around some soccer pitches and over some loose stones and the like, so even when I hit the 4K in 14:22 I had a feeling the 18mins wasn't there.

    Anyway, wasn't too bothered at this stage tbh, I'm just going to train now and start building up for the DCM in a few weeks. Will run a few track races in 2wks as well.

    This week I took Wednesday off after the race. Just ran 6.5mls (49:57 - 150 bpm)on Thursday & 8.25mls yesterday (50:10 - 158bpm).

    Today I also did 8.25mls but I stuck in 5 @ THR from 2-7mls. Did that in 32:32 which I was pretty happy with considering the heat and the big salad I had an hour before the run. Kept bpm's at 165-170 for the duration. Also kept the pace steady all the way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Speedy do you know anything about the track in Dangan ie when it's open? I "think" I should be allowed use it but I've never been in there (or seen it open for that matter) so I don't know if I can just go in if there are other people there:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    littlebug wrote: »
    Speedy do you know anything about the track in Dangan ie when it's open? I "think" I should be allowed use it but I've never been in there (or seen it open for that matter) so I don't know if I can just go in if there are other people there:confused:

    Its open most time lb. as long as you don't get there too early. Anytime after 10am you should be ok, that been said, there could be a club session going on as well, and if that is the case then you will be booted off as well. Best thing is to check with NUIG to see who ha reserved he track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Sunday June 6th

    12mls easy at 6pm. Normally go out at 9am but overindulged a wee bit last night so that wasn't going to happen. Not too many more nights like that left as I'll be getting into DCM training mode in a few weeks. Plan is to kick it off on July 5th and follow a 16wk program. Hope to build up to 70mls by then so I can get right into it.

    Felt ok today considering, forced myself to take it easy and kept HR down to 145'ish. Pace was about 7.35 or so.

    Week Distance = 47mls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    8.25mls easy. Didn't feel too bad but couldn't really get going in this one, quads were sore, especially left one. Running into the wind for the first 4mls and was surprised when I checked the time and it was so slow (29:57). HR was higher than I thought it should be as well (155-160, slightly higher at times). Felt better and was going faster with lower HR on last 4mls.

    With about 1.5mls to go, ran passed a field with loads of deer in it, it appeared that they were all posing for a picture, standing up on rocks looking at me as I ran by. Then a few yards later, a hare ran out of a field on front of me, and then I ran passed the most aromatic rose bush ever :rolleyes:.
    Whatever pain I had in my legs became secondary after all that and I was just happy to be out amongst it all :)

    Distance :- 8.25mls
    Time :- 60:27

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Plan was for 8 x 1K off 90 secs (200m). First couple were ok (3:24, 3:23) but then I was feeling very bloated for some reason. Hadn't eaten much at all during the day, had eaten enough I think but still felt like I was full of air.
    The 3rd one was 3:32, and then on the 4th I had to pull over after 200m to take a leak and try and settle the stomach. Just did 3 more as I was now doing them by myself and was really struggling. Did them in 3:31, 3:33 & 3:33.

    Felt hard been back on the track after a month or so away. Hopefully feel better tomorrow when I plan to do 3 x 4 x 400m. Have the County 800m next Thursday so I definitely need to get some speed work done.

    Distance :- 8.75mls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Set out to do 3 x 4 x 400m off 2mins (4mins/400m between sets) but had to cut it back to 2 x 4 x 400m after running out of fuel ! Ran at 11am and only had a bagel for breakfast, I need a lot more than that, especially with what lay ahead.

    First set were 72, 73, 73 & 73, didn't feel too bad doing them at all, felt like I would be able to do the whole session in or around those times.

    Next set started off with a 74, and at that I had to pick it up for the last 200m after going through in 38+. I was breathing heavier now and after another 74 on the 6th one I was shattered and the lactic acid had started to kick in. At this point I made up my mind to cut it short as I knew what was happening. Struggled through the 7th in 78 :eek:, and had to really push it hard to finish with a 74 for the last one.

    Not a bad session though, considering. Have an 800m race next Thursday so will do 3 x 4 x 200m on Monday, evening :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Didn't manage to get out over the weekend between one thing and another, feel guilty about it, but what the hell, I'm not really training for DCM for a few weeks yet !

    Did manage to do my track session today though. 3 x 4 x 200m off 2mins, with 4mins (400m) between sets.

    Times were:
    32.2, 33.6, 32.5, 31.7
    33.6, 33.4, 33.4, 32.4
    33.4, 33.4, 33.2, 30.7

    Happy enough with it, was going to wear spikes but wasn't able to get the 12mm out of them from the x-country back in February :rolleyes:
    Had a bit left, conscious of 800m race on Thursday so didn't want to push it too much. Only really felt lactic acid on last couple.

    Distance :- 6.5mls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Tuesday 15th - Ran 6mls accompanied by my 9yr old daughter on her bike. A very enjoyable run!

    Wednesday 16th - 6.5mls easy, nothing too report

    Thursday 17th - RACE, 800m County Masters. 2.19.7
    Not too bad but think I had a couple more seconds in me (as usual!). Again, for some reason I don't think I tried hard enough :confused:

    Friday 18th - Just ran the Annaghdown 10K route with a couple of the guys to get the k markers down.

    Saturday 19th - 1 x 5mins at thr & 8 x 300m (was done on football pitch so it was wasn't exact), kept them all within 1-2secs and finished strong. Took a 200m jog recovery. Good session, felt strong throughout.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Speedy44 wrote: »

    Just ran the Annaghdown 10K route with a couple of the guys to get the k markers down.

    I ran the route last night and spotted you have all the markers down. It was a glorious evening and a lovely run. I hope you get equally nice conditions on Monday. I don't think I'll be running it but if I can get out in time I might go along with the camera.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭tisnotover

    nice going in the 800m speedy and best of luck with the 10k on Monday !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Managed to get out for a whopping 5.5mls this evening. Only ran once last week, and that was a 1500m race ! The wife is in hospital since last Tuesday, thankfully nothing too serious, so I am looking after the kids, the house, the dogs, the cats :rolleyes:

    Ran 1500m in 4.43.7 , was hoping for sub 4.40 but with the week I had, I suppose I'll take it.

    DCM training starts on the 5th but I want to try and get a decent week this week to lead into it. Have a 5000m race on the track on Thursday, origionally I would have penned this in for a solid pb attempt, but the way things have been going, I'll just do it and see what happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Well, I give up!

    After managing to run only twice in the past 10 days, and fighting a stinking head cold since yesterday morning, I decided to give the 5000m County track race a go. The main reason why I decided on this seemingly crazy option was because I think I remembered something similar happening years ago, and I wanted to test my theory!

    I of course ran a pb by 20 seconds this evening, 17:39. Now given the circumstances, can someone tell me why oh why I was able to do this, when I wasn't able to break 18mins in any of the recent 5K series.

    I had the feeling all day that I had a good run in me. I paced it very well, hitting each lap in 83-85 secs. I think that when someone is so relaxed and has a 'couldn't give a damn attitude', if they have the training done, even if it was a while ago, they can run well :confused:

    I have tried to relax before all the other races, but it musn't be 'real' relaxing. Maybe I should have a beer or 2 before each race :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    Well, I give up!

    After managing to run only twice in the past 10 days, and fighting a stinking head cold since yesterday morning, I decided to give the 5000m County track race a go. The main reason why I decided on this seemingly crazy option was because I think I remembered something similar happening years ago, and I wanted to test my theory!

    I of course ran a pb by 20 seconds this evening, 17:39. Now given the circumstances, can someone tell me why oh why I was able to do this, when I wasn't able to break 18mins in any of the recent 5K series.

    I had the feeling all day that I had a good run in me. I paced it very well, hitting each lap in 83-85 secs. I think that when someone is so relaxed and has a 'couldn't give a damn attitude', if they have the training done, even if it was a while ago, they can run well :confused:

    I have tried to relax before all the other races, but it musn't be 'real' relaxing. Maybe I should have a beer or 2 before each race :D

    I know the feeling i recently ran my 3k PB. The night before i met up with an old friend and had a few drinks and very little sleep so had no expectations and was suprised to get my time. I think nervous energy can drain from your race and mental expectation of running the race through your head (splits etc) can make it hard to run well. You become so focused on hitting lap times that if you do you are thinking of the next one and if you dont you become dejected.
    Provided the work has been done a few days rest can help but this should not be done on a regualr basis as you are not able to maintain these high racing levels because the training is not there through the rest days

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭tisnotover

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    I of course ran a pb by 20 seconds this evening, 17:39.

    Great stuff Speedy, well done !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    it's like you said before Speedy... racing every week is not good for you! It's just really hard to resist :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    littlebug wrote: »
    it's like you said before Speedy... racing every week is not good for you! It's just really hard to resist :D

    You've hit the nail on the head there me thinks ! I still like the idea of having a couple of beers the night before a race though ;)
    Headford 8K is coming up soon :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,517 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    You should bottle your head-cold, and serve it to yourself in a beer, the night before every race from now on. :D
    Congrats on the new PB.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    Headford 8K is coming up soon :D

    I know :rolleyes: It's just not right having all these races in such close proximity! I'm also in the midst of the Mayo 5k series :D though i'm treating them as sociable runs rather than races. Otherwise I'll end up in bits!
